Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, January 15, 1904, Page TWO, Image 2

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ZjjjflBiiff ll'TT' ""WriffT11 '-1"-!!
3crlpp News Association Telegrams.
Call One Year, $4.00 In Advance.
flally Three Month, 1.00 In Advance.
Dally by Carrier, 60 Cent Per Month.
WtWf One Year, $1.00 In Advance.
-One Week -M
Gjw Mflnth $ J"
Three Months fLOO
AAt Journal Office.
At Dalle's Orocery, South Salem.
.At Oowersox Grocery, Yew Park.
.Asylum Avenue Grocery Store.
Electric Grocery, Eat State St
HHH-. .H t IIIHIIIIH Hi-4-t-M-H-l
National., llrosloctc.. convention,
EtorUaad, January IMS.
Angora goat soot, Dallas, Jnnu
uy IMS.
The, Weather.
Ttnllgrit and Saturday, occasional
V ahoiifjlit mywolf, Indeed, secure,
9Jo fast llio door, so Arm the lock;
Btat, lot he toddling comos to lure
21 parent oor with Uroorous knock
Wy heart war atone could It With
stand The we.neM of my baby's plea
That tfaoroue, baby knocking awl
"I'Iham let me Itt It's only me."
I threw aside the unfinished book,
llegardlee of It tempting charms,
Anil opening wide the door, took
My laughing darling In my arm.
"Who knew but In Hternlty,
I. IHw a truant, child, shall wait
The jflsriey of a life to he,
HeypiHl the henvealy other's gate.
AmJ will that lieaveuly fnthor heed
Thethinnra supplicating cry,
At at (he outer door I plead,
"Till, 0 Fathorl only I?"
Kugono Hold.
, t s
lltisila has only words of diplomacy
Tor tho publlo oar. Tho groat capi
tals of Uurope aro sending out mes
ta8 of psaco.
The 0nr says he deslroe only peace,
liut the closest ailment oi lilitory ami
the observer & the fuels -beneath thg
tHirfaee are not so hopeful.
The Gear does not rule llussln.
lltiMila I i. ruled by an educated claw,
who are the iiumI ambltlmis, sensuous,
ajwresslwi orca In Uurope.
Tit nmiMt of tlie Itueilan people
do net derir war, but the ruling elnss.
the bourn of the Kuvernnia.it, the
atlitocraey, are war-mad.,
They have not receive! a set-back
trfaoe the Crimean war, when It re
quired the allied ,mwen of ifcirope to
fore a reluclnnt ihniuo from the Mu
byUi. Hint wai of little acewmt to
ho rest f the world.
In tho trial of trnnth, Itueala stood
off all Ii rope at Bebaslupiwl. and In
tee war of 1877 she natuwl territory.
8ho has alncu ooimtuntly extended her
hem f Inrtiwnee In Hauthurn Ifu
rop. and all Northern Asia.
Tin. nmkiikm of Ike Ituulnn ruling
class li Ute tkimlilot. of the world,
fcartet It aly with tht United State
of America. HteaMhy, but rest lets at
twee of the tee. Tartar drill
wtina f (he North has Ui ereettlNc
HWtkwara tor T yean.
All her ptaytng at pmwit wtth Ja
Pan k fw time. Th oeeupathm ef
3oria-lUe Oillfweja m the OHt
U but an Itew! rf tk. iwyeHal w
ItoaithlBi; H arm ikwu the Japan
w out. the rteaUki- Tartar wwM
reach the ether arm 4wn the
lanaterH borUere of Chleo,
KhwI Ua refund! the debt of Per.
Ma. aud ta Fenian army U drllltt!
by Huulnn oaieere aod in the Uuaelau
manual of anna.
UbIm Uttetin I diteiud ... i i.
ilmm of eranlre butl4lt. It will iwt
l aeothw quatter of a ceuttu-y befine
all Ala wtll be the Oomaln of thj
ihiw o( mo (Mar.
Jaime. imly tUncm ta e, Ut
Oevatau ana the ovefwMmi, ta
umh f the hoe, o BW Nwtk H
e 8hl w.w fW y,
throw of HewfeH HUWMWi
TU omfltet U toentavie. u wy
tl AMI fUH( mm ffc, ,hRt WftK
palgn Is being carried on to place a
few good pictures In eaoh school.
wiHmiii n niilillf lllirnrv and with
out anything like an art, gallery. SaUm
Is devoid Of these hopeful Influences,
so far as the cmmren are concerned.
