Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, January 12, 1904, Page SEVEN, Image 7

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Tho Kind You IIivvo Always
in USO lOr OVOr 0 Tears,
All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-aa-good" aro hufc
Experiments that trlflo with and oudangoi tho health of
Infants and Children Experience tf gainst Experiment.
Cai.i. Tia is a harmless suhstituto for Castor Oil, Pare
gorii Drops and Soothing Syrups. It Is Pleasant. 16
contams neither Opium, Morphine nor other Norcotio
eubsvancc. Its ago is its guarantee. It' destroys Worms
ond allays Fovorishncss. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho
Stomach and Bowels, giviilg healthy and uatural sleep,
fEho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend.
Bears the
The KM You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
Tho county court this morning of.
Bored a roward of $300 for tho arrest
id conviction of tho murdoror or
murderers of L. B. Saunders, who was
Boiled at Duttovlllo last month. At
Ew tlmo tho coroner hold an lnquost,
land tho jury decided that tho man had
Bon shot to death by somo unknown
parties. After tho Inquest somo of
There Is No Razor
R. M. Wade &, Co.
nei ciia lo tern itfr4
Phene: Main 2953,
103 Commercial St.
Oror The Journal.
m miitf f ianigiOif
arritt &
Sell More Groceries sad tetter
here's where you get GOOD
tp in and see for yourself
Bought, and which has hcca
has linrno tlin Rlfnmtnrn nP
has "been luatlo under his pcr-
l sup ervlsion Binco its infancy.
no imo to decoivo you in this.
Signature of
tho people of IJuttevllle and somo of
tho ofllcors, Including Sheriff Col
bath, oxprossod their bollof that
Saunders hnd committed suicide, and,
on that theory, the case was allowed
to rost. Circumstances havo slnco de
veloped that Indicate) a murdor and
not a sulcldo, and Uio county court
decided to do nil that was posslblo to
run down tho murdorer, and for this
purposo tho roward Is offored. Detec
tive aro working on tho caso, and this
roward will stimulate them to renewed
offorts, and residents of tho north
ond of tho county predict that it will
bo but n question of tlmo until tho
murdoror will bo In the toils of tho
Made Tfiat Beats the
- e - HMfii(ngioitaioieiar
JinniE nFjDOEN
Is a warm sport but he's always
there with the goods so it is
with Elliott's Print Shop, if you
are in a liurry for your printing
it's there when promised.
iowf3-!n-o)f ttt-Kwiea
tiaAn fnlrnn . n..n1. Jk . .!.
lumber la our yards. Our stock la
comploto with all kinds of lumber.
Just received a car load of No. 1 !
shingles, also a car of fine shakes. J
Wo aro ablo to fill any and all kind
of bills. Como and lot ua show you ! i
our stock. J
Yard and offlco near S. P. passonger ' '.
depot. 'Phono Mala 651.
Groceries tbaa ANYBODY
treatment - and GOOD goods
Decide One Man Has
a Right to Hang
a Jury
Next Saturday Night Will
Tackle the Respective
Wrongs of the Indian
and Negro
Tho Orogon law school students run
a practical debating club and meet
Saturday nights in tho music hall,
third Btory of tho Murphy block. Tho
question for next Saturday night 1b
Resolved, That tho Indian, Las
sufforod greater wrongs at tho hands
of this country than tho negro. At
tho closo thoro will bo a locturo on
tho value of tho Bible from a literary
standpoint. Young men of tho city
who wish to pass a profitable hour aro
cordially Invited to attend these do-
Debate Saturday Night,
Resolved, That ono man should bo
allowed to hang a Jury.
bins Hlcnardeon told of a caso
where 11 men wore for conviction nnd
ono for acquittal. Tho Jury hung. The
next torm ho wap turned loose.
If ono man could not hang a Jury,
tho Jury would not bo compelled to
dellberato on the Jury.
