vrwrvrnfiirtiirrv-r-yirj "fWfNfiV ;rr& wHjWypWyw DAILY CAP ITAL JOURNAL, 8ALEM, OREGON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1604. OEVEN iUSAN B. CARRIE . ANMA Ii md a Galaxy of An cient Ladies Invade Washington )ir airenuuus rresiaeiu Bravely Consents to Meet the Antique Remin iscences Washington. Fob. 11. Battling on or tho cause which thoy havo made hdr Hfo work and neither dlshoart med nor dJscouraged by opposition or efcat, tho members of .tho National imerlcan Woman Suffrago assocla Joa assomblod In Washington today md began tholr thlrty-Blxth annual onvontlon. Enthusiastic and nggres rtvo as ever, despite her four Bcoro cars, Susan B. Anthony leads tho lost, ably assisted by, Mrs. Carrlo Tiapman Catt, of Now York, tho Rov. ftuina II. Shaw, of Philadelphia, liar- ct Taylor Upton, of Ohio, Kato M. rdon, of Louisiana, and otthors who avo attained national promlnenco as dere of tho oqual rights movement. During tho last year woman suf frage amendments wore defeated In aasaa, Now Hampshlro and Wiscon- tin, and, In fact, tho. movement can- ot oo snm to navo muuo any muu.-r- . . --. i , i i flit progress nnywhoro In tho coun- Iry. Tho fight has boon waged stead-; glr, howovor, ami tho national asso- ption nas rcturnca to mo ennrgo inbanieu Dy tno reverses wun wnicn It has mot. Year after year tho load- in of tho movement havo appeared' before congress and appealed for tho Snactmcnt of a law which would gtvo l-onion equal imffrago rights with , lien. Tiioro win uo a simuar nuar-igood lumplInga nml very docont pi0 ng by congress next Tuesday, but'and th, ht to ,yo ,t wAlnR rlth no prospects of hotter results frhlch will bo In session a weok, an iftornoon and evening will bo do- Rotcd to Colorado speakors. Woman liurugu II ua uuun uiuu lur iu jvcim Colorado and some of tho foro- tost women of tho stato havo como ' JJ tho convontlon to fell how It has orked. Tho convontlon was formally open- today In National Rifles ArmOry'sort, on tho farm ho ato Just throo all, with Mrs. Carrlo Chapman Catt grostding. Addrossos of wolcomo Ind rosponsos, reports of officers and Ippolntmont of tho usual commlttoos ccuplod tho initial sosslon. During ho remainder of tho sessions tiioro 111 bo gonoral discussions on vari ous features or Uio sunrago move- iient and addrosses by proralnont nlfrago leadors, philanthropists, so- Biologists and others. Botwoon sessions tho many dolo- itos will bo treated to an elaborate program of ontortalnmont. Among Jthor features there will bo a rocop- pon at tho White Houso by tho Pres ident and Mrs. Roosevolt and also a ecoptlon at tho homo of Miss Clara J Barton. An Apple Controversy. Horticultural circles In Missouri, urt at present, aro much agitated by . way war over mo morns una uo- wits of tho Bon Davis and Jonathan rloty of apples, and tho press teems Ith tho controversy. Tho Kansas Bity Star Is of tho opinion that it must apparent to ovory person with suf- lent Intelllgonco to distinguish bo-' reen an apple and a poteto that tho(Wn go tf flWry tnjpayor A Mar,on nspiracy io ueuirono w.w iy mo King oi mo onwara is uouuu iu attended by serloua dlfflcultlos, ough It is to bo earnestly desired, at tho raorlts of tho two leading Iprapetltlors for horticultural favor-i o lien uavis anu mo jonauiaa-muy l settled without plunging tho state Ito th- horrors of Interclne strlfo. Dr John C. Whltten. dean of the Sate Horticultural college and pre- Int of ha Missouri Fruit Growora'i Jsoclatlon. who has been drawn Into Be controversy, comes out a a flat-1 SOFTNE88 OF 8EAL8KIN. Hlrolcd by Human Hair Where Dandruff la Eradicated. ealjkln Is admired the world over for softness and glossiness ; and ynt the &n hair Is eaually as soft and glossy hen healthy; and the radical oause of all Hr trouble ts dandruff, which la caused f a pestiferous