f 43HflHHHH!MMHMJMMM -f 19 'A. "i'i'gX' DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, 9ALEM, OREOON. MONDAY, JANUARY 11, 1904. ,i . . K A n H IH ! SB flr M VK 3te Klaa Ton Hato AI ays Bought, and which has bea ut wo lor oyer uu yenra, nan uorno mo Bifrnmuru v. , n - ana JUW pecu mauo unuer urn y- CSfj-j( onalaporvlflloii fllnco Its Infancy. Alt a -ti- v 11-11 A It .. . n.l It -o tin! Brperlmcota ihat' trlflo with and endanger tho health of Xaflusto nod Children ExperJcnco Ifettitwt Experiment. What is CASTORIA CJawri fat a hormlcM snhstltnto for Costoip OJJ, Pare gorft Drops and Soothing; Syrups, It id .Pleasant. 16 eontai'M neither Opluni, Morphlno nor other Narcotlo tmhriMace, Ita ago 1a Its guarantee It destroys Worms mb4 allayii Fovorlshncss. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Oollc. It relloTos TceUilnfj Troubles, cures Constipation mnA Flatulency. It luifltmllntcs tho Food, regulates tho Stomach and Bowels fflvlng healthy and natural sloop 4o Clilldron'fl Panacav-Tho Mother's Friend PICTURES IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS Decorating Committee Canvassing For the Funds About $4,00 Already Pledged --Saleia, Woman's Club Wide Awake la the Cause GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Boars tho Slgnaturo of jp 0 ' ' bBBI Te Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years, ""-----M---BBBH Sale Ten 1 lillion Boxes a Year. 0fmmA tiir nOiiur favorite meoioinc KteT S5,5tr OANDV (bVTW ART1C 1 HI BEST FOR THE BOWELS AU OroctUti lialttmlmlQmHa4f There Is No Raor Made That Beats the I ;; PhfPPiiit I-W4 1 I! R. M. Wade & Co. f?''iiiwww4ww.wwf M M ffMJ, ALL WORK ftRUYKIUXD WHEN PH03IIHIJD 193 Cimmirtfal St vttr TttJitwal. Jinnm iwmbEN Is a warm sport but lies always there with the goods so it is with Elliott's Print Shop, if you are in a hurry for your printing it's there when promised. SEE THE POINT? The plan to place good pictures In the public schools la winning the ap proval and sympathy of cvory patron and business man In Salem. The school decoration committee has be gun a thorough canvass of the city on behalf of tho movement. After four days' work tho following encouraging results arc In ovldence: Names of Donors. J. If. Albert J12.00 A. O. Condlt 12.00 D. 11. James (Houso Furnishing Co.) s 12.00 L. It. Traver 12.00 Mrs. L." It. Traver 12.00 Duron & Hamilton 10.00 Hofer Bros. ..'. 10.00 W. It. Hurghardt 10.00 William Drown 10.00 MM. K. A. Mooro 6.00 Tom CronlBo. I'atton Dros. Dr. W II. Dyrd. Dr. ft B. Dalloy. J. L. Stockton. Ilox Studio. , Salem Art and Frame Co. A. N. Mooro. Daniel J. Fry. E. M. Crolsan. Mr and Mrs. P, A. Wiggins. M Dretlomolor. Mrs, Isabollo T. Geer. Names glvon above with no spcl fled amount promised to glvo olther one or two pictures, nt prices rang Ing from $5 to $12. This list, of J pledges roprosonts n llttlo moro than !