Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, February 05, 1904, Image 1

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foL. XIV.
no. at.
JLlul.il J 1 1
J ,' . """T --. ii. . ... .hm .
'fljjjl m p HHM y y HBRB HHSi HJ BBUmHHHRB wy flflHHI HbB HBhI bHbB DHBflBfiH guw&r hBummbihP
r : .
Imsia, is Concentrating He Troops on the
Yak Rive, and Has Chartered 'Eighteen
Steamships For Transports
Tien Tsin Corespondent of the London Sta Assetts That
Wat Has Been Declared China Will Join Japan in Driv
ing Russia Out of Manchuria Japs ate All Recalled
Ftom Yalu Rive.
ondom Fob. 0. Donnot Burlolgh,
Toklo correspondent of tho Daily
olograph, tills afternoon, wlros that
r Is now Inevitable.
Japs Are Recalled.
.Washington, Fob. B, Tho fltato do-
).rtment io advised that Japan has
silled all tho Japanoso resident nr
hopa of a peacoful outc0 &nd lt J5j
gonoraiiy uouevocl Ui txt won, hn,
boan spokon. A Oontml News dis
patch from Tofto yb tho Japanoso
people expect) "war.
England Gfcta Busy.
London, Fob. C Minister Hayalil
Was closctod With Ijonl IJinBilnuiin
a Yatu rivor district to comq Immo-Zfor half an hour this morning. -Tho
Ucly to Toklo.
China Will Join Japan.
Xnodon, Fob. D.Tho Sbanphnl cor-
rndont of uio Globe writes that
io commanuor of tho Chinese im-
Russlan ministor callod later, and Im
mediately sont a long cipher dlspatcli.
Troops Are Moving.
St Petersburg, Fob. B. A dispatch
from Port Arthur bkvr war nrormrtu
orlal arlny and vice-president of tho tloM aro uolnR mBliidi and tto Bhlp3
- tnr inn I'nmtin emtnritv-iT hiih tinvn
w a-uw , uw um vt nuiwi JVW
boon hold in rosorvo for somo daysv
havo boon put In commission. Regi
ments of tho Third Slboria Rlflo Brl
gado havo begun to leavo, to tnko up
a poslUon along tho Chinoeo railway.
Tho army and fleet aro reported to' bo
prepared for any emorgoncy.
war board has memorialized
tthrono urging Increasing tho offon-
slvo and dofenslvo alliance with Ja-
pan to regain Manchuria.
Says War Is Declared.
London, Fob. 5. Tho Tien Tsln cor-
respondent or tho star wires that a
'private telegram' recolved from Naga
saki, Japan; says war has been do-
I clarod, but thoro Is no official conflr-
! matlon of this at Tlcn Tsln.
Now York, Feb. 5. Tho Commer
cial Cablo Company's manager In
China wires significant advlco as
follews: "From) today telegrams to
Japan nodi Corca can bo accosted
only at sender's risk."
It Is Up to Japan.
London, Fob. 6. Diplomats aro
I waiting anxiously for official word
pfrom Toklo as to how Russia's reply
twill be recolved. Thoro io littlo
Special Prices On
Oranges and Ba
nanas at
104 8tato )t
Phone 1971 Main
Russia Quietly Walts Attack. '
St Petersburg, Feb. 4. Tho fool
ing la tho highor circles continues to
bo that Russia has offered substan
ltal concessions, that , that fiho can
not meet Japan's wishes retarding
bno thing Is certain Russia will not
declare war, nor will sho initiate hos
tile action1 If the negotiations break
down. Russia will remain quiescent
until attacked.
Tlfo announcomonlt that tho Jap
anoso officials had postponed tho war
Impost until next April, Is Inter
preted favorably hero.
Panic General In Corea.
St Petersburg, Fob. B. Advices re-
His Friends Much
Alarmed but Doctors
His Age and Already Enfee
bled Condition Are Dan
gerousElements, and
May Be Fatal
Washington, Fob 5. Hanna has
typhoid fovor. This diagnosis Is con
firmed by n comploto blood examina
tion reported this morning by Da
JJohroncl. Tho senator rosted fairly
well lost night. This morning his
tomporature is 100, pulso 82. Tho
abevo bulletin was glvon tho senator's
secretary by Drs. Rlxoy and Magrud,
or, at 9 o'ckk this morning. , t
Tho official announcomont has
caused great apprehension among his
friends, who regard typhoid for a man
of his ago, and enfeebled constitution,
as vory serious. His physicians, how-
colvod horo from Coroa say that thojovor, continuo to oxprcus confldonco
fooling of panio is gonoral thoro, and
that depression pro vails in all tho sea
ports whoro massacres of foreigners
aro feared. Europeans aro preparing
to sond tholr famllltos to Shanghai.
