Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, January 12, 1904, Page THREE, Image 3

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,age Number of Guesses May Bring the
Contest to a Close Sooner Than
Was Planned at the Start
The above named gentlemen were
know what the number Is. (Signed).
the committee. Constable John H.
Lewis and J. M. Lawrence were on
the committee, but arrived too late to
"It's the real thing. It's a fair way
jf awarding It." These and similar
comments woro made by tlio crowds
in front of tho C. H. Hinges Jowolry
Btoro show window when Tho Journal
P1G0 diamond Tiffany gold ring was
put on exhibition Saturday, and It Is
an unmlstaknblo fact that It Is a dia
mond of tho purest wator, and a daz
zling whlto stono of tho kind now
lost fashlonablo, that sells at retail
In tho best Jowolry stores at ?1G0, and
ill who see It will say so, Tho sot
ting will bo completed In a few days,
mil then you can go In and put It on
your lady's finger, and tell hor you
ihavo mado tho guogs of your lifo in
lor behalf, and, this being leap year,
sho may say tho words that wllll make
you happy.
Many Guesses Saturday.
There was a constant stroam of
subscribers Saturday taking tho num-
uorod receipts, and writing tholr
5uosaes on them nnd depositing them
In tho. soldered tin box at Tho Jour
nal office. There woro ladles and gen
tlemen, state and city officials, busl-
iosb men and somo of tho sporting
art who woro taken by tho opportu-
ilty to participate In a "porfectly
harmless and amusing guessing con
test," but nil lured on by tho free
gift to guess a $1C0 diamond ring onto
Their finger. Hon. D. H. Loonoy, of
Jefferson, cx-prcaldent of tho state
aboard of agriculture, paid a year In
advnnco and got four guossos, and
says Mrs. Looney may as well pre
paro to wear tho diamond ring, as he
was a long time figuring out the num
ber most likely to get tho diamond.
If tho guesses keep coming In per
sonally and by moll as fast as thoy
have tho 075 receipts will bo exhaust
ed before tho month is up. But as
sopn as taken tho diamond will be
The Number to Be Guessed At. '
Thoro It is, scaled up In an envelope
In tho window, with tho diamond, and
there it will remain until the diamond
is glvon away to tho luclfy guessor.
Wrltton across tho faco of a large,
white onvolopo nro tho werds: "This
onvolopo contains tho unknown num
ber In The Capital Journal DIainpnd
Guessing Contest." This number was
r formed In oxact pursuance of tho plan
advertised In Tho Journal, by a com
mlttco of business mon nnd Journal
subscribers, who camo into tho offico
Monday morning. Following Is tholr
signed statomont on exhibition nt Mr.
Hinges' show windew:
Tho Unknown Number.
Wo, tho undorslgicd, were present
at Tho Journal offico January Hth, nnd
assisted In tho forming of tho unknown
number, according to tho plan pub
lished to be used in tho Capital Jour
nal Diamond Guessing Contest. Un
der th 6 rules of forming tho number,
it is Impossible for anyone, not oven
tho members of this commlttco, the
publishers of Tho Journal, nor the
Jowolor who' furnished tho ring, to
Uniform Divorce Laws.
The Chlcngo Nows- calls attention
to the possibility that tho recent ac
tion of New oYrk churchen with re
gard to the remarriage of divorcees
may bring about federal divorce law
sentiment that will provo beneficial.
This is a consummation devoutly to
be wished for. There is scarcely any
federal legislation that would result
in greater good to tho social wolfaro
of, the people of this country general
ly than a tmlform divorce law. It
would seem, If ono woio to consider
tho high Interests of American socio
ty, that It would be as easy and cer
tainly as logical an undertaking to
bring about legal conditions which
tend to protect tho purity of the fami
ly as to pass a law which has uniform
operation In defonso of creditors'
right against Insolvent debtors. To
deny this is frankly to admit that tho
dollar Is tho truo god after all. The
enactment of a uniform federal di
vorce law is dcsirablo from every
point of view. It hay been recom
mended that a conference between
the govornors of ilio sovoral states
be hold for tho purposo of outlining
a gonoral plan for legislation which
will secure practically tho samo re
sult. A momont's reflection Bhould
convince any poison that such a plan
would prove Ineffective, and at best
be far loss feaslblo than a persistent
attompt to havo tho muttor taken up
by congress. In tho ono caso thoro
would bo forty-llvo law-making bodies
to deal with, and tho supposition that
thoso would act in union on any sin
gle proposition approaches tho border
lino of tho absurd. If tho churcho3
of the country doslro to ongago In a
crusade of practical moment, hero Is
tho opportunity. Tho importanco of
tho subject warrants any labor and
expense that may bo Involved in
thorough organization, and aside from
this, tho movomont would havo tho
unqualified support of an overwhelm
ing majority of cltlzons.
flJL A Tale of l
I w"TheRiir,r I
j & A remarkable story of WMUmNkii
1 3 the killing of a Majestic JfSjKkff
j Bull Moose, written by )jllR
g the naturalist - author, g&BMpra
ft) Charles G. D. Roberts. JmBMI
A tale that will appeal
to lovers of the dumb
inhabitants of the forest,
as well as to those who
follow them with a gun.