There Is a Masonlo and an Odd Fel
lows' library, but these are for adults.
Children or young people read some
of these books.
But so far as the public provision Is
rnnternnl the efforts to mit books In
to thn nubile school Is the only effort
that has been made to get literature
Into the hand of the masses.
The seme can be sail of this effort
to place some works of art before the
k-mwlnir cnerat.!on of child minds,
Our cltr is without anv collection of
reproductions of the treasures of art.
Jiuslness men ana ladles and gen
tlemen of means should rally to the
upwrt of the movement to place n
few first-class work of art In each of
the school houses.
The influence of Reed books and
good pictures cannot b expatiated on
too much, but the reputation of hav
ine such a collection of works of art
adorning the walls of our publlo
schools will advertise Salem more
than at first appears, and will do much
to bring ptoplo horo to roslde.
of the country, thoro Is no possibility
of a depression overtaking Oregon.
All our products bring high, prices,
except sheep and cattle at present
wool oven being as high as nominal,
and higher.
Our principal Industrie aro well
bolstered for the comlnK year, oxcept
lumbering and timber lands. Dut even
In those there will be plenty "a-doing."
Some sneering hypocritical rubber-
neck has a howl In tho morning paper
objecting to Salem being callod
Greater Bnlom.
He snoorlngly refers to the fact thnt
at the last city auction only 1300
vots wero cast, and gloats over the
Indication that Solera Is "no creat
shucks after all."
He Insinuates that, while there was
tome excuse to refer to this city as
Ormter Salem before the suburbs
were added, "there Is certainly none
This anonymous mud-sllnaer was
probably added to the city, and there
U tome truth In what he says. Dut the
city omild never have been enlarged
without taking in tome unspeakable
If this howl of the cnlnmlty howler
could be unmasked It would probably
be fouud that he Is either a salary
drawer or somo person who cannot
be connected with publlo mutters tnt
Isfaotorlly, without connection direct
with the public crib.
There were two loglllmnte roasons
for tho small vote cost nt tho nltv
election that ore woll understood by
all. Hut for the Jaekasstlcnl registra
tion law Greater 8nUm would onst
nearly 8000 votes for president next
Many former cltlzsus and Domo
orals refused to vote at all at tho to
cent city election, beenuse this olaas
of howlers had gotten Into entire con
trol or the OltUens' movement. Those
Intelligent votert did mt want to piny
the game of the grosnlns:. unreaiini.
nte kickers who had kept Salem stir
rouiHlwn by a Chinese wall for forty
Hundred of voters who reliia
Salem are holding Umber claims nnd
homesteads lu other parts of the stnu
aud have lost their legal right to vote
at Hulsin.
ine iniquitous polliax property
qualification shut out hundreds of vol
r. Over all these bllithtlntr Inilu
enres the perpetual howlers probably
rojoloe. They probably would re
joice If no one was permitted to vote
but a man who nays tnx nn u.
thousand dollar. Hut. thank flod,
the iwople In an ordinarily Intellluoi.t
uwmumty are wit alt built that way.
and aktkra belong In that class.
The first step for the building of
Greater Salem along more modern
and progressive lines was won when
the new city charter was secured.
Under that charetr a nnrk board, a
board of health and a plumbing board
was area ted.
The next step was tho eleatlon of
progressive mayor and council, who
were, at least, affirmatively and to the
full extent of the city's limits!! ablll
ties, in favor of progress.
The next great step will bo won
when at least one stroet Is permanent
ly Improved with brlsk or asphalt, or
maendnm or block pavement.
Whon that Is done right, and dono
honestly, this city will wonder why It
stuck In tho mud as long as It did,
and allowed so many years of irohlen
opportunities to slip by.
All progressive cltl.ons should unlto
to secure nt least one pcrmnnont
at root pavement for Salem this com
ing year. Tho mossback may bo ex
pected to opposo this secretly and
publicly. But the presont city adminis
tration owes that much to tho people
to start the ball rolling on nt least
one -permanent Improvement.
The county court of Marlon county"
nnd the district attorney's office have
done their duty In the matter of offer
ing a reward for the discovery of the
murder of Mr. Saunders, nt Duttovllle.
It will be recalled that the coroner's
Jury found tjint there had been n mur
der committed by some petson or per
sons unknown.
