Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, January 12, 1904, Page FIVE, Image 5

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w wmtttwHHfiwinenottcKw !
The Bjrr Stone has never been able to make a more beautiful display
of fine mantel clocks than Is the caso at the present time. There Is
goodly variety of choice, many sorts of different deslnns, all of the hand
somest and most tasteful sort Some are finished In the rich black en'
amel, and others In various handsome color tonea. The workmanship
and material are of the best; they are splendid timekeepers, and they
will withstand a lifetime's usage. Yet we are selling them from $6 to
$9 undoubtedly the lowest prices ever quoted In Salem for clocks of
such real beauty and such marked Intrinsic value. How would a fine
new clock look on your mantel?
i .
I tinlHl Mr xfik
Every body Or His
Wife Has Figured
it Out
Company at the
Followed by a Ball Under the
Auspices of Company M-
the Talk of the
' 5e u&le
" jyjl J il jWiTy v Wffi jE'
Corner State and Liberty Streets, Salem, Ore.
Hi "H'frW-W-M-W inumi
;: asocial Realm!
II. H. SmatU wont to Albany this
Miss Sadlo Cordlngly, of Browns-
villo, 1b In tho city.
A. It. Hathaway was a pnBsengor for
'ortland this morning.
James WIstauloy was a passenger
ifor Portland thin morning.
Judgo T. A. Mcllrlda was In tho city
laat night from Oregon City.
Job Denyer, of Tumor, is In tho city
llor a few days' business visit.
Hon. J. II, Ackorman went to Port
and today for a few days' visit.
Kola Nels came down from his homo
n Albany on this mornlng'B train.
R. A. W. Cherry, tho station agent
t Gervals, visited In Salem last ov-
Louis Barzoe, of Roseburg, was In
io city yostorday afternoon on a visit
o friends.
Dr. Frank Barr and Dr. Thomas re
turned this morning from a short visit
o Portland.
Ex-Govornor Geer wont to Portland
lis morning to attend tho livestock
D. F. Young returned this forenoon
from Woodburn, where ho Intorvlowed
ho hop growors.
Miss Besslo Frlsby is visiting at tho
homo of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Irvine, in
Klbnny, this weok.
.Captain Samuol Whlto, Democratic
ntato .chairman, Is in tho city on busi
ness boforo tho supremo court.
Ira. R. S. Dean Joft this morning
lor her home in Eugene, nftor a fow
lays' visit with Salem frlonds.
luistjuii wyuu, ui .muuuy, wuh in
Salem today for a short stay, having
justness boforo tho supremo court.
E. T. Kloppln loft last night for
Portland, there to Join a vaudeville
company to play in St. Louis during
tho exposition.
'. C. A. Park wont to Portland thle
morning to attend tho fruit growors'
and livestock convontions meotlng In
that city this week.
Mrs. Hlnklo, of Hubbnrd, mothor
!of Mrs. O. L. Darling, loft lost ovon
Ling ipr hor homo, nftor a fow days'
jtlslt with hor daughter in this city.
I Mrs. C. M. Stltos, for a numbor of
years a faithful employe of tho In
Liiano asylum, loft last night for Port
'land, whonco sho goes to San Jose,
Cal., whero sho will reside.
A. N. Gllbort was a passenger foi
Portland this forenoon to attond the
livestock convention, and meet tho
breeders of flno Horofords, In which
strain of stock he is much Intorested I
Engineers at Marshfleld.
The englneors In chargo of tho rail
road survey, which has extended from
tho Southern Pacific's track at Drain
to Elkton, thenco down tho Umpqua
river to Winchester bay, thenco along
tho coast, la within a fow miles of
Coos hay, having changed their head
quarters to this city. That Is thoy
will open an ofllco hero, whoro all tho
drafting and working up of tho field
notots will bo done. Tho ofllco equip
ment, consisting of drafting tables and
all tho necessary paraphernalia was
brought up on tho Flyor. Tho work
has bcon accomplished hcretoforo at
a point advantageous to tho field work
ers, so that thoro would bo tho least
possible tlmo lost in getting tho re
sults accomplished to headquarters.
Tho surveyors aro now working in
tho vicinity of Saunders' Lake. Sun.
Capital City Visitors.
Following visitors nro registered nt
Salem hotels teday:
Frank E. Alloy, Roseburg; J. . R.
Jackson, W. S. Hurst, Hubbard; Mr.
and Mrs. E. C. Dunning, Portland; O
II. Holcomb, Soattlo; E. H. Parker,
St. Paul, W. E. Payno and wife, Port
land; Grant Corby, Woodburn; W. II.
Tato, Sublimity; A. E. Smith, Che
halls; H. Aulauf, Santa Barbara; E. L.
Koys, Woodburn; Frank Snyder,
Pendleton; Gcorgo J. Bontloy, Baker
City; W. L. Toozo, Jack Johnson,
Henry Hall, Jacob Miller, Chas,
Knorstlng, Woodburn; W. C. Mount,
SUvorton, T. A. McBrldo, Oregon City;
Jacob Gnragus, Orogon City; D. S.
