Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, January 22, 1904, Image 1

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no. -ne
onado Sweeps Oveu Southern States, Con
centrates Its. Fury on Hapless Moundville,
aaid Mat ks Its Pathway With Death
Birmingham, Ala., Jan. 22. Cy.
clones are reported In several places
In Alabama this morning. At North
Jlrminghnm five stores and several
sldenees wore blown down and n
aumbor hurt. Houndnvlllo was also
vroeked by a storm, and a .dozen are
reported Injured. No deaths so tar
ro roported. There was a tornado
id rain ovor tho ontlro northern por
tion of the stato between 2 and 4
s'clock this monlng.
30 porsons were killed. Tuscaloosa
merchants are preparing to send re
lief to the destitute.
Birmlngtcn, Aln., Jan. 22. Tho last
roports show a heavy loss of life at
Moundville, 70 miles north of horo,
In last night's cyclono. ' Conductor
Capo Hart, of tho Queen & Crescent
railway wired from Akron that could
not pass Moundville, owing to wreck
age on tho tracks. He declares all
tho Inhabitants of tho town were
killed. It Is believed, however, the
report 1b exaggerated. Cape Hart
backed tho train to Akron and sent
tho messago la a round-about way.
jKV special wrecking train has loft
Ihoro with doctors and nurses for the
Another messago from Akron says
tho ontlro northern portion of Mound-
EvlIIo, which is practically the entire
Irosldenco section is destroyed und tlm
population killed.
Path Strewn With Corpses,
Tuscaloosa, Jan. 22. Five bodies of
Moundville victims have boon brought
horo. They are: A. Warren, travel
lng salesman; Cobert Powers; a small
boy, narao unknown; night telograph
oporator, namo unknown, and a mil
way employe, namo unknown. The
list of dead and fatally injured rnngos
from 30 to CO. Heavy damage was
done In tho path of tho storm through
Halo county, nnd many are doubtless
killed. Tho wires aro not yot work
ing south of Tuscaloosa.
Thirty-six houses north of Birming
ham wero domollshod, nnd tho Posey
Bros.' storo demolished. Nono were
Tennesso Felt It.
Memphis, Tonn., Jan. 22. Tho wlreB
south of hero are down, owing to cy
clonic conditions. In Meachani, a su
burb of Memphis, flvo houses wero
destroyed, but tho inhabitants escaped.
Birmingham, Ala., Jan. 22. A dis
patch from Tuscaloosa, 10 miles from
Moundvlllo, at noon, says Moundville
was totally destroyed. A negro sec
tion laborer brought tho news hero on
a handcar, Ho says tho country is laid
baro for miles, and many bodtos arc
lying around. Every doctor in Tusca
loosa has gono to tho scene. Another
roport received horo by tolophono says
Try a box of that
elegant stuffed fruit
154 State St
Phono 1971 Malrv
Mississippi Visited.
VIcksburg, Miss., Jan. 22. Sovornl
houses wero demolished by tho storm,
Charles Lavinskl, a hackman, and two
horses wore struck by a'folllng tree
and killed.
Ice Gorges Beak In Ohio and Indiana Rive;rs
Doing Immense Damage and Cat$s2ng
Disastrous Floodjs
Was Hanged at Baker
City at 7:10 This
. Cincinnati, Jan. 22. Twonty mller
of ice aro coming down the Ohio rlvor
In a' flood, tho big gorge tat Coney
island having let go this morning.
Scvoral barges have beon destroyed.
His Last Words Were:
You Want to See a
Brave Alan Look
at Me"
Baker City, Jan. 22. Pleasant Arm
strong was hanged hero at 7:10 this
morning. Ho spont tho night mostly
with tho priest, and hiB two brothers.
Ho was wonderfully gamo on tho gal
lows, and mado qulto a lengthy
speech, holding tho crucifix before
him. Ho onded by saying, "If you
want to seo a bravo man, look at mo."
Everything passed off without a
Thirty-Seven Dead.
Birmingham, Ala., Jan. 22. It Is
definitely known, this nftornoon that
tho death list at Moundvlllo numbers
37, of whom seven aro white and 30
nogroes. Tho identified whito dead
aro John Dodmond, tho operator, iden
tified boforo as A. Seymour.
