TWO DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, 8ALEM, OREtiON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1W. J&$ M .11 H " Whc afly Journal By HOFER BROTHERS. sBcrlpos News Associativa Telegrams. Published otmt afternoon exepot Sunday at 197 Commercial Btreet Subscription terms: Vplyfon year, $4.00 In odvance; dally three months, $1.00 In advance; daily'bcarrervSQo per month; weekly one year, $1-00 In advance. JOURNAL SPECIAL DELIVERY. fOao wook 10c; oao'Hoatk 86c; threo months $1.00. TvVtfournal office; a Vauc'k grocery, 8outh Salem; at Dowersox' grocery, VewtPArkJr'Asylum Jwenue Grocery Store; Electric Grocery, East State ttrect ' Slnfllo Copies Price 6 cents. Price to newsboys 2'2 cent per copy. To Mall Subscribers Tho dote when you subscrittlon oxplros is oa tho mddrwa taiicl of each paper. When, that dato arrives, If your subscription !baa not again boon paid In ad ranee, your nnmo is taken from tho list. A !iahro of data oa tko addrose labol is a recolpt Entered at tho jjottofflce at Salem, Oregon as second-class matter. THE ONE DROTHERHOOD. (Agnoa Florida Chalmers, In tho Chlrstlan Sclonco Journal for F obruary. Tho day will como, crowned as Earth's paradise, When freed mankind will havo ono hopo, ono hm, Oho triu and porfoct principle, tho samo . ' Fountain of living wators, puro and freo, And ono span of llfo, olornity; Ono rulo atono of lovo and this all-wlso, This day will como, orownod as earth's paradise. i Tho day will como, orownod as earth's paradise, When hitter ttira wjlll all ho wlpod away WlUi tho sweet poaco of spirit. Whon tho swuy Of human bato la passed, Lovo's reign .Is como, And mon havo Icaniod to call Lovo's tomplo, home. Th,lH day will como, with each thought purlfled, Manlilnd will wakon, strong and glorified. SIX SERMONS IN SIX LINES. Kjupntanco I tho tears of Uio heart A, loft aim Is bettor than a lofty Btatlon. Wujuro has Inspired much ulttmnto victory. IJSgwP Is tho bullet la tho gun of Idle curiosity. With soma, of us, hopo novor comos to tho full bloom. irayer Ut always ausworod, though not always granted. Soloctod. PRACTICALLY ALL FOR ROOSEVELT. ,A paper circulated for tho Toledo Illado In 8alem gets 236 namos Jor Uoouovolt an,d throo for Hanna for ProsldonL ALLjTHE MOST PROMINENT AND INFLUENTIAL REPUDLICAN8 JPIfHp .COMMUNITY ARE FAVORABLE TO THE PRESIDENTS NOMINATION. AU.tho Statu olllolals and tho county omclals, oxcopt tho Governor and ihn Sheriff, aro on tho list ;WTwm tha lint wnn takon to tho Governor's offlco his Kxcolloncy was ot-ln or tho private secretary said ho might have added his nama Governor Chnmlwrlain Is woll known to ba a great admirer of "Teddy." .Another Democrat and quite a prominent one said If Itoosovolt was the mmilnou as against any ono of live DemooraU he namod, ho'd vote for Mm. THERE ARE THIRTEEN DEMOCRATS ON THE LIST and the throo Hanna men are S. II. Qrmaby, n. F. Salmon, and II. O. Meyers. WHAT ARE THE ISSUES IN THE COMING CAMPAIGN? Hnyubllinnii of Oregon aro being appealed to from various personal and faotlonal standouts to taka oertaln positions In the coming cam Ialgn. ,Fow of theao proHltions aro founded on any prlnalple beyond that of asplratlonH Tor partisan advantaw awl Kltlcal plunder. WHICH AS MOTIVES ARE RATHER TO DE CLASSIFIED AS ABSENCE OF It gow without Baylnn tho money question Is settled. The single ruM standard right or wrong, has been twice adopted by the sovereign voloo of Ibo nation and should not be disturbed. Thwo am phmty of men In. the ItepubMcan party who have not studied deeply Into finance and who would stand by any proHIUon tho jwrty