DAILY CAP..AL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY, JANUARY 9, 1904. THREE E2xKM ii w Rffiffl Copyright. 1700, by th. (Continued.) fou wore speaking rocitiesiMy. rcur ords were Incendiary; ardentia verba. JMSon, you w'dre suggesting a danger- thing. Your life would scarcely fMtlsfy the law were you convicted of utumuntlng such treason. What If one your growling guards had over- sard you? Your neck and mine might Keel the halter. Quod avcrtnt doml- pus." lie crossed himself and in n solemn voice added In English: 'May the Lord forbid I Ah. my son, re priests" protect thoso we .love." EjfAnd I, who nm not fit to tie a ItJriesfa shoe, do likewise. Father, 1 II9TO Alice Housswion." L'Lovc is n holy thing, my son. Atnnro rolvinum est ct humnnum." i'Father Beret, enn you help me?" 'Spiritually speaking, my son?" L'l mean can you hide Mile. Roussll- fjon In some safe place If I take her out Eltho prison yonder? That's Just what Iflmean. Can you do It?" ll'Your question is a remarkable one. fnave you thought upon It from nil dl IreetloiiB, my son? Think of your po- littlon, your duty as an officer." shrewd polemical expression beam- from Father Beret's eyes, and a rery expert physiognomist might have Wnspected duplicity from certain linos about the old man's mouth. L'l simply know that. I cannot stand Iby and see Alice Mile, nousslllon arced to suffer treatment too beastly w an Indian thief. Tuats the only rectlon there is for me to look at It jm, and you can understand my slings If you will. You know that sry well. Father Beret. When a man Bates 'a gin ne loves Ticr;"tttatlB th rbolo thing." Clio quiet, Inscrutable half smile jckored once moro on Father Beret's pace, but he put silent somo time with mslnewy forefinger lying nlongsldo his loose. When at last ho spoko it was TnTa tono of voice lndlcntlvo of small interest In what he was saying. Ills jjjFSrds rambled to their goal with the leffect of happy accident. Phere are places In this neighbor hood In which a human being would be uafEard to llnd ns Uio Hug that you nnSlGovernor namllton have so dili gently nnd unsuccessfully been In quest of for the past month or two. itcally, my son, this Is a mysterious fifclo town." IFarnBWorth'B eyes widened nnd a flush roso In hlii swarthy checks. EUnnc the flacl" ho exclaimed. "Let WHO Backed uo bvover a third of a century 5f remarkable and uniform cures, a rec ord such as no other remedy for the dis 'eases and weaknesses peculiar to women 'ever attained, the proprietors and mak ers of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription now feel fully warranted in ofleriug to gay foo in legal money of the Uuited tates for anv case of Leucorrhea, Fe male Weakness, Prolapsus, or Falling of Womb, which they cannot cure. All they ask is a fair and reasonable trial of their means ot cure. WHEN I.OVK INVITES The woman follows the man of her choice though the path leads out of Eden into a worm umrouuen and un tried. What is her reward? Many a time when her health is broken by the burdens she has borne for the man's sake, her reward is to see him turn from her to seek rosier cheeks and brighter eyes. It is man's nature to cra?e beauty inJthewife as in the maid. And what woman is there, who would not be hap py to keep her maiden bloom when motherhood has crowned her wifely happiness i Some women seem to have found this secret of perpetual youth. "Age cannot wither them." They have learned that fairness of face and form depend upon the health, and 'that the general health depends upon the local womanly health. They establish regit iuliy of the periods. They dry the I ALICE of OLD ! iVINCENNES II '7 m A " ,,-. - - --, i . i . mmm t i Mjpajw BjMMajEj JBMMTirW Bv MAURICE THOMPSON -- --Mi) 4 H a J BOWEN-MfclUUH, COMTArlY . . ii: HMHatM4?HJHttAAMMt..ltlftft. H . llI,l2llM'VVrTlBlir,yaVlMIHHTlv4lVillVVrTlI,TV'lTlSlHl''l1 "V it Uo hidden forever. Wlint do I caret I tell you, Father Beret, that Allco RoUBslllon is in extreme danger. Gov ernor Hamilton means to put sonic terrible punishment on her. Ho has a Jevll's vlndlctlvencss. no showed it to mo clenrly nwhlle ngo." "You showed something of the snroo sort to me, once upon n time, my son." "Yes, 1 did, Father Beret, and I got n load of slugs In my shoulder for it from