Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, February 12, 1904, Page SIX, Image 6

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    w i "n WFVT
pr-- -!
l1 if
ki HPJr 1 vV B ! v A H Hfu'Bi 3
33io Kind You Havo Always
1b mo for over 30 years,
jyfyjjf 8ima
. AUOoiintorfoItij, Imitations and " Just-as-good "are Irnfe
- Experiments that trifle with and endanger tho health o
Infants and Children Experience t gainst Experiment.
What is 6ASTORIA
Cot "rift, is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
gor.V Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphlno nor other Narcotic)
gnbkuincc. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Fovorlshncss. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relievos Teething Troubles, cures Constipation .
and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho
Stomach, and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep
Tho Children's PanaceaThe Mother's Friend.
Bears tho
The KM You Haie Always Bouglit
In Use For Over 30 Years.
1 Ml ( Lv w 5tW
: m m&mmrm
ti8!8sae3w oca
Don't Send a
, Phene: Main 2953,
193 Commarelttl St.
Orer The Journal,
km iiaftifrKHi
a r r i
, ;;;;;;. ; vr c i v
;; &fLrKJJXy sj
Oats For Sale.
HOP GROWERS SUPPLIES. Crude ad stick Sulohur.
J. G. Graham, AgOIlt,
Bought, and Tvlilcli litis bc
lias borno tho slgnafruro of
lias ccn mado under his tmjt-
F orvlslon since its lnfnbcy.
Signature of
Yotf Will Agree
With us, on Investigation,
that our carpet and drapery de
partment Is tho largest and
most varied In this territory.
Some say wo carry too much,
but wo doem.lt only Just to our
great and growing patronnge to X
show tho products oftho best
mills, In quantities sufficient to
justify tho most critical. Now
spring offerings in high price
carpcta and rugs Just arrlycd.
The House Furnishing I
269 Liberty Street.
Stores Salem and Albany.
Boy To.Mffl
If you ,wnnt a man's work dono,
Is an old saying. You can sond
anyone to our marltot for meat,
and your order will bo filled Just
aa well as If you came yourself.
Wo keep nothing but the very
choicest moats, fat, prime, tender
and Juicy, and wo cut and trim
your steaks, roasta and chops aa
only exports can for your table.
E. C. C oss .
Springtime's Coming1
And wlion it Rots horo you will need n lot
of GOOD i HUNTING to moet tho do
inands of tho big business you expoot, so
Don't Wait
Until the last inlnuto, but bo prepared for
tho buslnosa whou it cornea.
Elliott, the Job Printer,
Is proparod to do your work neat, cheap,
una dolivor thosnmo whon promised.
ProofB Submitted on nil Work
r s ..
x vs jt:;;;:.;:
s. lli.xeu qc y,vj.
207 Commercial St., Salem, Ore.
They Are Growing in Inter-
, est Under the Lead of
Rey. Erritt
A good audlonco was1 present last
night at tho 'First Christian church
to listen to- Rev. Davis1 Errett's sec
ond sermon 'Tho Bible."'
Rev, Clark- Bower; pastbr of tho
First Christian church of Albany, was
present and read tho scripture, lesson,
and mado tho opening prayer. Tho
sermon last night dealt principally
with giving and meeting objections to
tho Bible. Mr. Errctt said; "No
book could grow an,d becomo an Influ
ence for good with such opposition, if
it had not a dlvino origin. Tho fact
that no has ever been led into a bad
llfo by reading the Bible is evidence
of its divine origin." Mr. Errett
quoted some of the objections mado
to tho Bible, and said they were made
on account of fallablo conditions, and
not from a study of tho book itself.
Ho said some repudiated a part of tho
Bible to be "broad," and said he heard
an illustration onco that appealed to
that kind of persons in particular. A
man in speaking df the Platte river,
in Nebraska, said it reminded him of
somo people It was so broad and so
shallow. The sermon tonight will
follow up tho subject of tho past few
nights on- "The Bible," with a different
Dr. H. C. Epploy sang tho beautiful
solo, "Tell Mother I'll Bo There," nt
last night's service, and was appreci
ated by all.
The public in general is Invited to
be present at these services. It will
do you no harm, and' may do you good.
If Not, What Better Proof can Salem
Residents Ask For?
This is tho statement of a Salem
Tho testimony of a nJghbor,
You can readily Investigate it
Tho proof should convlnco you
O. S. Cooper, farmer, living three
miles north-cast of Salem on tho Gar
den road, says: "I was raised in the
wheat district and whon a good lump
of a boy I prided myBolt on having
as much strength aa any othor b'oy In
tho neighborhood and when a numbor
of us got togothor wo often tostPd our
strength by lifting. I very often lift
ed two bags of wheat but have slnco
regretted having dono so as tho result
was that I strained my back and ovor
aftor had moro or lops trouble from
dull aching pains acrbs my loins and
other symptoms of kidney complaint.
