Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, January 28, 1904, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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    ! or1" 9 3
ir ' iiiiiiibmii
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I At Tho Old White Corner b
n And 298-300 Commercial 8t. I
Thoro Is a doublo nicety about
our raon'fl apparel. Thoro Is
tho stylo, then tho price. Wo
novor mark our goods at exor
bitant prices' during tho sea
son In ordor to miiko roductlonn
look big during our antes.
Come to us, we will save you
Ocago U Baker, Sol Dlumenthal
T fr. and Mrs. W. U. Odalo, It. A. Lam.
fcarson, Chao. R. Curchard, J. 0. Und
cy, Margaret Young, P. S. Myers, W.
T. Jeffreys, W. H. Mltcholl, W. A.
Btoroy, J. F. Oraham, Portland; J. M.
Brown, Sllvcrton; Grant Holt, Jotter,
son; II, C. Atwoll, Forest drove;
Augustus Hogol, Vancouvur; A. M,
Hendricks, SoattJo; A. Stocbles, J. J.
Nelson, I'. T. I'ctonon, drafton, N.
D.j il M. Yoran, Eugene; W. P.
Cramer, Ornnts Pass; A. Catoy, Tor.
onto; W. U. Douglas, Marshflold; 0.
A. Hurley, Independence ; J. A. Hoothi
Grants Pass: Goo. P. llaldwln. Klnm.
nth Pallaj Mrs. P. M. Trco, Bcnttlo;
O. II. Butler. 8alt LakofJ. P. Drown
and wlfo. Yamhill; Pay Charles and
James Hollls. Chemawa; Theo. liar
olflsoiv, A. Nottlchon. Pardon Mlnn.j
H. T. Hill and wlfo, Helix, Or.
Not First Wsrm Reception.
Madrid, Jan. 28.- Thu cnblnet of,
its meeting today docldod to send Its
"warm thanks to AtnorlcR for tho re
ception tendered the Spanish cruiser
ty tho Amorloan marines In tho re
cent Now Orleans celobrntlon.
Jan. 27 Wheat. 80
Gold Dust Flour
Mde by
Sidney, Oregon.
Made for family ue. Ask your
row for It, Uran and shorts at-
wars on hand.
A. T. Wain, Agt
Wanted Potatoes
fNMX Petateee,
tarty Rm Potatoes.
ry JMkton Potatoes,
Peerloee Potatoes.
" CMIl Potatoes,
James M. Kyle & Co
1 75 ComxnetdalSt.
I Ws&)
Ill sCv'8fc1( i , J
1 1
enormous growth of the firm
of Stockton & Co is abundant roof
of our honor and a trlbuto to our ex
pert knowledgo of good merchandise,
and our ability to undorscll. Tho In
crcaso of the business of our two
stores has been phononwnal. Al
ready wo aro crying to our landlords
for more room to show our goods and
very soon the sound of tho mason's
trowol will ring about our cornor
Htoro. Dally crowds tell tho true
story of our clcaranco salo bargains.
An 111 fitting shoo Is not cheap
at any prlco. You will And
that wo carry ono of tho host
stockB of chooa In Salem. Wo
havo them for men, womon
and chlldron In high grado
standard makes. Also tho mora
modorato prlco goods.
Now at Sale Prices.
HINO.-'At tho family homo on Liber
ty street, between Stnto and Court,
Wcdnesdoy, January 27, 1001, to
Kwong Hlng and wlfo, a son.
Tho pnronts of tho now arrival aro
natlvos of tho Plowory Kingdom, tho
father being ono of tho loading hon
growors among tho Chlnoso of this
Bcctloa A largo number of relatives
gathored at tho homo of tho happy
parents, and tho llttlo fellow was Uie
recipient of numorous presents.
WI38TlNaHOUSH At tho homo of
her son. Wm. Westlnghouso, four
mllos south of Salem, Oregon,
Wednesday, January 27, 1904, nt
0:45 a. m., Mrs. lttlo Westing
houso, oged 70 years, of cancer of
tho liver and heart dlscnso.
