DAILY CAPITAL JQUBJOai . - ' . . , , ... ..- . i , , , , .t i - r.i ,,, i, ,;L ; , .,f 4 VOL. XIV. SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1904. " No. 38. ' HE POWER ROBBED DATE FOR STATE CONVENTION Primaries and County Conventions Is Fixed WAR NARK HANNA BETTER! Recovering From His Terrible Col lapse ; LL CLUB IN THE BALKANS WARNED SWJE Tiiat the Integrity of the Chinese Em pire Mast Be Maintained in the Japanese-Russian War Washington, Feb. 13. The following explanation of the Hays circular note sent to the powers was madethls merning: "After somo preliminary exchange of views between this government and the other powers Interested In Chinese matters, tho department of state, on the 10th of February, sent tho following Instructions 'to the American representatives at St. Petersburg, Toklo and Pekln: 'You will express to the minister of foreign affairs, the earnest desire of tho gov ernment of tho United States that, In course of the military operations, which have begun between Russia and Japan; the neutrality of China, and, in all ways practicable, her administrative enity, shall be respected by both parties, and that the area of hostilities shall be localized and lim ited as much as possible, so undue excitement and disturbances of Chi nese people shall be prevented, and tho least possible loss to commerce and the peaceful Intercourse of the wqrld may be avoided. Signed "JOHN HAY." At the same time all powers signatory to the Pekln protocol are noti fied of this noto and similar action. Hay this morning said the sole pur pose was to protect American Interests In China, and save the latter from anarchy and ruin. He expressed regret that European diplomats should pursue the old lino of suspicion and distrust. A 'Frisco Ulitaee Was Held Up for Money Robbers Get Away With Big Roll of Stuff, Jewerly and Other Valuables RUSSIAN EMBASSY LEAVES Capital of Korea Un der Japanese.Es- cort Japanese Military Forces At tend theltrain and Keep ing Perfect Order There tho minister's departure. Hayashi says it is possibly duo to tho rebuff which Havloff rocolved regarding tho question of tho disposal of Russian raarinos taken prisoner after tho sink ing of tho Varlaf and Korlotz. Tho telegram also says Havloff, In addition to bolng accompanied by members of tho logatlon, had as com pany nil tho Russian residents of Se oul. Tho Japancso troops, after es corting thorn to tho station, furnished a military guard on tho train from Seoul to Chemulpo. (. Russlaus Dreaklng Ice. Copenhagen, Feb. 13. Tho Rus sian Baltic fleet is eported to bo still at Kronstndt, wboro tho giant Ice breakor Ermak Is hooping tho channel open. Reports printed this morning that tho fleet was seen at Kattegat arc erroneous. London, Fob. 13. Japancso Minis tor Hayashi received a telegram from Toklo announcing that Hayloft, Rus sian minister to Corea, has loft Seoul for homo. Tho embassy was escort ed from tho capital by apaneso troops in order to provont hostilo demon strations. Tho Japanese forces aro maintaining ordor in Corea.' Tho tel egram does not glvo any reasons for Special Prices On Oranges and Ba nanas at Jap Fleet Disappears. Cheo Foo, Feb. 13. No ono ap parently has any knowlodgo of tho whereabouts of tho Japanoso war 'vessels. Nono havo boon scon since I tho bombardmont of Port Arthur, and it Is presumed they aro convoying tho captured Russian transports to Coroa. San Frnnclsco, Feb. 13. Charles Heath was taken Into custody on sus picion pf complicity In tho Colonial Club robbory, Bhortly after mldnlpht, when Ave masked men cntored tho rooms and held up tho six occupants of tho plnco at tho point of revolvers, securely tied tho victims hand and foot, relieved thorn of monoy nnd Jewelry, nnd took tho club bank roll amounting to ?G500, and oscnped. They secured In all about $10,000. A few minutes after, tho bandits loft one of tho victims managed to roloaso him solf, and gnvo tho alarm, but tho rob bers easily ovaded capturo by ming ling with tho crowd on tho streots. Heath was In tho rooms at tho tlmo of tho robbory, but was unmolostcd. Suspicion Immediately was nttnehed to him. Ho claims ho know nothing of tho robbery plan, but admits that ho Is acquainted with somo of tho men who did tho work. SUCCESS CROWNS EFFORTS Secretary Shaw Defines Some issues That Will Not Be Issues Portland, Feb. 13. Republicans will hold their next stato convention at Portland Thursday, April 14th, Each county will bo represented by ono delegatoat-largc, one for every 150 votes cost for Judgo Bean in tho Inst general election, and ono for ovi cry fraction of 150 largor that! 100. The