Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, January 20, 1904, Page TWO, Image 2

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Scrfpps Newt Association Telegrams.
Dally Orvs Year, $4.00 In Advance.
Dally Three Months, $1.00 In Advance.
Dally by Carrier, 60 Cents Per Month.
Weekly One Year, $1,00 In Advance.
One Week $ .10
Ono Month I .38
Three Months $1.00
At Journal Office,
At Dalle's Grocery, South Salem.
,At Bowersox Grocery, Yew Park.
Asylum Avenue Grocery 8 to re.
Clectric Grocery, East State 8L
slim IraiVnc nntlnns WOUld undoubt
edly b beet served by Husela terrl-
tor' belag confined to present nmus.
It therefore would appear that Ja-
nun. from an Interested uolnt of view,
at least, ha the fymnaiiiy or me com
mwial rations with her.
The Weather.
Tonight and Thursda), enovr.
Tliero la an Irreconcilable conflict
Involving tho InlorosUt of civilization
lietwecn IltissJa and Japan.
There may bo delay In action, but
them eari bo no solution without plu
In a permanent check an Russian en
jrtuulitnijiit la Asia
The United Slates, under the lead
ership of President MclCInley, stood
out bravely and disinterestedly
aaatnat the dismemberment or Asia,
after the war with China,
The open-door policy In Asia should
Include all natlomi on equal terms, and
KiiMlon control mean the opposite.
Following b the beet iunimary that
lias appeared In the review of, Henry
Clowe & Co'h circular for this week:
Careful consideration Uada to the
opinion that war will bo dlfflault. If
not IratwxHlhlo to avert unless Ilusela
backs down, which seems unlikely.
Concessions nro possible- that will
ilolay hortlllllos. but Huiisla's pop
Blstont policy of oncronchmont, mndo
Imperative an a rnattor of national
salf-prcaurvatlon, Hooms destined to
bring hor In armed conflict somo day.
It Is tho Inovoltnhle clash of two
systems of civilisation; that of kov.
nriimont control roprosontod by Rut
sin, and thai of Individual freedom,
reproaontiM by Japan.
Itiisefn, undor hor oconomlo systom,
ean Wrlvo only by jetting more lui
man twlng and moro territory to tax:
nhd Japan alone stands In hor path
toward consummation of thoeo de
slitns. If Japnn Inilttu noon her damnnds.
which are that Clilnoso sovereignty In
Manchuria, falw Japanese Influence
over Ooroft ho continued, war will bo
the ouUiome u must be remembered
that Russia has for mauy csnturior
past been scheinliiK for nn nnrm tun
outlet In pint of b8lng frozen up In
all her northern port, for two-thirds
of the year. Russia's original scheme
of relief was via Coiurtantlnoplo. but
that was found Imposilblo. owing tii
tho combined opposition of the Ruro
peaa uqwers. hence the building of tht
Siberian railway Into Chinese terrl.
tery mean that Russia troiu t
Rt a wwpurt outlet from, Uio Man
ehurian and Corean ooasta. Natural
ly Jaiwn strenuously qimm thU. as
She nallse that Ktwsla would be an
auiomtle ami daawtruw HUtir,
and hMidtM voM hem lu her llttk
Island territory faun expa4w. whleli
H besoming so much needed by her
growing industries nmi lurr..).,.
If Japan surrender her
Nnt. 1mm brave than the dauntless
six hurulred are those luminous Intel
ligence who continue to delight in
Ilrownlnc; poetry.
Thev onllKht to mrstlfv other with
their psychic power of penetration
Into the onantie ineanderiou and al
le;ed phllosophc depths of their favor
ite poet
The most minaent of last year's bi
ographies was the Life of Drowning
by the Iconoclastic Mr. Chesterton.
It I one of those book which stir ui
reador. and get iwople talking about
It I singular how hook on Drown
ing multiply.
More are published every year than
ever before.
Mr. .Machtn's painstaking volume,
tracing all the reference to "The
Dlble In Drowning" and the Influenco
of the Old Testament on the poot'e
nttltude toward llfo came out nt about
the same time ns the new edition of
Tlppa Pa&e." and these nro hardly
off the preee before n new biography
of Drowning 1 announced.
I'rtsh anecdote of Drowning come
to light every day.
He t more rend now tlirm ever be
fore., At II ret only thoe railed thtt cul
tivated knew hi work; like nil great
writer, he I becoming known to nn
Increasingly large number every year.