Deceased has boon a resident of
Marlon county for 20 yoars, and dur
ing tho past 10 years has lived with
hor son, her husband having dlil
whllo tho family was temporarily In
the Hast. 8he leaves four sons and
two daughters residing In Marlon and
Linn counties, Mrs. WeatlnghouBO
was a woman of many good qualities
and was beloved by n largo clrclo of
frltmds. to whom sho had endeared
horsulf by her many acts of kindness.
Tho funoral will bo held from tho
WastlnghoiiBe home, four mllos south
of Salem, nt 9 n. m. tomorrow, und In
terment will bo had In tho Plonsnnt
View ometery. three miles from Tur
ner, llev. P. S. Knight will aluclate.
oh Hie pastor of the Lutheran church.
or which dscMsed was a member
unabltt to attend
Proved an Alibi.
Umlsvllie. Jan. IS. Ilehr. sitsnecta.1
of thut murder of Miss 8chanfer, was
released today on advices of an nltbl
from Memphis.
Never pat rff for tomor
row what yotf can do
torJay. Now is the time
to let s get to work.
No Collections
No Charges
Vim Alstins Gordon A Co,
276 1-2 Com'l St. Phono
Main 801.
A. R. Morgan A C, Mar.
Test The
5S"tthe j lassos are ritht
fr voo. Its tBDortant ikoMfe.
occasloailly to see that your
mm EavjB't chanted. We'll m
fort iad neai comfort by sccla
Jf" yr Jes are always
rlft-Ut. Broken kasisdutlkittd
iimh rc&iirca.
W Statt Street, net to Bush', bank.
A Turner Lady Who
Writes After Our
Own Heart
Writes Intelligently on Per
fumed Blue Tinted Paper
She Don't Wish the
Ed. Jeurnal: I heartily endorse the
loiter written by "Elector" In Mon
day's Journal, and wish to nddross a
fow linos of my own, although they
may not oxactiy coincide with nis
opinions, and thoso of other non
suffragists. I hold that our sex Is Just
as capablo of voting Intelligently as
thu opposlto and stcrnor one, and
should havo tho right but that It
would dogrado us and would under-
mlno tho bulwark qf our nation tho
homo A fow good women would vote
according to tho dictates of tholr con
science, moro would not go to the
polls at nil. A largo majority (of the
other kind) would voto nuy old way.
for anything from a glass of bear to a
five-dollar sailor hat, bought at a bar
gain counter for 49 cents, thoro would
bo temptations that oven a good wo
man could not roslst (as good men
havo not) with tho Idea thnt "the
end Justifies tho moans." Even good
womon would gradually loso tho re
spect of men (good and bad) and the
rights sho had gained would In no
wlso equal nor compensato her for
thoso sho had lost. What truo man
would wish to bco his wlfo or daugh
ter mlnglo with tho usual crowd at
tho polls to listen to tho profano and
obsceno Iangungo which may bo heard
thoro; what truo woman but will re-
coll at tho very thought.
My Intention Is not to run down my
sex, but to protest against what would
bo Its uttor rulnntlon. I bellovo with
"Elector" that woman's sphero Is tho
homo, and In It sho may havo far
moro Influonco than sho could over
havo at tho polls. So down with fe
male suffrage, Bay I.
I am yours truly,
Tumor, Jan. 27th.
He Works and I'laya Hard and Spins
Great Yarn.
Tho sailor's Ufa Is not altogether one
of hard work, and on tho whole ho baa
a very good time. Dancing, gymnaa.
