Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, January 09, 1904, Page SEVEN, Image 7

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8 999 eWMWm 9&t9
Christian Science.
Second Church of Christ, Scientist,
HO Chcinokcta street. Services; Sun-
Iday at 10:30 n. m anil 7:30 p. in. Sub
ject of lesson semen: "Sacrament."
3undny School nt 11: -15 a. m. Wed
nesday ovonlng -testimonial meeting
t 7:30 o'clock. Reading rrbom In
church open each af.-ernpon except
Sunday. All are cordially Invited.
North Sal6m Services.
Rev. John Oliver, of tho U. B.
Church In Christ, will preach In tho
lethel of tho Church of God, in North
3alem, at 11 a. m. Preaching In the
lovenlng at tho usual hour, A mission
ary program will bo rendered at 2 p.
I Illvnlcd hy Ilnmnn ITnlr Whrrn
Dandruff In Eradicated.
Sealskin Is admircd'tho world over for
(its softness and glossiness ; and yot tho
human hair Is equally as soft and glossy
wnon neaitny; ana Uio radical cause of alt
hair troublo la dandruff, which la caused
Iby a pestiferous paraslto that saps tho
vuaiuy or tno nair at Its root. Nowbro'a
Iierplcldo Is tho only orenaratlon that In
fatal to tho dandruff germ. 'Without dan
rdruff thero Is no falling hair, tout a lur
Burlant growth of glossy, soft hair Is car
ftaln. Scouring1 tho scalD won't euro flan.
Sniff. Kill tlio dandruff ccrm. Thous-
nnds of women owe tholr beautiful cults
of nair to Wowbro's Iierplcldo. Sold by
aeauinjr druggists. Bend 10c. In stamps
to Tho Iierplcldo Co., Detroit, Mich.
Dnnlol J. Fry, Special Agont
Beautiful Fit&t Wate
Given Awav as
You Choice of 975
the Unknown Numhet That Gets the Glittering Diamond
No Possibility of Any Crooked Work.
Tho Journal has placed an order
through tho C. H. Hingoa Jowolry
hoiifie for a $150 diamond of tho finest
water, to bo gtvon away to subscribers
to Dally or Weokly Journal for each
dollar paid tho subscriber is to have
no guess at an unknown number of
three figures, that will bo placed. In a
sealed onvelopo. This is not a draw
ing, lottery, or gift enterprise of any
kind but a more Innocent, harmless
guessing contest that will make some
lone richer by a preeont of a fine $150
diamond set In a Tiffany gold ring.
How to Participate,
For each receipt of one dollar for
rtfae Dally -or Weokly Journal, to any""w '" ""tvat "u r WI "'"
address, tho person to whom tho re- Pla,ces ,n largo envelope, scaled up
ceipt ia issued, will bo given on op-!""" "" ' u.smunaou
sortunity, absolutely without cost, to,t,on ' ",0 Jfwolry store show win-
have a guess at tho unknown number,
and tho person or persons guessing
nearest that number will receive as a
present and without .any compensation
whatovor, and moroly as an expression
f good will on the part of Tho Journal
toward Its subscribers, the $150 dia
mond Tiffany ring advertised In this
papor and on exhibition at tho Jowol
ry ntoro of C, H. Hinges, 88 State
treot, Salem, Oregon. Tho party
paying oie dollar or moro Bhull re
ceive a receipt for each dollar paid,
and have tho opportunity to guess a
different number for each buoIi receipt
eld. No commission Is allowed to
any agont or solicitor for securing
subscribers, and tho person so Bub
scribing does It with tho understand-
! Ing that tho Dally or Weokly Journal
la accepted as payment in full for the
money paid.
Unknown Number Mow Prepared,
The unknown number that is to be
guessed will bo mado up in tho follow.
lE manner. The ten numbers from
m. Sunday School at 10 a. m. All In
vited. First Unitarian.
Comer of Ghemokcta and Cottago
streets. Prank Abram Powoll,, pas
tor. Sunday School at 10 a. m. Mr.
Powoll will speak at 11 a. m. on "Pes
simism Vorsua Optimism," and nt 7:30
p. m. on "Thought and Character." All
cordially Invited.
W. c; T. U.
Rev. Price, pastor of tho Friends'
church, will speak at tho regular 4
o'clock meeting a tho Ramp Memorial
Hall, corner of Commercial nnd'Forry
streets. All Invited.
, , Leslie M. E.
South Salonu W. S. Gordon, pastor.
