Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, February 01, 1904, Image 1

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NO. 27.
Snrglars Enter J. B.
Damain's Place in
Heart of the City
:ash. Register Smashed With
Lemon Squeezers-Thieves
Leave No Clue
(Pendleton East-Oregonian, Jan. 30.)
J. D. Dnmaln'a saloon, on Court
ad Cottonwood Btroets was ontcred
this morning and $32X0 taken from
io cash register. Tho remains of the capo, leaving no cluo for the police,
;lster woro left on thp floor of a who nro working on tho case,
Iback room. Tho front door was
For tho past two weeks Mr. Dam
aln, tho proprietor of tho saloon, has
been In tho place night and day, hav
ing a bed there, whero ho Bleeps after
closing tiro houso about 1 o'clock In
tho morning. Ho has-had hlB meals
brought to hlm by his son, and has
spont all of his tlmo In tho Baloon,
which has beoa undorgolng a course
of overhauling. Last night, however,
tho proprietor was fooling under the
weather, and went homo for a good
night's sleep, leaving tho saloon In
tho caro of tho night bartender, who
locked tho cash register about 1
o'clock this morning, closed up" iha
saloon and went homo.
When Mr. Damaln camo to work he
fonnd that a back window hod been
broken open, and tho cash register
taken from tho bar-room to a small
room In tho roar of tho saloon,,
whero It had been broken Into with a
largo Iron lemon squeozor. Tho mon
ey had beno taken out, nftOT which the
robbers broko In tho small door In the
capo, leaving no cluo for tho pollco to
front room, and mado good their es-
Ibrokon open so that tho robbers could
hcavo tho building, and no cluo was
Heft to tho Identity of tho looters.
Frank L. Pound and L. M. Rcedor,
of Aumsville. are in tho cltv on busl-
ness at the court houso.
The Chicago State I
Last April tho Chicago Store held a wire consultation with their
buyer In Chicago about the future of Cotton. Tho decision was to
buy. We secured $6000 worth of manufactured staple cotton goods.
We are now offering them to our patrons at less than the wholesale
houses offer them to the trade on the Pacific coast. See our adver
tisement on page 8.
Now York, Feb. 1. It Is reported
San Francisco, Fob. 1. Tho second
od Wall streot today that at tho moot- annnual convontlon of tho western
lng of the stool 'tnist tomorrow Rocko-J conforonca of electrical workers
roller will resign from tho board, oponod hero this morning. Every
leaving his Interests to bo managod
by. his son.
Catholics In Asia.
Home. Feb. 1. Bolval has suggest
od that Amorlca bo entrusted with the I
protection of tho .Catholics in tho fax
wpoclal provlnco of Franco, hut the
strain between tho Vatican and
France, and Belval's desire to show
favor to Amorlca, has caused tho sec
retary's suggestion.
electrical workers union on tho coast
Is represented. Tho object of tho con
vention 1b to strengthen tho ties bo
twoon tho locals and advanco work of
tho organization.
Holy Rollers Run Oat
of Linn County by
Peculiar People Compelled to
Alove on Toward Marion
Try a box of that
John WIed and wifd havo transfer
red to Edward A. Cook 20 acres of
land in townshln 10 s. r 3 w. adJoininc
dc&aUt Stliifcd ff Ult tho town ot ttcnou. Tho prico paid
& I iimo innn
J. M. Poorman and wifo, of Wood
burn, havo sold to J. R. Landon &
Son, lots 5 and 6, block 1, in Wood
burn, for G00.
A. M. Bancroft and wlfo havo sold
to P. A. Cochran a small tract of land
adjoining Woodburn for f ICO. ,
154 State 8t
Phono 1971 Main
jMM8ieinn8iomnn iiia tztovUHvw iionf
and REASONABLE PRICES is tho only euro trado. Cub
! I tomcra find that the nualitv of our merohnndieo is enunl in
J ; every way to that carried by ,vregular stores" but our prices
are much lower. 1TUOSTS L.UJS3 TO UO A UAbU business, I
t that's why.
It's quality that keeps our $
onoe uepartmenf
growing. We sell tho most ; ;
reliable footwear in tho city, j
When you want shoes that
give satisfaction go to tho ! !
Tad e Based on Quality
Albany special to tho Orcgonian,
February 1st: Camped in the dense
timber on tho Meeker placo in thJ
extremo northern part of Linn coun
ty, avoiding tho people of tho neigh
borhood and pasBors-by; unkempt and
unclean, tho Holy Roller apostles
woro taken for tho robbors who have
recently been at work in Woodburn,
Brownsville, Dallas and elsewhere.
Thoir presenco was reported to Con
stablo Jones, of Jofforsoto, who conn
municated with Sheriff fctUBton and
Chief of Pollco McCloln, of Albany.
