Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, January 14, 1904, Image 1

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NO. 12.
0 Pet cent j
Redaction j
On Men's and Boys
for yot
We have a good assortment of sizes and qualities ; ;
on to select from. ! I
If yotf have any use for an overcoat, how's the ;
to get one at
i Japan's Gfftfisefs Go Thtough Suez Canal Today Preceded by
Two Russian Battleships and Seven Torpedo
Boat Desti'oyei's
he N
ew Yoffk;;
jTJik nr K- hl.
oils, eames. Books dressing cases, and pictures at t
Salem's Cheapest One Price
Cask Store.
E. T. BARNES, Prop.
Pennsylvania Has a Blizzard.
brry, Pa , Jan. 14. Tho worst bllz-
of years is raging, and railway
nfQc in tho mountains Is practically
Try a box of that
ilegant stuffed fruit
TStato 8t
Phona 1971 Mln-
The Pound of Cure.
St. Louis, Jan. 14 Wllllo Pearson,
14 years old, died this morning at the
hospital, making eight hoys and ono
.man dead as tho result of a falling ele
vator In tho shaft of tho Brown Shoo
Factory last evening. Tony Kircbon
or, tho tenth victim, is dying. The
elovator man Is under arrest, pending
Suffocated In Fire.
Torro Haute, Ind., Jan. 14. Mrs.
Elizabeth Wardlo and two daughters,
agod 7 and 11 years, woro suffocated
to death by a tiro in their residence
this morning, near Atherton. Tho
fathor Is in tho ponitontlary for an
assault on an 11-year-old girl.
Otner Russian Battleships Ate Following, Proving They Have Orders to Watch
the Jap Wat Vessels Will Travel in "Armedl Neutrality" to
the Chinese Waters.
Port Said, Egypt, Jan. 14. The
Japanese cruiser Nlshln which, with
tho cruiser Kassnga, was rocontly
purchased from Argontlno, nrrlved at
tho ontranco of tho Suez canal today.
The Kasaga started through yesterday I
They aro Immediately preccdod I
through tho canal by tho Russian war j
ships Aurora and Donskol and seven
torpedo boat destroyers. Other Rus j
suan war vossols aro expected today,
This proves that Russian vossols havo (
boon ordered to keop close surveillance
on the Japanese cruisers.
is only a few days oft". If Russia In
sists on n neutral zone, war is lnovlt
able; If ."ho abandon It, peaco Is prac
tically assured. Wo expect a concili
atory reply from Russia.
Toklo, Jan. 14. A high Japanese
government official today made state
ment that tho belief in official circles
wns that war with Russia would be
averted. Ho said that concessions
had been made on both sides. If Rus
sia Insists on a neutral zono In Korea,
It will end negotiations, but Japan has
intimated to Russia that sho Is ready
to recognize Russian trading conces
sions in Korea, providing they are en
tirely without pollticnl significance.
Negotiations havo reached a point
where a peaceful or ho3tilo Bettlemont
London, Jan. 14. Japan's reply to
Russia's last noto Is a modification
upon minor points, nccprdlng to Min
ister Hayashl, who rocolVod a copy of
tho text today. It insists, howevor
upon Chinoso sovorolgnty In Mnnchur
la, nnd Japan's sphoro of Influonco In
Korea. Practically tho rolatlons be
tween Russia nnd Jnpan aro un
changed. Hayashl believes tho nego
tiations are llablo to be prolonged.
Pekln, Jan. 14. Tho forecast of
Russla'B position regarding -Manchuria,
cabled by tho Berlin correspondent
of tho Associated Press. January 11th,
coincides with tho Information r
colved hero by the foreign legation
herb nnd also strengthens tho impres
sion that war 1b unavoidable. At tho
Jupancs legation no effort Is made to
conceal tho belief that war is ex
pected. Tho crux of the situation Is still
Russia's rofusal to admit tho right of
Japan to a voice in tho settlement of
Manchurlan affairs, which Japan con
siders ono of Its most vital Intorosts,
and to sustain which tho Japanese
government Is determined to rosort to
arms If nocossary.
Tho mnlntonnnco1 of Chinoso neu
trality would banish tho spoctor of a
Russian occupation of Pekln, which
Is greatly alarming tho Chlnose, and
Is causing some unoaalnoss nt tho le
gations, since, in anticipation of tho
event of Russia's approach, the court
would fcavo Pekln and tho capital
would bo removed to tho lntorlor.
Japan Impresses Steamers.
San Francisco, Jan. 14. A cablo to
the Pacific Mall Steamship company
yestordny announced that tho Japa
nese government has Impressed Into
transport sorvlco tho threo steam
shlnB of tho Oriental Steamship com
pany, plying between this city and
tho Far East. Tho vessels aro tho
lllpton Maru, Hong Hong Maru and
America Mnru. They aro fast boats,
built In 1898, and havo been under
Japanoso subsidy. A few months ago
thoy passed govornmont Inspection.
