" . x, - 1 H' " 1 l"-ll' 1Wy .rvwi.. l i H' wMtP-'i AILY OAEKPI; 'A.'. I' .s SALEM, OREGON. FRD"AVt DECEMBER 12, 1904. NO. 37. PORT ARTHUR I - I vot. xiv. Unofficial Report of a Geat Japanese Victory be Russian Admiral Who Stiff eeS the Fist Defeat Retired t III H C HHI IlilllllHH IM I'M MllimilHIMH f U- : : bbbbibbbbbbbb w :: H HHbbbm bbbB bbbb, bbbbB ' ' eBbVbVbVbi BbbVbVbVJbVbVbVbVb bVbVbVbVi BBbVbbVbVbk bVbbVbVbVbi bbbbbbbb! bbbbYbbbbbbB mbbbbbbh bbbbbbbbbbh bbbH ' BBBBBf BBBbVbVbVbVbVbI nVBBBBVflVflVfli bbVbVbVbVbI " bbSbYbbbYbYI JbYMb bbbbb bYMYmI " HbbYbH lll IbbVbVbVh bbYbYbYbm bbYbYbbYbYbYbb bbVbVbVbVbI ' " MB bW b"bH bYH wsSr " bbb bWbWM bYMW bWbVvmWbWI bYMH VMYbb WbYMYMV B mB bW bHbi' Bl MVr WbYF BBt BBB BB BBJ BBfl f VBf B avals bvbB Bwaffak V BBBBI BWBBBBB) BBBBr BBBBBBBBBBBB, VbVbBBbVbV vBW " ' KBU HK HB W T ? BBBsBBBoi BbBhIbBB ? 4 BBff HHH bbbbbbb A J "V " bHbbH bHbH H 1 f B? bYJHHBBS BBBB Bjj BBB h i rn-M-M inimiiii tfeiiiiiinnai n i ihm-hmh Japanese Marines Wee Re pulsed fcy the Russians , jv The German Ship Canal Is; Qtdeted. Closed to the Russians AVffiS OF ALL THE NATIONS i . - RUSHING TO THE ORIENT ' i K , iondon, Feb. 12, An unofficial re- is circulating horo this morning iit the Japanese have taken Port bur. , Russian Admiral Retired. farls, Feb. 12, According to infor- itloa received hero today,- Admiral Stark, who was In command of tho Crt Arthur fleet, nan been, recalled In tnnlshment for his defeat' Ho will M succeeded by Admiral Srydloff, to bos bopn In command of tho Black Sea fleet. Japs Expect Help from China. Berlin, Feb. 12.The Japanese minis is?, Jurlno, of St Petersburg, has ar riled here, and has given it as his piMcu that China will abandon her attitude of neutrality, and Join Japan llmmedlately after tho latter gains a Idecliire land battle. Japs Suffered a Repulse. Paris, Feb. 12. An official dls- IpaUh from Dalny confirms tho cablo ItdTlte that tho-Japanese marines at- Ittmpted to land thero Wednesday, and IwlTerod a repulse by tho Russians. German Ship Canal Closed. London, Feb. 12. A dispatch to tho Central News bureau of Berlin says tao Russian fleet in tho Baltic sea will fl via Skagerrack straits, into tho Worth Sea. instead of by tho Kiel final. The correspondent assorts Special Pmccs On Oranges and Ba nanas at J 'M State 8t. inn s Phone 1971 Main that Gormany has hinted that' tho ca nal is not open to belllgerants. Berlin, Feb. 12. Officially. Ger many disclaims knowledco of tho lm- ponding passage of tho ussian Baltlo fleot through tho Kaiser WUhelm ca nal. Germans Out of Port Arthur. Cheo Foo, Feb. 12. The German cruiser Hansa has gono to Port Ar thur to removo tho Gorman women and children, who are residents, to a placo of safoty. American Qunboat 'Goes. Washington, Feb. 12. Tho gunboat Washington has been ordered from Hong Kong to Cheo Foo, whero sho will represent tho United States until Evans; with his cruiser squadron, ar rives. French Navy Getting Ready. Toulon, France, Feb. 12, Desplto denials of tho French admiralty, a largo force of vessels may go East Preparations aro bolng rushed night and day. Ono cruiser, two dostroyers and ono submarlno aro arming. It is also reported that tho warships St Louis, Janreguitorry and Chanzy havo received ordors to sail for tho Orient within a fortnight, under command of Admiral Baylo. East, has broken down here, and Is newspaper, states that it learns that uiatuivu. tno ocnoi nrcvaiis in i. reierauurB r, . , Z - that tho Mikado only resolved on war Russia Needs Finances. ' , . , , , ... , ., 'after promises of financial support Constantinople, Feb. 12, Tho Uus-., Tt ,. , , , . . . ' , I from tho United States. Tho paper slan ambassador, over sinco th6 war; . , ., . ., . ., . ',. . . . , . , , , i states i that the most violent antl- brolco out, has boon pressing so hard t . ., . . . . . , v, , .. . , ,. , 'American sentiment is expressed In for payment of tho war indemnity duo i , , . Ol. ruiuiflUUiKt u u wuni-yui;u.u it. Russia by Turkoy that tho sultan has Issued an irado Informing tho com mission, under tho presidency of tho grand vlser, to consider means of rais ing $7,500,000. Russia's Internal Foes. St Petersburg, Fob. 12. A dispatch abled theso reports. Serious Business at Port Arthur. Yokohama, Feb, 12. A great number of tho RusBlan warships at Port Arthur havo already boon dls- Several Japanese warships from Khartsln, Manchuria, says trado has been entirely suspended, owing to depredations by bandits who aro hur ras sing tho Russians. Two Austrian Cruisers. Vienna, Fob. 12. Tho Austrian cruiser Ashorn has been -ordered to Japanese waters, whero it will bo Joined by the cruiser Kalserin Elizabeth. Russia Blames American Bankers. warshlp3 were sent home for repairs, Russian Cruisers Probably Sunk. Shanghai, Fob, 12. At 2 a. m. there aro reports here that three Russian cruisers wero sunk, ,and tho Russian bank building destroyed by tho bom? bardment of Port Arthur, which continues. slightly damaged, GO Japancso killed and 150 wounded. Japanese Losses at Port Arthur. St Petersburg, Feb. 12. Tho an nouncement Is made by tho naval English General Goes East London, Fob. 12. Thore Is tho greatest oxcltement sinco tho South African war in tho army and naval circles. General Hamilton has gono to Japan to watch tho fighting. Italian Navy Active. Rorao, Fob. 12. All Italian blue jackets on leavo of absenco havo been ordered to prepare to rojoln their ves sels. Torpedo Boat Disabled. Port aSld, Fob. 12. Tho ussan tor pedo boat No. 222, bound for tho Far MHM-HH- K0fH i I i f Ki &vaw$5fo WHITE HOUSE JSHOES At tteVfcQSA hr i If" & rorMcrv. tf LLbfO Otf Spring Foot wea Coming Over i 50 Cases of 106S Now on the Wy Tk .. -, ... m. k... .I.n.ua hn tn nMI nnfl iirs aim in our shoe aepanmeni n aij- -..-.. . , Pliable footwear. Quality, combined with the best fit and good styles, h the foundation we build on. pur great volume of business en lbI us to buy airlines at the lowest quantity prices. Our spot cash P'n enables us to undersell any "regular store." Vienna, Feb. 12. Tho Allgomino headquarters staff that In the fight at Zeltung, a diplomatically connected ' Port Arthur six Japannese ships wero MARK MBNA FAILM FAST t His Physicians Announce That He Is in Gf eat Danger CONDITION REPORTED THOSE USUAL WITH DYING MAN ' Tne Old Man in a Hai?d Row of Sttimps and Showing Great Spirit to the Last The New Yotk Racket I SALEM'S CHEAPEST ONE PRICE CArt oivnc U the place for cash buyer to trade. Everything In Dry Goods, X """'"fl, Ladles and Men'a Furnishing. E. T. BARNE8, PROP. ff lt)i,iHIlllHWitt Washington, Fob. 12. Although tho statement is mailo that llanna passed a fair night, his condition Is admitted to bo serlou3, and, now believed to bo in a crisis. ' At 10 o'alook this morning his phy sicians made public the follewing: llanna poassd a co'mfortablo night, but his tevor Is higher 104. Ills pulso is mora rapid, 112, respiration 28, ir rltablllry disappearing. Ills physi cians were interviewed afterwards, and said tho senator was conscious, ( and thero was nothing alarming. They I bellevo ths turning point of his III- f nesa Is within 48 hours. If tho fovor1 breaks beforo Sunday tho chances of recovery are much better, but if tho high temperature contlnuos beyond Sunday It Is very unlikely, in his de bilitated condition, that bo would be ablo to Burvivo. They say ho is greatly weakened; can't speak abovoj a whisper; raises bis hands feebly; is aroused front apathy only by baths, lie was given an ice bath, which caused his resentment Stimulants to gtvo artificial strongth aro now given regularly. Tho bulletin creaetd uni versal concern In official and diplo matic circles. Dan llanna has been galled from Cleveland to bis father's bodsido. Hanna Is resting quietly; tempera turo )101.9, pulso 108, respiration 29. Ho continued to retain all nourish ment given. No complications. Slgnod