parasite that aaps the "ty of the hair at IU root Newbro's irplelde Is the onlv creoaratlon that Is W to the dandruff grerm. Without dan- a there la no falling hair. T)Ut a lux- Bjnt rrowth of glossy, soft balr Is oor- Bcourlnr the aoaln won't oure dan- hff. Kill the dandruff eerm. Thous- r& of women owe their beautiful suits "Untr dnirirlati Rtnil 1(V In tamDS " UerplcUe Coi, Detroit, Mloh. DIel J. Fry, Special Agent footed champjon of tho Bon Davis, with tho lnvlnclblo argument that of all tho products of tho orchard" It la tho host monoy-makor. Now, whllo this may fully establish tho commer cial merits .of tho Bon Davis, It by no means places Its Intrinsic qualities be yond tho palo of dlscussslon. It docs not leave tho Jonathan without somo hopo of vindication and rightful rec ognition If tho tlmo shall over como again In this country when things can bo measured by something other than tho standard of tho almighty dollar. It Is qulto probablo that tho truth aboUk tho Bon Davis lies somowhoro between tho chargo of the Jonathan ltos that It Is "a big red fraud" and tho claim of Its partisans that It Is perfection. That tho Ben Davis Is tho best "looker" among all of tho apples of tho orchard nobody can deny. Tho Jonathan Is far from scrubby, but lot any person without any knowledge of apples or tho flno distinctions which horticulturists affect bo shown a col lection of apples, and his oyo will bo rlvltod at onco with fond admiration on tho Bon Davis. This quality In hu man nature Is thoroughly Instinctive, and Is demonstrated whenever a showy mountobank, with more cheap stylo than worth makes an appeal to tho people. It may not bo known to tho public In gonoral that out of weaknoss tho Ben Davis Is mado strong. That It is its tough skin, of which many house wives complain, mako It a splondld "koopor," and fits It admirably for shipment. If It is somowhat coarso In its flbro It takes on a mngnltlcont polish, as all patrons of Italian fruit morchanta havo 0UBrvcd, Tho Bon Davis npplo Is not perfect. As tho preachers nro wont to say at , , m . ? But ,t ,B t , to ... vralk.wav foP tho jonathai. bv nnv- moana. color tho JonaUinn bas lt Is trU0t mit o such ruddy g,ow , Btampeii upon lt as ifla8U0a from tho Den Davis. nMrtc tn vrv innt nnnH-ain h no .v.. hoId lt wlth aU ., (ta comnotlttorB. It mav not bo no gQQd a9 80m(J othor varlcUos of np. p,os to oat out of hand but lt . IMl ,,, n,n,,a ,ntinno n,i Irritating philosophers who aro always comlnc at you with tho abmolnablo old 8awprotty Is as protty does. ' , -MmjumaasiMaj ni L X g X -H A 111 R lltiSi 3 DC9e)9TOeeeoe9Ott0eaceaeea An editor who has rocontly como off tho farm talks about lunch and dos- meals a day. But wo soon pick up aristocratic Ideas. Aftor awhllo he will catch onto tho fact that sauer kmut i8 a fashionable dish. This ofllco Is In rocoipt of a long list of nnmos, with tholr cliolco for Prosldont It was gotten up and clr- culated by A. D. Whcolor, of tho sixth ward, a staunch and truo bluo Roose velt man. Is thoro anything wrong In asking a man worth millions, and who has collateral against tho Gilbert Bros.' suspendod bank, to pay a lot of poor doposltors widows, and old mon and children to pay thorn Iholr doposlts In full? Wo admit It Is unusual. But thoro aro othor circumstances that aro unusual In this world, and this Is a day of strenuous and unusual pro- coedIng8t Tnoso dopoaitow ought to ,)o d ,n8tem, of bong mU off for wh0 moU arQ oaten up . nxnonsai, Thoro ,B nothinC unfair , . .,.. whtttovor. Thft Tmirnn, ,R MtunB ..n n snoolal ., TnnvorB. RHtlon that county u wUl hayo ,oU of EQQd ad. nrt,otn mf. o.i i, ,,iri.v owgI)anor , ' . w , ..,!... . ,..,. Naw York( Feb n.Kogoro TaUa. hra thQ Jal,anMB m,n,ater to the Unt9d sutMi camo tQ New y)rk 'wim WllMnolnn tru,v tn nttani, ho t,,,,..,,,,! annlver8ary banquet of .. R1H, ..., nf Amorfpn tn hn given tonight at Dalmonloo's. Tho Japaneia ra,nUtr will be one of the ,. i. i.nn,.Af .i m,q. to be beara are Robert W. Taylor, of Youngstown, Ohio, and Robert Arm strong, aselfttant secretary of the treasury. 