wt7FWBH?''T 1 J HTC' .-. DAILY OAPITAL JOUKNAL, 8ALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY, JANUARY 12, 1904. SETTING 1 READY FOR ELECTION ifirfW: ati'i f lerks Aflcointedin. D-w-JlRtfl6WS' c,erks- Socond JDOgeS an UerKS AppUlillCU oorellne. Phil Palntor, 4 Thfc Mnrnlnp ....... ..... ..J,. a r.n.irrv Tr" "W, Iff -- "JL, Vandelous, L. Murray, W. H. Bhlen, clerks. Cfiampoeg-John Heafer, James Smith, W. It. McKay, Judgos; W. T. Colsman, Henry smtb, Jonn duouuiu clerks. Chemawa--Firsl set. J. 0. Beards . T.mu Wln.tantav. D. F, Don mu7, .u- .. - rhnm. ttideas: Horaee Herren, . Pear- -, -- . Harvey Walker. Judges; A. Godfrey, B. Kurtz, Lawrenee Martin, cierKg. Blkhorn Tell Pope, (leo. Andorson, C. H. Ilalnoa, Judges; Geo. koohick This Merning: The eounty court this morning ap- pointed the Judges and olerbs for Uw,"- "- '""b"' ,"L. i ejection. Bach board of elee uy 8. Harhan, P. L Darling. , cl rk . tion is composed of three Judges and " Ml Iter . Job. Mar M HU number of clerks, and In the thaler, Theodore Rubens Judges; L, case of five prtoln.U-Chem.wa, A. Byrd, Win. Hagar, Jonn im.an Liberty. Salem No. 2. Salera No. 4, and Wboduurn two boards aro an- nlnrkf. n.rvAiB V. 8. Tavlor. L. H. Poti Jade, John D. Smith, Judges; B. W, pointed In each. There are 39 pre- Jaae. John u smun. juuges; r. v. oJncW In the eounty. and. with the Manning, J. B. Zloaler. John Parrls, . . . . , .... ii-. ...!.. rlarkc. flvo double boards, the list soleetel Morel) W. II. B. Sewart, H. J. Had- ley, R. 0. Pierce. Judges; L. 0. Brother. .. n IT Wl W U f'larlf nlnrlra LMwtiJil Howell-Grover ' Simmons', C. W. "; t niiii rlw..j..H.i.iri. 8,e8' " Sevens, judges; b. u 7 , w-i Vru wii wi 'W.lsner.'C. O Rice, D. W. Smith, iAurora I Welbert, J. M. will, Wal-. ' ter Orlmm, Judgos; Adara Mlsslor, A.,tW" I ,,..1.1 .llf H. r,l.n Itfn. T)ln,,CI llllUUBril T. 1. UIIIIIIU, Hill. . muo aggregates 2CI names. The list by preclneU Is as follews: Uumsvlllo C. K. Read, G, J. If t.A Ufni tftsfl 4titfroA Wm flint n, ,, ... ".. J. " . n M. rry, eu. ucck moras - - Ilroltonbush-J. A. W. 1.9ldeoke,,Jo"n-W"l!e. Judges; Peter Susbauor, Orln Jurtd, John Outerton. Judges; D. P. Scholl, B. Priest, clerks. Hfaa Dflrrli, Frftl Slnhlman, It. N. Jefferson A. J. Shumakor, J. U Hoover, clerks. Btelwer Frank I'arrlsh, Judges; Glenn Ilrooks Alox LnFollett, Frank J. IlllywiJ. 0. Andorson, Frod D. Wat- Boltor, M. J. Kuan, Judge; 0. F. M,u. ter. oUrUs. ma. Arthur Beers, Judd Oalnrod, I.lbnrtj First set, Iituce Cunning- clprki. ' ham, Wm Clark. George Crolsan, BnUwiae B A. M. Cone, J. P Judgi-s; Stanley Culver J. P. Winch, Fifller. CliBi. Hosklns. Judgei; J S h, W. Drager clprks. Second set, P. N. Lathrop, A M. Bllnst6n, H. M. Blrdsall, Judges; B. F. Hall, A. W. Mizo, U M. Ollbort, clerks. I Macleay David Craig, W. L. Sim- meral, G. W. Eoff, Judges; unas. wng, Walter Taylor, Thomaa James, clerks. Marlon Richard Walker, William Rutharford, Arthur George, Judges; John Palmor, John Shlppoy, Chester Russell, clerks. Mehama F. M. Taylor, Oliver Far rnna. Samuel Cox. JudKOS: F. A. Pen- nobaker, E. 0. Slegmund, G. J. Ber- ringer, clerks. Monitor J. D. Simmons. II. E. Klein, W. R. Townaond, Judges; J. W. Vedder, II. T. Baughtnan, W. E. Mc