Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, February 11, 1904, Image 1

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NO. 34.
ed to Find for the
Japs Capture TWe Russian Ttanspotts With
Mote Than Two TSaotasasid Marines
Little Jap Ctuisets Ate Busy, and Ate Taking Many Rich
Russian Ptises All Kinds of Reports Sent Oat, Bat
the Big Beads' Twn, It Is Admitted Will Come
Tokio, Fob. 11. Roar-Admiral Urlu,
who commanded at Chemulpo, roports
that tho crows of both tho Varwlg
and Korlotz 6urrondorod, and' roports
that Russian defeats aro posted ovory
wkoro today; tho pooplo aro jubilant.
Could Not Land.
London, Fob. 11. A dispatch to tho
Oontral News from a Port Arthur cor
respondent, dated Wednesday night,
says tho Japanese (loot attempted to
land In sovoral bays around Port Ar
thur yesterday. Tho landing parties
were protected, by crulsors. It Is ofll
oially stated hero that all theso at
tompta woro unsuccessful A dispatch
from SL Potoraburg says Aloxlott's
pawors havo boon Increased. Hay's
oto to tho powers has caused somo
irritation in official circles, A dispatch
from Tola Tsin confirms tho blowing
up of tho brldgo In Manchuria. Tho
oorrcspondont adds that an unofficial
roport has been recolved that tho
Russian stoamors Nonnl and Mukden
had boon captured by the Japanose.
Should. Parole the Name.
Tokio, Fob. 11. A stato of war with
Rmssla was formally declared today.
Reports of tho capturo of tho Russian
steamers Ekatorlnosloy and Mukden
and tho whaler Rossla aro confirmed.
Yellow Journal Fight
Paris, Fab. 11. Thoro Is a rumor
on tho bourso today that tho Japanese
sad lost eight ship in a battle on the
Yellow Sea, but the rumor Is discredited.
rapidly. Tho Coreans vlow tho arrival
of tho Japaneso with sullen lndlffor-onco.
Will Play Santiago Game.
Cheo Foo, Fob. 11. No furthor at
tack will bo mado on tho fortifications
at Port Arthur by tho Japanese as
thoy aro content to wait for the fleet
to como out from1 tho harbor, when
It will bo an cosy matter to conquer
The,8tory Was True.
Washington, Fob. 11. Minister Al
len, from Seoul, wlroa tho stato de
partment tho details of tho Chemulpo
battle, confirming tho story of tho de
struction of tho Varwlg and Korlotz,
and also tho capturo of tho Russian
Short of Kopeks
Choo Foo, Feb. 11. Russian finan
ces hero aro in a bad shapo, and tho
Russian bank is unablo to honor Us
own notos.
One Mor,e Army Corps.
St. Petersburg, Fob. 11. Ordora
woro Issued for tho formation of tho
Third SIborlan army corps.
Another Russian Ship Injured.
Choo Foo, Fob. H. Word was re
ceived hero today that tho Russian
jbattloehlp Porosvlst not mentioned in
I tho provlous dispatches, was also
, damaged in tho Port Arthur fight
Japs Flood Corea.
Seoul, Coroa. Fob. 11. The Japan
so occupation of Seoul Is programing
The Czarevitch Not Hurt
London, Fob. 11. A dispatch from
Paris soys Information from Port Ar
thur says tho Czarevitch Is not serl-
2 tttftaQTCTOi ftW
i i
ForAMcr. ui
Out Spring Foot
wear Coming
Over f 50 Cases of
ously damaged, and will bo In com
mission again within a short time.
Supplies for the Japanese Army.
Son Francisco, Feb. 11. Tho steam
er Gaollc sailed today for tho Orient
with 3000 tons of freight, Including
1100 tons of flour for Japan, 1200
bales of cotton, 400 tons of lead, and
flvo tons of shoo nails for uso in tho
manufacture of shoo wear for tho
Japancso army. Among tho passeng
ers was John Fowlor, Unltod consul
at Choo Foo, who has boon homo on
lenvo of absonco; In tho Btcorago woro
about 40 Japanese, who proposo to en
list in their country's army.
Russian Gunboat Not Seized.
Shanghai, Fob. 11. Tho Russian
gunboat Manjur, roportod from vari
ous sources to bo under ropalr at
Nagasaki, Japan, whoro sho is said
to havo been seized by tho Japancso,
is In tho harbor hero. Sho Is ready
for sea at a moment's notice
Destroyed Russian Fleet.
