DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1904. TWO rMrriM'-"'mMti'ft'nflr:i Bbitonal page of &be Dati Journal Yout Money Back and the Goods To0 fcf- f , ' By HOFER BROTHERS. Scrlpps News Association Telegrams. PublUhed every afternoon excpet Sunday at 197 Comraorclal street. 8ubcrlpUon terms! DaMy on yeao 4-00 In advance; dally three months, $1.00 In advance; dally by carrier, 60c per month; week ly one year, $1.00 In advance. JOURNAL 8PECIAL DELIVERY. Ono woeli lOo; ono tnontk 35c; three months $1.00. At Journal office; at Daue'e grocery, South Salem; at Bowersox' grocery, Vew Park; Affyfom Avenue Grocery Store; Electric Grocery, East State s NEW treeb 8lnglo Copies Price 5 cents. Price to newsboys 2SZ cents per copy. To Mall Subscribers Tho dalo who n you subscrlttlon explros Is oa tho siddrcvui label of each papor. When t hat date arrive, If your subscription lias not ngaln been, jiald la advance, your namo Is takon from tho Hat, A hango of date on Uio addrom label I a receipt. Entered at the postofflcc at Salem, Oregon as second-clasa matter. Weallior For today and tomorrow, fine. LET MARION COUNTY ACT EARLY. In Marlon county whore there Is very little factional feeling among tho ItepubllcanH thero Is no reason why an early convention should not ho hold and a rouelng endorsement given President Iloosovelt. It would 1)0 to the credit of a strong Republican city and county to be the first to send greetings from Orogon that THE PACIFIC COAST WILL HEARTILY SUSTAIN AN AGGRE88IVE AND PROGRESS IVE PRE8IDENT. Ah Oregon Is alwut the first slate of any Importance to hold nn ejection. It would bV very creditable to the people of this state to hold up tho banner of prosperity and expansion. IxL Mnrlnn nnnntv n.rt mi onrlv nn nun lia nrrnti trail W llm mimlv nan. trnl commlttoo. There la no occasion for delay and there should bo no h6llnnay about acting In Jb proper spirit of harmony. , WANT TO KNOW OUR REASON8. A dolugw of eorrospondenoe has: tnkon both eldos of the woman suf frage question In this papor. Soriiral vrlirfi' to compol us to glvo our reasons for opposing woman miffrago, and wo will only glvo a woman's roasons because "Their!! not to reason why, Tholr'a not to mnko reply, Tholr'a but to do and din," Kits thin case If somo of tho throats nro to bo heoded. Undo Jwwo IJonnott threatens us with demolition, and wo can Imagine wo hoar him iitorm In hla pulpit and oxcomntunlcato tho wlckod Journal editor. " Hut wo havo lived through greater storms, and will try to survlvo tho shock of this. WHY SHALL NOT AN EDITOR BE ALLOWED TO 8(MPLY SAY WHICH SIDE OF A QUE8TION HE IS ON PERSONALLY A8 A MAT TER OF HONEST CONVICTION, and lot every other person havo tho same- prlvllogo and lot u all rospoct each othor'a right to havo that opin ion and let us pray for oh little docoption aH possible. Not a "Something iot Nothing" scheme, but a legitimate profit sharing enterprise. Read Particulars All the cash, received at out store on patcliases dating some one day of tle week commencing Saturday, Feb. 6 will be refunded to the purchasers without recourse or further consideration. On Saturday, Feb. 1 3 we will announce k this paper that all persons who bought goods at our store on a certain day of the previous week can come in and have thzit cash returned to them and keep the goods too. This will simply be a matter of giving our patrons a chance to se cure a fine suit or overcoat or anything in our store absolutely for nothing. 