Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, January 28, 1904, Image 1

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    ? T "'T'lV
Fifty Thousand Chinese in Readiness to Protect
the Fontie Germany and Denmark Fom
An Alliance and Will Close the Baltic
in Case of Wa
St. Petersburg, Jan. 28. A dls- cantly upon tho calm and confident
patch from Shanghai says 50,000 Chi- attltudo of tho Japanoso people. Ac
ncEO are hold In readiness to protect cording to tho correspondent of the
tho frontlors In tho ovent of war. Tho Dally Mall at Cheofoo, everything
Svlet assorts that Japan has already points to nn Impending Japanese
an armored train, manned -with quick- coup In Corea, for which both mill
firing guns on tho railway botwoen tnry and naval preparations aro being
Seoul and Chemulpo. t made.
Correspondents of tho Times In the
linucijmi luwns oi uussja report uc-
Russia Still Sneaks.
London, Jan. 28. A dispatch to the
Pall Mall Gazotto from Berlin says:
"Only today docs Russia commence
drafting her roply to Japan. All sin
ister reports are, according to tho
highest information, untrustworthy.
Official circled contlnuo firm In tho be
lief that tho powers will como to
terms, although tho negotiations will
probably protracted."
Uvo war-llko preparations, andiflio
belief that war Is appreciably near.
At Vladlvostock largo orders have
been given for American cornod boot
for tho Russian navy.
Steamer Line 8hows Fear of War.
Tacoma, Jan. 28. Fearing war be
tween Japan and Russia, Robort Lco
general agent of tho Toyo Klson
Kalsha Steamship Co., 1b instructed
by cablegram to refuse passengers on
vessels on that lino for any Oriental
Form an Allance.
Paris, Jan. 28. Tho St. Pototsburg
correspondent of the Paris edition , of jporUboyond Kot)0( Japan( M ln tt0
m.wIuritm.1uu.WUUuoveiltof war its services to China
an extraordinary story to tho effect and contlnontal p wln bo aban.
that Germany and Denmark have . dowjdf Tho ,natructIonB doalt with
roacnoo on unaerstanuing unucr tuq
terms of which, In tho event of Great
Britain 'fighting with Japan against
Russia, Germany would amicably oc
cupy Copenhagen with a powerful
forco, closing tho Baltic and prevent
ing tho Russlnn fleet from leaving or
tho British from entering that sea.
Coup In Corea Is Planned.
London, Jan. 28. Dispatches re
ceived today on tho Far Eastern sit
uation do not rovcal any chang thero
ln. Tho Japanoso government Is
holding conferences with bankers and
othors with regard to providing the
slnows for a posslblo war. Cable
grams from Toklo comment -slgnifl-
a box of that
ant stutted fruit
154 BUte 8t
Phone 1971 Main j
tho steamer Amorlca Maru, which left
San Francisco yestorday. Other spe
cial Instructions will bo Issued for the
noxt sailing steamer to fit tho condi
tions at tho time.
Will Be Russia's Last Word.
Berlin, Jan. 28. Tho Paris corre
spondent of tho Berliner Tagoblatt
claims authority for tho statement
Some Urge Tracts
Going on the
Many Seeking Lands,
Hotels Full of
Eastern Immigrants
Willard P. Hawloy and J. M. Hcaloy
aro tho purchasers pf largo tracts of
land along tho Santlam rlvor, in the
southeastern part of this county.
Among thoso soiling to tho two pur
chasers namod are: Geo. II. Jonos,
14000; H. P. Mlnto, 80 acres, $1600;
J. H. Wilson, ICO acres, $1000; G. P.
Terrell, 48 acres, $375; A. B. Morloy,
350; Emma Cur ran, 12 acres, $300;
J. H. Foster, $250; D. M. Plorco, $200;
S. Baumgart, $175; M. E. Farroll.
that tho forthcoming Russian noto to $150; A. S. Moyors, $150; Cathorlno
Japan will bo Russia's lost word In ( Korron, $35. Somo of thoso doeds
iuo curroBjJonuuni nays wero for Wato. rights, whllo othors
tho matter,
also that Russia Is particularly op.
posed to tho fortification of Mosam
pho. '
The Cage Fell.
Brownsville, Pa., Jan. 28. Six
minors wero killed by a cago falling
In tho 300-foot shaft of the Bryar
Hill coal mlno this morning. Tho on
glno gear broko.
More Bribery.
Kansas City, Kan., Jan. 28. Chris
topher Kopp, ox-councllman, indicted
for accepting a bribe, surrendered to
day, and gave $1500 bond.
Tho New York Woman's Athletic
Club will orect a $250,000 club bouso
aro for lands ln t 9 s, r 2, 3 and 4 w.
