n DAILY CAPITAL -JOURNAL; 3ALEM; OREGON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1904. 1 WrI If J i1 f r v flHio Kind Yon Hhvo Always Bought nrwl which Las been. in usd lor over 30 years, 1ms borno tlio Bifrnatnro or and lias 'been iiiado under ms per- IKgyyz. Bonalsurjcrvlsion Blnco Its Infancy. f'GtfCSuA'i' Allnw nn nno to dccnlvo vol! la tllla. All Counterfeits, Imitations and"Jnflt-a8-good'aro bub Experiments that trlflo With and endanger tho health of Inlauta and Children Experience tftalnst Experiment What is CASTOR I A " Com Tin Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Faro- fforAt Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. 16 contorts noltlicr Opium, Morphine- nor other Nnrcotlo imbffuiuce. Its ago Is its guarantee. It destroys Worms And allays Ftwcrishncss. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Combination and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho Stomach and Dowels, giving healthy and natural sloop 23io Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Hnnvn thn Nitron fiirn tY SJ iW MUWMW W J&zffl&lM The KM You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TMC OSMTSW OMMNY, Tf N VftMV SmitSt. HIW VORH CO. deescoa0t9t9e9ecs i i 269 Liberty Street. 8tores Salem and Albany. 9 iaoii4e-iii44iKsfi waacaMttaaoeo8i YoaiWili Agree With us, on Investigation, that our carpet and drapery do- pnrtmont Is tho largest aud most varied In thin torrltory, Home nay wo carry too much, but wo doom It only Just to our groat and growing patronago to show the productB of tho boat mills, In quantities sufllclont to Justify tho most critical. Now spring offering!! In high prlc carpets and rugs Juit arrived. The House Furnishing ge8-8-ta64-He eM4H&HM-MH4e i Don't Send a Boy TVMill ETCJ It you want a man's work dona. n out MyinK. you can wnd anyone to our market for meat, and your order will be filled just as well an If you came yourself. Wo keep nothing but tho very choicest meats, fat, prime, tendor and Juicy, and we cut and trim your steaks, roost and chops aa only expert can for your table. E. C. Gross .!) !lfll:JMs.Na CURSE OF THE -COUNTRY. Free Ranges Are a.. Curse and Prevent the Nation's Growth. "The ourso of tho country Is free range," said William HanJey. of Burns, president of tho Oregon Cat tlo Growers' Asosclatlon, at Portland, boforo starting for California a fow wooku ago. "The Kxmcr tho government gets out of tho frco grass business tho bet ter," said ho, "Tho man who has tho strongest pull gota tho fro orange, and tho man who makes tho loudest noise has tho strongest pull. That's how tho sheep of tho man with, tho pull In tho Cascado rosorvo aro worth $1 a head mora than those of his less for tunate brother." Mr. Manloy declares that the frco rango system is one of favoritism, un fair privilege and rottenness. "Tho euro," ho says, "la prlvato ownership or leasing of tho Hands by tho government, when sales aro Impracticable. Instead of oncouraging prlvato ownership of rango land, tho government puts obstacles in tho way, for a man Is not allowed to take up mora than ICO acres, unloss ho sees tho land hlmsolf. Tho land should paw into tho hands of individuals who can tifco It to tho best advantage, in order that It may contrlbut the high est poselblo rovonuo to tho public good. But by those very restrictions the government Is holding bock the growth of this country. 9. P. Exam I nor. SAY 8PIRITS DO IT. Make Musical Instruments Play and Trumpets Talk Holding Seances In Corvallls. SplrltuaHsm Is one of tho leading themes of discussion In many Corval lls homes and public places. It takes precedence of tho illusslan-Japanoso subject, notwithstanding tho tense relations of thoso two nations. The sea of public thought liad scarcely neon calmed aftor n porlod of agita tion from tho Holy Rollors' reign, when two dlsciptos of tho occult scl onco fell In and created a wavo tho oxtont of which Is Indotorroincd now. W, II. Kanouso, physician medium, Is ono of them, and h W. Rowo, photo medium, Ih tho othor. Both came di rect from Seattlo, upon invitation of Soymour Simpson, of this city. Mr, Kanouso Is a young man who has been holding public seances only six months, and his demonetrsUons In