1 ?y kMW. 1 A , a OREGON, SATURDAY, JANUARY 9, 190 DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, 8ALEM HEALTHY WOMEN F0UR 'fP l!pi var i . . . i t B W: & v THE OLD RELIABLE MANY AGAINST RELIGION Seattle Pr eacherReads Riot Act to the Rich Absolutely Pure THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE COUNTY TAX LEVY COMPLETE IncreasedReyenuesRe- (nired for State Funds County Would Have Had Low est Levy in Many Years but for the Reckless Legislature Tho Marlon county commissioners' court ha mado tho tax lovy on tho 1903 asscsmont roll, totaling u) 2Q.G nulla, a little less than, during tho past fow yours, but muah higher thun was expected, tho Inareaso being on no- count of tho Increased, burdens nlnced oa all tho counties by tho state. The lovy shown tho following rate In mllU on account of the several fund, and tho amount each will produco on tho valuation of tho property on tho as sessment rell: Fund Mills Amt. tnx State 8.00 7G.187.02 School G.30 59,238.00 County 4 CO 43,232.00 Indigent soldier ... 0.10 03000 Special road 1.80 13.D97.00 Total 20.50 $192,193.02 In addition to tho rovenue that will be produced by the levy, the county will have the use of a Imlanco of about $8000 that will bo In tho general fund, when the new taxes begin to como In, and about $8000 to be rocolved from feed and othor source from which tho county derlvoe Its rovonuee. ostlmat Ing ' this years Incomo from such eourcoe the same as that rccolvod last yoar. The county court would havo boon nblo to run tho county on a 10-mlll levy but for tho Increased domands ot tho stato and tho Hchools, and had those amounts not Increased, Marlon county would havo been enabled to run on tho lowost tnx lovy In many years. Tho Incroaso In not duo to any fault of tho county court, but ts dl ipetly clfargablo to the legislature for tho Increased approprlitlons mid tho change In tho manner ot providing funds for the schools. i - DIAMOND STIRS UP MATHEMATICIANS The Journal Has Unwittingly Sprung a "How Old Is Ann" PttztU on the Public WSHBSSKuKm mm gt m nPfl ISh sSSsSBbniwM i' ' . -v mM ' I hi n l m i im . linn msupv ik-,vtw iihiikw til Hl!ii .Mm& SSftw Jim U MIV !'" c w irif R WW III HUWW n 'ii'x jpf v, III N VWU ikjr . && I WW ni i ftv ii&rMi inn llilirW'f &z3mv lm WW il WWsM JWr l Til I WW if II lJL-dl 1 1 ' - J WiiM It 1 1 : : Wmli ffliOl Br fii ; ife mmSMhm ml I IBIIIItl l Vs a i L I'll' 1 1W1A-O TtlVtjil In 1 I I k JvLJ I " IfflillM MllPlNiVnairfroi1 PlVl i' kffl IB ' HRl JiHill iililil 1 SliSrM V 'afmv jStHW lr2: J it vl IC' K'la V5 iiKn1r. a s jsm rxm q ' v I'N.'v 1 l-r ui 1 iroii iff. n k s.i,vs !yii jZL vTlsB 5'1 ; f?S. m AJLVwi miss. I fyLZIAMJ)WrM ) M HOSA GJBBINa. T SAfflAMC'ZAamli iylf ll CJROWN POINT. j BEAUTIFUL WOMEN WHO USE PE-RU-NA. Pralso Pe-ru-na as a Curo and Preventative of Catarrhal Disorders. Says the Wild Worship of Mammon Eliminates All Thoughts of Spir itual Things Our business men are planning for the business of 1904. Thoy seem to think that tho future of our city, tho greatnoeo of our stato, and tho per manency of our population rest en tirely upon tho business triumphs of tho future. In othor words, thoy havo coveted the dollar, and havo hoarded tho coins, and havo desired wealth until thoy havo lost flight of every thing oxcopt tho business Idea and sldo of llfo. Tho pretend to beuovo that monoy, or business, Is tho back bone of our city. Thoy forgot that It would bo absolutely Imposslblo for business td bo transacted, or for great woalth to bo accumulated, wcro It not for spiritual, or religious power, bohlnd all schomos of llfo, producing Integrity, honosty and manhood. Kvery Irreligious and unrollglous man Is In debted to tho rollglous nnd moral forces nt work In tho community for evory dollaV ho has accumulated, and for evory dogrco of succoss ho has nttalnod. If ho would only stop to admit that fact, his callous, avari