that bravo girl's pistol. She saved your life. Now I ask you to help me save hers, or If not her life what Is Infinitely more, herhonor." "Her honor!" cried Father Beret, leaping to his feet so suddenly and with such energy that tho cabin shook from base to roof. "What do you say, Captain Fnrnsworth? What do you nicuuV" Tho old man was transformed. . His fnco was terrible to see, with Its nar row, burning eyes deep under the shnggy brows, Its dark veins writhing snakelike on the temples nnd forehead, the projected mouth nnd chin, tho hard lines of tho Jaws, tho Iron gray gleam from all the features ho looked like an nged tiger stlfferied for n spring. Fnrnsworth was made of right sol dierly stuir, but he felt a distinct shiver flit along his back. His past life had not lacked thrilling adventures and strangely varied experiences with desperate men. Usually he met Biidden emergencies rather calmly, sometimes with phlegmatic lndlfferonco. This pnsslontito outburst on the priest's part, however, surprised him nnd awed him, whllo It stirred his heart with a profound sympathy unlike anything ho had ever felt before. Father Beret mastered himself In n moment nnd, passing his hand over his face, as if to brush away tho excite ment, sat down again on IiIb stool. IIo appeared to collapse Inwnrdly. "You must excuso tho weakness of an old man, my son," ho said, in a voice hoarse and shaking. "But toll uic wlint Is going to bo dono with Allco. Your words what you said I did not understand." He rubbed his forehead slowly, as ono who has difficulty In trying- to col lect his thoughts. "I do not know what Governor Ham ilton means to do, Father Beret. It will bo something devilish, however something that must not happen," said Farnsworth. Fathor Beret, like most men of strong feellmr who hnvo been subjected to ZlNNOT BE I disagreeable drains which draw the lus ter from the eyes and the venuilHon j from the lips as well as sap the body's j strength. They quench the internal iiiua ui liiiiamiuatiuu ill wiui;i 111c very elements of beauty are consumed. They heal the ulcer which gnaws into the very life. They walk the world as won ders women exempt from the sacrifice to love. How have they done this? By the use of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre scription, which mates weak women strong and sick women well. It matters not how weuk the woman is, or how sick she is, n Favorite Prescription " will cure the womanly ills that vex her; will round out the sunken curves of her form, put light in her eyes, tint her cheeks with health's carnation, and make her a glad and happy woman. Hundreds of thousands of women testify to the truth of these statements. Let every ailing woman read the two testi monials given below and remember that these two wpmen speak for more than half a million other women cured by the skill of Dr. Pierce and by the use of his "Favorite Prescription." There is no alcohol in "Favorite Prescription," neither has it any opium or other narcotic. "Two years ago I began to gradually lose my health," writes Mrs. Nellie D. Stark, Vice-'President Bethesda Society, 39 Gardner Street, Worcester, Mass. "Became nervous, lot my appetit, and rjtfg years or trial, nnrusinp. tnuu. tudlnous duugrr and all sorts of temp tation, nud who have learned Mie les sons of solf coutiwl. had an Iron will, and also nn abiding distrust or wcuK men. He saw Farnsworth's sincerity, but ho had no faith In his eoti'tiitwy. although satisfied that whllo iinnt merit of Hamilton's lmperlousm-s lasted ho would doubtless remain linn In his purpose to aid Alice. Ho listened In silence to Kuril" worth's story. When It came to nn end he began to offer some but half relevant suggestions In the form of Indirect cross questions, by means of which he gradually drew out a minute description of Alice's prison, the bust way to reach It. the nnture of Its door fastenings, where the key was kept, nnd everything. Indeed, likely to be helpful to one contemplating a J:ill deliver-. Farnsworth was Inwardly de lighted. He felt Father Beret's cun ning approach to the central object and his crafty method of gathering ilettlR Tho shades of evening thickened In the stuffy cabin room while the con versatloii went on. Father Beret pros-, ently lifted a puncheon