rjjpifF j-ijayiw "TWirr "' ttt Wf TTH'-1f' w i- --TW) "rwpn vrffxr-? - ,W -Jff ' i? ' 7" "fW '"WWW jy'T'f iv" ' r1' "w-'wwi''AtjnufVft'L DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1904. SEVEN LINCOLN'S BIRTHDAY " ffiSED In Nearly AH the Large Country A Mass Meeting in New York Will Discuss ine inaus trial Welfare of the Negro ,n birthday of Abraham Lincoln .- universally observed by the Amer ican people, and coming to bo moro .rded as a real nauonai memorial j,r At Salem the Grand Army of the Republic and the Woman's Relief Corps will conduct an annniversary program at the First- Presbyterian ohurch. At Portland and many other riiips similar programs aro carried out la tho same spirit of loyal obsarv- inrp In honor of tho greatest man in the century, and probably of all cen turies. Observed In the South, naltimore, Md., Feb. 12. Tho Union Lcacue of Maryland celebrates tho 'anniversary of tho blrto Abraham Lincoln this Qvenlngl-wjlha.3janq.uet, for which elaborato , arrangements 'naye been completed. A delegation of prominent speakers will como from Washington, among tho number being Senator John Mitchell, of Oregon; 'senator Jacob H Galllngor, of Now Hampshire; Senator Louis E. Mc Comas, of Maryland; Congressmen Charles H. Grosvenor and Theodore & Burton, of Ohio, and Congressman Charles B. Landls, of Indiana. Lincoln Day at Chicago. Chicago, 111., Fob. 12. -Lincoln's .birthday was observed In Chicago as a general holiday. Banks, tho board if trade, tho stock exchange and oth er public Institutions wero closed ami 'appropriate oxorclses wero held In tho public schools. Tho celebration closes this ovenlng with a public meeting d banquet, under tho auspices of itte Marqut Club. Secretary Leslie If. Shaw will bo ono of tho speakers, Aethers to bo heard are Robert G. Cousins, of Iowa, and Henry S. Bou- telle, of Illinois. Celebration at Springfield. Sprlpsfleld, 111., Feb. 12. Tho homo city and last resting place of Abraham Uncoln observed the 95th anniversary of his birth today by tho closing of public offices and tho holding of me morial exercises under tho auspices of tho various veteran organizations, wd other patriotic soclotlos. Tho Uncola tomb was decorated with flags and floral tributes, a number of tho latter coming from distant parts of the country. Philadelphia Observes the Day. Philadelphia. Feb.. 12. All tho big business houses, public buildings and nany prlvato residences throughout the city wero appropriately decorated Way In observance of tho annlver wy of Lincoln's birthday. In tho public schools and colleges formal programs wero carried out, consist 1B5 of exorcises calculated to acquaint toe students with the life and deeds of Hie great American commonor. Tho Grand Army. Sons of Veterans and tier patriotic organizations also hold appropriate memorial services. The Excitement Not Over. - - .. xaj yuV lit lib OVUIU Dill VWU- unues and dally Bcoroj of people call (Or ft KaHIa nf Trnm,.. -nninnl nM n uroat and Lungs for tho'curo of ub, uoiub, Antnmo,. .uroncnius W4V Consumption. Kemp's -Balsam, Piarantoo and novorttalls to glvo on- - wusraction. Price 2&Q and 50c. a i i An Aurora Estate. Mrs Sarah Kell. of Au-ora. vester- by afternoon filed a petition in the aunty court for tho appointment of feou 0 Miller as administrator of tyt stato of tho late' Jacob Gloav. who "d la Aurora February 1st. The es- Is valued at 5G000, and Mrs Kell, tt Petitioner, is tho only heir of the deceased. TO KILL THE DANDRUFF GERM." U e Onlr roulble Way ot HavInC An Effective Care. W yon aeo a woman or a man with lux- taint rimitt t.i. .. . .. ., Mr