Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, January 18, 1904, Page TWO, Image 2

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i "
Serjpps News Association Telegrams.
D'ally One Year, $-1.00 In Advance.
Dally Three Months, $1.00 In Advance.
Tl.llv bv Carrier. 60 Cent Per Month.
Weekly One Year, $1.00 In Advance.
One Weik 10
Om Moaih M
Tare Months M
HAt Jewrnal Office.
.At Dane's Grocery, South Salem.
At Bowerse Grocery, Yew Park.
-Ayllim Avenue Qreeery Store.
eClMtrlc Qrocery, East State St.
The Weather.
'Tonight and Sunday, occaalonal
-win, brisk to high outhwetTly
-winds, decreasing tonight
Farewell, old yar, fnrwllt .
'Co an Ui" vftir, and till
To high ami low,
Willi rythmtp flow,
Tbrt nil li wsll.
lttm still doth nil and sceptre wltld
4aJ far nod wld o'er every field,
JTUpUy HI bauners, Miira blue,
Ami whlspor low, that Ood ts trtis
As a stroke of wUrivrUw tad an
nprMrioH of good will VtM Journal
Jim 1ri lit subscribers' a rrae
gnus on a diamond ring.
Alter carefully exntalntBsr th state
laws and (It postal regulation Tlis
Journal publishers concluded (hey
ciM do UiIh legally .
The Journal doe not npprore of
Mhibllng In any form that Is oontra
ry to taw and doe not concede that
thsffe It any slsmsnt of gambling or
InJBtofwr speculation In giving awny
a ilfithtfiiid to sltmplnt Anil iiemirsg
liaymwit or subscription.
Jf there Is nny- iiervoralon or evn
loll of n Male or federnl law In giving
a sift to-our suttsuijbors In Ui nmn.
hop ww hnv ndiiitttd mid publicly nit
vortll we wish to b shown.
U tho giving away of a diamond
rljjg In the manner offered In this
l'niW Jn. nny way vlnlatea mv in,
wg VoohJ oonstyor It a, favor to lis
not ehanc that wins fn tola world;
hat bttstn men of the highest
standing no longer bar lite far ymiag
mm who play at gams of cHane for
reward. Tell them that it to la amall
and apparently harmless ways that
ovll hablU formea In youth are flaws
In ipersonal character.
Your duty Is plain, for yon hare said
that "th M-tvat citizen's dotr Is to
obey tho laws and set a goal example
In all things to hi fellow-men." In
ttlna eood cumDle It la best to
follow the bible Injunction to "avoid
en the anncarance of evil " In dls-
mitsliia this aamblloi naestion before
your readers, do not mince words, bat
go In to demolish every gambling
scheme from playing marbles for
keepi to buying options In Wall street.
Recount to yonr readers the reasons
upon which the lottertos were denied
tho United States malls. Iteprint, at
the head of your editorial columna,
fhc recent report of the Postmaster-
General, In which he denounced guess
Ins contests as among the most per-
nlcious schemes that are now enable
to exist by iim of the mall system.
go after Hum, Colonel, and jrou will
hare the commendation of all decent
All that the Oregonlan says in. the
above about gambling lias no ttppll-
cation to the purely giving of a gift
to subscriber in a manner that was
virtually placed In their hands and Is
safeguard! against any polbk
chance of fraud or speculation.
.No amount of simulating or mathe
matical demonstration can give one
person a better opportunity of guess
Ing the right nuinlwr.
The Journal diamond ring gift to
subscribers is exactly what It la ad
vertised to be a harmless, innocent
and amniag guessing contest no
mora no less.
The Portland papers frequently give
their subscribers a chance to get an
encyclopedia or a chance to get a set
of dishes. The Journal dlsllko tn en
tor the field of competition with the
merchant and the bookseller.
Tl Journal given what everybody
wants and what Is of moat permanent
and well-Rnown. value a fine diamond
of tho first water and It Is publicly
advertised and placed on exhibition
wllh the plan of giving It uwny.
Gen-are's "Greater ItuMla" and Mr
V. II. Skrlne's "Tho Expansion of Rus
sia. ;
The second of thes Is' a history
of the growth and extension of Rus
sia since 1816. with considerable ref
erence to the colonb-.lng Instinct, the
nomad Instinct, and the blind Impulse
of a rapidly-growing population to
burnt from Ire-bountl coasts and gain
access to warmer waters.
