Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, February 11, 1904, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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Some Financial Manip
ulations in theMor
pn Class
Saved Nearly One Hundred
Thousand in Four Years
From a $3,500
Washington, Feb. 11. Crose-oxam-3n&U6n
of Machen wan continued this
tuornlng. Attorney Conrod ollcltcd the
information that, although he owed
430,000 whon ho arrived In Washing
ton In 1891, he, novortholoM, from 1899
until ho was removed from office, do-
posited In (ho Westminster, Mary'
land bank $77,000. III salary during
that period was $35,000 por year.
No Alarm It Felt.
San Frnnolsco, Feb. 11. Alarm for
the safety of tho Japanese liner Amer
ica Marti, which sailed from San
Francisco for Yokohama January
SEtii, Is not foil by local oRlclnls of
tho line; despite tho dispatch to the
contrary printed In Ilaetern papers to
day. At no time was It feared tho
vessel, which lias on board mnny
AmorleaiM, would fall Into the hands
of the Kuertens. Howevor, If that
eliotiM he IU fate, the passengers
would not be seriously discommoded,
boonnse Rusela Is bound by Interna
tional laws of war to safely convey
them to the nearest neutral fort,
which Is Chee Foo, The American
Mam, running on schedule time, would
arrlvo at Yokohama Snturday, but, as
oho doparted with ordors to mako tho
journoy at top spood, alio may arrlvo
Cllmatlo Cures.
Tho Influonco of climatic conditions
Jn tho euro of consumption Is very
much ovordrawn. Tho poor patient,
and tho rich patient, too, can do much
bettor at home by proper attontlou to
food dlgostlon, and a regular courso
of Gorman Byrup, Froo oxpoctoratlon
In tho morning Is mado certain by
German Byrup, so Is a good night's
roat and tho nbsenco of that weak
ening cough and debilitating night
sweat. Restless nights and the ex
haustion duo to coughing, tho groat
oat danger and dread of tho consump
tlvo, can bo prevented or stopped by
taking German Syrup liberally and
rogularly. Should you be able to, go
to a warmer cllmo you will find that
of tho thousands of consumptives
there, the row who are benefitted and
regain strength are those who use
German Syrup. Trial battle, He; reg
ular also, 7Co. At nil druggists. At
Dr. Stone's drug stores.
Trouble at Astoria.
Astotla. Or.. Feu. II. Ah eleclrfml
Btorm of great severity prevailed
GhltMffo. Feb. 11.
K. Cum. 6tV4.
Wheat ttff
Gold Dust Flour
fade by
Sidney, Oregon.
M.vl for family use. Ask your
grocor for It. Bran and shorts til
ways on hand.
A. T. Wain, Agt.
Wanted Potatoes
Wc Want
Burbank Potatoes.
Early Rose Potatoes.
Early Jackson Potatoea.
Pserlsss Potatoes.
Qarnett Chill Potatoes.
James M. Kyle & Co
75 CommerclalSt,
ft 8ree
Yoa'll Have
Of your life when yeu earry a wateh
W fir. reHable, handsome, ejant In appearance, and outwore
other, beuflht at the same prlae elsewhere. We an recommend our
Jewelry equally In the eame strong term.
Jatehm'Ker Jeweler nd Optician. 88 State 8trL Next deer to
Ladd A Bush Bank.
hero yesterday, lasting for more than
two hours. Tho first clap of thunder
camo at 2 o'qlock In Uio afternoon,
and thunder and lightning occurred
at Intervals until 4:30, While little
damage was done, electrical appli
ances all over tho city wor6 Inter
fered with, and many poreons received
slight shocks.
Tho storm struck North Head at 10
a. m., but am not reacn Asiona lor
four hours. At North Wood last night
fully two Inches of rain foil, but thoro
was scarcoly any precipitation n this
city, Tho electric storm had a singu
lar effect on tho government barome
ter In tho local weather office, tho rec
ord of which during tho prevalcnco of
the storm was of a zig-zag character.
s A Family Affair.
Thoro will bo a drama entitled "A
Family Affair" rendered at uben's hop
houso, two miles west of St. Louis on
Friday ovenlng, tho 1th, after which
will bo a basket social and a dance.
All Invited.
