Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, January 27, 1904, Image 1

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NO. 23.
s Gathering 8000 Troops at the Botdet' of
Ko ea Japan Tiring of Delay and Spoil
ing f ot a Fight Will Wait But
Little Longer
Port, Arthur, Jan. 27. It Is reported
bat about 150 wagons loaded with
ly stores havo loft Lino-Yang dally
ar tho past four days for tho Yalu
Ivor, whoro It 1b Intended to conccn-
uto 8000 Port Arthur and Mukdon
Eroops. Tho authorities assort that
io hostility of Japan compels raobll-
zation on tho Yalu, and on this rivor
iussla haa horctoforo carofully avoid-
d alarming Corca by an appearance
at threatening Japan.
f Japan Sends Troops,
Seoul, Corea, Jan. 27. On hurt
rod armed Japaneso havo been sent
o Pyonz-ynng, to insuro tho safoty of
o peoplo, It having been roportod
hat tho houses of wealthy natives
oro being looted by Corean soldiers
nd pollco, disguised as robborts.
Tho report that Amorlcans aro act
ing In collusion with tho members of
tho Russian legation at Seoul Is en
tirely without foundation.
Tho omporor has Invited to tho pal-
aco flvo Fronch and Belgian civilians
to act as a bodyguard, as ho apparent
ly foars Japanoso intrusion. Tho '
Japanoso havo asked pointedly which I
wldo tho emporor favors, as they wish
For sevoral monahs past they have
been stocking up with everything
needed for undergoing a long slego."
In caso of war tho captain says
stonmora sailing from Northern ports
might havo to take a more southerly
courso In order to avoid hostile war
l to know if ho Is still favorable to the
uusslaa cause.
Japanese Itching for War.
Tacoma, Wash., Jan. 27. "Sooner
or lator war botweon Russia and Ja
pan Is bound to cotdo," said Captain
Truobridgo, of tho Northern Pacific
steamer Victoria, which has Just ar
rived from tho Orient.
"Tho Japaneso," ho continued "are
Just itching for war. They havo been
preparing for It for moro than a year.
1 Try a box of that
Elegant stuffed fruit
154 8Ute Qt
Phone 1071 Main
Japan Wants Early Reply.
Toklo, Jan. 27. Tho Japaneso gov
ernment has diplomatically Intimated
to Baron Do Rosen, tho Russian min
ister, that an early response lsde
Bircd to Japan's recent noto to Rus
sia. It is calculated hero that the
Japanoso noto reached tho Russian
cnblnet on tho aftcrnon of January
ICth, and It Is folt that mifllclont time
has elapsed for its consideration and
tho preparation of a response The
Japaneso government is conscious of
tho possible necessities of tho mill
tary and naval situation, and is un
willing to pormlt evasions and delays,
which aro dosignod to gain tlmo.
Tho future courso of tho Japanese
government is a carefully-guarded se
cret. Tho longth of tlmo that Japan
Is prepared to await tho pleasure of
Russia is unknown. It Booms prob
able that it has been determined to
act decisively within a few days. The
popular temper has long opposed fur
ther delay.
Whllo many object to Japan taking
tho Initiative, a majority would nqw
wolcomo tho Issuance of a brief ulti
matum, and a declaration of war, if
that should provo Ineffective Some
outsldo opinion horo inclines to the
beliof that tho activities of Japan will
bo limited to tho Belzuro of Corea
which onterprlso, It is thought, Rus
sla would not oppose. Tho Japanoso
government proceeds with absolute
secrecy, and tho peoplo of Japan are
ovon not Informed of tho exact nature
of tho demands mado on Russia.
Chicago, Jan. 27. Tho court today
decided tho sontonco passed pn Aldor
man Bronnan for voto-buylng, by
which ho was sent to Brldowell for a
year, Instead of to tho penitentiary,
la lognl. Bronnan was ordorod back
to prison.
Louisville, Ky., Jan. 27. A whlto
man, -giving tho name of Bohr, was
arrestod horo today on suspicion of
murdering Miss Schaefer, at Bedford,
Ind. Ills clothing was covered with
blood, and his face- badly scratched
Ho Is a confirmed opium fiend. Ho
sought shelter with a colored family
after tho crlmo, and has boen In hid
ing ever since. Ho wanted papers
containing an account of tho Schaefer
murdor. Tho colored fnmlly became
alarmed at his actions, and reported
him to tho police.
