Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, January 12, 1904, Page TWO, Image 2

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iii sn,t'("r"w-
The Press Everywhere
Pronounce it a Mar
vel for Fun
If You Want to Laugh to For-
.get Your Worries and
Troubles, its the
Boss Medicine
The Corvaliis Times
Scores the "Holy
Nothing more enjoyable of a comedy
Mature has been presented here thin
sdeason more likely to produce genuine
burner than MAro You a Mason?"
which comes to the Grand Opera
rjlonse Thursday the 14th. Its record
Us Intornntloiial, for besides having
jcea prceonted In London, Paris and
OJorlla. It played 10 weeks In Phlla
stlfclphm and 12 wookB In lloston. The
VhouiD of the play Is unlimited In fun
It Places the Dark Side of
Their Relfgous Practices
Before the Public
making opportunities! and through Its
reference to masonlr doings It fairly
bubbles with humorous sltuutlons.
which keep one In a couslnnt roar of
laughter. The cant Ih made up of thu
leading force comedy playors aulletl
from the criiant of tlio profession.
Hleanor Crorulnco thu bright dra
matic erltlc of the Ban Francisco
Jlullctlii says of It;
Thu Colulnhlta Theatre nttrnrted
last night nil the peopls who like to
laugh. No one of merry mood could
"have been disappointed, for "Are You
a Matenr la n tliort.tmh.golng farce,
with situations whose silliness Is their
ream for being. A very morose, per
eu iiwiy sit through ihcIi whlrle of
misunderstanding, where everybody Is
At 4e nurihieea, ami most of the
wharuetom allow themselves to tie
easily deceived and led into trait.
teats on sale at Ikx nlllpe Thursday
at D a m. OUrtalw at SMS .
Deafness Cannot Be Cured,
liy local applications as they cannot
reash the diseased portion of the car.
There Is only one way to cure deaf,
ness, am) that Is by constitutional
remedies, Deafness Is caused by an
Inflamed condition of the mucus n
laic of the fctostaohlan tube. When
this tube Is Inflamed you havo a rum
bling round or Imperfect hearing,
and when It Is entirely closed, deaf-
new is the result, and unless the In
flawAtlon sn be taken out and this
tube restored to Its normal condition,
hearing will be destroyed forever;
nine mses out of Un are famed by
eaUrrh. which, li nothing but an In
flamed condition of the mcmi wr
We will give Om Hundred Ddtars
ttr any ease qf deafness unused by
larth) that cannot h cured by
mis uaiann uure. Seid fW cir
culars, fre
Y J. GHItNKY A CO.. Toledo. 0.
Hold by druggists. 78e.
Hall's family pills are the b.t
Corvaliis Times, Jan. 9,: Dy an
act of violence, the Holy Killer apos
tles have been sont away from the
community. Though every person
who participated In the affair that
drove them away, Is guilty of a mlsilo
moanor and liable to prosecution un-
dor tho stnto law, thoro Is no enforce-
mont of the penalty. Tho roason Is
that tho two men had committed of
fenses against tho people of tho vlcln
Ity that tho laws could not roach.
For weoks the community has been
mado notorious by the fool nets of
the zonlotB and their half-crazed fol
lowers. A system of rollglon was set
up In which this pair of high priests
and their follower worshiped behind
irnrreu doors and closely drawn
blinds, behind which the public could
neither pass nor see. Though n
shook to the proprieties, It was ulleg
ed worship of Almighty God for these
two huskies to live In the same look
ed house with a number of young
girls, nnd do nothing In the world
but be religious. Whether as fools or
knaves, whether as fnnntlcal zealots
or ns sinister hypocrites. It remains a
fact that tho acts of Creflleld and
llrookn, practiced under any other
name than that of religion would
have led to violent scandals and an
Interference by the public on the
graundB of common decency long ago.
Tho infortunate girl, domontod in
n Portland sanitarium. Is tho victim.