h, ,. .. . . .., "Marly every case where women and Oftl Mir. LI ..... . . .. ... toil. V " oriiue unir, tney owe it " n4ruft. There are hundreds of prep J"Uon, that "claim' to cure dandruff, nn?w0ne tut Newbro's Herplcide tells huZ? dandrutt Is the result of a germ sa.rrs ,nt0 tne "caJPt nd at Vf 5 ?ur ot daadruft and ita conse kad btm ana baldness, can only be tWw1 tno fferm; and there to no term t?pJraUon tnat " destroy that . Nwbroa nerplclda "Destroy br f,na xemora the " "r leading amntlsu. Bend 10c ta W J. Js'ry. Special Afeoat, SCOTT'S EMULSION makes pale, thin children fat and ? chubby. Overcomes wasting tendencies and brings back rosy cheeks and bright eyes. It's surprising how quickly children respond to Scott's Emulsion. It contains just the dement of nourishment their little bodies need. They thrive on it. ' Even a few drops in the baby's bottle have a notice able effect for good. Nothing better than Scott's Emulsion for growing children. We'll lend you a sample free upon request. SCOTT & BOWNE, 409 Pearl Street, New York. i X-RADIUMS I Next to Linn county, Marlon county has about tho lowe3t tax levy In tho state wo aro four mills to their three. Say, Mr. Gravel Road, don't, and for heaven's sake take a ride over that Llborty broken rock load. You'll be converted. The Drain Nonpareil has a voting contest as to who Is the most popular lady In that community. If that lady now was only tho lucky guessor (or Tho Journal IMnmond! Do you notice how suburban real ostato getB active tho minute there Is a lot-up In the fight on the Greater Sa lem charter? It Is now believed that there is no ono who will put up monojl to carry that fight Into the courts. Baker City Is building streets, lay ing out Bowers and annexing torrltorl ty. Baker City Is not going to sleep, to say the least What's tho mattor with Salem real eBtate? Moving off with something liko a rush. m Tho Journal Is a wido-'opon newspa perteaching rich and poor alike and tho poor especially, as they can neither hire nor ovn newspapors. Astoria was hit hard by an electric storm tho other night. "Ono Night in June" ought to have a big houso at this season of tho year. Can this bo possible in a town with out a licensed saloon? Tho Woodburn Independent prlnta this about that tewn: "Liquors aro being sold and gambling la going on In many places, and our Sabbath has beon and Is being Bhamofully desecrated." Tho Journal offlco is not "under arms," nor barricaded. But It may bo. r Tho Salem Young Men's Republi can Club, at last accounts, had not (to cured permission from thox proper authorities to organlzo a club at Ger vais. The Journal was alone In saying there would bo a Russian-Japan war. Whon County Commissioner Al. Coolldgo, of Sllverton, decided In fa vor of an $150,000 court house, ho was almost hung in efllgy. Tho moss backs roared and kicked. Today tho court houso Is too small. Negro Industrial Education. Now York, Feb. 12. Tho discussion of negro industrial education in' the South, as represented by tho Hampton Institute, which takes place at a pub lic meeting at Madison Squaro Gar den this evonlng, will, it Is expected, bo one of tho most interesting discus sions of tho sort over heard In Now York. Andrew Carneglo will preside, and addresses will bo mado by Booker T-. Washington Pf Tuskepoo; Presi dent Eliot, of Harvard, and Dr. H. B Frlskoll, principal of Hampton Insti tute Making Good. The expression "mako good," prod uct of tho American habit of croatlng short aud tolling Idioms, is beginning to comprise tho whole story of suc cess in any ondeavor. says tho St. Louis