0 Little Mary Knew. The teacher gave the following problem "If Mary found a nest with six eggs In It and on the way to the house broke two of them, what part of her eggs would sho break?" The owner of a pair of Bparkllng eyes and a fluttering hand was given permission to speak, and said: "The shells would be broken." Tho merry ripple than ran around the olass showed appreciation of the point. WILSON AVENUE FOUNTAIN To Be Erected at a Cost of Over Four Thousand The Plan Shown In New Yurk Is Said by Experts to Be Very Beau tiful Tho Broyman fountain, to bo erect ed In tho wost end of Wilson Avonuo, at a cost of nearly $4000, Is now In courso of construction In Now York City, and Is rapidly noarlng comple tion. This fountain, a gift to tho city by Mr. Wornor Broyman and tho family of tho lato Eugene Broyman, promises to bo ono of tho most beau tiful and useful attractions Ir tho Cap ital City, and will bo placed In tho avonuo, opposite tho federal building. Wm. Brown and R. F. Praol, sons-in-law of Mr. Broyman, andi A. N. Bush, all of whom aro now In Now York, havo recently soon tho fountain, and thoy aro enthusiastic ovor this beauti ful piece of statutary, that Is to bo placed In tho nvenuo In this city. Mr. Brown, in n long and Interesting let tor, writes Mr. Broyman, dwelling os pcclally on tho beauty of tho fountain. In tills connection It might bo add ed that Wilson avenue, before being decorated with tho beautiful gift mado to it by tho Broymans, could stand a lltttlo improvement, in tho way of till ing In tho low places In tho west) end. It Is planned to build a good sldowalk across tho ond of tho park, running from1 Court to Stato, past tho proposed fountain site, and, with tho park im proved, as contemplated by tho city authorities, this will bo mado ono of tho most beautiful portions of the Cap Hal City. Climatic Cures, Tho lnfluonco of climatic conditions in tho euro of consumption Is very much ovordrawn. Tho poor patlont, and tho rich patlont, too, can do much bettor at homo by propor attention to food dlgostlon, and a regular courso of Gorman Syrup. Froo expectoration In tho morning Is mado cortaln by Gorman Syrup, so Is a good night's rest and tho absonco of that weak ening cough and debilitating night sweat. Restless nights and tho ex haustion duo to coughing, tho groat- ost dangor and dread of tho consump tive, can bo provonted or stopped by taking Gorman Syrup liberally and regularly, anould you bo ablo to go to a warmer cllmo you will find that of tho thousands of consumptives tliero, tho fow who aro bonefltted and regain strongth are thoso who uso Gorman Syrup. Trial bottle, 25c; reg ular bIzo, 7Cc. At all drugglBts. At Dr. Stono's drug Btores. Atlantis Was Not a Myth. Ono of the most fascinating myths of our childhood days was certainly tho story of Atlantis tho fablod con tlnont which was said to oxlst In tho Atlantic ocean, between, American and Europe. How tho imagination revelled In the wondrous talos of Its splendor and its powor, Its palaces riot In picturing Its marvels. But not In picturing Its mnrvols. But tho Inconoclastlc hand of science Is tumbling traditions about our ears. Tho fairy tales of myth and fablo, tho dim traditions of an almost for gotten post tho haunting memories of vaguo and shadowy legends, are, by tho aid of modern sclonco and re search, shaping themeolvoa Into actual faots. Recant paleontologies! re searches have established the fact of thoro having really existed an At lantis a land connection between Burope and America In the tertiary