Tho Nippon and Hong Kong each
havo 4351 tonnago and tho Amorlca
6920. Tho Amorlca Is duo horo noxt
Saturday nnd will bo sont back when
discharged. Tho Nippon loft horo
Decomber 30, and tho Hong Kong la
now In Jnpaneso wntors.
Japan Gives Her Answer. t
London, Jan. 14. A dispatch from
Toklo to Routor's Telegram company
says that Japan's nnswor to tho last
Russian noto was handed this after
noon' to Baron do Rosen, tho Russian
mlnlstor, and thnt negotiations will
bo continued without any tlmo limit
being sot for tholr toimlnntlon.
Tho demand which Japan Is said to
have mado, according to roports pub
llshed abroad, havo causod somo sur
prise In Toklo, according to tho dis
patches, and It Is now stated that
Japan novor asked for tho evacuation
of Manchuria, but on tho contrary
frankly rocognlzos Russla'B Hpcclal
IntorcBt thoro and hor right to pro-
(Continued on elgth page.
Tho greatest values of tho year
In flno domestic undcrmusltns and
French llngerlo horo this month.
Past successes have opened up to
us broader fields of ondeavor. Wo
havo gathered more kinds nnd
I more of a kind than ever stocks
th.it would havo swampod us when
wo began tho race for your favor
aro multiplied eight and ten fold
in tho collection you'll boo hero
now. Hundreds and hundreds of
' fresh new undergarraonts of mus
,' Hn, cambric and nainsook, as plain
as you ploaso, as dainty as you
deslre.or as elaborately rufllod, rib
bon and laco ombolllshed, as your
good taste allows and low priced
ns somo of tho garmonts aro, thoy
do not drop below the store's
standard of soodnew) and every
thing is from factorloe In which
rigid rule's of sanitation aro on
forced. An ologant lino from
which to select at HALF PRICE.
On still anothor table is a spa-
cial lino of fine undorwoar from
which to mako your selections at
u reduction of ONE-THIRD.
Laces and
Tho nowost, hnndsomoet of all
the Bought-for laces and ombrold
orlos In a gront assortment of
widths and designs.
In tho contor of main nlslo wo
havo on display special linos pf
lacos nnd ombrolderles of ologant
patterns, nt the special prlco of
i -3 off
Itogulnr stock to soluct front at
It's To Yootf Advantage
To do your winter shopping here. Everything Is selling for less than the regular price, but It Is Impossible to enumerate the thousand
and one Items In our advertisements. Just come for anything you need In our line. You'll more than likely find It here; the quality
will be good and the price -10 to 50 per cent lower than such quality elsewhere. Hundreds of your friends have found this out. Why
not you 7 ,.,
JtlliboiiB of ovory huo just tho
light shade to anhuncn tho beau
tiful complexion tluta of lilondx,
brown nnd brunotto. Broad, rich
snsh rlhhons for llttlo girls; rib
bons In (ho narrow widths for tho
thousand and ono usoh uh dross nc
ctNWorlos demanded by the tlitilr
Blitoij, mother anil nuntlus nnd
nil at such unquostlonnbly low
V 1""AW it II
sT' dL l f II
Fino llnons, bedspreads, sheets
and pillow casos. In tho category
of useful articles for the house
wife linens and bedding must be
accordod a promtnout place. Our
splondld stock at
should help you to z. speedy decis
ion aa to where to buy them.
wuiW' X
fc. chiefs
Anothor oi uk- bTeat offers of
handkercblofs at pricos so low
that you won't believe thoy'ro lin
en until you soo thorn. The great
est values ever offered in Salem
are to bo found here during this
great clearance sale at
We'd like to talk to you a minute or two nbout curtains. If this
see.roi Jllce boasting;, pardon us. We're Justified. Not within our momory
bav W diKcrHh . L.arlor window draperies tho oqual of those. Wo'vo
ad 5ts et itee o-J, J d we've sold 'om to you, but the designs are be
xcxtLZ prottltf all the time, and qualities are growing better. You'll
!4&.xaler tUs JANUARY SALE If for no other roason than this con-trlbut-'in
ct w'ndow draporles. You'll marvel at tho range of beauty.
You'll woidor at tho low prices. See them, then you'll know.
Hero is an Horn no housewife
ovor had too many of. Towold
are the most usod Itom on yout
llnon list. Below we give a hint
as to what Is going on In this de
partment. An exceptional valU'j
in hoavy towels, 40 inchos long,
18 Inchos wide. 8ALE PRICE
"a Ladies
C.fc M
In fancy neckwear wo aro ex
hibiting somo of the most charm
ing things you have over seen In
this city. A large lino received
yoatorday nnd conslsU of tho Jut
ost nqveltiea In ladlos' neckwear.
on every garment la. oor Men's Salt and Overcoat Department. Remember we handle none bat the best grade of goods. Here's yoar chance.
Stf it o Overcoat Reduced to $6.75
Suit or Overcoat Reduced to $7.50
Suit or Overcoat Reduced to $9.50
SI 8.50 Suit or Overcoat Reduced to $13.
$20.00 Suit or Overcoat Reduced to $14.50
$25.00 Suit or Overcoat Reduced to $16.00
pi. Ti