total numbor of dologates will bo 3d. In 1902 tho total was 343 and In 1000 330, on the same basis of ap portionment. Tho stato commlttoo recommends to county commltteos April 2d for primaries and April 7th for conven tions. , "More gentlomon wero prosont," proudly romarkod Chairman Baker last night, "than havo over attended a meeting of tho Contral commlttoo. It is a ( gratifying evidence- of party spirit." Under tho apportionment Marlon county will havo 23 delegates.. The Macedonians Are Preparing to Fight Another War Will Be Sprung in the Spring btf Those Restless Paces How a Salem Party Divides up Big Farms inns 164 State 8t Phone 1971 Main Notice to Policy Holders. To the policy holders of tho Insur ance Company, ot North America: Our Iossos In tho Baltimore ilro about 500,000. Our not surplus $2.4.52,410, avallablo to pay lmmodlato Iossos. L. M. KIRK, Agent, 2-13-3t 290 Commercial St. San Francisco, Fob. 13. Tho Jap anoso liner Amorlca Mam, from San Francisco, arrived nt Yokohama, for whoro it salld the 11th, without rots-hap. !! I ew Spring Waistij Our customers toll us wo have tho bast assortment of now patterns shown In tho elty. Thoy'vo seen tho otljer linos, and ought to know. Wo bellovo In Belling goods at pricos that will closo them out In tholr proper sea son. Tbats why wo haven't an old pattern to show you. Those Spring D?ess Goods ! Ma9iieiiiMpa-HH-qto-wioiiaOig t) $ Are attracting tho attention' of tho best droesors in the city. It's because they know tho stylos are right. Bvery pattorn bought for ? this season's trado. ;! Our New Dry Goods Dep't A uivos saiem lauios an opportunity ot ouying mgn-ciaas gooau ui pricos figured on a cash basis. The New Yotk Racket i SALEM'S CHEAPEST ONE PRICE CA8H STORE. Is the place for cash buyers to trade. Shoes 5 Clothing. Ladles and Men's Furnishing.. E. T. BARNES, PROP. aKtO'frtH-MMfetoiete iinn Btatmeat?t Bvorybody seems to bo Interested In tho things that succeed, and es pecially thoso tilings In our own com munity which provo successful. Any body can stop in and nmko a failure, or evon achlovo partial success, but tho persons that tho public Is most directly Intorostcd in, as a rulo, are tho ones who carry an undertaking through to a finish, and nrovoto the world that they havo not beon mis taken in thoir theories. There havo been many such In and about Snlom, but ono which most partlqularly ap peals to tho public Just now Is a sue cos8 achieved whoro many had sup posod It least possible. A year ago, whon Manager F. W. Vators, of the Salem Abstract and Land Company, plattod ijoarly 100 small lots, ranging from ono to six acres, known as the Smith Fruit Farms.many had serious doubts about the ultlmato success of tho' undertaking, but Manager Waters had fully matured his plans, and wont at tho work with a good will. Many wore surprised to learn that in less than a yoar tho outlro tract had beon sold out to desirable purchasers. Much of this property was sold nn tho In stallment plan, and many new homos havo beon established as a rosult of tho move. Tho wholo plan was so slmplo and popular, and so thorough ly within the reach of buyers with modest moans that It scored a bril liant success. As a rosult of this, and tho growing domand for moro similar property.' Mr. Wators has plattod what is now called tho Smith Fruit Farms No. 2. Although this has only boen on the market a few days, a score of thoso lots have been sold, and tho de mand is such that hardly a day pass es without moro contracts bolng boeked: for these desirable lots. California Cattle Shut Out Governor Chamberlain has refused his consent to tho request of Govornor Pardee, of California, to permit tho starving cattlo of that state, held In uuarnntine, to conio to Oregon to find Bubslstance. Tho governor has wired tho secretary of agriculture asking It tho fedoral govornment will pay tho oxppnso of dipping tho Infected cat tlo, and of kooplng them under super vl8lorDfor 00 days. Hp has not yet re ceived an answer from tho depart ment This stato has no appropria tion to pay tho exponso that would bo Incurred In tho matter ot treating nnd keeping soparato tho Infected herds. Vienna, Feb. 13. Tho Volksblatt this morning prints an lntervlow with a Macedonian leader, saying Gonoral Sarafoft now has n million dollar fund to renew tho war In tho Balkans early In tho spring. Also, that Bul garia Is rapidly preparing to Join tho insurgouts, Sschoontal's works nt Brunnu, aro now dollvorlng to Bul garia 30,000,000 .million cartridges, and scvornl million steol shot. u - - Religious Mania. Hany Brown, an Inmnto of tha JIoll nens Mission, on 12th