Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, January 29, 1904, Image 1

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f .irawmu'ltu Uf - MTl MHaminaa . . ii .. i -. , .
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NO. 25.
taief Ceremony and a Sfuwt
Shti.it Marked the Closing
How of His Life
eat& Came Quickly and Was Met
Bravely, and Egbett's Account With
the Law Is Balanced
condemned prisoners will bo kopt.
There Is room for flvo of thoso colls;
and this number is bollevcd to bo
enough for all purposes.
From this floor a broad stair loads
to tho execution chamber on tho up
per floor. This room, about 26x40, Is
tho last view tho condemned man had
of this world. The west end of the
room 1b occupied by a platform, about
10 feet wide, nnd reached by a nar
row stairway. In this platform are
two traps through which tho con-
Slept From 2 to 7 This Morning and After Breakfast,
Slept Again Until i 0:30 -Prepared Calmly for the
Ordeal and at 1 2:30 His Sool Went Out Into the
Impenetrable Darkness of the Unknown
Harry D. Egbert, twice murderer,
and ono of tho most noted criminals
of tho Harney country, haB ox plated
his crjmo on tho gallows, and tho first
logal oxecution at tho pcnltontlary Is
fa thing of tho post.
Shortly after 12 o'clock, noon, the
i death warrant was read to tho con-
1 J
domned man, and all was In readiness
for tho oxecution as ordered by the
circuit court for Harney county, on
December 10, 1903, and from that mo-
raont two guardB, ono of them P. N.
Potorson, tho regular death watch,
stood In front of tho cell and watched
his every movement, while Rev. St.
Plorro spent tho last moments with
tho man in prayer.
Promptly at IS: 30 this aftornoon,
Kgbort left his cell shackled to two
guards, and began tho march to tho
death chamber, for tho last tlmo go
ing out In tho froo air, as he passed
from tho chapol through tho yard to
tho placo of oxecution. Hero wore
gathorod tho Invited guests, including
officers from all parts of tho state,
and tho prison officials, to tho number
of about 70.' Egbert mountoftl the
scaffold, and in two minutes from the
tlmo of tho arrival of tho condemned
man on tho trap, tho ropo was adjust
ed and ho was dropped into etornlty,
Porfect dulot provailod in tho death
chamber during tho execution, and a
groat sigh of relief from tho tension
Try a box of that
elegant stuffed fruit
154 State 8t
Phono 1871 Malrv
wont up, whon Drs. J. D. Shaw and E.
A. Plorco, who seized tho hanging
man's hands as ho camo through the
trap, and felt tho pulse-boats, pro
nounced him dead, his neck having
beon broken by tho fall of nearly six
. Tho body of tho executed man has
not been claimed by relatives yet, and
will probably bo buried in tho prison
His Last Night
Egbert spent tho night in writing
and reading, until an early hour this
morning. His wonderful norvo, that
has Boldom dosorted' him during his
confinement in tho prison, staid by
him, and ho showed no signs otbreak
lng down, when, at 2 o'clock this
morning, ho finally removed hlo cloth
ing and laid down on bis cot for a
rest Before retiring ho, spolco pleas
antly to his death watch, Mr. J. B.
Chenowlth, who was watching bis ev
ery action, conversing on ordinary
He slopt until 7 o'clock this morn
ing, when bo was called as usual. Ho
arose, but soon laid down again, and
went to sleep. Several times his day
guard, who stood at tho door, watch
ing tho prisoner every Instant, called
him. Egbet always nnswored in a
sleepy voice, but soon fell asleop
again, and ho remained In this con
dition until 10:20 o'clock, when the
prison missionary camo out to spend
tho last hours with him, and all visi
tors woro oxcluded from tho prison.
' Mi. -
W M r "
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Alias Jack Frost.
San, Francisco, Jan 29. In a des
peratq hlghblndor war, fought In
Chinatown this morning, two men
wcrej'oundcd In an exchange of 20
shots. Thos. Stellman, a watchman,
was shot In the thigh, but not dan
gerously. How You, n highbinder,
was shot in tho leg by Stollmnn. You
nnd two companions started out to
clean up, somo Hop Sing men, nnd
encountering one, began to Bhoot. The
flro was roturned, and a running bat
tlo followed until Stollmnn appeared.
A bullet soon put him down, and the
highbinders wero about to kill the
man they woro after, whon Stcllman
nroso and Bhot You, who was arrested.
Tho othora escaped, nnd furthor
trouble is oxpected.
Hatty-Egbert Gives Up His Life
to Balance the Scales
Unswerving Justice
Observed McKlnley. Day.
Washington, Jan. 29. Tho White
Hauso observed carnation day.
Roosevelt and Locb had InimoiiBe
bouquets, and gavo each visitor bout-onnlerres.
