tap. .y " S IQHT A GENERAL i- MARKET REPORT -"1 Good Shipments of Prunes and Some Potatoes Moving Telegraphic Reports on East ern and Western Mark" ets At Close Today Tho hop market Is Ann and prices are steady, with good demand. Quota tions In local circles, for tho grades of .hops available, are from 2G to 28 cents a pound, though there aro some op tions, expiring next Monday, at 30 cents. Thcso aro between dealers, and it is Impossible to say whether thoy will accept when tho options ex pire. There la moro or loss trading among dealers, but tho sales of hops on the part of growers aro few and far between, for tht reason that tho crops left In growora' hand's aro few. Deal ers are looking forward to still furth cr advances in tho market. The Grain Market. Bryant & Ponnell are getting con aldflraWe wheat at 77 cents, and somo buckwhoat. Farmers are holding back oata and barloy in hopes of a raise. Oats readily brings $20 a ton and bar ley $21. Tho Potato Market. Tho local market is weak and top heavy. 'Frltco buyers wore hero the past week to boost prices. There aro heavy holders of California stock booming prices to got out at a profit. Local buyers aro offering from 20 to 40 cents. Extra fancy bring -10 rontfi, and shipments aro mado freoly to Texas, Arizona and California. Prunes Going East. Tlllaon & Co. shipped two carloads today, and aro sending out a great many prunes to Canada and tho East Italians, 40s, to 50s, not tho grower 3 conts, but some sell lower. No French or Potltes are selling hero, but wouid bring more. , II. S. Gilo, of tho Pruno Growers' Association, returnod from California this morning, and has llttlo oncourago mont to offer tho growors. Somo ship ments nro being made, and tho asso ciation has sont Bruce Cunningham Don't select fl an unknown kmodlcino If you want to got rid of stomach llvororkldnoy , troubles. Wise fcpeoplo uso tht Olttors becnuso (for DO yea.rs It hus never fallod la cases of Poo.? Appetite, Indication, Flatulency, Dyspopsla and Constlpa tlon. G'vo us a trial. umrHm'uimtMtm WHEAT MARKETS. Chicago. Fob! lT Wheat 96 95. Corn. 53i64. Gold Dust Flour Nido by THE 9IDNEV POWER COMPANY, Sl'lnay, Oregon, Alido foi (nnilly uh. Avk your arcx-er (or it. Ursa uud shorts al ways on hand. A. T. Wain, Agt. Wanted Potatoes We Want Burbank Potatoes. Early Rose Potatoes. Early Jackson Potatoes. Peerless Potatoes. Qarnott Chill Potatoes. James M. Kyle & Co 1 75 CommcrdsdSt, .a-tHHI MHIIHHIM t VKK T2 g. AfPW 42tfxk&m!tNBBk fiillHivTj VK?iSaRtflml &ITTERS SUCCESS la written over our OPTICAL DEPARTMENT, becauso wo glvo Bat Is faction In ovory caso. Wo mako thorough sclonttno to3t, furnish only tho best quality of lenses, adjust frames to suit both faco and tho teat. Wo also can replaca any broken lenso or framo, no mat ter who fitted; thorn In tho first placo. You will And our charges tho moat reasonablo and tho best equipped Optical establishment In Snlota. X Next Door to Ladd & Quih nnMHninmnutt m ';- f i f ftfi, East to try to sell direct to tho retail ors In small lots. That Is believed to bo a solution of the blockade. Thofo Is somo market for prunos at present on the association plan, and Bale on a 2c basis are made from timo to iimo. Capital C)ty Mill' Quotations. Bryant & Pennoll, Props. Whea-77c. Buckwheat -feOo. Poultry at Stelner's Chickens 810c. Eggs Por dozen, 22c. Turkoys 12 V4 15c. Ducks 10c. Market Hop Market. Hops 1922c. Potatoes, Vegetable, Etc. Potatoes 36c. . Onions tc. Dried Fruits. Peaches 10c. Apricots 10c. Apples 10c. Petite prunes 4c. Italian prunes 5c- Wood, Pence Pot, KU. Second growth $5.50. Aph $3.00 to J3.75 Grub oak $C50. Cedar posts 12c. Hideo. Peita and uro. Green Hides, No. 1 5c. Green Hiues, No. 2 4c. talf Skins 45c. Sheep 75c. Goat Sklne 25c to 31.08 Grain an; Frour. Wheat, Salem Flouring Mills, port value, 70c, Oats $1.10 per cwt. Barloy $19 per ton. Flour Wholesale, $3.C0. Live Stock Market. Steers 33&c. Cows 3c. Shoop 2V6c Dressed veal 6c. Dressed hogs Cc. Llvo hogs 4c. Mutton 2o por pound. Hay, Feed, Et. Baled cheat $10. Baled clover $10. v Bran $21. Shorts $22. Creamery and Dairy Product, Good dairy butter 20025c. Creamery buttor 30c. Cream separator skimmed, Com.