London, Fob. 11. A dispatch to
Router's from Tokio, dated at 7:10
yesterday, says an unofficial roport Is
current there that tho Russian (loot
has been destroyed, four battleships
and three crulsors bolng sunk, and
that two Japanese warships worq
damaged In an ongagemont yosterdny
oft Port Arthur, tho Japanese getting
betwoon tho usslans and the cntranco
to tho harbor boforo tho fight commenced.
Bombarded Port Arthur.
Paris, Fob. 11. Tho Journal Do
bates publishes a St. Petersburg apo
dal that the bombardment of Port
Arthur occurred Tuosday and again
yosterday, and the Japaneco floet
withdrew after suffering sevoro loss
es. It adds that alt Is quiet today off
Port Arthur.
JL !
ow on the Way
The first aim In our shoe department has always been to sell only
reliable footwear. Quality, combined with the best fit and good styles,
Is the foundation we build on. Our great volume of business en
ables us to buy all lines at the lowest quantity prices. Our spot cash
plan enables us to undersell any "regular store."
The New Yotk Racket
S Is the place for cash buyers to trade. Everything In Dry Goods,
Clothing, Ladles and Men's Furnishings.
to Scrap One Another
Washington, Feb. 11 Tho state de
partment Is officially informed that a
revolution Is Imminent In Honduras,
martial law has been proclaimed and
a number arrested. One vessel of the
Paclfio squadron will probably be sent
to protect American Intorosts.
Matters All Came From Mil
itary Arresting and De
taining Citizens With
out Warrants
Crpplo Creek, Feb. 11. Tho first
caso against tho military for unlaw
ful detention was a practical victory
for tho governor.
It camo to a conclusion this morn
ing, whon tho district court ordorod
tho Jury In Uie caso of Patrick Mul
Innoy against Dell, Chaso and Lclland,
charged with falso Imprisonment, to
bring In a vordlct of acquittal. Seven
similar cases, involving hundreds of
thousands In damages will bo carried
to the higher court as a result of this
Don't Have to Move Now.
Sacramonto, Fob. 11. Governor
Pardee has received a lottor from
Governor McDrldo, of Washington, In
answer to his request to allow cattle
south of the quarantine lino to eutor
tho stato, saying ho had roforrod tho
matter to tho attornoy-general. Ho al
so recolved a letter from Governor
Peabody, of Colorado, saying If tho
cattlo woro Inspected and approved,
thoy will bo allowed to enter tho stato.
Concerning the Navy,
Washington, Feb. 11. Tho navy ap
propriation bill calls for $90,340,000,
which is practically $ll,D00,00O moro
than last year. Among other Items It
recommonds tho construction of ono
battloship, two first-class crulsors,
three scout cruisers, and two colliers;
andtia ease tho navy can't buy armor
plato at a reasonable price, $4,000,000
Is appropriated to erect a govern
ment plato factory.
Pennsylvania River
Dammed by Immense
Ice Jam
Country Below it Will Be
Swept Clean and Resi
dents Are Fleeing to
the Hills
Wllkesbarre, Pa., Feb. 11. Tho flood
situation 1b Increasing in dangor
hourly. Government and county offi
cials havo sent warnings to all rosl
donts from Sunbury to Hnpsburg to
seek higher ground, as when tho big
gorgo breaks Bloomburg will bo a
Johnstown on a smaller scalo. Cold
weathor adds to tho misery of tho
Macedonians Will Fight.
Paris, Fob. 11,-LaPatrlo today prints
a tologram from Bucharest that Bul
garia has commenced tho mobilization
of nil hor forces, and all ofllcors are
ordered to haston to tholr posts.
Thirty million cartridges havo boon
ordorod from Franco. War with Tur
koy is oxpectcd early In March. A dis
patch to tho Nuovnllisto, from Lyons,
sayB word is received thoro that Tur
key Is making lmjwrtant purchases of
artlllory, In vlow of tho lmmlnonco of
war in Macedonia.
Sunk Another Russian Vessel.
London, Fob. 11, Lloyd's Sljnug
hnl agent cables that It Id reported
and gcnorally bollovod that Japanose
warships sunk tho Russian stoamor
Mongolia. bouri,d from Shanghai to
Dalny, and that tho threo Hussion
warships damaged by torpedoes at
Port Arthur havo sunk.