$2i)0, which, added to tho $180 raised jby tho Klson oxhlblt, nmounts to near ,ly $100. The Salem Woman's Club Is taking a keon Interest In tho raising of funds. Tho club voted, on yestor. day afternoon, to nttend the Turner exhibit In a body. The club at tho same time appointed a committee and organised a movement to donnto funds to secure sufficient pictures for ono school room. It Is thought sovornl of the promi nent lodge and societies will donate funds to frame several Reed picture. The committee will greatly appreciate the favor of all persons desiring to donate to this fund will send heir names to Mrs. Russell Catlln. Irene. urer of the commltteo, or to tho dally Salem papers. From 5 to 12 Wll hnng af least one good ploturo In Uie Bchooli. Tho committee will study the selection and framing of pictures cnrefully, making a thorough Investigation of rimllar work In other cltlos. The Turner Art Ixwn Kxhlblt will be held In Salem from January 80th to January Stth. at the city hall. TlekotB are now being offered for sale by th K-hool children. A Reed program for each of the four wains Is In prepa ration IlesiuVs the dUiiiflv nt tt,v chronlc fenr of publicity. Sir Philip Durno-Jonos, the famous English artist, fears the contrary. Ho is afraid of dropping out of notice. "Moat of all I dread sllonco about my work." ho states. "I would rather your papers would 'roast me,' to use one of your handy Americanisms, man exclude mo from their columns as not worthy of mention. Criticism Is gra tuitous advertising. Sllenco is you know not what. It Is tho caso of tho small boy and his Inability to ostlmato tho strength of tho birch which his father holds behind his back. John Phlllo Sousa. tho well-known bandmaster, has an abnormal fear of street cars. As ho llvos much In Pitts burg and New York City, this la hard ly to bo wondered at. Ho has been known to hesitate, for ten minutes bo foio crossing tho street. Somo of tbo most successful men have n morbid fear of failure of be ing forgotten. Dr. Theodore Tlmby, Inventor of tho rovolving turret, which gavo tho victory to tho "Monitor," fears belnrc forgotten by his country men, whom ho served so materially. Dr. Ooorgo P. Shrady says that ho has in his lnnorraost soul a fear of drowning. Ho once had a narrow es cape from losing his llfo In that man nor, and has never forgotton It. Howard Chandler Christy, tho mnga- ilno Illustrator, says ho has a "horror of bolng 111 and having to Btop work." Itichard Lo Odlllcne, author of "Tho Quest of tho. Golden Girl," and other popular books, is afraid of old ago. "It is too dreadful to think of!" ho declared, with a shttddor. In s i KBHt- " ! "Crying for me Moon" Odd Fellows' Installation. Ono of tho greatest successes In lodge clrclos in tills city was tho Joint mooting and Installation of officers of tho two Odd Follows' lodgos Cho- mokota No. 1, and Olive No. 18 held In tho hall of tho I. O. O. P. tern- plo Saturday night. A large numbor of tho mombers of the two lodges woro prosont whon tho mooting was called to ordor, and, after tho usual business, District Deputy Grand Mas tor Otto Shultz, of Jefferson, installed tho officers of tho two lodgos. Thoso nttondlng wore: G. W. Humphrey, of Jefferson, grand malinl; J. C. Smith, of Jefferson, grand wardon; O. West, grand secretary; Webster Holmes, grand financial secretary; J. S. Slog- niund; grand treasurer. Aftor the In- Has become a pro verbial phrase