'and n dreadful testimony of the im
portance or barring tho doors of a
community to gUch mom Tho half
down others In whom nervous shocks
and menial agitation have left marka
that can never be removed nnd
wounds thnt will never hen! are fur
ther vlotliiw to a system or religion,
olllcered by two ornery galoots, found
ed by nobody and followed only by
women. Whether honest, or dishon
est, whether sincere or raise In thelt
pretensions, the coiutemienomi nf ti,
career In this community of the pair
and of OreMold In particular, has
been a succession of disagreeable as
well ns deplorable occurrences and
conditions, mioii as no community de
serves and as few would so Ions- tni.
The late net of violence Is deplored;
but the departure of the men Is welcome.
Another club woman. Airs.
Haule, of Edgerion, Wis., (ells
how she was cured of irregulan
tics and uterine trouble, terrible
pains and backache, by the use
of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
"Dear Mrs. Pinkiiam: A while
ago my health began to fall because of
fcraalo troubles. Tho doctor did not
help me. I remembered that my mother
had used Lyilln 12. PiiiKlimn'fl
Yciretnblo Compound on many oc
casions for Irregularities and uterine
4 mililnit nml T ! f eittf Itfi If. nmilii
not harm mo at any rato to glvo It a
" I was certainly glad to find that
within a wcok I felt much better, tho
terrible pains in tho back and sldo
wcro beginning to cease, and at tho
ttmo of menstruation I did not have
nearly as serious a tlmo as heretofore,
no I continued its use for two months,
and at the end of that time I was liko
a now woman. I really havo never
felt bettor in my life, havo not had a
sick headache since, and weigh 0
pounds more than I over did, so I un
hesitatingly recommend your medi
cine." Mux. May Haums, Edgorton,
Wlo T)i.n. ITmtcAlmlfl lVnnnmtn. Plnli
-t&000farftlt If original of about letter proving
genulmntti cannot t produced.
Sublimity Farm Insurance.
On the Cth Inst., The Farmers' Fire
Relief Asosclatlon, of Sublimity, Or.,
held Its eighth annual soesion at this
Tho secretary rend his eighth an
nual report, showing that during tho
last year they had Increased eight
policies, issued 31 new policies, Insur
ing 06 buildings nnd contonts for the
nmmint nf S7A.22G. nnd they had at
present UG policies In force, Insuring
300 buildings nnu comeius ior uiu
amount of $82,553, and that, by hav
ing their own directors as solicitors,
they carefully guarded ngalnst nil
over-Insurance and dangerous risks;
that they had only one loss by fire In
seven years.
The following officers were elected
for this year: President. Chas. Fisch
er, Sublimity; secretary and treasur
er. Chas. Hottlnger. Sublimity; direc
tors. Martin B. Smith, Whltenker;
Emlel Fnrrette, Stnyton; P C. Freres.
Klumb; Edward Oooley, Mount An
gel; J. P. Mertz, Kingston; special so
llcltors, Jas, Susbnur, Sublimity; Aug.
Albtts Aumsvlllo and John Bonder,
Pleasant Dreams
Cncs the young maid to her mother, as
she retires to rest. The mother smiles,
but sighs. She knows that the pains
.. . Jli. i... ...ill .mt dnn fnr darkness.
tnai racK uci m "- r
and that if she swwraprrTrof
sleeps uer urea.ns
will only be echoes
of the sufferings
of the day.
Why not sleep
sntimllv and rise
refreihed at morn
ing, with strength
and courage for
the day's dutie9?
Weak, nervous
women, sufferers
from backache,
p litis, and other
w o m a n 1 y a i 1
meats, have found
a perfect cure in
Dr. Pierce's Fa
vorite Prescrip
tion. It heals the
womanly diseases
...liti.li filial, tlm
nnibi. nw- -
pains and nervousness. It makes weak
women strong and sick women well.
"I deem It my duly to tipresj my heartfelt
erntltude for Imvlujf been the means, under
Providence, of restoring me to health," writes
Mm. D. 11. Mtuin, of Spriuhlll, Leon Co., l'la.
"For nearly two years I suflercrt from female
r lr m a.... mn 1 f-o,ltfl tint atanrl nn M1V ffr B11V
BfTE-sKKyc-kVi- i? '
EH 1 Anutlv
Llk &m
F mm
jL.,'s v ci'J Jin
Cambridge Man Dead.
