DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. SATURDAY, JANUARY 30. 1904- TEN Mimctiinc Hue In lrPlrtinrr on the Nn bash, full of tropical dream hints, yet edged with fl winter rhlll that amack of trwieliery OnclS JHBOll whs unuira .ally talkathe. Ho mar have hud deep draft of Hniwr: at all event I5ev crlfty had UttJe room for a word. "Vdll, Iwln' aa It's 'twlxt us m l bosom frlanV the old fellow presently wild, "I'll J' show ye Homepln' poor ly." Ho pricked tlie wick of n lamp and took down lilt hunch of Healjw. "I hcv been n-addln one more to keep comnnny o mine nn' tho tothers. He separated lhe lateat acquisition from the rest of the wisp and added. with a Imihoim clnw: I Ti i as late aa ucnenU iiiiirlson'5 afsj : Viuicnaoa about how Oncle Jnzon bur-1 led hla collection of scalps with great ! funeral solemnity aa his part or tuo celebration of peace and independence about tbte yenr 171. Good old Father Iloret died suddenly soon after Alice's marriage and depar ture for Virginia. He was found lying face downward on the lloor of his cab in. Near him on a smooth part of a puncheon wore tho mildewed frag ment of a letter which ho had been ar ranging aa If fo read Its contents. Doubtless It was the enmo letter brought to him by Hone de Ilonvllle, as recorded in an early chapter of our story- The fragments were gathered up and hurled with hlra. Ilia dust lies under the present Church of St Xnvlcr. the dust of as noble a man ana as true way out tnrougn tne loosdiy pactea crystals. But this becomes a fntai trap when n cold rain sets In during tho night and an imponetraMo emit cuta off their means of oscape. New York 1'ost. The Crater of Mount Etna. A writer In Forest and Strewn, tell Ing of h's view of the crater of Mount Ktna, says: I threw myself flat upon the ground with my head over the rim and took a look down Into what tho Sicilians call the mouth of hell. A vast column of steam was shooting up into tho heavens. This wns so Impreg nated with sulphurous fumes that I wai obliged to keep several thicknesses of I my ahawl over my mouth and nose to . nrovent strangulation. Occasionally a t lt , , --A.MMMMaMwaMaMaaMMaaiaMMM- , hlnnt at wind would drlvn brick tliO lIU UUOl Vi MVUI, .- -.- -.-- - a priest nB ever sacrificed himself for) ateam, allowing me to aeo far down hi trood of humnnltr. Into this horrid inferno. The crater In after years Simon Kenton visited itself is threo miles in circumference. Beverley and Alice in their Virginia The inner sldo of tho rim was vnrlo home. To his dying dny he wns fond gated with colore of red, orange and of describing their happy nnd hcplta-, yellow from tho sulphur fumes. A Mil ton or a Dante could not do justice to the terrific grandeur of the scene. Ac cording to tho ancient Greeks and Ilomans, this is tho workshop of Vul can, where he forges hla thunderbolt for Jove. I could not aeo the old fallow, but tho rumbling sound I heard fur down In those black depths must hare been he grumbling at his work. Sht pluulcd the Indian's wumc. This 'n's Long Hnlr'st" And so it waa. Ilevnrluy knocked the atlio from his pipe nnd rose to go. "Won they kicks yor Onclo Jaaon a ribs," tho old limn added, "they'd Jos' as well lay down an' give up, for bo's goln' to BHlervate 'em." Thon, after Iteverloy had passed out of tho cabin, Onele Juzon chirruped after him: "Mobbo ye'd hotter not tell leetle Al ice, Tho pore lectio gal hcv bed worry nough." CHAFTRlt XXII. AXll SO IT RXDEl). AFKW days after the surrender of Hamilton a large boat, the Willing, arrived from Kaskas kla. It waa well manned nnd heavily armed. Clark titled It out be foro beginning hi march and expected K to Imi of groat assistance to him In tho reduction of tho fort, hut the high waters and tho floating driftwood de layed ita progress, no that Its disap pointed