Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, January 16, 1904, Page TWO, Image 2

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    fcff-l -vfl
THE 01! J
ficrjpps Newt Association Telegrams.
Dally On Year, HOO In Advance.
Dally Three Month, $1.00 In Advance.
Dally by Carrier, 60 Cents Per Month.
Weekly One Year, 1.00 In Advance.
journal Special delivery.
Ono Week I -10
One Mouth I
Turoo Monms ""
itAt Journal Office.
At Daub's Grocery, South Salem.
tAt Bovfersojc Grocery, Yew Park.
Ay1um Avenue Grocery Store.
Electric Grocery, East State St
mnnthln at the most Important com
mllte Hughea, on ways arid means
The chairmanships oi nnance, ii
. Hii tuarka nit elven to the
old members of- tho council Catlln
81ms and Hubbard.
a wiiistlluted the committees have
three members each, and each mem
ber of the council It on three commit--ten.
The new wards are given six Im
portant committee) ordinances, sew
erase, plumbing, bridges, i.iguung
and printing.
Aldcrmaa Young, who Is a con
irtrln.r l nut on committees where
the need of a man with a firm hand
with contractors Is most apparent.
The Weathsr.
Tonight and Sunday, occasional
Tftln, brisk to high southwesterly
winds, dccrcAnliiK tonight.
In considering street Improvements
for this city, there Is not much to be
gained by raking up whnt has been
lone or not done In the past..
Ilia njaln application of n sound
49ftlnef nrlnclnle ougjit to soctle In
Mttr man's mind what le the right poll
ety to pursue.
The good business man never buys
1he oheapest article that It offered,
from the standpoint of present exiens
Whm he bifyn a wit of clothes he
took to what will wnr boat, ami tr
the beet tatltfactton, regardless o(
Wheci he gets a pair of shoes, he
aetfi the beet, and he knows It will be
the clumpost In the long run.
When Its tayti a sidewalk In front
of his house, he doe not put down
the cheapest for the time being, but
uutu down eement because It will be
ahtaper In the lout; run, and more sat
isfactory. f When It Is wisdom (o buy the best
Coat and shoes, to lay dowtj the best
sidewalk, why Is It not wisdom to get
ilio best street pavement!
If It pnye to build a house well, to
put up the beet kind of a buslneee
block, why Is It not wisdom to put
down Hid host sti-out Improvement?
Why be satisfied with a pollry that
give ut jnudholoa lu winter und tin
wnljnry cwridltloim In summer?"
Ait mtltjllKent business man. know
Uint (ho best le the cheapest In th
.bug run, and the only queit(pn Is
fHtttiui? your money's worth.
Would not streeto Imllt on this
principal Hive the moat jHlUfurtlon
and (aspire public prldt lit utir city?
Would ml this pollyy of clmimmllng
the iMMit Iwiplrt (HHilltlence In our city
nnd In ounwlveej In coMHtruHIng
rtreote. a well ag in all other trans
The first dlicifieion In the new
oourieil rtHHiltwt In n victory for the
members from the pew wards, In se
wring th imieli'coveled olwtrle
The six aldermen frtim the three
now ward presented a tfiM fWnt
nnd Ma.) Watet. eoimUUitt with his
iRWUMRe. SMpiHirted their deuwfl.
me new wards were clearly m-
(itlea to the reriltiiin they sougffiiJ
Iterskse It had ben provided by the
M emarlt
Al4efwM Bayco made a spirited
fur the rlgku of the new waMs
to MWe reooMtiltlmi. tad the n.MU.
Utlvoe row tkoee wrs were found
Australia's Curse of Socialism.
(Washington Post.
Same months ago the Post edltorl
ally discussed the effects of Socialis
tic domination In government upon
the commercial and industrial devel
opment of Australia. The discussion
was bused upon some figures takon
from a London newspaper showing
the falling off In Immigration to Aus
trolla and tho abnormally low tate of
Increase In tho country's population.
The statistics furnished by the En
glish paper seemed almost extrava
gant, but It appears that tho half has
not been told. The Australian Olobe.