took on tho quwtion. Ou tho tariff question there will be mile diversity of opinion within Uio party in Oregon. Oregon has few manufacturing Interests to demand ruyWon of the tariff and will oppow any dliturbanoe of Industries. -!!?. .iTM-. r!0!?"""1 0,r "'l"-" Orem Itenubllcana will start! by k, Indent for Uio Panama canal and for the malntalnnnoe of Ihn iMiletHKHtent lle,Hihlle of Mim iu the 1K protection of (hat OAUAJ, Nnllher do Uir believe In retracing a step th. Philippine or yml lndte IMnntta or the Alaska boundary arbitration. THOSE ACHIEVE MENT8 ARE MATTERS OF HISTORY AND THE GLORY OF the nr PUOLIC IS INVOLVED IN TMOK DnnSn.T.?- F E RE' When, then la the foundation for any dlfferVmoee'of opHUtm among be mentben, o the dominant political organisation, ,t I. ,ain Z iriho IbivubllWHH aro sincere In taking that portlaa they must 1HCY MUST DACK UP THE PRESENT DELEGATION IN mun RE8S WHO ARE WORKING IN PERFECT HARMOnI W ?h the PRSmENT ON ALL MATTERS OF SUPREME mTERESTTO THE -txx stints. oEsr 3Eass KepwhHeawa are dd sick and u M u , JS THE G.L0ERT BROTHERS DANK RECEIVERSHIP A PUBLIC m, , . . MATTER? Tom.i,TMutTHSjr -,,; A THBE8jnH-0 WITHIN AN INCH OF HI8 LIFE IF HE REFERS TO THI8 MATTER AGAIN. Strictly spooking tha Receivership of tha Gilbert Bros., bank la a public matter, and tho receiver 1 an officer of tho court, and any protect ion tho public might rcqulro against a newspaper could properly bo gjvon by tho court. THE JOURNAL HA8 NO DESIRE WHATEVER TO REFER TO THE MATTER IMPROPERLY AND HAS 80 FAR KEPT STRICTLY WITH IN THE RECORD AND THE FACT8 AS PRESENTED IN THE COURTS It has strictly disclaimed: charging any collusion or dishonesty what ever In tho management of the affairs under tho receivership. Thoro Is Involved a grcator question, than whether tho receivership Is woll or 111 managed, and that Is: 18 THE RECEIVERSHIP A PUBLIC OR A PRIVATE MATTER? If It is a public trust, then tho receivorahip Is presumably open to dis cussion, oxactly as any other function of a public official or a public court. No amount of threatening will deter this newspaper from commenting on that receivership, and all the moey In the state cannot prevent this newspaper from treating the matter as public Interest requires. Tho Journal has had some advertising from tho receivership. Its re lations havo boon friendly with thoso gentlemen and are still. So far as tho publishers are concerned they bear them no ill will whatever. With this proludo let It bo said that Tho Journal has treated this mat tor In a serious and dlgnlflod mannsr worthy of tho lmportauco of tho proposition and NO AMOUNT OF BULLDOZING CAN SWERVE IT FROM ITS DETERMINATION TO TREAT THE WHOLE- MATTER FROM THE STANDPOINT OF A PUBLIC TRUST. It Is admitted and complained by tho present rccoivcr that ho has not tho timo to give his porsonal attention to tho collection of tho as sets, and ho asks that the court appoint and pay other persons to do tho work. His nction Is resisted and litigated by tho very gentlomen who start ed in as friends and logal advisors, and nil this 1b at the dolay and cost of the assets that should go to tho creditors. The salo and transfer of tho Moscow bank property Is to bo roslsted and litigated, and at every turn there Is to bo a lawsuit. Whon tho suspended bank went Into tho hands of a receiver it was argued mat a rnonuiy receiver In tho local courts would savo all tho property for tho creditors, as wa3 dono In tho Williams & England bank. In that receivership tho reeelvor was almost constantly litigated by the Ladd & Uush bank, and yet Mr. 