Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, February 12, 1904, Page FOUR, Image 4

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Hospitals in our great cities are sad places to visit.
Three-fourths of the patients lying on those snow
white beds are women and girls.
Why should this be the case ? Because they have
neglected themselves.
Every one of these patients-in the hospital berk
had plenty of warning in that bearing-down feeling, pain at the left or right of the womb, nervous exhaustion
pain in the small of the back. All of these things are indications of an unhealthy' condition of the ovaries or womb.
What a terrifying thought I These poor souls are lying there on those hospital beds awaiting a fearful
Do not drag along at home or in your place of employment until you are obliged to go to the hospital and
submit to an examination and possible operation. Build up the female system, cure the derangements which
have signified themselves by danger signals, and remember that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound
has saved thousands of women from the hospital. Read the letters here published with the full consent of the
writers, and see how they escaped the knife by a faithful reliance on Mrs. Pinkham's advice and the consistent
treatment of
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, j
u I was taken nick very surldenly July 13th with severe cramps,
or pains. I summoned a doctor and -was in bed a week lying on
my back all tho time. The pains left mo very sore. In a 'few
weeks I was feeling better but was soon taken sick again with
those pains and had another doctor. This one said I had neu
ralgia pains of tho stomach and ovaries. He injected morphine
anaeasea me again, but I remained soro and weak from tho pains
and continued to flow for ono month and threo days without
stopping for ono day.
"Tho doctors wanted to sorapo the womb, saying tho lining
was inflamed. I had a pain at times in my right ovary and felt
weak nearly all tho time. Am only twenty years old, never
was sick until this sickness in Jub. Menses never lasted more
than four days and never an ache or a pain.
"I began the uso of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound and soon was feoling better. I am now well and strong
again. Your medicine has relieved mo of tho pain in my side
and stopped my flowing which tho doctors could not do.
"I feel vory grateful to you and can recommend your medicine
to all suffonng women." Lucille A. Gaines, 2348 Pine St.,
" I suffered with female troublo for ovor eight years, had womb
troublo and painful menstruation. Ilavo been under tho caro
of doctors who said I would have to Bubmit to an operation
before I could bo cured. I suffered everything.
"Ono day I picked up a paper and noticed your advertise
ment and a testimonial from a friend I knew, stating your med
icine had cured her so I thought I would try it. I told my hus
band I -would givo up all doctors aud try your medicine. I be
gan using your medicln'o just; two months ago and cannot say
enough on its praise. Menstruation cornea freely now "without
"Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has brought
Jieaiui, joy ana nappiness to mo. My advice to all suuering
women is to try your Vegetable Compound." Mns.
Frkd MoNaughton, Box 401, j3reckenridgo,.Minn.
O R F E I T U yro cannot forthwith prodaoo tho orlgl-
1 proTO their abioluto et
X.Y1I 1C. Plnklinm MeclIclrioCo.,T,yim,Mo!bS.
naTletters and elcnatures of aboro testimonials, which
win proTO ineir aoaoiato genuineness.
H-M-f-H"W- I schan, of Portland; Moore, Gabriel-
J. Bon, Coflhow, Wagner and Rlncman.
fr,W"t"l!"M,"l"T l1 11 9 Hll"M,Jili,,,,ll,
Mrs. T. C. Smith, Jr., Mrs. John
"Qtton and Mrs. William Sherman en
tortaluod a largo number of their lady
frlonils on Wednesday and Thursday
afternoons at tho residence of. Mrs.
Smith, on Chemokota atroot, tho af
fair bolng a charming ono In every fea
ture. Tho decorations woro vory beau
tiful, consisting of laurlstlnuos, enrnn
tloim and masses of California vlolots.
Tho ladlai woro eutortalnod on both
occasions at "Hearts," and on Wed
nesday Mrs. Henry W. Moyors re
rolvod the first prlzo mid Miss Mao
ilolso tho consolation, whllo Mlsu El
la lUneman carried first and Mircl
Zadoc ItlggB tho consolation on Thurs-
A Surprise, Party.