01 course we cannot announce in advance what day's sales will be refunded, or we would be imposed upon, but after the week's business is over we will select a cer tain day's cash sales and make our patrons a present of it outright. Whether you have bought on that day a 5c collar button or a $25 suit you get your cash returned to you. Keep your duplicate purchase slip, which will entitle you to your entire cash returned to you. Remember you have the largest stock of up-to-date clothing and men's iut nishing goods in the city to select from. REMARKABLE CLAIMS OF CAPTAIN MAHONE. At Jefferson Captain Malum mnde the statomont that at Salem tho Antl'Sahxm . Isagun carried, the day at the recent city olectlon, olectlng every member of tho city council against license. Capt. Mahone alto stated that the antl-saloon league had elected evsry man on their ticket but Mayor. Th new city council of (JreaUr Salem claimed an n clean sweep for the Antlaloon I.mgue Is a novelty, to twy the least. If Captain Mahone Iw not raw- reliable In his statement gonerally than In that he Is big houhIi a liar to get employment on no me newspapor. Ono weakness of the churches Is their readiness to Invite floaters and Irresponsible transients, working some moral graft, to occupy their pulpits and harangue the decent people of the community. The nHht of the ministerial Union on the candidate for aldermen and mayor whom they did not endowo was a" far-fetched affair Without any rallwUon on the churches, let It be said the present May. or and Aldermen are gwittemon requiring no certificate of oharnotor frojwany transient or tramp -uhorter. THEY ARE RESPECTABLE CITIZENS, MEN OF FAMILIES MOST OF THEM MEMBERS OF CHURCHES AND LODGES OWWnJ HOMES AND ENGAGED IN BUSINESS AND MAKING AN HONEST LIVING, WITHOUT TAKING UP ANY COLLECTIONS HNE8T They nwNi no steering or advice or moralising from any tramp, trnn slent or buccaneer who U working religious people on a salary and all lie ean niako on tho side It wwihj bo juit a. well lu fulur If the people et this ojiy would give nil PMh IHHn a Mahene a w1d berth .H- mxm t0 h " ! mm k have a right to vote before lecturing our city MAKE THE IMPROVImfkit ....,. Tlur l renmrkabta umuilmlty of utiinHn i .. , .... ub.ta.ltal broken rock rtw ,hXh 2lh S.B" " bU,Mh,,r a Peopl ar biinnlug to realise tt hnullnir nil ti.a ,.v.i tiMta I. winter Ui , rft(llN, 0f th ..r Imd cem..i r ABOUT HALF THE GRAVEL CRUSHES INTO MUD UNDER ru, ..GRHAEVEEU F " WA0N CAnRY'N3 F"0M TOHRTONSF The wmnnlttee In ctim of that lunirovniMt of ?rt.h n tt wlH Ant have a grade eetabC L L " Cwn' lh nn .wUmate will be made o' the probable Zlt nt ,,. i nut .ceonling to certain plana and HplESn. ' f U- lmmV FIGE AND OFFERED TO SUBSCRIBE w EACH 'S F If the paa of Improvement Is made that It win v . "M taj apNt for iSTS dirt ZZ ' m n0t V"- - . , - MAN'S INHUMANITY TO ANIMALS G.W Clothiers and Fattikhets ISimMtfHiMmillgiUdlaaMgEtTOSg ajm-u-j.iaraTiit-7fff,)jjltjjjatjalm. startle many of us Into' hotter troatmont of animals. If they had voloes and could bo hoard at tho bar of heaven many a supposedly good christian would bo sevorely Indlctod. . MAN'S INHUMANITY TO MAN HAS NOT ENTIRELY CEASED BUT MAN'S INHUMANITY TO HIS DUMB FRIENDS AND SUPPORTERS 18 TOO GENERAL. Many n person U living under shelter nnd In comfort who leaves his stock to sufTor and die from starvation. Jamee Whltcomb Riley's poem Old John Henry, contains n line that goes to tho heart: "Ho feeds hlmsolf when his stock's all fed." When tho horse and cow nro In tho barn and niado comfortablo and given propor food. Is time enough for tho ownor to got noxt to tho flro HERE IS FOOD FOR THOUGHT FOR THOSE WHO DRIVE HORSES TO TOWN TO ATTEND LODGE OR RELIGIOUS MEETINGS AND LET THEM STAND IN THE COLD. Wo can all bocorao more hmnano toward man nnd boast without nny risk of bolng transformed Into angels. Tor nan So younsP And ha!r mrnin. 