Berlin, Feb. 11. It Is roported this
afternoon that tho czar has notified
the "kaiser of hie deelro to send a
Ileet of 16 ship to the Kant through
the Kaiser Wllhelm canal, from tho
Dal tie sea.
Where Doctors Agree.
When a patient Is under the doc
tor's care for some months, with con
stautly varying symptoms, but evei
Increasing weakness from the loee of ,
flesh and strength by the ravages of
disease, all doctors will agrpo that
tho first gain of fie" Indlcatos a
change for tho bettur, Weak, thin,
HeshloM people, know thoy feel hot
ter ns soon ns they gain flesh. The
best floeh and blood maker 1b Dr.
Qunn's Blood & Norvo Tonic. For
pimply, palo and sickly people, both
old and young, a bettor mcdlclno waa
novor mado. It turns tho food you
cat Into strong, red blood making
solid flesh and musclo at tho rato of
. n it,. n- Mi, i i o.i w n I
.lrL-iriBtaVA- ir.n ,,V hn, ,- i !,.
. n m .... .. ii ma
Dn ' aw tww iv uw ui w mwauo
nir -. iu uvuri'uiuu uio cueci 01
ovor-inuuigonco or dissipation use tins
Spaniels, of which there nre many
breeds, tiro supposed to hnvc first como j
from Hpttln, from which circumstance I
Is derived tholr distinctive name. '
Charles I. was nn tirdcnt admirer of n j
snmll rnrloty of this nuluinl. und from '
Hint liniHi. flu tliMiletifiHmi nt lita tij.l !
known tho world over as King Charles.
Ulonboliu or Marlborough spauleln,
which grontly rohomblo tho latter In
form nml general iippcnmncc, get tholr
Kngllsh iinmo from lllunholm pnlaco -In
Oxfordshire, where the breed has
blHtll nrtwtfrvoil Mlnco tlln lim.lmittir. nf I
tho eighteenth century.
Htnniliut 4-tlrd.
The one liidliiiMWhlo quality of suc
ceed In tleM days of tremendous coin
potlthm Is HtHinimt. The young umn
who luck that will never got fur. He
will soon Ih forced nut of the race uud
IdetmrkiNt. 'J'Imhh wiw Imvo uhhwi
wl It Imvo cnniiered liiinimerable dlf
llcultles. Siiiiimw.
We htwr of six iiewefNiper wIHom
who nnnnitly Inherited fortuuee. Trou
ble Is. when such (IiIiikh happen, they
generally enlnrne the iwper and get
joar and 1m'jii.v again six month
Ktor.-AtUnta Constltutiott.
o v u? ae. a. ux. .
e4M U ) lm Xd Yw Hsw Min rft
Of Bad Accounts. No
Collections, No Charges
Van Atstlne, Gordon & Co,
275' j Commercial Street
Phone S01
A, R. Morgan A Co More,
the Time
bought from
Ten Thousand Men
Moving the Debris
in Baltimore
It Is Expected the Ruins Will
Be Cleared Inside
of Two Weeks
Baltimore, Feb. 11. Before tho day
Is over 10,000 men will bo working In
tho rulna, and expect to havo tho
streets clcarod within two weeks.
Germans Win a Victory,
lxradon. Fob. 11. A Central News
telegram from Capetown says that
government alvicos stato that tho
rebelB In Gorman West Africa havo
been defeated by tho Gormans In a
battlo In tho mountains.
Mora Collar.
It is an awkward, unpleasant thing
to do to put n horso collar on by thrust
ing It over hit head, giving It a turn J
nml then moving it down to place. All
horses do not tnko to this operation
kindly and mako their displeasure
known when tho groom Is crowding the
collar over tho widest part of the head
at the point of the eyes. I have seen
horses, when the nose was Just entered
'nt0 "e ?nenln& f th collnr tbru?.t
their heads through with a rush, as If
to get through with the unpleasant op
eration ns soon ns possible In flytlino
tho ono who places a collar on a bow
Is very npt to get bounced nbout by
tho horse suddenly moving his bead to
ono side to fight an nnnoylng fly. There
Is hardly n'person that handles borses
much but litis been Jerked off bis
i feet or bnlanco mnny times. To avoid
I such troubles n few have their horse
collars in ml o to open nt the top, and
when placed on tho ends arc
together with buckto and si
strap, but
this Is very Inconvenient for a short
person to do, ns he cannot sec what ho
Is nbout and has to be guided by the
senso of feeling. A German has obvi
ated nil these dlfllcultles. Ho baB his
collars made to open nt tho bottom.
