My IPf H fr. ' v w TW0 DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OH-gOM, MONDAY, JANUARY 11, 1904, If DAILY J0U1JL flcrgps News Alteration Telegrams. QY HOPER BROTHERS. Dully One - Year, $4X0 In Advance. Dally Three Month, L00 In Advance. Dally by Carrier, BO Cent Per Month'. Weekly One Year, $1.00 In Advance. .JOURNAL'flPEClAL DELIVERY. 8M,Wek 10 nefWjmth $ -3S Three Months $1.00 (At Journal Office. At Daue'a Orocery, 8outh Salem. At Ooweriox Orocery, Yew Park. ylum, Avenue Orocery Store.' Efeetrl Orocery, East State 8L ii tir.r: IHIIIIMIHMIIIIIIHHj mfflHm ilHliniHIIIHIIHIIIIIt OREGON COMING EVENT8. National.., Urostock.. contention, VottUMA, January IMC. Aurora coot show, Dallaa, Junu rr 1M6. o the Weather. TonjRht and Tuesday, occasional JUjht rain. proraoto public Improvements, to em- ntn nn n. Iftrfiro SOfllO. That Ib tho bOBt way to keep a city alivo and growing. Dili Portland is generally pitted agalnit any move ment for the rest of tho stato. For Inetanco In the fight of tho iiintutra for hatter conditions. Port land feather her own nest and leta the Industries of tho rent of tho state go hang. So long as the rest of the Mate 1 willing to be bled and play second mi die to Portland, Oregon will remain undeveloped. Oregon will begin to grow when Portland I made to play fair with the rest of the state. ate0ejj JOURNAL X-RAYS! ti9999999i99G&9&9QJ9999to99999 It must not be concluded that Knappa Is nn Orogon town that Is ever gong to be caught napping. made no secret of hlrguoss, saying as ho wrote it "seven, como $even." A orap shooter, sure The political fight In Marl will as usual be ovor sheriff. Ion County tho0ofnco of 11M...1,. f.nnn ta vntf U-r.rH.F4 1 K AAA .1 ton, which Is an awfully hl&hjirlce for any kind of Jaw bone. THE NEXT REPUBLICAN CANDI PATE FOR GOVERNOR. "Who will be tho Republican candi date for governor In 190CT It Is. atmmeil by nonrly overyono that governor Chamberlain will be a candidate to siioceed himself. t Uut tlite la 'not by any means cor tain, but It Is curtain Hint If ho runs It will take the beat man the Hopubll- M have to heat him. There are two oandldatos who might lie hawed who would provo very strong with Republicans generally. Oae Is from Ixine county Hon. It. A. Jknilk. Tim other I from Klamath UMnty PreecMit Htate Treasurer Moore. Neither of theso gentlemen Ib seek ing the office, ami It l not known thnt either would lake the nomination. . HuUho aro the character of men the party should tako up If It desires to command the hlghoU reelect of It Jiubllciina themselves. Tho Journal douhta If (lov. Ghnm. li.rlnln can be persuaded to niake thq ftulffHflnu lnuAli.n.t i.. ........ .. in 1IOUIIIIK UIO Of- Well, hasn't hypnotism boon about worked to n finish at Salem? Uovond tbo nmufiomont Ii furnishes it has lit- tto real valtio to anyone. As an an- osthotlc Salem doos not need It. enough peoplo asleep hero already. Thoro would scorn to bo no demand forany moro thoator horrors or tor rtlilo shipwrecks or train collisions for awhile. The man who Imagines tho wholo world Is going to tho bad unless It la willing to bo Immersedjn his particu lar hole In the Ico Is the victim-of a minor obsession. A well-managed athletic club for t .. A Seattle preacher predicts that tho year 190"4wll Show a greatj spirit ual awakening. But ho'can find plonty of Seattle citizens who will gamble with him that It won't. Maud Amber, the netress has been granted a divorce on aacount' of the misconduct of her husnand. Mr the samo old story of the fly In the amber, In fact he was too fly. WIMIIIMK-HIIMIIIH-I; :: Reading Tabic ij A alk :: About theNewestand Best Books : : and Magazines - ' 'iiiiiiimuniiiiiiiiiii eaorlflpe flee. TnWng out (he expense of the onnipahjn, the Uhh from bhalneee ne glected, and, the (Upnuo Of filling the flttle properly, nothing Ib loft. Chateberlaln Is at the prime of lire when a man feu as though he should I)B dinkier Wtmsthlli for a ntlnir .imp. llenee ito o need be surprised If J vwameemui decllnee to Ih a seeond term randklatM. The HetiuUlcatM might mum a on a tlWU llmt VrtMud make It n public duty for Mr. Chamberlain to again make the row. MOST OKAUTIFUL VER8E8 IN THE OIOLE. The editor of IIiIh mm le requested wat, in hie onlnluH. U the seat beauUfm erae In the bible. Vm Uw ttatnlmdnt of humaHlty. iml eowklerliiK tbe wHme the 8av ltw came to bring to the wnrW, here U our guft: m.e ilrit of the Urd U uk, jh. lenwe lie hath nnnoluted me to pear. l). mw)t ,0 ,e lwp. f totk aei m to i, xk, ,Hrt!ft. beurKM tn nreerh dKr iu- WMlee4."-l uke t ts. Tke u.oW be HieMloe thta c nectlon tho fwt a! ,h b mH he wore .tj(4 tm a MWry rtand mmt No profMMltiHMl uiau u ..u. tl fw his HMt wv1cM to RUHkRU W XR fiwIMar wtth nt. W. THE LIVESTqtlK CONVENTION. Tke eHy jttaH(, , t "-i-n aat (nv imiioi Mv-L the young men of Salem with a good gymnnelum and club room down town would take many a young man out of the card-rooms and saloons nt night; and keep him nway from had company a great deal worse tlmn either. i Hurrah for tl?e Salem Woman's olub! It has taken hold of nutting good picture In the Snlom public schools. ' For his brief enreof a political lfMllUlf .Tnnlf MnHhAivn 'lim. I.M.f.n. tlll rnt?p.t fnn n&Hln ..m... i..m ..v ..-...,.. .w. u.tiir, ma ,ai 1 iiiiu moro kinds oWtroublo In stato and lo cal Portland Volltlos. .,' , '.' ' ' There Is belng so much said about womlorful qualities of the newly, dis covered metol radium, that we are thinking or dunging the headline of thle column to the X-lladlums. . Water reflnw to run ui-hlll. even in watered twkU Tlie Indication, are that n tuiml Paul's ihlce wlff full to. reach as iii.h ttH tnltltllde II tllul)r4n- if uut. . bet Iortland 4neert Thursday. It wouM b woriji the price or d- mwiq to see PattI at the ngo of over artxLr uenve ekiptilng onto tfae aUtge Uke a wheel tlH In short dree. Wmt Japan and Ilusela npeds is some now and larger megaphones. Tho IxjwIb and .Clark junketing commlttoo In Washington, say its sen ato commlttoo Is unanimous In their support or tho appropriation bill, but thoy aro going to talk omo moro. and Jolt will probably mako It "unanimous- or." Tho king or Spain has his bride se lected for hlra. She Is his cousin and thirteen years old. That Is sure an unlucky unmbor for nor. Japan and Russlamay bo Sparring for tlmo. They don't have to spar for wind. Senator Smoot says he never mar ried but onu woman or cohabited with but one. Gentlemen of tho senate you can now proceed to pass the deal out , Senator Smoot has smote you. a smite. Graver Cleveland has lived In the time of more administrations than any other citizen who has ovor been presldont, beginning with that or Mar tin Vim Duren and coming down to thnt or Theodore Itoosevolt In all 18. exclusive or his own two. Ho lias lived to son six vlce-nreeldonts sue- cood to tho presidency, three or them, Johnson, Arthur nnd noosovolt, com ing to tho Whlto Houso through tho nsettnelnatlon or tholr prodocossors. The others were Van Duren, Tylor nnd l'lllmore. Three oandlcfates nro In'tho flold for sheriff of Marlon county W J. Culver of Salem, Henry A. Snydor. poeitnniter at Aurora, and Lieut. Uenderson of Woodhuru. The Salem man Is making the beet run of nil us hf Is off In California on his weddlni; trip. unnn-iitnn Mlffln & Co. announce a fourth editor of "His Daughter First" by Arthur Sherburne Hardy which brings this novel into Its 15th thou sand; a scqond edition of "Touch or Sun nnd Othor Stories." by Mary Hallock Footoj and nn English edi tion or "Hill Towns or Italy." by Eg erton R. Williams, Jr., to bo Issued through Smith, Elder & Co., of Lon don. An American novel started In the January Atlantic promlros well. Tho name of tho story Is "The Common Lot," and tho sceno Is located In Chi cago. Jt Is rich with tonic Western effects, and seems devoid of the hi ralutln, nnmbyiamby "sasslety" fea tures of much current fiction. As a triumph of cleanly fiction tho fact that Kato Douglas Wlggln's "Rebecca" has reached tho thrco hundred thousand edition. Tho novel "Jewel," by Clara Louise Durnham Is also having a great salo for Christian Science fiction. Tho Delineator for February con tains bright stories and Interesting articles for grown people, nnd delight ful tales and othor amusements to koop little hands and mind occupied. A Llttlo Garden Calondar, by Albort Dlgelow Pnlne, tolls tho story of tho second month's development of n garden belonging to two vory Interest ing children. It Is Instructive ns woll as entertaining. Tommy Postolllce is a cat story by Gabrlol E. Jackson, a writer who Is dear to tho hoarts of young folks. Then Llna Beard tells how to blllld n mlnlatlirn Tmllnn nn. enmpment, nnd thoro Is a humorouo poem called 'The Insects' Thlmble boo." Tljore Is othor mnttor In tho number that will dollght the children, and also tho very lntest styles In gar ments for them. Tho publishing houso of Doubledny, Page &-Co. will soon nftor Fobrunrv first bo removed Into Its own beauti ful building on East Sixteenth stroet, whore tho World's Work nnd Country Liro In Amorlca Proeaos will bo In stalled. Thoro will bo somethlne nov- el In the situation, tho ownors sny. in naving nil or their various donart. ments nnd enterprises under ono roof. pn-jwm" n3 miHEi 9 fJnir Vinrmi Sold for sixty years. Yoi know nbout it. It mnc. merit. Must be good. Ask anv of your neighbors. &&&!. mat C" Sold for sixtvvenrs. Ym...'. W U tI Wlil& to travel, and to this dny It Is known among tho tribesmen n "Tho Vlllago Whoro No Ono Lives." It Is now to them a plnco or ghosts, to be nvolded at all hazzards. Tracos of tills vll in nfiii nvlnt. nn tho arctic coast, nnd Its strange and tragic history has J been sot rorth by WInthrop pacKaru, In his book for boys, "The Young Ico Whalers,'' recently published by Houghton, Mlffln & Co. Tho Latee; Yarn. A Pittsburg drummor tolls this new yarn: I always carry a bottlo of Kemn's Dalsam In mv grip. I take cold eaally, and a few doses of tho Bal sam always makes mo a woll man. Everywhere I go I speak a good word ror Kemp. I tako hold or my custom ers I take old men and young men, and tell them confidentially what I do, when I take cold. At druggists, 25 and 50 cents. 4 r . When You Want Something to oat, Junt try tho Whit, nouse. inoy can ooryo you at . nour oi ino uay or nigiu. O0LSITpElIa.t ilia miiu io Bridge Liability. Tho county court of Lnno has Just awarded $400 on account or tho col lapso or a county bridge. In tho no cldont, tho bridge fell and J. S. Colo and his wagon wero precipitated to tho bottom or Row creek. Thehorsoa wore Injured, and tho wagon wns de molished. Tho ownor set up a claim ror $560 damages, but finally compro mised with tho court for $400. General Gordon Dying. Atlanta, Ga., Jan. 9. General Gor don, who Is III at Miami, Florida, is sinking, and tho end is nenr. ABfc Kick A man mnkoo when Ills laundry wort Is sent homo with porcuplpo edga nnd sproadcaglo buttonholes. If