period. This continent, says the early Egyptian records, lying over against the Pillars of Hercules, In extent greater than Libya and Asia put to gether, and was the passage to other Islands and to another continent of which the Mediterranean 8xi was the only harbor, and that within the pillar of the empire of Atlantis reached to Bgypt and Tyrrheula, A little while later there was an earthquake and the great island ot Atlantis with Its 04,000,000 inhabitants sank beneath the sea. From this continent branch ing out from the Mediterranean, Bu rope and Africa received its first peo ple and Its first civilization; a civili sation that left its Impress on Egyp tian history, and whloh the boasted progress of 2000 years has hardly equaled and seldom surpassed. At lantis is one of the stern and stubborn foots of history, and cannot be Ignored. CLASSIFIED I Advertisements, flvo lines or T less, In this column Inserted I three timet for 25c, 50c a week T $1.50 a month. All over flvo t a. iinca i uio umo raio. ii 1 1 n 1 1 ii 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 LOST AND FOUND. Taken Up. Dark Jersey cow. Inquiro of Frod Gfollor, four mlloa west of Turner, Op. 2-5-lwk FOR RENT. For Rent Seven room house. In quiro at Rtvorsldo house, 4 Stato street 2-6-St .1, XMar kct Quotations Todays T "Make Kitem C.nnA llnms MirVM" I Capital City Mills Quotations. Bryant & Penned, Props. Wheat 77c. Buckwheat 80c Poultry at Stelner'e Chickens 8010c. Eggs Per dozen, 22c. TurkoyB 12 015c. Ducks 10c. Market. Hop Market, Hops 1922c. Potatoes, Vegetables, Etc. Potatoes 35c Onions lc. Dried Fruits. Peaches 10c. Apricots 10c. Apples 10c. Petite prunes 4c Italian prunos 5c Wood, fence Potts, Etc Big fir $4.00. Second-growth S3.G0. AFh 13.00 to 13.76. Body oak $4.60. Polo oak 14.00. Cedar posts 12c Hide, Pelts and Furo. Green Hides, No. 1 5c Green Hlues, No. 2 4c Calf Skins 405c Sheep 76c Goat Skins 26c to JIM. Grain and Flour. Wheat, Snlom Flouring Mills, ox- port value, 70a. Oats $1.05 cwt, Barloy $19 per ton. Flour Wholesa'o, $3.60. Live Stock Market Stoers 3V403c. Cows Sc. Shoop 20. Drossod veal CHc Dressed hogs 6c Live hogs 4c. Mutton 2&c per pound. Hay, Feed, Etc, Baled cheat $10. Baled clover $10. Bran $20. Shorts $21.50. Creamery and Dairy Product. Good dairy butter 20025c. Creamory butter 30c. Cream separator skimmed, Cora. Creamery, 30o, net. at PORTLAND MARKET. WheatWalla Walla, 75c Valloy 79080c. Flour Portland, best grade, $3,750 $3.85; graham, $3.75. Oats Cholco White, $1.1O0$1.12 Barloy Food, $20 por ton; ollod, $21. Mlllstuff Bran, $19.5O0$19. Hay Timothy, $150$16. Potatoes 00080c Eggs Oregon ranch, 2Cc Poultry Chlckons, mixod HH012c por pound; turkoys, 15010c Pork Drossod, C7c Boef Dressed, G07c. Veal 709c Hop 24029c Wool Valley, 17018c; Eastern Orogon, 12015c; Mohair, 32035c. Hideo dry, 16 pounds am. upwards, IF tn l6o Butter Fancy creamery, 30c; dairy and store, nominal. Not to Be Mentioned. One day tho children were having an obJet leeson on tho guinea pig. The teacher called attention to Its short tall, saying, "You see It has no tall to ipeak of." Shortly afterward aim akWcd tho scholars to wrlto a de scription of the animal, and a little German girl wound up by saying: "The guinea pig has a tall, but It must not be talked about" "Portland and Return Only $2.20." The Southern Pacific is now selling round trip tickets to Portland from Salem for $2.20, good going Saturday or Sunday, returning Sunday and Mon day, giving a!) day Sunday and Mon day In Portland. The same arrange ment applies from Portland, giving all Portland peoplo a ehanee to visit val loy points at greatly reduced rates. W. El COMAN, O. P. A. u t. lla KM Yw Han Unit $ Sigsiton c&&m WANTED. Wanted. A farm with good prune and hop land, Improved or unimproved; must bo cheap. Address, with par ticulars, "B. O. B.," Salem, Of., caro of Journal dffloa. 