Mr. Lewis argued for a majority de
cision. On tho Bunrame bench a ran-
J orlty ruled. Man woro forced into
tho Jury box, and ofton woro not fully
Mac Hofor said that ono man had
a right to hang a Jury, booauso It was
a Democratic prlnclplo that' ono man
had as good a right to his opinion as
tho cloven had to tholrs.
Mr. Dlmick believed In majority
rulo, and If olg'il men could ngroo on
a jury, that ought to dccldo tho mat
Mr. Glllingham said tho present
Jijry system had been woll tried, and
could not bo lmprovod upon. A man
nccusod of a crime should havo every
opportunity to bo cloarod. Tho bur
den of comploto proof must rest on
tho stnto. The right of ono man to
dofeat a conviction could not bo set
nsldo, without dostroylng tho right of
Individual judgment.
Mr. Koyes argued that It' was not
safe to leave to a majority of a Jury
tho right to hang a man. Tho unanl
mous jiuy alone was safe for any na
Climatic Cures.
Tho Influonco of climatic conditions
In tho euro of consumption Is very
much ovordrawn. The poor patlont,
and tho rich patient, too, can do much
bettor at homo by proper attention to
food digestion, and a regular courso
of German Syrup. Free expectoration
In tho morning Is mado cortaln by
German Syrup, bo Is ,a good night's
rest and tho absenco of that weak
ening cough and debilitating night
sweat. Rostless nights and tho ex
haustion duo to coughing, tho great
est dangor and droad of tho consump.
tlvo, can bo provontod or stopped by
taking Gorman Syrup liberally and
regularly. Should you bo ablo to go
to a warmor clime you will And that
of tho thousands of consumptive
there, tho few who aro benefitted and
regain strength aro thoso who
German Syrup. Trial bottlo, 25c;
ular slzo, 76c. At all druggists.
Dr. Stono's drug stores.
With All
Here is tho
Her Faults, Etc.
way a Nobraslca
change puts It:
"Statistics show that Nebraska Is
commercially one of the best statos
In tho Union. Tho only thing wrong
with Nebraska Is her climate. Sho
is pretty Bonslblo on othor subjects.
but sho Is as fickle as a now soubrotte
In rogard to hor woathor. When sho
gets up m tno morning there Is no
telling what kind of woathor sho will
wear boforo sho goes to bed. One
day sho comos out with a low-necked
tropical climate, and tho noxt day she
wears a yarn scarf and inlts. People
living In Nebraska nover havo to
travel to get a change of climate.
Thoy can Just sit around the house
and when tho kind of weather comos
along that they want they can go out
doors and lot It soak Into thoir sys
tems. March is a particularly Interesting
month In Nebraska. During this
month the Nebraska man gets up In
Florida, oats dinner in Tennessee,
feeds the cows in Kansas, eats sup
per In South Dakota and goes to bed
in Alaska. But Nebraska people
would rather liro here and be yanked
from Texas to the North pole and
back again every day or two than to
Headaches From
Army Life
Finally Caused Nerv
ous Dyspepsia.
Dr. Miles' Nervine Cured
Nervousness, indigestion and Insomnia are
the three Greatest afflictions of mankind.
Attended as they are by a thousand dls
agreeable symptoms the victim is In constant
misery. Pity the person who cannot sleep,
enjoy his food nor secure rest and peace of
mind. ur. miles JNcrvine is a sure cure tor
all three miladies. It soothes the brain
soothes the brain,
o! the stomach and
strengthens the nerves
digestive organs, bringing sleep, rest, health,
strength and a good digestion.
"Smallpox contracted while in the army,
left me with a disease ,of the spine, nearly
blind, and with a complication of nervous
affections. Perhaps the most distressing ol
all my troubles were the sick hcadaci
which erew more f reauent and severe ns I
years passed by, until I became a confirmed
dyspeptic with all the characteristic symp
toms of nervousness, indigestion, and in
somnla. In my search for health, I left my
old home In Aroostook county, Maine, and
located in the west. Soon after coming here
my attention was called to Dr. Miles' Re
storative Nervine, and I decided to try It.