London, Jnn. 27. Tho post mortem
on Whitaker Wright was mado this
afternoon, and an inquest will bo hold
tomorrow to dlscloso tho causo of
death. Tho sulcldo theory has many
supporters. Tho Globe today snya
tho pollco lost night found a loaded
revolver at full cock In his pocket
Tho post mortem thla aftornon de
veloped that ho suicided by taking
cyanldo of potassium.
tioiiaiac880f io ttcai ! tatg4M
Trade Based on Quality
t and REASONABLE PRICES is tho only sure trade. Cue
9 tomers find that the quality of our merchandise is equal in
$ every wy to that carried by 'reuulnr stores" but our prioes
nro much lower. IT COSTS LESS TO DO A CASH business, f
J that's why.
Ii'u quality that keeps our
Shoe Department
growing. We sell tho most
reliable footwear in the city.
When you want shoes that
give satisfaction go to tue
nnvnnnns. r.i OTniNfl. Ladles' and Men's FnrifsnlaffS. We sell
tbgtiu!ieCoik1ln'BoroekIde Work Gloveast $1.15. Tneyrtaali 1
soft and pliable aid are equal to two pairs of ordinary $1 gloves for : :
wear. We beve a special mixed lot of calfskin, tacksklo tn$ norskln ;
cloves at 80c- Jsstanooi iottneTaciory was ciosm? obi imw
k extra values.
Salem's Cheapest One Pfice
Cash. Store.
E. T. BARNES, Ptop.
Swallowed Chloroform.
Robert L. Garcia, a Mexican, while
at tho Powell boarding Ii'oubo, near the
woolen mills, last ovonlng, swallowed
a quantity of chloroform, probably
with suicidal lntont. Dr. Browor was
called, and romodlos woro promptly
appllod, and In a Bhort trrao tho man
was out of dangor, Httlo tho worse for
hla oxperlonco, and today ho was ablo
to again take up his usual work. Gar
cia, who Is a laboror, is a stranger
here, having rocontly como from
Montana. When askod as to tho
causo of his act ho could give no explanation.
The Tank Was Empty.
Thinking tho lnrco swtmmlnsr tank
at tho Multnomah Athlotlo Club to be J
filled with water, It. P. Doultbeo, nn
employe of tho Canadian Dank of,
Commerce, at Portland, last night
dived head first into loss than. a foot
of water, and crushed his skull
against tho cement floor. Ho did not
regain consciousness after his leap,
and at a lato hour last night tho doc
tors eoid there was lltttle or no hope
of his recovery.
Struck Natural Gas.
Salt Lake, Jan. 27-Tho Guffey'
Onlav RvnHnnto IvniHtic for oil north '
of this city, struck natural gas today, I
throwing mud over tho top of tho
derrick- It was struck at a depth of
iVO feet
TilburyClaims to Have
200 Compromising
His Attorneys Say They Will
Give-'Torkopolis" "Sas-
siety" a Alt Pelee
Blow Out
The War in Africa Is
a Series of Murders
and Massacres
Chlcngo, Jan 27. Coachman Til-
bury, accused of attempted blackmail
ngalnst,J!rs. Thurston, a socloty lead
er, was' arraigned this morning, plead
cd not guilty, and tho work of secur
ing a Jury begun. Tho cose was put
nhend of hundreds of others on tho
tfaondar. Mrs. Thurston was acconv
pnnlcd by her husband, and tho court
loom was filled by society peoplo.
Tilbury's attorneys promise tostlmony
that will shako upper tendom like nn
oai lliquakc. Mrs. Thurston attor
neys aver that tho 200 compromising
letters! Tilbury claims to have' aro
Marines go to the Rescue
and Are Themselves Sur
rounded and Cut off
From Aid
Dorlln, Jan. 27. A dispatch from
Gorman South America this morning
says 1G German colonists near Kara--bib
havo been murdered nnd 70 oth
ers missing, Including 30 women and
children, a relief expedition of a hun
dred marines fought a thounand
blacks, finally reached Karablb,
whoro thoy aro now surounded nnd
completely cut off from nld. Horr
Kronflold commandant of tho garri
son at Otymblngno, was killed, leav
ing 30 lcadorlesa defensors of tho
Sixty Corpses Already
Taken From the
Cheswick Mines
Work Will Probably Be Com
pleted Today; Cause of
the Accident IS Still
a Mystery
Ilobort Qulnn, a Canadian, today
secured lilt flnnl-pape; j
Will Be Blowed If He Did.