Rlxey, Carter. Although hopo has not boon entire ly abandoned by thoso who aro in at tendance, tho opinion prevails pretty generally that ho won't recover. It is generally admitted today to bo typhoid fovor in tho most severe form, and death might occur at any time. Sallno injection aro continued. For tho post two days strychnine has been given to strengthen tho heart action. Tho doso today was one-tbirUotb of a grain. Cleveland, Fob, 12. Dan Hanna loft for Washington at noon, and tho on- (Continued on elgth page.) Conflicting War News. London. Fob. 12. Advices from Shanghni says tho bombardment of Port Arthur is still In progress. Thoro Is no word aB to tho outcome, which is awaited with anxiety. A great mass of conflicting reports of lossos to both sides is constantly rccclvod, somo of which aro palpably absurd. Lack of definite Information Is particularly noticeable This Is accounted for by seyoral who assert that fho Japancso vossels are, In all probability, spread along tho coast of Corea, coloring tho movemonts of troops throughout tho Corenn ponlnsula, and gathering to ward tho north, whoro-.lhoflrBt. stiff encounter with tho Russians is ex pected. Thoro is always a possibility, too, that, owing to tho difficulty of transmitting nows, information from tho opposing flotillas has boon held up. Shanghai Is moBt prolific in re ports, which aro generally foundation loss. Ono report, chrllor than tho abovo, says Port Arthur has fallen be fore tho Japancso onslaught. It gnvo alleged details, stating that a number of Russian cruisers and battleships wore domollBhcd, and tho reraalndor put to flight Tho report Is gcnorally dlscroditod among tho well-informed, ns tt seems hardly possible that Port Arthur can bo ovorcomo in such a. short time. A later report i that r steady bombardment soomB moro probable. Anothor report, emanatlng: from Tien Tsln, says Hakodato, tho most northorly of tho Japanoso islands , was shelled by tho Russian ftoot Tha is alBO dlsbolloved, as it 1b known that -a strong Japanese fleet is posted near..- there BATTLE IN SAN ' DOMINGO Washington, Fob. 12. Powell, American minister to San Domingo,, cables tho department of stato that a florco battlo is reported at Sanches, with many killed. French arid Span lsU cruisers havo gono to Uio Puorta. Plata railway to report j . " - Albany, Fob, 12. Burglars dynn---mltod tho safo of John Dugan In tho Albany Insurance building, in tho henrt of tho business district, last night, and oacapod with 17800. JJ ctQBsD cSfieieMdScn MWWmrYJvTfr a. ' . j I WammMd&mm f jJLoJBBBWPTBf aM W?ZM Noise Is No! Business If any statement made In our store talk should Impress you as exsg eratlon, that Is Just the time of all when we shall be anxious" that you como here and prove us false or true It would be Just as sensible to dig up the foundations of this building and pile the stones on top to make it higher, as to get "smart" and unprincipled and begin, the practice of deceptive methods In dealing with our public the public that, by Ita liberal patronage, has made this good, big store not only possibility In Salem, but a prosperous reality, " Umbrellas WWm SM'$W Colors $2.75 to $5.00 Men's Undeweat In our Lborty street wndow wo are showing a lino of mon's PINK ALL WOOL Jorsoy Ribbed Under wear, finished with tatln, that soils regularly 'at 11.23 er em jnent. Right underwear i at to bottom of your cold weather cro- fort. Thla Is it for 1.76 suit, 90c Garment Only EIGHT Left of thoso oxtra bargains in Silk Waists at HALF PRICE. Here la tho list of thorn; pick out your alzo and tako it for half prlco Green, 32, 7,00 $3.50. 2 Black, 32, 8.00 $3.00. Maize, 32, W.00 W.00. x Black, 34, $7.00 3.50, Nile, 36, $0.00 $3.00. glue, 38, $8.00 $3.00. Red, 38, $7.00-43.50. W. B. Cotsets A proporly fitting cor set means much com fort and pleasure to tho wearer. Now spring styles aro now ready. Ehporta to wait on you. SL flVilrm wffijj II 11 "N 1