Ropubllc. Whethon it bo an ap peal to public supptrt, whether it bo in tho smaller relation of services rendored to an omployor, tho Ameri can Judgmont Ib becoming unusually keen In deciding whether, on tho whole, a man "makos good." It is not precisely a question of this or that shortcoming. It is chiefly a question of a spontaneous Judgment. There aro no Ifs or buts connected with tho matter. Tho man "makos good" or bo doesn't "make good," and iiiftt'A an end to discussion. Any- Ibody can seo whether ho does or not Excuses dont go. MARION COUNTY DEBTS Commissioners Dis pose' of )Num))er of January Claims Bills Paid at Second Day's Session of the County Court for This Term Tho county commissioners' court has audited nearly all the bills for January, tho following being those disposed of yeaterdny afternoon and this morning Poor Account. Old. Alld A. M. Clough ? 23.00 ? 23.00 M. M. High, supt 114.88 114.88 John, Hugho3 Co. ... 11.00 11.00 McKInney & Prange.. BOO 5.00 Pac. St T. & T. Co... 1.50 1.50 Zadoo RIggs 2.00 2.00 F. E. Smith 40.00 40.00 Circuit Court Witnesses beforo circuit court. Mrs. Thos. Nowotead..? 2.20 $ 2.20 H. E. Palmer 220 2.20 Lute Savago 2.40 2.40 H. A. Rawson 2.40 2.40 H. MItzner 7.00 7.00 G. MItzner 7.00 7.00 J. F. Calbreath .. .. '2 40 2.40 J. P. Calbroath .... 2 40 2.40 C. P. Martin, 2.20 2.20 D. E. Hart 7.C0 7.C0 B. B. Colbrtth 2.20 2.20 J. W. Shelton 1G80 1G.80 H. E. Palmor 2.20 2.20 D. P. Hooyo 14.80 14.80 D. P. Hooyo 2.00 2.00 Wm. Lamorcau 10.80 10.80 Alfred Lamprcau .... 16.80 1G.80 J. P. iQueonor 14.80 14.80 J. H. Porter 5.00 5.00 Damoyla Vonson .... 16.80 16.80 M. J. Spanoll GOO 6.00 Adam Shephrfrd .... G.OO C.OO B. Boedlghelmer .... G.40 G.40 Geo. Nlebort .00 G.OO W. H. Quoonor .. .. G.OO G.OO Mrs. S.'O. Salmon .. 2.20 2.20 Mrs. Dcmorcst 2.20 2,20 Paul Marnach 2.20 2.20 Alex Cornoyor ....J. 2.20 2.20 Justice Court Stato vs. Crookham, E. D. Horgau $ 7.80 7.80 J. H. Lewis ,8,80 8.80 Sam Castro ' 1.70 1.70 J. Connor 1.70 1.70 P. P. Talklngton .'. .. 1.70 1.70 Al. Massey 1.70 1.70 M. A. Poolor 1.70 170 Dr. J. A. Klchardson . . 1.70 1.70 W. H. Byrd 1.70 1.70 Perry Mauzey ' 1.70 1.70 Stato vs. Roy Orey: E. D. Horgan 12.00 12.00 J. II. Lewis 18.G5 18.65 Nora Murray 3.50 3.50 Wanda E. Murray .. 3.50 3.50 I. M. Murray ..."..... 3.50 3.50 B. E. Brown 1.70 1.70 Stato vs. Adolph Jctte: Zlko Joseph 3 90 3.90 Virgil Sharp 3,90 3.90 A. P. Jotto 3.90 3.90 Barth Aplln 3.90 3.90 Stato vs. R. C. Cenklln: N. J. Judah 3.10 $ 3.10 D. W. Gibson 2.80 2.80 Drawing Jury. Turner list: H. L. Earl 3.00 3.00 W. S. LaForo 2.00 2.00 tifinuin Economy Brand Evaporated Cream always bears the above cap! label. It means the same J as telling you that we back up Its purity with a I $5,000 guarantee, Made by the largest prey J ducers of Evaporated Cream In Uio world. m 1 at f 3 sf afl I f 1 III w " Jft ' "jj. g A.iJL.r 1 c -" 1 ,fi a m UMIlUi.pilMH.lt. Hi' I CLASSJF1EP ' Advertisements, five lines or ) ) less, In this column Inserted three times for 25c, 60c a week ' ; S1.50 a month. All over five . , lines at the same rate. miiiiiiiiinnHiinin -L-.yr.Ay.p. fevp?' Taken Up. Dark Jersey cbw. Inquire of Fred Gfellor, four miles west ot Turner, On. 2-5-lwk FOR RENT. For Rent Seven room, houao. In quire at Rivorsldo house, 4 State street 2-G-3t FOR SALE. For Sale. A cow. Inqulro foronoona of L. C. Fishpr, corner of carllno and North Llborty stroot. 2-10-3t ts For Sale. A flno houso of sovon rooms, four blocks north of post office on Winter street; a rare bar gain; must bo sold at onco for $1100. Also houso and lot on 18th and Mill streets for ?550. C. W. Em mott 389 Oak street 2-10-3t For Sale. Express wagon and team, , doing good business. Address "X. X.,"-Journal, Salem, Or. 2-10-3t I. H, Smlll, Jr. ..... 