Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, February 11, 1904, Page FIVE, Image 5

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Corner of 8tate and Liberty Str
Social Realm
In tho
Lh-h-i iiiiiiiiiiiniiinim
Jay Bleakney, of Sllverton, Is In tho
Mr. and Mrs. P. VanPatton wont to
Gcrvais thia morning.
John A. Carson wont to Washing
ton, D. C, this morning.
D. II. Wolf, of Portland, is in tho
city for a fow days' visit.
D. W. Tarploy wont to Eugene this
morning for a fow days' visit.
W. R. Holllstor, of Portland, was in
the city yestorday afternoon on busi
ness. J. L. Sklpton was in Gcrvais this
morning on business for tho shorlff's
office. '
Wlnnlo Poonnnn wont to Woodburn
last evening, to spend a vacation at
Mrs. Ilalllo Hinges returned this
morning front a fow days' visit in
Portland. '
Gov. Goo. E. Chamborlaln went to
Portland last evening for a fow days'
stay at homo.
Miss Lucy Morcom has g6no to hoi
homo in Woodburn to spend a short
vacation at homo.
D. O. Schucking went to Portland
today, to look after a quantity of hops
for shipment East
Hon. D. M. O. Gault was a passengor
for Portland this morning, after a fow
days' visit with his son hero.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Connor returned
today from' a two wcokt trip through
Washington and Drtlsh Columbia.
Judgo Wm. Waldo roturnod this
morning from a 10 days' visit In Seat
tlo and other points on Puget Sound.
Mrs. T. A. Young loft last ovoning
for hor homo In Tacoma, aftor visit
ing hor parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. S.
Bella, for a fow wooks.
W. H. Wolf and Samuol Droaddus,
of Saa Francisco, aro hero for a fow
days' business stay. Thoy wont to
Jofftlreon thisi morning with J. MV'J
Kyle, to look ovor that section of tho
J. M. Hafeely
Tne Pill
J Tata Glycerine, Rock
and Rye
You can tako it without a sigh. JP t
Suro cure for cough, colds, etc.
Palace Pharmacy
ii 8 State St. Salem.
Not a cheap trust-made article, but t he best 5 cent cigar on sale.
AUG. HU CKINSTEIN, Manufacturer, Salem.
r " ftwr ft , - iiiii r in n iimia i i -- ir ! mn ibiwimiWIW
404MMt4Wt - e4 - HH
JgiaiQUHflUa Ct(Mfttgl,4tM
Testing The
Different men, different mothods.
Our method is scientific. 'Wo?havtf
-s '-t?r
tho lnstrumonW, tho exporlencei
tho knowledge that is necessary,
and your eyes will ho examined
Without chargo. Then, again, wo
havo tho proper glasses that will
ho exactly -what your vision calls
for after Uio tost Is made. No
haphazard work. horo. Just tho
best thoro is in optical work.
eets, Salem, Oregon.
Bad Outlook for Lumber.
"It's as I said a year ago it would
bo, thero has been an overproduction
of lumber In the Nortnwcst," These
woro tho words of Mr. David Eccles,
president of tho Oregon Lumbor Com
pany and tho Sumpter Valley railroad,
who has Just returned from1 Portland.
"Threo hundred new mills havo
boon added to tho list in tho past year
or so, and tho mills of tho Northwest
aro producing from 10,000,000 to IB,
000,000 foot more of lumber dally
than formerly. Naturally tho markets
beconio glutted, prices decreased bo-
low a profit, and today 250 mills on
tho Sound havo shut down. At tho
meeting in Tacoma on tho 5th of tho
Lumbor Association, is was reported
that unless now markets could bo
found, and tho railroads could glvo
somo relief In that direction, more '
mills would closo down and go Into tho
hands of receivers. Tho outlook in
tho lumbor business Is not very bright
and tho whole country will bo affect
ed. Now mills In Idaho and Eastern
Oregon aro cutting Into tho trado of
this part of tho country." Daker City
Committee on Exporting.