stroot, was ar- Tested last night, on complaint joQ somo of tho membors ot tho mission. Ho had destroyed soma of-tho furni ture, nnd othorwlso mado hlmsolf ob noxious. Ho was this morning re leased, but lator roarrostod, and this afternoon was oxamtned on tho ohargo of Insanity, by Dr. W. II. Byrd, be foro JiiBtlco of tho Peaco Horgan, nnd committed to tho asylum. Brown Is a natlvo of Frlosland, Germany, and ho sorved In tho navy of that country for a time. Recently ho was nn in mnto of tho Lnno county poor houso, but left thoro recently, to preach to tho world. Ho was taken to tho asy. lum this aftornoon. The Old Senator Still in a Very Precarious Physi cal Condition Attention, Printers. You aro requested to meet at Union Hall, ht 11:30 o'clock a. m Sunday, to attond tho funeral of Brothor Henry Sturgls, mombor of No. 210. J. S. WYANT, Pros. P. JASKOSKI, Secy. Death in Polk County. Henry SturglB, aged 67, died at C:30 a. m. today at his homo in Polk coun ty. Ho had recently corao from Now Moxlc'o with his wlfo and daughter, Mrs. Krome, and bought tho StarbucH farm, about flvo miles west of Salem, on tho Oak Grove road. Tho funeral will bo hold from tho Rlgdon under taking parlors In this city Sunday at ' noon. Ho has two married daughters ' at Orogon City, Mrs. Shivolcy and Mrs. I Andrews. Salvation Army. I Mootlngs at 11 a. m. and 8 p, m. Captain Brown will speak on "Tho Atonoment." Washington, Feb. 13. At 9 o'clock'' this morning Sonator Hanna was sleeping peacefully, with apparently no chaugo In his condition since 2 oclock this morning. . His physlchvns gnvo out, nt 9:30 this morning, tho following bulletin: "Tho sonator passed n comfortable night. Tomporaturo hlghor, 10G. This morning at 9 o'clock tho pulso was 120, rosplratlon 32, tomporaturo 104.9; takes nourishment woll. "RIXHY, "glkr, "CARTER.1 . Latest From Hanna. Washington, Fob. 13. Tho follow-? lng bulletin was Issued at noen: - "Tompornture 103.8, .pulso 116, respi ration 34. Contlnuos to tako nourish- tnont woll; no cbnngo In gonoral con dition slnco morning. Wo havo glvbn him no oxygou slnco 5:30 a. m. "RIXHY, . "OARTKR."- Story of Battle. Tho battlo for tho senator's llfo last ed almost without Intermission to tho early hours of morning. At 3 o'clock,. and again nt 0 bis rest waB disturbed. His tomporaturo roso to an alarming point, but by stronuous labor by tho physicians-, tho dangor was fought oft at each return. Dr. Oslor was at his bcdsldo all night, who brought, with him from Baltimore Dr. Fuchtorr, his assistant, with whom ho dlvldod- tho vIkIIs this morning. Dra. Oslor and Carter wero allowod to sloop at 8:15. Secretary Dover wont to moot Dan Hanna, who had boon nbtlflod at Bar rlo that his fathor was Btlll allvo.. Whon ho arrived at tho houso ho found 40 corroflpondonta watching events. RoohovoU had arranged for special roports, and at 9 o'clock this morning Bont Loob to tho hotol to v (Continued on olgth, page.) I asaBKtsszsBes Basket Ball Contest. Tho Salem Y. M. C. A. basket ball team, in It game with tho All-Stars in Portland, last evening, lost by a scoro of 87 to" 11. Tho Salem team was VHk, ewing: to the absenoe ot several of their host players, while thft Portland orar' "'on was in the best of trim. Musical Recital, The College of Oratory of Willam ette University will givo its second pupils recital next Tuesday evening, February 10th, at 8 o'ojock, in the University ebapeL Bverybody cor dially Invited. u OUR BUSINESS Is to servo tho public, and givo tho most satisfaction posslblo. Our success depends upon tho way our buslnose Is carried on. If you will give us an opportunltyof sorving you it will bo to our Interest to ploaso. Our aim la to satisfy our cuutomois, and wo nro confldont wo can win their approval. i Black Petticoats A swoll lino of iho newoat stylos in flno morcorlzed Bat eons. Tho lino comprises some 20 to 30 different styles and as many dlfforent grades. Hemmed ru flies,' doublo and flat foiled seams; rufllos, flounces and trim mings, headod or covorod with noat tailor straps. Bet ter corao and sea them. $1 to $6 Silk Petticoats The newest stylos aro In In all tho glory of tholr flno noes. Tho largost stock of silk petdcoats shown In Ute Willamette t Valley is to bo found here. Wo have them In both colors 'and plain black. $3.50 And op Merrill's Dandroifene Is a speedy and perroanont ouro for dandruff. Guaranteed. 50c size 39c, $i size 65c Wednesday Only Special salo No. 103. Celebrated Kirk's Juvonllo Soap. Rogular 25c value for Wednesday only. J Oca cake 4- Iffra Dimma 11111 aw nrAnt tr T7siMnm1 this afternoon to spend Sunday with) friends. A