Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, January 16, 1904, Page NINE, Image 9

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iteresting Letter
From America's
Fashion Center
laud Griffin Writes Enter
tainingly About What Is
Correct in Winter
Now York, Jan. 9. Tho first signs
spring tiro hero In tho now ahlrt
PnlstB. Thoao will bo followed wlth-
a week or two by other models,
nt tho stores must make room for
Tlio Kind You Havo Always
In uso for over 30 years,
rtfyifcf'f. sonnl
Vwlk rJl III r 1
All Oountorfeits, Imitations and" Just-as-good" aro but;
Experiments that triilo with and oudangcr tho health o?
Infants and Children Experience gainst Experiment
What is CASTOR I A
!aii- rla is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
gor.V, Drops and Soothing- Byrups. It is Pleasant. Ifc
contains neither Opium, Morphino nor other Narcotlo
eubsuuico. Its ago is its guarantee It destroys Worms
and allays Eovorishncss. It cures Diarrhoea and "Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
-nnd Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep
Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend.
Boars tho
The KM You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
tmc 0(MTun eoMHHV. tt mwihav strict. Ntwvon:! orr.
There Is No Razor Made That Beats the
R. M. Wade & Co.
Phana: Main 2953.
a week
193 Commercial St,
Orar The Journal,
'- ' 8sSS &&1V5&J
; ; v5 ifl HfflRffiMf
tho new things by disposing of tho
present stocks In tho regular January
But back to shirt waists! white will
continue to reign unrivaled. That
much Is assured. Tho now doslgno
whether of silk, or organdie, satin or
tho cheapest lawn are In white. Trim
med most elaboratoly. Lace Is used
with lavish hand and mingled In every
Imaginable way with other delicate
and nrtlstlc trimmings.
Many of the doslgns button In tho
back, a fctylo which is really loft ovor
from last year. For stout and1 elderly
women, however, Uio fastenings aro
concealed, for despite Its smartness
t'tho waist fastened at tho back has
ago limitations which must bo ob
served by women who wish to follow
tho' dictate of common sonso m their
Yokos will bo a modish trimming
for spring shirt waists, tho round
shapes sharing favor with Irregular
designs. This gives a sp'londld oppor
tunity to uso tho dainty insertions
with fnncy stltchlngs.
Several dollcato designs In organ-
Bought, and which has been.
has homo tho sigimtnro of
has icon mado under his pcr-
Blip crvislon since Its Infancy.
Signature of
or two weeks for yourj
printing aner ine nine promisear
the Job Printer,
work when promised.
Submitted on all Work
lias been taken to supply the stock of
lumber in our yards. Our stock U?
complete with all kinds of lumber.?
received a car load of No. l
.nhlnglea, also a car of flno ahakea.X
Wo aro ablo to fill any and all klndj
,of bills. Coma and let us snov you?
Yard and office near 8. P, passengerx
rfnnoL 'Phono Main 65L 9
dlo, suosbo and moussolino de solo
havo boon noted. One that was par
ticularly pretty was of the first-namod
matorlal with yoko formed of vnfon
clonnos lnsortlon Joined with fonthor
stitching with whito and gold silk.
Tho yoko was finished in points bor
dered with a ruflle composed of vat
onclennos lnsortlon alternated with
chiffon embroidery then bound along
tho edgo with organdlo.
The sleeves arc close fitting at the
top and bolow tho olbow were
formed of tho insertion gathored Into
a simple cuff of organdie.
Another fotcliing modol was shown
In dead whito liberty vlole, a now
material of diaphanous wcavo nnd
high lustre. Thoro was no yoke, but
bands of irregular lengthened inser
tion wore stitched in tho front to tho
bustllno in "horizontal effect. Bolow
these bnnds tho blouse was tucked
around tho figure. Tho sleovos wore
trimmed in tho same way anil caught
Into cuffs of laco insertion.
Tho latter is very becoming, espec
ially to slender figures, but tho round
nnd round tucks aro fatal to the out
lino of robust forms.
Somo beautiful belts and stocks
accompany tho now waists. Tho for-
fmor aro of whito kid combined with
silk nnd tho various metnls such as
dull silver, gun metal and gold. Stocks
do not show much that is now, but
tho lack of novolty is amply supplied
in tho artistic nrrangoment of tho
latest neck finishings.
