Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, January 27, 1904, Page TWO, Image 2

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8crlpp News Ateoelatlon Telegrams.
Dally One Year, H00 In Advance.
Dally Three Months, $1.00 In Advance.
Dally by Carrier, 50 Cento Per Month.
Weekly One Year, $1.00 In Advance.
Ono Wook 10
Ono Month , $ .3E
Thrco Months $1.00
tAt Journal Office,
At Daue'e Grocery, South Salem.
At Dowertox Grocery, Yew Park.
Asylum Avenue Grocery Store.
Electric Grocery, East State St.
: :ir. :.::" " .. -
enrolls Our city government
should bo vory slow about granting
franchise to any kind of a corpora
tion on tho mere theory of competi
tion. Most franchlsos of this Kinu
are a "something for nothing" scliome
and should be entertained with great
The Weather.
Tonight and Thursday fair; coldor
(Atlantlo Monthly.)
3)p lite tho snow on wood and fluid,
Urny streloheu overhead tho sky.
TThft itrsatns, tholr lips of laughter
In sllsnae slowly wander by.
Bartlt slumber, and Itor dream
who known
Hut they may sometlmoti bo like
Iyrlo of spring In wlntor's proso
That Blng of buds and loaves and
Drearoa of that day wlion from the
Cornea April, an at first sho camo,
To hold tho baro twlff' to hor mouth
And blow It Into fragront flamo.
Au effort l making to convort tho
Wilcox wator powor Into an oloctrlo
light plant and soQuro a franohlsa
from Uio oltr of Salem.
Thero would bo ono good thing
about It, Tho wator powor would bo
used. Tho building .would bo used.
Money would be spoilt to Install tho
lighting plant
lAbor would he employed In con
verting tho old wator powor Into an
olectrjp lighting plant. Laimr would
l(P omployed In I'l'ttlngjjup moro polos
nud lines, ntid In Ikfiflfflralloii of tho
Tills Is an Important mat(or and
nothpjg uliould liB dono to prevent
tho xp0ndlttjr of oapllal Qr tho 'em
liloynient. of Inbor on any such ontur
So far as tHturlng nny oomptlUon
Is oontmrHttd, Uiat day Is pant The
owimhh tf oApltal, after a plant Is
established, hnvW no interest In com
petition. Tlnlr lntrMt wwild be the
other wny.
If there were nny competition be
tween two rmnchlie owners at the
stnrt.lt wuld not lust. Tho Interests
of capital under such circumstance
nre mnlunl nod would speedily coal
The luteiwft of the public Is In a
fairly ftWhl orvte nt fair and equita
ble priofci. A popular ami public
spirit mansaewaiit ts aWo deslra
ftr W tlm lwpl are concerned.
Ihey 1iohU t b 4n4v1 by the
vmmm that they win emat.
thrn by hJvIhk Ms, Wlk-ox. w anyone
. an, tfectito llftht franchise.
The enly mtrmnMnt pratectltm to
the ptpfe In the Urn run lies In
public nwiuwehlp of a ivlant. ami .
won ay the etty csh nequlre a llsht, '
Int. ,l.ft i. .-,1 , I
fl III" HI 11 mhmim UO SO,
Until It oak (to m Oils community
Is luttl In a pubMe.splrlte.1. pro
irelv and eNterprlsing manaw
miwI f an eteetrie light eorrmratlon
i rate that art fairly ennipeawtory
a wIlhlH waeh ef the target num
Vur the ally ( take such steps as
would enable Mr. vws to unload
Hl property m the prwent electric
eorpewitkw might benefit Mr. WH.
la what ay wouW u bwe.
4 ,BW ly K lh jHpfoT
Of wir U0 elty tjoveramnt eaa
which Mr WUro. AhH bay his
Vi tu ..rauoa Th Hty mn ateo
aTO&ad a iMitM nt u, .
---- ... .Hw HIIWH
sto.d itieta is BothlB
sure M the
Wturt. li tea
UP tllfl llitdlll
" op ths '
' 8 n blood
nd iKMlilvolv
4fMrtoUIIU coavhico ya.
Thnrft hav been rumors of late
ihnt iiH!itlnn to defeat tho Greator
Salem charter would be undertaken.