rrew saw Alice's flag floating bright nud high when their eyes tint looked upon the dull little town from far down tho swollen river. Thero was much rejoicing, however, when tln-y enmo nshnro and were enthusiastically greeted by the garrison and populace. A courier whom they picked up on the Ohio came with them. He bore ills patch from Governor Henry of Vir ginia to Clark nnd a letter for Hover ley from his father. The lottur to Itcverlcy from hla fa ther waa somewhat disturbing. It bore tho tiding or his mother's falling health. This made It Hauler for Mm young llautwwnt to accept from Clark tlio awlKtiiiHttit tn duty with a party dolallMl for tint purHw f escorting Hamilton. Faruauorth ami several oth er llrltlatti officer to Wllllawnburg. Va It nleo gave htm n moat powerful a alatHM In persuading Alice to marry Idiu at oiuv, an aa tn to with him ou wlwt proved to be a delightful wedding Journey through th great wllderw-.e to the OU lmliilou. Hprlng'n vi-rdur burnt abroad on the auuuy hllla a they alewly weut tbalr way. The mating bird rani Iti rvery blooming brake and grm by which they pa!, nml 111 their Joyom hearta they heard the bubbling of love'a p run I fountain. Our story niuat end hare, because at this polut ita curreitt Mows away for evar trotti ohJ Vlneeuuea, ami It wua only f tlw Mt on the YVabnah that w t out tn make a rwwrtt. What befell Alice ami lterrly after they went to Hnrima we muld g w to tad, but that wwiW Im amtther atory. Sf lice It to aay. tlwy 1 1 ml Uapjdly ever after, or at Waat Mwwwlwt IwyiHid threMr ami te. and Utt uhin,i ble welcome and the luxuries to which they Introduced him. They lived In a atntely white mansion on a hill over looking a vnst tobacco plantation where hundreds of negro slaves worked nnd aaug by day nnd frolicked by night. Their oldest child waa named Fltzhugh Oaspard. Kenton died in ISM. Thero remains but one little fact worth recording before we close the book. In the year 1S00, on tho Fourth of July, a certain lending French fami ly of VliieennoH hold u patriotic reun ion during which n llttlo pld flag was produced and Us story told. Some oho .. .-jt.i.i.i I I 1 1 I II I H I II I 1 " " B"tw "MIlHi HIIH M-il lllllllll rrrrrrw-. -rue di AN ENDORSED EDITORIALLY. (From Editorial In tho 8unday, January 17, Orcgonlan.) i , 9 p.he.ma bv which It proposes to alve awav to it. .t The Salem Capital Journal naa irwuam- - - - - - Dicit ere a . ... .... . i, rpoiilren the oavment cf a dollar on eubscrlotlon f.ui.. $150 diamond, abeoiutciy iicc. mo k-- --i - "'"en fca titles the aubacrlber to a Bu a. to an unknown number. ,no pcraon .UCKy cnWB xo gues. clo, t tho right number la entitled to tho diamond." i .uttMi ii i n ii 1 1 1'H-t-M 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1- M I'll I I I .1 ll't'i nil"' "ti " .. THE VENERABLE REVEREND WILLIA! DOLLARHIDE TAKES A GUESS HARNESSING A CANAL. Thirty Thoniiand Ilnriie Porrer to De Generated r Clilcneo WntcrTrny. Flans for "putting in harness" the Immwnt-o water power of tho Chicago The Oppoiftonity to Get a Ftee $150 BiamoiJ Ring Extended to All Old and New Subscribers happily proposed that It be sent to Mrs. i Bnnitnry canal at Its termination in Alice Tnrlcton Uovcrley with a letter, LodtDort nnd Joliot arc porfocted by of explanation and in profound recog- tho enclncoring department of the drainage board nnd hnvo received the approval of the board's engineering ultloii of the glorious circumstances which made It tho true flag of tho great northwest And so It happened that Alice's little banner went to Virginia and Is still preserved In nn old mansion not very far from Montlcollo, but It seems likely that tho Wnbosh valley will soon again possess the precious rollc. The mar riage engagement of Miss Alice Hover loy to a young Indiana officer, distin guished for