Tho thomo at 10:30 will be "The
Mothorhood or God" and at 7:30 "Hopo
an Anchor of tho Soul." Sunday
School at 12 m. Epworth Loaguo nt
G:30 p. in. A cordial welcomo to vis
itors. Y. M. CI A. '
Corner of Commercial and Chomok
eta streets. Prof. C. A. Dawson will
speak to men In tho Y. M. C, A. hall
Sunday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock. Tho
association orchestra will assist In tho
song service. All men, nro Invited.
First Presbyterian.
II. A. Ketchum, pastor. Preaching
sorviccs at 10:30 a, m. and 7:30 p. m.
Sabbath (School at 12 ra. Young Poo
plo's mooting nt G:30 p. m. Reception
of members at tho morning service.
U. B. Church.
Services at tho U. B. church, In
Yow Park, as follews: Preaching at
11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m
School at 10 a. m.
Walter Reynolds,
Stone Set In a
An Exotfession of Grind Wflf Tn-
ward Sdbsci?ibes
Ntimbets, Any One
nought to nlno will bo put on separate
Mips ot papor and folded so as to be
unseen, and a committor of subscrib
ers will bo asked to conduct tho as
sembling of the unknown number.
This unknown number will bo formed
at Tho Journal office on Monday, Jan
uary 11, 1904, In tho following man
ner: Tho ten numbers from naught
to nlno, Inclusive, on soparato slips of
papor, In small sealed onvelopes, will
he placed in a box, shaken, and a
blindfolded person la tho presence ot
the committee will draw out throe ot
these ten numbors, marking tho first
one' 80con(1 two and e third
tost, and will not bo opened until
tho contest is olo8od, when the dia
mond will bo given to tho nearest
guosser, Tho unknown numbor will
be formed by putting together the threo
numbors In tho order as marked, ono,
two, three, on tho envelopes In which
they aro contained. Tho unknown
number will not bo assembled until
the guessing contest Is completed, and
publicly announced to subscribers.
Limited Competition.
Tho numbor of receipts Issued in
this contest will be limited to tho
numbor of guesses possible in tho
rango of tho numbors between 012
and 987, as tho unknown number must
bo composed of a figure within those
limits Tho unknown number cannot
be loss than 012 nor more than 987
To bo a perfectly harmless and In
nocent and amusing guessing con
test tho number to bo guessed at
must ho and remain absolutely un
known. Thero must be no chance
Very Little Because
of Smothering
Spells, Palpitation,
and Heart Pains.
To Dr. Miles' Heart Cure
I Owe My Life.
Heirt pains, palpitation, smothering spells,
shortness of breath, weak and hungry spells
less ot breath, wcaK ana hungry f pens
eneral debility, indicate a weak heart.
The Temper these symptoms exit the more
serious they become. They represent con
ditions of heart weakness which must re-
ceive aid from the outside. A weak, heart
cannot cure itself, no matter how slight the
affection. Unless speedily treated it will
crow worse, slowly but surely. A perfect
cure has been found In Dr. Miles' Heart
Cure which removes the cause so that the
disagreeable symptoms soon disappear.
It civet me great pleasure to add my tes
timonial to the hundreds of others who have
testified to the ,ments of Dr. Miles' Heart
Cure, as it may be the means of helping
another sufferer to try it I a to kure that 1
! we my life and health to Dr. Miles' Heart
i naj suuerea lorsix rears wun pai-
lution and pain in my heart, I could not
on my left side. I was very weak, and
slept very little because ot smotnitring' spells.
I tried every tlilnn I could think of out got
no relief until I began the use of Dr. Miles'
Heart Cure. I am now well and able to do
my work and although it is three yean since
I first used the remedy I have no sign of
heart trouble. I took In all six bottles of
Heart Cure and think it the grandest medi
cine in the world, and it elves me pleasure
at all times to recommend it," Mrs. H.
Hollincsworth, Mcdfcrd, Oregon.
All drarrclsts sell and guarantee first bottle
. -a..... ' ..- . ' .
I Dr. Miles' Remedies. Send for free book
.,. ,i .j., ni. ...... A.Mr..
' Dr. Miles Medical Co, ElLhart, lad.
VM 1W.WU HIIU A.,. lt..MV,. .Maj
Tiffany Gold Ring
of Wnich May Be
for any crooked work on tho port of
Tho Journal publishers, of the Jowoler
furnishing tho diamond, nor on tho
part of any subscriber. Tho receipts
for this guessing contest will bo num
bered In dupllcato, but thostub will
bo only for tho purpose of Identify
ing the- subscriber who Is tho success
ful guossor each subscriber writing
the guoss numbor on tho back of his
receipt each ono making his or hor
own guoss nt tho unknown numbor.
As soon as tho recolpts aro all sold
tho guosslng contest will be over and
tho nearest number awarded the dia
mond. How tho Guesses Are Made.