Kr. clerk. Mt. Angel Charles Long, O. K. Johnson, David Back, Judges; Joseph Klrsch, C. Cooloy, T. L. Amblor, clerks. Salem No. 1 W. H. Byars, Thomas Burrows, Wm. Waldo, Judgos; F. W. Steusloff, H. A. Johnson, Jr., 0. H. Irwin, clerks. Salem No. 2 First set, H. D. Pat ton, II. C. Eppley, Goo. L. Rose, Judgos; J, R. Linn, Henry Hubbard, Chas. L. McNary. clorks. Socond set. H. B. Thlelson, A. N. Moores, D. Stelner, Judgos; Jos. Baumgnrtnar, J. M. Kyle, F. W. Powor, clerks. Salem No. 3 W. M. Manning, John Kaiser. W. H. Cook. Judges: John Gray. P. B. Wallace, Carroll Moores, clerks, Salem No. -I First set. S. B. Orms- by. T. G. Albert. G. G. Cans. Sr.. Judges; H. H. Heckmnn, J. C. Good- ale, Jr., W. A. Moores, clerks. Sec ond set, E. J. Swafford, R, II. Coshow. Geo. F. Rodgcrs, Judges; Jos. H. Al bert, A. A. Lee, A. T. Wain, clerks. oi, vv. r t. n. Stlnson. J. F. Goodo, Henry Fletchor, Judgos; D. A. J. Vibbert, u. u TIFFANY DIAMOND RING FREE JOURNAL DIAMOND UNKNOWN NUMBER GUESSING CONTEST EyERY SUBSCRIBER TO HAVE AN OPPORTUNI TY TO GUESS ON A $150 DIA MOND RING whim T. .1. Vibbert. 0. B. Jacobs, ,, u.vv, --. - clerks. Salem No. G A. E. Parker, W. J. R. Jones, E. C. Churchill, Judges; H. P. Chase, E. T. Malvin, D. H. Leach, clerk. aotom Vn 7 .Iosp Macer. A. H. KnlBkorn. H. A. Radcllff. judges; W. W. Johns, Lee Atcheson, A. Newsome, clerks. Salem, East Earl Race, J. W. Bel lamy. E. E. Matten, Judgos; Frank Herron, Adolph Hager, Will Hum phrey, clerks. rms Mills Wm Menler. H. C. Hartman, James Smith, Judgos; Bren ton Vedder, A. E. Hobart, Guy D. Ad kins, clerks. Sidney Thos. Noot, Geo Palmer, C. T. Meier, Judges; P. Todd, W. An derson, F. B. Simpson, clorks. Silver Falls D. A. VanGorder. B. B. Horrlck, Sr., S. T. Arnold, Judges; John Hostetler, Jay Blcakney, J. H. Winters, clerks. South Sllverton ji. Thompson, P. L. Hicks, J. Edson, Judges; T. Y. Mc- Clollan, J. W. Hobart, Harry Bowers, clorks. Sllverton T. R. Hlbbard, P. W. Pot tor, George Cussiter, Judges; W. S. Jack, P. I Blackorby, Maud Van Val kenborg, clerks. Sllvertcn, North Wright Foshay, Gary Haynes, 0. W. Morley, Judgos; D. H. Vaughn, E. W. Ross, Martin Hanson, clerks. St. Paul C. T. Ray, J. L. Cook, J. N. Gooding, judges: S. II. Coleman. J. S McDonald, J. F. Davidson, clerks. Stayton Albert Hepburn, C. F. Ixwse, Geo. Spanlol, judges; J. B. Grler, Warren Richardson, J. E. Brown clerks. Sublimity Byron Denny. Ira Car ter, Frank Bell, judge.; W. II. Down ing, Blmer King, Frank Tnte, clerks. Turner E. M. Llndsoy, W. M. Hil- lenry, M. O Knight, Judgos; K.0. Thomas, B. E. RoborUon, G. A. G. Mooro, clorks. Woodburn First set, S. C. Berry, John Hnller, John McCormlck, Judgos; M. E. McGrath, A. S. Autorson, S. E. Hardcnstlo, clorks. Second sot, C. L Oglo, H. A. May, Nick Scollard. Judgos; Robert H. Scott, A. E. Austin, Harry Hondorson. clorks. r,-i,nitifo wild hnrse in Con- tral Asia, oithor, and now the zoolog ical gardens of Hamburg and New v.i, hnvo llrlnir Knonlmons of thCS horses funny, big-headed little brutes that are representatives or. some ijpu of horse that must bo hundreds of thousands of years old. "Down In New Zealand, compara tively small as the land is, there are many animals and bird mysteries still. They say that there is a uranu nu.