The sheriff of Marlon county made
nn Investigation, and found, ns his
opinion, that the man had committed
A number of facts bavo como out
In tho neighborhood of Iluttovlllo that
lead to tho inevltablo conclusion that
a crlmo was commlttnil.
Tho court and the district attorney
have done their full duty In tho mat
tor, and tho rownrd will stlraulnto te
detection of the guilty party or parties.
It Is to bo hoped, for the oood name
of th county, nnd of that community,
that the criminals will be unearthed.
Tn hU Pditorlal acainst tipping,
n....... rAAn nt l..i ctntoamnn rineiin't
roallv moan thnt hp fto-ld nasS 3 laV
making It C crime to give a waiter, a
IKirter, a bootblack, or a messenger boy
a twoblt niece or a nickel. He Is too
good a itoll'.ician for thL
The best war to keen boys out of a
gambling place is to give them some
better place to go a good athletic
club, with a gymnasium and swim
ming tank, for instance.
f-'amnle tnffrace will never sret a
really olarpIexus blow until it is left
to a vote of the ladles themselves
What a nltv! That old chestnut of
female suffrage has got to he threshed
over ngaln by the people of Oregon.
It won't cat fifteen hundred votes next
time, and yet we all say there is noth
ing we would not do for the ladles.
Probably some of tho prominent pol
iticians of this town would contribute
to tho picture fund of the public
schools. If they could bo nermlttcd to
adorn the walls of tho school houses
with tholr own picture.
For a younc Itonubllcan the editor
of tho Statesman Is vory familiar with
anclont history.
rn pais i
dTjLiJ&i v
Wake up your liver. Cure your
constipation. Get rid of your
biliousness. Dose, one pill
Mild and gentle. b&fass&
brought in connection with cells con
taining Blmllar names, It Is only nfter
a more or less prolonged search that
it hits on the right ono It Is as If
the telephone oporator in tho cen
tral office felt around blindly for the
connection wanted, nnd only aftor
tinttine the nine Into various holes J
eventually struck the proper ono.
Dr. Joseph Walsh In Booklovers
"Portlana and Return Only $2J50."
The Southern Padflc Is now selling
round trip Uckets to Portland from
Salem for $2.20, good going Saturday
or Sunday, returning Sunday and Mon
day, giving all day Sunday and Mon
day In Portland. Tho same arrange
ment appUee from Portland, giving all
Portland people a chance to visit val
ley points at greatly reduced rates.
Boan th The Kind Ycu Mais Alwars Boogtt
i-' -; u Hit un. lit i.. I'j
.' .Cl
Tk4 yer. wn4r (U idMkiB
la the forecast of the commercial
conditio of the new vu- th- ..
that a presidential election U coming
m c-um a Keep note of forlodlng
l a fast that It Is taken seriously
Into all the eateHlattona.
We mum to nave accepted It a set
tied thai a presidential elwHlou net
"rlly Involve builneee dullness.
And litis acceptance makes th. ,in.
hum a certainty, whether tw.. i. ....,
reaeo for It or t
When the btMinesM body at ti.- M..
to looks for bam tiw, u R)ws nu4
"w. llv providing for busluese Juii
tea we eane L
As a watt.r of Wule fact there Is
no reaMw why WuIh b0hW Uh
" mr Umm It Is a prwidentlal
nwre iwrn it eld be dull
"we u w a leap ymt
Tnere are no poUUl ! wiwt.
4ltHrtuc "u1
ty lUtW iMtU Iktti muu .... .t.-
Th wumm- .meellnn u BMAUi,
wttled for i.4 ,. ....
CT" aM lU Hr
i Tk tawtif .w.-l . ....
N'o lu I BrooaaeJ ..... i... .
M ronld aUrw bueltW
U-taltver ocenre U oth,r wUoos
The odltor of this paper has boon
Invited to addreee the faculty and
students of the State University on
The question, what Ic oratorr. nnd
what Is the proper function of the or
ator, Is one of the most Important ones
connected with oducntlon.
Oratory Is'nn Important mediator
between the governme'.t and the noo-
ple, and the question arises, why nro
mere not more good orators?
The answer Is probably found In thn
too-oft repeated exctiso that this la n
busy age, and no one navs nan Inn.
Inr nttentlon to the matter.
joung men no longer read the
speeches of the groat orators, llko
nemosthanw, Cicero, or even our own
Immortal Wolwter.
