Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, February 12, 1904, Page FIVE, Image 5

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    Testing The
Different men, different methods.
Our method Is scientific. Wo havo
the- Instruments), tho oxporlencq,
tho knowledge that Is necessary,
and your eyes will ba examined
without chargo. Then, again, wo
havo tho proper glasses that will
bo exactly what your vision calls
for aftor tho test Is made. No
haphazard work here. Just tho
best there Is In optical work.
Corner of State and Liberty Str eets, Salem, Oregon.
7 "" Wnuiu !
California-, Stock Suffering,
While Held in Quarantine,
On a Charge of - Throwing
Down a Line of Fence
HHM'-n-fr 8 1 1 1 m
Social Realm:
1 local
iii the
jiHH-l 1 I I 1 III I I ! I I -M-
of Shaw, was a Salem
Portland visitor
M. Bredemier Is In Portland today
on business.
John Darby
Tlsltor today.
Max Buren was
on Thursday.
Hon. H. B. Ankcny, of Jacksonville,
Is In tho city.
Mrs, Gladys Hooker has returned
from Portland.
Mrs. J. P. Hughes Is at Portland for
few days visit
A. P. Blackcrby, of Sllverton, was In
the city yesterday
John II. McNary Is in Portland to
day on professional business.
W, h. Jonos, of Jefferson, was a Sa
lem business visitor this morning.
tt la. Earl, tho Turner hardware
merchant, Is In Salem for a days visit.
B. 0. Thomas, tho Turner station
agent, Is In tho city for a vlst with
Mr. and Mrs U. Haas of Hlllsboro,
are in tho city on a visit to their con,
F. tt Haas, tho druggist.
District Attorney JN. Hart, of Dal
las, was in tho city last night, going
to Portland this morning.
Miss Lilian Motschan, of . Port
land, Is visiting hor sinter, Mrs. U P.
Griffith, on' Asylum avenue.
Mrs. Bert Veal roturned to her
lomo In Albany last night, after' vis
iting Mrs. Emma Brown In South Sa
lem lor a few days.
Mr. and Mrs, M. O. Buren enter
tained the Jolly Twenty Whist Club
on Monday ovenlng. Tho first prizes
wens won by Mr. and Mrs. Z. J. Rlggs.
W B. Lawlor, tho mining man, wont
to Albany this morning for a brief
buslnoss visit. Ho recently roturned
from Novada, where his company is
operating extensively.
Miss May Phelps, of San Joso, Cal.,
la In the city, and will remain with
her Bister, Miss Ituby Pholps, tho re
mainder of tho year, and uitend Wil
lamette University, f
J. H, Haas Becomes a Member of a
Big Insurance Firm.
Tho old-tlmo Insurance firm of J. G.
Wright & Co., representing tho Fire
man's Fund and tho Connecticut Flro
Insurance Co., has moved its office In
to tho J, H. Haas placo of business.
Mr. Haas has purchased tho Interests
of Mr. Wolf In tho company, and will
conduct the affairs at his office at 211
Commercial street, whero persons
wishing Insurance can bo served.
Climatic Cures.
- The influence of climatic conditions
In tho euro of consumption Is very
mucji overdrawn. Tho poor patient,
and tho rich patient, too, can do much
better at home by proper attention to
food digestion, and a regular courso
of Gorman Syrup. Free expectoration
in tho morning is made certain by
German Syrup, so Is a good night's
rest and tho absence of that weak
ening cough and debilitating night
sweat Restless nights and tho ex
haustion due to coughing, tho great
est dangor and dread of tho consump
tive, can bo prevented or stopped by
takinK German Syrup liberally and
regularly. Should you bo ablo to go
to a warmer climo you will find that
of tho thousands of consumptives
there, tho few who are benefitted and
regain strength are those who use
German Syrup. Trial bottle, 25c; reg
ular size, 76c. At all druggists. At
Dr. Stono's drug stores.
Tho Govornor is In receipt of a tel
egraphic request from tho Governor
of California, Btatlng that largo herds
of cattle aro held In quarantine in
Northern California, aro starving, and
appealing for permission to move
theso cattlft onto tho Oregon ranges
Vhcro thoy can get subsistence. Tho
California oxooutlvo nskB If, on tho
certificate of tho federal authorities,
ho will allow theso cattle to come Into
tills state.
Lato last ovenlng a telegram was
received It the Govornor's office from
Secretary Wilson, of tho agricultural
department, at Washington, as fol fel fol
eows: "It is reported by tho governor of
California that tho cattle In tho quar
antined' Boctlon aro starving on ac
count of draught. Ho desires that per
mission be granted to ship some of
theBo cattlo Into your state. This de
partment would Inspect and do every
thing possible to exclude infected ani
mals, but could not guaranteo free
dom from infection without dipping.
It would bo necessary for tho proper
J officers of your states to keep such
animals under supervision and pre
vent their leaving your state for 90
days after arrival Aro you willing to
recolvo them? Please wlro answer."
Theso telegrams were forwarded to
the govornor at Portland, and ho will
consult with the state veterinarian be
fore giving his answer to tho nppeal
of tho California authorities.