In somo way tioan'a Kidney Pills
wore brought to my notico and the
first timo I wont to town I dropped
into Dr. Stono's drug storo and en
quired about thorn. I was told they
wore highly recommended and ad
vised to give thorn a trial. I did so,
and whllo I did not follow tho treat
ment as regularly as I should havo
dono, bolng a poor hand to tako any
kind of modlcino, tho boneflts I de
rived from their use stamps thorn as
a remedy which acta fully up to tho
representations mado for It"
Sold for 60 conts a box by nil deal
ers. Fo3tor-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N.
Y solo agonts for tho United Statos.
Remembor tho name, Donns, and
tako no othor.
Norman Williams Accused of Murder
Will Be Brought Here for
This morning Sheriff Sexton left for
Belllnghara, Wash., to bring Norman
Wllliama.to Tho Dallos for trial on
tho chargo of murJoring Mrs L. J.
Ncsbltt and hor daughtor Alma, near
ML Hood, this county, four years
Tho crimo of which Williams Is
accused is ono of tho most sensation
al In tho history of tho state. In
1899 Williams Induced Alma Nesbitt
to leave hor homo in Omaha and
como to Oregon for tho purpose of
taking up a homestead near ML
Hood. After establishing hor resi
dence on tho horuoJtead In Juno of
that year, Miss Nesbitt camo to Tho
Dalles, working horo aa a dbmostie
in tho homo of Judgo Bonnott, re
maining horo until fall. In Septem
ber Mrs. Neabltt camo West to Join
hor daughtor. Somo timo in Septem
ber of that year the two women wont
to Portland, Mlsa Nesbitt working in
a hotel. On March 8, 1900, Mrs. Nes.l
bltt wroto to hor children In Omaha
that thoy would go to tho homestead
about April 1. This was tho last hor
children hoard of her. About April;
t Williams and tho two women ap
peared at Hood River, Williams hlr-l
Ing a livery team, stating that ho!
wua taking tho women to their homo- j
stead. Tho next taornlng ho return-1
od to Hood River, but tho women!
wore novor Been after they drovo
away from Hood River about dusk
tho previous evening.
On Juno 23, 1900. a relinquishment
was filed in tho land offico hero to
tho horaostead claim of Alma. Nesbitt,
'fitf lit ROIL
There Isn't a man who would be seen
running through the street munching n
piece of pie. Why not? Bcfcau$e it
would mean dyspepsia and stomach
trouble? Not at all; but because it
wouldn't look well. As a matter of fact
mauy a businea man snatches a luueh
in such a hurry that lie might as well
take It on the run, That is one reason
for the prevailing "stomach trouble"
among men of business,
There Is a certain remedy for diseases
of the stomach and other organs of
digestion and . nutrition. It is Doctor
Piercea Golden Medical Discovery. The
worst cases of dyspepsia and catarrh of
the stomach have been cured by this
medicine. It cures where all other
means have failed to cure.
I took two bottles of Dr. Plerce'n CoMea
Clarence Carnr. Esq., of Toyloratowm tondoun
Co., Va, '"It 'did me so much good that I didn't
ht take anv more. I' can eat
most anyxning now. i am so
well pleased with it I hardly
know how to thank you for
your kind information. I tried
a whoic loioi iuiuk
before I wrote to
you. There was a
gentleman told me
nbcut your medi
cine, and how it
had cured his wife,
I thought I would
try a bottle of it
Am now Klad 1 did,
for I don't know
what I would have
done if Jt had not
been for Dr. Plerce'
Golden Medical Dis
covery." Doctor Pierce's
Pleasant Pellets
cure biliousness.
They stimulate
the sluRtrlsh
liver, and cleanse the sys
tem of impurities. They
should always be used with
"Golden Medical Discov
ery " when there is need of
a laxative.
and tho samo day Williams filed an
application to amend his homestead
covoring a part of tho Nesbitt tract
Search of Uio records showed tho re
linquishment of Miss Nesbitt to havo
been a forgery. This was brought to
tho attention of a special agent of
tho general land offico, and Williams
was indicted by Uio federal grand
Jury last fall for forgery, and gave
bonds to appear for trial next April.
George W. Nesbitt, a son and
brother of tho missing women, ar
rived hero from Omaha last week,
and began investigations. Going to
ML Hood, hO discovered whero a
grave had been dug on tho WllllamB
placo and had recently been refilled.