It soon stopped my headaches and I have
not had one since. When I had taken six
bottles my health was wonderfully improved
in every way. I am well today, eat and
sleep all right and in fact feel that my youth
has been renewed." J. B, UVROf, New
Whatcom, Wash.
All druggttls sell and guarantee first bot
tle Dr. Miles' Remedies. Send for free book
on Nervoin and Heart Diseases. Address
Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, lnd.
llvo any placo olso, oven whoro tho
climate has moro dignity and strongth
of character."
u t
When You Want
Soraothlng to eat, Just try tho White
IIouso. Thoy can serve you at any
hour of tho day or night.
Quotations Todays
'Mat, DUm .. r. tl.-n. U..M V
Capital City
Bryant &
Mills Quotation.
Pennell, Prop.
Wheat 77c.
Buckwheat 80a
Poultry at Steiner's
Chickens 810c.
Eggo Por doxon 23c.
Turkeys 12 016c.
Ducks 10c.
Hop Market.
Hops 1922c.
Potato, Vegetables, Etc.
Potatoes 30c.
Onions lc.
Dried Fruits. 7
Poach o 10c.
Apricots 10c.
Apples 10c.
Potlto prunos 1c.
Italian prunes 5c.
Wood, Pence Poets, lite.
Dig fir K00.
Second-growth 13.60.
Afh ?3.00 to 53.76.
Body oak $4.50.
Polo oak 4.00.
Cedar posts 13 c.
Hlde Pelts and Pur.
Green Hldoa, No. 1 6c.
Green Hides, No. 2 1c.
Calf Skins 10 Co.
Sheep 76c.
Goat Skin's 26o to SLM.
Grain and Frour.
Wheat, Salem Flouring Mi 14b, ex
port value, 68c.
Oats 32c.
Barley $18.50 per ton.
Flour Wholesale, $J,0.
Live Stock Market
Steers 3c.
Cows 2 He.
Shea 2a
Dressed veal 6Wc
Dressed kogsr 5c
Llvo bogs 4ic.
Mutton 2c per pound.
Veal c.
Hay, Fesd, Eta,
Baled cheat $11.
Bale' clover 1100111.
Bran $20.
Shorts $21.
Creamery and Dairy Products.
Good dairy butter 20025c
Creamery butter 30c.
Cream separator skimmed. lit
Cora. Creamery, 30c, not.
Wheat Walla W.Jlo, 71c072o
VaIIot 7Rp
Flour Portland, beat grade, $.76
$3.86; graham, $3.75.
Oate Choice Whlto. $1.10
Barloy Food, $20 por ton; .oiled,
Mlllstuff Bran, $19.
Hay Timothy, $1
Potatoes 50060c
Eggs Oregon ranch, 37c
Poultry Chlckonn, mired, 10c
10c per pound; spring, lie turkeys,
live. 12014c
Mutton Dressed, 506c
Pork Dressed, 60Gc
Beef Dressed, $06Kc
Voal 88c.
Hops .1903 crop, 15022c
Wool Valley, 17018c; Eastern
Oregon, 12015c; Mohair, 3837c.
Hideo dry. 1C ooanda am. Howards.
IS to ISttc.
Butter Best dairy, 2022c; fan-
X -
cy oremery,30c; store 1616c
IIIIIIHI i i 1 1 1 1 1 IIH-IHIt
Advertisements, five lines or
less, in this column Inserted ! '.
three times for 25c, 50c aweek
; 1.50 a month. All over five
.. lines at. me same rate.
m 1 1 ii i m i n it 1 1 1 1 in mm
Wanted. A young, dark bay horso.
Call at John Stout's sash and door
factory. G. K. Roovo. l-ll-3t
gH1LlL.ti.l-mi UliTJ
Money Found. Anyone would feci a
thrill of pleasure to pick up a silver
half-dollar on tho highway. Thoy
aro lying around ready to pick up
(no capital required) If you arc
willing to rustlo and can talk only a
littlo bit Good for either box, young
or old. Address or call at Journal
offlco. ' 12-10-tf
For Sale a fresh mllq,h cow. In
quire at 478 Front street, or at farm
sovon miles south of Salem. I. M.