Richardson, P. M. Board, Loulsvlllo,
Circuit Court Business.
In the circuit court this foronoon
the caso of Benjamin Schwartz &
Sons vs. Linn Gow, ot nl was on for
hearing. The tostlmony was nl sub
mitted and tho nttorncys mado tholr
argument to tho Jury, wlion tho court
adjourned for tho noon hour. At 1
o'clock tho court lustrlctod the Jury
and .thoso gontlomon retired for tho
p;irposo of considering tho caso and
finding a vordlct.
In tho two liquor cases tho following
flnoe woro Impesed: Massoy ?25, and
Jeffrey ?200.
The good time coming has
come Schilling's Best is it.
You buy of your grocer what-,
ever you want; 'if you think
you don't get it, he hands you
back your money.
Tho contor of attention at tho pres
ent tlmo Is the orchestra concert to
bo given at tho Salem armory tonight,
as a benefit to Company M, 0. N. G.
This concert Is to bo followed by a
grand military ball, which will bo tho
most brilliant social function of tho
Salem social season.
Tho members of tho company havo
been working long and faithfully on
tho details of tho arrangements, and
nothing will bo left undono to add to
tho comfort of tho guests of tho com
pany or to tho pleasure of the even
ing. Tho armory will bo especially
heated for tho concert, so tho public
may rest assured that there will bo no
discomfort on account of a chilly
room, and tho system of ventilation
Is such that tho room will bo cooled
for the comfort of tho dancers.
Corporal Edward Thlelson and Sor
goaut Byrd will havo chargo of tllo
floor, and numbers of tho boys havo
already done a great deal of work pre
paring tho floor for tho occasion. It
will bo thoroughly waxed and polished,
and tho largo spneo will mako It tho
finest dancing floor in tho county.
lb is almost needless to say any
thing further regarding tho splendid
concert to bo rendered. Tho num
bers nro all rare, and thoro Is no ques
tion but thoy aro tho best company of
musicians on tho road for tho slzo, 10
people Both tho young ladles, Miss
Paulino Slosson and Miss Loulso Ton
gorsou, aro specialists who attract no
Binall amount of praise, Miss Torgcr
son producing a tono on tho violin
raroly excelled on tho American
Tho trombone solos nro worthy of
ffpocial montion. A gontlomnn who
hoard tho concort nt McMlnnvlllo said
yostorday that ho had novor hoard tho
equal of Mr. Hawkins on tho trom
bone. Tho Aluminum Chimes Quar
tet, tho largest In tho world, Is very
flno, and will provo a pleasant sur
priso for tho Salem audlonce.
Tho concort will bogln promptly at
8 o'clock, and at 10 o'clock tho or
chestra will strike up tho grand march
for tho moat dollghtful social function
of tho season. Admission to tho con
cort will bo CO conts each, and the
gontlomon taking part Jn tho ball to
follow will bo charged 50 conts oach;
ladles free, and tho ontlro audlonco
Is lnvitod to roraaln and witness tho
brilliant scono, frco of chargo. Chairs
will he provided for tholr comfort.
The Exact Number That Will
Capture the Beautiful
Tiffany $150
Wholesale Tobacconist and
Cigar Dealer
Largest Stock In Willamette Valley g
Notice of Stockholders' Meeting.
Notlco Is hereby given that tho rog-
ualar annual meeting of tho stock
holders of tho Thos. Kay Woolon Mill
Company will bo hold at tho ofllco of
tho company In Salem, Orogon, Tuos
day, January 19th, at 2 o'clock p. m.,
for tho purpose of oloctlng directors.
1-1 l-7t Secretary.
Thore Is a remarkablo Interest in
Tho Journal Diamond Guessin Con
test, and ladles and gentlemen aro
speculating already who will bo tho
lucky individual to wear a diamond
worth $160 that costs tho person
guessing tho unknown numbors abso
lutely only tho troublo to write threo
It is a funny fact that all who como
Into Tho Journal ofllco or. send tholr
ordor in by mall havo already decid
ed on tho numbor thoy bellovo will
capture tho prize, and no two, so far
as thoy havo told tholr guosses, havo
faith in tho samo number, so it is a
matter of fact a clear guoss, hlt-or-miss
Peoplo from tho suburbs and from
tho country aro as much lntorosted
as thoso In town, and tho mall orders
from all pnrts of tho state are in
creasing. It would bo an oxtromoly in
torosting fonturo to publish every
body's guess, but It is llkoly that only
tho guoss Umt gets tho diamond will
bo made public.
Tho Journal Diamond Guossing Con
test is tho best advertised ovont of
tho kind thnt has over interested the
gonoral public, and tho good-natured
lntorost taken is not confined to those
holding receipts, but ovon thoso who
havo no guess coming aro as much ln
torosted. Sovoral members of tho Sa
eom Woman's Club havo dropped in
Branson & Ragan.