his patriotism and milita ry ardor, has been announced nt tho old IJovorley homestond on the hill, and tho high contracting parties have plan ned that tho wedding ceremony ahull take place under tho famous llttlo flag on tho anniversary of Clark's capture of Post Vlncennes. When the bride shnlJ bo brought to her now homo on tho banks of the Wabash tho flag will como with her, but Onclo Jazon will not bo on hnnd with his falsetto about, "Vivo In baunlero d'AHco Houssillonl Vivo Zhorzh Vuslntonl" THE KKD. RISKS OF FEATHERED TRIBE committee, says a Chicago dispatch. Tho plans iuvolvo nn expenditure of fL',700,000. In developing the water power of the Unitary canal tho board of drainage trustees Is carrying out a policy that has been contemplated alnco tho incep tion of the great engineering scheme designed to give Chicago an adequate supply of puro water. It Is a sequel tv tho successful construction work on tho grent drnlnago channel now con necting Lake Michigan with tho Mis sissippi river and the gulf of Mexico. An extension of tho present channel for n mllo and one-eighth south of the controlling dam at Lockport la neces sary for tho utilization of tho plan. For tho extension channel a great excavation two miles long nnd 140 feet wide will have to bo mado through hard rock. Midway In this two mile cut an artificial waterfall will bo con structed. Hero tho mammoth hydraulic and electric mnchlnery will catch the rushing waters as they fall. It Is In this fall that tho power to bo utilized resides. Weight and momentum of the fall ing wntcrs aro tho factors thnt make the power, which power la to bo caught, aa It were, In Its flight, con verted Into electrical energy nnd -transmitted over wires nnd through storage batteries and dynamos for the turning of glnnt wheels In factories or for the Beautiful Fitst Water Stone Set in a Tiffany Gold Given Away as An Expression of Good Will To ward Subscribers Yom' Cnoice of 975 Numbers, Any One of Which May M the Unknown Number That Gets the Glittering Diamond No Possibility of Any Crooked Work. Dtrda Llnble tn Manr Accidents a Other Creature. Of all creatures birds arc most ex impt from liability to accident, yet Ihoy not Infrequently lose their Uvea Hi most unexpected ways. Once above trees and buildings they have the wholo upper air free of every obBtaele and though their flight sometimes equals the speed of a railroad train they- have little to fear when well above ground. I'nlllalon with other birds seems Bcnrco Vv piMtalble, hut It aoinotlmea occurs. mini a covey or ,unii arc- uiuiim oc- NiBnni'a mighty power, nnd that Is BlB 0,(1 subscribers mostT That Ib cnaloimlly wo bird will collide, at wlmt tho pInn9 Just compIctcU nro t0 our fooling, and wo oxtond our good times meeting with such force that ,i .,. ' ,..,: , .,"." , . - . luill. rn ytB,u-l lflv,l... ,!.-. ' "" '"" """" ",,,vl "' "'K""' " "" " U"I lonilB. ....... n,, r........,.. . vrtivi.itn unit- I K I r. IUUI mill .!.. I.... - -. I V iii.vw.wiu tllltlllUHU Llllllll, lit the development of tho powor nt The. Journal Free. Diamond Guess ing Contest ontora upon tho third week with prospects of increasing in tcrost Ordora for subscriptions and guosaos on tho diamond havo come from Southorn nnd Eastorn Orogon and Washington, and from California and othor states. Open to All on Equal Terms, To provont any unfairness and give all subscribers an equal chanco, The Journal haa oxtonded tho right to a free guess to all who may bo in ar; rears on tho carrier lists or on special dellvory as woll as by mall. Many old frlonds aro allowed to run over tho tlmo paid for by special rcquost and as a favor to thorn, and wo are willing they should bo treated aa WAll (in fneYi..