Wagonor. 1-9-3L
For Sale. Fresh cow; inqulro of D,
T. Brown, at asyltfm. 1-G-lwk
For Sale. At a bargain, ono 18-horoe
powor engine and boiler, on skids;
also ono Borrol maro, wolght 11C0.
Inqulro of J. E. Murphy, tllo yard,
Salora. l-6-lwk-wk2t
For Sale. FIno Bocond-growth maplo
and ash wood. Dellvored to any
part of city. Apply to J. W. Man
loy. Phono 2075 Black, or call at
homo west of brick store, South
Salem. 12-28-lmo
For Sale Or trado, a fine 10-acro
chlckon or fruit ranch; first-class
buildings and improvements; closo
to school, postofflco, storo and rail
way station. Will trado for city or
unlmjirovod farm property. Addreos
"W. J.," Caro Journal. 11-5-
For Sale. At a bargain. For anyone
wonting a good business location,
largo storo and liouso combined;
good chanco to carry on a gonoral
morchandlso bustnoos on ono of Sa
lem's boet stores. Addroan Ira
Towno, Salem, Oro. 12-16-lm
Choice Farm For 8ale. Throo mllOB
northwest from Brooks, having
dwolllng house barn and two hop
bouses, with 30 acres of hops, bal
anco fanning land, with running
wntor, except enough choice tlmbor
to supply tho placo. M. J, Egan.
For Sale. O. K. Grubbors. Best In
Oregon; thwe stato premiums;
' ono horse has tho power of OP; can
grub an aero a day. James FInnoy,
Brooks, Or. ll-2C-lm
For 8ale Inmprovcd and unimproved
block proporty in South Salem. For
Information Inquire of E. Hofor,
Journal offlco. 10-D-tf
For 8ale Eighty acres of land In
Washington county, for $450, A
bargain for Bomo ono wanting to
raako a home. Some timber on tho
placo; some cleared. E. Hofor, Sa
eom, Orogon. 10-0-tf
Dr. I. W,. 8tarr Offlco In Bush & Broy
building, evor Orogon Shoo Storo.
Offlco hours, 9 to 12 a. m. and 2 to
5 p. m. Calls attondod In city or
country. Reeldonco 'phono 2355
Rod. 1-C-tf
Dr. H. H. 8covell. Suggestive
therapeutics. Osteopathy. Norvoua
and functional diseases. Rooms 4,
E and 6. D'Arcy building. Phone
2855 Main. 1-1-lm
The Proper Thing Tho popular
drink for family use Is O. S. soda
and carbonated beverages. Every
body should keep theso goods at
their homes. Call up Oldeon Stolx
Co. 'phone 421.
8 ay Have you tried Edwards k. Lusch
ro for meats. We havo tho beat
nausage In town, Como and try It,
and be convinced. 410 East State
Salem Truck and Dray Co. Oldest
and best equipped company In Sa
lem. Piano ard furniture moving
a specialty Office 'paono, 88L W.
W, Brown & Sou, proprietor. Offloe
No. 60 State street 9-1-lm
Dr. Z. M. Parvln At 297, Commercial
street, upstairs. Singing school
Rudlmental and sight reading class
es. Begins Wednesday evening, Oc
tober 14th. Class every Wednes
day evening to May 1st, noxt Tui
tion, $1.00,
Unique. Cleaning Rooms 8hsw A
Johnson, tho cleaners, aro now lo
cated at 209 Commercial atroel
They do a general pressing and re
pairing business. Specialties: Skirts,
silk waists, kid gloves, gents' cloth
ing, etc Phone 2614. 6-28-lyr.
0jii& mKBnHiunite
For Rent A four-room cottago at
-387 Church stroot Will soil furol
turo and a wlntor's supply of wood.
Rooms for Rent Up stairs, Cottle
block, by day, week, or month. Al
so light housekeeping rooms. Elec
tric lights, Opon all hours.