The Impassioned oratory of tho
early Christian fathers la .in.i
book to the generations of this stron
nous nnd materialistic age.
Climatic Cure.
The lufluenco of cllmatln mnrtitinn.
In the cure of consumption It vory
much overdrawn. Tho poor patlont
and the rich patient, too, can do much
bettor at homo by proper attention to
food dlgostlon, and a romiUr m
of German Syrup. l-oo expoctoraUon
In Uio morning Is made cortaln by
Gorman Strut), so la i.. !......
The editorial writer of the States
man must have had somo dlro exporl
once with sleeping car portors, that he
Is making war on their tiiw. Perhnpa
Ilre'r Geerwas waked up for the
wiong iaseengor some time.
There will be no United States son-
ator to elect next tlmo. and It Is
hoped that men will ba selected who
have Judgment and knowledge
Hoseburg Hevlow.
Do we Infer from this that there Is
a recognized dlfforonce between mon
who nro chosen to elect United Stato3
senators and other classes of men who
"have Judgment and knowledge?" Wo
have obtervod what seemod to be this
very discrimination oursolves, but did
not know It hnd oocurrsd to othor peo
plo hs woll. Thon It must bo a fact
Salpm Statosman.
Ono would almost Infer from tho
above that T, T.- Geer had at some
time or othor been n candidate for
United Statos senator himself.
Among tho things purchased for
lb- -so and comfort of tho United
States sonators, according to tho sec
retary's roport, was "ono year's sub
scription to the Youth's Companion."
Wonder If It's a ense of socond rhlM.
"Cabbage King," of Eueeno. whn
had arranged to go out of business,
has concluded to stny. Tho pontin
Ued high price Of tolmrnn nmv l,no
caused the change of mind.
Washington. Jnn. 15. Senntn,-
Mitchell gave n dinner last night to
H. W. Scott, at which 13 sonators,
olght congressmen nnd tho Portland
commission and others wore presont.
The dinner Is sunnosod tn in n
aiunii winch wil cause tho nniitini
grease and Oregon cold wntor to
unite. The quality of tho riiinn
soft soap remains to be seen.
Capital Normal School
First National Bank Building, Salem
The fall term of twelve weeks opens
September 28. Address,
J. J. KRAPS, Salem, Or
J. Brownstein & Son,
54 state street. Highest cash prlco
paid for hides, Pelts, Wool, Tallow
and Furs; also general dealer In old
Iron, Rubber and Metals. Phone 2071
A Big Kick
A man malios whon his laundry work
is sont homo with porcuplno odg
and sproadcaglo buttonholca. if te
would brine his Hnon to an unto.rft
laundry whoro perfect mothodB obtali
at all times, such as tho Salem Stnni.
Laundry, ho would rocolvo his shirts,
couars nnu cuuo oquai to now cvory
tlmo that wo send thorn homo.
Salem Steam
Col. J. Olmsted, Prop,
Phone 411 230 Liberty 8t
Gold, Steel nnu Silvor Beads. Mt
Hood Views. Tablets with Oregm
The Variety Store
94 Court St, Annora M. Welch, Pros,
5 . .- . a
I COl TON has not gone up with us,
Regardless of quotations from Wall St,
and report i as to the condition of the
cotton market,
We will continue to sell all cotton goods at our
usual low price. See us for flannelettes, outing flan
nel, daisy cloth, muslins, India linons. houselining, tick
ing, shirting, dress linings and all other cotton goods.
Remember no advance in prices at
Rosteln & Gxeenh&um
302 Commercial Street.
I I 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 I I I i I CI K-!HH"H -hi 1 t ! II M 1 C 1 I I I 1 I 1 I I 1 1
. i
rosmve r
What Happens When We Know a
Name Which Escapes Us.
The anatomy of the nnrvnn. ,...i
ami consequently its physiology, was
resided In the oast as very simple
Cnyal showed that the specific brain
cell Is an Independent unit provided
with multiple processes, by means of
Mill,. I. I. I,. . . ,
"H'ooie or acting not
through one norve alann hn on...-i
This Indopendent brain unit or coll Is
iniwu n neuron. A simple Illustration
of how tha neuron works Is furnlshod
PASl n J 1.