Mr. Skrlne says that Rilsala "has
studded Manchuria with military
it In ordar te safeguard the trans
continental rallwar route; but she
hesitate to annex that province leut
8lbcria should be overrun by Chinese
Mr. Oflrrare's book I a good In
stance of a volume baMl.' pn solid
knowledge, yet written In a popular
way anil well Illustrated.
The danger to the IOuronean now
ers comes not from Itunia,' naval or
military power, but from liar dom
Inatlng powers over all other races
she get control over.
Russian domination over At'.a
means that all other nations will be
practically excluded from partlcljiat
in In Ihe opening of Asia to the world
The clutches of tho tenacious musco
vite civilisation once fntend on a
country are never relaxed. Asia
should nut he Iliisslanlxed,
The Bast Oregonlan says: "The
Oregon Journal Is the strongest edl
fnrlal nnnor In the state." It Is till?
concensus of opinion thut the Bast Or
egonlan is correct. Some of its edl
torlals are worse than strong ranlc
rmmmM " '"""" m
d Mr ihi ffi or rrr mt -kv
ILuillMimill"'1!'"! i"!!1"1 "I"11""" "' "
hown.1ijVe sjiaii saw $1Q by cull
lotUwl(0r bOiiarial is (nktn from
Itromtneiit poeltlon In th Orognnlau
of Bunday. January 17:
, Colonel Hofer's Plain Duty.
TOitt HnUtn Capital Journal has In
uj?rntU a wlitiue by which It pro
imm to give away to It (tibeerlberc
a $1W dlamoml. absolutely frt. The
Jdan requires the payment of a dolliir
for subscription, whlloh entitle the
subscriber to a riiwm ns to nn un
fcnown number. The pirwn lucky
onough to huw olowHt to the right
numuer i wiiul to th diamond
In a reoenl Imuo the Journal explains
th wholo schemo In a flrst-oolumu
wlltorial. and follow this wlthxan chII
totlal on gambling. Th exlltor Myi
"VIt to du with KmlillHKT This
qiltatfam totWM up in two fur mi: What
hi ow irivate dutyT What I- wx
imbllc dHlyt'
Ywr ditty k plain, Cwci Hofer
wlal4i- etanr. There can he no
pwelUW dotibt about either ur mb
11 or jmir prHni dHty H ,h wwtm.
"Urn ol HMHbtlag. Ywj have under-
anea a wwk of reform tUat la wnrthy
mt rnrti uiMty. Th deilre m K
Nmethlng for Mrihrng I Ui greatest
ll of our tlrohss wlal tho,,
winds of N f brtislitest tmmlM)
has made d & t.m of thim
Md of hxthy famllltg dad has
brok the hearm rf lUmmmU of
IWhl fathtr ntui .w...
, -.. v.-iutiau
Some of the city Bolllielnn nrB
finding fault with the mayor, bscnuie
on a tie vote he unit hi ballot In fa-
vor of tight for the new wards, on n
resolution offered by a Democratic
It Is not nacesanrv In uv llinl )..
wa no polltfcs In the proposition to
retb flv lights In each or th n
Wjila Tho lights wer promised
Iople, ami that promise should
he Ujjit.
Tim relutlun by Alderman llnyno
was simply In the line of hastening
the iwrfurmanc of a plain duty, nnd
the mayor had' promised to do all ihnt
J4ild be don within (he means of the
city for the new ward.
The cry of Politics esnnnt lu nlu.1
because ihU reoliition was Introduced
oy me ol- Democratic member of t
city council.
The same Kntlman !mi nratuiM.1
nnd Introduced a bicycle ordlnauctfi
v in tliat be vnllwl polities, tun?
The people have a right ot expect
that the council, being as strongly Re
publican as It Is. will mntnr ,.
ure aja (mas them by the Republican
er mat ewmcll.
llHt It th lUlHlbllran nin,l,-
- 'iiMwsin no-
ww prepar Ute weasitr that
W WW the gpl. ,ke people
mt a Hm to t tkM r u .....
The Statesman editor has hnd some
reference to the fondno of Tlia
Journal editor for sniierkrnut.