Corvallls aro tho first work ho has dono away from Seattlo and that vi cinity. Many advocates of spiritual ism believe Uiat Mr. Kanouso will ac quire a raro power to domonstrato the claims of tho sect. Mr. Rowe pro fesses to bo able, through Ms medium ship, to secure photographs of thoHe who hnv passed to spirit life. Neith er of these persons has tho appear ance of professional men. They do not resemble persons who would be Judged professional fakes, nor yet men who Imri acquired professional know! edtjo frtHn study and extensive ro swftrch. Their powers, they claim, nro simply gift. nrei ureii When that cry sounds how people rush to help and sympathize! And when some fireman rescues a woman from the flames, the streets echo with ap plauding shouts. And yet if that woman had perished in the flames It is pos sible that she would have suffered less than she suffers al most daily from the inflammation which disease has lighted in the delicate womanly organism. That fire of inflam mation can be put out. The gnawing ulcer can be cured. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription not only establishes womanly regularity and dries enteebling drains, but it heals inflammation and ulcerations and cures female weak ness. It makes weak women strong and sick women well. I Buffered for four vcar with what four phy sicians pronounced vlcerntlon (ind prolpu of the uterus," write, Mr. Ada Droolcs, of Kirby ville, Taney Co., Missouri. "Also Inflammation of bladder and urethra. My cae was chronic and complicated. Had several good physlcUiu, but kept setting worse. Had been confined to my bed five months when I wrote to you, I received your reply rery soon aud then dls miwied my physician nml beitan taklnjr Dr, Pierce' medicine. I look eight bottle or hi 'Favorite Prescription and 'Golden Medical Dlscovcrv.' and bvean to ;ct better at once lu inn months I could sit ur In a chair, and kept fretting better In four month could do all my house work, including washing and ewinK." Dr. Tierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser, paper covers, is sent free on receipt ot 31 one-cent stamps to pay expense of mailing only. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. vcw&mR lnSBsIfWfcv lib IP RADKJM RADIOS RADIOS RADIOS Stupendous offer made by a well-known Philadelphia firm. RADIOS ssflilMliLSSnr aEUjt5rVi H S RADIOS RADIOS IMtH4HaoTHMHt(r I . Pits: ttatn 2953. 1 1 M ir W1IV WAIT 1 5 WOttK 1 j aviu: n li 193 Comm$ttal St. n week or two weeks for your r"",u6 u mu iiiut; proiuiseac Elliott, the Job Printer, delivers work when promised. Proof). Submitted on nil Work .. smaittjoaEtM jwimiA G E N C Y O F:::j:s : ' BALFOUR, GUTHRIE & CO.! GRAIN mm AiNDsnippERsoTnp fam Oats For Sale. HOP PROWERS SUPPLIES. Crude and stick Sulctiar. fl AnfiliAin AAYir . u. uiiiiiatu. auui, 207 Comwroial St.. SaIM 0r I snn.fmiliMsiia..iNai.t-.. ' .., , wvw1wTTffrw,wtWTOWfWsj i ' II There in moro Catarrh In this Beo tlen of the country than all othsr dis eases put togsther, and until the last few years was supposed to be Incura ble. For a great many years doctors pronounced It n local disease and pre scribed local remtdles, and by con stantly falling to cure with local treatment, pronounced It Incurable. Science has proven catarrh to bo a constitutional disease and therefore roqulrw constitutional treatment, irall'a Catarrh Cure, manufactured by K. J. Cheney & Co, Toledo. Ohio, Is mo only constitutional cure on the market It Is taken Intornally In doses from 10 drops to a teaspoonfuL It acta directly on tho blood and mu cous surfaces of tho system. Thoy offer ono hundred dollars for any case It falls to cure. Send for circular and testimonials. Addresa F. J- OHRNBY & CO., Toledo. O. Sold by all Druggists 76o. Hall's Family mu aro the beeC Blgaer Than All ot Them. You may eaM him a "rube" or a 'baywwd- or a "yap," but the farmer Is nevertheless tfe hlset n B the i-ountry. n9 coM buy all the na Mown iKuikw, jwy tho naUoaal debt, purchase both ttte stoet coabiM an.l the SNuadanl Oil trust, and put wall treet oat ot busiMMs out ot tfcs nro- duet ot hie owh hoetMt toil, and still nave aau a WWo tellars Wt for lcket eha. To sum it up in a seats the fannec, by whiehevw asw Im