Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, January 12, 1904, Image 1

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, .: ' a,1,
NO. 10.
fapan Will Not
Russia's Pffoctfasti&ation
lemancts Definite Agreements And Ac-
qtieisence In Her Claims as to Korea,
And Manchuria
Port Arthur, Jan. 12. It Is reported
news received from Korea, the commanding officer of the Seventh Russian
brigade has 'gone to the Yolo river to oelect camps and. effect concentration
of troops. The whole Russian fleet Is
London, Jan. 12. According to news
. Kasaga and Nlssln, bought In Genoa
rection of Gibraltar, followed closely
London, Jan. 12. Tho Japancso am
bassador this afternoon mado the fol
lowing statement: "Russia, in her
3t reply suggests the neutralization
of a part of Korea, while recognizing
Japancso preponderance and rights in
that country. Japan 1b unable to ac
rapt this, and, 1b now proparing a re
ply sotting out her suggestions. If
Japan secures what she wants in
torca, negotiations regarding Man
churia will take n more friendly tone,
iind tho crisis will bo considered
paBfled. At present it is imposslblo to
y if war will or will not result,
London, Jan. 12. Tho Times' Pokln
orrospondent, cabling under yester
day's dato, Fays tho Chinese minister
at Toklo, at tho requost of tho Japan-
oso foreign office, tolographed tho fol
lowing communication to Prlnco
"Tho Second Russian reply to tho
1 Japanese proposals has boon recolvod
nt Toklo, but it Is unfavorable and
cannot bo nccoptod by Japan, who
will, unless Russia recedes, bo com
pelled to promptly rosort to arms.
"In view of such an evontuallty, Ja
pan urgoB and oxpecta China to main
tain tho strictest neutrality, to pro
Borvo order throughout tho omplro, to
guard foroignors rosldont in tho Inte
rior, and to take special caro to pro
servo ordor in tho provlncos of
Shantung and Yuna, lost foreign pow
ers might solzo tho pretext of dlsordor
20 Pe cent
On Men's and Boys
We have a good assortment of sites and qualities
for you to select from.
$ Ifyofi have any use for an overcoat, flow's the ;
time to get one at ' ! !
IThe New Yotffcl
2 Dolls, games, hooks dressing cases, and pictures at I
Salem's Cheapest One Plce
Cask Store.
E. T. BARNES, Pop.
Put Up Witli
here that owing to the threatening
In fighting trim.
received here, the Japanese cruisers
from Argentine, have gone in the di
by British warships.
and mnlco aggresstyo movements
Tho correspondent says that tho dis
patch has deeply impressed the Chi
nese, who now bellovo war to'be inev
itable. Ho adds that notes looking to tho
ratification of tho treaty between Chi
na and Japan wero exchanged yester
day afternoon.
Will Respect Treaty Rights,
Washington, Jan. 12. Tho follow
ing bulletin was posted at tho state
department teday: Tho Russian am
bassador called yesterday upon the
secretary of Btato and convoyed tho
assurance of his government that Rus
sia will place no obstacles In tho way
, of tho full enjoyment by tho powers
having treaties with China of nil their
'rights and privileges guaranteed by
I such treaties In Manchuria.
Only a Rumor.
Paris, Jan. 12. A dispatch from St.
Petersburg says It Is reported In diplo
matic olrclos that Japan has accepted
tho last Russian counter proposition.
This doclslon was arrived at after a
longthy conforonce botweon tho for
eign ministers, LnnsdorfT and Kurlno.
This Looks Like War.
Washington, D. C, Jan. 12. Ad
vices to tho stato department yostor
day woro warlike. Tho mikado's gov
ernment Is reported to havo seized 20
merchant vossols for transports. A
report from Seoul says the Ruslsan
Reduction f
Kimrtl thcro is being continually aug
I montcd. The Japanese minister called
, at the ijtntc department for n confer-
unco with Secretary Hny.
France Talks Peace.
Paris, Jan. 11. Tho foreign ofllco
persists In tho belief that peaco will
bo maintained In the. far East. Om
clals say tho news today Indicates that
,war is Indefinitely averted.
Moore Japanese Going Horns.
Victoria, D. C, Jan. 12. Several
promlnont nnd wollknown Japanese
merchants of Victoria havo wound up
tholr affairs hore, transmitted their
capital to Yokohama and other Jap
anese contors, through tho local banks,
and nro waiting to return to Jnpan
on the next Empress, Inquiry as to the
causo lnvarlnbly falls to provoke any
thing more than pollto smllos and de
lightfully vnguo and ovnslvo replies.
It 1b learned from nnothor sourco,
however, that they confidently ox
poet war in the far East, and aro go
ing homo to render what asIstnnco
they can to tholr country.