Ilea, fencing, boxing and Iwat racing
till bis lulsuro hours. Ills natural fond
iioss for pets U proverbial, and there
uro few ships without a muscot, bo It
a goat, dug or Dcuuls the pig, which
serves'-to lighten tho hours of tho dull
wuienos nt sea. Mauy stories aro told
of the prowess of ships' pets at night
on the forccustlo, when the hammocks
uro down nud tho pipes lighted. One
man spins n yarn of a cut that wob
born In un old bollor, cruised C0.000
iiillo In one ship, established a great
reputation as a tighter In all parts of
tho world and tlimlly ended his adven
turous career on tne coral reefs of Su
tarn, says u writer In tho World's
Work. Another tells of a monkey
without n or full, with whu-h he
ailed In the China whs, whose fond
noss for liquid paint produced period
ical attacks of blindness. There la a
story of a dissipated dog who uover
lost an opportunity to get drunk nnd
who always recognised the bugle call
for the gig ami luvailably run to the
gangway when It sounded to go ashore
with tho euptiilu. Hut the best of nil
Is tho one of the pet boar who chased a
young ollleer un the mtuon h ,..,,.
Fortunate Indeed la the animal that
falls Into the bands of a sailor.
"Tho sailor man has his vagaries,"
once tatd the bishop of 8haughal over
tho cofflu of a sailor who had taken his
own life, "but ho Is the tenderest heart
ed creature Into which God ever
breathed tho breath of life."
Tho 1'rlcklr p,r of Afrcn,
Mischievous though the prickly pear
la, It Is not without its nwi nn.iinu
1U Juicy fruit, though rather deucleuj
u uTor, 1 ueugntruiiy cool and re
freshing In the dry beat of the sum
mer, and a kind of treacle Is made of It.
Grvat caution U ueeded In peeling
the prickly poar, tho proper way being
to Impale the fruit nn r.i. .. ......
- v v SUCK
while you cut It open and remove tbo
iu. auu woe betide the Angers of the
unwary "new chum" who plucaa the
treacherous fruit
In dry weather at the cape these
spiteful little stings do uot eTen wait
for the newly arrived victim, but fly
bout, light as thistledown, ready to
ettle op any one who has uot learned
by experleuee to give the prickly pear
bushes a wwe ltb,-liome Ufe on
to Ostriok fim."
, I ' -o-U.
Thirty 4 wew atauhter4 BearlJuit Arrlved-na"M. 1 , v
PIwer by pot huater& tC j!!, rrivedOaa car load hop wire,
.. .i . ".T1 Th dew) one ear wire fenclne on. .,
War oy not huBt. .. J
were drtv.-B .. . .. . amr
snow wouutatae by 1
Gtaad Opera House
Tlitffsday, Jan. 28
Last season's big buccoss Juloa
Murry's beautiful molodrama
A pastoral love story. Direct from
Its phenomenal run In Now York.
Largo and splondJd cast Magnifi
cent scenery. Thoroughbred horsos.
Ulcyclo races. Old toll gate, etc.
One of tho best, tho sweetest, pur
est nnd most wholcsomo of rural
dramas, depleting lifo in Indiana
without a mortgage on tho farm, an
erring son or a ruined daughter.
Price 75c, 50c, 35c.
Seats on sale at box offlco Thurs
day at 9 a.m.
Grand Opera House
2 Nights Friday and Saturday
Jantiaty 29, 30
sod special Matinee Saturday
The nnvMtv nf the Reason
Pollard's Lilliputian Opera Company
Friday Mint
"The Belle of New York"
Saturday Matinee
"An American Millionaire"
Saturday NIeht
"A Gaiety Girl"
Perfect Productions In everv detail bv
the most talented company of small
aruats m me wona.
A treat for young and old
Prices, nleht 75c, 50c, 35c
Matinee 50c any part of the house.
Gallery 25c, Seats on sale at box
office Frldaymt 9 a, m,
They Lose One 8hoe.
(Philadelphia Telegraph.)
"Yes, thoro havo been a lot of rail
road accldontB lately," said tho rail
road detective, warming hlB feet
against tho prlmltlvo heating appara
tus In a nearby suburban station. "I
used to bo an engineer myself, and
although wo had aomo pretty bad
mishaps, thoro weren't nearly bo
many as there aro nowadays.
"I remorabor ono caso when a
young lad was walking up the track
ahead of mo, crossing ono of tho
single track trestlos. I saw at a
glanco that ho couldn't make tho
other side, oven If wo did slow up,
so I put on full steam, according to
tho usual custom, hoping to throw
him up on tho embnnkmont. Instead
of running ovor hlra to tho bridge.
won, wo struck him good and
squarely, picking him un nnd landlni?
him safoly on tho othor side, without
a brulso, oxcoptlng tho fact that ono
shoo was ripped off his foot ami ,t
head was cut off clean at tho neck.