(n.n ilvnnna aittiaAilKnMi ES 5 SStit s?as - - -i f lugs. That is what has been dono with "l",lw raan WQO Q0CB not lovc bor In Tho Capital Journal DUwJ Guesaine Contest" This numbtr wl formed in exact pursuance of tfct pij advortlecd In Tho Journal, by too tnittoo of buoinoss men and Jctoi) Bubscribors, who como into the cfio Monday, January 11. Followler u their slgnod Btatomont on cxhlblUoa at Mr. Hinges' Bhow windew: Tho Unknown Numbor, Wo. tho undersigned, wore prieatS at The Journal office January 11, aiij aaalBtetl in tho forming of tho mi known mimlmr. iwnTAnv in im nll Ark I 1 lei Aat v4 wl 1 1 a 1 . B .DOUW, m u.j Kiron aa op- pubUahed to bo used in Tho Capital portunlty, absolutely without cost, to journal Diamond ducting Cbaleat hare a guess at tho unknown numbor, Undor a,,, ,,, of fonabt tt, Mm. and tho person or persons gueseing bei Jt ta lmpoosiblo for any, tot uuuiuot lutti uuwuur win rccoivo as a present and without any compensation back from hla indulgont paront Oth ers aro going so far as to pay the subscriptions of tholr losa interested frlonds and will thus get tho guesses for tho short uso of their monoy, and may win tho valuahlo prlzo for, their trouble. One man who takes sovoral copies of tho paper has taken 15 guesses, and yet ho realizes that only ono number can win (ho prize. How to Participate. For each receipt of ono dollar for tho Dally or Wookry Journal, to any address, tho person to whom tho re- Father Dollarhlde Participates. Nearly ovorybody knows Rev. Wm. Flycatchers dart ing at the HHine Imwct will now and tlwu come together, but nut hard enough to Injure either Kngllah papers a few trident waa recorded--. Uerou had ..,".,.". ' " ...'..""'"""r"." In hi church nnrt n ia ., i... Aitiini inm ". "'" ivur iu aiinury points in " " .. uu uu. them a Knel uaitw nml numertuw de axviulantss How All fuml out her family In Vlrglula ve are Hot Inform!, but after a lapao of aonin years from h dnte of ber marriage there appear In one of her Ictttw a reference to an estate In berlta! from her Tarleton ancestor, and hw nsmo apieaw In old rtcon!s algned In full, Alloo Tarleten Ileverlay. A deseeiHlant of hent attll treasures the locket, vtth Ita broken miniature and tmtteixs crvat, which won lleverloy'i u irom wing uir, the aatage. Ue Udo It, aa carefully guarded, la the la iUn charm (wio that stopped Hamtl. ton's bullet oTer Allce'a heart. Tho ra !wn have aotnehow disappeared, and Ihow la a trodltlou In tho Tarloton fmaitly that thty werv given by Alloa to tlaspaM lloulllan, vrh after Mrae, Bousaillen'B death in ITO0 went to New Orleana, where he itayed a year or two before embarking for France, whither he took with him tho boautlfu! pair of colochewardea and Jean, th hunchback. Oaola Jaaon llTed In VIbcwibm manr tear after tho war waa evr. but he aled at Natchaa, Mkw.. wkwj ninety Ibrw yeara old. lie Mid with alttuvit al Ut breath that he couklH't aboot very well ewn In hla beat days, hut that he had upon tardus oeeaatona "J klatl o' happened to hit a IrJhh In the kf ya.M Thar used to toll a ajlory (piked Itself on one of the pointed Iron arm of a eroaa aurniouiitlng a eliun-li steeple. Kven the auialleat and nimt woodtTful of all nlora, the humming ' blrtl. nwy iH.me to grief In accidental ' ways, aa waa recently shown by the eaaa of a tiny bird of the ruby throated variety which iKvauut witanglwl In the hooka of a bunlock bur awl died a prla uer lefon help could rrw IL Young plitt'bM tkiiuetluiea tMH'ome en Unglwl In the bomebalnt which ar iwed In the llulug of the iveit When they are old enough to tly ami attempt to leav. tliey are held primmer or left dangling from (he nwt. when mink trap are set In ih anew In winter wla freqiwutly fall victims, mice be Ihk scarce ami the Iwlt tempting. Uglithouae are Hrluim tlte chih of more acvldruta to blnla than any other obUel they encountur on their noc turnal migrations north ami south. Many