When he does not want water he doo
not have to pay water ront, and there
are no differences of opinion with
'neighbors a to the amount of water
that each planter Bhall uso.
"Tho resdlt that havo boen attain
ed on some of the plantations In Tex
as seem almost Improbable at first
sight I have one Instance In mind
where one of my tenant on a 100-
acre tract, twenty of which were not
up to standard, as they bore a poor
stand, cleared $5000 this year. The
cost of operation Is about $1000
which leave $2000 each for the ten
ant and myself. The man admit
that he did not farm the land to the
beat advantage, and tlint ho can do
better next year.
"Texas ha the largest rice crop
this year that It evor had. The prices
are excellent, and tho rice aountry If
prosperous In every way. I now have
betweon 15,000 nnd 20,000 acre of
land, which I bought about flvo year
ago for an average of $6 per acre
This Kims land Is worth -about $20
per aero todn, and is steadily Increas
ing In value."
D.'j-ond keeping the newspapers
filled with his name, It would be hard
to tell what George Francis Train ev-
nr nrrnnuilltllPi) Thorn are tOO man?
such person In tho world, and thoy
should be shut out of the newspapers
by law.
The Snlem Woman's Club shows ev
idence of being nllvo when It helps
along the movement to put good art
Into tho nubile schools. It should bo-
come possible after awhile to produce
something in this line beside a few
yellow journal cartoonists.
" ' h zL.Lora i
mMw ' '
quiets tickling throats. Doctor,
hnve known fhl. fnr an .. .""
Ask your own doctor nbbuff
Do as he savs. i-p .AtlP-
Paid $25 for a Diamond .Pin That Was
Will the Oregonlan or the States
man tell tho women flatly, and without
any soft solder or equivocation, that
they are not In favor of woman suf
frage! Or will they tell them that
they are In favor of It? Come, gentle
ment. It Is not fair to deceive the
weaker w any longer. The Journal
has told them squarely that It Is
against tho proposition toothniid-toe-nail.
So fnr not another paper In th
Blalo ha taken a aquato stand. Arc
you nil ufrald of 1hat lady "behind tho
throne," or nre you frotinon- with tho
courage of convictions!
8trenuous New York Girls.
A Fifth avonuo car was whlrllnn
toward tho oast ond tho other oven
Ing whon an old gentleman who had
boon occupying a scat noar whoro n
young woman wai standing for some
time started to nrlso. ns If to extond
the courtesy of his position to hor.
The womnn Instnntly put her hand on
the old man's shouldur. and. nushlnc
III m hack gently, rcmnrked:
Oh. never mind! Keep your seat."
The oar whined on for another
square, when tho old gentleman onco
more attempted to arise, only to bo
pushed softly back by the woman
who said:
Tleaso keep your seat. sir. I hnv
Mood so long now thnt I win ni
mind It for the balance of the trip."
w on. nut I want to get off." said
tho old man, la querulous . tone and
faltering volco,
Ae ho left the car the passengers
nppeared to bo wonUorlnir whtw.r
he had not been 'held captive Just
ono square beyond whero he original
ly miemimi to alight.
Texas Growers Who" Uso Electricity
a a Power on Plantations.
(Nw Orleans Tlmo.DmocU.)
An rxcwUtut I tut use of whm ni
tal wll applied. wrm unlhMl with
'Rergy and modern wtMhmU mm .
WMPllsh in Ue southwest la fim.i.h..i
- -HHwuwfio tier 1 1 it . . - sw,t
rwtwrm attitude the result m h- -- ,n '"'Mtasceof C. W. Hahl. of ll.m
tmasfer of Chinee wlguty toC" T" ymr aiu Mr- ! wt to
Uwlsu sovereignty over Manchurls, I "" a ,KH,r ,UAn- " ' aciulre4
and (he rssult to the Uulted Htate
would Ih that the reeeat eummctvial
treatlw IWJYWHK tor ,hS(
JHey In Urt,if of u,u wH
a ckM aHr thrtKigh a ehanW
sovweiwly ver that utry. foi
.., (reaue made Hill, QhBR ftn,
WK Hkely to i rNt WVer Wy ltu(A
ml to Kevt r there
tt be K baekawH. siUier oh il
The cowwwtHi) latuvsts at all for
(HifMMsmbh) property la the vlelntly
of HoustoN. and wow U m extensive
rk grower. H Intd out ii, i..i
Into Ittota raHHlixr fro wveral hun
lra tn wml thouMBd acres. These
were equlppml with uumuin. ..i.
nud wells were driv m. ii.u.
h lntnhlnc-,1 an ltonUon'ln the
(Philadelphia Tolegrnpli.)