Hut, do you know." continued th
old railroader, "ovory tlrao a man gets
strucK by an onglno he loses one
"That's a new ono on me," ans
wered the Interested person towards
whom tho discourse was directed.
"Woll. It's so. I'vo spoken to othor
railroad men about It, and thoy all
ngreo that If a, man Is plckod up whll
wnlklng on tho track ha losiw nn nf
his shoes. Of cor l'a oncii..
plained. One of his feet must bo on
the round, ovon If ho Is u-nibin.
The tremendous Jar Is rosUtod most
iy from the foot which Is on the
ground, and naturally tha shnn M th.i
foot Is going to bo ripped off.
If you ovor hnvo occasion n i,.
vosUgnte for yoursolf you will flnrt
vory few wxcoptlons to thin ii
concluded tho detective ns hi. ,.'
drew In.
Tho commercial organization of
Oregon City will glvo a dollar a plate
1 n 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 1 M..
New Today
HUH -1-KM-M-
For Sale. Four fresh milch cows for
sale. Also want to buy good, gen
tle driving horso for a lady. Inquire
of Mrs, M. C. Smith, of Tumor, or
O W. Johnson & Co., Salem. Ore.
Rr Sale A fresh Jersey milch cow
inquire of J. 11. or J. M. Howclli
15th and Qroes streets, Salem. Ore-
I' You With Collection Done-Leave
your accounts with the O. A. Hur
ley Colwtlng Agency, over the
wr urooery store. 1-28-tf
ooe ear wire fencing, one car shin
gles. Price right Walter Morley
60 Court street Salem 1 2g.6t
i aMBMBMa(PSSg.Nfla?J '&
j 1 -Solo Actfte- i
Blacks and light colors.
"SHAWKNIT" SOX Here's a snap. Regular 85c and 25c
grades in Shawkuit box for men merino and heavy cotton
on buIo now at per pnir
basket Ball at Y. M. C. A.
Tho Albany Militia boys will this
evening try conclusions with tho Y.
M. C. A. boys for supremacy In basket
ball. Tho gamo promises to bo a
close und exciting one, as tho teams
aro very evenly matched. Tho lino up
of tho Albany team shows somo strong
men, somo of whom played on tho
crack collego football team last year.
Tho association boys, whllo not as
largo as their opponents, aro very
fast, nnd expect to win
Tho game
will bo played In tho Y. M. C. A. gym
nasium, and will doubtloss bo wit
nessed by a largo crowd. Tho llno-up
of tho team Is as follews:
Albany. Salem.
Nelson Forward Rhodes
Dllyou Forward Allen
Ituport Center Yantls
Cleok Guard WInstanloy
Crawford Guard Myors (capt)
Call for Bids.
Tho Common Council of tho City of
Salem, Oregon, does hereby call for
bids for tho doing of tho public print
Ingof tho said city for nnd during
tho year 1904. Tho Council rcsorves
tho right to reject any and all bids
filed In this behalf; and all bids fllod
In response to this call must bo ac
companied by a cortlQed check In the
sura of 10 per cent of tho amount of
said bldB, provided tho samo aro
offored In a gross sum. All bids must
bo filed at tho offlco of tho City Ilo-
corder on or boforo tho hour of 6
o'clock p. m., on"Tuesday, February
2. 1904.
Done by order of tho Common Coun-
c- N. J. JUDAH,
1-27-td City Rocordor, Salem, Or.
Call for Bids.
Tho Common Council of tho City of
Salem, Oregon, does hereby call for
bids for supplying tho said city with
ty Thousand (60,000) feet of
unago ana crosBwallc lumber, thn
BQillG tn h rinllvnvl ..(
. - 1
.. wre ut BUmu UOaiB..vo.lr ..