2-6-tf Qlrl Wanted. For housework. In quiro ot, A. F, Hofor, Jr., corner of 20th and Chcmokota Btrootfl, 2-G-3t I Want Lodging houses, grocery stores, business hodsos, chancos of all kinds, d waitings, etc. Leave your proporty with mo. O. A. Hur ley, ovor tho Woller grocory store. 2-1-mon-tuos FOR SALE. For 8ale. A cow. Inquiro forenoons of L. C. Flshor, cornor of cnrllno and North IJborty street. 2-10-3t For Sale. A flno houso of sovon rooms, four blocks north ot post offlco on Winter street; a rare bar gain; must bo sold at onco for $1100. Also houso and lot on 18th and Mill streets for $550. C. W. Em mott, 389 Onk street. 2-10-3t For Sale. Express wagon and team, doing good business. Address "X. X.," Journal, Salem, Or. 2-10-3t For Sale. A flno 9-room houso, with two lota, $1G00; small houso and lot on Center strcot, near capltol, $C0O; a lot 75x170 on North Front stroot $300 ; no. agents. Call on A. P. Mc Atoo, 13th and Mission stroctB Phono 373 Bluo. 2-9-3t Dry Fir Wood for Sale. M. A. Bud- long. Phono Ualn 2331. 2-6-3t For Sale. Ten young Buff Plymouth Rock chickens, at a bargain. It taken soon. A. F. Hofor, Jr., So lan, Oregon. l-5-6t For 8ale Or trade, a flno 10-acro chlckon or fruit ranch; first-class buildings and Improvements; closo to school, poatofflco, etoro and rail way station. Will trado for city or unimproved farm proporty. Address "W. J.," Caro Journal 11-5- Cholco Farm For Sale. Throo miles northwost from BrookB, having dwolllng houso, barn and two hop housos, with 30 acres ot hops, bal anco farming land, with running water, oxcopt onough cholco timber to supply tho place. M. J. Egan. 11-12-tf For Sale Eighty acros of land In Washington county, for $460, A bargain for Bomo ono wanting to mako a homo. Somo timber on tho place; some cleared. E. Hofor, So lom, Oregon. 10-C-tf MISCELLANEOUS. The Grand Army And Woman's Ro- Hof Corps will obsorvo Lincoln's anniversary at tho Presbyterian church, Thursday ovonlng, Febru ary 12, with appropriate oxorclsos. Admission froo. Llzzzlo Ross, Pa. trlotic Inntructor. 2-l0-3t Dance. Howoll Hall, Fobruary 13th Evorybody cordially Invited; good music and a good tlmo assured. 2-9-3t I want a nice residence for Eastern partloa. What havo you? G. A, Hurley, ovor tho Woller grocery store 1-30-lt If you have Farm proporty to soil, loavo lt with mo. I also havo a real estate ofllco in Independence, Polk county, and a flno list of farms and business openings. Ofllco with W. II. Holmes, ovor the Woller grocory store. O. . Hurley. 1-30-st-mn If You Wish Collecting Done Leave your account with tho O. A. Hur ley Colectlng Agency, over tho Woller Oroeory 8toro. 1-28-tf. Moler'o Barber College Ot Salt Lake City, offers advantagos In teaching tho trado that cannot bo had olso where Avoid schools tho Orogon and California harbors' now laws are apt to close at any time. Write today for our special offor to dis tant students. 1-23-lm Say Havo you triod Edwards & Lusch er's for moats. Wo havo tho host sausage In town. Come and try it, and bo convinced. 410 East Stato street Salem Truck and Dray Co. Oldest and best equipped company In Sa lem. Piano ai'd furnlturo moving a spocialty Office 'phone, 861. W. W. Brown & Son, proprietor. Office No. CO State street 9-l-1m Dr. Z. M. Parvln At 297 Commercial street, upBtalrs. 81nglng schooL Rudlmental and sight reading class es. Begins Wednesday evening, Oc tober 14th. Class overy Wednes day evening to May 1st, next. Tui tion, $1.00. Dissolution Notice. Notice Is here by given that the partnership hero toforo existing between Watt Sblpp and Paul H. Howser, under the Arm name of Shlpp & Houser, has been dissolved by mutual oonsent, Paul II. Houser retiring. Watt Shlpp will continue the business, colleotlng all aqaounts and paying all bljls, Watt Shlpp, Paul II. Houser, Salem, Or., Jan. 15, 1904. MMt MISCELLANEOUS. Unlquo Cleaning Rooms Shaw Jj 4k. . -- JehnBon, the cloanora, Are now lo cated at 209 Commorcial street. Thoy do a gonoral pressing and re pairing business. Specialties: Skirts silk waists, kid gloves, gents' dot lnjt, etc Phone 2614. 