rany be called, is the raos Important claw In the United Stated aad has a Unlit to grow chssty at the bowing he wake, Agriculturist i i n i Jlmmlo Hloksl Do )w ksww Uiw! Conm to the Modst RestawraiU. Try It oc. Open till 1 a. ax. Cosrt straeL u.r - nr Tho Venerable WInd-Jammers. Washington, Feb. 10. Tho house to day resumed consideration of tho Pennsylvania contests in tho Connoll- irowell fight Tho sonata opened with a prayer for peaco and Hanna's recov ery. A roeolution was passed to pay tho oxponses of tho Dietrich Investi gation from tho contingent fund. Af tor a speech by McCombor, dofonding tho administration's canal policy, tho senato wont Into oxocutlvo cession, considering tho canal treaty. o Where Doctors" Agree. Whon a patient Is undor tho doc tor's care for some months, with con stantly varying symptoms, but ovoi Increasing weaknoss from tho loas of flosh and strength by tho ravnco3 of dlscaso. all doctors will agrco that tho first gain ot fle-v Indicates t chango for tho heuer. Weak, thin, floshloss pooplo, know thoy feel bot tor as soon as thoy gain Uosh. Tho best flesh and blood maker Is Dr. Gunn's Dlood & Nervo Tonic. For pimply, pale and sickly people, both old and young, a better medicine was never raado. It turns tho food you eat Into strong, red blood making solid flesh and musclo nt the rato of 1 to 3 lbs par week. It Is sold by nil dn.B'gIat8 for 75c per box, or 3 boxes for i. To overcome the effort nf oveMndulgonce or dissipation uso tills meaicine. Thousands of Persons In All Sections of the Country Have Been Healed, by this Wonderful Discovery. Everj" educated person has heard of Radium, Its wonderful powers and healing qualities havo occupied pago aftor pago In tho Metropolitan publi cations. Almost ovorybody knows that It Is thegreatest remedy that God has ever given to suffering humanity. Dlscaso germs of every description fleo before It they cannot stand tho contact Wo havo such faith In our proposition that wo guarantee abso lutely to euro you. what Is more, we will give you a written contract to that effect. This offer has never been duplicated. Fill out tho blank bolow and mark tho malady from which you aro sufforlng and recolve by return mall Information that will bo worth hundreds of dollars to you. Ask any banking firm regarding our responsibility. Free Offer Free Offer Free Offer Three Trains to the East DalL x-uuuiun Btandarrt U) Through tourist sleeping cars dolly to Omsk core dally to Kansas City; throng Pullman tourist sleeping cars (p,. squally conducted) Weekly to Chla. go, Kansas City; reclining choir cm (scats freo)'to tho Bast dally. 70 HOUflS ,,, 'LAHD TO Ctlinr.n Mo Cbanre of Cars x PORTLA DKI'AKT yoR Send In Your Orders Immediately If you want carnations for next Saturday. Carl Ruef, Aven ue greenhouses. Phone 2601 black 2-o-at - n i The finest line of single harness ever brought to Salora at F. B. Shaf er's, 232 Commercial street, Salem. 3 H-H-H Mini II I I UN H I- :: Rubber Tites :: Of all kinds for Vehicles :: All Work Garanteed. :: :: Ira W, Jorgensen, :: ; ; Next door south of Salem hotel ; ; Ihhudiihiumiiiiii-' HUIE WING SANG CO. Chlnaware. Japaneso fancy and dry goods, embroideries, laces, silica, wool en goods, Bklrta, wrappers, waists, white underwear. We make up all kinds ot ladles' gnrmons, gents' over nils. Matting, dishes, etc., now on sale at the cheapest price. Corner of alley, Court street. Salem, Or. THE ELITE CAFE 208 Commercial Street Short Orders, Oysters In all styles Meals at all hours Service a la Carte E HCKBRLEN. Proprietor house. thlUSMt'tf o .a. e c 3. a. ux. &&yfy 'Mu. F$eef Yes Ftee. Dr. Stoua makes no charge for consultation or prescription. Can bo found daily at one or tbe other of his drug storoa Salem Oregon. RADIOS CO. 812 Drexel Building, Philadelphia, Pa. Sirs: Kindly send mo freo of cost In formation regarding your Radium treatment and your wonderful romody, "Radios." Namo ,. Address , ...'.... City . Stato Disease Chicago Portland eptiai 9 16 a. m ria Hunt ington Tffantlo' ExproMi 8:13 p. a, via Hunt- I nylon "btipani" Fast Moll 7 i5 p. in. vlt 8pnfUio 70 TIME SCHEDULCS From Portland, Or, 8alt Like. Dunvor. tt uir..ti. 1..... v;r " f.Uitu. viuum, ABOSS u7 bi. noun, t;uicago and Eaat. "talt Lake, Donvor Ft Worth. Omaha. Kmui nty.at. Loots, (Jhlcajo Wnlln Walla. liming Hpoksue, Wallace. Puiii aiau, jnincoatious EL PflUl. DulMtb.MnnmiV Cbtcasn, and Kut. ARSITl 8PI , ; m PHICHtSTrn'B EKOLISH - EfVROVAL P9LLS "B7k..