Tho go-botweon stylos thnt will bo
soon between now and tho regular
spring openings loavo nothing to be
desired. Smnrt women are inclined to
change off from cheviots nnd zlbellnos
to hop sacking, canvass and the dia
gonal sergos. These nro mndo in
tnilor fashion and trimmed smartly.
Jackots are getting shorter and many
show the cutest little facings of em
broidered felt nnd sill;. Hop sacking
with a hairy imp Is very "swell" to use
a vulgar expressldn. A chic, model Is
trimmed with blnck and the Jackot
lias four overlapping cape collnrs,
while tho skirt is gored and stitchod
until It almost stands nlone.
Nothing has hold Its own nniong
fashionable trimmings llko Mexican
drawn work. This fact is no doubt
duo to tho difficulty of imitating the
decorating and its woll sustalnod
price. It is shown on frocks of all
descriptions and appears to especial
advantage on a tailored dosign in
coarso, wiry canvass. Tho Mexican
drawn work is executed on tho fabric
Itself, combined with crowol ombrold
ory. Tho canvass is a queer shade of
light brown suggesting mile or putty,
it is uncortaln which, and tho cm
broldory is palp rose. A roso-coloroJ
suodo bolt confines tho bodlco and
Is clnspod with a big coral bucklo.
Matching tho gown is an ologant mole
skin coat lined with roso-colorod
panno volvot, ovor which falls a low
capo of moloskin.
Tho dnlntlost foaturos of dressos
mado In diaphanous matorlals for nf
tornoon and evonlng wear aro thoir
glrdlos, sashoa and othor waist trim
mings. Thoso havo never boon so
varied and delightfully chic as this
season. Drosden and Wattoau ribbons
aro mostly used. Stout figures look
woll in tho corsago bands that support
tho flguro whlo curving Into linos
that ofton lond graco and comeliness
whoro thoro is none. Sylph-llko forms
requiring porfect freedom with a cor
tain nlr of abandon for their groatest
effect aro hold in slightly with soft
bolts. It is no longor tho smart thing
to tio a bolt in a bow at the back,
noither are long streamers worn.
The Ascot sash Is tho newest croatlon
and very prott It consists of a band
of Drosdon or Wattoau ribbon brought
around tho waist and tied in a four-in-hand
knot at tho back. Instoad of
hanging straight and stiff, tho ends
of tho ribbon aro pinched up and
finished with slllc tassols of looped
through embroidered silk rings.
There Is no dlralnuitlon of tho shawl
crazo and polorinos made of camol's
hair or ombrolderod silk shawls aro
considered vory desirable to inolude
in one's wardrobe. Tho quaintest of
these draperies aro finished with
nottod fringes. Oftentimes two shawls
are used to trim one decollotage, one
on each shoulder, tho painted
crossing back and front and tucking
into a primly plaited girdle.
The Jowolod dingle danglos that tho
fashionablo woman wears nowadays
aro wonderful to behold. Tho holiday
season only increased the fad. After
all it is not unlovely If not spoiled by
an incongruos collection " of aheap
The long nock chains of flno gold
and sliver sot with small jewels are
pretty. If imitation stones are worn,
they should bo duplicates of turquolws
or corals, because counterfeit brilliants
are considered abominable taste.
Even pearls are not advisable unless
they aro real, or they soon lose their
lustro and give one's Jewels an "all
but" appearance.
Earrings and bracelet are worn to
greater extent this winter than in
many years past. That is one sees
thom decorating oars and arms of
roally fashionablo gowned women on
the street. If tho morning costume in
cludes an elaborate tailored dosign a
considerable amount of Jewelry is per
missible, as long as tho flashy effects
arc eschewed.
Jeweled Insects havo almost entire
ly given away to Moral doslgns. The
possible excoptlon is the butterfly nnd
this is retained because it affords a
chanco for roally artistic matching of
precious stones with brilliant offect.
But wild roses with diamond and
pearl centers, turquoise for-get-mo-nota
coral geraniums, sapphire gonltans
and pearl wild roses nro much to be
In tho matter of hnt-pins tho shops
aro showing extra long pins with
handsomely Jeweled heads thnt are
stabbed In at tho back nnd run nil the
wny through tho coll of hair, then
pinned through tho hat at tho front.