Indon, Jnn. 12. Itov. Latimer
Molvlllo, Iord Draybrooks, Master of
Magdalene collogo, Cambridge, Is
dead. He Is tho only titled person
who over hold that position, which ho
gained In 1863, and has since held
continuously. He was 77 years old.
A Debatable Subject.
The Socialist club of this city, nt Its
meetings held every two weeks, dis
cusses Interesting nuestlons, and the
dobntos always nttract good-sized au-
dlencos. Last Sunday aftornoon the
club met In regular sosslon in tho
Grange hall over the Stolnor grncory
store, nnd It was decided to debate.
at tho meeting to bo held Sunday af
ternoon, January 21th, next, the
question : "Resolved, That tho Re
publican pnrty does more for tho la
boring man thau does any other po
litical organization." The discussion,
It Is expected, will bo partlclpatqd In
by a largo number, and especially aro
Hepubllcnns nnd Democrats Invited to
participate, and the lattor are urged to
offer arguments ngnlnst the proposl
tlon, If they hnve any to make
Qolna DaakwsrdL
The Mtmmmwit uroiHMHMt to mum
to the Old afis mm of carry
itmlls bHwe4jv Albany and Curyaltts,
rw by n ndmtiiMHM,,
fw bids Wterrytag walls UstwHtMs
i elltM. iiW, , ,,1,, t0
It broary W (w wrryln.
the mails. t tosr. Anv fl;M
hu rrtv at Ctmn.lMs at 8:W. ad
: Mum. arrive at Al
wny at K:M . M . auhi iu . v-
WJN,. a4 half ,, hr um w
wrleiw fratu November Mth l AMI
UU the eutttrsct ttt t,tt M,WR u,h
hl tsmlaatv J wo M. t, 14
fw 1KW win u ruira. nU
4l away with esrrtaire between u tw
"w r rati.'- AMwtny Detnocmt
.v " Tln
i uas a tlasaat herb drink ti ....
flB I feel brleht smj I wr c
uaaj;r.r.,"."rrf.vaia. n
w iUJi "lw' .N
When Qordon Died.
Atlanta. Oa Jan. 11 while the
ilrlt of (lenernl Oonlou wa tmuinw.
away down In Miami, Just nt 10:08
loelc Saturday night. Oreatora'a
band, at the flrnnd onam hmi.o .
Playing the beautirul medley blend
ing of "Dixie" and "Maryland. My
Maryland," tw airs so dear to the
utkrn heart.
TUs iHilncic wa, wm(rk),bte
when It was known thnt n. i,i ....
ctwtrol rf Creator' asslMontf
wung Into th stratiu at tvi.i ,
larylaiMl. Mjr Mnrytaml.- at Mtiy
1B o'etoek. the wumam u-t n.
Jl QwtkMi (wssl Intu the great b
Tfr In the evening the great
"WtlHctor had been removed from (hs
S. having snsooimM during the m.
dwtlon of one of VmiliM Wmpo4-
Push Club Tonight 7:30 Sharp.
The question of getting letter enr-
rler t. tension to the whole of Oreater
Salem, and havliur suitiplanHv .inr..
boxes put up to hold the mall that Is
offered, are Important matter for tho
Commercial Club to consider tonight
The quarter's duos are now jmyable to
the secretary, Jos. CJ. Clraham. The
ixMtnnlttee on the Chemawa motor line
extension will probably have a report
to make. Thnt committee consists of
Dr. It A. Pierce, John II. Albert. C. P.
nisliop, T. W. Potter and Lloyd T.
Low Excursion Rates.
On account of the concort given by
Madame Fattl, In Portland, Jnnunry
llth, the Southern Pacific makes the
low rate of $2.20 from Salem to Port
land and return. Good on sale tiny,
January 11th, to return on January
15th. M2-2t
The Coimtnnt Wearing of a Hat I"ropo-
Batca Dandruff Gernu,
TLto aro many men who wear their
hats practically all the time when awako,
and aro blosecd with a heavy shock of
hair; yot If tho scalps of these same men
onco becamo Infested With dandruff
germs, the parasites would multiply all
tne quicker for lack of air. Daldness
would ensue as tho final result New
bro's Ilerplclde kills these germs and
stimulates unhealthy hair to abundant
growth. Ilcrplcldo Is a pleasant hair
dressing as well as a dandruff cure and
contains not an atom of Injurious sub
stance. Bold by loading druggists. Bend
10c. In stamps for sample to Tho llorpl
clde Co., Detroit. Allen.