In addition to tho abovo thero arc
many other transfers and documents
of various kinds, kooplng tho county
recorder's office busy. Among the
deeds are:
Jacob Jasnock to A. Damhc(rgc(r,
lota ln Mt. Angol, $1000. L. K. Page
to Fred Collins, 20 acres in t G and 7
s, r 2 w, $800. R. Ilolzgang to J. Bor
horst, lots In Mount Angel, $780. L.
K. Page to Z. Zlollnskl, 18 acres in t
6 s, r 2 w w, $715, and sovoral minor
tMWii tangle ioio leieia ta ioi a reio-Knanoio i t kwm-p
and REASONABLE PRICES is the only sure trade. Cus
tomers find that the quality of our merchandise is equal in
! I every way to that carried hy 'rei'ulnr stores" but our prices
; ; are much lower. IT COSTS LESS TO DO A CASH business, f
that's whv. V
n --.,- ,
t ..i:i.. i. i. .. v
o juum.y btiuk Jktrcpa uur
Shoe Department
growing. We sell the most ; ;
roliable footwear in the city. ; ;
When you want shoes that
give satisfaction go to the ! !
Tade Based on Quality
ii ft-coraxtfs rr- - ,
ii wSSIBfif eT2m
ii jd y
DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, Ladles' and Men's Furnishings, We sell
' the eenulne Cooklln's Horsenide Work Gloves st $1.15. They reoala
! I soft and pliable asd are eaoal to two pairs of ordinary $1 stoves for X
! wear. We Have a special aixed lot of calfskin, buckskin and Doeskin 9
; gloves at 80c Just an otn iottne factory was ciosioe oat- T&eyre
ii extra values.
Salem's Cheapest One Price
Cash Stove.
E. T. BARNES, Pop.
Tangier, Morocco, Jan. 28. On ac
count of coinage laws on which tho
government attempted to placo an ar
tificial voluo, a mob attacked tho
Christian cemetery, openod thd
graves, mutilated the bodies and pa
raded tho town with tho heads stuck
on poles, and attacked tho Jewish
quarter. Jt was beaten oft by tho
troops. Tho governor attempted to
quell tho mob, but was stoned and
pursued into tho palace. Tho author
ities finally promised a temporary
withdrawal of tho obnoxious coinage
Chicago Society Hung
er for a Salacious
Defendants Attorney Quits
Him, Saying His Client
i Had no Letters and
1 no Case
Chicago, Jan 28. A great crowd
attonipted to enter the court room
thlslmornlng to hear tho Coachman
Tilbury trial. Tho bailiffs were com
polled to close tho doors an hour bo
foro tho trial opened. Men and wo
mon continued to Jam tho corridors
until oxtra police wore called to keep
them moving. Yestorday Tilbury de
clared ho had 250 (Jwttors concealed in
tho Thurston stables. Tho court of
floors and attorneys last night made
a thorough search, and announced this
morning they had fallou" to find thorn.
Immediately when tho trial convened
U)la morning Tilbury asked permis
sion to make a statement to tho court.
Ho retired with tho judgo to his oham
bors and shortly aftor tho judgo re
turned ho announced that, at tho re-
quost of tho dofendant, his attorney,
Clnrk, was no longor connected with
tho case. Tho court appointed Attor
ney Rosonthnl to represent Tilbury,
and adjourned until 10 o'clock tomop
row, to tho great disappointment of
tho spectators.
Attornoy Clark said ho, dropped out
of tho caso because Tilbury had no
letters, and there was no caso to de
Bold Chicago Thieves.
Chicago, Jan. 28. Early this morn
ing tblovos smoshed tho Jowelry win
dow In Mandol's department store, pn
State street, ln tho heart of tho city,
and escaped with $500 worth of jowelry.
Stand by Roosevelt.
Kansas City, Jan, 28. This con
gressional district today selected two
delegates to tho Republican- conven
tlolri, with tho posltlvo Instructions to
Btnnd for Roosovolt's nomination.
Heavy Snow In Georgia.
Atlanta, Ga, Jan. 28. Eight inches
of snow fell hero last night; tho great
est ever known here.
Removing Bodies From
Cheswick Mine
Every Available Place Filled
With Corpses and Only
Half Have Been
Brought Out
Now York, Jan. 28 Cotton this
morning untutored all records. There
was wild excitement when It went to
1G cents.
Cheswick, Jan. 28. At 10 o'cloclc
this morning bringing tho bodies from
tho mine was temporarily stopped, as
thero was no longor room ln tho dead
rooms until somo nro removed or
burled. Of thoso recovorcd, 2C aro
lying at tho foot of tho shaft, ready to
bo hoisted. Tho north entry of tho
mlno has been explored to tho otid,
and tho bodlos aro piled along tho pas
sngo, and will bo brought out as soon
as possible. Searchers aro now in tho
south ontry, whoro tho explosion oc
curred. Thoro aro horrlblo Blghtfi;
as the bodlos .aro torn to pieces.