Ho puts one end over tho horse's neck,
slides It down to place and faitcns It
nt the bottom with strap and'-bucklo.
What objection can there be to this
method? None. What benefit? All that
It Is possible to be. Dr. Galen Wilson
In Practical Farmer.
nratrlrtluar Production.
Thnt tbo njtrlcultural production oi
this country Is, as a whole, IqcreaBlng
there Is little doubt. The consumption
Is growing yoarly, and It must bo so or
wo should face a serious shortage In
more than ono lino of agricultural pro
duction. At tho same time thcro Is an
otMitHclo to tho rapid liicrenso of pro
Unction tbnt promises to keep It within
bounds of snfoty for some time to come,
though of courso some things will now
and then be produced In excess of re
MUlreiiwnts. We refer to the scarcity
of labor, which In spite of the general
use of labor saving machinery Is re
stricting the production of agricultural
Htapltw, or, what amounts to tho same
thing, making their cost to the pro
ducer too great to allow of reckless
production. Machinery has solved a
imrt of this problem, but it does not
extend to ono of the vital factors, tho
houveholit. It Is bah! enough to got
1 help In the field, Imt It I harder still
to get It In the home, and tunny a
farmer must choooe between restrict
In his crop area hihI overworking his
family. The lack of help at home Is
nffeetliiB the volume of production ton1
far greater extent tbau Is ecnornlly
supposed.-Stoekman and Faruior.
far of ComuirrrUI 1'ertlllierM.
The farmer of the six states. Vir
ginia, North Carolina, South Carolina,
GeorKln. Alalwmn and MleeleelnnL use ,
auniiHlly $30,000,000 worth of comuior. corner of Chomoketa and Cottage
elal fertlllxers. Tlwse six states havo ' street, this wek Friday at 2-30 n m
an averago of $t.O00.O0O werth of llvo L P"
Btock. Texas has $300,000,000 worth Carnations and Violets
of live stock and uww $127,000 worth of Other cut tlower to l had at th
caiuuierclnl fertlllwrs. Theni tlguroa Avenuo areenhouso. nnri n,7f
do not really mean what they seem to' JJT. Xa n, m v 'i Pr"
ludlcKte. for much of the Teas live.1" tW' J hone mi uta,k- 8-10-31
stock la not k,jpt ou farms. Nevorthe
Uw, the bot waj to save larae outlays
for cowitnereial fertilisers, which In the
six state mwm amount to 10 per
cent of the rrojw grown, U to keep
nuw live stock ami rixjw moro foed.
Funu and Itauvii,
UulatuK Stf I'otator.
Sweet potato saould havo a low
IhhI In a ileetOj- (iktwed soil and thon ;
shallow eulttvMtiuu until the vln stop
the plowlitK. after which eras-s and1
weeds sboHkl be removed with boo.
Unlet the lattd I poor, stiff and
ckyey It will Heed no fertllWug fet
oatlng potatoes. Otuerwlee when largo
erof fer stock feed are wanted, barn
yard taauure or any nitrejrenous for
tlHaer. with same phosphate hadded,
drUWd In the furrows and well inlxe4
with the setl beTore bedding. On deep,
teo, sewly Und free frew weeds and
graaa the m ntowtex piau wttl do ra
aeaabty well.
r i .
The White Heus
C5an gtre y a good aeal By hour
of the day or aigbL
Real Estate Business.
Joycy B. Garrett and Bert Garrett
havo transferred lot No. 4 In Cochran's
addition to Woodburn for $825.
Nicholas J. Haas has 6old to Ma
Uida Zupansky lota No. 7 and 8, block
No. 1, George H. Jones' addition, for
John E. Murphy and wife havo sold
20 acres of land near Brooks to M. L.
Jonos for $500.
Ferdinand A . Bauer has disposed
of his property In Woodburn to Mary
M. Sooley, for $375.
J. A. Wled and wlfo havo sold to
Edna A. Brownlee, 3 acres of land
near Jefferson for $300.
AHco I. Sutton and F. A. Sutton
havo sold to Geo. C. Will lot No. 1, in
block No. 2, Prcfenall & Smith's addi
tion to Salem, for $35.