-hnt is now to the world type of animal on the order of the duck bill down there yot. Darwin always hoiteht that some day n veritable lizard-bird (not a flying llzzard, but a true missing link between the birds and the reptiles) might be founu there. "One explorer followed mysterious footprints In the snow of the high mountains of New Zenland, but never came up with the beast that had made thern: but they were such strange footprints that other scientists agreed with him that the thing that made them was quite unknown to the world and must bo a wonderful beln. So you see there is plenty of work still for us wild-animal catchers. W- haven't seen everything thru there Is to be seen, by n long shot." GOVERNOR OF OREGON. John Whlttaker, of Lane Was the First, Since Oregon Was Ad- republican from Marion counlY - served from Jnnuary 15, 1895 to J ' 11 rj id, iosa. 10. Theodore T. Gcor, farmer wf republican, who took offlco Januin' 15, 1899. " (Editor Journal Geer's term tt plred January 7, 1903. 11. George E. Chamberlain, w... and dornocrnt from Multnomah coum who took offlco January 7th, 1903, Beatstijtfl First Water Stone Set in a Tiffany Gold Ring mku xwy as jn.11 expression 01 Lrood Will 1 o- ward Subscribers Yoar Cnoice of 975 Numbers, Any One of Wbicb May Be the Unknown Number Tbat Gets tbe Glittering Diamond No Possibility of Any Crooked Work. The Journal has pMt a nr IkrouBh t0 0. H. l!lwg. Jwlry houfo for a 1M dlaHd ef tt) fiit water, to Jk tfim away to twWwMkern ta IHlly or Wwkly Joirl-for aih o!jr tld the subcriUr U to hate gneM at an unknown numbw of tkrwi Uw. that will x ilctJ In a Kk4 vkn. ThU It not a dmw- g. Wlorr. of Kilt wtrpri of any ilnd but a mens Innocent, harmless gucxwlng WHitN that vrlll taake m e rlsher by a prwwt of a fln 111! lltoMvnd it in a Tiffany gold ring. How to Pjrtlelpat. For raeh rvWpt t on dollar for owht to nln wr put on Hpratj Uh of vfm and fWd so as to t uuw, and a commlUue of suhsorih n wn aa)xl m conduct th aa Kmt)llK of the unknown nutaW Thin unknown numlwr was formed at fho Journal oilc on Monday, Jan- ry u, jmi, n 0,0 following man- er: The tn uumUn from naught to nine. lnclusiY, on tarat b1Ii of lHr. In small M ivlinw WdM llnc4 In a box. shakwj. and a blindfolded rrwn In the prwonce of tht rommltwe drw out ihr-. vf tho4o ten umbrH. uarktng the first oe, th siond two and the third (k Itellv or VAkl l... . 1 thrtta Im Ininu .u.i .w. . . . . ,,,,, aipiiua, vi nl-"-- --"-. v www II) H 4drt. Urn inwn to whom the re- 'cl large envelope, lealoj up .r. i. iumwr. W bo glv an op.'""" HWI w" the diamond on oxhl poctualty. ahwluty without mi. to liavo a guM4 at th unknown nuwbor, and tfao ireon or iwkmas guoMlng KMTMt that Btunber w(M rctr as a t and wHawu any eompeuiatJon "w. Bwrly as an eiprnwdsq bttlon In the Jewolry stor hnw win. dow ich day during th gue6Jng con tent, and will noi t efwned until tho eontMt U oloMd. whn tw ... chvI will he frlTn to tho nirit KW. Tki uaU... . .. -pinw - -nnn nui(Htr Will T Reed will on the part of Tao Journal . tun by ntitUag tOR4thr the tar . . wtiM, uto MM an-t"""HH' wwr as marked one. . ,,j rmc rstwumsi u tnli r"- l,,r,f. Mw nvtoHM In wMeh apw and on miwuoh ntifce rt ar cuu lll, UBkROW J " - " " "" Bwte.