2 00 2.00 Recorder's ceurt: N. J., Judah $ 3.00 $ 3.00 J. M. Payno 2.00 2.00 H. S. Radcllff - 2.00 2.00 Salem district: E. D. Horgan $ 3.00 $ 3.00 M. B Goodoll 2.00 2?00 Aug. Huckesteln ...'. 2.00 2.00 Woodburn district: - H. Ovorton $ 3.00 $ 3.00 Chas. L. Ogle - 2.00 2,00 B. P. McKee 2.00 2.00 Horob district: H, D. Bondy $ 3.00 $ 3.00 MAKE PEACE WITH : YOUR STOMACH You Are Certain to Lose If You At tempt the Use of Force and Violence. You cannot forco your stomach to do work that It is unablo and unwil ling to do. It has beon tried tlmo and tlmo again with always tlw samo result. Tho stomach is a good and faithful servant but when pushed be yond tho Umit.lt rebels. Somo stom achs will stand much moro abuso than others, but every ntomach has its limit; and whon that limit is reached, it is a very dangerous and unwlao proceeding to attempt to forco It into doing further work. The senslblo and reasonable courso is I to employ a substituto to carry on tho work of digestion and gtva tho stomach an opportunity to rocuperato and regain Its lost strength. Stuart's Dyspopsia Tablets aro tho only perfect substituto to tnka up and carry on tho work of tired, worn-out stomachs. Thoy aro natural and easy in their work. Thoy contan all of the essential olomonts that mako up tho gastric Julco and othor dlgestlvo flu Ids and will digest any food that a strong, healthy stomach will, and do it In tha samo tlmo and in tho samo way. Thoy work independently of surrounding conditions and tho fact that tho stomach is weak or diseased doos not inlluonco them at all in their useful and offoctlvo work. They will digest food just as woll In a glass Jar or bottlo as thoy will In a stom ach. You sea that for youBsolf -by putting ono of them Into a Jar with a squaro meal and somo wator to en able It to work. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets, by thus relieving tho stomach of Its work, enable that organ to rest and tveu porato and regain its health and strength. Tho process is perfoctly natural and plain. Naturo will heal tho stomach Just as sho heals a wound or a broken limb, If sho is not Interfered with and Is porrulttod to do her work In hor own way. All interference Is prevented by Stuart's Dytpepsla Tablotts, Stuart's Dyspepsia Tnblets are for sale by drug stores ovorywhoro at 50 cents a box and If you aro afflicted with dyspopsia,, ono box will mako you, feel 50 timoa better. You will forget you have a stomach and ro Jolco in tho forgelfulness. No drug gist would bo so shortsighted as to try to get along without Stuart's' Dyspopsia Tablets, for they are so popular and are bo woll known for tho good thoy have done and tho hap piness thoy havo caused that any druggist caught without them would loso tho confldonco of bis customor and bo regarded as below tho stand ard. His business would suffer as a result and his patrons would go to other stores and buy their other drugs there as well as their Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets. WANTED. Wanted. Experienced 'girl for house work:; good pay. Apply to Mrs. Geo. P. Rodgera, Oak and Capital streets. 2-ll-3t Wanted. Houso or cooking work mornings, r7 to 9 o'clock, by1 Jap boy. Apply to Journal offlco. 2-ll-3t Wanted. A form with, good prune and hop land, Improved or unimproved; must bo cheap. Address, with par Uculars, "B. O B.," Salem, Or., care of Journal offlco. 2-6-tf Qlrl Wanted. Por housework. In qulro of A. P. Hofor, Jr., cornor of 20th and Chemokcta strcots. 