Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, February 02, 1904, Image 1

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" " "
NO. 28.
Fairbanks Thinks Nat
ional Honor Com
pelled the Course
senate Committee Reconv
mends Loaning St. Louis
Exposition Nearly
Five Millions
Washington, Feb. 2. la tho senate
Itoday Fairbanks warily dofondod tho
administration on tho canal question.
Ho believed a majority of tho crltl
Icisma had been' Inspired by pelitics:
thought tho subject ought to bo above
politics and upon tho high level of
national duty and honor. He charged
Colombia with attempting to hold up
tho Amorlcan and Fronch canal com
pany, making tho action of tho Pana
manians perfectly natural and right
Thoro was no other course In houor
than revolt. Tho charges that tho
administration, was a party to tho rev
olution had boon shown by tho rec
ords to bo based only on vaguo bus-
plclons, unsupported assertions and
wild conjectures. Tho sonato commit-
too on appropriations today decided to
report tho urgoncy deficiency bill, in
cluding tho authorization to tho SL
LouIb exposition to borrow J4.60O.000,
to bo repaid from tho gato receipts.
Czar Orders All East'
ern Traffic on Siber
ian Road Stopped
Road Will Be Used Solely for
Military Purpuss--Rus
sia Is Nowj&eady
for War
Paris, Fob. 2. News was received
Omaha City Council;
Compelled to Hear
Citizens Ask Valuation of
Rajlr$Kj Terminal Com-
Mny Be Raised Fifteen
Thousand Per cent
Lincoln, Nob., Feb. 2. Tho supromo
hero this afternoon of sinister import '... .vi - ,
It 1B that Japan haa inched hTd.CUrt ttta mrnlDB pcrml8'
mands on Russia. Bkm to mombers ' "" Omaha real
I estate oxchango to fllo application for
Dorlin, Feb. 2. Schlcsslcho Zcltung. ft writ of mandamua compelling tho
a consorvativo nowspapcr, asserts maha city council to. hoar tho ovl
today that war botwoen Japan and 'donco in support of thoir contonUon
Russia la certain, and tho outbreak that tho Omaha railroad terminal tax
Imminont Tho paper adds that nt a valuation should bo raised from 10,
rocent council, whoro tho presidod, 000 to 122 000 000
orders woro Issued to stop tho traffic
on tho trans-Siborian railroad from
Moscow eastward, Bavo tho trains for
military uao. Goods awaiting dis
patch at Moscow woro roturnod to
tho Benders.
Opened With King High.
London, Feb. 2. Tho king opened
tho last session of tho present par
liament In a speech todav from tho
Tho paper states those I throno. Ho dwelt at length on tho
facts created excitement on tho St progress of arbitration. When, the
Petersburg bourse Because of tho speech closed tho sceno In tho house
Zoltung's high reputation for veracity
business circles in Berlin aro alarmed.
Tho foreign offlco has not notlco ot
tho crisis. Tho statu railway manag-
(Continued on elgth page.)
mlWMWIllHHf mllttlf I8f lt(M-
; We have (surprised ourselves as well aa our Bustomero with I
I the wonderful success of our new
Day Goods Department
Our success was duo to tho fact that we had the RIGHT
i I
it TTTNTH nf fJOnnfl nrA wt ariA tli n n rn.rmn nf nrnfH ai
jr -.- w wsws wuu f? vi uviu vssvu wu MW5,U M sy kv , l
small tuut no "rogular store could afford to meet our prices. ; ;
(lilt, n-tl. nanh nlnn P rin.iAa 4n4rnw vi.til. jMvVtw,t An 1 '
wu out'i,anu jiuta ui muoiuvoo fcvgvjp n w guuvujiwm i
management enables us to undersell them all. j
We know why wo succeeded. Wo intend to follow tho same
plan in the future so well contmuoto grow.
i Off? New Spring Dress Goods are hete
J Scotch Hnb Snttlosrs. Vutett Clorh, Klraberly Hits, Voiles, Mo
hair Moblln Cloth. Sharkskin. Silk Warp Sicilian, Mohair
Florentine, Silk Warp Lansdowne, Mohair Covert, Figured
Slcllllan Novelties And a full line of Strplo Suitings,
v Olir nooniimnnf nf t.iin
New Spring Silks
Is very complete. They have mot with tho hearty approval $
of dozens of Salem ladies who have examined them during
tli ft rtnnt wflnlf.
