Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, January 20, 1904, Image 1

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    A TT7V
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NO. 17.
Move on
Silliness of Peace Reports Shown By Statements
That Russia Will Withdraw Fom
,ondon Papers Are HopeM, All Except the London Times
Wnich Sees No Possible Outcome But Wa--Rtssia
Is Moving Her Troops, and Preparing; for Fight,
While Giving Assurance of Peace
Personally Superin
tends Sending Re"
Calls, for volunteers, but Re
fuses to Let the Princes
f go-Is Angry at
London, Jan. 20. Tho Berlin corro-
pondent of tho Pall Mall Gazette
YflKrires that ho Is assured from abso
lutely trustworthy authoYlty that nus-
la has positively decided for pcaco
nd will answer Japan'a latest noto by
implying with all tho Japanese Ira-
rtant demands. Russia Is now heal.
bating whothor sho would notify Japan
exclusively that sho means to hava
peace, or send general notifications to
all tho powers.
Times Looks for War.
.London, Jan. 20. The pres3 hero to-
Kay, "with the exception of tho Times,
optimistic In tono regarding tho far
M.torn question. Tho Manchester
Guardian quotes a British official, Just
rotnrncd, wlto says Russia la prepnrlno
to withdraw from Manchuria.
Increased their guards by 16. The
Japanese aro buying nnd storing much
rlco In Northern Korea. Tho ginseng
trade is dead.
Tho Korean general, Ylhak Kyun,
whoso sympathies are pro-Russian,
has mado a veiled threat against for
Korea Makes Bold to Russia.
Seoul, Jan. 20. Russia complains
that Korean soldlors aro causing
Itroublc. Korea answers that Russia
imust not Interfere. Tho tension In
Seoul Is Increasing, and tho native
press, which Is probably inspired, is
more- blttor against foreigners than
forroorly. Tho Emperor's trusted ad
visers aro having dally councils. Tho
Russian and English legations havo
Korea Fears an Outbreak.
Washington, Jan. 20. Tho only ad
vices received over night at. tho Btato
dopartment from tho East came from
tho American minister at Seoul. Ho
reports that Korea is in a panicky
condition and thoro la apprehension
of a riotous outbreak at any jnomont1
Tho Information is convoyod that in'
torcsted forolgn emissaries aro at the
bottom of these disturbances, tho rc
suit of which may bo to afford an ex
cuse for Intervention and the placing
of largo forces In Korea, thus pro
cipUiting a hostile collision betweon
Russia and Japan.
Try a box of that
elegant stuffed fruit
Last Note Very Strong.
Imdon, Jan. 20. rTho l'ckln con
respondent of tho Times declares In a
i dispatch that Japan's latest noto Is
stronger In tono than tho preceding
one, nnd that sho will neither yield
nor moderate hor standpoint nor ac
copt tho mediation of a third power.
Not only to tho Japanoso, but to tho
American nnd British mlnlstors, tha
correspondent continues, has Chlnn
glvon satisfactory assurances of' her
Intention to maintain strict neutrali
ty, In accordanco with Lord Lans
downe's advice.
164 8Ute 8t
Phone 1971 Main
no exodus of families. Applications
by correspondents desiring to accom
pany tho forccB havo all been mot
with a reply that hostilities aro not
expected, and, thoroforo, It would bo
promaturo to issue permits. The au
thorities here stated definitely that
Russia has no lntontlon or deslro to
Interfere In Korea, evon should Japan
contlnuo to land small bodies of
troops thoro, in contravontlon of the
existing treaties, as tho Russians as
sert tho Japanese aro doing, undor
tho pretext that thoy aro only rail
way guards.
Fifty Cars of Beef for Russia.
Omaha, Nob., Jan. 20. Fifty-one
cars of extra mess boef for tho Rus
sian army will roll Into San Francisco
January 27th, and will bo loaded on a
transport, which will leavo for the
Orient February 2d. Tho meat was
packed in specially built casks, which"
arrived in South Omaha last wcok. As
soon as tho casks arrived tho work of
packing began, and was hurried with
nil possible speed nnd tho first train
load, consisting of 2G cars, left South
Omaha Monday. Tho romnlndor fol.
lowed today.
Russia to Moye Great Force.
Port Arthur, Jan. 20. Four thou
sand troops aro to leavo hero tomor
row, bound northward. Otborwlso
city life Is normal and thoro has been
II New Spring Silks j;
, Our gfeat success with silks last year induced us to pur
ohaaoa very extensive line for this spring.
We have all tho novelty weaves, and you will positively
find our prices 25 to 30 per cent cheaper than "regular stored'
aak for the suine quality.
Silk Gattte Crepe, New and Dainty.
C oth of Gold, A very rich new weave.
Black Silt Gtenadine, 42 inches wide, in beautiful
4 new designs.
Embroidered Jap Silk, Waist patterns in red, black and
green dots.
Crystal Cord Silk, The very best quality in dozens of
new patterns
Fancy Figured Pongee,
Genuine Imported Plain Pongee, In several qualities.
The kind that's almoBt everlasting.
Peau it Sole, Taffeta. Crepe de Cblne, Silk Organdie, Satins. Velvets,
and Velveteens.
The New York Racket II
Salem's Cheapest One Pice
Cask Store.
E. T. BARNES, Prop.
W I ' JJ 1 Ml
Russian Reply Expected Soon.
London, Jan, 20. A dispatch to
Reuter'a Telegram Company from To
klo says tho Russian reply is expect
ed shortly, and that it Is belloved It
will make sorao concessions, but It ii
doubted whothcr thoso will bo Bufll
clontly far-reaching.
