Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, January 15, 1904, Image 1

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J J U xLTN jLLi.
"lupw mt"yi
NO. 13.
Ja-pae. Replies to Russia's OH et9 and Intimates It Is He Last Note Russia Must
Preparations for War Being Pushed Rapidly England Says She Will
the Dardanelles Against Passage of the Russian Fleet
Iondon, Jan. 15. The Japanoso rain
inter, Hayaahl, said this morning ho
had received no further advices from
Japan. Ho said it is practically cer
tain, however, that any declaration of
war will not .emanate from Russia.
Hayashl still believes tho prospects
for peace aro good, but Japan is ready
to go to war, unless Russia will glvo
a definite pledge that slio too will ad
hero to an open door, and Chlnose sov
ereignty in Manchuria.
Yet Mare Pessimistic.
Washington, Jan. 15. News received
by tho state department this morning
Is moro pessimistic than for days past.
Sovoral dispatchos woro received, but
nothing was glvon out, other than tho
statement that Japan was pushing
preparations for war. A dispatch from
St Petor3burg was also received con
firming tho press advices that tho
czar In yesterday's reception in tho
winter palace had given his assurnnco
Soattle, Jan. 15. Managor Dugdalo
today admitted having sold; out to tho , Carmack presented a resolution call
coast league for $0000. Dugdalo says lng on the socretnry of tho Interior for
ho Is out of basoball for good, and
will hereafter run a farm. Ho is ono
of tho pioneers In basoball on tho
coast, and has done morn for tho gatno
than nny man In tho West.
Justice Court.
In tho police court this morning
thieo Indian women wero glvon a
hearing on a chargo'of lato hours on
tho chnrgo of lato hours. Thoy wore
flnod $10 each, and are sorvlng the
fine In jail.
A Chlueso ox-convlct was also up
on a similar charge, and ho was or
dered ou' of town. He Is a thief from
Wasco county.
Unitarian Annual Meeting.
At tho annual mooting of tho mom
bora oftho Unitarian church Tuasdny
night, the following trustoes wore
elected: Dr. T. L. Golden, J. W. Cox.
Mrs. Marie Polloy and Hon. J. H.
Ackorman. Tho treasurer's roport
showed a prosperous Anancinl condlt
tlon, ho having paid out ovor $2200
during tho year, and beginning the
now year otitlroly froo from debt.
The Cash Ide&Mmt fee Right
f -or so many people wouldn't thiulc it so. It has beeu tlie loun
X dation of our success in business. It enables u to undersell
t "regular stores." , $
;; If you want to get an idea of tho profits charged by "regu- 2
; ; lar store" just examine the "leduced price" ads in tho daily ! !
ii papers. How would you liko to pay the original price men- j -S
tioned? But that's just the prico they wlmrgo you eleven
S months in tho year. Mrtuy of
60 to 65. If "legular storob" have to chnrgo 60 to 65$ ;;
profit on the lines ndvertised thoy must get ttbout Hie same ; ;
profits ou other lines they carry. 1 1
When you trado with "rogular stores" you have to pay for j
theloBsesof the "credit system" and for extra viigant business
t methods. Try a cash store and
The New Yotk
Salem's Cheapest One Price
Cash Store.
E. T. BARNES, Pop.
JWWMim ! SWW8llMCfrf tgHHHtfrfr
he would do all in his powor to pre
set ve peace.
John Bull Will Interfere.
London, Jan. 15. It is rumored that
Great Britain has notified Japan that
any attempt of the Russian Black Sea
fleet to pass tho Dardanelles would be
checked by decisive action by Great
Japan's Reply Received.
London, Jan. 15. A Contrnl Nows
dUpatch snys Japan's last reply to
Russia has been received at St. Peters
burg, and is now undor consideration.
German Version of the Answer.