Hoseklah Smith I one of tho most
thrifty tillers of Jersoy soil, ns can
be verified by looking ovor bis fine
lot of sleek cnttle and his fertile
Holds, The farm, Just on tho out
skirt of Wllllamstown. has mmnort-
ed Heseklnh nnd his family over 30
year, but It never taught Its owner
to beware of the sharners wlin nm
nlwnys ready to fasten their clutches
upon the rurallto. One day last
week Ilexekiah was driving to mnr-
ket with well-filled baskets, tho re
sult of his labors, when he observed
a well-dress stranger who Was crltl-
cally eyeing ovory Inch of Iho dusty
turnpike. Surmising that something
was wrong, "Hoz" rolned In his horse-
and shouted: "Hey. there: aomethln'
the matter?"
"Yes," replied the strnncer: I've
lost a diamond pin that coat mo $500."
"I'how!" oxclalmod "Hoz:" "a dla-
mond pin." Ho hitched his horses nmi
assisted lu tho search for tho valuable
pin. Luck was against thorn, how
ever, and their search availed thnm
nothing. Tho stranger promised tho
fnrmor n rownrd if ho would guard
tho spot until he returned with n
largor foroo of searchers for tho
treasure, nnd if tho fi-mer found It
ho was to got $50.
Ilozoklah promised to. ami ti.n
strangor drovo off. Ho had been gone
but H few mlniltan wlian r, ...r.t
specimen of tho hobo appeared. Ho
was quickly Informod of the lost gem,
ana he. too. was soon onnniH in .iin
mond hunting. Weary Willy had not
looked for moro than 10 mlnutw. who..
he found tho nln. HoioVint, c.m.
yielded to temptation; he actually of.
forod $10 for the gem, but the trnmp
demurrod. After vigorous niomiin..
however, the pin was finally turned
ucr in me rarmor on the payment
of twenty-flvo good hard dollars, and
the tramp was soon making tracks
toward JIammonton.
Hozeklah waltod tor two i,mln, i.,.
tho strnngor fnllod to appear. Doing
impatlont to get to market, tho trip
to tho city was resumed. Tim.- ..i
again the farmor patted his lone
"",m" wfii ana chuckleil to him
self nt his good fortune. Dut, sad to
reJate, It was not to las: so vory long
After i,s ware had betn dlsiKwel of
rarrii nit valuable em to n
reimtnble dwiler. who nn,in,i .
carefully ami Impnrtel the iBfornin-
Ion that Ileseklah Smith, farmer, of
lllnmstown. N. J., had i.m ,...
Pin which tho jewels would dupll.
ente for U cent.
The only safety for the general pub
He Is In executing tii . criminal laws
In grave offence without fsnr or fa
vot. If the legislature d'd not blunder,
that man Armstrong, who killed Min
nie Ensmlngor on Christmas day,
should he h.'inged.
Dryan wnnts not only the old plnnl:
reaffirmed, but wnnts It mado a' few
rods longer It had onoueh In It to
jslnkan ordinhry political party 10 times
out of sight, and but for his ability
as an orator, It would never have been
heard of again. On n short platform,
with n silent man of action for a can
didate, the Democratic party might
win. Dut the peoplo are tlrod of long
winded platform and candidates.
Is Proverbial. Salem Women No Exception.
How much wo owo to tho sympn
thotlc nldo of womankind. Whon
othore 8uffor tlioy cheorfully lend a
holplng hand. Thoy toll you tho
moans which broucht rollef to them
that you may profit by tholr oxporl-
onco. Road tho toatlmony civon horo
by a Salem weman:
Mrs. Noedham, wifo of W. S. Need
ham, painter, residing at tho corner
of Fourth atreot and Jefferson avonuo
North Salem, says: "Llko almost all
palntors my husband has boon trou
bled with his kldnoys lor years. Tho
oxpoBuro, tho reaching, tho stooping,
combined with tho tumontlno nnd
mntorials In tho paint, all tending to
put tho kldnoys out of ordor. His
back often ached badly at night whon
ho camo homo from work and whon
ho caught cold It always aggravated
the troublo. Ho rend an advortlBO-
mont about Doan's Kidney Pills and
procurod a box at Dr. Stono's Drug
Storo and uso them. Thoy did rood
work by helping him nt onco and ho
conUnned tholr uso until rollof was
For salo by all doalers. Prlco 50
conta por box. Foator-Hfllburn Co.,
Buffalo, N. Y., boIo agonta for tho U.