2-6-3t I Want Lodcing houses, grocery stores, buslnoss housoa, chances ot all kinds, dwellings, etc. Leave your property with mo. G. A. Hun ley, over the Woller grocery Btoro. 2-1-mon-tues FOR SAtE. For 8ale. A flno 9-room houso, with two lots, $1600; small houso and lot on Centor streot near capltol, $600; a lot 75x170 on. North Front Btroet $300; no agents. Call on A. P. Mc Atee, 13th and Mission streets Phono 373 Blue 2-9-3t Dry Fir Wood for Sale. M. A. Bud long. Phono Main 2331, 2-6-3 1 For Sale. Tea young Buff Plymouth Rock chickens, at a bargain, if taken soon. A. F. lioror, jr., bo lom, Oregon. 1-5-Gt For Sale Or trade, a tine 10-acro chicken or fruit ranch; first-class buildings and Improvements; close to school, postofflco, storo and rail way station. Will trado for city or unimproved farm property. Address "W. J.," Caro Journnl. 11-5- Cholce Farm For Sale. Threo mlloa northwest from Brooks, having dwelling house, barn and two hop houses, with 30 acres of hops, bal- anco farming land, with running wator, except enough cholco timber to supply tho placo. M. J. Egan. 11.12-tf For 8ale Eighty acres of land in Washington county, foe $450. A bargain for Bomo ono. wanting to make a home. Somo tlmbor on the placo; some cleared. E. Hofor, Sa lem, Oregon, 10-G-tf MISCELLANEOUS. Bazar at Summit Church. Friday at tornoon and ovenlng, Fobruary 12th. Tho Ladlos' Aid Socloty invites you to bo present. Refreshments and entertainment for all that can at- tpnd, Como. 2-ll-3t Tho Grand Army And Woman's Ro lief Corps will obsorvo Lincoln's anniversary at tho Prcsbytorlan church, Thursday ovonlng, Febru ary 12, with' approprlato oxorclBoa. Admission froo. Lizzzio Ross, Pa triotic Inatructor. 2-10-3t Dance. Howoll Hall, Fobruary 13th Everybody cordially Invltod; good music and a good tlmo assured. 2-9-3t I want a nice residence for Eastorn parties. What havo youT G. A. Hurley, over the Woller grocery store. 1-30-lt If you have Farm property to sell, leavo it with mo. I also havo a roal estate offlco in Independence, Polk county, and a flno list of farms and business openings, Offlco with W, II. Holmes, ovor tho Woller grocery store. O. . Hurley. 1-30-st-mn If You Wish Collecting Done Leave your accounts with tho O. A. Hup ley Colectjng Agency, over the Woller Grocery Storo. 1-28-tf, Moler's Barber College Of Salt Lake City, offers advantages In teaching tho trado that cannot bo had olso whore. Avoid schools tho Oregon and California barbers' now laws aro apt to closo at any tlmo. Write today for our special offer td dla tant students. 1-23-lm 8ay Havo you tried Edwards & Lusch or'a for meats. Wo havo tho host sausage In town. Como and try it, and bo convinced, 410 East State etroet Salem Truck and Dray Co. Oldest and best equipped company in So lera, Piano and furniture moving a specialty Offlco 'phono, 8G1. W. W. Drown & Son, proprietor. Office No. 60 Stato street 9-Mm Dr. Z. M. Parvln At 297 Commorclal street, upstairs. Singing BchcoL Rudlmontal and sight reading class es. BeginB Wednesday ovenlng, Oo tobor 14th. Class ovory Wednes day evening to May 1st, next. Tui tion, $1.00, Dissolution Notice. Notlco is here by given that tho partnership here tofore existing botweeu Watt Shlpp and Paul II, Ilowser, under tho Ann namo of Shlpp & Houser, bos beon dissolved by mutual consent, Paul II. Homer retiring. Watt Sh'lpp will continue the business, collecting all accounts and paying all bills. Watt Ohlpp. Paul II. Ilouior, Salem, Or., Jan. 15 1904. X-18-tf MISCELLANEOUS. TMOH Unique Cleaning Rooms Shaw A uuuusuD, uio cieanors, arc) now is catod at 209 Commorclal ! street They do a goneral pressing and rta pairing business; 0pecUltie: Sklrtsv silk walots, kid glotes, gents' clo4 ini. etc. PhoHo 2614. 