Berlin, Jan. 15. Japan's main po!nt3
In her last noto are understood hero
officially to bo that Japan consents to
ollminato Manchuria from the contro
versy, owing to tho slgnaturo of the
commercial treaty between China anJ
Japan, and Russia's assuranco that
China's commercial conventions will
Washington, Jan. 15. In tho senato
coplca of all charges filed against the
superintendent of tho Pawneo Indlnn
school, In tho Indian Territory. In
tho discussion of tho Panama canal
In tho senato this afternoon Tillman
declared tho action of tho United
States toward Colombia was that of a
snealc thief, and that Its bully-llko
mothod of maintaining its policy was
an, insult to American diplomacy.
Trade Outlook Good.
New York, Jan. 15 Tho Interna
tional Morcantllo Agoncy'a trado sum
mary for tho weok shows tho trade
outlook for tho United Stntos and
Canada is promising. Ton or flfteon
thousand Industrial omployos have
gone back to woik, mostly at roduuod
Pleasant Social Function.
Klrksvllle, Mo., Jan. 15. John Rob
inson was hanged here this morning
for tho murder of his fnthor-In-Iaw 18
months ago. Ho had a public recep
tion last night, at which ho shook
hands with a long proeosslon of hla
fellow townsmen.
these articles aliow a profit of ;
avoid big profits. ;
bo respected.
Japan, rtherefore, restricting hor
claims to Corca asks for a definite,
written guaranteo that Russia will ab
stain from lnterfcrnncc in tho politics
of that country, thus leaving Corca
exclusively to Japanoso influonce. Ja
pan rejecting tho proposed neutral
zone, as dcllmlnatcd by Russia, pro
poses a neutral zone, If Russia still
thinks one doslrable, which consists
of equal territories of Corea nnd Man
churia, In eluding tho Yalu river with
all Russia's fortifications thereon.
Finally, Japan fixes no limit of time,
but earnostly expressed the hupo that
.Russia will not delay n iloflnlto nnd
favorable roply to Japan's reasonable
requests. Japan alludes to hor privilege
of discontinuing tho negotiations
should It appear that Russia Is unwil
ling to accept those minimum pro
posals. Tho note, not altogcthci precluding
further negotiations, has a certain
Washington, Jan. 15. Bids wore
opened today by tho nnvy department
for tho construction of tho two 13,000
ton battleships Idaho and Mississippi.
These, with threo of tho 10,000-ton-
J clnsB woro authorized by congress last
session. Cramp was tho lowost bidder
for both, and will probably bo award
ed tho contract. Ho offered to build
ono In 39 months for $3,200,000 or
both, ono in 38 months and ono in 40
for $2,999,600 each. No pacific coast
firm entored.
Will Start New Store.
Among business Items of tho Capital
City It Is announced that Mrs. M. E.
Fraser, of tho Loador Store, has decid
ed to open two storos nt Portland, nnd
hns ongaged Miss Ella Bhlpp to man
age hor storo nt Salem.
King Has 8ore Throat
London, Jnn. 15. Tho Star today
says tho king has nri affuctlon of tho
throat, requiring medlcnl attention.
Ho was treated during his rocotipj
visit to Charlsworth by Dr. Wonch..
Transcendental Jokes.
(Thomas "Wontworth Hlgglnson, In
tho January Atlantic.)
For the unbollevlng world outside,
It must bo romemborod, tho Tran
scendental movoment nt least con
tributed some such sunihlno through
the very sarcasms it excited: as when
Mrs. Russell, Fathor Taylor's liril
llnnt daughter, did not flinch from de
fining the Trnnjcendeutallsts as a
race who drove Into the 'Infinite
soared into the Illimitable nnd never
paid cash j or when Cnrlylo dwcrlbod
Illploy, who had called on him In
England, as "a Soclnlan mlnlstor who
had loft tho pulpit to reform the world
by cultivating onions." Emerson
comparod Drook Farm to "a Franch
revolution In small" and a certain
mooting of tho ' Transcendental club
to "going to heaven in a swing." All
tho peculiarities of Drook Farm, we
may be suro, were reported without
diminution in tho gossip of Boston
society, oven the Jokes of tho young
people mado upon thc-msolves bolng
takon seriously In the world outside;
as when thoy asked at tho dinner ta
ble, "Is the butter within tho sphere
of your Influence?" pr proposed that
a pipe should bo cut "from the cen
ter to tho porlphory." Thoro being
more young men thnn young women,
at first, an unusual share of house
hold duties, moreover, fell upon the
stronger sex. They helped In the
laundry, brought water from tho
pump, prepared vegetables In the
barn. The graceful Gaorgo William
Curtis trimmed lamps and the manly
and eminent practlqal Gbarlea Dana
organized a band of grlcMIo oake
servitors" composed of "four of the
roost elegant youths of the community."
