Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, January 26, 1904, Image 1

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    ""'f"jR wj"!W ftvtr
KryifiPtrwMr- i-my ;7mgTifrf,f'?jua - ir"
NO. 22.
fapan is' Tiff ed 'of Russian Duplicity and is Pe-
paing o the Sttggle She Believes Inevi
table Russia Talking iot Time-
When Ready She Will Strike
London, Jan. 26. Reports from tho
far East aro again sinister. Dis
patches to tho Central News says Ja
pan Is actlvoly continuing war propa-
ntlons. Berlin advices say Russia,
1n reply to Japan, goes no further
ban to admit enough to prolong ne
gotiations. It Is bollovcd Japan won't
faccopt this course, but will cither do
claro war, or Ibsuo a Umo ultimatum.
London, Jan. 26. Tho Toklo corro-
Japondent of tho Dally Telegraph has
sent In tho following cablegram:
"Tho official Qazotte publishes an
Imperial ordlnanco empowering tho
government to assumo control of all
privato railways, etc., for military
purposes. Tho situation Is very gravo
I and developments aro hourly expect
1 od'."-
Warned to Be Ready.
London, Jon, 26. Tho St. ' Peters-
, burs correspondent of tho Dally Mall
reports that tho first reserves thoro
havo boon warnod to hold themselves
In rcadlncsB for service. This la pos
sibly a stop takon with tho object of
Dronarlnc tho nubile for eventualities.
tho correspondent says, and for ob
taining tho support of the public opin
ion, which tho war party hitherto has
lackod. Nothing approaching a wax
'fovor, howovor, is yet discernible
Tho Chefoo correspondent of the
Dally Mall cablos thqt Viceroy Alex
left's illness is gnvvor than had been
supposed, and that his absence has
caused a vast accummulatlon of mat
tore which his subordinates aro un
ablo to handle. Military preparations,
tho correspondent adds, aro only halt
Try a box of that
elegant stuffed fruit
1S4 State 6t
Phone 1071 Main-
Cabling from Tlon Tsln, tho corre
spondent of tho Standard says 2000
Chlnoso who had been enlisted by the
Russians, desorted on being ordered
to Port Arthur.
Tho St. Petersburg correspondent
of tho Dally Telegraph cables that he
has learned that It was tho crrone
ous Idea of M. Bezobrazoff, lender of
tho war party, and, a socrctary ot
stato, that Japan would rather with
draw her domnnds than fight, which
led to dlvtdo councils in tho Russian
government, and whon war seemed
unavoidable M. Bozobrazoff still per
sisted that a short and sharp strug
gle would end tho matter.
Tho Toklo correspondent of the
TltnoB says tho leading Japanese
Journals continue to bo skeptical of
Russia's pacific intontlons, and argue
that tho patching up of a hollow peace
would bo a preludo to future t rivalry
in armamonts which wouldN causo a
groator strain than a war, whereas a
fight today would bo a prcfaco to
many years of peace.
Russians Moving Toward Corea.
Pokln, Jan. 26. Tho American gov
ernment Is arranging to dispatch the
senior student Interpreters hero to
Mukden, Port Dalny and Antung, to
act as American vlcoconsuls.
A small dotachmont of Russian cav-
airy has passed through Kaopangtzu
on its way to Ichou. This region was
retroceded to China long ago.
Advices received hero from Port
Arthur aro to tho effect that a batal
llon of troops aro moving from tfiat
point toward tho Corean frontier.
Isfy Japan, It will prevent tho serious
possibility qf a declaration of war.
Spies' Work Stirs Japan.
Toklo, Jan. 20. Takashlma, the
Japanoso interpreter for the Russian
attacho, was arrested on Saturday
last on suspicion of acting as n spy in
tho Yokusuja fortification. Ho wal
taken to Yokohama for trial. It is al
leged that conclusive ovldenco has
been obtained regarding other sua
pects, which Is causing n very strong
feeling against such treachery, which
is a capital offenso In Japan.
Two Handled Wlmets Lie Dead in the Depths
of the Chester Mine Resctes Unahle to
Reach the Bodies, On Account of
the Deadly Gases
Germany Sees Japan Is In Earnest
Berlin, Jan. 26. As tho German gov
ernment understands tho present sit
uation, tho feeling is such at Toklc
that Japan will dcclaro war unless
Russia answers her domands favor
ably. Russia recognizes this, and
accordingly intends to accept enough
of Japan's points to xnako tho Toklo
cabinet feel that a sufficient causo for
war no longer exists, and, whllo the
forthcoming noto will not fully sat-
II New Spring Silks
Our great success with ailks last year induced ub to pur
chase a very extensive lino for this spring.
"We have all the novelty weaves, and you will positively
find our prices 25 to 30 per cent cheaper than "regular stores"
ask for the same quality. ,
Slflc Gaate Crepe, New and Dainty.
C otfi of Gold, A very rich new weave.
Black Silk Grenadine, '42 inches wide, in beautiful
new designs,
EmfcrofcfererlJapSllfc, Waist patterns in red, black and
green dots.
Crystal Cord Silfc, The very best quality in dozens of
new pattern.
Fancy Figured Pongee,
Genuine Imported Plain Pongee, -In several qualities.
The kind that's almost everlasting.
Peau Je Sole. Taffeta, Crepe de Cnlue, SIllc Organdie, Jatlas. Velvets.
and Velveteens. 7
The New York Racket
Salem's Cheapest One Ptice
Cash Stoe. '
E. T. BARNES, Ptop.
Pendleton, Or., Jan. 2C A horrlblo
doublo tragedy was committed hero,
during tho night, whon John T. Brown,
a school teacher, cut his wifo's throat
and blow qut hlB own brains. Brown
had been teaching school for some
time on McKay crook, near Pendleton,
and with his wifo was boarding in
town. Last night they went to tho
theater, from which place it Is thought
they wont to their boarding houso,
whero tho following noto was lofti
"Mrs. Brown and I aro tired of life,
and you will find us in tho hills south
or southeast of hero. Plcaso boo that
my effects reach my mother, at Reln
beck, Iowa. Address Mrs. M. xBrown."