These officials immediately repaired
to tho scene of action, located tho
bold robbors and prepared to capturo
them. Denizens of the neighborhood,
to tho number of a dozen, armed with
shotguns and such firearms as are
found on a farm, Joined tho police.
When tho lair of tho supposed fu
gitives was reached, .tho hastily
collected army began to surround tho
retreat, so as to effectually block any
attempt to escape. Great was tho
surprise of tho man-huntcrs whon
tho cordon of Justlco had closed; In,
not to find a number of despcrato and
determined doflore of justlco, but In,
stoad to soo Apostles Brooks, Lovlno
and Campbell, of the Holy Itollor de
nomination, humbly persuing thoir
Tho apostles woro camped under
tho otjen, sky, with no protection from
tho elements, other than a wlnd-braka
improvised1 with fir boughs. Their
bods woro of ferns and a ragged blan
ket. A few potatoes, some dirty flour
and a little wholo wheat constituted
tho bill of faro in tho Holy Rollor
Kitchen. Tho apostles thomsolvcs
woro In a disgusting state of filth.
with matted hair, and unkempt per
Peoplo of tho neighborhood cntorod
a complaint, and Sheriff Huston op
dored tho Rollors to move on. Tho
men protested against moving on Sun
day, saying thoy wanted to road their
Bibles. But, finding protests woro uso
less, thoy inqulrod tho distance to
Marion .county, and immediately took
up their beds and walked.
Thero were no women with tho
apostles, who had not bond hoard
from Binco thoy woro In Brownsvlllo
somo tlmo ago. Brooks rofused to
dlvulgo tho biding placo of Crefflold.
Fighting for Time and
" Baying More
TheFrench Government De
sires to Maintain an At
titude of Neu
London, Feb. 1. Tho Berlin corre
spondent of tho Pall Mall Gazette to
day learns that tho proposed draft of
the Russian reply to Japan will be
laid beforo tho czar tomorrow. Tho
contents havo not been communicated
to any power. A promltfent European
diplomat says all forccass to .tho re
ply ro moro conjectures.
that tho Pronch wont commit thom.
solves to any moasuro advancing Rus
sian lntoreats, but want neutrality.
Butto, Mont., Fob. 1. Tho supreme
court today rendered a decision re
versing Judgo Clancy In tho Injunc
tion caso of John McQlnnls against
tho Boston & Montana Mining Com
pany. Tho decision permits tho ro
opening of tho copper .mines.
Suits In Local Courto.
C. T. Bonnoy n resident of Wood
burn, today filed a suit against the
city of Woodburn, In tho Justlco court
for tho Salem district for tho recov
ery of $31.52, alleged to bo duo on a
quantity of lumbor owned by tho de
fendant and transferred to tho city
and by tho municipality appropriated
to, its own uso on November IB, 1003.
Tho plaintiff alleges that tho city re
fuses to pay for tho lumbor, and he
thoreforo asks for Judgmont for the
amount of tho bill, and for costs and
disbursements. Richardson & Rich-.
nrdson aro attorneys for tho plaintiff '
, Tho caso of L. H. McMahan against
A. H. Damon, for nttomoy's fees, and
J tho ono of J. N. Brown against Clay
ton Bradley, also for attorney's foes,
wero both settlod and dismissed.
feat Alco Club
ft 3k.p .. Jf
tBRft'MS- fSK&febh
Axial 0 I fjj
DRY GOODS. CLOTHING, Ladles' and Men's Furnishings. We sell
'! the genuine Conklln'aHorsehide Work Gloves at $1.15. They remain
!! soft and pliable and are eaual to two pairs of ordinary $1 gloves for I
; I wear. We have a special mixed lot of calfskin. Buckskin and hogskia I Normal school, in which tho latter
gloves ai oUCi jusj an uua iunnc lacjory wait tiuaiuK urn- ibjib
extra values
Salem's Cheapest One Plce
Cash Sto?e.
E. T. BARNES, Ptop.
Q cor go Simon, a young man resid
ing In. Independence, died at the Salem
Hospital this" morning, as tho resurt
of appendicitis, after an operation had ,
been performed In an effort to savo'
him. Tho young man was omployed
In a store In Independence, when about
10 days ago ho took down, with ap
pendicitis. His father, John Simon,
who lives this side of Independence,
at onco called in medical aid, and,
when tho young man grew rapidly
worso, decided to bring him to Salem
and placo him, under tho caro of Dr. '
Pierce. This was dono early last
wook, and tho operation was per-,
formed Wednesday. Tho young man
lingered along until this morning,.'
wheu ho succumbed. He was 21 years
old,, and stood high in tho community
whoro ho resided. ;
u ,
A Rough Game.
