Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, January 11, 1904, Page THREE, Image 3

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    te r,-mpw'' i 'ipywi'i vw "ty" T?ityip,n;y'f'7'' v,y"!
f-bAAtjL Jiuj iJVi
JafcAiiMtliiiiAiJh. A1jb f n i
Dayton to Hav,e a Bank.
Thoro is no doubt now about Day
ton having a bank shortly. Mr. Clar-
Enc Probert, of Chicago, III., who has
ad considerable oxporlonco in the
banking business, has beon horo this
forook, looking ovor tho field, with the
Elew of opening a bank at this placo.
lo was favorably Impressed by tho
welcome given him by tho business
community and tho favornblo outlook
for business In his lino in this placo,
after being shown' over town by somo
of tho business men, and over tho
country by J. E. Molllngor, tho entor-
Magazine for January
The Magazine of all Magazines for fiction by tfye cleverest
stdry-tellers of the day The greatest'writers in this country and
England are contributors to the Metropolitan's
l&O Pag'es of Reading
This is more than is found in most of the 35-cert magazines.
Really a 35-cent publication in Quality and Size for 15 cents.
12 SKort Stories
Such writers as:
Phillpotts; Maurice Hewlett; W. A. Frazer;
Harbour; Chas.
Huneker and
IOO Illustrations
by Blendon Campbell ; George Gibbs;
Arthur Heming; F.Strothmann; Frank
Parker; and others of equal note ; 20
Reproductions from Famous Paint
ings of George Frederick Watts.
16 Portraits of
Beautiful Women
This feature sells thousands of copies
each month. 16 full ? page portraits,
mostly of pretty women of the stage.
.All News - stands
Price, 15 Cents.
.JT" -1
pt - i Jtsvn fjtje
prising real' ostato agent Ha con
cluded, nftor interviewing tho busl
noss men, to cast his lot hero, and
leasod tho Bradley building, noxt to
the livery barn, for one year. It will
bo a, stnto bank, with a paid up capi
tal stock of 125,000. Tho bank will
opon for business Fobruary lstMr.
'Probort Is now In Portland purchasing
tho necessary furniture and fixtures
for tho bank. Dayton Herald.
ttn tin a IhJ Kind toa Han Aln B2
Thomas Nelson Page; Bliss
vj. JJ. Koberts; Larolyn Wells; James
others are among the noted contributors.
S- y, '!, i j -
Ex-Governor Foster.
Springfield, 0 Jan. D.t-The condi
tion of orf-Governor Chnrlos Foster,
who was stricken with paralysis last
night, is extremely critical.
Ho never rallied from tho shpek,
and died at 11:30.
Ho was governor of Ohio from 187!)
to 1881, and secretary cl tho treasury
undor HarrlBon, succeeding William
Wlndom, and was 71 years old. His
daughter, Anna, was at his bedside
when hd died. For tho last 12 hour3
ho was unconscious.
Carman!' Eden
Ralph He'nry
0 fjft
. ' i
Lumbermen Who Cen
ter at Kansas City
Push Measure
Proposes to Create Liability
on the Part of Transpor
tation companies fall
ing to Furnish Cars
Tho Southwestern Lumberman's
Association of Kansas City", Mo., asks
Tho Journal to publish the following
bill Introduced In Congress to compel
and regulate tho carriage of Intor-stato
freight on all railroads engaged in In-ter-stato
transportation, and moro
especially intended to creato liability
on tho part of railroads engaged in tho
business of common carrier where
they fall to furnish cars. The full
text of tho bill is as follews:
Section 1. It shall bo tho duty of
every railroad company engaged In
carrying, or In giving bills of lading
for' carrying, personal property and
live stock, between points In different
states or territories, upon written ap
plication by any person for tho car
riage of any such property or live
Stock ovor tho railroad of any such
company, or ovor such railroad and
any connecting llpo or lines of rail
road, to any point In another State or
torrltory, to recolvo and commonco
horeof within flvo days after tho offor
of dollvory thorcof for such carrlago,
and any falluro to recolvo or com
mofico tho carrying Ihoreof' within
flvo days after tho offer, of dollvory
thereof for such carriage, and any
failure to recolvo or commoncG tho
carriage of such projiorty or live stock
by any such company In any . enso
shall untitle tho porson making such
application to recovor from such com
pany, for each car necessary for such
carriage, for each day aftor said flvo
days during which such falluro shall
contlnuo a penalty, of ton dollars, re
coverable by such portions as plaintiff
against eald company as dofondant
by a civil action in a circuit court of
tho United Statos for any district in
which such 'company may havo an
ofllce and agent for the transaction of
any business, upon whom summoms
therein may bo served.