Thoro Is moro Catarrh In this boc-
tlon of tho country than all other dls
oasoa put together, and until tho last
fow yoars waa supposed to bo Incura
ble. For a great many years doctors
pronounced It a local dlseaso and pro
scribed local remedies, and by con
stantly falling to euro with local
treatment, pronounced It Incurable
Scionco has proven catarrh to bo a
constitutional dlsoaso and therefore
requires constitutional treatment.
units uatarrn euro, manuiaciurca oyi$
t T ntinnAw ft. Hr fVnlnAn CiUIn la
tho only constitutional euro on the
markot. It is takon internally In
doses from 10 drops to a toaspoonful.
It acta directly on tho blood and mu
cous surfaces of Uio systom. Thoy
offer ono hundred dollars for any case
It falls to euro.
Sond for circular and
testimonials. Address
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by all Druggists 75c.
Hall's Family Pills are tbo bust.
WRIGHT ELLIS. At tho homo of
tho bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
John Garbo, Aumsvlllo, Or., Sunday,
Fobruary 7, 1904, Mrs. Matilda A.
Ellis to Harvey L. Wright, both of
Aurasvllle, iowls Bleakncy, Justice
of tho peaco, officiating.
Tho brldo Is a highly respected wo
man pf that socton, whoro sho has
lived nil her life. Tho groom is sta
tion agont at Aumsvlllo, and is well
known in Salem, having, for a time,
filled Uio placo of baggago mastor at
tho local station. Tho couplo will
reside in Aumsvlllo.
Tim Invention of llie 1'lano,
The honor of Inventing the piano is
claimed by tho English, the French and
tho Gormaiis. Father Wood, an Eng
lish monk nt Koine, Is said to havo
been the real lnvoutor In 1711 and to
have manufactured one, which he sold
to Samuel Crisp!, tho author of "Vir
ginia," from whom It was purchased
by Fnlko Grovllle, though Count Carll
clalni9 the credit for Hartholeraraco
Chrlstlforlc of 1'iulun during his stay
In Florence somo threo years later
(1714). Tho French attrlbuto tho In
vention to a Parisian named Mnrlus,
who, they alleged, produced In 1710 a
harpsichord In which hammers had
been substituted for the old plectrums
or quills. Tho Germans nre the Inst In
tho Held with J. C. Schroder of Dres
den, who claimed (1717), when eighteen
years of age, to have "constructed aft
er much consideration tho model of a
now clavier with hammers, upon which
ho could play loudly or softly."
Bed Time
I take a pleasant herb drink, the next
mornlns I feel bright and my com
plexlon Ib better. My doctor says It
acta gently on the Bkomache, liver and
kidneys, and Is a pleasant laxative. It
is -nade of herbs and Is prepared a
"""f ie. u is called Lane's inert
'c,n8- All druggists sell It nt Shr nnri
60 cent- Lane's Faraliy Medicine
raove- Ul0 Vowels Mh day. If you
Y--V,X '. oumi,or. ra sampieii
Address, Orator
Woodward, LvRot
n. y.
The Woman'a Missionary
Society of tho Presbyterian church
Ul nMH at th home of Mrs. Davton
O J5w jg 1" O SI. T A ,
8tk. IIWVlrjBMl
j New Today
m m 1 1 n 1 1 1 m -w.h4:
Wantedaxperieoced girl for hmue
wwk; good jay. Apply to Mrs. Geo,
F- Rodfdrs, Oak and Capital streota.
Bazar a.t Summit ChurcK-Prblay af
trooB a4 evesilKK. February 13b,
The La' Aid Society lavites jxm
to fc ntmmt RerwkBwats aad
efcKt&lHMt fer all Ut can at
tend. Owe. MMt.
Wanted-,Howw or cooklsg wwk
orsilBgii. T to 9 o'elook. by Jap
boy. Apply to Journal offlee,
Grand Opera House
Satwday, Feb. S3
Henry B. Marks presents Mr. Wm.
J. Holmes m tno oeauiuui paswrcu
One Night in June
A swoet, wholesome story of country
llfu Largo cast of metropolitan ar
tists. Special magniflcont scenery.
Now, novel and original specialties.
Prices 75c, 50c, 35c.