Tho commltteo on exporting tho
financial records of tho city for tho
past flvo years will rcqulro consider
able tlmo to finish Its work. Tholr
roport is dolayod Bomo by tho fact
that tho city treasuror kept no books
until during tho past year. Tho pay
of tho treasuror was only $100 a year,
and ho felt that ho could not afford to,
koop books.
Tho regular meeting of St. Paul's
branch of the Woman's Auxiliary,
which was to bo held on Friday, tho
12th, Is postponed ono wook, to Feb
ruary 19th. At tho resldonco of Squlro
M--W-J-H H-M-W-!'
I Coming;
Wo will soon havo ona of tho
X noatest, oleanost and most conn
plato grocery stores and stocks
in all Oregon.
I Atwood & Pislier i
C. J. Atwood. D. W, Fleher.
- a0 G-)-&-H3W
Some people bare to spend, but If
you have no time, possibly you might
Ilka to have one of our fine 16-Jewel
timekeepers, as they do not require
much money for the investment. Our
stock of fine watches for ladles and
gentlemen ts complete, and embraces
everything la Elgin and Walthain
watches. Prices lower than ever.
Watchmaker and Optician.
x v,ommorciaj ovcov.
- WlMHfr'frMl) 111
"', .'.v
Dealers Trading AmoiigThem-
selves-Big Prices for
Tho hop market continues strong,
and an activo demand for tho better
grades exists. Dealers havo orders
for goods that cannot bo filled, owing
to tho stiff prices asked by holders.
Twonty-nlno cents and bottor'has been
paid for Oregon hopa, and deals within
tho past fow wooks havo been made
at prlpos nearly that high for pooror
grades. All of tho recent deals havo
been mado In Portland, where 10,000
bales aro stored, and where trades aro
of daily occurrence. Oregon last year
produced tho enormous quantity of
nearly 90,000 bales, Tho Journal's lib
oral cstlraato of tho crop last July,
frownod down upon as bolng far too
great, having still fallon far below tho
actual production. Although but
90,000 bales wuro produced, sales
havo already been' recorded of qver
150,000 bales of Oiugon hops. This is
by reason of tho fact that many lots
havo changed hands sovoral times,
ono crop alono being sold 13 times
slnco It was shipped to tho warohouso
In Portland. Many nops aro constant
ly changing ownership among tho
Contracts aro bplng mado In a fow
Instances at tho highest figures ovor
recorded In Orogon. As high a figure
as 22 conts has boon offered on con
tract within tho past fow days; but
growers generally aro rofralnlng from
contracting, cvon at theso high prices.
Tho Watervlllo (N. Y.) Times, in
Its report of tho condition of tho hop
market in that section of tho country,
"Nothing doing, and nothing to do
with. Is about tho stato of affairs
horc. It Is said that 36c has been
offered for ono of tho fow lots loft in
this town, but no business rcsultod."
Tho Now York Journal and Bulle
tin of last Friday, in its roport on tho
condition of Uio hop market, says:
"Advices rccolvod from tho coast
continued to roport a firm markot, and
it was stated that additional sales of
choice grades Orogon woro mado at
29c. Tho local market continued
firm. No trading was roported be
tween dealors, but a limited amount
of businoss was transacted with
browors, and at full quotod pricoe."
Mr. and Mrs. J. Connor, of Hotol
WlUamctto roturnod today from
several weeks spont on Puget Sound.
Thoy woro at Vancouver, Wostmin
stor, Victoria and othor placos. Ho
says Vancouver is tho Hvo town, has
40,000 pooplo, whoro 17 years ago
thero was not a slnglo houso.
Bolllngham Bay is a groat town, In
Mr. Connor's opinion. About 9000
men on tho payrolls aro tho eourco of
Its rapid growth and prosperity. The
opora house at Whatcom cost $125,000.
Thero aro flno hotels In all those
cities, and nil doing all tho business
thoy can. Of courso, Victoria glvos
ono the impression of being a foreign
What Congress Is Doing.
Washington, Fob. 11. Tho sonato
passed a Joint resolution directing 'ha
seorotary of war to survey and roport
on the practicability of a tldo-water
anal across Florida, and appropriated
$26,000 for the purpose. The doors
were afterwards closed, and consid
ering of th canal treaty continued.