Romombor tho nanio, DOAN'S, and
tako no substitute. 3
Deafness Cannot De Cured,
by local applications as thoy cannot
reach tho diseased portion of tho ear.
Thoro Is only ono way to euro denf
nw. nnd that Is by constitutional
remedies. Deafness Is caused by nn
Inflamed condition of tho mucus nn
lntr of the Eustochlnn tube. When
thl tuiin Is inflamed you have n mm-
hiinif sound or Imnorfect honrlng.
and when it is entirely closed, deaf
ness is the result, and unloes tho in
flamation can bo takon out and this
inhh restored to Its normal condition.
hearing will bo doetroyod forever;
nlno cases out of ton aro caused by
catarrh, which Is nothing but an in
flamed condition of tho mucous services.
Wo will civo Ono Hundred Dollars
for' any case of deafness (caused by
catarrh) that cannot bo cured by
Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for cir
culars, freo. v
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by druggists, 75c.
Hall's Family Pills are tho boat.
Branson & Ragan.
Keep all kinds of groceries, and
they aro the best that can be found
In tho city. You don't know It until
you have tried them.
-...t3i. .
Tfce H.Tt
O -flL J3 v o n X .A. ,
IWi tii Iho Kind You Han Aiways
A Big Kick
A man makes when his laundry m
is bow. nomo wun porcuplno &!,
and sprcndcaglo buttonholes, jj
would bring his llnon to an un.tru.i
laundry whoro perfect methods obtih
nt all times, such as tho Salem stesj1
laundry, no wouiu rocelvo his ahLn,
collars and cuffs equal to now ere
tlmo that wo send thorn home. '
Salem Steam
Col. J. Olmsted, Prop, J
rnone tn 230 Liberty Si 9
Gold, Stool nnd Silver Beads. Ht
hoou viows. Tablets with 0rew
The Variety Sto
1 94 Court St. Annora m. Wdlch, Pm,
u.K.p,re!!y Sa,e Ru,e o go ay.
When there Is a feeling that th
hart or Iuiibs. i,in.. . "?,..lat. thq
r n-rve are dlseas at "once 'on f
monru . .-. At '. fc ""re com.
! the to,,, : :h",S,l- .Tl
iL J u . ? ,l,lve oraasg ,
..! h.fhy working TSL'j,,
Women Praise it
mere are ihoueaNs ut wixven t
jar on,UIK h t,rva ifiMtet
H ""? UUteW - they
llfc rwterer mi rvwWitor !h,
rrueaded u Ur the IMtlaw
k Ik. reUt that thv UwJj
H F.mjl, Complaint, t g aUa ua
wlHa, 4Bd Oewstlpjtlen.
Mr. llakl mm
In the MtulttwMki ...ii u....
W.UOH. I Uv. fofe ut choIIiio U
mow iMtfUM ttwii eitk. ..aa-. ...
crude oil. The aw v i..i. ,. .
4uc. oomklwiw,. ns 0. , cail
ttt t toy, vUiUu It . ... ...
simmu be KMMi .it .J ..!r:
M UUa iwceeuai two UtU. It,
Urr ulaHUttAAiu ia.i..ai.u.-
VfHl UKwaaui. u-Hi if I.. .
riKi . u,. .0., jTzr::
ll than eU,.r of the oUor
" Well lmXMMiUou hna Iaaa, -i
otM wteiulvirty In Txa. with the
Jt1 PMlKltaU U.S
JWIW wtih. vri kaw ft, mil
rZirz? wwMwit .
nn.) .1- ",7""i .. ".'"""K MUI
- tn lnuiir iniiiikiu ...11 r
Uuw of elwtrte n.PIi ptauu STf- ,)l8 which havi
a I dmwUU for tu ., Z.r'V'
Id a J..-., . r'
Nil k a tfaMe.
These pin. m thJ
diiuv.7... ,.rL,n w Wt H
that dlWT k. " ? cooUoh m
The Trn.SIbarian o.j
Xtl ItlaMM wm - . Ul
. .,, IWWBUI but ft
WM Hot HUU1 Mk 17 1M. ,...,"
taa -7 oT ?
aH, ., .. . .. "r- ' . m.
rau were iU. in v ... ..J?
