Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, January 09, 1904, Page FIVE, Image 5

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g wfr'yrwy yw'Bffwwyrw '""'ywwiyy? wpipw'fri'1.. '
The Barr Store has never been able to make a more beautiful display
of fine mantel clocks than Is the case at the present time. There Is
goodly variety of choice, many sorts of different designs, all of the hand,
somest and most Wasteful sort. Some are finished In the rich black en
amel, and others In various Handsome color tonea The workmanship
and matorlal are of the best; they are splendid timekeepers, and they
will withstand a lifetime's usage. Yet we are selling them from $6 to
$9 undoubtedly the lowest prices ever quoted In Salem for clocks of
such real beauty and such marked Intrinsic value. How would a fine
now clock look on your mantel?
Corner State and Liberty Streets, Salem) Ore.
wwfrtw-f miniim --v
In the
hh lie m mi n i it iimh
Social Realm
S. Bozorth loft for Portland last cv.
Max O. Duron spent Friday In Al-
uany on DUBiness.
at his ranch nwir Eola.
Kola Ncls went to Woodburn this
morning for a short visit.
Miss Laura Thomas, of Jefferson,
was a Salem visitor yestorday.
Judgo H. H. Hewitt, of Albany, caino
down last night for a thort Btay.
I. Ij. Patterson returned to Portland
last ovonlng, nftor a fow days' visit
D. H. Loonoy carao down from his
homo at Jefferson this morning for n
short visit.
Dr. Frank Barr was a passongor for
Portland this morning on a profes
sional visit.
M. Bredomlor loft this morning for
a short visit to Portland, whoro hlB
mother resldos.
Miss Zarclda Minton left for McKee,
Oregon, whoro sho has boon, engaged
to teach school.
Mrs. It, S. Bean carao down from
Eugene last evening, for a visit with
Justlco Bean and Salem frlonds.
JI. J. Blaoslng, tho marblo man, of
Portland, went to his homo this morn
' Ing, after a fow days spent In this
E. B. Smith was a passongor for
Portland till a morning, going down
for a visit to his son, who holds a. po-
RBltlon In- that city.
C. S. Hamilton was In Albany yes-
iterday, roturnlng home last ovonlng.
J. N. Groshong, of "Wllholt, was In
'tho city yestorday.
Mrs. Frank Gilbert, of Portland and
Miss Mabel Jones, of Brooks, worq In
tho city yestorday, to attend tho Fleming-Graham
afternoon party.
Supt. C. W. James, of tho peniten
tiary, left last ovonlng for Portland,
stopping on tho way down at Oregon
City, whoro ho attondod tho Jackson
day banquot, glvon thoro undor tho
auspices of tho Clackamas county
A County Newspaper Dishes
Up a Prosperous Little
' County Bank
May Visit Salem.
Messrs. F. S. Gunning, C. J. Cran
dall and F. II. Ladd, tho commlttco ap
pointed to visit canneries la tho Wll
lamotto valloy, by way of obtaining In
formation boforo plans aro drawn for
tho cannory to bo built here, loft this
morning for Portland. Thoy may go
no further than Portland, but will
llkoly visit similar Institutions in Sa
eom and at Dundee.
For tools or hardware of any kind,
call on Manning & ForgUBon.
A. F. Hofor, Jr., was up from Salem
tho 'first of tho wook on mattors of
business connected with tho Oregon
State bank, of which Institution ho is
a stockholder and v.Icbprcsidont, belns
reelected to tho lattor position at the
annual election Monday. J. A. Aup
porlo was ro-olocted president and 13.
W. Hazard cashlor. This bank, while
hut 17 month old, has become recog
nized as ono of tho solid financial
housos of tho valloy, and tho peopld
of this section, realizing what a groat
advantage It is to thorn, aro giving It
a liberal patronage In fact tho stock
holders wero surprised and moro than
pleased at tho very llboral dividend
declared at tho annual meeting. Ono
stocitnoiuor wanted to buy more
shares, but thoro wero nono for sale.
This Is nmplo evidence that tho offi
cers of tho bank aro compotent, care
ful and honest, and wo all know that
thoy aro as courteous and accommo
dating as It is possible for men to bo.
Thcso combined virtues insuro aa In
creased patronago to this popular
bank for 1904. "
The two local Odd Fellows lodges
Chemoketa No. 1 and Olive No. 13
will hold a Joint meeting tonight In
tho Odd Fellows' temple for tho pur
pose of Installing tho omcers for tho
ensuing term, and to confer tho final
degree on a nowly-lnltlated member.