Shot Her Hated Rivafi
Only a Few Weeks
And Now Sends a Fatal Cut
let Into Her Own Un
happy Little Anat
omy New York, Feb. 11. A World spe
cial from VIonna sayn It is rnmbrod.
that Princess Ellabotfa, who shot tho
actress, Louiso Zolglor, has commit
ted sulcldo at Prague Castle.
Jumped to Death.
Kansas City, Fob. 11. Mrs. Jesslo
Avorill was killed and flvo othor wo
men seriously hurt In a flro at Holmo's
flat on Flfteonth and Harrison streot
this morning.. Mrs. Averlll Jumped
from tho third story.
San Domlnnana Scrapping.
Now York, Fob. 11. Tho steamer
Chorokco, which arrived today from
j San Domingo, roports continuous
fighting. Tho ofllcors bollove Morales
will win.
. Dank Is Closed.
Washington, Fob. 11. Tho comp
troller is advised that tho American
Exchango National Bank of Syracuse,
has closed Its doors, with nearly a
million assosts and liabilities.
St. Petersburg, Fob. 11. Contrac
tors, undor tho promlso of $1600 a
day bonus for each day gained, aro
rushing work on tho tomporary rail
way across lako Baikal. Tho mlnlstor
of flnanco lias Issued a butlotln warn
ing tho pcoplo against a panic, nnd
says ovonta may creato tomporary
difficulties, but can't nhako Itusela'B.
economic power.
Doctors Will Fetch Him.
Washington, Fcty 11. Honnhfa
physicians at noon published a bulle
tin saying: "Ho shows tho effect of
Iho fovcr, nnd Is weaker. Ills tem
po raturo is 102.2, and pulso 100, but
with no complications."
Special Ptfices.Oa
Oranges and Ba
nanas at
154 State St
Phone 1071 Mala
.ii .ii
Those who realize the advantages presented, vie with each other In paying trlbuto to tho energy that
makes such selling as this possible. Tho Interest keeps on growing from day to day and every effort will
be mads to make the sales bigger and bargains more phenomenal. Tomorrow we hold our second
Friday Economic Sale
In conjunction with our regular Friday Remnant Sale, and the bargains listed are attractive both to men
and women alike for their great value giving.
Special No.
Protty wool serge dressos for the'
girls, In slzos from 3 to 12 yoars.
A full assortraont of colors In each
site. Somo are made vory plain,
while others aro nicely trimmed
with braid. Price rango from
$1.25 to $0.00. yet you mako your
selection for FRIDAY ONLY
Half Ptfice
Second Floor.
Special No. 2
This ltomt Is for tho mon, and as
we wish to test tho advertising
power of this papor for men
readers we havo mado this an
colored outing flannel night gowns
military collar, French front, best
poar) buttons, C4 Inuhoa long and
regular 1.25 valuo.FRIDAY ONLY
First Floor.
Special No. 3
Now cotton Scotch plaid Buttings,
27 Inches wldo, vory noat doslgnu,
vory appropriate for ladles' house
gowns, children's sohool drossca,
ota; extra qualities, such as aro
bound to bring eager buyors, for
JOc yatd
First Floor,
Has Delusions.
Edward Klntllla, a resident of Ger-
vals, was this morning brought up
from that place by Deputy Sheriff J.
I Skipton, and had a bearing before
Justice Horgan as to his sanity. He
was examined by Dr. W. IL Byrd,
found insane, and committed to the
novlnm irintlltn Ik as vnarst old. Is a
laborer, a native of Troy, N. Y., and
New Ttfttfiks
We are Justin receipt of a large line of trunks
from a factory whose name Is a guarantee of
thorough workmanship and value. The line In
cludes the latest models In trunk making In both
the cheaper and high-grade goods.
Trunks for all purposes and for all persons of the-
$3.00 to $22.50
Great Clean Up of
enf s Hats
A bio line In all shapes, styles and colors. Tflta
line embraces all the popular headgear worn by
tho fashionable man of today. Such values no
$2.00, $2.50, 93.00, 13.S0 and $4.00 are here for tHe
extremely low price of
4 I OU J
! OWfttiail14M HH I ISltttMHH
has had delusions for tho past month.