Berlin, Jnn. 20. Tho kaiser, an
gered by the government officials' fail
ure to! make preparations for such an
emergency as, has risen In Africa,
whoro tho nntlvos are In revolt. Is per
sonnlly supervising arrangements, and
rushing reinforcements. Het Issuodi
a call for volunteers, and sevornl
royal princes volunteered among the
first. Tho kaiser refused them on the
ground that it was not doslrable that
the ruling prlncos should risk tholr
' Ho will leavo Dorlln tonight, travel.
Ing all night, to bo In time to roach
WIlholmsh,avon, and bid the departing
troops Godspeed.
New Postmistress.
Oregon Fox Valley, Jennie McRno,
vico I. W. Gardner, resigned.
Disappointed in Ittis
Daughter, George
Goff Quits
Girl Elop.s Willi Dolph Green
Who Had Just
Obtained a
Los Angoles, Jan. 20. Geo. Goff,
qgent for tho Consorvntlve Life Insur
ance Company, blow out his brains
this morning at his home, because
two weeks ago his daughter oloped.
Hor fathor was spending nearly his
entire Income on her for musical edu
cation. Tho girl ran away with Dolph
Green, who was recontly trlod for
shooting a man who was walking with
IiIb wife. The Inttor got a divorce
and Grcon then beenmo nttontlve to
Miss Goff, nnd thoy loped.
American Girl Gets There.
Berlin, Jan. 20. Miss Ina Mllroy
of Detroit todny secured tho degroes
of Doctor of Science, oolng tho first
woman over so honored In Berlin.
California Towns Sup
plied With Cheap
Light FlrstGas in Commercial Quan
tity Discovered on the
Coast Is Remark
ably Pure
Ventura, Cal., Jan. 20. Tho work oE
construction on tho gas plant, which:
will supply Vonturn, OxnarcLnniE
neighboring towns with natural gas,
has boon started. It marks tho first
time In tho history of Cullfornla whom
natural gas In commsiclal fiunntltloi
was developed. Over 10 mllos of pipe
will bo laid, and In CO days tho plant'
will bo in operation. A flow of ovob
40.000 cubic foot per day has boon se
cured, and tho gas Ib unusually pura.
i II '
Will Lie In State.
Now York, Jan. 20. Traln'B body
will lie In stnto nt the undortaUer'8
chapel from 6 o'clock to night untlt
1:30 tomorrow, whoro tho children
and workmen will bo allowed to view
It. Thqro will bo no'public Horvlco.
Prices That Stpise Values That Tell
""' "'I . I
M rt pOUyJ) SWfJ Li Q
' O The Week J 2 1
Extensive Alterations
In Out Cloak and Suit Department
compels the greatest reduclnjj of our stock at the most unheard-of prices, ft veritable giving away of good
things In order to make room. If ever you had occasion to hurry to a sale, It's now.
Any Suit ot Jacket In Out Entit e Department
Chicago, Jan. 20. Two hundred
mombors of the theatrical Troupoi
which havo been thrown out of en
gagements as tho rosult of tha Iro
quols firo, wero driven Into tho streets
this morning by a firo In tho Grand
Palace Hotel, ore North Clark streot
8overal rescues wore accomplished
with dJfOcuUy. Only a few guests, a
majority of whom wero women, had
time to dross. The flro waa extin
guished without casualties. It Is the
second flro In tho fame hotel within
two weeks.
Valties Up to $30.00
Indianapolis, Jan. 20. Tho United
Mine Workers, at. this morning's ses
sion, adopted a resolution calling for
npppeals to tho different state legis
latures, asking tho enactment of laws
compelling tho railways to pay half a
oent a ton; on all coal carried out of
the state, also the operators to pay
half a cent a ton on all coal mined,
and the miners half of one por cent
of their wages Into a general fund to
ba used in building and maintaining
a home for aged and crippled miners
Spring Shirt Waists
The woman of positive Ideas In
tho matter of correct dross, who
knows Just what she wants, will
find our great spring stock of
shirtwaists completely satisfying.
The Woman who is a bit unde
cided, but who seeks the host at
a rooderato price, will also find
satisfaction here.
Regular stock of 1904 shirt
8pcclal lines of bright, new and
vory lata stylos of white cotton
New Today
Hundreds of now designs in
white mercorizod fancies. Every
thing now in white goods placed
In their respective departments
and offored at
Muslin Undewea
Notwithstanding tho enormous
Increase In the price of cotton, we
offer prlcos and quality conces
sions that havo nover been equal
led any previous year In our his
tory. However low tho price, tho
high standard of quality Is nevor
Our new lino of flno muslin un
dorwear Is now on display in all
tho glory of its brightness; dainty
garments, fit for tho fairest lady
of tho land. This doparttnont Is
full to overflowing with this sta
son's prettiest and nowost wear
Romember, all aro at
Special lines aro reduced
i -2 and J -3
Men's Softs and
Our fainait, handsome suits and
overcoats aro docldodly .well bred,
and you can call them "clothes of
quality," for thoy certainly con
tain all tho qualities appreciated
by good dressers. Splendid tlraa
to roako your solcctlon while ihti
salo Is on. 4
Any $10.00 Suit or Overcoat
Any $15.00 Suit or Overcoat
Any $20.00 Suit or Overcoat
t $14.50
Men's Half Hose
Wo want tho groat army of care
ful drossers to ego this showing.
Regular 50c quality
25c pair