In cases whoro tho hair is worn low,
an clastic band Is used to keep tho
hat on tbo head and tho hat pins are
merely rsod as ornaments.
Somo of tho now fur toques aro
prettily trimmed with bands of chif
fon nnd mohair braid. Spreading -flat
crowns thnt bond into shaped brims
narrowing toward tho faco, continue to
bo a favorite dosign. Whoro they
flatten at tho back to fit over tho
coiffure two feathers of contrasting
colors can bo added as the sole but
effectlvo decoration.
TMtarkct Quotations Todays
"Mkc Salem a Cood Home Market" J?
Capital City Mills Quotations.
Bryant & Pennoll, Props.
Wheat 77c.
Buckwheat 80c;
Poultry at Stelner's
Chickens 810c.
Eggs Por dozon, 20c.
Turkoys 12 15c.
Ducks 10c.
Hop Market,
Hops 1922c.
Potatoes, Vegetables, Etc.
Potatoos 30c.
Onions lc
Dried Fruits.
Peaches 10c.
Apricots 10c.
Apples 10c.
Potlto prunos 4c.
Italian prunes 5c.
Wood, fence Posts, EU.
Big fir $4.00.
Second-growth J3.50.
APh ?3.II0 to 53.75.
Body oak $1.60.
Pole oak $4.00.
Cedar posts 12 c.
Hide, Pelts and Pure.
Green Hides, No. 1 Ec.
Green Illdoa, No. 2-r-lo.
Calf SklnB 45c.
Sheep 76c.
Goat Skins 26c to 81.00.
Grain and Frour,
Wheat, Salem Flouring Mills,
port valuo, 70a
Oats $1.06 cwt
Barloy $19 por ton.
Flour Wholesale, $S.C0.
Live Otock Market
Stoora 3K03Mc
Cows 3c.
Shcop 2c.
Droesod veal 04 c
Droesed bogs c
Livo hogs lc.
Mutton 2c por pound.
Hay, Feed, EU.
Bated cheat $10.
Bale- clovor $10$11.
Bran $20.
Shorts $21.50.
Creamery and Dairy ProduoU.
Good dairy .butter 2025c
Creamory buttor 30c.
Cream separator skimmed, at
Com. Creamery, 32c, net
Wheat Walla WJla, 71c72c
Valloy 78c.
Flour Portland, beat grade, $9,769
$3.85; graham, $3.75,
Oats Cholco Whito, $1.10
Barloy Food, $20 por ten: .oiled,
Mlllstutf Bran, $18.
Hay Timothy, $16
Potatoes 60 60c
Eggs Oregon ranch, 37 c
Poultry Chickens, mixed, lOct?
lUftG yor puuuu; uprui, iiu vumujo,
live, wwiic.
Mutton Droesod, 6 6c
Pork Dressed, 66V4c.
Boef Drosoed, 66?J,c
VeaJ 88c.
Hopa 1903 crop, 15022c.
Wool Valloy, 17018c; Eastern
Oregon, 12015s; Mohair, 3E037HC
Hides dry, 16 pounds ani. upwards,
16 to 15K&
Butter Best dairy, 2O022c; fan
cy eramry,30c; store 15015ftc.
Dissolution Notice. Notice is here
by given that the partnership here
tofore Qxistlng between Watt Shlpp
and Paul II. Howser, under the firm
name of Shlpp & Houser, has been
dissolved by mutual consent, Paul
H. Houser retiring. Watt Shlpp will
continuo the business, collecting all
accounts and paying all bills. Watt
Shlpp. Paul H. Houser, Salem, Or.,1
Jan. 15, 1904. 1-16-tf
111H II I1H86 I11MI H 1 111
Advertisements, five Hnee or T
loss, in this column Inserted X
three times for 25c, 60c awcek
$1.50 a month. All over five
lines at the same rate.