-P-fl IP- - .,Mf. niMKffwt
Salem's Cheapest One Price
Cash Store.
E. T. BARNES, Prop.
of lords was brilliant, tho floor and
gallorIC3 being packed with-tho nobll'
Ity In full regalia, Tho king and
queen left Buckingham at 1:30 and
passed from tho robing room at 2
o'clock. Ho expressed tho hopo of
poaco between Japan nnd Russia, af
ter friendly utterances regarding tho
United States.
Ho referred to tho AlaBkan decision,
earing oa Bomo points it was' favor
able, on others advorso. Much as tho
Inst circumstances!) was to bo de
plored, it wan nevertheless a matter
Tor congratulation that tho misunderstanding-
la which ancient boundary
treaties wcro mado In ignorance of
geographical facts aro so fertllo, htfVo-
in tola case been nnally removed from
tho Hold of controversy. Ho referred
.to tho shortage of cotton by urging
tho empiro to take nil steps to in
crease Its cultivation' in tho British
possessions. An ImtoonBo crowd stood
ontsldo, under a forest of umbrellas,
In n down-pour of rain, and, although
tho pageant was Badly drenched, none
of tho tlmo-honontd features wore
lacking, Including tho search fcrVore-
splrators. Choato Js III and was con-
; lined to nla homo, and unnblo to at
tend, but America -was represented by
Secretary "White.
California Stockmen
on the Verge of
No Rain for a Year ami
Ranges Are Brown
and Barren
Sacramento, Feb. 2. Tho governor
has received a letter from tho secre
tary of agriculturo snylnc ho mav con-
'sent to tho abrogation of tho quaran
Jtlno law across tho conter of tho state,
iu tiu n-iiui iu iuu caiucmon in uie
southom part of tho state, now In
Buch'a desperato condition on account
of Jack of rain. Ho thinks, though
It js linndvlsnblo to allow tho impor
tation of cattlo into other states,
which might quarantine agalnBt tho
onOro state, and seriously Inconveni
ence tho cattlemen of Northern Cali
Now York, Fob. 2. There was a
sensational break In cotton this after
noon. It dropped 120 polntB. Sully
Is roportcd to bo unloading. It Is cur-,
rontly reported that tho big Bhorts
mado private settlement with him lost,
night It la announced that Sully will
take a short vacation, having liqui
dated his holdings at many millions of
Madam Humbert Again
Treads the Boards
in Gay Paris
Makes All Kinds of Insin
uations Against Public
Men, and Will Have
a Rehearing
Paris, Feb. 2. Madamo Humbert
today appeared beforo tho parliamen
tary commissioner, nppointod to In-1
vestlgato tho Humbert affair. 8ho
was theatrical as usual, Was dressed
In a fashlonablo costume, and was
bold and defiant Sho mado vaguo in-.
slnuations against men high In pub-
lie life, and declared sho would pro-,
duco documents In support of her
charges. Sho said ono of her moot
Important papers disappeared from thq
custody of Minister of Juotlco Voile,
because his namo was attached to it
Sho will bo given an opportunity to
produco tho documents.
Want to Get to the
Coast on the New
Pacific Liner
Masters of Deserted Vessels
Are Getting Out War
rants for Arrest of
the Deserters
Newport Nows, Fob. 2. Nearly 10ft
seamen from numerous foreign voo
bcIq In port have dosortod in tho post
fow days to Bhlp on tho now Pacific
Mail liner, Mongolia, which leaves,
tho shipyard for San Francisco Thura
day. Tho Bhlp still lackB 74 men. Tho
masters, whoso mon havo. deserted,
aro securing warrants, and it Is prob
ablo tho steamship will bo unablo to
sail on tlmo, owing to short crows.
'Railroad Not Sold.