Soats on salo at box ofllco Satur
day at 9 a. m.
rH)ietQf KMttfraieiQf-t-1
Does You Btf ggy
Need Paint
This Is the time of year to
have It put In order. All work
done In the best style, and fully
guaranteed as to quality.
Prices Right
I t"
You will be surprised at how
little it will cost you to have
your rig made new.
I &CO.
$ 68 Chemeketa Street.
f W9-8
S. P. Holt, Juneau; W. F. Davison,
Albany; M. D. Amscl, Seattle; J. J.
Thomas, Salt Lake; Thomts D. Dee,
St, George, Utah; Robert C. Llnd,
Ogdon, Utah; Stephen Ringo, R. U
Young, Mrs. Geo. Zollnor, Mt, Angel;
A. R. Badger, Toledo, Wash.; T. D.
Johnson, II. J. Schaumborg, Union; J.
J. Woods, Newberg; O. A. Ftelior,
Tumor; E. A. Dalley, Empire, Mich.;
F. S. Haswoll, Frankfort, Mich.; S. S.
Slgel, D. L. Wolf, Portlaud; T. E.
Melllnger, Dayton; Jas. B. Parkofc
Crawford, Nob.; L. A. Wlloy, Joffor
Bon; Hans C. Wahlborg, Portland; B.
C. Milos, Newberg; C. M. Plorson,
"Something now." Tho very latost
invention of tho confectlonor's art,
and It hasn't been namod, at tho Spa.
Try It. 2-ll-3t
Ml II M1WI j
M-H-H It t II 1 1 W-W-H-M-H-
: : Yout
:: Umtelia
Does It need repairing?
do all kinds of repairing.
do good work.
New Location, 291 Commercial
stree, oppposlte R. M. Wade's
H II I It i 1 I K-H-H4-1 f -H-4-H-t
Two Days Ptixe Catting Sale
Wednesday and Thtwsday
The goods aro here and ready fer your' inspection sale now on. Re
member that you cannot buy those goods at thoao prlcea except oa
WedneKlay and Thursday. ,;
RemnanU of calicoes and apron
ginghams, yard sc
7c OuUng flannel, dark patterns
'ard 4
Cc doubte twIlWd eraali, yd 3 J-4c
7V4o Lace striped eurtaln scrim
36 laches wide, yard jie
Edinburgh suiting, tho latest
shown, yard 29c
38c Silk mercerized oxford waist-
lng. backet woavo, yd 25c
Best hair rata, each s0
Drees aad rainy day sklrtA
M'EYoyBrothers,Court St.,Salem
Wkat is it?
Will be hen
Keep yotif
eye on this
"Rubbet Tfres
it iwiys ua to lomiud you ovjrjiori
and thon about that nlco rig of jmn
standing In tho baru waiting fortti
spring driving tbnt is coming son
Get It ready by having rubber tins
fitted. Wo havo fitted dozens of
Salem's buggies and can fit youn
You novor saw a driver who wouM do
without, after having tho rubber tlra
Call nnd seo us. Now'u a good time
to get this dono.
F. A. Wiggins
Implement Houso 255-257 Liberty St
Farm Imploments, Automobile
Sowing Machines and Supplies.
N. H. BURLEY, Sewing Machine fh
palrlng. i- x-k-m-hm 1 1 m m
DIABLO-2-.09 t-4
will mako tho season of 1904
at tho Stato Fair Grounds.
This groat raco horso, sfro of .
extremo spood and certain ',
prlzo wlanor, la acknowledged ; ;
to bo tho poor of any stallion ;
In Amorlca, Breodors aro ro .
quested to writo or call or
2-9-m Salem, Oregon
hih umiimn min-wT
:: Money to Loan
Ovor Ladd & Bush's Bank, Salem, Or.
feet Sana ailk. spool :c
eat spool silk, each Sc
10c linen crash, yd ..-
Hrabroldorloa, A in. wjde, yd
Bmbroldoriae, C in, wid. yd -'c
lBo gold buttons, latest, doz-.U
Qhlldroa's boat JOc hoso sup-
porterf , pair
Children's 25o underwear, dol
ing out price l0c
Boat shoo lacea, 2 for lc
Beet wire hair pins, 2 pkgs . le
600 yards silk flulshod brllllaJa-
tlnfH nil nnlnni -A 4C
, wwY v
" afctotlA. .