Also contains
"The Christmas Peace,"
by Thomas Nelson Page.
A Christmas Reverie,"
by Buss Carman.
"Love Story of Mary, Queen of
Scots," by Maurice Hewlett.
"Confessions of a "Wall Street
Private Secretary,"
by Jane Wade.
100 Illustrations
Really a 35-cent Magazine for 15 cents.
iages of Reading
(C 43) H. H. ROS3RtIi, PUBUSHBR, 3 W, 29TH ST., N. V.
if . ' 'oBRniiittiP'Bw ss f ini
Fourteen Years Since
She SangauReyoir
but Not Goodby .
Sings for a Reporter for Noth
. ihgf, but Taxes the City
$25,000 to Hear
with an unaffected "this Is It," sho of crime. Therefore, ho could no't nava
Bang tho phraso with all tho rippling been guilty while within tho, jorls
graco and warmth of tone that made diction of tho governor of Now Jcr
It rcmombored above wondrous trills ' soy. Tho governor of Iowa has agreed
and sparkling coloratura. And all to a similar point."
this riot oven for tho asking. Tho. bird "That's to tho governor's credit,'
In Mme. PattPs throat could not' re-,snld Justice Scott.
Quite her charming self, as viva
clous, as frankly enthusiastic and as
buoyant as over, Mme. Adellna Pattl,
Baroness Ccderstrom, Is In San Fran
cisco again for the first time In four
teen years. Sho nnd her husband ar
rived late yesterday afternoon, and
went direct to their rooms at the Pal
ace rooms filled with llowors from
her friends. Tonight sho will faco
again a San Francisco audlenco in
that samo theatro whore bofoll ono of
tho most thrilling experiences In all
hor career.
Notwithstanding , tho fact that for
weeks she has been singing every
other night nnd living almost contin
uously In hor car, tho Cralg-y-nos,
Mme. Pattl Is as woll and cheerful as
If she were at homo In her own beau
tiful Welsh cnstlo.
It wns difficult to believe laBt evon
Ing that Mme. Pattl was just In from
a trip that would havo tried tho
strength of tlfe most robust Hor good
nature and fine spirits wore Infectious.
Told with hor sonsc of ridiculous,
It did not even scorn so groat a hard
ship that she had had Uttlo more than
"forty winks" on Tuesday night.
Something hnd gone wrong with tha
coupling of the steam pipes, and tho
palatial prlvato car was about as cold
as a patent rofrlgorator all night.
Mme. Pattl latifjhod at tho picture sho
mado with her head bundled up llko
that of a bit, of baby In savage cold
"Why, I could hardly breathe," sho
said, "but It was that or a cold, and
I simply must keop well, for thoro Is
no ono to tako my placo. It Is not
llko tfil1 opera company, where thoro
Is an understudy to como forward In
an emergency."
Father tlmo has not had tho heart
to mark tho passing of tho years for
tho most gracious as well as tho most
wonderful slngor tho world has known.
Without flattery and from tho closost
observation, Mmo. Pattl doos not look
n day past forty years. Quito willing
ly she subjoctod her smooth, plump
cheek to the scrutiny of a searching
light and hor nowspaper visitor whon
the subject of hor ago mmo undor dis
cussion. , Candid and Charming as Ever.
"Somo of tho good peoplo havo said
that I am C5," sho said with a laugh.
"Others havo doclarod that I havo
passed C3. Woll, I could not bo olthor
of those ngas, as I was born In 1843,
Thero are somo peoplo not so Inter
ested In my ago as thoy aro In my
smooth skin, and thoy insist upon
knowing what kind of faco croam I
uso. Tho fact lsthat I don't uso any,
and I toll thorn so. Thoy want to
know If I wash my faco, Just fancy!
Of course, I do; but In oau do cologno.
It smarts n'llttlo, but It is good for
tho skin, koops It firm. For tho fur
ther knowledgo of thoso Inquiring
friends who really want to know any
secrets I havo to toll them I always
add 'And I do not uso cosmetics.'
This last fact was quick to bo
proved. A flngor's prossuro on tho
singers rosy cheek brought tho white
mark to show boyond cavil that the
color was. undor and not outside of
her skin.
Diva Tells a Secret
"Tho secret of no wrinkles," she
went on, "Is no worry. That's ono
thing I will not do. Above all, I do
not road unpleasant things. Tho pa
pers I do not road. In n genoral way,
1 know that many of the critics havo
bou very sovttro. They contoud that
because I havo boon singing for fifty
years tho volume Is closed. Tho peo
ple who say this do not undorstand
me Mark this whon you noar ma
to-morrow evening you will not hoar
a vmration in my voice; you wuj
understand every word I say a do
tall not obsorvod by the Iator singers.
and you will hear that the quality of
my tones remains unchanged, I would
llkp to know who olse at 60 can do
that; suroly not any of tho unfriendly
A Phrase From "Faust"
Reference to hor last vlsJt to San
FranaUoQ fourteen years ago brought
the rsraark that one of the haunting
bits she sang then was the local flight
from the highest to the lowest melodic
depths, a wonderfully beautiful phrase
In tho prison sr ono of "Faust "
"Oh, yes!" she answered and then,
main silent nt tho mention of a well
loved bit from tho best-loved opera.