Last evening tho homo of Mr. and
Mr3. Charles Lucas, In South Salem,
was the scene of a merry gathering of
old nnd young people. Tho occasion
was tho 4Cth birthday anniversary of
Mr. Lucas. About 30 of tholr neigh
bors and frlonds camo In. and com-
plotoly surprised them. Tho ovenlng
was spent vijry pleasantly with games,
music and dancing. Ono of the prin
cipal features of tho ovenlng was an
"Old Follcs' Dance," and for onco tho
young peoplo woro not so popular. At
tho closo of tho evening refreshments
woro served to tho guests, which had
boon proarod by tho ladies, and It
was not until Into In tho ovenlng that
tho guests took tholr dopnrturo, all
wishing Mr. Lucas many more such
happy birthdays.
Former W. U. Students.
Last ovenlng friends In this city re
ceived tho nows of tho marriage of Mr.
It. TI. WllklllR nml Mlliu TTalnn tn,.lr,n
day. Tho hostesses Wednesday wore Van Wngnor. which took plnco on.
lumiBiuu in HuiviuB uy iituitn imiiiu 1 uQsuay evening or this wook, Febru
Hubbard. Hortha Kay and Maude ary nth, at tho homo of tho bride's
Wackay, and ou Thursday by Misses) mother, Mrs. Nancy n. VanWngnor,
KUa lUnoman. Lola Coshow and Ruth ( In Ua Angeles, Cnl. Both of thoso
Gabrlolson. The guwts wore Mew- young peoplo are well known In Salem
damoa J. J. Murphy, H. V. Meyers, ' whero thov attnmiii viiinn,n iii
graduated last year. Miss
tho brldo has lived In
iiumuH j. j. luurnuy, it, w. Mayors, wliero thoy 1
Sroat. Jos. ISvaiiB, Thlolson. B. Hroy-j vorslty and t
man, It. 1'. Uolso, Jr., Sutherland, C. L. ' Van Wagner,
RloNnry, Ghns. Orny, Kylo. J. Frank
Hughes, Dyer, N. II. Loonoy, Cross,
IjiKoro, A. N. Ollbort, Cnrtwrlght, It.
T). Ollbort, Ilurnott. Ooor. C. P. Hlshop.
.nohmuiid, Lovull, MuQoruack, Moody,
13. Pluroo, P. 1C. Slator. Whitney Oat
Salem tho greater unit of her life, un
til last summer, when she wont to
vitiiiuiiuu hi iiuiKu nor nomo in Los
Angeles. Rov. Wllklng and his brldo
passed through Salem this morning.
on route to Cornollus, Orogon, whore
Otis, W. U. Morse. W. P. Babcock, Hro- h has bosn assigned ns pastor. Tho
jmy, wuivortou. ij. w. wniors. ueorgo young couplo havo a host of frlonds In
"Waters, P. A. Mooro, Ootid , Cunning
Itnm, C. 8. Mooro. Ohas. Waller. II. W. 'aud prosperity
i.iiiuiiraii, i.invurii wtmsr, wugHur, is
this city who wish them unlimited Joy
llofor, Max Union, Frank Morodlth
J. C. Orlfflth. CJoorgo Uodgors. I P.
Griffith. WlKBliw. H. O. Mayor, A
At the Opera House.
Tho pupils of the Sacred Heart
Acadomy givo a .dramatic entertain-
-- - --- ........,.. ,j s"v .Hiuiuauv euiuillllll-
Stronit Thomas Holmau, Daumgart-, mont nf tho opera houso tonlsiht.
nor, Wftstncott. OabrleUan, Oatch. 1 which, from the advance sale of soats.
Cooko PaCtou, IJnn. Dunbar. Otten- promlsos to be a great succese. Do-
Monday night tho stage of tho
Grand Opora houso will bo devotod to
tho presentation of tho popular and
highly Buccossful play, "Human
Hearts." with a company of superior
oxcollencn and strength, Mr. Reld,
tho author of tho play, Is an actor of I
wldo oxporlonco and fully under
stands tho art of playmaklng from
tho standpoint of both tho spectator
and tho actor. His effects are pro
duced quickly, but none tho less does
ho hold potent sway over tho pas
sions of his auditors.