- ws nHbld unUl T l'i will b naallwl u. saiw, Oreaon. Tho jiaxty j e gnoulng contt l eBplJ -nd ikm- a8j they can ro.urn tfa M. Wring m doUar - n. .v.u J: wAMelv m.u.. " a8U wltl. tu, ... ... ... Ue wma- ,.,. '- T. " ,vl "" "Jne. . ; "" nun on ta back. for any crooked work on tho part of Thn Jounml publishers, of the Jewolw furmnblng tho diamond, nor on the part of any subscriber. Tho recolpU for this gtieMini: oontaat win 1 . , " .1UIII- lril In duplicate, but the tHb will w only for tho purixwo of IOnUfy lug the subscriber who Is tho sneceno. ful Kuer aeh subscriber writing the guess number on ih lutrk 1.1. nc4pt each on making his or hnr own iwm at tho unknown number. ab Boon tw tho rvceinta are all sold the kuhmIdr contest will ho -A thn nearwt number awarded th dla- luunu. How the Guesses Are Msde. On socuring a receiut fn- . . lar w mow. the person wiaii m KUw will write bis gUaM- be. tween the above numbers on the back of the recent 1.. iv . deMhlo jvancH, writing onlv , ...J . " v 5UWQ OR each rwelpt. and detrain.. .1.. aae In tho soldered Un hnr ., unwlbew ot of town will be al tewed to make their guese in the mme etvo a rtoHH for &h AaH& k.u 4 hAve the opiwtunlty to gHfti a oiBrew nnwbe r ff each suca rvlrt eM. No eotrion Is alk.wed t ay agftt r solkltw for sodring MUoribem. and tho ,, w wb. ecrlWnlif do It with the under! IRS Usat the Dally or Weekly Journal U acwjHed u paymwt In fn for ta yvaM. tlllkftOW Nuak.ll.... , .. ,.,,IWW rrcpsrtti, T BBW.f, wh. ku t JWe4 wM tMV B ih fom., fB WHMr. Th tea Mintbera frow I ii.-j . .... 1H a tAaUt.1 i.,,.. ..... . The nwlr rf rocnlpu lued m .S".? IJa1 QS Contest," -- wv4 n ill nun r ut iuviu, .. -.. .. " -. , ""' reeolpu jn th,. Buowng contest ar ii.io-.. . tnte la all. Receipts Now Ready, Subscribers can now get n,. oU and beefc aU.rLZ. rri'-'wsj: -w i Journal eclal deHrerv BiAMa.0 t !.. ...v... "Fv wwrery thi number of cuw powlbje la the w w u number w,. .. wd 9ST, aa the unknown ui. i itrr1 o( 8k,,w ita, The unkwiwn number eaanot V? th" W5 w than MT To be a perfectly Uarmi . l and amteinc . .... -. wnaw to a r; Beasts Not Yet Caught. (New oYrk Sun.) "Oh, there are a fcood many ani mals that aro still to be caught and exhibited In tho menagerie." saldj tho old animal man, reaching: into the I cago and scratching the ae4 at a Jaguar. "I can ran o toit x Ok wlUicut stopping to think. "AH the zoos are eaaw now far am akapl. That's the atraa psfchimfn beast that Sir Henry Johnwam tern. alive In Bastern Africa. "It's a cross between a slraJfo .wni a horse, apiiarently, sad a misaty Wg animal. Thore'll be Mr wmr t the circus that gets the im soci- men, and there are Mate ptocky aa-J smart men in Ugand.i at thU very moment looking for the brute. "Nobody hns been lucky enonah or smart enough to catch a Kadiak bear alive and carry him to clviUxatinn There's somethlna 1IU 9 1.., for you big as a calf, so that he'd make a roaring Rocky mountain r. sly look like n little brown bear alongside of him. "Down In South Ampio . where behind the northeastern side of the Andes a little north of the equa tor. Is a boast that Is lha bIMM rn dnt la the wnriii tv..i.