On securing a receipt for ono dol
lar or moro, tho porson wishing to
guoss will write his guoss bo
twoen the above numbors on
tho back of tho rocolpt In Ink or in
delible pencil, writing only ono guess
on each recolpt, and doposltlng the
same In tho soldered tin box provided
at The Journal ofllco for that purposo.
Subsoribors out ot town will bo al
lowed to mako thoir guess In tho same
mannor. Receipts will be mailed
them, and thoy ean return the samK
with their guess written on the back,
In a sealod envolopo plainly marked
"Journal Diamond Guosslng Contest,"
and they will bo deposited In tho box.
Tho soldorod tin box will not bo cut
open until all tho receipts In the
guessing contest aro sold 975 re
colpts in all.
Receipts Now Ready,
Subscribers can now got their re
colpts and begin making guesses to
secure tho $160 diamond. Subscribers
by mall and at Journal special delivery
stations In tho suburbs of Greater Sa
lem will all bo given tho same oppor
tunity to guess.
;im;inim h ;i i hih-h-
Advertisements, five lines or
less, In this column inserted
three times for 25c, 50c aweek
$1.50 a month. All over five
lines at the urns rate.
1 1 III I I u mi III IHHK
Lost. On Commercial street a white
laco trimmed handkerchief. Roturn
to Journal ofllco and recelto re
ward. l-7-3t
Money Found. Anyono would fool a
thrill ot pleasure to pick up a silver
half-dollar on tho highway. Thoy
aro lying around ready to pick up
(no capital required) If you aro
willing to rustle and can talk only a
llttlo bit. Good for either sex, young
or old. Address or call at Journal
ofllco. 12-10-tf
XMarket Quotations Todays
X "Mke Ssten a Good Home market" 7
Capital City Mills Quotations.
Bryant & Ponnoll, PrSpa.
Wheat 77c.
Buckwheat 80a
Poultry at Stelner's
Chickens 810c.
Eggs Por dozen 2Sc.
Turkoys 1216c.
Ducks 10c.
Hop Market
Hops 1922c.
Potatoes, Vegetabteo, Etc.
rotntoos 30c.
Onions lc.
Dried Fruits.
Peachos 10c.
Apricots 10c.
Apples 10c.
Potlto prunes 1c.
Italian prunes 5c.
Wood, r"enco Posts, Eto,
Big fir 14.00.
Second-growth 13 CO.
Aph $3.00 to 13.76. i
Body oak $4.50. '
Polo oak $4.00.
Codar posts 12 c.
Hide, pelts and furo.
Qrocn Hides, No. 1 5c.
Green Hluos, No. 2 tc.
Calf Skins i5c.
Sheep 75c.
Goat Skins 26c to 11.00.
Qraln and Frour,
Wheat, Salem Flouring Mills, ex
port valuo, 68c.
Oats 32c.
Barloy 118.50 por ton.
Flour Wholesale, $3.00.
Live Stock Market
Steors 3c.
Cows 2 Ho.
Shett VAa.
Dressed veal 6 He.
Dressed hogs 6c.
Llvo hogs 4 a
Mutton 2c per pound. ' .
Veal 6 c.
Hay, Fed, Eta.
Baled cheat $1L
Bale- clovor flOOfll.
Bran $20.
Shorts $21.
Creamery and Dairy Products.
Good dairy butter 20025c.
Creamory butter 30c.
Cream separator skimmed, at
Com. Creamery, 30c, net
Whcatr-Walla W.Jla, 71c072
Valloy 78c.
Flour Portland, boat grade, $3.75
$2.85; graham, $3.75.
Oats-i-ChoIco Whlto, $1.10
Barloy Feed, $20 por ton; .oiled,
Mlllstuff Bran, $18.
Hay Timothy, 16
Potatoes 50C0c
Eggs Oregon ranch, 37 He
Poultry Chickens, mired, 10c
10Hc por pound; spring, lie turkeys,
live, 12014c
Mutton Dressed, 66c.
Pork Dressed, 66c.
Bcof Drcsoed, 56c.
Veal 88c.
Hops 1903 crop, 15022c.
Wool Valley, 17018c; Eastern
Oregon, 12015c; Mohair, 3527Hc
Hides dry. 16 pounds ant. upwards,
15 tn 16e
Butter Boat dairy, 2022tfc; fan
cy creamery.30c: store 1515"c
Enabling owners of approved prop
erties to
and similar onterprises, Address with
full details, J. S. WHITE, Uanagor,
Security Llfo Ins. Co., 61 Wall street,
New York.