-0rllm1 "d l'T Otyl. GtetlnUlf iMn iti I..J1M. ,i l.r ClIKIIIHSTKU-H ltvm la Iteil ml Uold BtltUls kaiM. mltl HUHMHtb.0. TAetsir. (fiM) Dm(tru HntUIU( ul Imlt U. Bi; at j..r Cranlit, w mS 4. niMt.' Hlnluti TmUkskUII j4 'ntsf r.r L4i7t rKi?, iyJJ! sIlDruiliu. (ItlakHUrUlulni fV. JUUm Hmn. l-UiLi-TrS ' i' .xii&mmzmjmi WttT VC Annnmc'Mil' rrsus HSLifciH ae scppcDitoiB ....... P " Tbn . m, Bapt. n..AmA ak). .......it., w . l.. ' - UT B t clila f Ihw." Dr. 8. V. !. """ T Vi.wrtVi Tb.lt.t,rlT.iuliMlV '"'- vr .. " MUMltl, HM(,bir(. ItBU.. VlV " "' l'"i t Ctiru. tULfkt VIM. kwJl . -us noy. tsNesarta. p. IS Sold In 8alom by 8. C. Otone, Call for Free Bamplss. P m. Corallis& Eastern Ri), TIME CARD NO. 24. No. 2 for Yaqulna: Leaves Albany 12:45 p.m. leaves Corvallla 2:00 pm. Arrives Yaqulna 6:20 pm. No. 1 Returning: Leaves Yaqulna 6:45 a.m. Leavos Corvallls 11:30 a. m Arrives Albany 12:15 p.m No. 3 for Derelt: Loaves Albany 7:00 a.m. Arrives Detrol 12:20 No. 4 From Detreit: Leaves Detroit 1:00 p.m. Arrlvoa Albany 5:55 p.m Train No. 1 arlvee In Albany In time to connect with tho S. P. ?outh bound train, as well as glvlug two or three hours In Albany bofore depar ture of S. P. northbound train. Train No. 2 connects with tho S. P. trains at Corvallls and Albany giv ing direct sorvlce to Newport and ad jacent beaches. Train No. 3 fpr Detroit, Breitenbush and otier mountain resorts loaves Albany at 7:00 a. m., reaching De troit about noon, giving ample time to reach tho Springs same day. For further InformaUon apply to EDWIN STONE, Manager. T COCKRKLL, Agent, Albany. H. H. ORONI3R. Agent. Corvallls. Your Stepmother Is still here, and as busy as ever When your clothes are worn and dirty, or the buttons off take them to s- & fastings for and returned. ? Called MKS- SB,ksWALKKR- n Commercial Streot DR. GUNN'S nion pISSsaSYROP 5Sr la ioSiJli:l28!" U tad no Otfors a cholco ot THREE gateways, KANSAS CITY, ST. JOSEPH 01 OMAHA, to Chicago and points Etut Through Standard and Tourist sleeping curs dally between San Fran cisco and Chicago via Los Angeles and El Paso. Through Tourist Sleeper eack TUESDAY from Portland to Chlcajs Yla Salt Lake and Colorado Springs. Through Standard Slooplng Cars dally between Ogdon and Chicago. Lowest rato in effect always aTsll ablo via "Rock Island System." Reduced ROUND TRIP RATES In effect on July 12, 13, 15 and 16, and August 18, 19, 25 and 2G; 90 days re turn limit Be sure that your ticket reads tIs tho Groat Rock Island iloute. Tho best and most" reasonable din ing car sorvlco. For Information, GEO. W. BAINTER, T. P. A. L. B. GORHAM, Gon Agt, 250 AU Btreet, Portland' Ore. - liijMil' A. C lOO I Ocean and Rlvep Bchedul For Sail Fianclfco Every five diy ni o p. m.. tx: Astoria, way poinu and North Beach Dally (except San day) at 8 p. m.; Saturday at 10 p. m. Dally sorvlco (wator permitting) oa Willamette and Yamhill rivers. For fullor Information ask or wrlti your nenroet ticket ngont, or A. L. CRAIG, Gonoral Paesonger Agont The-Oregon Railroad & NavIgaUoi Co., Portland, Oregon. Quick Time East From Tncoma, Seattlo, the Pune Sound country and Spokane to Mis souri rlvor points and the Soutkewt tho Burlington offers quick serrlc. Through trains Seattlo to Kans City equipped with big, freo chair cars standard Pullman sleopera. and 1 but not least, tourlsv, sloopera, clem, comfortable and cheap. Why not tako tho Southoast special via Billings and the BurllngtonT Yofl can't do better, and you might do woreo. 8HE.DON, General AjjsM THIRD STREET, PORTLAND. O. C. T. CO.'S PA88ENQER STEAMERS POMONA f.?,A"onaleaTefor rortland, Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 10 a, m. Tolay. Thursday and Saturday at 7 a. !,?r Conrallls. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at p. m Fr Independence daUyeieeptSunday Deck: Foot of Tradt ttrfe M. p. BALDWIN, Ajrt Capital Normal Scfcool First National Bank Bulldln?, Sales The fall term of twelve weeks ow Secteaber 28. AMre&s, J. J. KHAPS. Sales. Or