5-28-lyr. PHYSICIAN AND 8yRQE0N. Dr. I. W. Starr Offlco In Bush & Brer building, ovor Orogon Shoo jStdre Offlco hours, 9 to 12 a. m. and 2 to 5 p. m, Calls attended la city 'or country. Rosldonco 'phono zlBG Red. 1-C-ti Dr. W. 8. Mott Will hereafter b found In tho Broy block, 27GH Com mercial stroot, over Oregon Sto. Co. Ofllco telephone 2931; rest donco phono, 2761. Offlco hours 9 to 12. and 2 to 6. WIRE FENCING. Walter Morley, Dealer In American, Elwood and Page Hold fonclng. All kinds of poultry fonclng, Shingles. P. & D. ready roofing and wnl papor . Prices tho lowost Salem Fonco works, CO Court street, Salem. d&ir. UNDERTAKERS. Undertakers. Wo carry tho largest and flnost lino of undortakor's goods In tho city. Prlcos to suit alL Black and white hoarso. Prompt, rollablo. Savo money by calling tt No. 107. A. M. Clough, A. J. Basey. MO-tf Wh RE8TAURANT. Ferguson's Restaurant 95 State stroot Open day and night Ouf 20c meals aro hotter than any 2K houso In tho Btato. Six 20o meals for $1.00; 21 20o meals for $3.00. LODQE8. Olive Lodge, No. 18, I. O. O. F. I. O. O. P. Hall, Saturday each wook, at 7:30 p. m. B. B. Horrlck, Jr., N. O.; Frank F. Toovb, rocordlng secretary. Salem Camp, No. 118, Woodmen of the World Moots in Holmnn Hall ovory Friday at 7:30 p. m. P. L. Froalor, Consul. Wyllo A. Mooros, Secre tary. 1-12-lyr Protection Lodge No. 2, Ancient Or der United Workmen, moots trnry Saturday ovonlnc In tho Hounaa Hall, cornor Stato and Liberty streets. Visiting brothren welcorn. J. a araham, M. W.J J. A. Sollwoo4 Rocordor. Valley lodge No. 18, A. O. U. W. Meets in tholr hall In Holman block, cor n6r Stato and Liberty, ovory Mon day evening. Visiting brethren wolsomo. Roy Mclntlro, M. W. A. E. Aufranco, Rocordor. . Central Lodge No. 18, K. of P. Castls Hall In Holmnn block, cornor Stats and Llborty 9ts. Tuesday of each weok at 7:30 p. m. II. II. Tumor, C. C; W. I. Stnloy, K. of R. and S. Foresters of America Court Sher wood Foresters No. 10. Moot Fri day In Turner block. II. O. Moyor, C. R.; A. L. Brown, Sec Modern Woodmen of America Ore gon Cedar Camp No. 5246. Meets ovory Thursday ovonlng at 8 o'clo Holman Hall, E. B. Matton, T, C: A. L. Brown. Clork. OSTEOPATHS. Dra. M. T. Sclioettle, Frank J. Barr and Anna M. Barr. uraauaws Amorlcnn School of Osteopathy, KlrkBvlllo, Mo successors to Dr. Graco Albright OfflC' hours ts 12 and 1:30 to 4:30 o'clock. Odd Follows' Toraple, Phono Main 2721; rosldonco phono 2603 red. Dr. H, H. Scovell. Suggestive thorapoutlcs. Osteopathy. Norvoua and functional dlaoasos. Rooms 4, 5 and 6, D'Arcy building. Fhono 2855 Main. 1-Mm TON80RIAL AND BATHO. Evan'o Barber Shop Only first-class shop on State stroot Evory thin now and up-to-oate. Finest porce lain baths. Shave, 15c; hair-cut lis baths, 26c Two flrst-clafls boot blacks. O. W. Evans, proprietor. WATER COMPANY. SALEM WATER COAIPANY OFFICE CITY HALL. For water sorvlcd apply at office. Bills payablo monthly In advance. Mno all complaints at tho offlco. EXPRE88 AND TRANSFER. CAPITAL CITY Express and Transfer Msiiti nil mnll nml nnssencor trains Baggago to all parta of tho city. Prompt sorvlco. Toiepnono no. si HECKMAN-nEDMCK & HOWYER DENTIBT8. C. H. MACK Succossor to Dr. J. M. Keone, in txn,Uw rvrnar Rnlnm Oipcrnn. Parties AAtitmina uttnnrfnv- nnArfltlflnfl At mOu- UVfllMUb .WVllw, wyw..-.. - - -- rorat foe In any branch aro in especlsB Valentine Prettiest and oheapest to bo had in tho olty. The Variety Stqe 9 A Court St. Anoora M. Welcb, Prop