Theea statements have heen mnue
from time to time, but with no appar
ent authority, but they roappear per
W. H. Holmes was orlglnslly men
tioned as the nttorno who Would
bring the suit that would demolish
the charter. But lie assures the ed
itor of this' paper that he knows
nothing of the proposed litigation
and Is not engaged in tho rase.
Judge Lord, who was justice of tho
supreme court, governor and minis
ter to Argentine, has boon mentioned
as bringing tho sulL
Ito tells Tho Journal editor such Is
not the case; that thoro Is nothing to
It, nnd ho hopes the matter will not
bo brought up,
Thci otonle will l) grntlflcd to
learn that such nblo Jurists as W.
TT TTnlrnaa nnil W P Inril rAtirrv
sentlng opposite political parties, aro
not ongnged In bringing on expensive
litigation thnt would hamper the de
velopment of the city.
These gentlemen show nn element
of practical common sense In not
fomenting a lawsuit that would tlo up
the city revunues and plungo the
community In debt and Incroase tax
ntlon. The spirit of the ablest and host
lawyers Is not favorable to conten
tions that make against tho oxpretsed
will of- tho community, for If loft to
a voto of Greater 8alera tho chartor
would carry by a largo majority.
Undor theso clrcumstnncos It Is
creditable to tho Intelllgonco of 'our
nblost lawyers that they hosltnto
about Involving tho city In a contro
versy that would accomplish nothing
but stiifo and discord.
Tho Journal has taken pains to
trnoo down alt rumors and finds them
without foundation, and thoro aro rea
sons to hopo nnd bellovo no such
lltlgntlon will over bo attempted.
Tho movement to securo tho now
charter wna started by tho old Citi
zen's council nnd tho Commercial
club, acting In unison.
A commission of flvo members of
the council nnd llvo members of tho
Commercial olub, nil representative
business men, was formed.
This commission held sessions over
a iwriod of several months, during
which tluy publicly Invited cltlieus
to appear bertiru them.
This commission publicly asked nil
Who were Interested to come before
them, and giving uueli notice ro
paatedly tlinmsti the press and nsr.
sonnlly. the chnrter commission
wade Its report
This report was made first to the
city council and then to the Com
mercial club, nnd eaoh body made a
few minor amendment nnd adopted
in report of the commission.
The chnrter thus pnmnlataii u-n
tltttn laid before the legislative dele
stlon of Marion county and they
called a public seatlon at the city
baU and heanl the friends nnd the
eminent f the measure.
After a full hearlue fnr i-ri
hours the delegation of three sena
tor ami five representative from
this county unanimously mini..,i n,
caarter. and It went through the leg-
ismiwre without a dissenting vote.
is not tlita pretty lata In h ..
to beclH lltlgattan to defeat the char
ier. after a efty eleetion boa been
held under it an4 the venti .-. i
favnr of thow who stomt for the char
The fact l that neither Vrty In
be elty election n4 anything to
bring the charter Into nueetlon. it
vaa a ratltleatlon of the will of the
p"iHe as exprewt through their
Hvn the nuwt Mwr-aiiv im.
ten nj Nclh and Swtb Sakra de
iared tbat nn the ebirter was legal-
fluht of tae WmWatuM. !,
Would Kt fever kkL.tti . .Jl
(barter. wvw ",,Pt ,HB
plainly Irony and sarcasm, for cold
statemont that mean tho opposite. It
means to abandon claims to having
a senso of humor or fairness.
To throw mud at your opponent
may do on the stump, but nover an
swer a straight question in journal
ism ns "she is spoko."
Hut a man who has besn in the ed
itorial chair but few months has nat
urally a ereat deal to learn, and ug-
'gestlons are doubtless welcomed.
. I I I llll .1
A large audlenco of Salem society
women, many of them members of the
Salem Woman's Club, hoard tho lb
sen play, "Ghosts."
Score came nway shocked to the
center of their being, unablo to get
their breath over the stimulus and ex
citement of "emancipation."
It must be assumed that Ibsen
writes about social conditions in
Northern Europo, where tho dlstb-
luto husband is the rule.
Of course, thoie may bo husbands
as debauched as Avellng In this play,
and climatic differences may bring
tholr secrot sins home to the family.
Hut wo prefer to think society Is n
little butter In tho aggregate than It
is presented as being in tho drama of
tho degenerate. 1
For ourselves, we prefor tho play of
home life, the rural drama, with lots
of love-mnhlng on the front porch,
etc., etc., to "Ghost."