'Slater WAS ABLE TO PAY 100 CENTS ON THE DOLLAR. IN THIS RECEIVERSHIP THE SMALL CREDITORS ARE LITIGATING AND GETTING VERY LITTLE. Thoso nro somo of tho reasons that havo Induced Tho Journal to ad vise Mr. Bush to wind up tho affair and pay the fow remaining depos itors In full. Tho ploasant, gracoful, Just and right thing to do under tho circum stances Is to quit wnBtlng tho assets on any rocolvorshlp, tako tho proporty, tho assots, tlio collaterals, and pay tho depositors. If tho odltor dosorvos to bo throebod for this, woll and good. Ho Is probably as ablo as any other to bear that, If It Is really a public neces sity and would help muttors any. But so far no one has appeared In print or personally or othorwlso to controvort a slnglo statement modo in this papor anont tho wholo affair. THE COMMUNITY AS A WHOLE ENDORSE8 THE PROPOSITION OF THE JOURNAL THAT THE DEPOSITORS OUGHT TO BE PAID. John H. Albort, so far as tho public knows, was not a creditor of tho Gllborts. Thoy wore not brokers for him nor handling any largo sums of his money. YET HE FOUND IT TO HI8 INTEREST TO PAY THE SCHOOL CHILDREN THEIR DEPOSITS IN FULL. So Tho Journal has had tho tcmprlty to suggest to Mr. Bush; as tho prluclpal creditor of tho Gllborts, as tholr frlond and advisor, and to somo ortont tholr baokor, that It would bo wiso and propor to pay tho adult doiKJsitors 100 conts on tho dollar. Thoy would still loso tholr IntorceL Tho reeelvor has takon umbrage at Tho Journal saying that Mr. Bush's advisors woro giving hUn,bad advlco whon thoy woro advlBlng him to protract tho receivership, to tho groat loss and dotrimont of tho creditors. In referring to Mr. Bush's advisors tho reeelvor was In no wise in tended to bo roforrod 'to. Only the logal advisors woro intended to bo referred to The rocoivor cannot properly advise Mr. Bush, any moro than ho oan any other creditor. The rooelvor Is moroly the agent or ofilcor of the court, to account for the nseots, convert them Into cash, turn thorn ovor to tho crodltora on tho order of tho court, and this ho Is supposed and bollovod to bo doing in tho Intoreet of all alike, oxcopt U.e contrary appear from tho facts and tha records. . ... . .tn.- Tnini f,of fin Ir tho fnthor of n. Ann Kl ana wmea m iu wuuw w - -u uuuy about six months of ago. That Is doing pretty woll tor an eld: voters of tho civil war. But then, ho worked on Tho Journal awhile and lht explains ws invaimii. In discussing Republican ideals at tho Young Men's Ilopubllcan clu banquet, Col. T. T. Ooer should not overlook "offlco" as ono of thow Rockefeller's successor In tho steel trust Is Phlpps, and that Is probably all ho amounts to. appropriately name That man Fossllmah, who argued so bravely for woman suffrago ha never put In nn appearance and hlo manuscripts arcMhcrwlth. consign ed to tho waste basket About as brave as many a"n8thor political knight of tho carpet who trembles when asked to say whero ho stands on wo- men voting. Tho Journal la giving away a ?1G0 diamond. Geo. W. Johnson is giT. lng away ono day's cash clothing sales each weok. Now lot Mr. Bu glvo the depositors In Gilbert Bros, tholr 100 conts on tho dollar, an( Xhe people would bo happy all round. XiiCI d WHairVigor Did you know it always restored color to crav hair, nbnvcs Makes the hair grow; and stous fallinc hair. iSilSS&r 5? Saitfffcfay Only (4 s 3 DAi'rs for A V . ...... run rasnionea, seamless, fast black, reg ular 15c pair Salurday only 3 pairs for OC ABOUT THE MOON AND STARS. Cnmbrldgo obsorvntory notos for February Inrorm us that tho moon Is nearest us on the first, and farthost away on tho fifteenth. Sho is in conjunction with