to ex press the futility of mere desire. There are ft great many pco- TIC WHO I til Ii. It o i.i- . --... A tt. useless to hope lor neaiiu as iu ? ". " moon. Thef have tried many medicines and many doctors, but all in vain. A treat many hopeless men and women have been cured by the use of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery j people with obstinate coughs, bleedinr lungs, night sweats and other symptom t oUease which If neglected or unsklllfully treated find a fatal termination In consumption. "Golden Medical Discovery 'has a won derful healing power. It increases the nutrition of the body, and so gives strength to throw off disease. It cleanses the blood from poisonous impurities and enriches It with the red corpuscles of health. It is not a stimulant, but a strength giving medi cine. It contains no alcohol, neither opium, cocaine, nor any other narcotic. Sometimes the extra profit paid by Inferior medicines tempts the dealer to offer a substitute as "just as good "as "D s covery." If you are convinced that "DIs- COVCIJ Will iuicuuv..w.. "I was in poor ntaun mn i cuiuiucukw taking Dr. Pltrce's medicine," writes Mr, Blmer Lawler, of VoIrb. Jefferson Co,. Indiana. "I had stomach, kidney, heart, and lung trouble. Was not sole to do any work. I had a severe cough and hemorrhage of the lungs, but after using jour raedldne a while I commenced to galnln strength and flesh, and stopped cough Ing right away. Took about six bottles of the Golden Medical Discovery' then, and last spring I had Grippe, and It settled on my lungs, leaving me with a severe cough. I had the uocior, duk ne oiuni kcdi w ucp ic nuj bu l KUIUIUCIIniJuui ujiu- Idne again and took three or four bottles of the 'Dltcovery' and two vials of Dr. Pierce's rel icts, and that straight ened me up. I feel Tike a different person. I gladly recommend your medicine to all suffer ers, for I know it cured DUC." Dr. Pierce's Pleas ant relicts cure con stlpation by curing its cause. Op SttOJtr, 6 jam umimm&uw 8 TRAIN8 TO THE EAST DAILY, DXPlBT YOB Chicago Portland Special 8 60a. m via linn i-lngton Salt Lake, Dnvar Irt nana, vrmu, auisi OUt, 81 Louis, Chicago anu owi. AtlantlO Xxprocs 1:10 Vtta. via II ant-lngtoa WJ4 Ftee9 Yes Ftee Dr. Stono makes no clinreo for consultation or prescription. Can bo found daily at one or the other of his drug stores Salem Oregon. 8t.PaiU Fast Hall 7 46 p. m. via TIME SCHEDULES from Portland) Or, HaH Ta lUnvM V Worth, Omaha, Kansas tnty, t. Jjoou, uoicagtj Willi Walla tairiau Spokane. WaJlaca, Pulji man, Minneapolis Bt ram, uoinwipMuwaDre Bpokana Ohloago, and 'last. Aanrvi won wa. . i : a.t 70 " HOURS w PORTLAMD TO CHICAGO no i-naaio oi i:srs OCEAN AND RIVER 0CHEDULB rtvm rviuua 70 a. 8 p. m. Dallr T,l Bondav xoep Ruin Saturday Qr.ni, All sailing datea subject IU UUKUgO Tortanrranelsco Ball every 5 days COLUMBIA RIVER ToAstorta and Way Landings p. is P.. x.Bun'i WILLAMETTE RIVER Steamer Huth Ieavos Salem fm Portland and way landlngo on Tuee dayB, ThuradayB and Saturdays, abont 6 a, m. M. p. BALDWIN A. L. CRAIO, AgLO.R.