In tho bottom of tho vgravo was found
somo gunny sacks matted with clot
ted blood, also two largo buches of
human hair. It Is supposed that the
bodies of Mrs. Nesbitt and hor
daughtor had' been burled in this
gravo by Williams, who, becoming
alarmod by tho Indictment In tho fed?
oral court, removed tho bodies to
somo othor placo.
Mr. Nesbitt has been working on
clows for somo timo, and has juncov
ored Williams' bad criminal history.
Ho was sentenced to tho Nebraska
penitentiary for rape, but was re
leased after serving half his term.
Ho -has boon married six times, two
of his wives having died suddenly
and under suspicious circumstances.
Tho ovldenco in tho hands of tho
district nttornoy is most damaging
against Williams, and if not satisfac
torily oxplalned away will likely land
him on tho gallows.
ttrtHI llllllllllllllllllt
t Rubber Ties
: Of all kinds for Vehicles
.' All Work Guaranteed.
: Ira W, Jorgensen
T Next door south of Salem hotel T
lllllll'lHlllllHUI Ml H-t
Chlnaware, Japanese fancy and dry
goods, embroldorlcs, laces, silks, wool
on goods, skirts, wrappers, waists,
whlto underwear, Wo make up all
kinds of ladles'1 garmons, gents' over
alls. Matting, dishes, etc., now on
sale at tho cheapest price. Corner of
alley, Court street, Salem, Or.
203 Commercial Street
Short Orders, Oysters In all styles
Meals at all hours
Service n la Carte
E- ECKBRLEN. Proprietor
Yes Ftee
Dr. Stouo makea no charge for
consultation or prescription. Can
W found.' daily at qtiOiorMhe
other of his drug qtorea Salem
Stupendou6of'fer made by a well-known
Philadelphia, firm.
.Thousands of Persons 'In All Sections
, of the Country Havo Been
Healed, by this Wonderful
' Every educated1 person has heard
of Radium, Its wonderful powers and
healing qualities havo occupied pdgo
aftor pago in tho Metropolitan publi
cations. Almost overybddy 'kndwB
that It Is thegreatost remedy that God
has evijr given to suffering humanity.
Disease germs of ovory description
floo boforo It thoy cannot statfd tho
contact Wo havo such faith In our
proposition that wo guarantee abso
lutely to euro you. . What Is more,
wo will give you a written contract
to that effect This offer has never
been duplicated. Fill out tho blank
below and mark tho malady from
which you aro suffering and receive
by return mall information that will
ho worth hundreds of dollars to you.
Ask any banking firm regarding our
Free Offer Free Offer Free Offer
812 Drexel Building,
Philadelphia, Pa.
Kindly send mo freo of cost in
formation regarding your Radium
treatment and- your1 wonderful
remedy, "Radios.'.'
Address .'
City ;
Dlsoaso .'
rSTtrtm -.olibu.
VJ VC tl .1 . ii. (li.i.: I....II.U- a.. rit.4
w vriviitfti nun inij itemiiue.
.( ii.i Ui OlllClllTKlt'S KVdUSIl
JlTX "J. iMftf tmi:t ini
.'4.iAk?jA I a tlkMl .n.l I1..I.I M.tAlIU fiA. uIaJ
ltd olu. rflibua. 'J'ukeito other. Hufut
t tbnp
U'lnn. Pu of f oar llr.t(t.l, er Mad 4.
.umM f.r HartlvaUra. XMttaala!f
u. "Rellr for l.JIh"M Ittlar, tr n.
nicrnlr.uD.tiinuii uaa jmiu
A I laraMfcl). 1 0.000 T..UI1. SUf
&11 t1,...t.u nklnkulMl'ka.l.aliir
iraHUI. 1 0.OOO TmU.Ii
ICtill. ChlchMltrOhri
CfcatH Uu u U4Ua HBua. l'UlllA t
PILES RmtBtipposltoro
Ottiti SebocU, Bi.mtllU, K. C, wrllti I "Uu
ttbty d. .11 rra cli for tbtra." Vlt S. V, Itrere,
Rr s Hack, Mr. V.!, vilu. i " Tbrr itlr. ur It. nil .tU-
Tutloa." pr. if. u. M.uiii, ciwc.Barff, TDn. wis
8"ia - nrMiio. or j J'"t dt luona bo rarooa.
" " XMR.IPf WlOy, lANCMTCn. F.
Sold In Salem by 8. C. Stone.
Call tor Freo Surtplat.
Corval lis & Eastern RH
No. 2 for Yaqulna:
Leaves Albany 12:45 p.m.
Leaves Corvallis 2:00 pm.
Arrives Yaqulna G:20p m.
No. 1 Returning:
Leaves Yaqulna 6:45 a.m.
Leaves Corvallis 11:30 n.m
Arrives Albany 12:15 p.m.
No. 3 for Derelt:
Leavos Albany 7:00 a.m.