Investigation a Farce.
Seattle, Jan. 22. Impressed with
the fact that the Clallam investiga
tion is a farce, as conducted by the
local Inspectors, tho local lodgo of
Elks, who lost two members in the
disaster, has wired Congressman
Hum'phroy, asking him to tak the
mattor up with Secretary Cortolyou,
and havo tho department rovlow tho
wholo proceedings of tho investlga
EoioiiaiM8faaitoitifgnojtaefrg'frift ?
New Spring Silks I
will nositivelv
"regular stores"
Our groat bucc?8 with silks Inst year induced us to pur-
ciinao vury extensive uuu lur hub Bpriuu;,
Wa ImuA nil tlin nnroltv wpnora nnH v-nti
., M .... , U .... ...w -, ..J ...,.... Tw
find our prices 25 to 30 per cent cheaper thau
ask for tho same quality.
Silk Gawge Crepe, New and Dainty.
C oth of Gold. A very rich new weave.
Black Silk Grenadine. 42 inches wide, in beautiful I
new designs.
Embroidered Jap Silk, Waist patterns in red, black and
green qois.
Crystal Cord Silk, The very best quality in dozens of
new pattern.
Fancy Figured Pongee,
Genuine Imported Plain" Pongee, In several qualities.
The kind that's almost everlasting.
Peta de Sole, Taffeta. Crepe de Chine, Silk Organdie, fatlns. Velvets.
tod Velveteens.
The New York Racket
Salem's Cheapest One Plce
Cask Store.
E. T. BARNES, Ptop.
. - -.mm.m.mMmm KjfA A.AJlL
Don't Want Socialism.
Indianapolis, Jan. 22. Another so
cialistic resolution of tho minors' con
vention this morning was voted down,
Tho oxccutlvo coramlttoo, boforo leav
ing Indianapolis, will levy on tho en
tiro momborahlp an increased per
capita assessment, bringing the
amount to 25 cents each month. This
will raise nearly $1. 000,000, yoarly,
sufficient to support all tho striking
miners in Colorado, West Virginia and
Pennsylvania. Tho total strikers arc
now 14,000.
Lost Not Yet Found.
Ventura, Cal., Jan. 22. Soarch for
Harry Radford, tho young huntor, who
Is lost In tho mountains, Is still una
vailing. Today tho forost rangors
from Pine Mountain and .Zoca Lake
forost reservation woro improssed in
to tho hunt. Other parties wero or
ganized at Vontura. It Is not hollovod
Indianapolis Flooded.
Indianapolis, Jan. 22 Tho first
casualties from the flood occurred at
5:30 ; this morning, whon John Shobo
and jwlfo wore drowned In trying to
oscapo from tholr houso in a boat.
Thoj entire west part of Indianapolis
la practically cut off this morning,
and tho White river bridge Ib totter
ing.', Dispatches from Tone Haute
and Vinccnnes, on tho Wabash, thin
morning Ray they aro dynamiting the
ico undor tho bridges to save tho
Much Damage at Cleveland.
Clovolnnd, Jnn. 22. Three big
stcol trust boats, tho Moore, Ends and
Rels, tho lnttor heavily loaded, brolw
from their moorings this morning, un
der prossuro of the -flood In tho Cuya
hoga, and swept down together Into
tho Suporior-strect viaduct. They
completely blocked the east passage,
bndly deranging the viaduct and dam
aged tho east abutment. Tho Mooro
was badly crushed, and tho Itafs Iiaatt
a big hole torn In her above the water
line. On the way down they struck:
the flro boat Clevolandor, damaging;
hor so bndly that tho latter wao
beached to koop hor from sltiKmrs..
Tho Ico Ib piling up against the lbtfgeiX
stonmors, and tho viaduct, which Ire
tho largost drnwbrldgo in tho worltt.
Is completely closed to traflla. TJhtt
dnmago wilt bo )iorwy.
And There Is More Coming;;
Pittsburg, Jan. 22. At 2 o'cfoclt tnfi
(Continued on olgth paga.).