-Creamery, 30o, net. ex- Don't Mlsa It Jameson will give Prof. a lecture Sunday night at 7:30 In tho hall,'" now applying noroio remeaies. over Harrltt & Lawrenco'a grocery Oxygon arrived at 4:05. Carter Is store, Tho subject will bo "Occult Sclonce." 2-ll-3t Carnations and Violets Other cut flowors to bo had at tho Avonuo greenhouse. Carl Ruef, pro- prietor. Phono 2591 black. 2-10-3t There Is a movement on foot to an nex about one-third of Grant county to Baker. o ua. fc 'jp r :sl x a. aMri ti Ike Kind Von Hare Alwan Boijft Hh-HH--H--HH-HH-M4-H I fc!... TJ.. 1 i new luuay Tin ii iii i mi i umit ii i,'01 ,n th0 clty lmvo been telpnonod Wanted. Qood seamstress j steady po- sltlon. Call at Dalrymplo & Co's. 2-12-3t For 8al 934X& nnrPB nf fho liost Inml in Polk county at 40 per acre. All . . n.i ,iiiM f .. cleared and cultivated but one acre. Big house, two good barns, ono will hold 100 tons of hay, hog houso and wll Itnnrnvpil nnil knnfr nn Thin place Is guaranteed to bo ono of tho best In Polk county. Seo G. A, Hur loy, in W. II. Holmes' office on Sat urday or Monday. 2-12-3t Collectors Of Bad Accocmts. No Collections, No Charges Van Alstlne, Gordon & Co. 275ya Commercial Street Phono 801. A. R, Morgan & Co., Mgrs. iBMMWJUMWJIMIBMI imilflHWHMWIIIIll WH mH 1 M II lit 111! IIHUIIIIII 9 X Bank. Pioneer Optician, 8tato Street, i 1 1 ih-w iiiiimniiiint DULfcAPlTXt "JoURNSAllEMonEOON, FRIDAY, DECEfyfeE DYNAMITE FIEND ABOARD Of Steamer Majestic With a Horrible Name Had Stuff in His Trunk and Three Detonaters in His Inside Pockets Liverpool. Feb. 12. A 'dynamite plot of unusual Importance has been . . .. . ,i .. Miai till iuu nuiirui ui iuu "u'" discovered, and there are indications, Vftriag and Korletz am, of an extondod conspiracy against tho tranBport Hungarl, which were domol government. Customs ofllcers, In ishod at Chemulpo Tuesday, have been searching luggago of Austrian Imml taken aboard the British, French and grants hero today, on arrival of the Kalian warships, -which happoned to A, ,, . L, ,, bo in the harbor at tho time of tho en cases from tho steamer Majestic, dls- Pal),0( the Uu8slnn mln. covered an 18-pound package of dyna- lstor at Seoul( Ib roporte(i to havo mite In tho bottom of a trunk. Tho ' asked tho American minister, Allen, owner gave his name as Ivan SJubsan- to convey tho survivors to Shanghai owlc, and wa-J promptly arrested, or Cheo Foo on board two American When his person waa searched three transports, which aro now anchored detonators wero found hidden in his jtt Chemulpo. A proposal was also clothing. Ho claimed tb bo traveling made by the French chargo d'affirs from Carlsbad, Germany. Ho was re- at Seoul to tho Japanese minister to manded until February 20UIJ, when take them to Chee Foo by tho French ho will be examined on a chargo of cruiser Pnscam, on parolo and their conspiracy Ivan's purpose of carrying promlso not to again participate in theso explosives la unknown, but offl- tho present war. Tho telegram says cors of tho Majectic reallzo that tho tho Japaneso minister has been In- steamer has been in deadly peril dur- lng the entire trip. MARK HANNA ' FAILING FAST (Continued from first pag.j tiro family aro gathered at tho bed side Washington, Fob. 12. At 4:15 p. m M. P. Hanna, tho sonator'8 broth or, rushed out of tho room and began sendlnc telegrams to relatives. Tho '.o(inflnnt anmmnnoil Vilm ATpltAHlv back to tho sick room, saying his counsol was needed. Chairman Dick 1 mnn luni nnlltvJ (ntn 4YA vSA- fotrtW hp J1101 -uu -" " wm. Hm.w i . . . . . .., aPPlS it. Hanna has lost' con sciousness. His heart Is barely beat ing. Unless ho snail respond, quickly tho end, It Is feared, 1b very near. , General Dick, of Ohio; Represpnta- tlves Payne, of New York; Dalzell, of J Pennsylvania, havo Just arrived on tho run, and aro new waiting in the ante-room. At 4 o'clock Hanna had a sinking spell, accompanied! by alarming in crease of temperature. Carter ap plied restoratlvea without effect. Hanna's