Mathlas Springer, a farmer, rcsld
lng'slx miles north of Salem, was last
ovenlng arrested by Constable Lewis,
on a warrant Issued at tho Instance of
J. W. LaFollett, charging him with
tearing down a fence, and leaving it
down. Mr. Springer was arraigned,
artd his trial sot next Tuesday. In tho
mcantiino ho is at liberty on his own
recognizance Mr. Springer was, a
fow months ago, arrested and tried,
on a warrant issued at tho instanco of
Mr. LaFollett, charging him with as
sault with it deadly weapon, and was
found guilty of slmplo assault
Tho amusement loylng public of
this city havo a raro treat in store
for them in tho storllng attraction
which 1b booked for tho Grand Opera
houso Saturday, Februnry 13. It is
"Ono Night in Juno," which has
scored so heavily In all tho largo
cities for tho past season. Tho play
tolls a beautiful story of tho quaint
country people of old Vermont Btate.
Laughter and tears aro closely Inter
mingled; tho plot Is ono of groat
heart Interest and novor fail's to hold
tho closest attention of tho listener
from tho riso of tho curtain until tho
Commissioners Dispose of
Road Matters and Take
?HCm I iif IJHrHM-S-fr.fr
J. M. Hafeetly
The Pill
Two Farms Sold. I
M. J. Hartley and B. Hartloy yes
terday afternoon sold to It. E. and P.
Tumor 100 acres of land in t 8 s, r 2
w, a farm southeast of this city, for
Thoa. B. Kay and wife sold to H. B.
Condlt 37.45 acres of land in t 9 b, r 2
w, for J5G1.75. This Is a tract of
farming land near Jefferson.
H I l-H-H-l I I I I.I I l-H I I H t"H-t
Up I
A wise woman Judges a man
not for his wealth alone but for
his taste In buying.
i; Palace Pharmacy
! H8 State St. Salem.
Our etoro Is all torn up mak
ing nooded changes and prepar
ing to ropaper and repaint
throughout, but tho most care
ful attention will bo .given to
every order. Let us know your
W erocorv wants.
Atwood & Fisher ii
C. J. Atwood. D. W. Fisher.
(Sue. to BranBon & Itngan)
Tho county court this foronoon dis
posed of a quantity of routirio busl
F. E. Osborno was appointed super
visor for road district No. 4.
O. C. Whitney was appointed road
supervisor for district No. 3, vlco
Dolph Grlswold, who declined tho ap
pointment recently made.
F. It. DuRotto was' reappointed su
pervisor for district No. 6.
In tho matter of tho petition of J.
Ulrlch Miller and othors for a location
of a county road, tho court ordered a
Tho road petitioned for by Ichabod
and Ernest -Barragor was dismissed.
A petition from A. ZImmormaa and
others for tho removal of an obstruc
tion in tho county road near Mehama
was continued.
A Mr. Christcnson complained in
open court of the location of tho road
leading from Brooks to Howell Pral
rlo, Intersecting the Salem-Sllvorton
road, and tho county surveyor was or
dered to rolocato tho, lines, and report
to tho court.
Tho petition of Walter L. Toozo and
othors for a county road, was con
tinued, pending the filing of a bond.
The bid or Julius Nelson for fur
nishing guide Joards at 15 cents per
name, was accepted.
Tho court, at noon, adjourned for
the term. Tho remainder of tho claims
passed upon will be published In to
morrow's Journal.
lire 1
fif iffif mwwwwww !!
1 1
,4ff Leader!
! ; mL - In !
-mmm Stvte!
! ! Wlil You, can "iron
i; ir )imS un Bhovvl"g &
!!n Mm IwW' latoBt nnA nowc8t!:
; LwW JTsSjiH spring stylos injj
I ! JJJ y'SSIpim Ijfji " -u Clothing and Fur-; ;
" fiJF Will nlshlng goods ; ;
VM&vra lb&f&&3 lin vnliion wo aro ' '.
ta. M5j I3&SR8 offering In our an-! '.
' ' fKfr i ivP nunl c,oaranco 8a,
flmdtiplflrtf.' w'ii are unexcelled. ..
I flmwuSm ill !
. PfF'TifiHBIfei.v iTa Head our ads. 1 1
UMSt&&ttCKh KK for they' mean..
rJiMm Wmk '
5 JRjJU wM something, if not.i i
s $Willilfc ;;
-SgM for today, somo
5aF othor day.
" i
$ i tttv 1 -airtini sv . !
C. P. BISHOP; Proprietor
Iovors of good things, especially
1 tho lino of Bweots, will find some
thing now in tho way of confection
ery at tho Spa. It is a now inven
tion of tholr own, but it hasn't been,
yarned. Try somo of it, and you wij
bo convinced. Finest lino of valontlno
boxes la tho city at tho Spa. 2-ll-3t
In "One Night In June."