Los Angeles, Fob. 2. Tho report
that Clark had sold his holdings in
tho San Pedro, Los Angolcs & Salt
Lake railroad to tho Hnrrlman Inter
ests, and that work on tho road would
bo abandoned, Ib emphatically denied
today at tho headquarters of tho road,
Tho work of building tho road Is pro
gressing nt tho rate of two miles a
Prepared to Furnish People or Salem
With all Kinds of Cut Flowers.
Sued the Governor. I
Victor, Colo., Feb. 2. Governor
Poabody, Oenoral Chaso and sovcral
othor officers aro defendants in dam
ago, suits aggregating a; million dol
lars, which aro called for trial beforo
.TtldfFft Twln wtift le ATniinlAil 4mlnu
. av ..v....,, (imv vavivu- wuh;
to -set a. date for their hearing. Tho
. - 1 -
Notts grow out of tho recGnt military
Carl Ruof has leased tho green
houses on Asylum' avenuo oC Mrs.
Taylor.; Ho Is making some improve
ments and increasing tho stock, and
will bo prepared at all times to fur
nish cnt" flowers for funerals, wed
dings-and all occasions.
Cotton 8W1 Booming.
Now York, Feb. 2. Sully's srlp on
cotton still holds. Amidst Intense
excitement ho again today dictated
prices nt ten points "higher on tho now
Icrop. Sully predicts a 20-cont prlco.
Dank Closed.
Clarksburg, W. Va., Feb. 2. On an
order from tho comptroller, tho Trad
ers' National Bank closed Its doors
this morning. It claims its assots are
a million nnd a quattor.
'..The Report Believed.
Salt Lake, Fob. 2.- Dosplto tho of
ficial denial tho report that Hurl
man has acquired Clark's holdings Is
glvon credence hore. Poreons closo
to Clark, and Harrlman's representa
tive, aro positive in their declaration
that tho transfor has been made.
Panic at a Fire.
Now York, Fob. 2. FIro In the
laundry of tho Dollovuo hospital pita
morning throw 3000 patlonts into a
panic. Many sprang from their beds,
and others rushed out of tho wards
In Bdant attlro. Tho flro was quickly
oxtlngulBhod, but tho physicians had
a hard tlmo quieting tho excitement.
Murderers Arrested.
Sacramento, Fob. 1. Sheriff Rosso
has received word from tho shorlffs
of San Joaquin and Amador counties
that Duncan and Graham, tho sup-
Got Eighteen Years.
8alt Lake, Feb. 2. Thos. Fullor, a
soldlor, who narrowly escaped lynch
ing recently for a criminal assault,
was today sentenced to 18 years In
tho ponltentlary.
To Honor the Bishop.
Rome, Fob. 2. Tho popo today con
ferred with Cottl, tho prefect propa
ganda, regarding tho best way to rcc
ognlzo tho horolsm of Bishop Mul
doon nt tho Iroquois lira Tho popo
Is especially nnxlous to ricognlzo tho
bishop, because of tho groundless at
tack on him when ho was a candldata
for archbishop of Chicago. Muldopn.
was ono of tho first on tho scone, no
mado his way to thb galleries, whoro
ho pronounced absolution o'n tho dy
ing until nearly ovorcomo by smoke,
Ho refused to leavo his post until'
dragged away by tho police, when he
contlnuod his ministrations In an ad
Joining rostaurant, until ho 'dropped
from fatiguo.
Peace In Montana.
-- Butto, Mont, Fob. 2. Wm. Bchnf-
Ion, prostdent ot thfi Anaconda Mining
Co., and president of the Amalgamate
od .Copper, In Montana, has resigned,
to' bo ' cffoctlvo Immediately. This
will mako a docidod change Id- Amal
gamated policy, Tho prediction ' Is
that it presages, a sottloment of tho
litigation with Holnzo. Schallons-successor
is not yot appointed,.
Kill Moro Colonltt,. , ,
Borlln, Fob. 2. -Dispatches today-
roport that 100 colonists in- aormnn t
Southwest Africa havo been roosga-.
cred by tho blacks.
Secured a Jury,
Fulton, Mo., Fob. 2,A Jury was bo
curod this morning to try tho Butior
bribery caso.
Famous Florist Dead.