Huie Wing Sang Co
Fancy Dry Goods
Made up in a new line ot heavy
wrappers, all colors. Whlto under
wear. All kinds of waists, fancy
goods, silks, gents' and ladles' fur
nishing goods, silk handkerchiefs,
ehlaawaro. Now line of winter goods
for sale cheap. 100 Court street, Sa
lem, Or, Corner of alley.
For Sale. Freh cow; Inquire of D.
T. Brown, at asylum. 1-6-lwk
Oak Posts. A lot for salo by A. F.
Hofor, Jr., Journal offtco. l-G-3t
For 8ale. At a bargain, ono 18-horoe
power onglno and boiler, on skids;
also ono fiorrol maro, weight 1160.
Inquire of J. E. Murphy, tllo yard,
Salem. l-G-lwk-wk2t
For Sale. Two thousand shares ot
stock In tho "Golden Rulo Consoli
dated Mining & Milling Co.," at a
bargain. Address "B" caro Jour
nal. "l-2-6t
For Sale. Fine second-growth maple
and ash wood. Dellvored to any
part of city. Apply to J. W. Man
loy. Phono 2075 Black, or call at
homo west of brick store, South
Salem. 12-28-lmo
For 8ale Or trado, a flno 10-acro
chicken or fruit ranch; first-class
buildings and Improvements; closo
to school, postofflco, store and rail
way station. Will trado for city or
unlmprov6d farm proporty. Address
"W. J.," Caro Journal. 11-5-
For 8ale. At a bargain. For anyono
wanting a good business location,
largo store and houso combined;
good chanco to carry on a gonoral
merchandise business on one of So
lera's best stores. Addrcsa Ira
Towno, Salem, Ore. 12-16-lm
Choice Farm For Salo. Throo miles
northwest from Brooks, having
dwolllng houso, barn and two hop
houses, with 30 acres of hops, bal
ance forming land, with running
water, except onough cholco tlmbor
to supply tho place M. J. Egan.
Vetch Seed for Sale. I have a quanti
ty of first-class vetch, seed for salo,
both varieties. Call at placo or ad
dross F. Achilles, half mllo west of
Kalsor school houso, four miles
north of Salem. 12-10-lm-lwk
For Sale. O. K. Grubbers. Best in
Oregon; thvso stato premiums;,
ono horsp has tho powor of 99; can
grub an ncro a day, James Finnoy,
Brooks, Or. ll-2G-lm
For Sale Inmprovod and unlmprovod
block proporty In South Salem. For
Information Inquire ot E. Hofor,
Journal ofllco. 10-9-tf
For Sale Eighty acres of land In
' Washington county, for $450. A
bargain for somo ono wanting to
mako a homo. Some timber on tho
placo; some cleared. E. Hofor, Sa
eom, Oregon. 10-C-tf
Dr. I. W. StArr Ofllco In Bush & Broy
building, ovor Oregon Shoo Store
Ofllco hours, 9 to 12 a. m. and 2 to
5 p. m. Cnlls nttondod In cltj" or
country. Residence 'phono 23GC
Rod. 1-5-tf
Dr. . H. H. Scovell. Suggestlvo
thornpoutics. Osteopathy. NorvouH
and functional diseases. Rooms 4,
5 and 6, D'Arcy building. Phone
2855 Main. 1-1-lin
Molar's Barber College Of Salt Lake
City, offers advantages In teaching
the trado that cannot bo had else
where. Avoid schools tho Oregon
and California harbors' now lawn
are apt to close at any time. Write
today for our Bpeclal offer to dis
tant students. 12-10-lm
Ths Proper Thing Tho popular
drink for family use is G. S. soda
and carbonated boverages. Every
body should keep theso goods at
their homes. Call up Gideon Btolz
Co. 'phone 421.
Bay Havs you tried Edwards & Lusch
ers for meats. Wo havo tho best
sausage in town. Como and try It,
and be convinced. 410 East State
8alem Truck and Dray Co. Oldest
and beet equipped company In Sa
lem, Piano and furniture moving
a specialty OJnoe 'phono, 861. W.
W. Brown & Son, proprietor. Office
No. 60 State street 9-1-lm
Dr. Z, M. Parvln At 297 Commercial
stroet, upstairs. Singing school
Rudlmental and sight reading class
es. Begins Wednesday evening, Oc
tober 14th. Class every Wednes
day ovonlng to May 1st, next Tui
tion, $1.00.
Unique Cleaning Rooms Shaw A
Johnson, tho cloanors, are now lo
cated at 209 Commercial Btreet
They do a general pressing and re
pairing buslucss. Specialties: Skirts,
silk waists, kid gloves, gents' cloth
ing, etc. Phono 2614. 5-28-lyr.