,.... ......... KUW o,uu tuy, eun.
or In bulk or In seggrogatod lots as
tho samo may boncodod and ordered
by tho city, all within and during tho
year 1904. The council rosai-v ,
aion nnint within !., .i.i -.. .... i
right to reject any and all bids mado
in mis rolatlon, and all bids ninH mn.t
be accompanied by tho certified check
of tho blddor, or by cajh. In tho sum
of 10 per cont. of tho bid offored.
uono by order of tho mmm ,...
... w, uuuan.
City Recorder, Salem, Oregon
ror weansday and Tbiipsday's Sale
n-JSr-t',J.U" X,U:t,y what w we dolng-"hamnuJrlnI? ,in nricea."
-"i;uuuB na8 in b- ft
goods to keen them ml , "' "" Mor0- Wo put prices on uk
No d,, Z?,T. "r,nB- We un1oeH tho other store to keep busy
out it goes nzZT' " W ml mako two cent8 on M arUcU
k for ttem P W flDd8 D P,aco ,n toro. Boo tho prices w4
dlea' 10c hose, fast black, pr.. 5c
JS ??? lcr!n' yard --3HC
Lndlos-76c umbrellas, only ....39c
65c black velveteen, yd .. 35r
35c India !lk, yd ....; ,C
15c hair rats, all colors'!! 80
Best spool silk, each .. '" 2p
10c Turkish towels .... t.
Best Bhoo lacoa, 2 for 1!
200 yard spool cotton .!!!""iu.
Best Saxony yarn, 6keln ."j,
Best Shetland tfoss. akeln .6Uc
8c wlto fringed towels . 4!
Best Sans silk, all colors':;;: lc
Good nnnriccnTTTT1!, . ' "
"" nnmmiiiiijn
This is the Lafcel
Better thau any $3,50
hat ia town. A $3 hat
that pleases "Ilig Ma.
esly" tho American gon.
tleinan. The now spring
stvles aro hero.
Three Children Cremated.
New York, Jan. 28. Threo children,
tho oldest Boven, were burned to
death In a tenoment flro on Madleon
stroof this morning. In tho panic
Bovoral woro slightly Injured; daniip
was small.
Wright 8ulclded.
London, Jan. 28. Physicians, at lit
Wright Inquest today, testified that
Wright put poison in his mouth, held
If enmn ilmft nnrl llinn tAt .t...
I ' wn " K'51
,of water. Tho vordlct was suicide.
Some Used
If you can't afford to buy a new
machlno Just yot, como In and vol
soil you a rattling good machlno al
most at your own flguro, wo hau
taken In n groat many machines this
fall and wlnlor In trndo. Our m&chfnt
man goes ovor these and puts thorn
In flrst-clafl3 ordor, ready for use. We
then sell them for what they'll bring.
Como In and Bee. Good machines of
woll-known makca as low no $5,00 and
on up.
Mr. N. H. Burloy la our mtehlnt
man, and ho knows how to ropalr ma
chines properly. All work guaran
teed. Bring In your machlnoe.
Best mnkoa of noodlos, Excelsior
and Howard's nt 2Bo a dozon.
Nyea Sporm gonulno sowing mar
chinos oils, aa woll m "3-ln-l." Best
oil mado.
Don't buy cheap oils, or oils of M-
l. v..,
Thtty gum and clog
F. A. Wiggins'
Implement House.
255-257 Liberty 8t
Farm Machinery, Bicycle, Autn
biles, Sowing Machines and 8uppll.
n. h7burley,
Sowing Machine Repairing.
Farmers, call and et McCoraick
DoWd Prices
Beat 6V4c crash toweling, yd..34c
Men's best overalls 39c
Wire hair pins, 2 pkga for ..1
Best standard calicoes, yd .... c
12c white India linen,' yd ,.81-3c
45c dress goods, 40 Inches wldo
splendid wearer, prlco yd... 23c
Great borgulns In embroidorloa,
from lc yard up.
Prices cut away down on out
Ing flannola, blankets and com
Ladles dross and rainy day
8Wrta, half prlco.
' I I III I -
Coqrt st..Salem