Now York, Fob. 2. William Bur
goss, tho florist who brought tho
Maroschal Noll roso to Amorica, Is
dead of pneumonia.
Blizzard In New York.
Now York, Fob. 2. It 1b blizzard
poaed murderers of Louis Borschlor . woathor today, and near zoro. Thin
lmvo- been captured and taken to J morning a man was found frozen in
Try a box of that
elegant stuffed fruit
54 State Bt.
I jQc&7fleiieiS3$cm
Phone 10'.M,Malf
Ladies' Sttit Sale
Winter suits, capes and jackets aro going, and going fast Our low
prices tells the reason Wo aro dotormlned to close out our ontire stock
quickly! Our prices should do tho work. You cannot afford to pass us by
if you havo not made your purchases in theso lines.
Any suit, capo or jacket In our department 1b yout for
Hill ATAPff niUJ let tfA Mam. L.. ...In. ..
.,... , uwu ,,u vu MIUso wun nme money to spare, and
sun oetter newa to those with plenty of money to spend. We are puihlny
fall anH UjIhUii ninAm .. U-J -.-. il
.-.. -..- .,.., vvm a. aru mo power or low prices can drive them. If
you read this carefully and then come and look you will understand the situation better than we can tell It. The store has almost boundlets In
terests for those who care to save largely, aa there are stock clearances In a great many sections.
Tomoiow Only Mea's cloiiiins Sale
A. V . VT a jp Mnn wanU mtlo htro b b h(j tmrpllInr
Dress Goods
Tho question of tho hour what
for spring? Tho question is mo
mentous ono, far too big a one
to settle in a paragraph. Let us
settle it by letting you settle it for
yourself here at the store. Here
you havo a vast quantity and grand
assortment of the latest fancies In
bright, now goods in all the. lead
ing colors and designs.
Dainty conceits in woman's
neckwear. Nover havo artists and
designers displayed more genius
than In tho creation of these love
ly now things In women's fancy
neckwear. An almost endless vari
ety of coloring and shapo gives
wide range of ohoosing. In stock
foundations we show a, superiority
by offering tho noweot and best at
3 for 25c. "
A recent transaction enables us to sell ombr!dories that aro loss
than half of the regular prices. Great lot of pretty kinds that aro
Wanted for beautifying your homo-mado garmonts. AH aro fresh and
now. Never havo needlos done prettier work. There's a charm of
some sort la ovory pattorn, which you will And as you continue tho self
assigned task of admiration. Regular 25c qualities for tomorrow only
7c yad 7c yacJ
According to Webster roeans"Defense." By our ability for hand
ling largo quantities of morchnndiso wo woro enable to purchase ex
tenslvoly in cotton goods. Our onormous purchase will onablo us to
undersell all opposition, thus defending our interests. When you eo
It In our ad it Is to be had. Como to our stock rooms and soe for
Extract from lettor just received from the Bast: "Raw cotton sold
for 1C4 cents per pound yesterday, with tho prospects of another
inorease, Wldo sheetings are 5 cents a yard higher than when you
bought them."
"Man wants llttlo hero bolow." but ho in iimHv tmri..in ,.i i.f..
clothing wants We know pretty well what sort of clothing you wont; and
v imru mum noro roauy ror you to wear. Tho stylos aro right, lato
uu swreBi; mo quamy or mo materials is tho host; tho tailoring is
extra good hand tailoring, and wo havo sizes to fit ovorybody. no mat.
tew wlint vnim Kull '
vv nuui, ;uui uuitu(
$10.00 Suit or Overcoat
$10.00 Suit or Overcoat
Bright and beautifulbristling
with Btylerarely exclnslvo in rich
design arid best quality materials
aro our now volllngs for hat drapes
Hero you will And an assortment
of colors that It will bo almost im
possible not to seo one just to your
particular tasto. They come 18
Inchos wide and VA yards long.
All prices.
Embroideries for loss than half
regular prlcos. Thoy aro the
finest nnlrjgook daintiest edging
of Insertion to match for trimming
womons and children's garmonts
only ono piece of a kind. Early se
lection is advisable for they'll go
in a hurry at this prlco.