hundreds are round dead at the baa of such structure. The sudden glare U so confusing and blinding aa they ahoot from Intense darkneaa luto Ita circle of radiance that they are completely bewildered and dash head long agHltwt tlw thick panes of glana. J'elegmph wlrwi aro nuothor menace to low flying blrls, esjuvlally thoae which, like quail nnd woodcock, enjoy a whirlwind ami uttnln great speed within n few yards, Buch blnls havo tveen found cut nlmoat In two hv n... forxv with which they Btruck tho wire. Tlw elements frequently catch blnla unaware and overpower them. A aiiddeu wind or atorm will drive coast llylug blnls hundreda of miles out to aoa, and oceanic hlnl may be litown na far Iuhin4. Hurricane In tho Weat Indie are said to cause tlte death of luaumerable blnls, aa well aa other creature. Small island are known to have become completely depopulated i uwr teatheml Inhabltnnta from' - a etimm. violont hailstorms, coin- s wiiuoui warutng in wann weather, are quite common agonts in the de atructlon of bin!, and thousand of HoglUh aparrowo havo been atricken lu a city during auch a atorm. Huffed grouao havo a habit of bur rowing deeo beneath tha nx. i ,. ter and letting the atorm ahut them In. They apoad the night In thla warm. wj .vwraw weir jireaut making uone mucn gooa In the world. He mado a guess for The Jounrnal dla rs. Catherlno Steele, of Lynde, ,' ,, ' Z, V ," . ' K . N. II., has Juat died at the age Pt?Zt!Z! V ., v ..... v..,j niiuiniuiK J5BU1. omC years ago a fine road wagon was giv en away in Portland to the beat Kueaeer and Fnthor nniini-hi.in -..,.. within one of the fortunate number j He Is aa old aubacrlber of The Jour nal and takea a keon Interest in this ' conteat and will be among the first to .congratulate the winner. He consid. ' era it one of the faireet conteats that ubs ever come undsr hi ohawva. tlon. New York and New Itngland and Can nila. - Mr. botu of 103 0 -A. JS TO 371.X A. pLmJl LtHHJ1ljjJHi whatovor, and merely as an oxprosalen of good will on tho part of Tho Journal toward Its subscribers, tho $150 dia mond Tirfany ring ndvortlsod in this paper and on exhibition at tho Jowol ry Btoro of C. II Hlngoo, 88 State street, Salem, Orogon. The party paying ono dollar or moro shnll ro eelvo a receipt for oach dollar paid, and havo tho opiortunlty to guoss a different numbor for each auch rocolpt hold. No commission is allowed to any agont or solicitor for securing subsorlbors, and tho porson bo eub. scribing does it with tho understand Ing that tho Dally or Wookly Journal I an1 987 M iti unknown number vai ovon the mombors of thla commltto. tho publishers of Tho Journal, se: I the Jowolor who furnlBhod tha rlct to know what th number II (Signed) N. J. JUDAII, J. O. GRAHAM, GEO. C. WILL, i HAL. D. PATT0N, CHAS. II. H1N0E3, FRANK C. FERQUSOS.I Limited Competition. Tho numbor of rocolpto teued Il thla contest will bo limited to tlul numbor of guossea poaelble in thai rongo of tho numbora botwecn tUl la accopted as paymont in full for tho money paid. Unknown Number How Prepared. Tho unknown number that is to be gueeteo was made up in the follow. bo composed of a figure within tt limrta Tho unknown number carnal bo loss than 012 nor more than ! To bo a perfectly harmless andh-j nocont and nwuBlng guofaslng o HAVE YOUR MEASURE TAKEN for your new Fall garments. It la the only proper and sat isfactory way of buying your clothe, being that "GOOD CLOTHES ARE ALWAYS MADFv TO ORDER." Mako your aelectlon from the tail oring liue of STRAUSS BROS. Chicago, Est. 1877 Good tailor for over a quarter century You'll find a world of picas wroin wearing the clothes made by Strauaa Bros,, faultlea In atyle. fit, finish and material. They're so much better than the ordl nary nm of clothe, yet prices are astonishingly low. and your perfectly aafe In