.v am, mo auence or that weak-1, '"" ""rKS 1S furnlshod
onlnB couh and debilitating sht I 0Mr "Ut ,,,fren.et lunt for a namo
vreaL nestlcss nights and th t. "r. nu ,,lea whlc'' know we possess.
uikuis ana too ox
haustlon duo to coughlnB. the great
e feel that th name Is there, but wo
w danger and dread of the consuin.v '""J! ?"" lt We et varlotw names
live, run K .,. .-.. - l ' IK'lir t. bcvinnlnt. 4.. ...i.L ..
--.... ,,, u lno game
the same vowol
. C&n bo nrarnnta.1 n. ... . .
...- w, .u,ptfu oy ,i.
ir.iuc uonnan Smm iik ...."" r me same vnu-ni .n.,i ....
regularly. Bhould you be .hi., t, "mly after "'Imites or even hour. '.inn.
i ' ' fcW I -.. li. "- !
iu a. wani.rti- m1i.i -.. ... . , u
""-' j uu n in nil iiiiii
" laaiuanda of Mns..,1
there, the few who aw bouefltted and
regain strtmsth are thnan k ....
Gwmoa syrup. Trial bottle, :c; MK.
v.tarBUe.TBo, At all dnigts! At
Ur. Stono's drug ston.
Getting "More Commoner"
HVRMVtlU. IbJ.. .! w ...
Wen, Uat lie peed sooa to be-
suitor of a ,uiu. '" .
St. Uuls. u u iii... . ',wr ,n
"mi.twrt.eUwT Wl" b"
actually occur to ua
What Is iiuppoMd to happen Is that
the particular cell of Intellection
which wo are using throws out its
liwc. am. nr th iells of memory for
m. and though this ror .
rr-r,!.'" ''
.4.i..w . . "' -er ne
-"- ifB me keyhole
May a strl shatt v. .... ....
he marHtts m, "' WM,n
To atrenRtheo
weak stem,
ach, restore the
"Ppetlte or pro.
uoie sound
lep we uree a
trial of ihe Bit
)'. It never
'alls, as thou
tandihsve al
ready testified.
It slso cures
Liver coo
plaits. '
We Do
What Wc
We kill and remove Oanoere and 1
Tumors Wllliniif K. .1 .... X
.,.. vtl Kla ul ksii mr j.
otner instrument. f
Ir. J. F. Oook. the rwnii jw. X
,"" cures all kinds of dleotues after
u. oiaor schools havo fallod. with- ;;
uui. mo aia or knife or poleww. Ills
modlclnoe aro comnMni vf in..r' ' '
horbs; Ujey are gathered aad eolocted ; ;
u Tanous nnrn nf a,.i j , .,
r-. muoi ii unit iur"
n A..n4l
wuuirioB, at great crxoess4S.
I! Has oreventerl msnv
:: from bem cored by me,
Can you
i Afford to Ran
lA T
VWC rUSK I egn countries, at gr
:: "c"u ",c ,e"'n.al of a Promnnt Salem Man:
:: t . .. TO THE PUDLIC.
In Justlco to nn t w r.r,r.t,. . .. . '.
agrat work ho is doing I wish to inf T rld my taow what
: : ins treatment from hS'fLS ? thera 0t I have boon tak- X
: I ho has removed from mr allm-ntT ' a&d lhat ,n Uma
: ous growths aaJra-, ' . -.MI tb00 to of canoor- I
. . another cancerous cm ?,""" " Irm tho largo InteeUne. Also t
: : er from off ZSSmL frm ff my t0ot
:: cines alone. Ci!'11 ompllshed througa medl- t
ture Iteolf coating them nTJ; 7 4. 8nldr-llko roota, and Na-
:: aro not bo.levo f could have T,Z f lm,f or 8"r' l
I! whore in the won,, 'v!3!'"d qual coesrul troatmoot any.
- Botanical Doctor, to aTlwh TrZ Jecmmnd Dr J F- ok.
: : f0ad m toatImonlaL-lt j. SPHNOEaL
, , e can do as much for you. or mow. u . " "" """" " "
7 ' ur morci " you ned IL r!nn.,,u..i.. .
4. Dentrj-h- o,4-t... "'.
Hill ii.hm, b6rty Street- W. Ooon.
r frfrM-HH-H-H I I
..iji.rtt. i h rvi r -vr 4-
Oats For Sale
t T n , ' 'naS"ClcSmDhar.
f I 0. Grata, Aae . .... .
v t!!
HHHHMflitti, J. hi irijjteillljeiisilfciWMfceMI iyJl4ijgitat4jssMsMieiisill,las' ifcWUp 11 1 M lB