Hut It must 'bo confessed as a
"mOral shocker" and nwnkonor of tho
thlnk-boxes of "goody-goody people,
Ibsen Is a "crackerjack."
& r950)xet9a
Unn- mnnv nt tho lirnllttTTlH tOUChed
mmn In tlia lhpn (Imtntl WOUld SlICll
a nostrum as "Woman Suffrage" ever
touch? Few If any.
Geer and Scott aro counted nmong
tho big men of the state, nnd aro In
oradlcably Interwoven with Its his
tory. Dut they aro afraid to tell
whore they stand on a littlo trifling
proposition like woman suffrage. How
bravoly they would porform if they
woro ever put up ngalnst a groat big
question, wo can only Imaglno. They
would probably say with an eminent
pelitician: "We still stand on the
party platform, whatever It Is."
Food Eaten Is Worthless Unless Di
nested Some Stomachs Must
Have Help.
Cherrv Pectn!
r fa? S V iw nara ""as. "ironic couch,
i O consumption, old cases, sefi
lias better advice. 0Vcl!
Senator Simon has very tactfully
taken himself out of tho coming polit
ical campaign.
He has said that ho favors the rc-
nomlnatlon of Itoosovolt, and that ho
Is not a candidate, for sonator now or
in 1007.
Then what sonso is thoro In making
Senator Simon an Iseuo in the coming
rtopubllcnh campaign.
It Is noiiBoiiBo to shout Simon and
nntl-Slmon when thsro Is no such Is
sue raised, with tho consent of tho
gentleman himself. , ,
In othor words ho has moro nolltlcal
sagacity than somo of hi lloutonants
and followers.
It Is Incumbont on tho present city
administration to got ono streof'por-
manently Improvod,
A plan should be ndooted fnr tho
macadamizing of Qqurt street With
a uniform parking and a good rock
pavement, that vlll tio, a flno -driving
Ilut Improve ono tr.eot. Lot Uio old
way of hauling on rlvor gravol In tho
spring and hauling off mud to fill somo
one's private property be stopped.
Any street that move to pu down
a permanent street pavement, at loast
a good as the prune raiser of Llbor.
ty have done, will reap a harvest of
other improvements and advances In
realty not now dreamed of.
Becoming Colors.
Not ono womnn In ten realluw Hm
Importance of ascertaining and mak
Ing a careful study of the ono par
ticular color most becoming to hor.
and of always having a touch of It
Introduced in sqmo part of her dross
The auburn-haired woman iwfB
baat In brown shading Into the tonoa
or ner hair or In rich dark greens.
The yellow-lmlred girl can wnnr
red. The greens, too, nr delightful
on her. ahMt certain yellows and
black. White Is loss becoming i...t
she must Im lirininnt i ,' . ..
- '" vuiiiMsxion 1
or 6 most delicate as to tints tQlpn,r
ir gray ami blues to advantage.
HUe. particularly the palo and cold
blue, are beet adapted to brunettes.
The wonuui whoe hnlr la . .i,.n
brown ami who complexion nmi
eye lack brilliancy may still be most)
uuracuvo, but she shm.i.i i,i
Wright hul or glittering bats. Dull
browns, neither iellowlsh n. ,..
Wb. should be selected. Avoffl tho
satin straw. Take the dull fli.i..
Food tnkon Into tho stomach
which, from tho naturo of the food
or the condition of the stomnch, Is
not digested, Is worse than no food at
nil. This Is a truo stntoment as far
as It goos and a great many dyspep
tics go only this far with their rea
soning. They argue with thomsolvos
that because their stomachs do not
do the work glvon them, they must
be given less work; In other words
they must be starved. It would bo
Just ns sensible for a businoss man
who Is unablo to do all his own work
to cut down his business to Jils own
capnclty as It Is for a man to starve
hlmsolf to rollovo his stomach. The
senslblo business man employs help
and goos forward with his businoss.
LIkowIso tho senslblo dyspeptic will
employ help for his stomach and give
his body proper nourishment.
Stunrt's Dyspepsia Tablets actually
do tho work assigned to them. Thoy
rollovo weak and over burdened stom
achs of a groat portion of dlgestlvo
action. Tholr component parte are
Identical with thoso of tho dlgostlve
fluids nnd secretions of tho stomach
and they simply tako up the grind
and enrry on the work Just tho same
ns a good, strong, healthy stomach
would do It.