Every steamer from Japan convoys
,to Coroa many Japanoso officers and
soldiers In disgulso, and their pres
onco in such numbers Is regarded "by
tho Russians as being a socrot occu
pation of Coroa.
Sixty doctors liavo loft St. Peters
burg during tho last few days for
Harbin, Manchuria.
In his recovery, and advised against
Bonding for members of his family
tills morning. Hanna will bo kept on
a milk diet for sovoral days. Ho has
no ailment of tho liver, kidnoya or
heart Tho malady is characterized
aa regular typhoid.
houso horo Thursday, and, for a time,
threatened to destroy tho city. Tho
flro was dlscovored shortly after 8
o'clock, andi only by horolc effort was1
tho building saved. I
Tho records aro kopt In vaults niado'
of brick and cement, and, whllo tho
vaults havo not been opened, It Is bo-1
lloved that tho records aro safe, Tho
Prlnovillo court houso was built over
IB years ago, and was constructed at
tho cost of between $4000 and $5000.
Enter Large Body of Base Ore.
Cottage drove, Or., Feb. B. Tho
Vesuvius Mining Company, of Bohc-j
mln, roport that an Immense body of
ore has Just been entered In the1 low-,
or working tunnol. Tho oro body is'
sovoral feet wide, and of a boo char
acter, carrying coppor, load and Iron,
"This tunnol Is In 1C0 foot and whon
tho proper distance is attained will
tap this proporty at a vortical dopth
of 100 foot from tho apox of tho
mountain. Tho
havo sovoral thousand
consisting of drifts and .upralsos abovo
this lovol.
California Visited tft
Generous Downpour
Heavy Snow falls in the Moun
tains and a Cold Wave
Is Predicted to
San Francisco, Fob. 5. Southern
Vesuvius property Callforn,ft ,s "ddclng today over Uio
land fort of tunnols m,n- tho"8'i & not copious, Thoro
was a light fall throughout tho section
below TehaclmpI last night and tlita
morning, and moro Is axpectod tonight
and tomorrow. Tho stormi that ntruak
Los Angeles last night continued
southward, going as far as San Diogop
whoro. up to B o'clock this mornlngi
n precipitation of .14 of an inch was
recorded. Conditiono throughout Uio
stnto aro cloudy and unsettled, es
pecially In tho northern portion,
Showers aro predicted for tonight in
Wnohlngton, Fob. B. Tho navy do- mo territory vikkhe oy Tmirsnayfl
partmont thinr morning rocoived tho, ' . , . , ,. ,
. . . era portion and a cold snap lu. UwJ San ,
following from Captain Train, prosl- Jonlun vanoy
dont of tha board of Inspection, dated.
at Fortress Monreo: "Whllo testing
tho bnttory of tho Iowa this morning t
8now In the Mountains.- ' "
San Joso, Fob, B. Tho heaviest
snow In flvo or six years covers tho
Roosovelt walked ,both El"1 in tho forward oigh't-lnch mountains on both sldos of tho valley
Both Make Warlike Moves.
London, Feb. B Tho most pessl-
Manchuria, or agree to Japanoso for- mistio viows aro takon of tho situation
tiflcatlons in Southern Corea. It is by tho papors this morning. They aro
Intimated in certain unofficial quar- without advicca that tho roply has
VVJO UlUb 11 UilKW U11UU1U vjuui tuuii- hoen
tor proposals mat uussia guarantoo
Chincs-Manchuria treaties, Irro-
from tho Whlto Houso to tho Arling
ton to mako inquiries.
Magnidcr, at 1 o'clock this aftor
noon, reported tho patient unchanged.
It-Tiiujdeeldd tills morning to sond
for Dr.' Oslor, of Baltimore tho fa
mous dlagnosUcan, who attonded
Mrs. MoKlnley when sho was 111 in
tho Whlto Houso. Tho physicians say
tho most discouraging foaturo Is Han-
ina's constant depression.
spoctlvo of tho ultlmato sovereignty
of tho province, thoro might bo a
chanco of reaching such a comprc
mlso. It Is argued that this settle
ment would safeguard existing com
mercial interests of all tho powers
in Manchuria, and It is contended if
Japan demands moro In tho last re
port this would botray to tho world
hor ultorlor ambitions on tho conti
nent of Asia, which would bo inimical
to the interest of not only -Russia, but
of tho vory great powor which now
sympathizes with Japan.
Much anxioty and doubt provalls
horo with regard to tho future, but
dlspatohoitf. Reports! ntro cur
rent that promlnont commercial
houses having relations with Japan
havo received private dispatches in-
jtimatlng tho boliof that a rupturo In
relations botwoen Russia and Japan
is imminent, but nothing of an offi
cial charactor Is obtainable, tho alarm-
Dos Moines, In, Feb. 6. Twq
masked robbers bound and gaggad
is views of this morning being based Frod Snydor, near Cliva, this morn
solely upon tho reports of yesterday ,ngp md took 1B00 0 drow tnm too
of U.O sailing of tho Russian fleet from bank y08toniayt KLHli oWIgaUow
xU,t ur, um io nwnoron japan- Uq wft8 found thtw h
eso move on Corea, which aro re- latcr uaconocIouB from tto coH,
poatod from difforont points In tho n
Far East
Tho corrcspondont of Uio Dally Mall
at Cliofoo says a Russian flcot corn-
Insulted, Then Killed Him.