Tho occasion will bo the gathering of
a large crowd of tho1 members of tha
ordor In this city, and olabora prep
arations havo been mado for tho on
tortalnniont of tho fraters., Otto
Shultz, district deputy grand master
for this district, will como down from
his homo In Jefferson this afternoon,
and will have chargo of the work of
inducting tho omcers Into tholr sta
tions, and ho will bo assisted by some
of tho leading members of tho craft.
Aftor tho Joint Installation and the do
grco work, the members and visitors
present will find tho banquet hall, ad
joining tho lodge room, an attraction
second to nono In tho city, for n ban
quot has been prepared and will bo
enjoyed, when tho work of the even
ing Is done.
Former Salem Man.
II. O. Sonnomann, tho actlvo Glen
dalo morchant, was horo on business
today. Ho reports business flrst-rato
thoro for this season of tho year, and
that his holiday trado was 50 per cont
larger than that of a year ago, at
which time ho onjoyed an oxcollont
patronago. Mining operations aro very
encouraging In that vicinity also. Tho
now I. O, O. F. lodgo Is now very
comfortably located in tholr now hall
ovor Mr. Sonnomann's now brick
storo, nnd aro preparing to initiate a
numbor of now mombors. Thoy havo
now furnlturo, carpets and rogalla
and aro pardonably proud of tholr
handsome homo and cqulpmont.
Itosoburg Rovlow.
SchilHng'3 Best tea is five
kinds: a matter of taste or
habit. The coffee is four.
Each kind is always alike.
At jour (rocu't ! mom yback.
Wholesale Tobacconist and
Cigar Dealer
Largest Stock In Willamette Valley
-BbmKW, iiiimi.iiiii .MpjBFjBJEiBBBBB
The Lions Install.
Tho local lodge of tho Order of
Lions has installed Its omcers for tho
onsulng year. Tho work was dono by
Doputy Supremo Prosldont W. T. Mc
Phorson, of Portland, last Wednesday
evening, nnd tho meeting was made
ono of' tho happlost gatherings ovor
onjoyed by tho local lodgo of, this new
and popular organization, as It was tho
first meeting In tho now quarters the
Grango Hall. A largo attendanco of
tho mombors greeted tho distin
guished visitor, and tho ovonlng's cer
emonies wero thoroughly enjoyed and
appreciated. Aftor tho Installation
ceremony, an oyster suppor was
sorved, and tho ovonlng spent In pleas
ant social Intercourse, and all onjoyed
tho prosenco of tho supremo officer,
who, In turn, oxcrted himself to mako
tho work as ImprcsBlvo as -possible.
Tho omcers Installed by him were: H.
B. Munson, president; N. J. Judah,
vice-president; Mary Sheridan, chap
Iain; Celesta M. Llston, secretary;
Elizabeth T. Adair, treasurer; Mar
garet Jacob, sorgeant-at-arms; Marga
ret Munson, assistant sorgeant-at-arms;
J. T. Arthur, doorkoopor; Mar
tha Shorldan, sentinel; Jcnnlo Hutch
ins, musician; Dr. W. S. Mott, medical
exnmlnor; J. J. Loncor, trustee
Alice R. Society Meets:
Tho Alice It. Debating Society of
tho Salem high school held tholr reg
ular moating at tho East school Friday
afternoon. Tho mooting was called to
ordor. by tho prosldont, Ralph Mooro.
An Intorostlng literary program fol
lowod. Tho following ofllcors wore
olected for tho coming term: Prosl
dont, Efflo Boggs; vlco-prosldont, Cur
tlss Cross; secretary, Myrah Hatch;
assistant secretary, Mildred Bngloy;
troasuror, Bortha Damon; sergoaut-at-arms,
Prof E. W. EramotL
' Pendo Installation.
Tho Installation of tho now omcers
of tho Pondo lodgo was hold last night
at their hall. Tho membership was
largely reprosontcd, and a most onjoy
ablo ovonlng was spont
Tho officers Installed wero; Consu
lor, 0. L. Johnson; vlco-consulor, Mr.