Commercial St, No. 333.
Phone: 2965 Mala.
Mattlo Hutchlns, Prop.
Mrs. L. Campbell Dee dressmaking
at hor homo, on tho cor lino, near
tho South Salem cemetery. Country
trade solicited. 11-18-lm-d-w
Dr. W. 8. Mott Will hereafter b
found In the Broy block, 275 Com
mercial stroot, over Oregon Sko
Co. Office telephone 2931; real
donco phone, 2751. Offlco hours f
to 12. and 2 to 5.
New Sweet Cider. Send your order t
tho nearest grocery, or call up
phono 421. Gideon Stole ft Co;
9-10-tf -Y
HCga"UMgMJBBlWM 1 1111 ilgjgJ-agWWSgWaWJMWssJMStw
W. Calvet, Practical Watchmaker
158 Stato stroot, makes a specialty
of repairing watches, clocks and
jowelry, and guarantees good work
at reasonable prices. 11-12-lyr
Ferguson's Restaurant 95 Stat
stroot Opon day and night Our
20c monls aro bettor than any 354
houso In the state. Slx20o meal
for $1.00; 21 20o meals foO? ,
Valley lodge No. 18, A. 0. U. W. Meet
In thoir hall In Hoi man block, cof
nor Stato anil Llborty, every Moo
day ovoalng. Visiting brethren
wolBomo. Roy Mclntiro, M. W. A.
E. Aufranco, Recorder.
Central Lodge No. 18, K. of P. Caatta
Hall In Holrann block, corn or Stata
and Llborty Sts. T'londav of eaeti
wook at 7:30 p. ra. II. II. Tumor,
C. C; W. I. Staloy, K. of R. and 8,
Foresters of America Court Sher
wood Foresters No. 19. Moots) Fri'
day night In Turner block. S. W.
Mlnturn. O. R.: A..L. Brown. Bee.
Modern Woodmen of America Ore
gon Cedar Camp No. 6246. Meets
every Thursday ovonlng at 8 o'clock
Holman Hall, Frank A. Turner, V.
O.: A. L. Brown. Clerk.
Protection Lodne No. 2, Ancient Ox
dor United Workmen, moots Ytrf
Saturday ovonlng In tho Holman
Hall, corner Stato and Iibertr
stroots, Visiting brothron wolooms.
J. O. Graham, M. W.; J. A. Sellwoo
ri i n iin inn ii in mi iiiiumminiii
Drs. M. T. Schoettle, Frank J. BaYr"
and Anna M. Darr.-Graduate
Amorlcan School of Osteopathy,
Klrksvlllo, Mo., successors to Dr.
Graco Albright OfllC' hours to
12 and 1:30 to 4:30 o'clock. Odd
FoIIowb' Tomplo, Phono Main 2721f
rosldonco phono 2603 red.
Evan's Barber 8hop Only flrst-olan
shop on Stato stroot Every thlna
now and up-to-oato. Finest poroe
laln baths. Shave, 15o; hair-out 2Je
baths, 25c. Two first-class boot
blacks. O. W. Evans, proprietor.
For water service apply at ofllc,
Dills payable monthly In advano.
Mae all complaints at tho qfflce.
Express and Transfer
Meets all mall and patMenrer trains
Bacgage to all parts of the city,
Prompt service, Telephone No. 24L
Walter Morley, Dealer la American,
Elwbod and Page Hold fencing. All
kinds of poultry fencing. Shingles.
P. & D. ready roofing and wall
papor . Prices Uio lowost. Salons
Fonce works, 60 Court street,
Salem. JieVw,
:3EiiKr"i? SCO's?
Successor to Dr, J. M. Keene, In
White Corner, Salem, Oregon. Parties
desiring superior operations at mod
erat fee in any branch aro in especlnJ
2Q3 Commercial 8treet
Regular Dinner at Noon 25c
Meals at all hours
Service n la Carte
B ECKERLBN, Proprietor
r j r&j-p & .
r v mm - - w