In the house the naval appropriation
bill wai reported, and then, in com
mittee of the whole, the house en
tered Into a further consideration of
the deficiency appropriation bill, In
cluding the St. Louis loan amend
ment Burkatt of Nebraska, vigor
ously apposed it, saying he would
rather put the amount Into public
Own Plant 8aves City Much.
Boston, Feb. 11.-Dr. Samuel Ab
bott, of the state board of health, an
nounced today that by manufacturing
Its own antl-toxlae, the commonwealth
has saved the people $406,000 In four
years. The actual expense during
that time, when 10,000 bottlee of
antl-toxlne were distributed free, was
$31,500. These statistics have been
forwarded to Chicago, where It Is pro
posed to adopt tho Massachusetts
Idea, instead of purchasing supplies.
' ; & FIRE
Governor Chamberlain and
County Clerk Roland
Get Telegrams
Governor Chamborlaln this morning
recoived a tolegram from Baltimore
In rosponso to ono sent a fow days
ago. Tho mossago follows
"Hon. Goo. E. Chamborlaln, Governor,
Salon, Oregon
"Many thanks for kind mossago of
sympathy. Cannot yet say what as
sistance will bo needed.
"Mayor of Baltimore."
County Clerk Roland, who Is agent
horo for tho United States Fidelity &
Guarantee Co., also received a copy
of a telegram sent out by tho com1
pany regarding their losses, as fol fel fol
eows: "Wo, togcthor with portions of tho
central section of this city, passed
thrqugh an ordeal of flro with total de
struction1 of homo ofllco building,
which, however, is fully insured. Our
securities and investments aro all
lodged in tho deposit vaults of a trust
company, and aro unquestionably safo.
Tho books and records woro all saved
and tho business will proceed with
out Interruption at tomporary quar
ters, 10 West Saratoga streot, Balti
more." Trouble Comes Double.
A pitiful casa of want, misery and
death was roported to tho city au
thorities last ovoning. Ward was sent
down from tho University Addition
to Chlof of Pollco Stiles that tho 6-months-old
babo of a E. Krolgh and
wife had died about 7 o'clock, arid Its
mother was at Halo attending her
husband, who Is quito low with pnou
monla. Tho grandmother was faking
caro of tho child, but; as sho had no
money with which to buy a coffin, tho
city authorities woro notified. Chief
Stiles visited tho humblo cottagoj
whero tho death had occurred, and
learned tho following pitiful stery:
Tho family is vory poor. Tho hus
band is a hard-working man, but thoy
havo bad a groat deal of sickness,
which has rendered thorn destitute.
Not long ago Mr. Krolgh.wont to Hale,
somo 25 or 30 miles west of Eugene,
to put up a sawmill. Word camo tho
othor day that from tho rain and ox
posuro ho had contractod pnoumonla,
and his wlfo Immediately left to caro
for hlra. It was roported that ho was
In a critical condition. Last night
tholr llttlo babo dlod.
Nows of tho death was sont thorn
on this morning's mall. Imaglno tho
mothor'a grlof when sho reads tho
missive tolling hor of tho sad affair.
Sho is oxpocteu homo on uio noxi in
ward bound stage
Chief Stlloa wont to County Judgo
Kincald with tho case this morning,
and a coffin was ordored bought for
tho babo. Eugene Guard.
Observe Lincoln Day.
In obedlonco to' tho gonoral orders
of the national and stato departments
of the Grand Army of the Republic,
the Snlora Post and Woman's Rellof,
Corps will observe the annivorsnry
of Abraham Lincoln's birth February
12th on Friday ovoning, at tho First
Presbyterian ohurch. Thoro will bo
addreesos by Rev. Ketchum and Col.
Hofer, with othor literary and muslo
al featuroe. , The public Is cordially
Uncle Sam Don't Forget
Stato Treasurer C. S. Mooro Is in
receipt of J332C from the general
treasurer of the National Home for,ly ontortalned by that Jodt:o, nnd a
Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, for the . pleasant evening was spent A sumpt
Oregon Soldiers' Home. This is for J uous banquet followed the installation
tha two quarter ending September and the ladles returned home on the
8nth and Deoember Slat, last, and Is i late train.
the usual allowance of the federal IjQVira of good' things, especially
Bovornment for the Oregon Soldiers 1. ,. .. . awaa. ... fln. m
pH Is called to our unusual
$ showing of Valentines this
H year. Those that have had
V the pleasure of going over
the line are loud In their
praise of the beautiful de-
JJ signs and our prices.