Howoll; secretary, Silas Howard; past
consulor, Mrs. L. B. McClalno; guldo,
Mrs. Gulso; warder, Mr. Wagner; sen
tinel, Mrs. Chos. McCarthy; chaplain,
Mrs. C. Ij. Johnson; trustee, Mrs. Os-
Aftor tho installation a most sump-
tons banquet was sorved by tho lady
numbers, to which all did ample Jus
tice. Tho Pondo order, though not an
old one, Is stoadlly growing in mem
bership, and has already gained the
roputation of being a most social ono.
for Salem society was tried during tho
afternoon for tho first timo, that of
tho ladles wearing their hats, and tho
Innovation was very pleasing to those
prosent Many handsome hats and
gowns wero worn, and the floral deco
rations were Orogon grapo, potted
forns aiyl red carnations.
A Rose In January.
Jamos Penland, Of South Salem, this
morning brought into Tho Journal of
flco a full-blown beautiful red rose,
grown out of doors al his home oa the
South Salem hllL Tho flower is as flno
a specimen of tho roso family as can
bo soon horo, or nnywhoro, for that
mattor, at any timo of tho year, and
shows the mildness of the cllmato of
this section. Blooming rosos aro not
confined to California, and Eostorn
visitors can. boo roses such as tho ono
described abovoMn tho Willamette val
loy at any timo of tho year. Mr. Pon
land hns mado a specialty of growing
flno roses, and his oxnmplo will, In
time, bo followed by many peoplo who
bollevo in beautifying their surround
ings. The Bohemians Entertain.
ThlB club will glvo ono of their
pleasant dancing1 parties at Tioga hall
noxt Wednesday evening at 8:30. Tho
patronesses aro Mrs. Bishop, Mrs.
Thlelsen, Mrs. Byrd, Mrs. Sutherland,
Mrs. A. N. Gilbert. Tho managing com
mlttco of the Bohemians aro J. G.
Graham, H. K. Ollngor, F. It. Thiol
son, L. E. Hooker, W. K. Burghnrdt;
F. K. Lovoll, Itoy Bishop and E. W.
Juvenile Birthday.
A Juvenile party was glvon at tho
homo of Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Ferguson,
at tholr homo, No. 58 Division street,
last night, In honor of their son, Ever
ett, who celebrated his 14th birthday.
Tho ovonlng was spont In games by
tho Httlo ones gathered thoro, and ono
of tho most onjoyablo ovenlncrs of tho
j winter was spont, and, when tired of
play, the Juvenile guests woro regaled
with a tastefully arranged and tooth
some repast. Tho colebrant was tho
recipient of many beautiful and useful
presents, many of which will for long
bo a substantial reminder of tho pleas
ures of last night's social gathering.
Thoro wero 15 of tho neighbor's chil
dren prosent, who enjoyed tho ovon
lng's festivities.
Shakespear Class.
Tho Shakespear section iof tho Sa
lem Woman's Club hold their regular
wookly moetlng for study nt Dr.
Staplo's omco Friday ovonlng. Thoy
aro -assisted by Supt, Travcr, of tho
public schools, as a leador, nnd con
cluded Henry tho Fourth, and took up
tho first act of Henry tho Fifth.
Salem Woman's Club.
Tho Salem Woman's Club mot nt
2:30 this aftornoon'to hoar a lecture
on Shakospoar from Mrs. It. W. Wil
bur, of Portland. An Informal rocop
tion wns glvon Mrs. Wilbur by tho la
dles of tho club. Tho club has ap.
polntod a commlttoo to plneo a fow
good works of art In each of the Salem
'public schools.
Eugene High School Notes.
Tho Eugene High School football
team hold a business mooting Wed
nesday ovonlng for tho purposo of
electing a manager for tho 1904 team.
Sidney Smith, of tho Junior class,
was ohoson unanimously. Ho was
field 'captain of tho J. A. C. Last sea
son, and It was his oxcollont gonoral
ship that won tho team two victories
over tho Cottago Grove team,
Tho young athlcto has oxcollont bus
iness ability, and tho finances of tho
football team will be In good bands.
A clear Havana 12o cigar. For sale by all dealers,
stein, Manufacturer, Salem, Oregon.
Aug Hucken'
v ez&s&mxmp&sziin
New Designs
o J 904
In jewelry and watches are now
fchownatPomeroy'fl. If you want
the latest and best there is, you
will examine this stock. You can
make your selection at a price to
suit, and will be sure of getting
the best valuo for tho money.
Prices cut in two.
Jewelor nnd OpUdan, 368 Com. ,SL
Enjoyable Social Event.
The homo of R, B. Fleming was the
scone of averr pleasant social ovont
on Friday aftornoon, when Mrs. It. B.