condition is now extremely critical. Carrlagos wero sent on the run for oxygon. Another was sent to tho depot to meet Dr. Osier, of Baltl moroi who was sent for earlier In tho dny. A hurry call has been sent for Dr. Rlxcy. Relatives of tho senator for hv loner dlstanco Restoratives. applied by Cartor, brought down tho temperature, but otherwise tho pa tlont didn't respond to tho treatment Snllno Injectlona and nltro-glycerlno ttr lolns Blvon at this hour. I At 4:30 p. m. Hanna's h heart has nearly stopped beating. It is barely fluttering; temperature reduced about ono-dogreo. All effort Is now bent to ' restoring heart regularity. His breath- lng Is only surfaco breathing. He did not respond to oxygon. Drs. Medlll and McOorralck, of Chlcngo, havo been tolophoned for. Secretary Dover sent a mossagcr to a number of Inquiries as to the unex pected chango for tho worse. His con dition la critical. Dover was asked If this was tho beginning of tho end, and raworod, "I am afraid It is." It la stated now that tho relapse waa caused by a movement of tho bowels. Slight Improvement At 4:40 heart action Is a trlflo stead ier, and tho breathing seems doopor A very slight Improvement is a nounccd. V At 4:45 tho sopator brother coma down Into tho Arlington offlco, and Bald: "Tho senator's caso la desper ate, but not hopeless. He Is respond ing slightly to oxygen treatment, and hlsbreathlng Is taking a deeper hold." Secretary Dover haa tolophoned Roos evelt that tho patient's condition Is critical. f . Telegraphic Briefs. Rome, Feb. 12. Dr. DeOosaj, an Episcopalian clergyman, who forsook tho faith when Dr. Brlgga was admit ted, and was aftorward. ordained a Catholic priest. Is dying. Boston, Fob. 12. From. Portland to Newport thoro Is no open, port AH aro lco-bound, the worst la 30 yeasa. ANOTHER TRANSPORT DESTROYED r Russian Loss that Was Not First Reported Efforts to Save the Suvivors of the Great Sea Bat tle of Chemulpo London, Feb. 12. Hayashl has re- colved telegram from Toklo saying structed to consent to either of theso proposals on condition that the sur vivors bo sent to Shanghai, and that Russia agrees that tho men not bo allowed to go north of there in tho I present war. It Is a fact tho Hungarl was also demolished at Chemulpo, but hitherto it has not been roported. Extra Cars to Asylum, f The Citizens' Light & Traction Co. will run extra cars to the asylum fol lowing the 8 and 8:20 p. m. cars Sat urday evening. Cars will also be In waiting after the reception. 2t Send In Your Orders Immediately If you want carnations for next Saturday. Carl Ruef, Avon uo greenhouses. Phono 2591 black 2-9-3t 'Oj&.mi'ozx.-xjuk.. 3aia tht 9 Tha Kind You Haw Always BctjT T(Z&mA M We Sell Bonlcla Hancock Disc Plowa. Studebaker Vehicles. McCormlck Harvesting Machinery. Russell Engines and Separators. Parson's Solf Feeders. RuesoII Wind Stackers. Blrdsoll Clover Hullors. Fairbanks, Morse & Co.'s Gasoline Engines. Horo Fanning Mills. Monitor Drills and feeders. Syracuse and Mollno Plows. Buffalo Pitts Harrows. Ohio Ensllngo Cutters. Hay Tools, Binder Twlno, Etc. McCormlck, Osborn and Wood's Extras. Stump Pullers. Sheep Shearing Machlnos. Spray Pumps. Tribune Bicycles. Rambler Automobllo3. Sharpies Tubular Creanx Separators. Bicycle Sundries. Whito and Wheeler & Wilson Sow ing Machines. Needles, Oil and Parts for nil Ma chines, And In fact everything usually car ried In a flrstrclass Implement and machlnory house. , Drop us a lino when you want a catalog of any of our soparato linos. Always glad to attend to your wants. Como in whon In tho city and look over our stock. That Gasoline drag saw outfit of oura is attractln great attention. It's a moat complete affair, and a money-savor for a woodman. Our spray wagon, complete with gasollno engino, pump and all tho ap purtenances Is tho finest thing on tho market for tho hop and fruit man. Wo aro Just completing ono for Mr. W. A. Rice, tho orchardlst In tho Rose dalo district Call and seo this. And dlso plows. Our trade Is al ready on for spring, and it's coming our way stronger than ever. F. A. Wiggins' Implement