In one corner of the floor nnd got out a largo bottle, which bore a mildewed mid faded French label, and with It n small Iron cup. There was Just light enough left to show a brownish sparkle when, after popping out the cork, he poured a draft In the fresh cup niid u bis own. "Wq may think more clearly, my con. If we taste this old liquor. I have kept It a long whllo to offer upon n proper occasion. Tho occasion Is hero." A ravishing bouquet quickly Imbued the air. It was Itself an Intoxication. "The brothers of St. Martin distilled this liquor," Father 'Beret added, handing tho cup to Farnsworth, "nof for common soclnl drinking, my son. but for times when n man needs ex traordinary stimulation. It is said to bo surpassingly good because St. Mar tin blessed tho vino." Thu doughty cnptnln felt n sudden nnd Imperious thirst seize his throat. Tho liquor flooded his volns boforo his lips touched the cup. Uo had been abj staining lately: now his besetting op petite rushed upon him. At one gulp ho took In tho flery yet smooth and captivating draft. Nor did ho notice that Father Beret, instead of Joining him In tho potation, merely lifted his cup nnd set it down again, smacking his lips with gusto. Thero followed n silence, during which tho nromatlc breath of tho bot tle Increased its dangerous fascination. Then Father Beret ngain filled Farns worth's cup and said: "Ah, tho blessed monks little thouglt that their matchless brew would ever lw sipped In n poor mlsslnimr'-'n vm an tab Wabashl But alter aTf; my ton, why not hero ns well as 'In sunny Franco? Our object Justifies ai.. Im propriety of time and place." "You arc right, father. I drink to our object Yes, I sny, to our object" In fact, tho drinking preceded hla speech, and his tongue already had a loop In it The liquor stolo through him, n mist of bewildering nnd on chanting Influence. .Tho third coo &URED. it seemed impossible to obtain a good night's rest, I became emaciated, hollow-eyed, and suffered with frequent heart palpitation, Complexlou was bad and "muddy" looking and I bad a hag. gard expression. I felt as though life had lost its chann; did not care to live, for life without health is simply a living death. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrip tion changed all this. It came as a blessing into my home ; I felt better in a short time after starting to use it, and within a mouth I was like another wom an. New life, health aud vigor returned and my husband fell in love with me all over again, and a new light and happi ness came into my life. Your medicine did all this for me, aud it is certainly worthy of praise." " I was a great sufferer for six years and doctored all the time with a number of physicians but did not receive any bene fit," writes Mrs. Geo. Sogdeu, 641 Honda Street, Saginaw (South), Michigan. "I had given up all hope of ever getting better, thought I would write to you. When I received your letter telling me what to do I commenced to take your ' Favorite Prescription ' and follow your advice. I have taken ten bottles in all, also five vials of the ' Pleasant Pellets,' Am now regular, after having miwed two years aud suffered with pain in the head and back. I was so nervous, could not eat or sleep. Now I can thank yen for my recovery." sroun ms sentences lute BaSutjlflgliilq trngments; the fourth mndo his undur Jawsag loosoly; tho llfth nnd sixth, taken In close succession, tumbled him Iliup on the floor, wliero he slept bliss fully nil night long, Bnugly covered with somo Of Father Beret's bed clothes. "Per casum obllquum, et per ludt rectum," muttered the priest when ho had returned the bottlo nnd cup to their hiding place. "The end Justifies the weans. Sleep well, my Bon. Ah, little Alice, little Alice, your old father will try, will try!" IIo fumbled along tho wall in the dark until ho found tho rapier, which he took down; then ho went out and sat for some tlmo motionless beside tho door, while the clouds thickened overhead. It was Into when ho nroso and glided nwny shndowllke tpwnrd the fort, over which the night hung black, chill nnd drearily silent. The moon was still some hours high, but smothered by the clouds; a fog slowly drifted from the river. Meantime Hamilton nnd Helm had spent a part of the afternoon nnd