Keep all kinds of groceries, and
they aro tho best that can be found
In th.o city. You don't know It until
you have tried them
Not a cheap trust-made article, but the best 5 cent cigar on sale.
AUG. HUCKINSTEIN, Manufacturer, Salem.
New Designs
Drokn Xlne Auto Itecuriln.
Ill the recent automobllo races at
Nieo nlno of the competitors in tho
mile (standing start, and kilometer, Hy
ing sturt) events broke the world's rec
ords for tho distances. Eight of tho
records were nindo In tho mllo race.
Tho bust tlmo was by a sixty horse
power Morccuos car, it covering tho
distance In 08 18-26 soconds.
Hundreds of Salem Readers Find It
-j' So.
Tho hustlo and worry of business
Tho hard wor and stooping of
Tho woman's household cares,
Aro too great a strain on tho kid
noys. Bacacho, headacho, sldoacho.
Kidnoy troublos, urinary troublos
A Salem oltlzon tcUs you how to
euro them all.
Jacob Morolock farmor residing on
Rural avonuo, botwocn Hazol and
Laural strocts, in Nob Hill addition,
South Salem, says: "Doan's Kidnoy
Pills procured at Dr. Stono'a drug
storo did mo good. I bad boon both
orod off and on for quite- long tlmo
with pain through my back and kid
noys. I havo alwayr worked hard at
farming and think tho troublo was
originalIyfcausod from a strain. Tho
socrotlons from tho kidneys woro an
noying at Umos and caused mo con-
sldorablo Inconvonlonco. Before
I bad taken ono box of Doan's Kidnoy
Pills tho pain in my back and othor
symptoms of kidnoy troublo had
passed away. I am ploasod to recom
mend this remedy to others."
Sold for SO cents a box by all deal
ers. FoBtor-Mllburo Co., Buffalo, N.
Y. solo ngonts for tho United Statoe.
Remomber tho nnmo D0AN8 and
take no substitute 2
i II U
Ao thoso trousers that havo weathor
ed tho winter thus far for you fit com
pany f6r your still prosontablo coat
and vest?
There's Just ono thing worse than a socdy, half-worn suit tho
disroputnblo trousors of that samo suit.
Get A New Pai oi Coutse
Tho chances nro that wo can giro you something that wilt go nlo
ly with your coat and vest
Tho best Cheviots, Casslmeros, Twoods and Worsteds, in trous6r
stylo fabrics, aro hero and this Is about tho prices: $3.00, $3.50, $4.00
$4.50 up to $7.00. Plenty of choapor ones, too.
A big porcontago of our customers aro trousor customers. Our,
trousers aro so oxcollent that wo aro making r, -lends at tho rato of
a man for every pair wo sell.
let anothor week of this blustory weather pass without getting
that overcoat You'vo needed It for a long tlmo; why not get it now
and got a big reduction?
C. P. BISHOP, Proprietor.
MMieiHMIPHHWMWMgf liCieitlgf f83
Sale Ten million Boxes a Year.
25c, 50c
h-iiih ii i ii ii 1 1 1 m mi H-f-M-M iiimniimiiiiiiii
3 '
l t
Jinr the Fun" Aro Mud.
The baseball "fans" of Colmubui, O.,
nro raising the biggest kind of a howl
because tholr toiim will havo only ono
holiday game at home during the chain-
pioiwnip sonsou. Thnt will be with To
ledo on the Fourth of July.
i Buy and Sell
I .Mortgages
t- &
I fnm mniiiim i n ii i in mi mi i miniiiMl t
ii n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 niniiiii iniiHiiiimiMiiiil
In jewelry and watches are how
sjlown atPoraoroy'a. If you waijt
the latest and bast thert a, you
will examine thisiiook. You can
make your sdectiou at a price to
suit, and will be sure of getting
the beet y&lne for. the money.
Pxieea out in two.
Jeweler ord Optiei&q, 388 Com. St.
Corbett anil Tenrr.
Manager Sam Hurrte Iwllerea that, ho
can get Young Corbtt into another
flgbt by matching Terry MeGovern to
mtet both nanlon and Yanftr and de
feating tbeoi bdth.
Coanolc null IMiiyem.
Montreal Is evidently la faror of an
nexation. The Canadians har appbd
for a franchise for their ball taiu U
tba Ntw Knglawl Iagiie.
Piatt tfo ir Been."
Wiley Piatt, the Comtokey castoff, l
said to be burning grooves In th air la
Georgia. Wllegr can pitch when In
To Loan
1 Salem Abstract
and Land Co.
I F. W. WATERS, Slat.
piHIllimHIniiiniii iiiiiiiimiiuii;
fiintiiiHiiHnii nuiiiiHwiHiiin-HU'Wl
Jl afiujrJCi
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