St Petersburg, Fob. 5. Tho Svolt
today roports a pistol fight botwoen
Wo havo surprlsod ourselves ns well as our customers with tho J
wonderful success of our new
jjDtfy Goods Dept
. , '
Our success was duo to tho fact that wo bad Uio RIQHT KIND of S
OOOD8 and wo sold them on a margin of profit so small that no
"rogular store" could afford to moot our prices.
Our spot cash plan of business together with economical manage
ment, enables us to undersell them alL
Wo know why we succeed. Wo intend to follow tho same plan
in tho future, so we'll conUnuo to grow.
i Out New Spring Dess Goods f
Ae Hee
8cotch Nub Suitings, Nugget Cloth, Klmberly NlbB, Voiles, Mohair
I Mobllng Cloth, Sharkskin, Silk Warp Sicilian, Mohair Florentine,
V Rlllr Warn Lansdowne. Mohair Covert. Figured Sicilian Novelties.
and a full lino of staple suitings. Our assortment of the
1 New Spring Silks
J Is a very complete. They havo met with Uio hearty approval of
? dozens of Salem ladles' who have examined them during Uio past
2 week.
:! The New Yotk Racket
turret blow Off their muzzlOS. Thoro thin mnrotnir. nxtnnillni' far down, to
was no damngo, except to tho guns, warua tho fooUiiUu It Is not raining
and no casualties. tlllB morning, but is cold and throat
loiter advices from San Clogo havo
boon recolved from tho local weather
bureau at that placo, placing tho rain
fall thoro at .38 of nn Inch, whllo lni
tho mountains at 10 o'clock Uior- pre
cipitation had reached half am lnch
and lt was still raining. Tho wind at
San Dlogo lost night reached a veloc
ity of 3G miles nn hour, tho hlghost
slnco 1887.
London, Fob. B. A dispatch from
Amsterdam says a cablegram from
rianu, Java, roports a ratal volcanic Mrttt 0t D, crookhnm of San Fran.
orupUon, In which an ontlro town cIsco, has Joined hor husband In this
was swallowed by a lava flow, and city, whoro Uioy oxpoct to mako their
hundreds killed. ' future homo.
prising all tho battleships, oxcopt Uio Princo Maychutadso and Prlnco Dad
Sobastanool and six orulsors and two lani, In th court houso at Kutais.
dostroyors aro cruising along Uio Maychutadso was insulted by Dad-,
coast of tho poninsulal lani, who drow his rovolver and flrod,
Tho Seoul correspondent of Uio throe times inoffoctually. Dadlani
Dally Mail says in a dispatch that a fired wioo, mortally wounding hff
Russian) army Is moving south from opponent
Mukden; while Uio correspondent of
Uio samo paper at Port Arthur says
that both Russia and Japan havo
(ConUnued on eleth page.)
Crook County Court Mouse.
Prlnovilto. On, Feb. B Flro, which
started from an unknown causo, par-
1 tlally dostroyod Uio county court;
Original Mail Advice on Condition of
Hop Mafcet Ftom Greatest Rvto-
pean Hop Facto
n ,
Nuornborg, Clormany, Jan. 20. iSpeclal to Tho Journal) Our market
is exceedingly firm, and prices followed tho upward course. Never In
tha. last 20 years was stock in such a small compass than It Is this year
for this reason thoro Is commencing a vory strong demand for old and old
old hops, which aro taken off at conUnually rising prices.
With a very firm tendency, wo pay louay, per 50 kilos, nrst cest:
First choice qualities .' 215-230
Good qualities 190-Z10
Medlum to common qualities 140-160
Tomofff ow is the Last Day
to secure those Ladles'
up to $30.00, for
Suits, Capes and Jackets, ranging In price
There are a few of the best ones left, so make up your mind to aet
here on time. This Is the close of Salem's Greatest Suit Sale.
Men's Clothing
Is still being sacrificed In a mannor that Jias Insured prompt soil
ing, and while tho stock has sufforod greatly by tho groat domands
for up-to-dato clothing at greatly reduood prieos, thoro aro still
soma great values here. Havo you secured yours? Erery suit and
overcoat reduced In prico.
$10.00, 8ult or Overcoat., ,,.,,. jj O
$15.00 Suit or Overcoat R 9Q0
$20.00 Suit or Overcoat SJ.tQO
$25,00 8ult or Overcoat S J O00