A basket ball gamo was played a
tho Wlllamoito University gymnasium
Saturday night between tho W. U,
girls and those from tho Monmouth.
France Desires Neutrality.
London, Feb. 1. Tho Birmingham
Post hears, on tho highest authority,
that tho French minister, DolcaBso,
sont tho Russian minister, Lansdorff,
a long noto referring to tho situation
in tho far East, in which ho reviews
tho French-RuBslan relations. Tho
noto makes it obvious, tho Post Bays,
Latest About Mrs. Maybrlck. i
Washington, Fob. 1. A private'
cablegram received horo says that
Mrs. Maybrlck has been placed in a
houso of detention, from which she
will bo released with a full pardon bo-'
twecn July 12th and 2Cth ot this year.
Sho Is reported to bo in good health
and happy over tho prospects.
Score, Salem, 885; Albany,.
879- Hatch, of Salem
Makes Highest Score
-Visitors Banqueted
(Albany Herald, Jan. 3lBt:
Tho Illlhco Club, ot Salem, dofcatod
tho Alco Club, of this city, In a bowl
ing contest on tho local alloys last
evening, winning by a margin of only
sit pins. Tho contost was vory close
from start to finish, and had not Leo,
usually ono of Albany's best bowlorn,
"fallen down" bocauso of his injured
cyo, Albany would havo dofcatod tho
crack Salem bowlors.
Tho scores mado last evening wore
good, nnd woro tho best mado in any
contest in which Albany has partici
pated. Salem won tho ilrst gamo by 27
pins. Albany was victorious in tho
second gamo by 34 pins; tho Alco
(Contlnuod on elgth page.)
fVe Administer to Yout Comfcwt and Save youu Pocketfeook
li a pretty hard thing to change. And one of Its most Immutable peculiarities Is tho sternal policy of put
.tlrig off. Meyers doesn't pretend to encourago procrastination. Dut, perhaps, wo condone It, by making It so
... . .i..i .1 i ..-til u. .. Mlnila and thnn nnt uhat thev want. In a hurrv but
KH'taey Tor people to icavo- mcir onupH'"u unm tv - - -- - ..-...-, ...
satisfactory. The -store lo fast being crowded with new spring merchandise of Just tho kind your moat likely
telneed. And we'll make It Just as easy for you to get wnat you warn quicmy, an a wcn-iraineu .loro--
ng .organization makes It possible.
Of late styles
In Colors
f RED.
All Reduced
An Erotf
By a typographical error In our ad
of Saturday, tho announcement was
mado that our cloak and suit sale
would close Saturday, which should
road noxt Saturday, thus giving you
ono moro wook to make your selec
tions from our ontlro cloak and suit
department Remember this sale in.
Evcty Cape, Sort or Jacket
Of tho latest and up-to-dato stylo,
with valuos ranging up to $30,
Silk Waists
A limited number of silk waists,
som with fancy tucks and hem
stitching, plalttT, etc. Each one a
good) number, at prices that will not
equal cost of material, In colors.
BLUE 38.
NILE 06.'
BLACK 32, 34.
, RED 38.
2 Price
The Latest
Newest and best chiffon stock
foundation yet placed upon the
market. Popularity has proclaimed
them tho bost of all.
3 fo
Men's Stits
Buying ordinary clothing Is llko
getting lost In a crowd. When you
aro found again, you don't know
yoursolf. Don't sink your person
ality Into that of a thousand others.
$10.00 suit for $6 75
S15.00 suit for $ 0.50
120.00 suit for $14.50
Wo conduct our ono hundrd
and sixty-first consoeutivo Wed
nesday special salo by 'offorlng
high grado embroideries, Inser
tions, headings and edgings and
best designs. They como In a great
varioty, of widths. To securo tho
pattornB you wish wo would advise
you to bo on hand early Wednes
day morning.
Values up to 2Cc oonts yard.
New Veilings
For hat drapes. The latest era
attons for tho fashlonabio hat
trimming, In a groat varioty of de
signs In cheeks, dot and stripes,
colors, blocks, whito, white and
black, black and whlto, navy, roy
al bluo, brown, etc., 18 Inches wide,
lMi yards long. AH grades. All
Many a far-sighted man waited
until aftor tho holiday to buy
his ovorcoat. Ho know by experi
ence that prices would bo slashed
to pieces.
$10.00 overcoat for $ 0.75
$15.00 overcoat for $ 0.50
$20,00 overcoat for $14.50
team carried, off tho palm by a score
lof!7to3. Jn, the llrst half Monmouth
made th score stand at 10 o 1, and
this lead wof kept to the end of the '
game. Tho last' half was out down
five minutea, and a challenge for a ro-1
I turn gamo was declined, owing to the
alleged' rough playing of the visiting