Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, January 16, 1904, Image 1

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iw"iui-jj i-iwr-
NO. t.
JL A iBa lib
Reports Ate Still Conflicting But Tokio
patches Say Tliee Is No Hope of a
Peaceful Solution I
Feats Ate Entertained Tnat the Battleships In the Red Sea
May Clash Russian Dispatches Ate Hopeful, As Ate
Those Ftom Berlin, Bat All Concede That Wat
May Begin at Any Moment Kotea is Seeth
ing With Discontent
London, Jan. 1C. All advices this
morning show continued diversity of
opinion regarding tho far Eastern sit
,uatlon. From Tokio comes tho roport
that war Is considered Inevitable, the
peaco party losing all hope. Berlin
offlclals ara optimistic, claiming the
outlook Is bettor today than for many
wooks. Pokln officials bellovo Russia
will hesltato to adopt ony other than
conciliatory tones, because of Chi
noso neutrality. Tho tatter's declara
tion makes It necessary for Russia, In
caso of war, to draw supplies from n
homo base.
This Is Different
St. Petersburg, Jan. 16. Tho Nove
Vromya today states that telegrams
from Port Arthur and Vladlvoostock
roport that In tho highest official clr
olofl In tbeso places tho crUlu is
thought to bo passed, and peaco as
Burod. An early agreement between
Russia and Japan regarding their ro
spoctlvo spheres of influenco Is ox
pocted. Russia May Yield.
Berlin, Jan. 16. Advices today causj
offlclals to bellovo Russia will aban
don tho diplomatic position taken and
concedo all tho ossentlal points of
Japan's domands as soon as a dignified
form of rotreat Is found.
Naval Battle Is
Washington, Jan. 1C-
-State depart-
' Try a box of that
elegant stuffed fruit
164 State 8L
Phone 1971 Main-
i j The Cash Idea
or bo runny people wouldn't think it so. It hue been the foun-
dation of our eucceBS in business. It enables us to undersell
:: "regular stores."
If you want to get an idea of the profits charged by "regu- ::
r stores" just examine the "reduced price" ads in the daily !
t lar
How would you like to
tioned? But that's just tho price
months in the year. Many of
!! E0to659S. If "i ocular stores"
j I profit on the lines advertised they
J 1 profits on other hues they carry.
' When you trade with "rogular
tho losses of tho "credit system"
methods. Try a cash store and
ilTlie New Yof fcf
Salem's Cheapest One Price
Casli Store.
E. T. BARNES, Prop.
mont advlcoa yostorday ovonlng from
Japan indicate an oxtraordinary ac
tivity In tho preparations for war.
Those add to tho pessimistic feeling
already existing hero respecting the
probability of amicable adjustment ol
tho Russc-Japanoso trouble.
Meanwhile, tho Japanese govern
mont Is reported to bo striving des
perately to find some posslblo means
of settlement, but the stato depart
ment learns that, whllo profosBlng a
desire for peaco, tho Russian position
at least In principle, remains un
changed, and thcro 1b no sign of a
disposition to yield to tho Japanese
proposal. Still tho official opinion
hero Is that, If left ot diplomacy, tho
present situation may continue for
sevoral days, or oven wooVe. Tho two
chances of an earlier breach are said
to bo found In tho possibility ot tho
immodlato occupation of Corean ports
by Japanese forces, and tho presence
In tho Red Sea simultaneously of
Russian and Japaneao warships.
Respecting tho poslsmlltlos of a
naval clash in that section, It Is point
od out that only in caso of formal ex
istence of war could bo applied to the
Suez canal tho rules of neutrality
which rcqulro a period of 24 hours to
olapso between tho departure from tho
canal of warships ot bolllgeront pow
ors; so In advance of a declaration of
war thcro Is nothing to prevont a naval
battlo within sight of tho canal on
franco in tho Red Sea.
Russian Ships Speed Away.