Welohty Werds for Women.
(News Loador.)
A man will nevor
fall In love with
The woman who assumes Imllffon
onco to him.
Who takes himself nnd his nnt
dovotlon as a matter of courso.
Wlio doos not pay her corrrwnnmi.
onco dobts.
Who flount his attentions n hr.
solf In the fnces of othor woraon.
no claims him nnbllclv n v,
pilvnto property.
Who borrows his wit nmi .wt.
hor quotation marks
Who breaks enRacemontu with ,im
Hut he will moet probably
fall In love with
The woman who adroltiv anttr. 1.1.
Who lauihs heartily at his oft-toIJ
Wlio appreelntes his invn. .
-"- vivuiutu i
" point or quoting It.
Who Is always on time, nlwnv. ,i,
Kroomed. nnd always swoet-tempered
..u ..oior sponKB III of other -,.
Who Is properly grateful for small
services ronderod.
Who SUCCefllly connsnlii h... ,.,
appointment that hi snt t .,..
Pkiy are back of the tenth row.
And who make him iwi
fortable In mind and bo.lv ti,t h '
ders how he ever fancied he could
" happy , ,wchek)r qm
no time limit set on his .,,
at the club. "
NVrmisnes u often Imaslnary
There are HO worn ,i... .
riuu.. n.i.-. iil ill
v..vuv iiriiiuu
s ivi h.i : k 1 n rr is n ;
All this season's goods, We will not
carry any of these goods over
Ladies and childrens mackintoshes at
less than wholesale cost, They cannot
be duplicated for the money,
Rostein & Gffeenfcatam
302 Commercial Street.
i 1 1 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 iwi 1 1 11 1 n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ! 1 hi
i: Positive Pioof
We Do
What We
We Wll and remove Cnnrmn and
Tumors without the aid of Jraif or J
omer Instrument.
Dr. J. F. Cook, the Botanical Dee- ' '
tor, cures all kind of diseases sftor ',
ui otnor schools havo failed, with- ; ;
ui we old of knife or poisons, IBs
niedlclncB are mm?vj vit,.rn'
horbs; tiioy are gathered and soloctod J
'" TBnous Parts of America and for f
ciku rniinrrii t
""- av greai oxoxrse.
No Desserf
.., .a (jwauna ana
waiu noura BoAAinij,
wetHdnff, jUvonng
- wwUfcj nuvU
-- iw wrta oxeunt mult. It flew, it VvT Mmikkt &
l. TryffiL7 pM,WA6a8cx-
:: Has prevented many
.. uuiu oem cored by me,
1 ha rs JEALOUSY!
Can vot
I Afford to Run
the Risk
R"d thC TeStlm0n,aI 0' Prominent Salem Man!
In justice toDkJF rnrW . PUBUC'
asroat work ho Is'do'ing V!1 Wr,d " wbot
Inu treatment tw u '.i .!h l ,nform thon that I have boon tak-
: I he has removed from mr,l mUth3' mi ttat 1b to8t 0ma
- ous growths as largo asTn,,7 anal threo terao"
: annth . WS " n man'ahand, all from th Ur i,i- aibo
i : er from off my ttJK2. TL" Um off " and aoti
. . clnoe olono, thoy kllllni- , . wcompUahed through medi- 4-
.. t., i..,. ' T K,,11De the growth and .mi.w.ii.. . -. ..
.u iuhiu ctwtlnc them ntr .i.v. a . -i"vi-mm roots, ana n-
:: d not boUevefcu havootS ' f " " e l
:: whoro In the wH7'Va.T0fUnd "WWl Buccoesful treatment any-
:: jtanlcal Doctor, to" MZ?nmmi J' F- tha
l who read thls tratt '-' V J. SPJCNCBH.
. , we can do as much for vou o. , 1. '
I ; y "' r mo' ,f y" ned It Consultation free.
: h F. COOK
' Deutecher Botaoli rw... 'Vxx
fllliii.i,mij)' LlDrty tMreot, Salem, Ore0n.
X KttKilA CI T? XT -i v f
RM.FOUR, guthI co.!
Oats For Sale
HOP GROWERS cm.,,..,,., " "C.
I T n , ISfliaeaaa stick smr,w
I . (t Graham, kmt ZT.
"'"" - .I.. ,.
I ytrnkM 1 '-, 1
ttHhJ 1 JUiiJMtUHiMtajlaagammitn """"'riiJuau- caAAOMA-AAA--- a. , ..