cious heart would grow, to some ex- tont. sympathetic and revorontlnl. If tho pessimistic laborer would stop to think, he would admit thnt oven tho Hiicceee of the wicked man is due to tho groat moral forces at work, and that havo Impregnated tho ntmoe phore he breathes. Tho futuro of this city, nnd all othor cities, must de pend upon moral, rollglous and spirit ual powors for growth nnd permanency. Our city cannot bo built on coin, out of gold, or by tho hands of lech oroutt, licentious, nvarlcous men. Tho futuro will demand that tho man of wealth presents a character a puro as tho gold ho attempts to hoard; tho futuro will scorn nnd condemn tho man who nttompts to flaunt his wick dnoss boforo tho nubile, and then do- in nil, l rornl-tnltlnn nf tlin ,nn,1 nf n. COIlBOCrated ministry. TIlO ClllircllOS olety nnd buslnoss. rognrdless of his ar "lled wlth B0(1y' righteous men character, solely becnuso ho controls !nn'1 women, and Sunday schools with wealth; tho future will demand that enthusiastic children. Tho motto for our city be built upon Intogrlty of 1904 will be "All for Christ!" We will character, purity of porsonul llfo and not ,l0 "fleil "nt" vory man has Miss Elizabeth Ubor, No. 07 B&aiett strcot, Albany, N. Y., -writes: a I have always dreaded the tall and winter because ot my extreme liability to catch cold, when catarrhal trouble would quickly develop through my entire system which It nmitdtakc weeks to drive away. I am thankful to say that elnco I have taken Pcruna, I do not have any res. son to dread this any more. Last tall when I suUcrcd with my old trouble I took Pcruna and In nine days was completely cured and since that time, If I have been at all ex. nosed to the damp, wet or coli weather, I taken dose or two of Pe. runa and It throws out any hint 0 sickness from my system. J gladly Indorse It." Miss Elizabeth liber. Mrs. Win. Dewey, Saranao Lako.N. Y., Is second cousin of Admiral Dewey, Iuarccentlottor snesnys: a Peru na Is tho most valuable ot any remedy that 1 havo ever used tor coughs, coias, etc. 1 vuksuuhj- ret ommend It as a certain cure It used according to directions." Mrs. Wm. Dewey. Miss Rosa Clorblng, a popular society woman of Crown Point, Ind., writes: a Last winter I took a long drive In the country, and being too thlngty clad 1 caught a bad cold which settled on my lungs, and which I could not fteem to shake off. I had heard a great deal of Pcruna tor colds and catarrn ana 1 oougni a uuma u trj. I am pleased that I did tor It brought speedy relief. It only took two bot tles and I consider this money well spent. a You have a firm friend In me, and I not only advise Its uso to my friends, but have purchased several bottles to give to those without the means to buy, and havo noticed without execution that It has brought about a speedy cure wherever It has been used." Miss Rosa Qerblng. To neglect a cold Is to invito chronlo catarrh. As soon as anyono discover! tho first symptoms of catching cold he should nt oneo begin tho uso of Teruna according to directions on tho bottle, and the cold Is suro to pass away with out leaving any bad offocls. Unless this is done tho cold Is almost suro to end In tho second stngo of ca tarrh which Is making so many lives mlsorablo. If Pcruna was taken ovory timo ono has a cold or cough chronlo catarrh would bo practically an un known discaso. If you do'not dorlvo prompt and satis factory results from tho lieu of Poruna, wrlto at onco to Dr. Hartmnn, giving a full statement of your caso nud ho will bo pleased to glvo you hla valuablo advlco gratis. Addrpus Dr. Hartman, President of Thu Hitman Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio. - Myrtle Greek. Or.. Jan. 8, 1904. The Dally Capital Journal. Saletn. Or.: Ctaat: Yoh tat In ytwr "kummIhk GjOflUwl" ilia, yuur sukteilhar lias hU hole of 1 numbers." I Uit t sail the atiewUttN uf ywr malkema ttaaA to tltai KtAlsHHent. K him at work. Wet him U wwi, he ought te be able to sow discover that he hat hmuU a whtUke. How U the warM do be HlmiM that there are 91 QlffenHtt mhnMimUimm ot the figure? We eau wily NgHre wi TJW ef them. Maybe we ar wrong; but you will turn to show wc A MI8SOUIUAN KHOM MIOIIIOAN. Hero' Another, there will be plenty of guessed to "go round." 