Flomlng and Mrs, J. G. Graham ontor-
talnod a largo number of tholr lady
frlonds. Tho ovor-faiclnatlng game of
Pit was played, and tho parlors wore
appropriately decorated In bunchos of
wheat, flax and oats, to represent the
articles called for In tho game. The
first prize was won by Mrs. h. F.
Griffith, tho second by Mrs. E. C. Pat
ton. Tho hostesses woro assisted in
serving tho ro'froshmonts by Misses
Cora Talklngton, Hlla nineman and
Ruth Gobrlelson. MoElroy's orches
tra discoursed swoet music during the
afternoon. About CO ladles wero pres
ent, and enjoyed one of tho most suc
cessful affairs of the season.
Those attending voted this ono of
the most unique and successful parties
over given In the Capital City.
The lady who was awarded tho sec
ond prize was unfortunate enough to
be on tho wrong uldo of the markot
during the afternoon, and was deolared
Insolvent. A new and novel feature
( Lane School Census.
Tho last enumeration of tho school
children of Lane county shows tho to
tal numbor In each town as follews:
inflf iREa IH DBBBBBBIhP 11
r -onr ja
WL-J0 1 a 4r 1&" - IbW
bH bbbbr pwyBWpwf-y BPiflfffiBw bbbh
No man should bo without a black suit. It's a wardroho necessity X
to any and ovory man. a
Wo havo Black Suite in unfinished Worsteds Cheviots Thlbota j
and Clays. Sack, Cutaway or Prlnco Albort
No bettor tailoring and no hotter fabrics can bo put Into Suits
than tho makers havo put into our linos of Black Suits. $10, $12,
$15 and up to $20.
Seo tho Suits that's tho only way to Judgo of tholr worth. How
ovor wo want to suggest that you
Have a Care in Buying Yoor Black Suits
for thoro'a lots of opportunity to go wrong. You'll mako no mis
take if you'll como horo.
Salem WoolenMillStore I
C. P. BISHOP, Proprietor.
z Bay That Overcoat Now At Greatly Reduced Price
Eugene, 1721; Cottago Grove, 532;
Springfield, 315; Junction, 231; Co
burg, 210; Creswell, 150; Wondllng,
147; Saginaw, 13G; Goshen, 103; Flor
ence, 101. Eugene stands" first, and
tho school census stands for about
6500 population.
More Basket Ball.
Tho Drain Normal school girls'
basket ball team will play a gamo with
tho Uosoburg High School girls toara
at tho Itosoburg opera houso on Satur
day ovonlng. Jnnuary ICth. Uoth aro
good teams, and an intorostlng gamo
Is expected.
Killed by Live Wire.
Lowlston, Ida., ,Jan. 9. Bon Rlggs.
8 years old, was killed horo at noon
Friday by contact with a llvo wire
that had fallen, on tho street. Two
Httlo girls wero preparing to lift him
from tho wlro when passors-by prc
vontcd, thus saving their lives.
Tho boy's body wbb severely burned.
Death was undoubtedly Instantaneous.
The Flsk Jubilee 8lngers
In a great program of, plantation
songs, will appear in tho Grand Opora
Houso Monday night. Reserved scats
For all kinds of farm machinery, j GOc and 75c. On salo at box ofilco
call on Manning & Ferguson. Monday at 9 a. m.
i 904 Constiwction.
English Shapes.
Auto Gears.
Cushion Tires.
Tangent Spokes.
Oak, Maroon, and Olive Finishes Folding Carts. S
The House Furnishing Co. I
269 Liberty St. Stores. Salem and Albany.
i Bay and Sell j
Mortgages -
To Loan
I Salem Abstract
and Land Co. l
iiininnia6iaffl.i.af iniataiaimiaiHiiaiftaai
'w.w.n.wBW.w.w.wvwB-w.v. . --- - - m
Don't Send a Boy To Mill
If you want a man's work dono,
is an old saying. You can send
anyono to our markot for meat,
and your ordor will bo flllud just
as well as If you en mo yourself.
Wo keep nothing but tho vory
choicest moats, fat, prlmo, tondor
and juicy, and wo out and trim
your steaks, roasts and chops a
only exports can for your tnblo.
: " L MVt 1MB7.1 .'!
li )wm3wm
;! iSffin M Sir
?! Wmlm. w? Ii
mnnf iyiwwowimH(frWmieimiin'
A White Hoase Cook Book Free
With Violot Rolled Oats. A coupon in ovory package.
One packngo 15 cents; two (or 25 cents.
D. A. White & Son,
Feedaen and Seedsmen, 301 Commercial St Salem. Ore.
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