Harry ri. Egbort, alias Jack Frost,
tho man who was executed' at tho
penitentiary at 12:30 o'clock today,
only began a few days ago reallzo his
position and as a result ho has beon
moody nnd silent, caring llttlo for
conversation and demanding moro at
tention .at tho hands of tho officials
caring for him and watching him,
than In tho past six weeks, tho time
ho has been In tho death cell. Dur
ing tho past fow days ho recolvod
a fow callora, among thorn tho prison
missionary, Itov. St. Pierre, and sov
oral Indies who spent considerable
tlmo with hint in conversation on
religious topics nnd tho welfaro of
his spiritual existence.
Vigilant Death Watch.
Ho was closely watched day and
night, and nt n6 time was ho gives
an opportunity to do himself harm,
for tho report that ho had attempted
Bulcldo boforo leaving tho jail at
Burns placod tho penitentiary ofll
clals on their guard from tho moment
of tho condomncd man's arrival, and;
.at no tlmo had tho vlgilanco of his
guards relaxed for a momont. P. N.
Potorson, of Portland; was with tho
prisoner nil day long, and when the
guard wont off duty at' night, J. B
Chonowlth, a vetorau of tho Philip
plno campaign and a formor guard
nt tho Walla Walla ponltontlnry, took
charge nnd sat In front of tho coll
all night, watching tho condemned
man. No man could bo moro closoly
watched than was Egbort. Evon dun
(Continued on Third Page.)
The Death Chamber.
The placo whero Egbort was oxo
cutod 'was especially constructed for
tho purposo to which it was put to
day. It is a substantial two-story
brick structure, built on tho south end
of, tho now dining hall, and entored
only from tho yard. Tho lowor floor,
with a comont floor,' is intendod to be
fitted with strong steel cells, In which
Ttacle Based on Quality
and REASONABLE PRICES ia the only sure trade. Cua
touiers find that tho quality of our merchandise ia equal in
nvnrv wnv to tlmt carried hv 'roiulnr storea" but nur nrieea
are much" lowor. IT COSTS LESS TO DO A CASH buainosa,
that's why.
l W&k
It's quality that keeps our
Shoe Department
growing. "We sell the moat
reliuble footwear in the city.
When you want shoes that
give satisfaction go to tho
DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, Ladies' and Men's Furnishings. We sell
the genuine Conhlln's Florseblde Work Gloves at $1.15. Tbey remain
soft and pliable and are equal to two pairs of ordinary $1 gloves for
wear. We oaye a special mixed lot of calfskin, buckskin and borskln
gloves at 80c Just an odd lot the factory was closing out- They're
extra values
Salem's Cheapest One Pice
Cash Store.
E. T. BARNES, Prop.
(domned men aro sont into otornlty.
Tho ropo with which Egbort was
hanged, a new Inch cnblo, was at
tached to an Iron ring abovo tho trapj
on tho west end of tho platform, sov-
'ort.l days ago, and to it was suspond-
.ed a sack of sand of tho weight of n
man, and slnco it was suspended tho
(ropo has stretched sovoral foot, and
become pllablo and thoroughly pro
pared for tho grucsomo job awaiting
Jt. Tho traps aro sprung from the
,rcar of tho platform, whoro-a handle
at tho upper end of a low box is at
tached to a ropo that in turn connects
with a spring that roloascs tho trap,!
Ono pull of tho handle, glvon nt the
Blgnal that all is in readiness, releas
es tho traps, and tho condemned man
Is dropped Into eternity. Tho traps
aro 9 feet abovo tho floor, and un
der it aro posted tho physicians, who
announco tho death.
Tho death chamber Is baro of furnl
turo, and tho brick walls and tho sin
ister platform, with its death-dealing
paraphernalia, aro not a pleasant
sight, especially when ono realizes
tho grimncss of tho uso to which the
placo is being put It is a chambor
of horrors, and Is destined to hear tho
last words of many a wretch who 1st
through tho agency of tho law,
brought hero to explato his crimes.
Convicts Locked Up,
Tho oxecution was fixod for 12:30
o'clock, for tho tho reason that all
prisoners aro then locked in tholr
colls for tho noon hour, and this pro-1
caution was strictly observed by the
officials. Every prisoner Insido tho '
grim walls was in his cell, and only I
a few outside trustlos wro about
their work whon Egbort's execution
camo off as schodulod. Only ono man
In stripes insido tho prison was kept
at his work tho fireman at tho heat
ing plant, a short-term prisoner who
takos very llttlo interest in what Is
going on about him. This wqs for tho
two-fold purposo of preventing a dis
turbance among tho men In tho prison,
when the execution took placo, as
this would naturally exclto them very
much, and to havo tho uso of all tho
prison guards In the oxecution chum-
ber at tho tlmo of tho carrying out
of tho mandate of tho court. This
course was decided upon long ago, 1
and is tho plan followed in all tho
ponitcntjarles whore tho death sen
tonco is executed.