5-28-lyr. PHYSICIAN AND 8URGE0N. Dr. I. W. 8tarr Offlco In Bush ft Brey building, over Oregon Shoo Btor. Offlco hours, 9 to 12 a. m. and 2)& 6 p. m. Calls attended In city e country. Resldonco 'phono 2356 Bod. i.b.w Dr. W. 8. Mott Will horeaftor b louuu in mo uroy Diocic, 275 Coaa- morcial Btroet over Oregon Sko Co. Offlco telephone, 5931; r. Rbnco phbne 2751. Office1 honrPf io si, ana z to 0. Walter Morley, Dealer In American, Elwood and Page field fencing. All kinds of poultry fencing. Shinglca. P. & B. ready rooting and wall papor . Prices tho lowest Saleat Pence works, 60 Court street, Salem. a&vr. UNDERTAKERS. Undertakers. Wo carry tho largest and finest lino ot undertaker's goods In tho city. Prices to suit alL Black and whlto hoarse. Prompt, reliable Savo money by calling U No. 107. A. M. Clough, A. J. Baser. 1-10-U RE8TAURANT. Ferguson's Restaurant 95 Stat street Open day and night Oar 20c moals ore better than any 25 houso In tho state. Six 20a meal for $1.00; 21 20o meals for $3,00. u LODQE8. Olive Lodge, No. 18, I. O. O. F. I. 9. O. P. Hallj Saturday each wook, at 7:30 p. m. B. B. Horrick, Jr., N. Q,; Prank F, Toovn, recording secretary. Salem Camp, No, 118, Woodmen of the World Meets In Holman Hall ov,ery Friday nt 7S30 p. m, P. L. Frasler, .Consul. Wylio A. Mooros, Secre tary. 1-12-lyr Protection Lodge No. 2, Ancient Of dor TJntod Workmen, meets rry Saturday ovonlng In the Hohaaa Hall, corner Stato and Liberty streets. Visiting brethren weleeaM. X (k Graham, M. W.; J. A. SeHwM Rocsrder. Valley ledge No. 18, A. O. U. W. Mas' In their hall In Holman block, ear ner Stato and Liberty, every Mow day ovenlng. Vlaltlng brethren wolsomo. Roy Mclntlre, M. W. A. E. Aufranco, Recorder. Central Lodge No, 18, K. of P. CU Hall in Holman block, corner Stt nnd Liberty Sts. T'icsday ot eaeii wook at 7:30 p, m. II. H. Turn!, O. O.; W. I. Stnloy. K. of R. and S. Forester of America Court ShsW wood Foresters No, 10. Meets Fri day in Turner block. ', H. "?. Moyor, O. R.; A. L. Brown, Boo. Modern Woodmen of Amorlca Ore gon Cedar Camp No, 5246., Mswts evory Thursday ovonlng at 8 o'clof Holman Hall, H. E. Mattonj T. 0.: A. L. Brown, Olork. OSTEOPATHS. Drs. M T. 8clioettle, Frank J. rr and Anna M. Barr.-GradBats Amorlcan School of Osteopatay, Kirksvllle, Ma, successors' to Dr. Graco Albright Offlo- hours M 12 and 1:30 to 4:30 o'clock. 044 Follows' Temple, Phono Main 2711; rosldonco phono 2603 red. Dr. H. H. Soovell. Suggestive therapeutics. Osteopathy. Norvous and functional diseases. Rooms 4, D and 0, D'Arcy building. Phone 2855 Main. M-lm TONSORIAL AND BATHS. Evan's Barber ,8hop Only flrBt-claw ahop on Stato street Every thlnf now and up-to-oato. Finest pore lain baths. Shavo, 15o; hair-cut Ms baths, 25c. Two first-class boot blacks, O. W. Evans, proprietor. WATER COMPANY. SALEM WATER COMPANY OFFICE CITY HALL. For wator Borvicd r.pply at office. Bills payablo monthly In advane. Mao all complaints at the offlco. 1 EXPRESS AND TRANSFER. CAPITAL CITY Express and Transfer Moots all mall and passengor trains Baggage to all parts of tho city, Prompt 8ervlco. Telephone No. 24L HECKMANIIEDR1CK & BOMYEH DENTI8T8. O, H. MACK RiiPPAaiuir tn Tir J. M. Koene. In' White Cornor, Salem, Oregon. Partlss desiring suponor oporauuun v ww orat foo in any branch aro in espoclw request Valentines Prottlost and cheapest to bo had in tho city. The Variety Stone 94 Court St. ABHori M. WlcH are WIRE FENCING.