On thlB account Stuart's nvsnnn.in
Tablots aro perfectly natural In tholr
action and effects. Thoy do not cause
any unnatural or vloldnt dlstnrhnnon
In the stomnch n't i...i. mi
thomsolvos dlgost tho food nml ..
ply tho system with all tho nourish
ment contained in what Is eaten and
enrry out Nature's plans for suston.
nnce and maintenance of the body.
How much moro sensible Is tills
method than thnt employed by many
sufferers from weak stomnchs, ny
this means tho body and brnln gets
all tho good, nutritious food they
need nnd the mnn Is mMri,. ..-
Ished nnd equipped to carry on his
ri4 ami perform hU intiao u..
could not possibly lm in n... ....
Ing condition by starving himself or
employing some new fangled. insufv
flclent food that does not mm.,.
enough nutriment for .,
haby, A strong man doing strong
work must bo nronerlv f.i .. ......
applies to the brain as well as the
Stuart's Dysnonsla Tnhioi. . .
"vims tho stomach of Its work, en'
able t to recuperate and regain Its
..".mm ueaun and strength. Nature
repairs the worn and wasted tissue;.
Jut as she heals and knits the bone
of a broken limb, which Is of course
not used during the process f ro.
price was $30," romarlccd Mrs. Lack
ayo, with somo surprlsp.
"Wnii aninn ono was absent from
rehearsal," explained Mr. Lackayo to
his wife, in sotto voice.
Deafness Cannot Bo Cured,
by local applications as thoy cannot
rannh tiio iiisoaRed nortlon of tho ear.
There Is only ono way to euro deaf-
noss, and thnt Is by constitutional
rnmniiiiva Tionfnnss Is caused by nn
luflnmcd condition of tho mucus lin
ing of the Eustachian tube, wnen
this tube Is Inflamed you havo a ram
bling sound or Imperfect hoarlng,
and when it Is entirely closed, deaf
noss Is the result, and unless tho In
flamatlon can bo taken out and this
tube restored to Its normal condition,
linnrlm will lm ilrwtmvml forcVer:
nine cases out of ton aro caused by
catarrh, which Is nothing but an In
flamed condition of tho mucous ser
Wo will clvo Ono Hundred Dollars
for any caso of deafness (caused by
catarrh) that cannot bo cured by
Hall's Catarrh Curo. Send for cir
culars, free.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by druggists, 75c.
Hall's Family Pills aro tho boat.
An Easy Winner.
(Cornoll Widow.)
The porcuplno may havo his quills,
The olophnnt has his trunk:
Dut when It comes to common sconts,
My monoy's on tho skunk.
The White House
Can glvo you a good meal any hour
of tho day or night.
Sees to it that his linen li
laundered in tho finest and bet
manner, and for this reason the
sends it to tho Salem Steam
Laundry, whoro tho fncIUUei,
skill and cxporlcnco la the
finest, work of this kind cannot
bo excollod. Tho llnon s&t
hero lasts longer and looks bet
ter always.
Salem Steam Laundry
a Colonel J. Olmsted, Prop.
i Dorous D. Olmsted, Man.
? Phono 411. 320 Liberty at
Bourse and Flinch
The Variety Stor?
94 Court St, Annora M. Welch, fret
See Out Goods and Prices
Neck Ribbons, No. 40, all silk, only 15o a yard
Golf Gloves, all .wool, only 23c a pair
Chain Purees, only 23c each
Bead Necklaces, only 12c each
Ladies' Bel Us, only 8c each
Agato Buttons, G dozen for 5c
Embroideries, nice assortment 6c a yard
Violets, j ust received nice assortment of artificial violets,
prices from 10c a bunch upwards
Rostein & Geenfeatm
302 Commerclaf Stoof.
j Positive
H--W-1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 I 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 H
0r eeteewa. awnh. ...-
ary fltaobeg aaU Jr. at the .tratsht
Vlj. "Ar you or ar, you not In
vor of wonwn suffrage:
He rworu tn "ahi. nr fc .u
of ,,BK Bmy, or not
Meaatas to the auastian nn n,i. ...
ta4 arralKaed.
If ae dee vllh (0 n h,M,
W W IraaVly M h,f ...
i"K attotUr eaitor saert oo!DB
ever aaivrera your owa,
Tbat buy ka v.i i ..
vrhej. Qur eteeea mtWprary waa
bay, aad, as a aoyWe In & edHj
balr, be isay be exoutabla.