Section 2. Tho provisions of ' tho
next preceding soctlon sllnll apply not
only to tho Initial railroad carrier to
which such application shall bo made,
but also to any connecting railroad
carrier engaged In such carrying of
personal proporty. and ' llvo stock on
any railroad lino or part of a lino bo-
tweon tho point of tho tormlnus of,
such Initial carrier aud tho ultimate
point of shlpmont to which connecting
cnrrlcr said porson shall mako a writ
ten application for tho contlnuod
carrlago of his proporty or llvo stock
by such connecting carrier.
Section 3. It shall bo tho duty of
overy railroad company ongagod In
carrying porsonal proporty or live
stock bttwoon points in dlfforont
states or territories, whonovor so on
gaged as solo carrier, or as an Initial
or connecting carrier In such carriage,
to transport and haul all cars fur
nished to any shlppor for such car
riage ovor Its line of railroad from
tho starting point to the point of desti
nation thereon of such shipment, In
surn number of days of twenty-four
hours each as will equal the numbor
residing from the division by the
number fifty, of the total numbor of
nillos of carrlago of said shipment
over its lino of railroad by such com
pany with dr -without any remainder
by such division, and for oach ad
dltlonal day occupied in such carrlago
over and abovo such number 'In com
pleting such shlpmont said company
shall forfeit and pay to ths consignee
Children that grow too fast
and those that seem hardly
to grow at all, both need
ScrJtt's Emulsion.
It gives that rich 'vital
nourishment which is the
secret of all healthy growth.
It rounds out the long limbs,
and helps children to grow
without using up all their
strength in growing.
Mothers ought to know
more about the wonderful
help which Scott's Emulsion
would give their children.
W'U wad you mnpU free opon request.
SCOTT & BOWNE, 409 fowl Street, New Yctk.
of such shlppor for each enr bo fur
nished and transported tho sum and
pennltyof ton dollars to be recovered
by him In tho manner provided 1x1
the first section of this act.
Scctto.l 4. It shall not bo a defense
to any suit under the provisions of
this act, that tho company sued did
not havo tho cars necessary for any
shipment applied for, or did not havo
tho requisite equipment for tho can
rlago or hauling thorcof frqm tho
point of starting tb tho destination
thereof, on Its lino of railroad.
Section G. Tho penalties recover
able undor this net may bo sued for
In ono slhglo count or statement in
tho. petition or complaint, without
having a separata count for tho pen
alty for each car fpr each day for
which Buch penalty' is given by this
You Are Certain to Lose If You At
tempt the Use of Force and.
You cannot forco your stomach to
do work that It Is unable and unwil
ling to do. It has been tried time
and time again with always tho same
result Tho stomach is a good and
faithful Borvant; but when pushed bo
yond U10 limit it rebels. Somo stom
achs will stand much moro abuse than
othors, but ovory stomach has Its
limit; and when that limit Is roached
it Is a vory dangorous and unwlso
procoduro to attempt to forco It Into
doing furthor work. Tho sonslblo
and reasonablo courso Is to omploy
a substltuto to carry on tho work of
digestion and glvo tho stomach an
opportunity to rccuporato and regain
Its lost strongth.
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets aro the
only perfect substltuto to, tako up anJ
curry on U10 work of tho tired, worn
out stomachs. Thoy nro natural and
onsy In tholr work and cnuso no dis
turbance In tho dlgelvo organs. Thoy
contuln all tho essential oloments
that mako un tho gastric julco and
other dlgostlvo Holds; und will dlgost
any food that a strong, healthy stom
nch will, and do It In tho snmo time
nnd In tho samo way. Tlioy work
Independently of surrounding condl
tlons and tho fact that tho stomach
Is weak or dlsoased .(loos not Inllu
onco thorn at all In their usoful and
offectlvo work. Thoy vlll dlgost fooJ
Just as well in a rIubs jar or bottle
as they will tn a stomach. You can
8eo that for yoursolf by putting ono
of thorn Into n Jar with a square meal
and somo wator lo onablo it to 'work
Stuart's Dyspopsla Tablost, by thus
rollovlng the stomach of Its work, on
ablo that organ to rost and rccupor
ato and rogaln Its honlth and strength.
Tho process is perfectly natural and
plain. Nature will heal the stomach
Just as she hoals a wound or a broken
limb, if sho Is not Interfered with
nnd ls pormlttod" to do her work In
hor own way. All interference Is 'pre
vontqd by Stuart's Dyspopsla Tablets.