1 1 H I I H I H I I 1 1 I 1 1 I 1 1 1 I 1 1 I
Wanted. To ront, 20 to 40 acres of
hops. Apply to Sam Hang, care
of Journal office; compotent man;
good torms. 1-15-lw
Wanted. A boy .to learn tho trado;
will got wagos. Enqulro at German
Bakory, Chomokota .street l-13-3t
Wanted. Chambormald, at tho Salem
Lodging House l-13-3t
Wanted Married man to work on
farm, on sharos or wagos. Gorman
preferred. Call at 174 Commorclal
8troot Frod Elirman. l-13-3d-w
lost And found.
Money Found. Anyone would fool a
thrill of pleasure to pick up a Bllvor
half-dollar on the highway. Thoy
aro lying around ready to pick up
.(no capital roqulrod) if you aro
willing to ruatlo and can talk only a
llttlo bit Good for either box, young
or old. Addroas or coll at Journal
offlco. IMO-tf
For Safe. Two span of horses, Apply
to W. B. Duncan, Salem, Or., caro
McCoy stago. Phono Farm 21.
For Sale. A span of horses nnd heavy
wagon; also a cow." Addross L. C.
F caro of Journal. HG-3t
For Sale. Fine socondgrowth maple
and ash wood. Dellvored to any
part of city. Apply to J. W. Man
loyi Phono 2075 Black, or call at
homo woet of brick store, South
Salem. 12-28-lmo
For Sale Or trade, a flno 10-ocro
chicken or fruit ranch; flrat-closs
buildings and improTeiaonta; ' closo
to school, poetofftce, storo and rail
way station. Will trado for city or
unimproved farm property. Addreos
"W. J.," Caro Journal. 11-5-'
For Sale. At a bargain. For anyono
wanting a good business location,
largo store and houso combined ;
good chanco to carry on a general
morchandlBa business on one of Sa
lem's boet BtoToo. Address Irn
Towno, Salem, Ore. 12-lG-lm
Choice Farm For Sale. Throo miles
northwo3t from Brooks, having
dwolllng houso, barn and two hop
housoa, with 30 acroe of hops, bat-
anco farming land, with running
water, except enough cholco timber
to supply Uio placo. M. J, Egon.
For 8ale. O. K. Grubbors. Best in
Oregon; thtpo state premiums;
ono horse has tho powor of 99; can
grub an aero a day. James Finney,
Brooks, Or. 11-26-lm
For 8ale Inmprovod and unimproved
block property In South Salem. For
information inquire of E. Hofor,
Journal offlco. 10-9-tf
For 8ale Eighty acres of land in
Washington county, for $450, A
bargain for somo ono wanting to
make a homo. Some timber on the
place; some cleared. E. Hofor, Sa
eom, Oregon. 10-6-tf
Dr. I. W. 8Ur,rr Offlco In Bush & Broy
building, vor Oregon Shoo Storo,
Office hours, 9 to 12 a. m. ana 2 to
6 p. m. Calls ! attended in city or
country. Rosldenco 'phone 2355
Ited. 1-5-tf
The Propr Thlntj The popular
drink fer family use U O. 8. soda
and carbonated beroraga. Brery
body should keep these roods at
their homes. Call up qideon Btoli
Co. 'phone 421.
Say Hav you tried Hawarda ft Lunch
w's for meats. We have Ue best
sausage in town. Come and try It,
and be eooTinced. 410 Baet 8tate
Salem Truck and Dray Co, Oldest
and beet equipped company la. Sa
lem. Piano and furniture moving
a specialty Offloe 'phone, SSL W.
W. Brown & Son, proprietor. Offloe
No. 60 State street M-lm
Dr. Z. M. Parvlrt At 297 Commorclal
street, upstairs. Singing school,
. Rudlmental and sight reading claa
en. Begins Wednesday evening, Oc
tober 14th, Class overy Wednes
day evonlng to May 1st, next Tui
tion. $1.00.
Unique Cleaning Roomo Shaw A
Johnson, tho cleaners, are now lo
cated at 209 Commercial street
They do a general pressing and re
pairing business. Specialties: Skirts,
silk waleta, kid gloves, gents' cloth
ing, etc Phone 2614. 6-28-lyr.