k would bring his llnon to an up-to-d&u laundry whoro perfect mothode obtali nt all times, such aa the Snlom Stcea Laundry, ho would rCcolvo hlo shirts, collars and cuffs equal to now orotr tlmo thnt wo sond them. homo. Salem Steam Laundry Col. J. Olmsted, Prop. Phono 411 230 Liberty St. I The Mmene twister hum't n. mwoh lorn i),v m it uHi j0 have hernni thai- "buries i,,.t u.... . . the" .rjMrtew afialt around nnd.wteli Ull lillellotuiiUael. automobile per fww? It beeljia tb ik at ir war might break m In' Ala Jierore wwnlng. . Thoe, who 111 not Jniriul ...l wrt m& ran eaally " ueeotuw an nnd ire In, the iMetrihutlon at iiinmnn. gtfu. It U,w- 4o got wre to iu bai they rH Mend and took nt It In C II. HlMtM lwalr sIum u-i.i..... Staytou has a ladle art club. Anon the wk candidate for tha spring election will avoid the early rruet In teitlng out hit tender grnrts. The Journal devil eays he can't nf. ronl to woar a $160 diamond rlne. but he lm a very bright dime and pin. The reason Senator Dietrich illiin't take a bribe, was because the trade was made before he was sworn In ns senator. STRAIN TOO GREAT. rro " " Ue u tkry tMU T ixlDilpai bba or g j J"' '. W1he.. MtwHilJ INUb: he A .. HIV ,-u u ihL r, All dtt" To itrenttea .,,( em. l),ruirt-e HHHlirvrpre. -" o u ud lhWyrt 'UhTe al hMJv lout. a. i lUoeiM CaaniAiL UtPir, aciMMaaj Vtrten. JeH and ItueeiH have not gone to BhtJK ant both Mm to b Htin- for time to get tmAy. Ir that neliM kltrte! and ootreaal mlltUHew. as It exists Ir woet Bint. eoMHUrtee, b m u vwy iwwwre baaU. It !.. .i .,.... mi HRlew , a , HH" iSJ was i Tke crmllt of Uie hm. ,. .... j wto- Umk M w.,1, , trdy JoariMl. ud .wu u. ee ta Um Jrv Hertew. j,r oe la obi. of Um Wi NM mmi favok ably known mwM t. vw.. -.... Mid tee JoHnml k aiH,i i to My WJu Uila from Uie kj. n,, Uetly Jourueta that m iiM Atr, All almtt tkat TktJ...iHi O-eaUm tm.., U e tmTxZ iwalttoe, of the kt-d .,- ZZl.r l PhUtt are Um Air -. ....... ltM """ Tb x my imui wkA M. - .. ' tum, WU, M , .vri.. Tf !. ? OMad, MBiwtM Mt mat fe- ... -. . k iww- '"wv MM" NKw 1m Bhuw1 nunareaa or Salem Readers Find It So. The hustle and worry or business men, The hard wo-r and stoonlne nf workmen. The woman's honsohold cares, Are too great a strain on the kid- neys. Ilaeaehe, headache, sldeache. Kidney troubles, urinary troubles follow. " A Salem cltlien tells vn.i .. ora them all. JHrub Moretoek rarmor residing on Rural avenue, between Hwel and Lattrul struts, in Nob Hill addition. ..i Mwm, says: "Doaa's Kidney "i lWK.ured at ur. Stone's drug " um we Reed. I ha,i bwn j,,. ered ot and on for nulla u, with ! throMgh my back , 1,1.. y. I have always worked bard nt rami and tklnk th- t, . rttfnaUy eauee.1 front a 8lnilB. TnQ .w rom the kidneys were an Hojlng at Uium and ,...! - " WW inoonveid ..J.. r H...I i . w7. ::. " Doa,a Kidney - .... .... nun ,h My n-.fc. -,, .. Ww kidney trouble had Mw remedy to oUiew" Sld I far M eente a bax by mi aeal. . l agMU for th. nBi, c.r JLtTSL.! Da"9 D0AS S; , -i-wwi, With Japan nnd Russia on tho verge of wnr over Korea, nerhnns thn article to which most people will turn nt once In the January Issue or Out ing Is "Walking Through Korea," which is the story or a tranm m-nr the country with iiiiiirini-a i. people and some excellent photo graphs that bring them and the conn- if) piotty clear to the reader. Hut, perlmjw the moat rascinntlng artlclo' lu this number Is "Heating tho Wind on a Toboggan," which tells or the remnrknblB feats accomplished nt Da vos. together with n doson graphs taken wipeclallv fnr n.,!., and Illustrating the dnrlng runs that ure tnKon down the moun.tnln nlde. Mr. Dunn, In this number. hPin. m first of his articles on ti,D mnt . I tempt to ascend ML McKlnloy. This is qulto tho most extraordinary soriee of iwpers to have been published, for ..wmitw me tnrllllng experlonco In ox Dloratlon. they tell of those human experiences which nro usually not set down In print by onlnrra m Dunn's nrtlcle Is a human document m) recoriied. 