&N. Salem. Gon. Pass. Agt Portland, Or. Your Stepmother been prepared by a committee from Ollvo lodge, consisting of C. S. Ham ilton, P. F. Toevs, J. A. Mothorn and Richard Carlson, and to this the mem hers did nmple Justice, and, over tho coffee and cigars, a pleisnnt hour was spent. It wns the largest irntiiBi-in.. of the members of this order seon In Snlem In several years. Tho officers Installed were: Chemeketa lodge No. 1 n. J. .?,,. cer, noble grand; C. D. McNnry. vice grand; V. H. p8mt, secretary; C. G Worrlck, financial secretary; H. A. i nomas, treasurer; 11. p. West, war den; J. Rosenbnum, conductor; M p Daldwln. R. S. N. G.; G. O. Gnns, ll s' N. G.; Wm. Waldo, R. S. V. G,; Carl Lnchelle, U S. V. G: J . w vn If " " UUIIK, iiwlde guardian; J. w. Frost, 0uido guardlnn; T. A. RatcIlfT, R, S. S R D. Taylor, h. S. S. " ' unve muge No. 18 n n ttoi. ! .!- . --, ..ouje granu; D. L. Smith, vice grand; P. p. Toovs, socretary; R, Carlson, financial secretary; John Molr. treasurer; D. C. Ross, warden; If. O Whlfn .!... . ' fri pic, the pupita m p n.s N oTx S, Vn T' their written work on Hvhii.i ..!.- t . ....' "' "un,n- ' S. N. G.; -. . o.uwiorn. ii. a. v. g.; c. N. Par Is still horo, and ao busy as over. When your clothos aro worn and dirty, or tho buttons off tako them to hnr nf ,1m Q.lnm rv..lH 1 m smiiatlon tho morabors adjourned tol'DS Works. Repairing and rellniug; tne onnquet room, whore n feast had . 0,vot couare put on overcoats; also four suita a month for 1. Callod tor ana roturnod. MuS. C. H. WALKER, Prop. 195 Commorclal Streofe tyj 4u .w tL'J Iw ri.'SSJH'OKNOHBH W -V .1 -unnaii md Unlr U.,ul.. r-.i-v:p,-r i.....l....ki. -.. .7. r ri .. - ---.-n"i saiM. ill iira.ri f uu.tibb, -jiv, bir. n.r,Z . A ,. J,r" Wfclt. 1 .0(io tWIi.,i.i. '.li J. wj uu mm,. M4U Hiura. i-iiii.I ? their written work on, exhibit at the same time. WHAT SOME MEN FEAR meRtw. loalde minntian: A vnM" .., Jde nuardlnn; A. M. dough. R. s. s JWHWWWWWWfW I THE PICK OF THE FOREST m. m-.TJm tte. anaaaaaani u ir i r , t isi &wmm&wmi jl Bk v n 'I IHRnuMVAi kJr 'Ami D Srf ( a vr toad of No. l Millionaire's Poop Stomach. The worn-out stomach of tho ovor fed millionaire is oftcm paraded In the Tlli Hflrw ' ia ns a nwnnle oxample of THE MOST'l ? eV'8 aU,ndant n the Pi"i I lit- ITIUO 1 ,o fgrcat wealth. Rut millionaires are. not the only ones who n ......, I.. III. l. . " "IIVIU PILES p- suppository --i m ir.!..7.T jot """"a. m. 8old In Salem by B.'c. 8ton. call for Free Bunpltt, cortUutt. J P . ,u ,l. I " 'u. oau stomachs. The proportion I. , t. .inMs far greater aruone th. !!.. .. Jlaa ben tak , .! ::'r."'" H " "I canot WMia and inuL. :i .'"; "J8 iu. , '" wwookw. w BHytAiiif; which j oar " bi. ., .J " " uro rampant luwbr in our )ftr. 0ur stock Is- 'tar., and he r7f. i VwIA.,. M,t ? " thMe Pop,a' aad V iuir Jt recttlved a Mr i.,i ... .. . (i v ,.. ' a ,n c"l unless thev avail ho.!...- . lutnM.ln-.l ,.li-.. ... 0l a 7" ""cine iiKe Green's Aueust a favorite . i- w t:' ""..'"" - 'HK. PtMNM Mm m. al bravsrv .... i. '.". "bp appetite and taaurin, . ,, ,. .. " '" """ "T"r ain wn dlaeetion i .... . .. ". - QOODalp . ,,- """ w Iw 1. and L,.. . " "T "" Uie -- mosvrt uu. i) UUea , lj.i j wi. " - t",,"w BJi. ana raakoa nrtt k t jhrwB. n. a.att. what wJSll.b0lt2e!W,.75e. At , UIUKKWIS. At n CI...I. I --.