It was Mmo. Pattl's regret that hor
husband was not nt hand to bo pre
sented. Of him sho said, with a
sparkle In hor expresslvo eyes:
"Ho Is a noblo Swedish gentleman
tho very soul of honor. Tho public
concerns Itself with my ago and his
qulto naturally. Well, wo aro not
absurd together, I can toll you. Ho Is
33, but truth to toll, I am younger
than ho is. For a fact, I can outwalk
him now."
And tho mention of a walk brought
this Uttlo lament:
"Oh, how I would llko to go out to
morrow for a walk on Market street.
My husband wants to tako mo, but
I do not dare. I owb It to my man
agement to run no risks. When I talk
too much I get hoarse." At which
sho lnughed heartily, remembering
that sho had been chatting merrily
for somo time.
Tho sale of scats yesterday for
Mmo. Pattl's two concerts netted an
other ?2000, making tho total to dato
of $21,000. Thoro aro still good scats
to bo had for tho Monday matlnco.
Tho lawyer asked for Zlpf's dis
charge. Assistant District Attdfnojr
Gray admitted Zlpf's was not n proper
cose for extradition.
"This Is n point upon which thrca
great minds agree," said tho Justice,,
and ho ordorcd tho prisoner roleascjL.
Revised Proverbs.
(Columbia Jester.)
It Is never too late to spend.
Money makes U10 mayor go.
A slippered foot gathors no tacks.
You can drlvo a man to drink, but:
you can't mako him pay.
It's a long course that has no lec
tures. 4 - ,
A subscriber and his money arc
hard to part. (. .
Never Preached.
"I seen you kissln' Mnmo," said hor
Uttlo brother.
"Woll, here," said tho dear glrl'a
accepted lover, 'If I glvo you n dime
can I trust you to say nothing about
"Sure! I novor peached on any of
the'othor follows whon thoy gnvo mo
, Only Crime at a Distance.
Now York If a crlmo becomes a
crlmo In a cortaln stnto only nftc.r a
man has left that state, has that
stirto a right to domand his extradi
tion, slnco that crlmo necessarily was
not committed whon he was In that
It sounds much like a dollcato ques
tion raised by tho low comodlan In
ono of Gllbort's topsy-turvy comic
operas; novortholoss, It wns Iho point
raised by a lawyer, and what Is mora
lin wnn thn nnlnt Tt u-na n lirnnil
now question In Now York, but de
cision had been mado In a similar
caso In Iowa, and Justice Scott was
guided by tho Wcstorn precedent. :
Jacob "Zlpf a couplo of months ago
loft his wlfo and child In Nownrk
and enmo to this city. His wlfo, In
a Nownrk court, mado charges of de
sortlon nnd falluro to support. Ho
was arrested hero on Docembor 7,
nnd since has boon In tho Tombs,
pending tho obtaining of extradition
papers. Houbo, Grossman & vorhaus
Instituted habeas corpus proceedings
Selling Oat
At Cost
Beginning Monday, January 4,
1904, I will sell my entire stock of
groceries at Cost I have a fine a
line of canned goodo as any storo
In town. Call early and tako ad
vantage of this opportunity.
Corner Capital and Union 8ta.
1 3-30-3 w
X Horseshoeing and
J General Blacfcsmtthlng
. . Specialty Fitting rubber tires
;i all kinds, Prepared to put
In his behalf, and yestordny ho was ; ; them on any vehicle.
boforo Judgo Scott. Mr. Goldzor of Next door south Salem llotcl.
the law firm said:
"Tho law of New Jersoy is peculiar
in that it doos not mako desertion
alono n crlmo, but says that whon a
man falls to support his wlfo and fam
ily and leaves tho stato ho is guilty
J Ira W. Jorgensen, t
fill I I I IH-itlH-l
J 904 Construction.
English Shapes.
Auto Geats.
Cushion Tires.
Tangent Spokes.
Oak, Maroon, and Olive Finishes. Folding Carts.
I The House Furnishing Co.
269 Liberty St. Stores. Salem and Albany.
'" - t
WWWHHOIl 8 iqf-fJH-
Don't Send a Boy To Mill
If you want a man's work dono,
Is an old saying. You can uond
anyono to our market for meat,
and your ordor will bo filled just
as well as if you camo yourself.
Wo keop nothing but tho vory
choicest moats, fat, primo, tender
and Juicy, and wq obi and trim
your steaks, roasts and chops as
only oxports can for your tabic
E. C Coss
A White Kotfse Coob Book Free
With Violet Boiled Oats, A coupon in every package.
One package IS cents; two for 25 cent.
D. A. White & Son,
Fcedmen asd Seedsaea, 301 Commercial St,. Silea, Ore.