W Valentine day Is but a few
H days off, and wo advise an
Ife early purchase.
Patton's Book Store, ,
Tho most taccossful Clearance
ouf business, is now on. Tho
right dealing has dono It. Tho
adv. means something.
! SaiemWooienMillStore II
J C. P. BISHOP, Proprietor
Look out for our regular Thursday surprlso salo.
Tho artlclo may, bo JuBt what you want.
8101I01181111I 10 101
The Senators Meet Again.
Tho regular mooting of Uio High
School Sonators was hold last ovoning
at tho Kant school building, and a
profitnblo ovenlng spout The moot
ing was called to ordor by tho prosl
dent, Horaco Sykos. Tho constitution
was road and ono nmondmont offorod
and ndopted. The motion of Cronlso,
of Now York, to procodo with tho or
dor of tho day was passod. Sonato
hill No. 12, to double the numbor of
rovenuo ofllcors along the division lino
of Canada and the Unltod States was
I A Ail m( An.l In Itf a! ntliin r 9 lllnnikuntn
and tho flt and 80coml tlme,
I iiuruiiuuuu uj' iuuimiiu, ui juiuiivmius
bill was Introduced by Mooros, of
Maryland, to approprlato $5,000,000
for tho sufforors of the Baltlmoro fire,
RmI emMa qut0 ft ,engthy dgcUM,
Dmo Citlrui tnllatl ftnlrk ft XTnur
v rrT,',: ,:;.; , h(1wwwwi
. w..., w ... ... ... . ,
could speak on tho bllL Mooros and
Rlegloman lod In tho defeuso, and.T
Sykss ngalnst It Aftor a heatod dls-
cusslou a vote was takon, showing 15
to C, and Uio bill passed. The meet
ing then adjourned to Wodnosdny
next There was qulto a number of
Invited guosts presont who were
pieasod with the orderly and business
like manner In which tho boys hold
their soolety.
They Went to Gcrvais.
About 20 ladlos of tho looal lodges,
Dogroe of Honor, of this city, went to
Gervals last ovenlng, to attond tho
Installation of the Degroo of Honor
of that placo. The ladles were royal-
I,., ww w ..., ..... .... .n... ti
thing new In the way of confection
, ery at the Spn. It Is a new inven
tion of their own, but It hasn't been
1 named. Try some of it, and you will
be convinced. Finest line of valentine
boxes in the city at the Spa. 2-ll-3t
I Made in Salem i
A pure oroam of tartar baking
powder. Recommended and
sold by
Harrlt & Lawrence,
Fuller &. Douglas,
A. Daue,
F, O. Bowersox.
Your money back If you want II !
, i
Are what
the People
We have
Sato of Clothing In tho history of
quality of our morchandlso and, up
public rely on it. Thoy know our'X
8WHr tl4IWWi
I Fafms
No. 2
Containing 09 one-acre tracts,
one-fourth mile from car line.
X Just outside 'of city limits; $5
j a month, and no Interest.
i Salem Abstract
and Land Co.
i Z
F.W. WATERS, Mgr. $
oHiiiiiiiiinn nnmtfc
t Hllfce Kftlfinety Parlors
Successor to Mrs. J. O. Hooker t
317 Commercial St.
:; Spring Stock I
Tho flnost In tho olty, will bo
arriving soon, and old and now
patrons of the storo aro Invited
to call.
-f mm H-H--f ;-mh-h a i
Capital National
of Salem, transacts a general
hanking busInaiM. Only Na.
tlonal Bank In Marlon oounty,
i Savings
i Department
' Pays three per oant lntorost
', on savings accounts, Doposlts
; of ONE DOLLAR or more re-
1 reived at any time. Pass book
; Issued to each depositor.