For Rent A sovon-roora houso and
barn In West Salem. Good variety
of fruit on tho lots., Enclosed with
ehlokon fonco. Torms $6.00 cash
rent In advance. Apply to Jamos
Carrier, West Salem. l-6-3t
For Rent A four-room cottago at
387 Church stroot Will soil furni
ture and a winter's supply of wood.
3tu TH Ibi Ym tow Unft BwaT
For Rent Throo furnished; rooms
and' bath, for light housekeeping, 46
South Commercial. , l-G-3t
For Rent Largo parlor bedroom,
with private entrance; uso of par
lor, baths, tolophono, otc,; would
like to rent to two young men who
would bo steady roomers, 138 Mill
stroot C. W. Hellenbrnnd.
Rooms for 'Rent Up stairs, Cottle
block, by day, week, or month. Ah
so light housekeeping rooms. Eloc-.
trie lights. Open all hours. .
Commercial St, No. 333.
Phone: 29C5 MalnJ
Mattlo Hutchlns, Prop.
Mrs. L. Campbell Does dressmaking
at hor homo, on the car lino, near
tho South Salem cemetery. Country
trade solicited. 11-lS-lm-d-w
Dr. W. 8. Mott Will horeafteic b
found in the Broy block, 276tt Com
mercial stroot, over Oregon Bfco.
Co. Offlca tolophono, 2931; rt4
donco phone, 2751. Offlco hoars 8,
to 12. and 2 to 5.
New Sweet Cider. Send your order t
tho noarnat grocery, or call uy
phono 421. Gideon Stole ft. Co.
W. Calvet Practical Watchmakss
158 State stroot makes a specialty
of repairing watches, clocks and
Jowolry, and guarantees good work
at reasonable prices, 11-12-lyr
Ferguson's Restaurant 05 Stat
stroet Opon day and night Our
20c meals aro bettor than any S5
houso In the stato. Six 20o moasf
for $1.00; 21 20o meals for $3.00.
Valley lodgo No. 18, A. O. U. W.-. Mosul
In tholr hall In Holman block, cor
ner Stnto and Llborty every Moo
day ovonlng, Visiting brethren
wolsomo. Roy Mclntlro, M. W. A.
E. Aufranco, Recorder.
Central Lodge No. 18, K. of P. Castle
Hall tn Holman block, corner Stats
and Liberty Sts. .Tuesday 'of entb
weok nt 7:30 p. in. II, II. Turner,
C. C; W. I. Staloy, IC. of R. and S.
Foresters of America Court Bhs
wood Foresters No. 19. Moots Frt
day night In Turner block. S. W.
Mlnturn. O. R.; A. L. Brown. Sec.
Modern Woodmen of America Ore
gon Codar Camp No, 6246. Mesta
overy Thursday ovonlng at 8 o'clock
Holman Hall, Frank A. Turner, V.
0.: A. I Brown.,Clork.
Protection Lodge No. 2, Ancient Or
dor United Workmen, moets erery
Saturday evening In tho Holman
Hall, corner Stnto and Liberty
Btroots. Visiting brethren wolcoma.
J. O. Graham, M. W.; J. A. Sellwood
Drs. 'M. T. Schoettle, Frank J. Dorr
and Anna M. Darr. Graduates
Amoricnn School of Osteopathy,
JClrksvillo, Mo., successors! to Dr,
Graco Albright Ofllc hours 9 to
12 and 1:30 to 4:30 o'clock. Odd
Follows' Tomplo, Phono Main 2721;
rosldonco phone 2603 red.
Evan'o Barber Shop Only first-class
shop on Stato stroot. Evory thing
now and up-to-oato. Finest poroo
laln baths. Shave, 15c; hair-cut 25s
baths, 25c. Two first-class boot
blares O. W Evans, proprietor.
For wator service apply at offlo.
Bills payable monthly In advasoa,
lias all complaints at tho office. ,
Express and Transfer
Meets all mall and passenger trains
Baggage to all parts ot tho city,
Prompt service. Telephone No, 24L
Walter Morley, Dealer In American,
Elwood and Page field fonclng. All
kinds of poultry fonclng. Shingles.
P. & D. roady roofing and wall
paper . PrleoB tho lowest. Salem
Fonco works, CO Court stroot,
Salem. d&w.
Successor to Dr. J, M. Koeno, in
Whlto Corner, Salem, Oregon. Parties
desiring superior operations at mod
erat feo in any branch are In especlaV
208 Commercial Street
Regular Dinner at Noon 25c
Meals at all hours
Service a la Carte
a ECKBRLBN, Proprieto