Rome, Jan. 10 Prlnco TaklngukI,
telegraphing from on board tho Jap
anese warship Niasln, says that when
tho Nalsln and Kasaga wore being
oscortcd through tho Mediterranean
by nlno British warships, they wora
approached by two Russian torpedo
boats, and whon tho lattor saw the
powerful escort they" loft in haste for
tho harbor of Syracuse. It Is said that
Mast be Right
pay the original price mon-
they charge you
these articles show a profit of ;
have to charge 50 to 65;;
must get about the same ; ;
! I
stores" you have to pay for
and for extravagant business
avoid big prohts,
Great Britain is, concentrating 52 war-
ships in tho Mediterranean.
"Open Door" the Real Issue.
London, Jan. 10 Tho Jnpanaose
mlnlstor, Daron Hayashl, had recolred
no Indication this morning of tho prob-
ablo nttltudo of Russia, but ho said
to a representative of tho Associated
"It Ib practically coitaln that any
declaration of war will not emanate
from Russln."
Tho mlnlstor Is not very hopeful of
tho result of tho latest Japancso noto.
Ho specifically denies that Japan's re
ply suggests tho neutralization of a
portion ot Manchuria, as well as a
portion of Corea, or that mention was
mado of tho right to break off nogo
"Our conditions," said tho mlnlstor,
"aro practically summed up. In tho
concluding portion of tho stato doparti
mont's announcement regarding the
Chlnosc-Amorican treaty. For those
principles, to which Secretary Hay
says tho United States is irrevocably
committed, wo aro willing to go to
war, unless Russiawill consent to give
us a definite plcdgo that alio too ad
heres to tho 'open door" policy and
Chlnoso sovereignty in Manchuria."
Suoz, Jan. 1C. Tho Japnnose cruis
er Nls8hla sailed for Porim this morn
ing, and tho Russian hattloshlp Ossly
abya also left.
Chicago, Jan. 1G. Accused of at
tomptlng to blackmail Mrs. HIllls
Thurston of $12,500, and making
throats against hor Hfo, James Tllbory
an English coachman for the family
of tho lato Charles Nash, Is under ar
rest Nash died Docomber 30th. Mrs
Thurston Is his daughter. Shortly af
tor Nash was burled, tho coachman t
callod on hor and domnnded payment
as tho prlco of his silence, and the
delivery of alloged letters containing
family secrets. On tho advlco of hoi
lawyers, Mrs, Thurston agreed to pay
As soon as tho money was paid ovei
to Tllbery two dotoctlvos arrested him
on tho chargo of carrying concealed
weapons and threats to kill. j
Jackson, Mloh, Jan. 16. Dlshop Cal
loway, of the Methodist church
South, has called all Mothodlst mis
sionaries' in Korea to leavo immedl
ately for Seoul, or go at onco to Japan.
Calolway has received direct advices
that their lived aro ondangorod
New Ttheater Burned.
Calgary. N. W. T., Jan. 16 Fire
starting from the furnace of tho new
Nonnandie theater gutted tho whole
bjoqk today, causing a loss of f 280,000
Six large stores in the building were
burned The theater was to have
Lawyers Arguing
Agaiiisttlie Apostle
Being Seated
Principle Charge Is That He
Has Taken an Oath lit"
consistent With His
Washington, Jan. 1G. Arguments In
tho Smoot caso today wore mado bo
foro tho sonato committee on elec
tions. Smoot was represented by At
torney Vancott, of Salt Lake, and his
opponents by Chas. Own, of Salt Lake,
and ex-Congressman Taylor, of Ohio
Taylor was first heard. Ho stated he
represented tho partlos to tho original
protest against Smoot's being sonted;
that Smoot was an apostlo, and, as
such, had takon an oath preventing
him taking that ns sonntor without
montal reservations. Taylor express
ly declared ho had no connection with
tho chargo that Smoot Is n polyga
A Little
To bear In mind when shopping
you need at prices that cannot
er thronging this store dally?
Consider more than the price
when buying those garments.