In discussing tho Post's rovlow of tho
situation, declares "the Wnshlngton
paper Is hut poorly Informed If It Is
satisfied to accejir. the figures quoted
by It at correct The world should
know that Australia s almost, at a
standstill In the matter of population,
and will begin soon to lose tinlosa
there le a radical reorganization of
governmental policies and a return to
sane politics and principles. In a
land capable of supporting the whole
or tne jstiropean noun at on manv
times over, and where It might be
thought labor had founil Its elyalum,
the worklngman and his employer
find they cannot make a living."
The Qlobe quotes figures to show
that the gross Increase In population
In Australia in the last 10 years hat
been only 760 000, nnd that for the
last 10 years the increase hat not been
more than 600. Young men nro leav
ing the country, necking homes else
where, unwilling to longer enduro the
exactions of government on tho So
clallstlc plan. In somo of the prov
luce the Socialists have secured
comnJst cUhtfol. and the result has
bewi practical" ognllsciuUm of prop
erty Interests, complete destruction
of ludlvldual ambition and plans, and,
finally, actual decrease In the popu
lation and withdrawal of Investimjnlgi
Similar conditions exist lu New South
Wuiet, wlierp the imputation tins' do-
cteneed by llioueaiiUs within the. lost
three) years.
The (Hebo pretext many Interest.
log statement, oNpponed by alllclnl
figures, showing the effect of the. S.i.
ejftllttle iHR-vemettt in Australia. Th
imiier challenge tuccessful contra
diction uf lit figures, but this will
probably noi prevent Socialists
throughout this oountrv from hold
ing up Australia as the Ideal country
for the laboring man nU plcturlnij
the beauties of Socialistic forms of
government The dream of ih sn
oiallats f nil men working together
for oomtnon good has been attractive
"trough all time, and It has been glv
en pwhahly lu most tlioroiiili imi
In AusUalltt. It has failed nttariv
Just as nil plane must fall which ellm
"pie oelMnt of lh tndlvia.ial
ttm Ue calcutallon. It will fee,
fcifhWng to AmwcaL Socialists to
no longer able to imlnt to wimi
has been accomplish d by the mn
tloa of their scheme of government lu
Australia and New Sotrh Wales.
The state supreme court Monday
announced Its decision In the case of
W. Danlelson, et al, appellants, vs.
W. B. Roberts, respendent: from
Jackson county; Ilanna, Judge. De
cision Is reversed and a now trial or
dered. Opinion by Justlco ttoan.
This Is a case which has excited
conslderablo Interest In this county.
Roberta encountered n public opin
ion severe In condemnation of Ills ac
tion In despoiling the boys of the
find, who wero too young to know Its
real value, nnd taking advantage of
them so grossly In giving thom a C-
cent reward. The court's action may
rosult In tho boys getting the value
of tholr dlecovory to a largo oxont.
The case is ono of treasuro trove
Involving tho right to tho possession
of $7000 In gold.
In 1891 tho Danlelson boys, oeed
8 nnd 10 yoars, wero hired to clean
out the Roberts chicken house. Thoy
dug out of the ground n gallon can
containing gold colus alleged to he
of the value of $7000. The coin had
been hidden for many years and evi
dently the truo owner wns duail or
unknown. The boys showed tho
money to W. II. Roberts, who claimed
It, gave the boys fi cents, told them
not to toll any one nnd the Lord
would bless them. ICarly In 1003 they
brought this suit to recover the
money. After their testimony had
been Introduced at the trial the indue i
granted a nonsuit upon the ground
that the money hnd been Intentionally
hidden by some one and that the boys
could not, therefore, Invoke the rule
that the finder of lout property Is en
titled to lie possession ns against all
the world except the true owner. This
decision Is held to he erroneous. The
supreme oourt holds that In this coun
try there Is no distinction between
property which the owner has loet or
Involuntarily parted with nnd nron
orty which the owner hns hidden In
the ground. Tho finders nre untitled
to possession ns ngnlnst all tho world
oxcopt the true ownor. In this ensn
the court holds that tho boys nro en
titled to tho possosHlou of tho money
unless the dofondants can show n. hot.
tor tltlo, and tho cao Is romnnded
ror now trlnt In order thai the Tights
of the parties may be determined by
the nvlilnncii It 1 i.,,i...... . .. .
lierhuiw the boys nre not entitled to
K.p the money, under tho tnhit,u
remtive.to lost property and Irena
ure trove, but the question whether
tha money bolongs to the bov nr n
th state Is not passed neon. Ash.
land Tribune.