Daniel J. Fry. Special Agent
length of time, could scarcely walk at all.
Appetite was much Impaired; I had bearing
down actuation! ; cau't expreM how badly I
AiA tA Tl-iit lrff-ft trvrnl Wml nf mrftlrlnp
which did rat little or no good. At last decided
to try Dr. Tierc' ravorlte Prescription. I had
not taken an 01 two ootiies oeiore 1 saw 11 was
benefiting me, so I continued to take it until 1
had taken seven bottles, when I felt entirely
f.t.l MA. f.t H .HMfli. nt h... nl.1 ws..
XJi 11 UWl ICC. U IUUVH U tUJ w.u luih-
11 nas ocen over a year mncc i iook
wnnp ti.Mllln aiifl I mil trtithfnlltf Aflv thnt
my health has lieen better for the last jear than
it hid been for four ears previously.
You may publish this as a testimonial."
Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical
Adviser, in paper covers, is sent free on
receipt of at one-cent stamps to pay
expense of mailing only. Address Dr.
R. V. Pierce, Uuffalo, N. Y.
J. Brownstein & Son.
54 State street Highest cash price
paid for hides, Pelts, Wool, Tallow
and Furs; also general dealer In old
Iron, Rubber and Metals. Phone 2071
A Bte Kick
A man mnkoa when his laundry work
Is sont homo with porcuplno edge,
and eproadenglo buttonholes. i(
would bring his llnon to nn up-to-datt
laundry whoro perfect mothods obtalt
at all tlmoe, such as- tho Salora Steatj
Laundry, ho would rccolvo bis shirts
collars nnd cuffo equal to now ever;
tlmo that wo send thorn, homo.
Salem Steam
Col. J. Olmsted, Prop,
Phone 411 230 Liberty 8t
Wedeewood, Historical plates 5 8c
during1 January,
kTIie Vatiety Store
94 Court St, Annora M. Welch, Prot,
Capital Normal School
First National Bank Building. Saltn.
The fall term of twelve weeks oceu
Sectember 28, Address,
J. J. KRAPS. Salem, Or
Dean the me Kino You Hate Alwars I
Ilia Kind You Hate Alwarl
Turner Personals.
Surprise Orange, of Turner iM n
very Interesting seeelon at their hall
Saturday, the 9th. Several lvt.i
guests were present to witness the In-
maiiatlott of otllcers.
Itev. 0. U Tufts, an entugellst and
ItrtMldent of the Anti-Saloon !.-.-
of OrasHw. will speak nt the M. K.
jchuwh Sunday evMlnaj. Janftary
j U A. Hear, of the Mill Crir
German Market f
9 . .. . .
COTTON has not gone up with us.
Regardless of quotations from Wall St,,
and report i as to the condition of the
cotton market,
a ...:n -i: 1. 11 at .
wc wincununueioseuaii cotton ijoods at our
usual low price. See us for flannelettes, outing flan
nel, daisy cloth, muslins, India linons. houselining, tick
ing, shirting, dress linings and all other cotton goods.
Remember no advance in prices at
Just opened, next door to Har
rltt & Lawrence' grocery atoro.
a clean, new market, where all
kinds of meat can bo had. Low
prices and prompt dellvory our
motto. We mako a specialty of
fine Gorman sausage of all
kinds. Give us a call.
Rostefn & Gteeabaum
302 Commercial Street.
. I I 1 1 I I I I I I I I I .H4-t4.HrH I Ull fr-H-H-WK
li Positive
Dr. StOlin tnnl.-t.t2 m .!...... r .
farH, ship.HN, ,arlv ton of carrot co.isultuiion or preecrimion Cm
.and souash Mk tn iw,i.i L... ' , . . . ' l"OIV-r'l'llon. utl
Yes Fee.
and tvtmash Mtede to l'orttanj t...
Oowle Rldloulcs the South.
8H AHtflflltL Tr l.u 11 iu
Ataxander l)oww aM hU Mx
wave nere trrow fur Sm
rraiUe. m. ,1. ...... ,
ig. m eHiertMt utt
tavtsh Miver wwtre atHl the stuff!