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablots aro for
salo by druggists evorywhoro at 50
cents a box and If you aro aflllctod
with dsspopsla, ono box will mnke
you fool fifty times bottor. You will
forgQt you havo n stomach and ro
Jolco in Uio forgotfulnoss. No drug
gist would bo so shortsighted ns to
try to get along without Stuart's Dys
pepsia Tablets, for thoy aro so popu
lar and aro so well known for tho
good they have done and tho happl
noss they have cnusod that any drug
gist caught without thorn would lose
the confldenco of his customors and
bo regarded ns bolow' tho stnudard
Ills buslnoss would suffer as a re
sult and his patrons would go to' other
stores and buy their other drugs there
as wall-ns tholr Stuart's Dyspopsla
Topeka, Jan. 9. Hlanehe Doles, a
tompoinnco fanatic, und a dlsclplo of
Carrie Nation, today destroyed, with
an axe, a fine picture of the Custer
mnseaare, which tho State Hlstotlcal
Society oxhlblts In the state bouse.
Tho pioture bora a small plato show
ing It was presented by a brewing
company. Hue was arrostou ana
properly Jugged.
Another Bad Cashier.
Troy, Knn., Jan. 9. Cashier Mar
cell, of, the Dank of Highland, Kansas,
was held on a charge of forgery today.
He turned over all his property to the
bank directors for the use of credi
tors. The bank examiner places the
JlabUIUea at 4300,000 and Marcell's
assets at 30 000
What Is the uee of telling the rbcomatta
that bo foels as It hli Joint were being dis
located T
lie kqoirs that his euCTerlncs are very
much like the tortures of the rack.
What he 'vault lo know is what will per
manently cure his disease.
That, according to-tliouiaud of grateful
teitlmonlala, la
Hood's SarsaparillU
It promptly fieutralli the acid. In tb
blood on which the disease depends, com
pletely "eliminates It, and strengthens tb
ivftfara aAaln&t Its return. TryTtbod'a
Tho Inter Ocean of January 4 saypr
Thoro )s. a flower famlno In Chicago
at present. Friends and relatives oC
the victims of tho Iroquois theator
disaster wore In 'soro distress; yester
day becauso thoy wore unable to bay
wreaths or set pieces with which to
honor tho caskets and graves of Uiotr
Tho famlno did not assume serious
proportions unUl lata Saturady nftor
noon. Yestorday It was almost lin
posslblo to got any flowors at all.
Whero thoy wore obtalnablo In small
quantities extravagant prices woro
chargbd. Roses could not be bought
for loss than $6 a dozen, Carnations
woro I1.G0, whero usually thoy mny
bo purchased for 30 cents, or 50 cents
at) tho highest. Violets woro from
$1 to $G a hundred.
On Saturday tho retailors fought
with each oUior at tho wholoaaKt
shops to got tholr orders filled. Two
promlnont' down-town florists had re
course to fisticuffs.' In tho meantime;,
special express orders woro bolng
rushed lnjp tho city from Summer"
dalo and Hinsdale. Wlso wholesalers
as far East, as Now Joraoy and Now
York nnd shipped thorn In unusual
qunntltlea West, not waiting for tho?
"rush" orders that camo In on them.
Many of "tho down-town retail flor
ists woro compolled to oloso their
BhopB before noon yesterday, having
sold out tholr ontiro stock. ,Tlur
whlto counters land .refrlgorntors wre
empty, nnd the fow romnnqts that
remained unsold oro tho holly
wreaths made up for Chrlatmau fos
tlvltlos. Thoy woro not In demand
on tho day of mourning.
Deafness Cannot Cured,
by local applications as they cannot
roach tho dlsWsbd portion of tho ear.
Thoro Is only ono way to euro deal
noss, and that l,by constitutional
romodlos. Deafness Is cnusod by an
Inflamed condition pf tho muciiB lin
ing of Uio Eustachian tuba Whon
this tubo Is inllnmed you havo a rum
bling sound or imporfect hearing,
and whon It is ontiroly closed, dc&f
noss Is tho result, nnd unlesu tho In
flamation qan bo taken out nnd this
tubo restored to its normal condition,
hearing will be destroyed forever;
nlno cabos out of ton nro cnueed by
catarrh, which Is nothing but an in
flamed condition of the' mucous ser
vices. Wo will giro Ono Hundred Dollars
for nny caso of doafnoua (caused by
catarrh) that cannot bo cured by
Hall'8 Catarrh Cure. Seud for cir
culars, free.
P. J. CIIBNBY & CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by druggists, 7Cc.
'Hall's Family Pills are the beet.
"Portland and Return Only WO."
Tho Southern Pacific Is now selling
round trip tickets to Portland from
Salotn for $2.20, good going Saturday
or Sunday, returning Sunday nnd Mon
day, giving all day Sunday and Mon
day In Portland. The same arrancc-
,mont applies from Portland, giving all
Portland pooplo a chance to visit vaU
ley points at greatly reduced rates.
W. a COMAN, 0. P. A.
For Infants and Children,
Tho Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
. ... , . . ,
German Market
Just opened, next door to Han
rltt & LawronccM grocory stere.
a clean, new market, whero all
kinds of meat con be had. Low
prices and prompt delivery our
9 motto. We make a sDeolalty of
fine German sansage of all
kinds. Give us a call