Arrives Detroi 12:20. p m.
No. 4 From Detreit:
Leaves Detroit 1:00 p.m.
Arrives Albany 5:55 p.m.
Train No. 1 arlvcs In Albany In
time to connect with tho S. P. ?outh
bound train, ns well as giving two or
three hours In Albany bofore depar
ture of S. P.. northbound train.
Train No. 2 connects wl.th tho S.
I, trains at Corvallis and Albany giv
ing direct service to Newport and ad
jacent beaches.
Train No. 3 for Detroit, BreltenbUsh
and other mountain resorts loavoa
Albany at 7:00 a. m., reaching De
troit about noon, giving ample time
to reach tho Springs same day.
For further, Information apply to
Managcr. T. COCKRELL, Agent. Albany.
H. H. CRONISB. Agent. Corvallis.
Your Stepmother
Is still hore, and as busy as ovor.
Whon your clothes are worn nnri
dirty, or tho buttons off tako them to
her, at tho Salem Dyeing and Clean
ing Works. Ropairlng and rollnlng;
new velvet collars put on overcoats;
also four Bults a month for 11. Called
u4 uuu rciuruuu.
MilS. 0. H. WALKER, Prop.
195 Commercial fitroet
Bl. GUNN'S gN ion
nmt It ut ullltemi go, a SamfJt tow fk.
Three Trains to the East fif
tourist sloepine cars dally 0 qJI
Chicago, Spokano; tourist Zj
cars dally to Knn.. n. ..
Pullman tourlat ni. ron
jtidaUr .conducted) weekly to ciw
fio.Kanm& nitv. -hi . .
. "-t muug COOlr Cln
(scats froo tn thn cv.i j.,,
-, "t uouy.
Wo Chute of c,ri C0
"OURS , 7a'
From PorUand, or.
9 IS a. tn
.il an i
ington "'At'liuiiiQ
8:16 n. m.
t1 Huut.
Kut Mall
7 45 p. m.
Salt take, DtiuTer. r"L
Worth, Pmaha, 1
UltT, 8t. LouH, Chicago
wiu iiai.
tall Lake. Denier i
Worth, Omaha. Katuui
CUT. Ht. linl Chi.....
Mirl Tt.i, ' -"-
Walla Walla, LowlitT
Spokane. Wallace. Pnili
nian, Mlnncapous hl
Panl, Dolnth.waukM
Ohlauro. aud Eatt.
Ocean and River Schedule!
For Snr. Fianclscc Every five ri.
at 8 p. m.. Fcr Astoria, way point,
and North Beach Dally (except 8ns-
uay; ar. a p. m.; Saturday atiit..
Dally servico (water permitting) o
Wlllamotto and Yamhill rivers.
For-fullor information ask or ,..
your" nearest ticket agent, or
. Goneral Passenger Agent
The Oregon Railroad & NaTlti.
Co., Portland, Oregon.
Offors a cholco of THREE gatewijs
OMAHA, to Chicago and points EmL
Through Standard and TourSt
sleeping cars dally betweon San Frefr
clsco and Chicago via Los Angela
and El Paso.
ThrouEh Tourist Sleoper nek
TUESDAY from Portland to Chlcg
via S'alt Lake and Colorado Springi.
ITirough Standard Sleeping wn
dally betweon Ogden and Chicago.
Lowest rato In effect always vn3
ablo via "Rock Island System."
effect on July 12, M3, 16 and 16, us
AugUBt 18, 19, 25 and 26; 90 days r
turn limit
Bo sure that your ticket readi t
tho Oreat Rock Island Route.
The best and most reasonable dt
lng car service.' For Information,
L. B. GORHAM, Gon Agt, 250 Aldf
street, Portland Ore.
rwm Tminmn Snnftln the PUftf
Sound country and Spokane to Ml
.,.,-! I..a nnlnto an. I thO SOUUeMl
tho n.i.llnlrlnn nfTarfl Hlllck SCfVlC.
Through trains Seattle to KansM
City equipped, with uig. ireo enmj -standard
Pullman sleepers, and wn
but not least, tourist sleepers. cien,
comfortable and cheap. , ,
titi... i ii, 4U amithonat SD0C1W
via Billings and the BurllngtonT Yo
can't do betten, ana you ww
. ... ., n.-..l Antnt. 1
and Baturday at 6 p. m ann.lar
For Independence daUjexeeptBnnd
atp. B. . . MMtL
Pl. E2.?WKAtZ
m, r. """" '
r-if Normal School
. .r. .. DiMiir. Silt'
mm .w.o' tM eU "V
aeBiecer k7;-9 stUttt or
'A I
W$-9 ' . rl
nil' -1 d iifiitfiM