8o after all It doesn't much matter how many there are. ns only oae of them, or. perhaps, two. If the number Is wK xnesel. will count, mid way count uu the dead timber? A Wwri Humlwr f rwelptanre being luu! In The Journal Diamond II kmiwn Number OuesuluK Contest. a diet and gentlemen and young people, tHteUeiw wm ud churrh members are IMuim; the pruiMuslo- to take a free (wees at a IM Tiffany diamond Hug that to Juet what It Is advertised to. We. ami tan be seen Wy calling at C. It. Illttge' ewlry store. A number of per have called to Iwtulre how the unkmiwH Humher will absolute rlKhteousuoes. The world Is weury. nnd honest men are disgusted with the efforts of Immoral mon try ing to build and conduct cities with out chnrncter, or solely with monoy. Tho year 1901 will And tho moral force of Seattle aligned with but ono purpose, namoly, to elevnte the moral tonn of tho buslnoss circles. Tho past has boon spent by shallow re former upon the surface of a corrptit political world. They have dealt In munlolpal abuso and In personal de nunciations. Thoy havo left un touched tho source of all tho crimes, man will mnko him a supporter and a promoter of tho kingdom of right eousness. Glorious 1904 Is big with religious and spiritual blessings for every citizen In Seattle. Kd. JiMriMl: I m that In yimr be made up. ami how it win remain unknown? On mtkmu Inquired what will be me with the remaining number ihat will be toft after the three are drawn out to make the unknown nnmlor? They will be bum In k urneww of the etm mltlee Mutwty. Jumwry Ulh. Here U th form of rMin thnt is belt gueeslng ewlMt w mu there are 8W Kueeee. I think If yon will uim Ine IMu Hae matUr i will Hnd Umt there are jt gna. There tan be nnmbere hegtwiinK with each Nur and as there Xre 14. euuMing the etuh er. there wwiM he m. llevw. as (here will nn4oeMUr be ureal mind that wMI ante s the nme nuwher. . Saltm, Ore ,, ,,, 1904 JOURNAL DIAMOND QUES3INO OONTEST C,w,d wnumw ;. Orefl0n n',11','" ,". Dollar, subsoriptten te th OaplUI Jeurnal (rem t90 u 190 The utd esymont brlnB wlely and In full value for the .aid MwVpVptr nnd to the person ,n wh, MFM (h opp.rtunlty If th.v ;"r,Nv7roVeV3r Hr'II QUES8,NQ -v.rllMm to lis .adw. :;. :.:::"" "nRnBwn num6u, Ma the "- "" "-'"n ewri ins Mid nuffibert, , HOFER BROTKEr8, PUBS, the numbsre ' It nun (minlind 1 11 X tniaa cd-ntiarafi oued, tlio weakest made to walk, and overy drunkard made sober, right eous and Industrious. Tho year 1904 will sea the greuteet rollglous move ment wo have over had. It will not be nn outburst of sontlmont, enthus iasm, froth nnd rollglous insanity; but It will bo a sano, obor, porslstont, dotormlncd movement toward God, morality and righteousness. Tho futuro will boo tho doath of tho supertlclal, the rosurrclctlon of tho real. Tho minjstor who has boon unreal, who has boon sunnrflplal who ... I .-- ,--...v...., .. .w nii enmo ot our ctiys immorality, has been Iar.y. who has beon half- If yuu rob crime and Immorality of hearted In his work, will become por- Its power to produco a revenue, you slstent. oarnost. real nnd xoalous In at nnro drive Its adherents to honest Oie performance of everv duty. A toll, and )i bury It In the grave of revhal of lllble preaching. Illblo llv- .vorlastlng oblivion. Therefore tho K nnd Hlble praying will constitute rr.mo and Immorality of our city has the motto of the pulpit, the pew nnd been fostered and fed by avarlcloua. the home. money-lo Ing. money-gettlng. money- . .... grafting bu.lnee. meTUey haZ Th! CJUrch" " h 'T ,U d9" WHlonao,! and home. orM " Pt l RouIIom. com- .mn.Mn deceney-all for the mighty mQB1 T 1 T"" ' P'rlt '" OoUnr. Characters have been 2 7l " the nff ' lhe" " need. (inriMon have bj TluSH K,? ,co .pWt rerf. and eomnremlee. with hi. L. ,aI " ln Xho lW8t ha b9n PPd been eftected-ali for u- ,ii.. "y unI10lJ ma of getting dolla,., """ woney. They have resorted to sup- Tt .1-.. ..