9 . . . at i txr l.nnHc 1 nirin-ue I U-4.' I s DRESS GOODS Black homespun, 50 inches wide, all wool, only 50c a pard. EMBROIDERIES Dainty patterns at 5c a vard TOWELS 10c each, best value ever given in the city. UMBRELLAS in gloria silk, all steel rods from 50c up Our special offer at $1.25. fine handles, good covers, WRAPPERS Flannelette at $1.25 that are worth 51.75 ICE WOOL SHAWLS only 60c and 75c worth from 1 to 1.25. Rostcin & Gteenbaum 302 Commercial Street. MW98ej9()8SB8IWjefi0eml9M s 1 J!" I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I HH-M-f-H HI I 11 I 1 I I I II I 1 1 1 Positive Poo Branson A RaBan. Keep all klu.u, Bf . tney are the Z."?"' " "The Village Where No One Lives." Probably no more fascinating tale of the wild north has vr i, .,.. than the true story of th fn,i..i., and deserting of "The Villa vh. No One Uvee." This w n u.n , - - urnilUU "wm ,,,wn three thousand Inhnbl tanu. built up m a few weeks through a strange combination of clrcum stances. When mrs ng0 more tnan thirty wiMUnx veaeis u -..!.. .... the Ice and desert! by their crew north or Bering tulu tho ifeklmos f that wIon round a bonansa. They floched thither In the dead or winter and formed a vllim... .t thousand In the nui,v... . .. i.r"i.A or wi.d .oot ' "" m "Hie men became EST!? WbRt W ' vast wmnu In iron, woud u.w.. ,, ., , - 1. ana 1 l well akmg lu u,e IN. to clvtlluon. ThatTe UarU nan cannot tana mi ...... however, was de.,..-... . . .' rottowed. nndltwIrttboTleLmto ...-.. -,. yuarrete and dlaeea- anwn ,ao people erf tne VMM and whoa the a,, iun awe It lookd -v,... .Jr. . ,tta WcDo What Wc Claim We kill and remove Ciumm nri Tumors without the aid of knife or J oiuor instrument. Dr. J. F. Cook, tho Dotanlcal Doe tor, cures all kinds of diseases after all othor schools have failed, with- ""' luo or Knire or poisons. Hl f modlclnes are comnniM vt. h t horbs; they aro cathnrorf n i..m t In various parts of Amorlca and tor- t MpTI nnnni.1 4 . " -""'" ma, at great oxpenae. : Envy and Deceit !! Has Of(rvtnfpf4 manv .. from beln cared by me, : THAT'S JEALOUSY! Can vo Afford to Run the Risk : : RMd the T"""" of a Prominent Salem Man: :: in...... - TO THE PUBLIC. agrewoLTdnr. ay know wnat J J Ing treatment from him for the aa TilZl T X haVe booa I : : ho has removed frm J L . ,J 1 15 montha' "d that In that Ume : ou. growth, at larsoaa "".-y .?anaI thrco tumors of cancer- 1 another cancerous rrn,. .r.l U . u rrom t110 o IntoeUno. Aleo - u' " va ui iiiimhp nif .. - v . . or from off my thumb Thlshnanii . re my foot' nna anoth- ; : clnos alono, thoy kl. 1 h0 71 CCOm" through medl- turo Itsoir castlnr" 'PMoMIke roots, and N vu. n nil rm r i . ; : dnre not bovo I could have found .Z, ... ?1 . Kf6 or anrB X . . wnero in the world, and cWf,,ii 1 w troatmont aay- ii lorMoall who ' . I : W Mn d M mforyou,orroreI.fyouneedIt. J. F. rnntr .. Denta-ti. n.i... i . . 4. "'"' "nicai poctor. J. SPHNCER. J uootOr. I it,. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 irrr!! Hfr4 HZJA I. K M PV v ; BALFOUR, GUTHRIE 1 i i Oat& For Sale S HOP GROWERS eii... ,o . aiC ?itr. You d7ni .row tTur y hare lrld .k-. W U unU,l '5ksj i rrif .. ." " """wo ,wtwab4tanul --, aKCUL on- n... .. as soon WortiMlty WW&WH4mHi &dfim. 0- I rnnmr."-iiii tltltl. i "lltA 191 ear the utbsraM o.