We submit In all falrnea that this
l a violation of the rules of the
ring. It Is striking bolow the helL
The man who eats sauerkraut m
au article of diet I doing so In pup
suanoe or the liberty guaranteed by
the constitution.
The enjoyment of life, lllxirty and
the pursuit of happiness wa men
tloned In the Declaration of lnil.in
What Is known as the muarVrani
habit has brought up win a good oitl
sens and It Is a harinle nnd non
Intoxicating beverage. i
We are willing to differ with the
Htntosman editor on some minor mat
ters like giving tips to I'ullmnn car
Hut he should not attack our na
tional article of diet. We recom
mend that ho buy n barmi nf ,,...
kraut and proceed to rnntnniah m.
long, loon nnd lanky form.
Sauerkraut will build un hl rn.inv.
srous, bennpolo style of nnatomy and
iHj"iiiiy ge: somo new Ideng Intd olr-
lty ar ,daB. You m trtv to
,rc k" ami akt Uwt it is
t '"Nfglrt h k hhh.ju, fof
olhlg by tb ,re ku f cbawe
You wst ,,, th. W 1U wUq
tad ywr paper that it I. work. iud
Women Praise it
Tbr ar tousdi wo ,
r ma 4wg KMd ta
Mm rtwik tkat ik-, jnTi
miJo Oomplalat, h aUo JJ
'MIIWV Oyspsp.,
Thjrrgtets ar after the Jour
l nwg. ucaua h.i hn 1.1. ,u.
'S01 t treat tbHt nicely and falrli-
ft dlomaticHlly nud all that, they
TTm "' that he has got to get
(ft auLtWll Off hU mot ...I .... V
Ulr Sttghlg aiuHldmaal l n.n. ..i
! us tft ftinr, tttt w, have fa
Wbwlitlng our aiuMtdmuut. ... ....
ttwkii. but have nerr voted for
i-m- i are vn iloubtrul about
ubwIUtag awbr nmMl,t i.,
Hytobdjugf. NtttmvtU
T w,u ,e (rankly that they
an i(uV In v.ui ... ...
Tky wlU dod. a, ,' T
iL rf!i)xm ,Mv aro m
y. and than vote saUdiv t.. .,.
Jur mmttcal aUvlty. Bu( w, aw
" In nolitw ii
Jnk you ought to ujrop tb. n,
Th jm ar urod oi it, but mwm
M long a Mm hiiiu- u '.'T:
" tottUyhadfun.whgT
Tb Jotirnal ba ...........
M Ui Uw R-.T. " ""
vlnK a aMai.i jn ....
let the Dicker kick.
On of the iwrennlnl .nn..,..
kicker has adorned the "Kdltorlals
" mo reopie" column with n klok on
freo thing.
He sneers at the nosaliiintv f i.i-
city ever nmountlner to nnvti.in ...i
. . -- """""b tllU
object to an)thlng being free.
mis class of howlers and klekors
would destroy fr Hniin,,i -. ...
hlghwnj-s If they had their u-nv t.
would have toll bridges and toll
They would nbollsh fJ. mi.. ...
Ing and have everybody go about with
an old tin lantern and a bit of tallow
dip stuok In It.
This klckor snoers at "boulevards -Thore
nro nono to lmnt r.r i- .....
city. If you can null thmiti, .i-
Z "trMt" Vth n m"y agon
'" "on oe mankfuL
The spirit of r(ltin. n i . .
Improvements has been a disgrace to
pi.7 ... u r"c,Qlly th0 capital!
--. .... u ims iireaomtpMed tor.
Cm,re the sneers of u., Klck.
r and the howls r ti.. u...
. the enterprise of,,,, ZZ
Th- have hv thair ...,.....
""'" " "FBKtn rook road
They bavtt ou rr,- . ....
" .aid an .ghn,m tax o" I
m. .." """" "' Wr raaat
.. .negn.ee rest -f, thh g
-? 0rUW ,han Uie
It 1 only a coincidence, of course
but there liMir't been, a hold-up in
Portland since th Ltjvrt an.1 Clark
contingent went ot Washington.
An Isthmus Is a narrow neck of land
dlvldlnar the United States and Colom
bia, and reducing the latter to the
worst streltf.
Another definition of Isthmus I "r
narrow neck of land connecting the
French Panama. Canal Company with
the United States treasury."