Tho play is almost too well known
to roqulro moro than a passing word
upon tho plot. Tho main thread of
tho story centers around Tom Logan.
who is unjustly accused of murder,
and sontonced to llfo Imprisonment.
tiatmoi. I M Qntlll. T XI Tti.wl n
..Vl....,, W. .,, VJ.MIWt, ... 11, ujni, t.
D. Kay, P. 13. Smith. Dick. Morrison,
T. A. Llvoeloy, It. I). Houston. Forr,
Cooko Jqhob, Ooorgo Poarco, Small,
'Crawford, Monroe, Hamilton, Jos.
Alborc. Dingham, Catlln, Lnoy, Thomp
son, Albert, 55. J. lllggs, Milton Meters,
Cnlhroath, Krbs, Qlllls. II. H. OUhs;.
r, Quorgo Drown, W. II. Savage, Ouy
".Towora, Ida Babcock, Ooo. Rose; tho
iMlaseti Bess Tlllson, Helen Calbroath,
anic Babcock Misa Bush, Miss
"Sysrs, utnX? Tlllson, IjOuw Huron,
Svtaudo Mackay. Agnes Gilbert. Bolso.
t3oepor Hubbard. IOty. Ploronco Till-
aun. Jossuo. of "San Prnne!sn ' Mnf.
aun, Josstfp, of rSaa Francisco; ' Met- torlaa chmth!
sides seveinl mimical numbera, they
will render a drama, ontltled "Tho
Magic Bell," In which thoy will bo ably
assisted by Miss Ruby Phelps. Miss
Pholpa will also givo sovoral read-
lugs. Auother now nnd novel feature
will bo the Academy Cecallan Orches
tra, composed ontiroly of stringed In
strumtiuta. At tho Woman's Club.
Dr. Mary M. Staples, of this city,
wSll siv3 an address oa unctcrlolosr
before tho Salem Woman's Club to-
morrow la the parlors of the Prosby.
Ilia wife, Joanetto. who Is a nroud.
j ambitious woman, runs away with an
old lovor, and goos to Now York.
'Evoa In a woman degradod ns she Is,
tho Instinct of motherhood prompts'
her to return to tho old homo to try
to gnln possession of Uer child Grace
Sho Is fuistrated In her design, and J
now evidence being submitted to tho
governor or tho stato, h pardons
Tom out of jail. Joanetto dies, her
paramour Is arrested for tho murder
u Tuju'b fuUior, uau Tom marries
Ruth Larkins, and tho clouds of ad-
.... . 1
vvrwiyaro aispoiiea by tho BjveotJ
buubuiuv 01 a ijuo woman s love.
Each 1 1x1 7 inches; in tones
of rich brown, mounted on a
plate-marked, mount, ready
for framing. Each set fur
nished with an artistic Port
folio Cover, stamped in
gold. Framed singly, they
are admirable subjects for
adorning the walls of bou
doir, library or cozy corner.
I Eight Beautiful Reproductions
f . 1 1 I,' iiiii'i'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiffl 1
I mLr mKp1 "K
uiy siwM vWvUiSf' 1 iB
Vm BIllll' ""v,iW k kBMmm
YM ' Size, 11x17 inches.
iw quest
The " Portfolio of Beauty"
will be given free to all who
subscribe now to the MET
ZINE at the regular yearly1
price of i .50. All charges
prepaid. In no case
will this Portfolio be
sold separately. A
1 6-p. illustrated folder about
this offer mailed free on re-
AGAZINE for 1904
win excel all magazines published. 160 Pages of
Reading About lOO illustrations in each istue. Its
writers and illustrators, and special features are the best, as will
be seen from the large announcements we arc making in this
paper almost daily. . b
A 35-cent Magazine for 15 Cents-
Any Newsdealer Iff! ;r2tour subscfiprionnifSf
a the si.co for you, and u mc " U,,1V'
77ffJ7f7mmirfrrtrrmr.. '