England Ready for Any Emergency.
London, Jan. 12. It is learned that
England realizes tho present emer
gency, and Is fully propared for any
ovont. Tho largo war preparations
for concluding tho South African
struggglo woro fully mnlntnlned In tho
naval .department. Tho necessity for
placing a check on Russian aggran
dizement growB moro apparent each
day. In tho event of war Germany
and England will bo allies, and France
99999999 MWMIM8M
I Tonight
Cosguove's Celefciate;tJ Orchestra
Followed By
Military Ball
Benefit Company M, 3rd Inft.
Z999999999 99999 9990999999999999999fb999ew
Is oxpectod to side with tho Czar.
War Unavoidable.
Berlin, Jan. 12. Tho St. Potorsunrg
correspondent of tho T.oknl Anzolgor
gives a much moro sorlous view of tho
far Eastern situation than has hither
to emanated from tho capital. Tho
correspondent allogos that ho has au
thontlc Information that thoso In offi
cial clrelos ontortaln a greater con
corn ovor thetllfTlouUIos botweon Rus
sia and Japan than thoy havo horoto
foro allov od to uecomo known to tho
public, and ho says he suspects tho
utterances of tlio press havo boem
optimistically colored, In ordor to con
ceal this official disquiet
Jacksonville, Fla., Jan. 12. The
body of Gonoral Gordon loft Miami
this morning on a special train, fur
nished by Honry Flagloy, and escorted
by stato troops. It will arrivo hero
tonight, whoro the body will 'Ho in
stato, and then procedo to Atlanta,
where there will be an elaborate fu
neral ' ceremony Wednesday.
Sop for Colombia.
Washington, Jnn. 12. Bacon, of
G'orgla, introducod in tho senate to
day a resolution Informing the Presi
dent that tho somite favors and advis
es tho negotiation of a troaty with Co
lombia looking to a 'peaceful adjust
ment' of the differences between Co
lombia and Panama, and that the
former bo compensated for tha loss of
Its sovereignty and territory. It also
provides for reference to The Hague
If such a treaty can't be negotiated.
Tha house ways and means commit
tee decided to rostoro the tariff on Ca-
'nadlan coal Saturday. This Is the
tariff which was removed lat winter
' during the anthracite strike.
I Fined Ten Thousand,
Now oYrk, Jan. 12. Former Con
gre&sman Drigga was today sentenced
to serve ono day la prison and pay a
fine of J10.000 for complicity in the
postal frauds.
Building Inspector for
Eighteen Years Tells
All He Knows
One Word Was Sufficient,--
Notlilng-Had Never Made
a Report in All That
Chlcnfio, Jan. 12. The Iroquolso In-
quost this morning brought out wit
nesses whose testimony has been
awaited with interest since the fire.
William Curran, tho building Inspec
tor, who visited the theatre a short
tlmo before tho fire, had been In
spector 18 years. Ho said Former
Chief Inspector Barry gavo him In
structions to pormlt the thoatre to vio
lato tho ordinance rogardlng over
crowding. Bnrry died last year. Cur
ran received no Instructions from any
one else, but understood tho theatro
could sell standing room. Tho coro
ner asked Curran If he was still trav
eling on tho dead man's orders, to
Tonight !
at Atmoty
which tho latter replied, yos, as ho
had no othor Instructions. Ho said
Barry's succosor told him to prevont
Btnndlng In the aisles, but ho had no
ordor to provent the salo of standing
room, or overcrowding. Ho furthor
admitted that ho didn't know what tho
laws regarding building inspections
called for, as ho had never read tho
instructions. Ho admitted ho didn't
know who wns In ehargo of tho thea
tre Inspection; novor raado any report
of theatres inspected by him. To hia
knowledge no one had over been as
signed to Inspect theatres, but wont
whonovor thoy pleased. Ho believed
tho theatro managers had a right to
refuso tho Inspector admission to tho
house, and dldnt bellevo tho inspect
ors had the right of forclblo entry for
inspection. Whon asked how ho
gained entrance, ho said Bnrry gavo
him the authority.
Washington, aJn. 12. Sonator DII
llngham, of tho committer on territor
ies introducod in the senate today a
report of the sanatoria! sub-commlttoe
that vlsltod Alaska last year. It makos
many recommondations, Including a
400-mllo toad from Eagle City to Val
dot. also svoral roads into the mining
districts, and rocommends a fourth Ju
dicial district, and says the univorsal
opinion In Alaska is that It should
havo a dslegat to congress. It glvoa
a lengthy discretion of the -country's
A Mine Explosion.
Vancouver, B. 0, Jan. 12. On Fri
day at 4 p. m. tho Michael, B. C,
Crow's Noit Page explosion occurred
in Mine No. 3, killing seven miners.