Dr. H. H, Scovell. Suggestive
therapeutic. Osteopathy, NoryouB
and functional disease. Jlootne 4,
( and 6, DArcy building. Pbooa
3855 Hain, 1-1-lra
For Rent A four-room cottage tat
387 Church street Will soli furnf;
turo and a winter's supply of woodV
1-6-tf '
Rooms for Rent Up stairs, Cottla
. block, by day, week, or month. At
so light housekeeping rooms. Eloo
trlc llghta Open all hours'. .
Commercial St, No. 333.
Phone: 2965 Main.
Mattlo Hutchlns, Prop.
Mrs. L. pampbell Docs dressmaking
nt her homo, on tho car lino, noar
tho South Salem comotory. Country
trado solicited. 11-18-lm-d-w '
Walter Morley, Dealer in American,
Elwood and Page flold foncing. AH
kinds of poultry foncing. Shlnglca.
P. & D. roady rooflng and waM
papor . Prlcoa Uio lowest Salem
Fence works, 60 Court etrcot'f
Salem. d&w.
Dr. W. 8, Mott Will hereafter t
found In tho Broy block, 276ft Com
morclal atroot ovor Oregon Shoe
Co. Offlco telephone, 2931; nsri
donee phono, 2761. Offlco hours 9
to 12, and 2 to 5.
New Sweet Cider. Send your order te
tho nearest grocery, or call up
phono 42L Gideon Stolz ft Co,
W. Calve-t Practical Watchmaker
158 State street makes a specialty
of repairing watchos, clocks and
Jowolry; and guarantoea good work
at reasonable prices. 11-12-lyr
Ferguson's Restaurant 05 Stat
street Opon day and night Our
20c meals aro hotter than any 26o
houso in tho state, Six 20a meals
for $1.00; 21 20c meals for $3.00.
Salem Camp, No. 118, Woodmen of the
World Moots In Holmnn Hall ovory
Friday at 7:30 p. m. P. L. Frasior,
Consul. Wylio A. Mooros, Secre
tary. 1-12-lyr
Valley lodge No. 18, A. O. U. W. Moots
In tholr hall in Holman block, cor
nor Stato and Liberty, every Mon
day ovonlng. Visiting brethren
wolsomo. Roy Mclntlre, M. W. A,
E. Autranco, Pvocordor.
Central Lodge No. 18, K. of P. Cistle
Hall in Holmnn block, corner State
and Liberty Sts. Tnoodar of eaeb
wook at 7:30 p. m. II. II. Turner,
C. O.; W. I. 8tnloy, K. of R. and S.
Foresters of America Court Sher
wood Foresters No. 19. Moots Fri
day night in Turner block. S. W.
Mlnturn. O. It; A. L. Brown. Sec
Modern Woodmen of America Ore
gon Cedar Camp No, 6246, Meets
every Thursday ovonlng at 8 o'clock
Holman Hall, Frank A. Turner, V.
O.: A. L. Brown. Clork.
Protection Lodge No. 2, Ancient Or
der United Workmen, moots every
Saturday evening In tho Ilolmaa
Hall, corner Stato and Liberty
Btreots. Visiting brothron welcome.
J. G. Graham, M. W.; J. A. BeUwoc4
Drs. M, T. 8clioettle, Frank J. Bar?
and Anna M. Barr. Gradrmtaa
American School of Osteepatay,
Klrksvllle, Mo., oocccaeorB to' Dr.
Grace Albright Offlcr. hours ta
12 and 1:30 to 4:30 o'clock. Od4
Fellows' Temple, Phone Main 27tlj
residence phone 2603 red.
Evan's Barbor Shop Only firs tolas
shop on State street Every thins
new and up-to-oato. Finest porce
lain baths. Shave, 16c; hair-out He
baths, 25c. Two flrstclaas bod
blacks. C. W. Evans, proprietor.
For water service apply at cites.
Bills payable monthly in advaaos.
Uae all complaints at the offloe.
Express and Transfer
Meets all mall and paMooger trains
Baggage to all parts of the cky.
Prompt service. Telephone No. 24L
Successor to Dr. J. M. Keene, In
White Corner, Salem, Oregon. Partis
desiring suporlor operations at mod
erat fee in any branch aro in eopeclJS)
208 Commercial Street
Regular Dinner at Noon 25c
Meals at all hours
Service a la Carte
a ECKERLBN, Proprietor