This anersouu l. .u ... ..
. . . " UIMsMff
WO IHSTMNS. I)ou fiui.1 ft.w
bMfy ami slow .... . ..V
Olplemats to Retire
-. JSH. 11 Tlia !... i-w.
r.,,,, , . -"- '"iw H'Hg
- tmhw tMsv asu ...
MU aU ilasU.L. ib& ... 'T''
ij.... "--, ..- iwaii or we
AuwrtosH BasVassaOer, Twr u
JJW A lKal Aaieigr dtseatca
o iouuu daily at one or the
oilier of liia drug stores Salem
X Has Or&Vsttlfrf mxr
J from beln cured by me.
Can vo
I Afford to Rtm
the Risk
We Do
What We
vu Km nnu romovo Caacera and I
Tumors without the aid of knife or T
oiner lnstrumont.
Dr. J. P. Cook, tho Dotanlcal Dee- '
tor, cures all kinds of diseases after :
wicr scnoolB have failed, with- ; ;
uul l" a'a or knife or poisons. His
niedlclnoa aro comivuni . .. '
herbs; they are gathered and solocted ; :
. various parts of America and for-
-0. uuhuiob, at great oiponso.
Interior, u .... "!?T
(owu. yuL z:r .t
a year's lesv, aWoct WWW
It May Mean Panama.
Pi. Uaveorth Jan. Maj,
the engineers' ba allloa with six
KWHithB ami Vm seric uinv
wderW trawferre.! to Washlnntim
barracks, and lonKr service men r-
9nm uere. Mu on turlouuh f,. u .tn . ...
the Weal batnllio.. hnv. 1.-'. In.. "" m,B nn fusy as evor.
, ,,nv ,u ,-ana ,or. ai uo Salem Dyelni- nnH m..
"- line WnrL-o n...i.i " - .y?uu
Submarine Floated.
Norfolk, Jaa. iiThu ...w...
boat Mtx-caslR was successfully sm.
this wUg. and Is now beta
townd Wy- tB sjoveraweat tub Peoria
til Norfolk do" dock. Her coTd,
Uoh Is appriitl)- Reed.
Branson A RigjinT
Keep all kludw of niu ,
they aro the beat thu. .. . '......
a U,e city. You don't know it until
you have tried them
Your Stepmother
i8 Works. Repairing and rellnlnT
now velvet collars put on owS
also four suits a month for li S
for and returned. ? CalM
MS. C H. WALKER, Prop.
195 Commercial Streot
nj iL. ...
",c ,e"""n'l of a Prominent Salem Man:
TA TUC nun. .-
In Justlco to DR. J p rnnk- 1 ,t . '.
aBreatworkholSdo.n;,a.nd.t th w'rld V know what ;;
ins treatment from hif 7 - ' ' " .nU lUom ttat have boon talc
ho has romoved from my Jim. m ' and that ,n Um4J
ous Krowths as largo as a SS S2T nT' thrC tUmora ot canc
another cancerous grJwthTl ' . 'T the ,arB0 ,nte8t,n0- M
or from off mjZSSjTl9 Um ott m anoth
clnoa alono, thoy kll Inc Z TJ. accomP8l''d through medl-
turo Itsolf ;Mt.ng oJXuJ thDd T' I00ta' N
dro not believe I could havet ' ? . '" I
wnere In the world, and ehft Z 1 J"" trontmont any. i
i!2!ailitor:to all who rZZl ,
We can do a. much for you, or m0re, If you need It
I. R ror-w
Deiito-t.... b.... . ''""
4 ....r ogianicai Doctor.
for Infaati and Chnr
Ti Kind You Hare Always Bought
Hears the
Signature of
TyT? vr .r War
II 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1, ,,,.,.. ' ,re"' 8a,em Or0n. t
! wistsi in aiBm,Mtira. skij.-.-,
1 ""ionsffl co. I
Sold In 6alsm by 8. a Stone.
w w rr Saoplss.
!i Oats For Sae
I J. G. Graham, Agent 171 " " i
siiBBsisssBsBsis-s-siii MajM- gamMttmtKH