We Cafe ot the Quality? You Cae f on tfie Pj? Jce
Last Call Last Call
, . &L, TJ
&rar-mm-z rci
i i. .. v,r' " - ' ' r . i-
Clearance Sale Closes Saturday Night
Measures Its usefulness by the work it will do here and elsewhere. Such a test will show the sound tradtar
principles that underglrd this business offer. We offer advantages tho like of which aire unknown In any other
store. Our aim Is to treat all people alike to make no distinction between your dollar and the dollar of
somebody else. Nothing diverts us from thac plain purpose.
Ladies' Suits and Jackets
My, what a lot of suits and Jackets went out yes
terday. Can you wondor, whon we aro offering tho
latost stylo fall and wlntor garmonts at such low
prices. Remember this salo surpasses all others
and you must hurry if you want to get in on time.
High grado units and jackets
Radford will bo found alive, but tho
search will be continued until tho body
is found.
Big Bank Failure.
CIovolnd, Jan. 22. Tho Produco '
Exchange Dank, at noon, mado an as
slgnmont to tho Cleveland Tnibt. Co. !
who put men in charge and closed the
doors. Tho cause of tho failure was
tho defalcation of Cashier Ceo. Rose
who stolo $170,000. Tho bank's lla-j
bllltles oxceed a million and a half.
but officials say tho depositors won't
suffer any loss.
ft Valu
es up to $30.00.
Men's Stilts and Overcoats
Continue to bo great drawing cards In our morn's
dopartmont. Horo you have a choice selection oC
high grade clothing to chooso from at prlcea that
make good drasslng at little prices. Kvory suit
and ovorcoat in this dopartmont is roduccd iu
price llko this:
For regular $15.00 value,
Marriage and Divorce in Yakima.
North Yakima, Wash., Jan. 22.
During the year 1903, 44 divorces
V7fr tvrnntaA nwl KK nnntlitAHnna n-nrn
filed with tho county clerk. During!
the same period 550 marriage licenses
wero issued in the county. Tho dl-'
vorcos would be about 12 per cent of(
the marriages.
A Cool Murderer. I
Omaha, Jan. 22. Detectives are
working on tho caso of .Herman Olo
neck, who was lured into a fashion-'
able boarding house, robbed and )
bound In a chair. The police believe ,
Pat Crowe turned the trick.
Billy Hearst's Grandma.
Sao Jose, Jan. 22. Mrs. Randolph
Apporson, mother of Phoebe Hearst,
died at her borne near Lawrence sta
tion this morning.
Wast Goods
New arrivals in all the new and
popular raercerizeJ whito waist
ings. All prices a.id descriptions
of Oxford, Vostlngs, both plain
and fancy. Complote showing o?
tho newest lawns, organdies, dim
ities, percales, nainsooks, flannel
ettes, linen, etc., etc.
Df ess Goods
. Our first shipment of now spring
dross goods are in, and such a
beautiful lot of 118 pieces of Si
cilian, embroidered Voiles, Mo
hairs, Boutnoss' Volkrs, Etamlnes,
sultlnga in the latest shades and
8eo the rwiw broken checks.
A bwell llne( of tho newest Jo
signs In plain and fancy embroid
eries Just received, Tht lino In
cludes a great variety of designs
in such as Embroidered Medal
lions, Tenerlffe, Blind and Open
Embroideries, all widths. Also a
flnv showing of tho newest Color
ed Embroidery.
A vast amount of laoes and
trimmings for your spring wear.
Another lot received yesterday,
Ilomembor these are all at White
Fair Price.
Special linos reduced
Tho new spring designs und
colorings in Kal-kal and Crystal
35c & 39c ycf
The wldo black taffeta hna ur
rivod, for which you havo ben
Tho 'atoBt cloth for making your
spring llngerio, also a, splendid
thing for Infants' wcarr-only to
be had here.
Tomorrow is tho last day to se
cure these nt special prices.
r iflv in iiiiiMniMiaiMiiwiii mt iiiTMiMifcTrnflfMiMMirBWTBTTnrmiMiBriil
a Mr A
A Last' I
IDay I