finality In Its tone Implying that the
correspondence Is closed on tho slda
of Japan. It Is not believed that Rub
sin will consider the proposed neutral
zone suggested by Japan. No authori
tative, opinion Is obtainable as to Rus
sia's probable reply, and that tho sit
uation is likely to bo .rolonged for
good many days, and possibly for
weeks. I
Increasing Nlu Chwang Garrison.
Tien Tain, Jnn. 15. A telegram to
tho railway administration here, re
ceived from Nlu Chwang, says that
Russia Is Increasing the garrison
thoro. In the noxt few days 2000 more
troops are expected to arrive.
Russian Troop Ships en Routs.
Constantinople, Jan. 15. Two large
vessels belonging to tho Russian vol
unteer fleet, carrying troops, passed
through the Boaphorus today, bound
Red Hills Fruit Grower Will
Sell Prunes in His Native
Wm. McGllchriBt, one of tho sub
stantial i.runo raisers of tho Iloscdale
district, leaves tomorrow for his na
tlvo soil, whore a carload of Oregon
prunes havo preceded him. He camo
from Scotland some 15 years ago, and
has not visited home since. He now
roturns as tho roprosontntlvo of tho
Wlllamotto Vailey Prune Growers' As
sociation, nnd will endoavor to Intro
duce this superloi product among his
people. Mr. McGllchrlat will visit tho
leading cities of Scotland and Iroland,
and pouelbly England, whoro ho will
endoavor to create a mnrkot for tha
prune Ho has great faith In this pro
duct, and feels confident that his home
people will bo glad to hnvo an oppor
tunlty to buy them. Such work as this
Is valuable to Oregon, nnd Mr. Mc
Gilchrist may provo to be a forerun
ner of tho country of his adoption.
The Journal hopos to havo several
lotors from Mr. McGllchrist, which will
be rend with Interost by his many
friends hereabouts.
Exceptional Expenditures.
Soma queer purchases are made by
the United States government for tha(
benefit of the'seuiUors. Theso are re-
vealed In the- official report mado by
the sooretnry of the senate, and
among the items Is "3G0 tons of best
timothy hay for the use of the Unltod
States senate." Another Item Is "one
oak refrigerator and pan for com-
mlttee on women's suffrago;" also
"for ropalring three electric stoves;"
also, "for one year's subscription to
the UkIIqb Home Journal." Tho ro
port shows that five dozon hair
brushes wero bought and paid for out
of the contingent fund of tho senate,1
alfo nine dozon combs, forty pounds
of camphor 100 pounds of sponges,
nsldo from on? dw.en bath sponges,
tho latter $20 a dozon. Tho secre
tary's report shows that considerable
sums of money were spent by the
govornmont in order to purchaso for,
the use of senators attar of roses, oil
of bergamat glycerine, hair tonics,
bay rum, vasollno, dandruff cure, a
gallon of cologne, fourteen different
kinds of soap, feather dusters, twenty-1
five pounds of boarhound candy, CO0O,
quinine tablet, and alio $6000 worth
of mineral waters; also two dozon
corksarews, knlvee, $21 00; two wrist
bags, $10; four manicure sets, $12;
ono year's subscription to tho Delln
eator; ono year's subscription to St.