- 1 een pieces of Its hide and lt i,,.- and a few glimpsed at It . it c,i through the dark primevnl forest. it l a true rodent like th rt i, a big as a Newfoundland dog Thnt would be a good catch for & XOo logical garden. "Another fine prise is down there In South Amorlcn. It Is a now species wroar. quite different from any that has ever been exhibited In the shows In nay part of the world, if, a big. black fellow, and tremendously fierce. Nobody has ovr mi.n ., alive. 'Then in the forgets of tha a.. are two birds that would mnu .h,v.. .H-r a iddiohi wan among soolo gists. They aro the bellblrd. which has a voice exactly Ilk ,.i...i. n ML and the "loet wl. wbCh has a crv that n.. ... - mo snivers creeu along a man's hnoVh, -.. he hears It In tho (lnrlr mi.,.. silent, forbidding woods. "In Iturwah' soewhnr ..... .. thlnocerous that has a black hide and Wg tufted ears. The hiOe h y- i by white men lot .1 u... they hava't ever & . ui' ... - ' am- mltted as a State. Since John Whltoaker, tho first gov ernor of the state, was chosen In 1859 from his farm on Pleasant Hill, In the hills a few mllos east of Eugene in Lane county, and about 128 miles from Portland, all the subsequent governors have beeii chosen from tholr homes nearer to Portland than Whlteaker's farm, says the Tidings. The Willamette valley has had all governors except two, Woods and Moody, of The Dalles. Mnrion county has furnished three governors to the state, Orover. Lord and Geer; Portland three, GIbbs. Thnyor and Pennoyer. Wasco two, Woods and Moody, and Lane county one. John Whltenkt-r. Tho following list gives tho names. counties from which elected, dates of sorvlce and politics of all govornors of Oregon since It became a state. 1. John Whltnkor, fnrmor and dem ocrat of Iane county, served from March 3, 1859 to Soptembor 10, 18C2. i. Addison C. GIbbs, lnwyor and re publican fiom Portland, served from Septomhor 10. 18C2 to Sontcmbor 1C. 158G. I. George U Wood, lawyer and re- UWiBFACm 3 TRAIN8 TO THE EAST DAILV, DKPABT you Chicago Portland fractal 8 60 a, 3J ria Huntington Atlantic Kzpren 8:15 p. m. ila Huntington Ht. Paul Fut Mall 7 ii p. sa. via Spokane TIME SCHEDULB3 From Portland, Or, Salt Uke, Dsnrer, U nono, umioi, &aiua( CUT, 8t. Lonlt, (Jhlcagti auu ajiw Salt Lake, Denror Ft. nonn, umana, kdui City. St. LaU. Chlcairn I '!.-. ' " AUU JbM. WalU WallarLowition, Spokane. Wallace. Pull man, Minneapolis St. Pin), nnllllh XfllwunW. Cbloago, and East. ABRIVI FEOa SMp a -a,a. 8: a v 70 HOURS PORTLAND TO CHICAGO Ko Cbsnge of Cars 70 OCCAM AND H1VEK SCHEUULf From Portlsnd' Up. m txoo Dally ert landar sp. m Saturday "r.m, vll ixllInK datei aubji-ct 10 cuango yoranFranciMxi Sail uTery 6 daft COLOMBIA R1VKH ToAttorla an War Landing! P, D i D.W. x, Sna't WILLAMETTE RIVER Steamer Ruth leaves Salem f Portland and way landings on Tne days, Thursdays and Saturdays, aboil C a. m. m. P. nAT.nwiM A. L. CRAIO, AgLO.R.&N. Salea Gen. Pass. Agt Portland, Or. vwuoa iroin wasco county, served Owns September 15, 1S0C to September tU 1119. t. L. F. Grorer. lawyer and demo- Itnt front Marion eounty, served from wfteaber 14, 1570 to February 1, WTZ. Being reelected he filled -out put of his second term when h u-no osn United States amuum- nn.i a succeeded by Steuben P. f!lm,i 1n. who became the fifth governor. 