8ray? Why not have the early LQ0l0T ored? It is easily Jone, every time. &&&. THE PROPHETIC ELEMENT IN FICTION. Many a novel ha been written that has proven to be a prophooy and hoa almost amounted to Inspiration i'"i'nwjy ana hln,!!!,TT',8 Cab".,a mi w,th'l'ron"tlc utterance, somo of which have not yet been realised and nover will be. It Is seldom that a novel has begun Its serial appearance with such bri lancy a that which attends Mr. Itab.it Herrlck' "Tho Common Lot.' now running In the Atlantic Monthly. common Many of the periodicals and reviews havo already taken occasion t comment upon tho significant fact that all the four ZorS soria t now beginning In American magazines are serious an SnB iSS American life a it Is; and the agree in finding Mr. He rick's to of the young architect with ideals practicing his profoliTn wlS "cQmmerclal" firm In Chicago not tho least powerful oMhn The editors of the AtlanUc have Intimated that MR HERRlCk-s ! ro ,h. M1K , s 7bir o'i'r r" THIS IS A STRIKING EVIDENCE OF THF Tmi-ru-rrr. .... S IT WERE, PROPHETIC POWER' OF F.CT.Jn TELUNG . . STRATEGICS OF A POSSIBLE RUSSOOAPANE3E WAR ZfZTTr thtt,r raore rwent ad torTr and - Ara'-n engineer RuwJa effeollvTr ' Trans'slrJ railroad would fall to EerVe many pui. u7j!T,' , "" CU,d and wo,,,(l b out very pnrposo of dtS ,buW along the Ha, of the road for thl k . n 1 '1 I ' m ii- ... swarm Into Korea, In duo tlmo AxlimitiMni. .!- -,.- ui.-... t. . , .-...t, vuvit lUOUUH.t'3 HilUUUl UT Ing a chnnco to got at tho Muscovlto onomy. flftuhU8;Jlf 1!lthoharshn0fl80f wlntor th0 Japanoso should hurl them- bo safe onough at Port Arthur. Vladivostok could not bo approached. miianT,0 TT march forwanI ,nt0 Manchuria to fight thi F eth , n Wv , l ,nV,t U, 50rt of d,8nstor 'at ovortook the marched t m T thy bravctl a B"l ud can Monthlv n ?W''TFr0m "Th PrBres8 ot tho World," la tho Am can Monthly Itovlew or Rovlows for Fobruary. JOURNAL X-RADIUMS a lmbltaof0arinaf 'nSt u 8UffraK0? Well, somo persons do tan a habit of asking an editor embarrassing question. JoSll Si S?; V; L,nj8,ey' ot FIoroo. Sho Would pull W Journal editors hair If sho got half a chance, which ho don't Intend to AS P-hTbltToS1 aPnTThlT,n Wm Cndorao Womtta SBftwe-0. qB to'!he,r In 1 emenu '; Ul f " bo defeated. lul8mentB. " Tho Journal supmirted It tho bill would Springllngorif "nBOr 'n th ,aP f S"lB ho les th. mSi SoTeraTSricanY 1? l0nBr bollovo? ,n co-oducaUon. H. than a doadTguage W,U Pay mro attontlon to a Uv0 It Is soul-harrowing to loam w ono mlleago, for tho nrnZ? . conBresa nl allowed Ito member session. And thi too a, 2 V" UOt aUow,"B OTtra s greesman. Cushma'n In h .5 plcturosluo re of Washington con--nsos-it was a it.fjS.'SJ' CXtm traVeUDS e g.geMts on the laad. altoine the Japanese u, If a banker speculates with m j ,, Into bankruptcy, if on !, aoposltor's monoy and loses It, ho go It Is In tho banker's laSST, 8pecu,atos with tho ame monoy wblta juowj u no goes intn thA non. Tho recent Inquiry as in , Tor the department recall T carriaKoa furnished by tho govornmeat barouoho uwhl by Attorn Nlta'a remark about tho famous was too gau4y. , Z"? W,,1Iama- lr mark ttat tt out here WoWoot ho as,!,mborod "when General WJUIams w of a mule." B,aa t0 Et around on tho hurrlcano deck tho1u1gropTnIoaPrCOUrtCtfliha GUb8rt banfc as nt Insolvent. Well, at least a. oun4 h Senators Mitchell and Fnit aid for the Uwt and dark hi? withdrawn tho demand for Iuki la lu attempt' to borrow. ,POrariljr' EO not to ombarraM St. aalvoJy point out that 8L Lonu - BUU,0M from Unl Sam Tb9f t te IB soawhat of aJIa doosa't desire It any more ardently. A dispatch says ''Fran fc ltat out a number ot specuhftit T0Tt cotton'" a S"1 cottld that meane. Pecqi&tow Ia Wal, ttftt ox&cUr wbat Ui J HiwmiawnTWimii ,M...IL .. . Liii,