or! deriug, because If garments neeon t take them. WB WILL- BE PLEASED TO SHOW YOU OUR GREAT LINK OF CALL-ON SAMPLES- V.a.9 tnrmnA at Tho Journal office on Monday, Jnn- w i, lain, in tho following man nor First Two Weeks a Succeo. The first two weeks of Tho Jour nat Diamond Guessing Contest have uubcu Bxceeaeo ui0 moat sanguine i expectation of all concerned. More gueaeos havo beon made than anyone would have predicted and Bcoroa ol those have como through the malle while a subscription clork at the busl noss offlco of The Journal has been kopt busy writing recolpts, explain ing the modus operandi and deposit Ing gueseoe for thoeo participating. At tlmee many havo boen llnod nn . 'tha rnnntnr w.iti.. iv.i. . and Dlacn.1 will. .1 .. . i,s iUOir lurn w . --- .w mo uiomeno: on oxhi- trot at tho unknown number. All Uon ln to Jolry Btore ahow win. .w. ,... mm mis opportunity tq " "" ua' uunng the gueaiitnir lug manner. Tho ten numhar ,- .... .. . ". b . BMl8nM.n"8J?rM,U ont must bo nnd remain absolute i uniwo and a cZ ... "? M t0 iwn, Thoro must bo no W abU T1111T ? ,-h Journal publishers, of the mi.1 . uuwu uumoor. uo uniraown numbor The ton numbora from n.,.h to nine, incluslvo, on soparate ahpe of Pajier, In small sealod envolopos were Ptacod In a box, shaken, and a blindfolded poram in the preaonco of alitoe drew out throe of thoro ton numbora, marking the first one. tho second two and tho third lr!l,?flEU.rea Dd JV were then :T, ,u ,arK wvelopo, Beoled up able a prize which is absolutely free coatoet &, when tho sG.WJotasoii&Co.1" to the fortunato subscriber Many regular aubacrlbors are pay ing up their paper a year In advance and thua securing alx guesses, be side thuB being freed from a collect or twolvo tlmoa a year. They real tea that la thla way The Journal coats them no more, rids them of a month ly colloctor'a call, and gtvea them a goodly number of gueeaea for the HBO gem. Somo are paying up ids montha to secure three gueasoe, ana many now subscriptions are coming in on this liberal offer. Ona young man paid his father's tn(.....i.. " wweajiiuuiin year In advance and took the guess- there It -win w.i """nana, and Written aeroIL1!- v7 . "UTR"W wK the guesa- white oavelone .u R mrK- o. himself and will collect the money UI,,' " -.uuviu nam- furnishing tho diamond, nor on part of any Bubocrlbor. The kx&P for this guooslnc contest will be wm bored In duplicate, but tho stub wH bo only for tho purpose of ideoufr lug tho subscriber who la tho suco ful guoeser ooch Bubacriber wrlUU tho guess numbor on tho bock of W rocolpt oach ono making hla or b own guosa at tho unknown number Aa aoon as tho rocolpU aro all boM the gueselng contest will be over a tho nearest numbor awarded the dU mond. How the Gueeaes Are Made. On securing a rocolpt for ono 4 tor or more, tho porson wuming gueaa will, wrlto his guosa 1 tWOOtt ttm nKn. .nmhnnl C tho back of tho rocolpt ln ink or Ufj uounie ponclL writine only ono n oach rocolpt, and depositing tt "no in tha roldnrart Hn hocr nrorliJ contained. Tho ..,. 'at Thn Tt . it va- nnmKo. win O0Trn I vwu uiul hit uw lr- ZLT"1 ". "bled uaUilSubecriber. out of town w!U be wwoa to mako their guoas in tho sanw majmer. RocelDta wiU bo malkd Uumn, and thoy can rotorn tho sat bo con- dlv will bo given to the Nearest " - "r imiung togotfaor the thw number. In the order aa markoae! nubUrU . l " completod, and publicly announced to wbacribora. The Number to Be o.,.. . There It is, sealed up Jn . , J, witten on tho ba In the window with the an?Z W' ln " nTIopo plainly marM there It will rema,n nni,!?d' "Jonnial Diamond anoaalns Oontfl' ana thoy yrttX bo deposited tn tha box Tno BoUJerod tin box vlU not be est Pn until adi tiut mcoints to t Bueeane contest aro coJpta in aU. gold 976 i mmtMiwmm ammm in MaMMaaMaaaumsMtettttM xuaaiasK . t.tl.i .u.i .