Nicholas; one year's subscription to
the Youth's Companion. These pun
chases were paid for out of what is
called the contingent fund.
Wo presume all these articles were
absolutely needrd for the comfort and
for the far Bast.
Japan Gives Rush Order for Coal.
Detroit, Jan. 15. A Detroit firm
owning coal lands near Norfolk, Va.,
has received a rush order for 40,000
tons of Pocahontas coal for tho Jap
anese government.
Washington, Jan. 15 Perry Heath
was n witness In tho Machen trial this
morning. Ho was visibly nervous, and
said tho Groff fastener? wore In use
whon ho became assistant postmastor,
and never know or Baw Groff beforo
ho entered tho court room. Wynno
was also on tho stand, nnd denied all
knowledgo of tho Groff fastoners In
use In tho rural service
good hcnlth of our vonornblo sonntors,
and that tho govornmont ought to pay
for thom, but tho people who aro un
accustomed to such luxuries naturally
wondor why It is that thoy should be
taxed to furnish perfurao, etc., for men
drawing $5000 a year salary.
Murder and 8ulctde.
Philadelphia, Jan. 15. Edward Lan
(lis, a prominent and wealthy mnnu
facturer and chemist, this nttornoon
shot and killed his wife and himself,
at their residence, which Is In the
heart of the fashionable quarter.
H It's New and
Another Day
of the Great Clearance Sale and White Fair has added Its popularity to
this economic event. Each day wo hear more at d more favorable com
ments on our splendid showing of such wonderful values 60 low priced.
Advance styles In Spring Shirt
Waists In dainty lawns, made In
the most elaborate styles, trimmed
with embroidery, applique, Inser
tion, medallions, tucks and hem
stitching, etc. A grand assort
ment in the newest ideas. Yob must
see them to appreciate the wonder
ful values all at the
White Fai Prices
Tht most liberal description we
could give of our showing of ladles
neckwear Is inadequate to give
you a perfect Idea of the many new
Ideas that have just been received.
You may depend, however, upon
flnelng everything that Is new and
getting itassion as It appears on
the market. Remember the early
shoppers get tht choice of these
gems at
White Fair Prices
Grand Clean up
of ererj Suit and Orercoat in our Clothiug Department at prices
which make buying easy. Remember that this includes all of
our high grade clothing.
$ 0.00 values fo$ 6.75
$5.00 value for $ 9.50
$8.50 values for $ J 3.00
Yield o Fight
Scattlo, Jan. 15. Former Superior
Judgo G. M. Emory nnd ox-Mayor J.
T. Ronald, oppbslng counsol in a case
on trial, quarrolcd In tho court room
this morning. Aftor the case was dis
missed tho men mot In tho corridor.
land Emory called Ronald a liar. Ron-
i aid hit him In tho face with his. flat,
Ibieaklng his glasses, nnd Emory laud
Ied on Ronald's chin. A crowd of at
torneys nnd officials soparntcd tho
.men. Both aro leading attorneys of
tho city and tho boat of frlonds.
Tf y a box of that
elegant stuffed fruit
154 8Ute Ot
Phone 1971 Main
Good We Sell It
Unr showing of
Walking and Dress
In cheviots, Venetians, hamesnus.
basket weaves and silks istruly be
witching. Made In very neat styles
plain and faucy trimmed Note the
extreme low prices Quoted below
This Is done to quickly transfer
ownership lo order to make room
for oihcr tallies dally arriving-
Itlack cheviot skirt made plain fully
lined vtorth 95
Dlack cheviot skirt a splendid bar
gain at $6 00
Black Venetian, s great value worth
Dlack basket cloth skirt very band
some wvrth $13 00
Black silk skirt handsomely trim
med, great value wottb $25,00
Black silk dress skirt a beauty,
silk drop skirt erth $30.00
$20.00 values for $14.50
$22.50 values for $5.00
$25.00 values for $16.00