St Louis, Jan. 27. Senator Dur
ton's counsel gnvo notlco this morn
ing that his client would appoar In
court this nftornoon to glvo bonds
Cheswick, Jan. 27. At dn light C7
bodies had ,beon recovorod. Search
ers coming from tho mine this morn
ing say tho conditions nro becoming
unbeatable. Tho air Is heavily lad on
with tho odor of decomposing bodlos?.
After cutting out tho lco tho tempor
ary cago work beenmo moro system
atic. At 10 o'clock 10 bodies woro re
moved, all horribly mutilated, torn
and scorched.
F"orty-ono bodies woro removed up
to 2 o'clock this afternoon, nnd tho
work 1b progressing rapidly. Right
havo boon Identified.
Ormon, Fin., Jnn. 27. Vandorbllt.
Jr.. broka tho world's automobllo rec
ord today, bolng oflleinlly timed at
39 seconds flaffor tho mile.
If It's Hee It's Wotfthy If It's Worthy It's Hete
! BwazszK7UzasczfX9nx
And why? We Intend that this store shall always be one of the eights of Salem the bent storo for the
supplying of personal needs. Sensational? No, strong a helpful store. We hear It every day that
"Meyers'" prices are the lowest and the assortments better. This Is natural. If a store had not made Itself
necessary, there would be no room f6r It. You make the store grow;
Ladies' Suits
and Jackets
Bargains galoro in women's up-to-dato
suits and jackets. This salo In
cludes all of our ready-to-wear suits
and jackets, mado up in tho latest
stylos, in tho most fasblonablo col
ors. Pick out tho ono you want for
Valuos as high as $30.00. Thero aro
not a groat many loft, so would ad
vlso has to in making your selections.
Second floor.
Men's Clotting
has boon mado In tho prices of our
most oxcollont suits nnd overcoats.
Materials aro chovlots, worstods, fin
ished and unfinished. Thoso Bulto
nro hand-tallorod and aro cut in tho
lntont fashions. ISxJraordlnary bar
gains. $10.00 values $ 0.76,
$15.00 values $ 0.50.
$20.00 values $14.50.
$25.00 values $16.00.
& Marx
BWI M l .. Ik
Understand Each Other.
Hlrmlngbam, Jan. 27. Tho Post
says tho foreign office at London has '
received a telegram from the Dritish
minister, Satow, at Pokin, that agree-'
menta havo been reached governing
China-Britain in tho event of war be
tween Japan and Russia.
Harrison Discharged.
Chicago, Jan. 27. Tho court dis
charged tiaytor Harrison from cus-
tody today. It holds ho is not respon-1
slblo for conditions at the Iroquois J
theatre, and that ho coroner's findings
is in error. i
S'ilk Waists
Somo biokon lots of taffeta and
pcau do solo Ellk waists in a great
variety of colors that must be dis
posed of at prices that silk waists
novor boforo know, Tho word
bargain Is proporly defined In
these groat specials:
$7.50 Black Taffeta,
$7.00 Black Taffeta white yoke
$6X0 Blue Taffeta
$ 5.00 Tan Peau da Sole
Ladies' Undewea
Borao broken lots and odd sizefl
in ladles' heavy and medium
weight underwear that will find
roady selling at tho prices quoted.
Don't bo too into, for this bargain
65c Fleece-lined Underwear
43c garment
50c Wool Underwear
39c garment
75c Jersey Ribbed Underwear
$1.50 Odd, Lot broken sizes
Men's Hats
Wo put lintu on mon's heads to n
mako thorn look handsomer. Come
and let us try our skill on you
with ono of our broken lota of
stiff and soft hats. All colors and
'tho latost fall shape. Itogulnr
$2.00, $2.50 and $3.00 valuos.
Men's Shifts
A brokon lln of men's fancy
colored stiff bosom shlrUi loft
from our oioaraiico sale,
$1.50 and $1.76 values
4 Inch AH Silk Black Taffeta Ribbon, Extra Quality 1 9c