They evidently went from tho board
ing house to a.lltlo field near by
whero Brown cut his wifo's throat
with a razor, and shot her through tho
loft breast. Then ho sli6t himself In
tho right tcmplo. Thoy woro found
this forenoon, clasped In each other's
arms. Tho causo Is unknown. Brown
waB 35 and Mrs. Brown 25 yoars ot
Victor, Colo., Jan. 2T Fourteen
men woro Instantly killed this morn
ing at Stratton's Independence mine
by, a falling cage,
Tho car became unmanageable In its
assent, and crashed into tho sheaves
at the top, broke tho cable and fell
1500 foet. It wa a sickening spec
tacle, and it was almost Imposslblo to
identify tho dead, as they were com
pletely dismembered.
Pittsburg, Jan. 2C Of the 184 men
entombed in the mlnosnt Che3wlck,
but one had been rescued up to 8
o'clock. All tho others are believed
to bo dead.
Tho report that another rescue par
ty at Cheswlck was ontlroly killed Is
erroneous. Tho in on nil returned to
tho surface, after a vain attempt to
ponetrato tho mine. Thoy report the
condition such that It will tako days
to recover tho dead. None aro bo
llovcd to havo survived. Tlio latest
list Issued by tho company Bays 18
lamps woro used, thus leading to the
bollef Uiat nearly 200 were killed.
Tho causo will never bo known, ni
tho majority bollcvo it was caused by
carolcdsness in some minor lighting
his pipo. Work is still hampored for
lack of experienced mon,
PItsburg, Jan. 26.-2:80 a. m.- Res
cuors an hour ago reported that min
ers woro alive, but this hopo was:
rudoly shattered at 2:25, whon tho?
body of Solwyn Taylor was brought
to tho surface. Ho had ovidontly boor
dead for sovoral hours, and now hepes:
for tho other Imprisoned mon hava
boon abandoned. Tho rcscuors arc
being brought out coated with Ice
dronched to thp skin and unnblo to
walk. They roport that dead mon aro
scattered ono abovo another as thick
(Continued on tilth pnge.)
Quality Counts We Sell Standard Goods i
I f Gteat Bargains
la the driving wheel of comercc. Restless activity governs the sledge-hammer that keeps forgo and furnace
alive. Energy Is the essence of work; It la the economist of time; It It tho electric spark of endeavor. Irwc
tlvlty Is decay, and decay Is commercial death. 'Strike while the Iron Is hot' Is tho anvil chorus of the
victor. The time of work Is NOW the placo of work Is HERE. Our energy Just now Is to dispose of what
few short lengths and broken lines remain from our cloarance sale Just closed; and If the prlco plays any
part these should go with a great rush.
Ladies' Stfits and
Every new stylo Is horo.'oviry now fall ma
terial nil colors. Without doubt tho groatost op
portunity this season to sccuro a high-class suit for
llttlo money. Tho greatest values wo havo over
offered. You cannot afford to miss this groat bar
gain ' event. Any ladles' suit or jacket in our en
tiro department for ,
Values up as high as $30.
Men9 s Suits and
. . Whsthor a man Is In tho house or out of doors,
ho goneVally takes pains to dross becomingly, as
woll ns comfortably. It Isn't so much a question
of oxponso as taste and good judgment, and tho
man who comoa to "Moyora" for his ault and over
coat Is accredited with both. He also saves con
siderable through tho transaction.
910.00 suit or overcoat 9 6.75
16.00 suit or 'overcoat 9.50
20.00 suit or overcoat 14.50
25.00 suit or overcoat 16.00 '
A New Corporation.
Tho GulsB-Beebo' Mercantile Co., of
Woodburn, bos filed articles of incor
poration with tho county clerk and In
tho state department Tho new com
pany will ongago In general merchan
dising with a capital of $20,000, the
stock being divided into shares of
50 each. S. I. Quits, O. H. Beebo and
O. F. Whitman aro tho subscribing
Will Appoint Consuls.
Birmingham. Jan. 26. Tho Post says
British consuls will bo appointed to
Mukden and other Manchurfan porta
immediately, to demonstrate the Brit
ish support of tho United States' com
merclal treaty with China.
Silk Waists
A few broken lots and sizos In
silk waists that will be offorod at
groat bargain prices. Tho lino In
cludes both high-grade taffetas
and Peau do Bolo walsta, trim
med in a becoming manner, finely
made, and finished.
$7.50 Black Taffeta $3.76.
$7.00 Black Taffeta 93.50.
95.00 Tan Peau do 8ole 920.
96.00 Blue Peau de Sole 93.00.
97.00 Green Peau de Sole 93.50.
97-00 Red. Peau de Sole 93.50.
Wednesday Only
Our ICOth regular weekly special
salo. Thoso bargain days aro be
coming tho groat trado events of
thlsclty.and each week our specials
aro eagerly sought by hundreds of
shrowd buyers, who appreciate
thoso valuo-glvlng events. To
morrow wo offer high-grade gloria
silk, bulb running, stool rod, fancy
and natural wood handles; regular
11.25 and 91.50 values
Men's Shifts
Broken linos in men's otlff
bosom, fancy colored shirts, regu
lar $1.50 and 91.75 values; apodal
A good line of youths' and boys'
outing flannel night robes; great
assortment of colors.
, Broken lines in men's stiff oad
soft hats, all shadeo; regular 93.00,
$2.50 and $3.00 values.