Life's mysteries Revealed
beautiful finale. Tho first act is laid
In, tho plcturesquo little town " of
Barro, Vermont, In tho most beauti
ful of summer months, Juno; thus
giving oxcelldnt opportunity for olab-
orato scenic effects an opportunity
tho management of "Ono Night in
Juno" indulges to tho utmost. Tho
second act shows for Its first scene
tho magnificent gambling establish
ment of George Howard in tho bronx.
Scono second is tho much-talked-
about church scene, whilo tho third
and last scono of this act takos tho
patron bnck to tho boautlful gambling
houso. Act third is the old Vonnont
farm again, another night in Juno,
Of tho great company of Metropolitan
artists which appear with this attrac
tion thoro is nothing but tho great
est praise to bo said. Tho casto is
headed by tho famous young star,
Miss Susetto Willoy, this season mak
ing her fifth successful starring" tour.
Sho Is supported by a largo casto of
selected metropolitan artists. Tho
management carry a car load of mag
nlflcont scenery and beautiful me
chanical and electrical effecte. Tho
engagement of "Ono Night la Juno"
promises to bo ono of tho banner at
tractions of tho present theatrical
Seats on salo at box ofilco Saturday
at 9 a. m. Curtain 8:15.
Extra Cars to Asylum.
The Citizens' Light & Traction Co.
will run extra cars to the asylum fol
lowing the 8 and 8:20 p. m. cars Sat
urday evening. Curt will also ba In
waiting after tho reception. 2t
Tho White House i
Can give you a good meal any ho
of the day or night.
Not a cheap trust-made article, but t ' t best 5 cent cigar on sale.
AUG. HUCKINSTEIN, Manufacturer, Salem.
j.MHM-aH tm i i a m99 i f wo-HMM-f
qfjjtyn in
Somo people, havo to speqd, but If
you havo no time, possibly you might
liko to havo ono of our fine 15-Jewel
timekeepers, as they do not require . .
much money for tho investment. Our J
stock of flno watches for ladies and J
gentlemen is complete, and embraces j
everything in Elgin ana wuiuiaw
watches. Prices lower than ever,
Watchmaker and Optician.
288 Commercial 8treet
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
By a wondorful man. Occult
Sclontlst, Philosopher and Mota-Phy-slclan.
Prof. Jameson, Eldrlodgo block,
Commorclal street, rooms E and P,
Tho wondorful demonstration of this
wondorful mans strange powers must
lm witnessed to bo bollovod. At a
glanco ho will toll you what you came
for. Ho will read your mo, paBi,
prosont and future better than you
know yourself. Ho will give you novor
falling advlco in all your understand
ings concerning marriage, dlvorco,
business, lovo affairs, speculations,
dood3, mortgages, monoys, travois,
and in fact in all things, Ho is ono
of tho most skillful occult scientists
of tho ago. As an astrologor ho has
his education in India, tho land of
mysteries. Ho Is a qualified astrolo
gor. Skeptics aro Invltod to call and
bo convinced. Office hours, 9 a. m. to
7:30 p. m.
; ; Smith's
l Ftftit
: ! Fat ins
No 2
Containing 95 one-acre tracts, Z
one-fourth mile from car lino, T
Just outside of city limits; $5
a month, and no Interest.
i Salem Abstract i
ana Land Co, I
ii F.W. WATERS, Mjf.
; !
Boars tho
Signature of
m Nothing Adds J
ffl More to your glrl'a pleas-
2 wre than to send her a dainty g
remembrance on St Valen
W tine's Day.
2 Has the cream of tho Val.
J entlne Market, and offers a
most exqulslU line of these 2
dainty mlstlls at popular 2
0 prices. W
5 Patton's Book Store.
inn hi in it 1 1 1 1 1 1 u H-fr-j
I Hllke Millinery Parlors J
Successor to Mrs. J. O. Hooker
317 Commorclal St.
: Spacing Stock!
Tho finest In tho city, will bo
arriving soon, and old and now i.
patrons of tho storo aro Invited
to call.
I Proprietor t
tlllim tti
is b
a is
w' el
Z o -5
O fl u
I i
oounces i i-t-af I I I I !
Baking Powder
Put up In Mason's pint and quart cane
i O m
S P 2. 5
rt 3
o -M
? . ? V
3 I
ii Foi Feed Bags
Robes, Whips, Axlo Orcaio, or
I ! any barnoss supplies, go to ! i
it. " '
i F. E Shaf et
J J 232 Commorclal Street, Salem. J
i wbbwi'mii m iiriiiirFiiii-riTTTim.iWTi
A little dirt taints bnttr lowers the arade
roducoa the prlc. Separotorafullof corapllcatlunj
are lanKwrijus and very hs.d to clean thoy hurt
the butter. Tiia
Sharpies Tabular Separators
Have uo bowl contraptlone-bavo outurown tliea,
Just a almple tubular bowl-That Oets All The
Cream -" thoraueily cleaaed la oac la
Ute. I'll hw you ud give you fscti,
R A, Wiggins Implement Houso
255-237 Liberty St , Firm iMPleweats. Aato
mobiles. SewlBzMacBlaesaad .applies.
H. H, BURLEY.SiWta &! Rewlfla.
! If lliIIHll frmHl''l,llllllllf1,