' Bc)00Mt99eee)eeaaea0
I First Unitarian.
Corner of Chemekctn and Cottage
street1?. Frank Abran. Powell, pas
tor. Sunday School at 1 a m. Mr.
; Powell will speak at 11 a. m. on "A
Few Distinctions,' and at 7:30 p. ra
'on "Concrete Religion." Everybody
First Presbyterian.
II. A. Kotchum, pnstor. Preaching
service at 10:30 a. m nnd 7:30 p. m.
Sabbath School at 12 m. Young Poo-
pie's raeotlng at C:30, p. m. Subject
of morning subject: "Peter's Ilos-
cue. Evening: "A Precious prom
Christian Science.
First Church of Christ, Scientist.
Services: Lesson sermon and chll
(Iron's classes at 11 a. m. Subject of
lesfon sermon "Truth." Wednesday
ovonlng meeting at 7:30 p. m. Read
Ing room open dally. Christian Scl-
once hall, corner of court and Llbcr
ty street.
Y. M. C. A.
Corner of Commorclal and Chomek-
eta streets. Sunday nfternoon nt the
Y. M. C. A. W. C. Knntnor. D. D., be
gins n sorlos of short lectures on "Four
Life Pictures of Men." "Tho Man
With a Clean Record" is the subject
for Sunday nfternoon nt 3:30 o'clock.
Special music will bo furnished, nnd
nil men nro cordially lnvltod.
United Brethren.
Services nt Yew Park United Dreth
ten church as follews: Preaching nt
11 a. in. and 7:30 p. m. Sabbath
School nt 10 a. m. Walter Reynolds,
Christian Science.
Second Church of Christ, Scientist,
1 10 Chemeketa street Services: Sun
day at 10:30 n. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sub
ject of lesson sormen: "Truth." Sun
day School nt 11:46 a. in. Wednesday
evening testimonial meeting at 7:30
o'clock. Reading room In the church
'! 'a ft"
n am. JB
Cherry Pectoral
Asfc your doctor if this is the
medicine that cured his hard
cold. Doctors have used it for
over sixty years. tniAr'spZ
Men Love the Neat Woman.
There Is an attraction In neatness
and order all their own. Tho lack Is
felt even when there is great beauty
to dnszle the eye. I know that there
are men who tolerate slack, untidy
women, but I have always rcgnrded
thom ns martyrs to duty, mistaken In
the size of the obligation laid upon
them. I have novor blamed tho man
who shunned untldlnoss at homo, be
lm father, huahnnd. son or brother.
and that, my frlonds, is tho real whip
that drives mon from their owu fire
sides. Tho really neat woman Is neat
at all times, nnd tho slack ono Is very
unwise whon sho Indulges her pro
pensities at home. Cleanliness may
bo next to godliness, and certainly
neatness Is next to beauty.
Bsantbe The Kind Yoa liaira AIw?jrs Botigtl
CKlBH.,. A
Capital Normal School
First National Bank Bulldlncr. Salem
The fall term of twelve weeks ooens
Sectcmber 28, Address.
J. J. KRAPS. Salem, Or
o k n fc-y
A Big Kick
A man makes when his laundry work
Is sent homo with porcupine cdg
and sprcadcaglo buttonholes, if
would bring his linen to an up-to-ditj
laundry whero perfect methods obtaJa
at all times, such as tho Salem Steau
Laundry, ho would rccolvo his ahlru
collars and cuffs equal to now ovotr
tlmo that wo sond thom homo.
Salem Steam
J. Brownstein & Son.
54 State street. Highest cash price
paid for hides, Pelto, Wool, Tallow
and Furs; also general dealer In .old
Iron, Rubber and Metals. Phone 2071
Col. J, Olmsted, Pron.
Phone 411 230 Liberty 8t
Gold, Steel and Silver Beads, Mt
Hood Views'. Tablets with Oregon
The Variety Store
94 Court St, Annora m. Welch, Prop,
open oach nftornoon jjxeopt Sunday.
All are cordially Invited.