Uranus on tho oloventh. Venus on tho twolfth Morcu ry on tho thirteenth, Saturn on the flfteontth, Mars at 2 p ra on tho e ghteonth. Jupiter at 10 p m. the samo day, and Neptune tho twenty sixth. The conjunctions with Jupiter and Mars aro decidedly close As seen from the northern United States, tho moon pass, north of "both planets at a distance loss than hor own dlnmotor. Mercury Is morning star, and Is nearly 20 degrees west of tho sun. Ho Is, however, so far south that ho will not bo very easy to see, although ho rises nearly one and one-half hours boforo the sun. By tho end of th. month he rises only half an hour before sunrise, and can no long. Venus u ntoo morning star. In tho same constellations as Mercury, but or IB degree, west of him. so that she rises about an hour earlier Maw Is evening star, and can be sm shortly after dark as he .( about two hours after the ... He la more than 200.000.000 ' mile from m. and l coHsequoatly ineonepleuous. being only about as bright as Ueesar. Jupiter I. likewise nn evening star. On the nigh of the UK.WIM. h Is conjunction with Mars, Eg ha,f a daree south of him. Tho two planets can oily seen Just after dark, a little to the south of west. Saturn Is in con. JuneUon w4lh the sun on the first, ami Is practically invls We through out th. month. At midnight on the twenty.flfth he is In on St with Mercury, at a distance of about three-quarter of a degr Bv a T l00101""0 ,hUl wnot,"n PKw on the same iy ami a th. saine hour, as that of Jupiter ami Mars. In this cZ how ruxrr aro -far wuth- - - - - -; s; Rostem & Gteenb&um I 302 Commercial Street. i THE PICK OF THE FOREST ) Has been takon to supply tho stock of! I lumber In our yards. Our Btock ls comploto with all kinds of lumbor.i JuBt rocolved a car load of No. li ! shlnglos, also a car of fine ahakea. Wo aro ablo to fill any and all kind' ' of bills. Como and lot us show you-' our Btock. J Yard and offlco near S. P. passongor dopoL 'Phono Main C51. GOODALE LUMBER CO. if " ,ro" ""L jRw tji tfflfm i f 'HHtgH8)tMo4oMHf ai i i a i i & R. M. Wacte & Co. JOURNAL X-RADIUMS -Tt SI'S ZfZ ?Ur' "" " "" " ' -1 x sm m hum to sa : "My voice, my all Is gotw." t iSjTr m " h W1M ai a hMR tat cams yr-jxntt? x t, - Have Received A carload of smoofb. and ;' ! baufeect galvanised wSte a,ni I ii ate pepaffed to make at- tractive prices. tiiiwwwwwwtWMWWWW4W Hanitt & Lawrence TWSe,li.ra0re 0rocer,e8 '"O t"er Groceries tbsn ANYBODY There's where you get GOOD treatment and GOOD goods Stop in and seo for yourself. ctD . a 0R0CEnv, HWMW4 "' iw ,,.... .. -MERCHANT TAILOR 1 1 I BxBrt.nteatu?jri rW!,,, 1IW?rs.,ciM;; Jne. pressing and repalrlntr r - "uk auu icpairi0(r. MIM I O I S i Coadjutor Bishop Doan. Albany. N. v., Peb. ll-A oonveatlon of the Bplscoiwl diw., of Allny aeeembled at the Cathe- WM ot All Saints today for the elec tion of a eoadhitor hut, .. Wshop Doaue. Th nam nt ., ckurchawn are mwoioned In oonnec oa with the honor nm .7u Z2LS2 .nr ?" . .,,,, u.wiuji or Duluth. Salary Should Be Raised, ashlngton. Peh. lir.. . oats wwo received nt ,,. JT rJ"J ovejt. who Uoa of the aanlveraarw . . . , . iS.fJr ii-'riSS White House tonight "The Infanta Eulalia, of Spain, took breakfast with Bmporor William and the empress Thuniday at Berlin. Sho Know Just hpw to bohavo, having pre vously visited Chicago," Bays tho Boston Globe. Is this a Boston Insin uation that she tucked hor napkin un der her chin and ato plo wllh. a knife? The White Houso Can give you a good meal any hour of the day or nlghL CASTOR I A For Infants ami nMMrAn Tha Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of &&&ffl&