It has been decided to romovo tho
bodies from tho heated mlno. Thoy
will bo wrapped In blankets and laid
In tho snow outsldo tho mlno. Eight
een wero Identified this afternoon.
THe Test of Goods is Thei Wotfth-
Not Tick
"Selling Price
We take It as a part of progresslveneca to have something Interesting to attract you to this store all
the time. The dull monotony of everyday buying and selling In the usual way Is never allowed here. En
ergy, get-up-and-getlveness, progress, are marked features of this store's conduct. You' always bear In mind
that we do not overdlocrlbe our goods. Wo tell tho plain truth, nothing more. We guarantee quality ex
actly as, we otate In every particular.
Women's Suits and
Jackets Reduced
Tho splendid worth of tho
garments Is evident tho momont
you oxamlno Uiom. Thoro is
stylo and quality in each and
evory garment. High grado tail
oring, latest stylos and oxtraop
dlnary low prices. Thoso aro
the featuros that mako this
enlo ono that should not be
missed by nnypractlcal woman,
tfrio you havo tho choice of
our ontlro assortment of ladlos'
suits or jaokots of valuos up
to $30.00 for
Men's Stilts and
Overcoats Reduced
Show us tho man with on ambi
tion to dress well, in porfect tasto
who knows stylo and fit. in gar
ments and who recognizes tho
economy of quality, and wo'll
show you tho man to whom our
goods appeal most forcibly. Wo
havo ovorythlng othor clothing
stores havo and somo things no
othor stores havo, at prlcos lowor
than you can find olsowhero
Each suit and ovorcoat reduced
$10.00 suit or overcoat $ 6.75
$15.00 suit or overcoat $ 9.50.
f $20.00 suit or overcoat $14.50.
$25.00 suit or overcoat $10.00.
Dess Goods
There is a dah of frttahnoss
and charm about thoso lovoly
spring dross goods that Is hard to
doserlbo in this limited space
Our presont assortment is an ex
ceptionally beautiful ono and com
prises all tho leading weaves on
which Damo Fashion has sot hoc
approving seal. There is a wealth
of daintiness about thoso goods
which ;nnkos them splendid offer
Ingo. tho colors being strictly up
to dato.
Shitt Waists
White waists tho whito walit
boom B'jenis to have sottlod at
this storo Women who nro qulok
to npproelato stylo aro carrying
thorn away fast enough. Busy all
the tlmo. Tho stock hqrc, and on
tho way, is practically exhaust
less. Tho materials, designs,
trimmings, finish prices well,
como and soo them for yoursolf.
Thoy aro fastidious and tempting.
Men's Hats
Felt hats, stiff and soft. A roan
may be over so well dressed, but
If he wears a faded hat ho falls to
look woll drossod. Wo aro at
present prepared to put on tho
finishing touch, and glvo you a
gtmtoel and woll groomed look for
about half what you would pay
oliowhoro. Broken lines of $2.00
$3 CO, 3.00 hats
Footpads Shoot to Kill.
San Joso, Jan. 28. Tho shooting
and robbery of A. D. Bohlman, treas
urer of tho Labor Council, last night
is still shrouded in mystery. Tho po-i
lice, bo far, are without light in the
case. Bohlman says thoro wero two
robbers. He was shot by one as ho!
attempted to draw his pistol. Ho Is J
resting easy today, and tho wound fe
not serious. '
Bank Caved on Her.
Seattle, Jap. 28. Bthol Brown, aged
9 years, while returning home from!
sohool yesterday, stopped to play un-j
dor a sand bank on Melrose avenue
which had been left by street graders
The bank caved In, and the body was
only found this morning.
Ladies' Slices
You can waste money on shoos
as quickly as on anything, pen
haps more so, for what looks like
leather often proves- a horso of
anothor color. For this reason
wo'ro particular about our shoes,
abovo all things else sound and
solid loather must enter into tho
making of every pair. SlgbtlU
nc)s, comfort and a porfecjt) fit
aro othor characteristics of Queen
Quality. New stylos aro in.
Miislia Underwear
BVory garmont, from tho high
est priced to tho simplest, bos
been superintended fond traced
with tho utmost care iu Its mak
ing; not a skimp in tho shaping;
not a shortcoming in fabric or fin
ish; tho best and neatest trim
mings; substantial, dainty, taste
ful, durable Just llko honfo-mado,
only better. An immonso variety
to select from.
Men's Shoes
Comfortable shoes for mon
comfortablo from tho first minute
you put thorn on No "breaking
In," becabso they havo been care
fully doslgnod, carefully cut and
carefully put togethor. Shoes of
Buch chnractor need only be
placed in tho hands of competent
salesmen to insure a perfect fit.
Ask for tho now VISCOLIZEO