There's cleanliness, sewing and
trimmings that mutt bo thought
of. You can take our word for It
that our muslin underwear was
mado In a clean, sunny, sanltory
factory. Thon, If you closely ex
amino it, you'll find tho stitches
oven, tho seam straight, and the
entire garment made In a careful,
painstaking manner, equal to the
home-made tort. You couldn't
buy tho material for making somo
of those garments at the prlco we
ask. Regular stock at WHITE
Special lines reduced
1-2 & Jt-3
a Jm i mm
9 rw,, m0mm m
Washington, Jnn. 10 Hanna ro
turned from Chicago today, and said
ho would Isbuo the call for the nation
nl convention Monday. Ho has boon
assured that thero is no foundation
for tho statement that Chicago hostel
erles propose to chargo exorbitant
This afternoon he decided to issue
tho call today, instead of Monday. It
follows in detail tho call for tho con
vention In 1900, providing two dele
gates at large for United States scna
tors, two for each representative at
large, two for each congressional (11b
trlct and a delegation of six each for
Alaska, Arizona, Indian Territory, Ok
lahoma and Hawaii, one alternate to
bo elected for each delogate. Dole
gates must bo elected not loss than HO
days before tho natlonnl convontlon
Dolcgntes-at-largo to bo chosen by
stato or territorial conventions,, the
othors undor tho auspices of congros
slonal district commltteos.
Bloody French Duel.
Paris, Jan. 19. Doputlos Sombat
and Doutard In n duel this afternoon
exchanged many shots; wore unhurt
kissed and mado up.
Many a man neglects his family In
order to poso as a public bonofnetor,'
I m&smiKBmn7mnMAi&wiiixux'Mrsxziiin'" rmwsKmnaiii mu
Bette Fot A Little Less
orEW'srrsRriBitf o'sr- tstott
for up'to-date, reliable merchandice. He-e can be found everything
fall to win your approval. Are yoj among the multitude of eager buy.
If not It Is to your Interest to begl i
Wednesday Only
Wednesday Special Sale Num
ber 159. A remarkahlo offering of
a most remarkable value. Imper
ial LONG CLOTH of standard
grade and soils regularly through
out tho stato at 20c yard will be
offered, for
Limit, 12 yards to custoraor
nono to merchants
Stock foundation Is light roeillent
and perfect In construction. Ful
ly guaranteed. Exceptionally low
prlco of
Turkish Soldiers Make
Things Lively ia
Reach Constantinople andD&
mand Back Pay-Threaten
to Raid the
Constantinople, Jan. 16. Thtrtcon
hundred mutinous troops who haves
boon terrorizing I3olrut for several?
days, landed Monday from Arabia, andf
Immediately besieged tho governor'
palaco, demanding $80,000 arrows of
pay. Tho govornor borrowed enough
of tho Ottoman bank ot temporarlljr
satisfy them, but tho latest reports are
that thoy, threaten to sack ho hank.
Funeral Today.
Tho funoral of tho lato Mint NL
Adda Hart was hold from tho famJlrr
homo, No. 570 Commorclal street, at
2 o'clock this nflornoonn, Rot. W. P:
CUffc, pastor of tho Baptist churchi
oinclatlng. Intormont was mado m tho
City View cemetery.
today. We can please you.
Men's Clotting
Men, If you need a suit now U
tho time to buy, It Is tho
tlmo whon thero aro plenty of
good stylos, unbroken sizes and
sterling values.
Mon, If it's an overcoat it's here.
That's tho wholo argument In a
few words. Thero In ovory style
from the bolt back to tho long
Ioobo effoot and every ono Is made
to fit. Somo of the materials aro
flno korsoys and meltons; others
aro mixed woaves. Tho linings
ara fine sorgo and satins, and the
tailoring Is tho host
$ J 0.00 values for $ 6.75
$i 5.00 values for $ 9.50
$20.00 values for $14.50
$25.00 values for $16.00.
&MHtoiiaioMMfif l WfWW
beeu used tonight for the first time