W. C. T. U.
D. J. Goode will speak at the W. C.
T. U. hall, Sunday at -i o'clock.
The Missouri 8tate Building.
'Roman architecture with nn An,..
can feeling" i the way In which Mr.
Isaac H. Taylor, architect of tho Ml8.
sour! state building at the Loulilnn
Purchase RxposlUon descrlhn. ,
tylo of architecture of that struc
The building U to be 312 f..i i..
nd 100 ft wide. It will be com-
Pieioiy surrounded on two lloors by
baloonlw and porches, which will
I'PRjy an uninterrupted promenade
about the building nt two Woi
-ft , , , . - , uue
mi wi nwive the oMior.
A Well-Equlpped Theater.
Without good nnd appropriate scon-
ory no play Is attractive, nnd old,
worn soconory Is little better than
none. Patrons of tho Baker, at Port
iiuiu, uregon, nnve nevor soon tho
snmo sconery twlco during tho two
years the Baker Thentro Company has
been orgnnlaod. There Is n chnnca of
bill every week nt this houso, and for
each piny there Is a new nnd com
plete equipment of scenery. In or
der to meet this demand. Mnnnnr.ir
George L. Bnker hns established the
largest scenic studio in the Pnoirtn
Northwest, nnd In this studio every
thing enn be turned out from a full-
nggwi steamer to a church. This de
partment of the Baker enterprises Is
In the hands of Scenic Artist Shultz
tho host In tho West. and Stair m!
chanlc (Ponnlo) McCabo. who i nnn.
sldorod a gonitis la building novol
stngo offocts. It Is one of tho strict
ost ruloB of Manager Baker that no
piece of scenery shall bo usod In
moro than ono production.
I COTTON has not gone up with us, i
I Regardless of quotations from Wall St,, ii
and report; as to the condition of theii
si nriir-rt o-o-hIt4 h
our I
i s , iit
, vve win continue to sella l co on p-nods nf
USUal lOW nnrP. Spa lie fnr (Innnaloic- ni: fl t
nel, daisy cloth, muslins, India linons. houselining, tick
ing, shirting, dress linings and all other cotton goods.
Remember no advance in prices at
l?stc4v jp. tnt
g ouz commercial Street. f
j"W'WHtiit ' I -HH--H--t-H4-HKH 1 1 I N 1 1 1 1 1
Very Ple-aunt Eleetloneerlng.
te It mora Ibdt. a match fw Ui on ifc ' VT , AWKraU '" wITnige
mx4HH. i "" ,M Mwtiiw for Mtue time
wwbr ttf tii commottwwuth par-
The ranuHlue im HhU Is cmt
tHM) trf vm tmim frow tk
wanW, kh4 the ptKltloa. of tke (MotUe
frtr UiittU wilt Hot W l4NHttei.
The list of stumllRK comwUmm. as
aunwwiietl by Mayur WaUrs. wwi
to b very ftlrty hw4 hh.
h of Uw MKWttiQM iwrti- mU a
UMlrwHW ike o BeMtovrat
Ku)e, iiwttlHg mm of tke mt w
partaftt eowiullti- ordtnsHrM
A ytwm man t BiMt the ctlla
'"'II L .
W ..d Vw UT..im8M. A)lt ,
tor l"! ufffi
utMd uu. -r.:. rxt n
Ui iLu !-.. ? h
--"vn iwr
mmmn. ajutow to usrfrialn th. h
Of HMPrWChlHK t)M WWIUHn v,u.
rs la bis cHisUtHoiio-. ouht the ad-
'? w an exiwdoncl South Auetra
Itaa iHlsUtw. "Hovv & yv pWM
lJ Io yoH kit tk wi.f ..Vrt
- .... wv, 1W,
r. was las enAu ,.i ..... i
- - -tJ- nw HIM 1
(NO OMMlOr."
Jtwtoltuto. any. ta. v..n ....,
Wob.iWMr-04, JK; I mil nue lu
r" Hm l0 w n ul
tmm your UU.
Qreat Qppertunltles.
Mil MooftiK-w-rw ..
kv :. " """ "" "
-.. W1MM1 T-a.iM.,1
- we
Mjr. HJ.ktot-BiJ I H'.h
Sealt Being Exterminated.