Dry an and Hearst ought to make a
good Damocintlc presidential ticket
Hspeclally In view of tha fact that
Bryan hns been "hearsed" twice al
ready. .
Bryan having been beaten twice for
the presidency, generously offers the
benefit of his services and ndvlco to
tho fellow Democrats who desire to
follow In his footsteps.
The Virginia legislature has prom
ised 10,000 for tho Lewis nnd Clark
exiKwition. The tawny mane, and
prestige of the name, "Jefferson" of
our only Jeff, the Democratic saw
horse of tho Sautlnni, was the pole, so
to ienk, that knocked the persim
"Politics makes ftrange bedfel
lows," say tho provorb, and If Mitch
ell (loosn't think he's In room 13 be
fore Harvey get through with him
thero will be sevornl more guesses
uur senior senator should rem m
her that the zodlnclal sign Just now It
not Qemlnll, nnd that his association
with the Orogonlun matador can only
be consummated when Pisces rules.
Tho honost claims of United States
cltlxon ngalnst Franco ware admitted
by Nnpoloon when ho sold Loulslna-
nnil It wns part of tho trade that the
Unltod Stntos should settle with Its
cltlzons all theso claims, It has never
paid a cent.
uoscoe Conkllng said the United
States was "the meanest creditor nnd
tho hnrdost debtor In croatlon."
Dallas has had n goat show. nn,i it
might bo Incidentally remarkod that
the lady goat Is more of a success n
a butter than a mllkor.
This great freo country lms iivnn
$6,000,000 to St. Loiils to celehrnto ti,
acquisition of Ixmlslnn. Would It not
ho appropriate whllo celebrating th
OVCnt to pay the linlnnen nf ,. .....
chaso prlco It owes to Its own citizens?
Cherry Pectofd
for all diseases of the thmJ
and lungs. A doctor's rnMii
remedy everywhere.
cine for CO years. A housl
her ads read: "This will be your Inst
chance to 'see Patti."
Tho iitMt industry. Indian baskets
made by Salem Indians.
Tiio nrnaonlHii Is too moral to allow
it in icn.i !tlf tn an "Innocent, harm
less and amusing guessing contest." It
objects to giving the people something
fnr nntiiina. It bus never been guilty
It has always given them nothing' for
iav.Alitsrman Stole has our thanks
for a second kesr of his delicious Ore
gon-made sauer kraut. This wonderful
brand of a genuine article from his
factory has become a household word
with most of the people who enjoy
that harmless stimulant nnd invigorat
ing brain food. It would be a line nd-
dltlon to the Statesman editor's bill of
For the first time In many years
the Salemite enjoyed the luxury of
shoveling snow.
The hypercritical moralist would
brand a harmless guessing con
test or a friendly game of cards oi
checkers as gambling. Well, somo
people have ot make their moral su
periority In some way or other, and
are probably entitled to the benefit of
the last resort.
It should hereafter be spelled Patty
Instead of Pattl. She weighs 300.
A Big Kick
A man tnakos whon his laundry A
Is sont homo with porcunlnn aA
. vui
ana sproadeagio buttonholes. vJ
would bring Ma llnon to an up-fol
laundry whoro perfect methods oto.J
at all times, such as the Salem StcJ
Laundry, "o would receive his uhlrtJ
conars anu cuiis equal to now 0
tlmo that wo send them homo.
Salem Steam
Col. J. Olmsted, Pron.
Phone 411 230 Liberty 6u
uoiu, steci nnu pnvor Bead? yi
Hood Views. Tablets with Onjm
The Variety Sto
94 Court St. Annora M. Welch, Prop
X .rrfAW . .
I KAJ 1 1 kjS has not gone up with us,
I Regardless of quotations from Wall St,, i:
I and report i as to the condition of the:
cotton market,
We will continue to sell all cotton roods nf
usual low price. See us for flannelettes, outino- flan
nel, daisy cloth, muslins, India linons houselininff, tick
ing, shirting, dress linings and all other cotton goods.
Remember no advance in prices at
our !
Rostein & Gteenb&vm
t 302 Commercial Street.
: 'IIIMIMIIIilllll4H 4-4-H I I I 1 I t I ! t 1 I 3 I I t 1 1 1 1
Ct '" Uw Ga"'. Gentlemen.