Nether U n fair to UKo what i
Stuart's Dysnensla Tni,iQ. - ...
sole by all druggist at 50c a box nnd
they are the one nr.iMo .u. .. '
SST. iT "5. 7 .to .-' som.,
:zr.. n,.' . ,,mco or umta "just as
,-.. ..Bir unqualified merit and
miceesa and the universal demand for
..". ua piaceii them within
reach of every one.
A British Flrlna RecorH
During; the recent tirim ,. i.!.j
ih nani nttet at Olhn. u x,
a .-... " "' "
" "wuw, nyinjr tb flag of Vloe
Admiral lrn Cbarlea Dwfordl
.ae an natonfchln record with hod
for lUnch cum. She ud. i? t.i.i
ot of 83 for S7 rounds. 3
FeW UV QtlMlT tm fnim I)
iiuu "? W " M cnJ
Ptld of falMhooJ. '
Mwaa4W,ttB UJ la J2EXE329l
Hood's Sarsapartlla
When Wilton Spoke Up.
(St. Louis Ropublle)
The wife of Wilton ? j.nt.1. i
anxious that her husband should be
-m.uw wn ner purchases. Con-squetitlj-
when she wi.hi .
new wlntar hat just before leaving
New York this fall, she hauled S
PittKtltt W.u with her to the mi
The mlllner being engaeed, an as.
taunt showed Mrs. Laokaye sonTe
hats and quoted their price Thln
the mimner herself tJ'Z.
r in charge, and a mo ,i ...
sjction of her warea ensned. wh Z
Mr. Lack-ayo looked aa halpleesi,- as
Finally it caaw to a ehi ,
two hats, uj mm t ..,.- "-"ma
-" -waje said:
it me see wb&t ta k. ..
this onef ' '"DO 0I
That Is W. adiin, .... ..
tallllnw. " v,,"ea "
We Do
What Wc
We kill and romovo Cancers and
Tumors without tho aid of knife or
othor Instrument.
Dr. J. p. Cook, tho Botanical Doc- f
wji, turos an Kinao of diseases &aer
an othor schools havo failed, with
out the aid of knlfo or poisons, Ki
medicines are comnosed of Nn.tme'1
herbs- iho n. .1 . . ....i
, ., am Buuiorea ana boicciw
lu various parts of Araorica and for-
OlgH Countries, at crnnt nvnonM
Has Oreventerl mnrr
.. irom bcln carerl fcv mt
Can voti
i Afford to Run
the Rfsfe
:: RMd the Te.tlmonlal of a Prominent Salem Man:
Tl TLlwr ..... .
ii '"SL::0. -- !i
I : ing treatment from him l m thom tSuA l havo DB0U tok" ' '
: ho has SvedTrom mv T 1B mnths' and ln Um0 ' '
' on, growtTsTLr. " m!ntory canal tumora of cance,
another cancer.. Z1 T.,' m from the largo IntosUne. Also ; ;
: : or from off my thumb Thi-i.. n T rora ott my foot- and anotn' 1 1
- clnea alone, fhoy wn,!hft " C0Ped through medi- 1
nr .,. ' .7 ""'"S the growtn and nldmMit,. .-,. -.h Ma. ' '
- M .lOUIL laailnp- than. ... .. ", UUU .. ,
""n uiuiii iiii nrirnniit 11. . .
.. daro not bollevo I could hnv , am of kn,fo or "Bcry. I
II whore In the wo lL T CqUal 8UCC08Bful treatment any
- Botanical Doctor to S t ?l T. JOCOmmod Dr. J. P. Cook, the
' a" Wh read m tcBtlmontm-p j. aPBNOBR.
c can do as much for you, or more. vo .... ,
T. F. rcrv
Deutscher nnt9ni..i .. . VV
t """ U0Clr. Lhw o.
H4i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i.i,. u,DCrty 8trcet, Salem, Qrenon. J
k::::::a G E N C Y O V
ttr t . - - .
. - " "mrrfinauy
i D Oats For Sa e
5 HOP grower, SUppUES " f iC
2 r a JEgiJruJe and stick sniohn
r 01 iL 1 11 i.iiyi 111 unnnf
m - .huu4Ui nur. i
"otwLlW St., Mm, Ore.
- '"-iTW
A Wi 1 f