-.. w. uwao i i nrnroa shlMRles. ako a ear f flae shaW" Otaw man at .. . 'stnndard medicine like Gre !. m - mwmmm 1IUUHH1II1II nUHn.f .v i.iib. ' " ftlHU ' " - .- xm k4 i u rtw y;; wr ". . : .u. J . -lwv' VI i iu aaiju ,. ., ,. depot Corvaf lis & EasfernR R. TIME CARD NO. 24. No. 2 for Yaqulna: Leaves Albany 12:46 p.m. Offers a cholco of THREE! Eatoways, KANSAS CTTY, ST. JOSEPH Of OMAHA, to Chicago and points East Through Standard and Toorlil Bleeping care dally between San Fran. Cisco and Chicago via Los Anrelos and 1 Paso. Through Tourist Sleeper oack TUESDAY from Portland to Chicago via Snlt Lake and Colorado Springs. Through Standard Hloeplng Can dally betwoon Ogden and Chicago. Lowest rato In effect alwavs Tlt able via "Rock Island SyBtein." Reduced ROUND TRIP RATEJ3 fn effect on July 12, 13, IB and 16, and August 18, 19, 26 and 26; 90 daya r turn limit Bo sure that your ticket rnd irfa tho Great Rock Island ftouto. Tho boet and most rfwutnnnhiA Mi Ing car servlco. For information, GEO. W. DAINTER, T. P. A. I D. GORHAM. Gen Act 9Kn aia- street. Portland Ore. Quick Time East 8r!TJFU;0ma' 8etU. PW ha n...n J " "" mo SJOUU10BW inrough trains Seattl n trr,ia ffidS,!l!i?!?r5 hut nn; . . occjjorH. ana wi cmfribRdp8106' clw" Whv not fw tu ol-.i..-.. - vtn mitu.1 ? Try ouu"imbi apeciw 2S;-? iL 1 tfd U, Durllngt6nT Too mt do betterv and you might do 2:00 p. m, 6; 20 p m. 6M5 a. m. 11:30 a.m. .12:16 p.m. ""mm., -: : i .sraTtrji r;r ""itH n u ,w ... .t. -. aaclarail. "Im- t t ... .... . .. rsrzr i -S . v,. m wm i was cauafct oiuw mo ont Md iJZrJz: rfjTL af ' . ki Mr.LTLr. r. rt4 r-"-- 'wiamcBUJ' flarritt.5 Lawrence j Annual riiersKrS ZUSK Le5- ".nm mihia f ir, J"lfM MOD tOOdS CLO . a QROCBHV. 'Vsyy U IU drug Meetlna at Mui.. ,. . "" nie. Tao aanual BteotiB? nt . bera of xhe Oreioe Mr nM.. ... tolaUon will u bw xri,. r IVtay. January 13U,. at 10 0vvv,t AW. , wk, .a." pw m. JT ,e " Hark ofthe"Ohwn..0of;7; aTnb?. f ? bu8,n- to a a may be brt.ught before it iMwk I-eavoa Corvallla Arrives Yaqulna No. 1 Returning: Lavos Yaqulna Leaves Corvallla Arrives Albany No. 3 for Derelt: Leaves Albany lmm Arrives Dotrol' .. i,.n. No. 4 From Detreit: Leaves Detroit 1:00 Arrives Albany B:B5J time to conneot with the S. p .0uth bound train, ns wall .. , ' uin three hours ,B AlbonT bS Zl turo of S. P. northbound Sn Train No. S connects with the S P. trains at CorvalMa . nu... . !!Ld!rr' !rk t0 Nexrt and ad" Train No. : for Detroit nu w ... CZ 5Tf. KL-a.iS,S ' "" apings same day. w. . iniormatlon apply to EDWIN STONE. T COCKIIISLL, Agmt, SS'' n- a ciionibb; Agt, cordis. ifffWMi MHHH( A. C. 8HE-D0N, Q.n.ral Agent IOO THIRD STREET, PORTLAND. i O. C. T. CO.'8A88ENGER 8TEAMER8 POMONA rl' Sjl7nK"SJl "rtsy at 7 a. MFrlndepndsnce dally except Buudy Deck: Foot qf Trada Strati. r. BAUDWIN, Aflt Capital Normal School First National Bank BuUdlnir. Salea. Ue?8?ftWACJMfek50MDa j. J. KRAPS. Salca. Of, J. Brownstein & Son. State street Hr0hnit cash prlc paid fop hides. peiti wt Y.iievr and Fura; also goneral dealer In old ron, Rubber and Metals. Phone 2D71 "Ul