- . . "' H,,n, BllMais Bn" rummage , , " "" rer ": !. It U true they have made oHwhTI ,5 T1 Uf bUi""M ",,a lrial-- Th flre will SSi11,; "" who rh M commerdal schemes to sup dTihtloJ. S.rV "T wU tot ' " Im.oes.be anu rurnuoiu public demands refnr- uuIm. w u iu., k.. .u. ',.....t. nnon. u u mr oneler to bo rlihivoiii mirUuai dit .1... ...... .. McEWEFTS LAST NIGHT A Realistic Aurder Trial Ad ded to the Regular Program Profoesor McEwen grows more and moro Interesting each evening. Last night the aiullenco was simply delight ed with his work. Tonight Is his last appoaranco hero, and he gtvw nn exhl onion mat is simply startling. Aftor A hypnotic Judgo trios n hypnotized person, who Is accussod of murder The lawyers, wltnossos, ofllcors and, In fact, tho wholo court, Is under the hypnotic spell, and tho situation Ii really and genuinely dramatic Tho3 who have not seen tho wonderful feati of McEwen should tnko advantage of the opportunity tonight. Want Brick Johnson. Governor Chamberlain today Issuod a requisition on tho governor of Mon tana, for the dollvory to tho agent ol the stato of Orogon of Brick Johnson, wantod ln Wallowa county for the crime of assault with Intent to kill Johuson is In Missoula, whoro ho U hold as a fugltlvo from justlco ponding the arrival of tho agoat of this sUte with tho warrant. J. c. Shackleford, of Wallowa county, was appointed as the agent to return tho prisoner to Oregon. New York, Jan. 9. Dryan nrrltol Off S.tnilv ItnnU t.l- lk he exhibition of slHght-of-hand and CoUlc7wh.c7u "cnt Illusions, ha puts 011 a murder trial 'w s? Women's Headaches 542 1-2 Congress Street. Pootland, JIjline, Oct. 17, 1902. & v l . 1 6'0n,31(?er " ine of Uardut superior to any doo- wr s meuicina l ever uied and I know whereof I speak. I suffered for nine months with suppressed menstruation which completely prostrated me. I ain would shoot through my back and sides and I woum nave blinding heaaaches. My limbs would sweii up anu 1 would feel so weak I could not stand up. 1 naturally felt discouraged for I seemed boyond the help of pbysicians.but Wine of Cardui came as a God-send to me. 1 felt a chance for the better within a week. After nine teen days treatment 1 menstruated without sui- wring agonies 1 usually did and scon became w: t n , "W and without pain. tn oflifdu,. . 6iraPly wonderful and 1 wish that all suffer tag women knew of its uood aud ties. iBMiriniB rsi uh fduii Biia mm ... ii - than nnrUhti. i. u... 7 I "' "".' ."" -. m l"r "c,,n i Uco iri. u l.T W,a0 lH "N whh h"t contributions of' uh 7, """hj ih me iuw-kvin, nL . ww,w w HUrooato. , w om. The fumre wm aHj th rH-... i...,.. i good qualities. JnJkliiAhasJ 't-r.ririf Treaiurer, Portland Etonomlo League. ) lf-acrintlng men and Church grafting and eccles blackmailing are damnable forces at our lv u..... ... ... w ,,,IH, Iur , gjj. B,iaM.iM j . ,., . ., ration of svarv Bflui. i ... "wr" OI " samei :,.J-N1,a,,,,M f a-winlnatkuu with hl wM of small Th,.. Vinn."-S S lL rrr - - . tm. . ma., w s,t rrrj, "r ,"r",'.,1"u' ron, anul the oloratlan at , , - "7"-"" w " wppon or tne , ,a wevaiwo at her sub- Goeixal. Oar uauk ......... , -StS.'SSLm E rH"':;.'J-"''?- . ..... oimuutiiiij- in every SST1 CemrJeteirSfffi0f wwSaSw? WodeXTOffiS awTthUneMtn8UPPrMttei'b"indeJ health, woman agaiV RemK with wter"i made a B ?nd lecauM this irreSt wmX -fJJIlr m o Cardui no C&BQ " hopeless a Tand nevfaK? nan!ntly ni?et out of every tVenty SwMyfee 'JlJ ehtacAseof irregular menses, bearing, down KhywSS ftSST, ItSl dged &nd docto? hare WiNEGftRDVI