Several minors, who attempted to re
cover the bodies, were knocked out
by Are damp. The cause of the explo
sion la unknown. The funeral took
placo Sunday, and Uio procwssJon, waa
a rollo long, In spite of the storm and
Portland Entertains
the Livestock and
Wool Growers
An All Together Lovely Gab-
fest With Wool in its
Teeth and Brands
Portland, Or., Jnn. 12. Tho Nation
al Llvoatock Association assembled
this morning, 1C00 bolng prosont whon
tho convention was called to ordor.
Prnyor was offered by Dr. Edgar P.
Hill, followed by addrossos of woi
como by Governor Chnmborlaln and
Mayor Goo. II. Williams. Rosponsos
for the livestock roprosontntlvos woro
by Col. L. F. Wilson, of Texas, and on
bohalf of tho wool growors by Francis
F. Warren, of Wyomlnff. Tho annu
al addrossos wero by President John
W. Sprlngor nnd T. J. Hnlloy, of Ore
gon. Tho afternoon session was giv
en over to tho final session of tho wool
growors, to Vhlch delegates to tho
livestock convontlon wero invited.
Eugene's New High School Opens'.
Eugene, Or., Jnn. 12. Tho now high
school building, which waa recently
finished, was opened for business
Monday morning. Tho tenchers and
studonts havo taken up tholr work In
tllo now quarters with much pride, all
tho demands of. a modern' high Bchpol
bolng supplied. Tho old Central build
ing, which lms been in uso by the high
school, will hereafter bo used for tho
nccomdatlon of some of
tho lower
Hanna Is Nominated.
Colombus, 0 Jan. 12. Hanna was
nominated for United States sonator
In tho house this morning.
Tho sonata also nominated Hanna,
and tho Joint session tomorrow will
formnlly declare him olocted to suc
ceed himself.
Clearance Sale
and White Fait
- v fn-rrr" THiirrmwmrTTnwfirf m m i
Another week of sterling attractlote. Splendid savings on ncedfo
things arranged with but one end In view and that to create wants by ad
solute price attractiveness. Peruse tbls advertisementr carefully, for la
every item lurks a itory of money saving that you can Illy afford to miss
Muslin Underw'r
which demonstrate tba
be met with In the
way of economy, style
andlsplcadld wortb ol
beautiful ready-to-wear
underaasllos. All of
lingerie at Clearance
Sale r-rlces, Spec I a 1
lines reduced.
1-2 & 1-3
Tomorrow Only
Wed'day surprise sale
number 158, Tbls sale
promises to be another
great event In economy
A fine selection of per
cale and flannelette
wrappers In a great va
rleiy of colors s regular
$ lvalues
50c each
Ladies' Suits
The manager of this department
Is determined to close out the en
tlie line of fall and winter suits,
cays he most have room and In or
der to get them out aulckly fee has
reduced them all-
$13.50. $15, $18 50 salts
$20. $22.50. $25. $27,50 salts
$ J 385
Car-barn BanditsTrial
Drags Along Very
Girl Has a File, and Mrs.
Schroeder, An Old Brig
antine, Is Mashed on
Chicago, Jan. 12. No additional.
Jurors wero secured today in tho car
barn bandits' case. Mamlo Dunn,
Vandlno'a swootheart, whon searched;
this morning, was found to havo a file
In hor possession. Tho court ordered
that sho bo debarred from attending
tho trial or soolng Vondlno aln.
Mnf. M. Schroodor was also excluded'
fron visiting tho bandits In Jail. The
poll co say sho Is onamorod of Noldor-
The Machen Case.
Vashlngton, Jan. 12. In tho Machen.
cIjSo a Jury was secured this af tor
noon. Tho prosecution began tho
oponlng address. Perry Heath waB:
present, and bowed to numerous ac-.
quaintnnccs, but mado no sign of roc-.
ognltion of Machen.
Czarina Is III.
Vionna. Jan. 12. Tho Pro! Ptchso-
today roports'tho Czarina of Russia,
who Is HI with Influenza, aB much
worso. Tho family and court circles
nro alarmed.
Try a box of that
elegant stuffed fruit.
154 8tat 8t
Phone 1071 Mftla
from our Immense stock
of corsets, an our sec
ond flow, we selected a
namberof lines of high
eradc corsets Every
ne a rood number and
are made by a reliable
firm of corset makers
whose name Is famous,
These special linos are
offered at
50c each
values to $2.50
Men's Clothing
Unhesitatingly wt declare them
to be the best suits ever offered at
these prices. The cry limit of
productive possibility, They are
salts made to excel In every point
and feature
$10.00 Values $ 6.75
i 5.00 Values 9.50
20.00 Values J4.50
25.00 ;,Va!as 6.00
two foet of enow.