American nnd Canadian nshoraii.ii
aw extormlnntlng the seals on Prlby,
w" . near Alaska. Just fur
ww s,Hiri or tho thing they shoot tht
alwaU Instead of spearing; the
iHHllos sink, and the breeding ale are
frbjhtenoil away by the imleo.
Cu-ou Oueumber.
A fnwk In the eieiimiu.r iin ...
found In Brandon. Vt . last wwk by
A Otakmll ol..t .
...,. .....ncnoou-r. it Is fimr distinct
cucmMoers. ot all grown from a lnKU
! and forming a mM hmel
haiWuot unlike a Maltw crow
"What do you think of tovommni
"I'm lr. favor If It." answered Sen
ntor Sorghum, with emphasis I'd like
to see tho government own every
thing. My oxporlence haa luun ,.
it Is it great deal easier to set mm.,.
from the government than from most
nmate concerns." Washington Stnr
The Sequel.
"I have written an article on 'How
to Live on J.50 n Week.'" he ex
plained to the editor.
"Well," nld the editor. . i..i
better write the sequel to It."
I do not understand."
"Why. 'How to Get tho Tvi-.n
Baltimore American.
:: Has prevented many
. ! from beta ctsted'hv mo.
Can vou
Affod to Rtn
the Risk
II. Xt !
kit. j. ovor wku i mu i-. . . .
" "M",t. rHoiiu u o B-i -L.:r :-... w mi wyt.-Som
iww. nwiae artr a mafcll., "'- "wpHo Josmuu.
h t tMUv7T. r" o
far AtmiTmtr. W
k. iiEl: w
tft H(U Agent.
LuHy n,meft.
MMHUI at Mkul ...
rat y$. "" " " 'u
The Woman Who Knows
how to provide for the pantry always
keeps the essentials on hand.
waterv ,n Tw 2 y0U wm ni that they look
from the cm. uniform In appewanee and is the purw
" "wt pleasant Ustuiff. pw"
Ak your dealer for the land that ha, the cap label
liifiwrANn tttimiiVo WJUfAi
Wnat Wc
" am ana remove Concern and .
Tumors without tho aid of knlft ot '.
other Instrument
Dr. J. p. Cook, tha notnnii tia. '. '.
tor, cureo all kinds of diseua after '. '.
wi ouier schools have failed, wltn- ; ;
out tho aid of knife or ). . . .
medicines are composed of Nature's '.'-
uorosj taoy are gathered and acJoeted ! :
in various parU of America and for- "
I Mtrt aah1-
v wtiau iiiiiiii ri ra at i
...v., al. Brcai oxponso,
Read the Testimonial of a Prominent Salem Man: "
In Justice to DR. j F cook " i ,w ' : :
a great work ho Is LL ??, tho w' may know what
.. Ing treatment from h.m'f. 11" r"1 tnom Ut I have boon talt- "
i : ho has removed from mv .., 7 " month3' that la that Unw
' ous growths as larC . . ZVlTF .Canal tbro tumors of canoer-
another cancerous growth rf C . m th lareo 'ntestlno. Atoo
I : or from off my thum. his 2 Z ff my foot- " anoth'
: clnoa alone, thoy kinin. u. ' ..oen ompllehed Uwough modi-
- turo Itflolt casUng then .off wlZu7 T PWeM" roots, and Na
.. daro not bollevo I could have Zlf ? f lni,fe or "Wr- I
- whore In the world, and chLZt 8UCC086ful treatment ai
- Botanical Doctor, to' ffwtTSK.!!??. ' . Oook, tho
; ; " " !v " " tmonlat.p j, 8PENOBR. T
., " n ao as much for you. or mo u . ' T
7 ' r m0re' " yu nd It. Consultation f.
tit njiiiiti.L r . . a
, -,w uownlca, Doctor
n i ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 ii 1 1 1 1 tnM.vw.: y 8a,8m 0reon-1
ff . -'." -
! ::::::::A G R im pTTT""?
RnvcDoiui.il.. -
, -
ii Oats For Sale
;; hop QRowERs ,, u"iCt
. .w.j. .
. WM) CUL Oft, n
St., Sriem, Om.