5- Stephen P. Chad wick, inwvm. n.i democrat from Douglas county who served as governor from February 1, 1877 to Setttember 11, 1878. 6. Walter W. Thaver. lnwvnr n,i democrat from Portland who served irom September 11, 1878 to September 11, 1882. 7. Zenns P. Moody, merchant and republican from Wasco eoimiv Wh servetl from Sentemlmr 11 icco . January 14, 1SS7. 8. Sylvester Pennoyer, lawyer and lumberman, democrat who served two terms from January 14, 1SS7 to January 15, 1806. 9- William Paine Lord, lawye,. and Corvaff Is & Eastern BR. lUaWmnaUi'l TIME CARD NO. 24. No. 2 for Yaoulna? 12:46 p.m. 2:00 p.m. 6:20 p m. ... 6:45 a. m. ....11:30 o,m 12:15 p.m. ;-- -hw w he gMfc4 at atatw. i T.v . ' """w orrery wast be aaa v.i ... , 77 MMat la the snhurt. 1 .. " M 'malty to swr I maL "Up in the Hlmalavn. . .- u. Wen looking tor years for-wbat do Wu suwoeer A naleom. . my -- v., HO laay M T.Bh He s)t that he has hrj tales fro taa aaUv fcu-. .. there of the axtatMu.A ,f . ... ? antetope-hem, I doa't th.ak tWu any each thiaj. mlt but then I dldnt take much stok m the dlscov Loaves Albany Loaves Corvallis Arrivos Yaqulna No. 1 Returning: Loaves Yaoulna Leaves Corvallis Arrivoo Albany , NO, 3 for Q.mlt. Leaves Albany 7.00 Arrlvee Dotrol' .. ., ,,.., n No. 4 From Detreit: P Leaves Detroit 1:00 Arrives Albany . s.rr t,i , 5:55 p. m. Train No. 1 nrivn- i ,u.r . time to connect with the S. P. iuth bound train, as wu . J' ' -UUl thr ... . ..." b4,,us wo or wm.. , Aioany beforo deDar ture of S P. northbound train P t2n. 'n CnneCtU WIth the S. f. trains at Corvniu. ... .,L Jl-. Z!S .-. uCAUUtJtf, Tntfn No. 3 for Ttetr T..a.. - d other mountain " .T Wbany at 7:00 a. n, .u. """'" rf5-.'?r For further Information apply to EDWIN STONE, Offera a cholco of THREE catewaii. KANSAS CITY, ST. JOSEPH Cf OMAHA, to Chicago and points EasV Through. Standard and TonrLrl sleeping cars dolly between San Fran cisco and Chicago via Lob Angela anu El Paso, Through Tourist Sleeper eaci TUESDAY from Portland to Chlcagfl via bait Lake and Colorado Springs. Through Standard Sloenlnir Cut uatiy between Ogden and Chlcaro. Lowest rato In effect alwava anO- oie via "itock Island System." Reduced ROUND TRIP RATES In effect on July 12. is. ik m 1 ana August 18, 19. 25 and 28: 90 dars re turn limit Bo sure that your tJcket reads vis mo ureat Rock Ialanrt nnni. The boat and most ninnnhi din ing car service. For Information. UKU. W. DAINTER. T. P. A. I L. D. OORHAM. Gen Art 9Kn Aldaf w 0f ww ireei. t'orUand Ore. Quick Time East Prnm f.- n ... . .. Bound M"-------t?a.-JTSr fr' ,v.er .Pointa and tho Southeast citoMui"fcH?,L. ..: bift nd.PuIman "Iwpera. and last comfort,"1, touri8t alPers, clean. mA?rtab, M(1 cheap. via nntiT.. i "9 Bouineaat specuw can'? L R.nd too BurllngtonT Yon pant do betten. and ron mieht do worse -" aviatiKM H. A. C BHE.DON, Qan.ral Aasn lOO THIRD STREET, PORTLAND, O. C. T. CO.'S PA88ENQEB OIHAMER8 POMONA ,t pjrjf d,PBanee daily eieopt Bauday Dock! Foot bf TrmAm ltMa. ". -Mtwt, Corrallla, M.JPiJBALDWlN, Ag. ISPtB