Tho drop fell at 12:42:40 p. m. in
the presence of about 70 wltnessfej.
Tho arrangements wero porfect,
thoro was no hitch In tho proceed
ings, and tho execution was a sue-J
cess in that tho condemned man's
neck was broken and llfo was extinct
within a few minutes. j
The citizens and officers invited to
witness tho oxecution wero early on
tho ground, and as soon as tho pris
oners were locked up for the noon
hour, about 12:25, tho doors wero
opened and tho crowd admitted. Pro-1
eoeded by a platoon of guards, they
entered the death chamber, while Su-'
porintendent Jam 03, Warden Curtis,
Deputy Warden Smith and several of
the regular guards went to tho con
1880 1885 1886 1887 1888jl89g1890 1891 1899
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1883 ' imwmairmifwmrnMKKr 1902
1884 18921893 18941895189618971898 1904
Without the embodiment of these essential features In the commercial fabrlct, from which a business le
made, no erierprlse can bo successful for any lenoth of time. Thorounhness and worthiness have been, for
twenty-four yenro amono. the characterise qualities of this store thorounhneee In Its every deallno and
supreme worthiness In the goods It handles and sells.
Ladies' Clothing
Important savings to bo
mndo. Wo oxpected tho news
whon It bocamo noised about,
of our having placod tho la-
9 dies' suits and Jackets on tho
prlco toboggan, to croato a son
cation. It has. Every suit and
Jacket Is now this season.
Stjles, modols and making bo
lng all that critical people
would or could oxpect. AtMho
former prlcos tho garments
represented tho host garments
on tho market. Now, as hand
somo as over, only chaapor.
Hear In mind tho fact that
you havo tho cholco of any Bult
or Jacket In our ontiro depart
ment, whero you can find gap
ments valued as high as $30.00,
for th.- extrcm" low price of
Men's Clothing
Hero's a lot of good clothes
gathorod to supply tho needs
of ovory man within travollng
dlstanco of this storo, who is
woll dressed, or who wants to
bo. That moans wo'vo got
onough to go 'round among all
tho caroful-about-thoir-clothos ,
mon; no matter how partlcu
lar you aro wo shall satisfy
you hero; no matter how caro
loss you aro, wo shall put somq
now clothes ldms into your
head at prlcos that cannot fall
to win your approval.
$675 Duy ony '0,00 cu" or overcoat.
$950 Buy,8 any $15,00 8U,t or overcoat
$J4r.50 Buys any '20-X) 8U't or overcoat
$ J 6.00 Buye ony 25- BU,t or overcoat
Women's now spring ncckwonr.
Such a profusion of designs and
tho'ro all so oxtromely smart and
pretty that you'll find choosing
difficult, for you'll want ono of
each kind, 'tylght as well attempt
to count tho straws In a haystack,
almost, as to try to enumerate the
now numbors of neck dressings
hero for this eoaoon, Vory wldo
latltudo is permitted in tho style
of collar or tlo and makers havo
not boon slow to take advantage,
of this liberty.
Sf4t Waists
Tho now advnnco ideas In spring
waists aro hero In a great assort
ment. No yoman knowing the
scopo of our wblto waists stock
and familiar with our scalo of
prlcos will buy i olsowhoro-r-unl088
thoro exists a strong, compelling
porsonal reasons for bor doing so
rashly extravagant a thing. But
wo want you all to soo this lino,
and Judgo for yourself tho truth of'
our statements.
All tho year round wo load with
tho brlghtost, host anl largest col
lection of fine laces and embroid
eries. What applies to our storo
today will apply to It noxt autumn
and noxt year. And with all this
fineness, richness and oleganco,
tho prices aro oxtromoly moderate
Very often wo show laces and em
broideries hero that cannot be
had in any other storo vory of
ton and especially do wo want
you to rotnombcr this whon you
wish somo of extraordinary fine
Shoes en
When you try on a pair of shoos
look for two tilings comfort and
stylo. You must havo them both.
Either ono by itself is not enough.
But it is very difficult to combine
tho two. To mako a stylish shoe
that Is comfortablo is the highest
art Ask to soo tho QUEEN
Scotct Ffan;eb
A flno assortment of tho non
shrlnkablo kind that aro beauti
ful examples of tho weavers art
Thoy mako elegant waists, etc.
27 inches wide.
of over known design, 27 Inches
wldo. Just the thing for cblldron's
school dresses.
12 to 23o a Yard.
Shoes iot Men
Tho ono absolutely noceewy
thing about shoos is that thoy
shall fit. Unless thoy do you feel
"sloucby- ' you walk clumsily,
dragging tho feot ,along, because
they aro tired. You acqulro coniB,
etc, Aro'nt you tired of that kind
of a shoo? Just try "Meyers"
shoe for men,
(Continued oa efgth page.)