Mr far a meeUug to iwrw
Valley ab, ,tiw "BJ
ally ImiHHtan. .,.:.. ".'
1ZTL J ' t0 w t0w at
Mley. ,,. ,. " -T" nwvi
Sr to ter a ---
-"www, eowpwed of the buiu
, M0- "" awaroat aMiiy of oT
ww. coMlderiag ue hi
mg. o.J EL"
t-llHi, nZ w"r-
VVOrSO Than I ....
;j-vo, af,. all, ta a M
w a ag ar; SZL u ?' far
Now that the goats have boen glvon
'.a show" the equal suffraco nmnn.i.
mont looms up ns bolng noxt In line.
Tho Roseburg PlalndonW in,inrM
U19 Colllo cnnal, but objocts to the
i-unngo road. Recolloctlons of th
Umpqim Improvement are still "fond."
the livestock convention hns ad
Journal, but It gave Portland a beau
tlful collection of assorted tattles.
The Hen Davis npplo came out of
...1 notnt fruit grow.rs' convention
with tho total low of lt r,,,.i
llonjamln sliould be more enroful of
iu company.
The cattle men and u-nni
In their Portland conventions showed
that ey can lie toother, and so far
as heard from th.y mad It a standoff
in that art.
When the cattle men and wool grow
ers get back on the rnn i ., ,iu.
of their recent hob-nobbing, the least
that can be expected nf fhn, 1. .....
Uhey wlU say. -Aft.P ""
Hoton, bolore they ik. n B.. ...
each other.
People who were ilisiuii.n.i .......
1 .- ..1 . --..u niui
. tngiBg. saould remember that
What Shall We
Have for Dessert?
ThU qnestlon arfej in tho familr
xry day. Lot us answer it tcyTTry
I! Positive Poofi
We Do
Wifiat We
kih and romove Cancers and I
Tumors without the aid of knife or I
omer Instruraent,
r. J. P. CooVr thn TVilnnlru.! TVus
tor, curea all Wnda of dlao after ', ',
all othor schools have failed, with- ; ;
out tho aid of knir , .i 111. . .
.w w pvWUUM, AMI
medicines are composed of Nature's '.'.
herbs; they are gathered and selected : ',
in rarloua narta of a,-. j 4 .
v'faU c""'no8, at great expense.
j I Has prevented many
: : from bein cared fcv m.
Can votj
I Afford to Rtin
the Risk
Read the Testimonial . r. .
. -, a rrominent Salem Man:
. . . TO THE PUHl in
in justice to DR. j. p. nnnv ., .L ...
a Great work he Is doing I wish tn inT ,u WWlI mRy kaow what "
. I Ing treatment from him for h ? t them that l h" booQ ' '
: : ho has removedTrom my iflr 15 mnthS' mi that ta tlm0 '' ''
' ' oua growths as lasZ1"!7 canaI "" tumow of cancer-
"other cancerous growth of i . rom tho larBO 'ntertln. Abo ; ;
: : or from off my ttLTrSs hL a l.T S'Z tam 0ft my foot- ' '
I' oinos alone, thev iinin. !u. ' .n ompUshed through modi- '.'
.. ti.r !.,. ' . """. io BTOWUl and anliWiu A .. ..-
ti .-.- .WIl dwung them off withn .u. ..." . .""" ow- Bna ""
1 ' aaro nt believe I could have foun7 1 , r lra,fo or "rgory. I
:: "hero in the world, and cWunv T 8UCC0Mful treatment
:: jlcal Doctor, to atl who Jeni , J fmmnd Dr J' P- . the
' ' " h md thlB toaUmonlol-R. J. SPBNblsn.
j j can d0 M muchfo:yo -.,co-.UItatIonfree.
:: t ; F.COOK
: : DetHer Botanical Doctor. .T
Till luxixi, liberty street, 8alem. Oreoon.
- nrTWW HHMMuuu..LJ:
oat ct t Fs!:u X
!?3lthrie& co
il VrKAINffgliiDSHippmgg Rpj I
ii Oats For Sale
I! HOP GROWERS snptt, .,, rv,,,. " '
1 JlTrrz -
m totZJg
207 (fcinnMMijii ri o.,fim nM
'"flMl.. M
zz'zasz," ""
"" -wttuaui. AUUUL