Houso 255-257 Llborty St Farm Implements, Automobiles, Sowing Machines and Supplies. N. H. BURLEY, Sewing Machine Re. pairing, It 004. Grand Opera House JOHN F. CORDRAY, Mgr. Saiutday, Feb. 13 Henry B. Marks presents Mr. Wra J. Holmes ln tho beautiful pastoral play, One Night in Jtine A sweet, wholesomo story of country lift. Largo cast of metropolitan ar tists, Special magniflcont scenery. New, novel and original specialties. Prices 75c, 50c, 35c. Scats on salo at box office Satur day at 9 a. m. Grand Opera House JNO. F. CORDRAY, Mgr. Monday, Feb. 15 W. E. Nankovlllo's cess, supremo sue- Htfman Hearts A tru story from life, presented In dramatic form. Comploto scenic equipment. Capablo company of players. Startling mechanical de vices. Prices 75c, 50c, 35c. Scats on salo at box office Monday at 9 a. m. "Portlana and Return Only $2.20." Tho Southern Pacific Is now selling round trip tickots to Portland from Salem for $2.20, good going Saturday. or Sunday, returning Sunday and Mon day, giving all day Sunday and Mon day In Portland. The same arrange ment applies from Portland, giving al Portland peoplo a chance to visit val ley points at greatly reduced rates. W. R COMAN, G. P. A. 9 1 (H I P-HfrfrtyHM-sHWH-frfrf 1 J Does Yout Baggy Need Paint This Is the time of year to have It put In order. All work done in the best style, and fully guaranteed as to quality. Prices Right You will be surprised at how little It will cost you to have your rig made new. I W.B.WARNER J &CO. V 68 Chemeketa Street. 4-fitf-e4a-9t-aVI--HM-tt-- til in mim mi mi t nn 1 1 xout Umbrella Does it need repairing? We do all kinds of repairing. We do good work. WE DO GOOD WORK. WATT SHIPP New Location, 291 Commercial stree, oppposlte R. M. Wade's store. WWHIIll I 11 1 C I I I I M I 814. (tmGo. Store JPJSO&LES JfoWailN HOUSE- Friday and Sattftfday Days New goods arriving dally, pillar of them all over the store. The wri ter goods are getting crowded out and are shoved in nooks and corn everywhere, and are sold at less must go regardless of cost. Odd lot of ladles', men's and chlldron'a underwear and hosiery atvlos3 than coat. Blankets, comforts and cotton batting at loss than cost Outing flannels, wool flannels and flannelettes at less than cost Ladles' wool waist Jackets and capos less than cost ,Fur collarettes and fur capo3 at less than cost Men's 25o sox. price 12c THE CHEAPEST STORE M'Evoy Brothers, Court St.,Sale ' MAM REM SAL What is it? Will be hete Sattftfclay Keep yet . ey& on this space B5 I MARRIED. WILKINS VAN WAGNEIt-At La Angeles, Cal, Tuesday, February, 1904, Miss Helen Louise Van w$- ner to Mr. R. B. Wllkins. Tho brldo is woll-known'in thla city as tho daughter of Mrs. Nancy Vu Wagner, formerly of Salem, but nor of IxJs Angeles. Tho groom is a re cent graduate of Wllliamette UalTer- slty, and was last fall appointed pu- tor of the M. E. church of Oornelim Tho hnppy couplo passed through Sa lem on tho overland train this morn ing for their now home. Extra Cars to Asylum. The Citizens' tight & Traction C will run extra cars to the asylun Id lowing the 8 and 8:20 p. m. cartUr urday evening. Cars will also belt waiting after the reception. 2t ' o "Something now." Tho very tost invention of tho confectioner's art,t I and it hasn't been named, at the Bpt Try it. 2-lHt I o.A.jsti'O'aei.x-A., & tho sp Tha Kind Yoj Haw Almn Ba$! M-HH- i--M"H-t-l Mill I Wf THE CELEBRATED STALLION DIABLO2:09 -4 will mako tho season of ISO! I at tho Stato Fair Grounds. This groat raco horse, sire or ; extreme speod and certain , prlzo winner, Is acknowledged ; ; to bo 'tho peer of any stallion ; In America. Breeders are re quested to write or call on C. D. CROOKHAM, 2-9-m Salem, Oregon til X-- niiiini h-h-h Money to Loan S THOMAS K. FORD. Oyer Ladd & Bush's Bank,J3alemJr rkf, rjtJKLV than manufacturers prices, They NEW ARIVAL8. Now Dress Goods. New Silks. New Scotch Ginghams. Now Calicoes. t Now Challles. Now While Goods. Now Trimmings. New Buttons. Now Walstlngs. New Embroideries. Now Laces. Now Curtain Swisses. New Tablo Linens. AH sold at little pricey IN THE NORTHWEST.