even ing, as usunl, at cards. Helm broko off the gatno nnd went to his quarters rather early for him, leaving the gov ernor nlone nud In a bad temper, bo cause Farnsworth, when he had Bent for him, could not bo found. Three times his orderly returned In as many hours with tho samo report. The cap tain had not been seen or heard of. Naturally this sudden and complete disappearance, Immediately after tho reprimand, nuggested to Hamilton nn unpleasant possibility. What if Farns worth had deserted him? Hamilton sat for some tlmo nftcr Helm's dijpnrture, thinking over what ho nor feared wns a foolish mistake. Presently ho buckled on Alice's rnplcr, which ho had Intely boon wearing nB his own, and went out Into the main area of the stockade. A sentinel was tramping to and fro at tho gate, whoro n hazy lantern shone. The night was breathless nnd silent. Hamilton ap proached the soldier on duty nnd asked him if lie had seen Captain Farns M'orth, nnd, receiving n negntlvo reply, turned about puzzled and thoughtful to walk back nnd forth In tho chill, foggy air. Presently a faint yellow light at tracted his attention. It shone through a porthole In nn upper room of tho blockhouse at the farther nuglo of tho stockade. In fact Alice was reading by n sputtering lamp a book Farns worth had Bent her, a volumo of Bon sard Unit he had picked up In Cuunda. namllton mado his way In that direc tion, at first merely curious to know who was burning oil so lute, but nftcr a few paces ho recognized where tho light camo from and Instantly suspect ed that Captain Fnrnsworth was there. Indeed, he felt sure of It Somehow ho could not regard Alice as other than a saucy holden, lncnpablo of womanly virtu?: Ills experience with tho worst clement of Canadian French life nnd his peculiar cast of mind and character colored his impression of her. IIo monsured her by the women with whom tho courcurH do bols nud half breed trappers consorted In Detroit and at tho posts eastward to Quebec. Alice, urinblo to sleep, had sought for gctfulnosfl of her bitter captivity In the old poet's charming lyrics. She But on tho floor, bouio blnnkcts nnd furs drawn around hor, tho book on hor lap, tho stupidly dull lump hanging he- sldo hor on a pnrt of tho hwIvcI. Her hair lay loose over her neck nnd shout- "Stop, fr; not anuther ttepl" dors nnd shimmered around her fnce with 11 cloiullllio effect, giving to the features In their repo n setting that JiKiiiaincd their wcitm'x and wit'.iipsn. In 11 wry low but dlrttlnct volc-e sin 'vms reading, with n slightly quavering lutoiintloii- Mlgnonn. aliens voir I la ro. Qua eo matin avoir ilewJo m robe ilf puurrw au wmuII. ,vlien Hamilton, after stealthily mount ing the raugli stnlrwny which led to her door, peeped In through a spnce between the slabs and felt a stroke of ilMpBolntaiBiit. seeing nt n glnui-u that l-'nriisworth was riot thoro. He gazed for romo time, not without n sense of villainy, while shu continued hor swuet ly monotonous rtHtdlnx. If his heart hud been as hard as the Iron swivel bulls that lay hesldo Alice he must still lifivo felt a thrill of something like ten der sympathy. She now showed no truce of the vivacious suuclfcetM which bad htmitofnre always marked bur feu- furcs when she was In bis presence. A dainty gantlejiotw. touched with mel ancholy, gave to her fnce an appealing iook all the more powerful on account of its uueuruicioiiB simplicity of expros sloii The man folt an impulse pure and noble, which would have borne him hark ilnwn tho ladder and nway frara 1 0 rY-UlmMmaB Ilr7 t b'iLJlrs t " nrr n stronger one nen boldly In the opposite' direction. Thoro wan n short struggle with the scared remnant of his better nnture, arid then ho tried to open tho door, but it was locked. Alice heard tho slight noise and breaking off her rending turned to look. Hamilton made another effort to ontcr beforo he recollected that tho wooden key, or notched lever, that con trolled tho cumbrous wooden lock bung on n peg beside the door. Ho felt for It along the wall, and soon laid his hand on It. Then ngaln ho peeped through to sea Alice, who was now standing upright, near tho swivel. She had thrown her hnlr back from her face and neck; the lamp's Pickering light seemed suddenly to hnvo magni fied her stnturo and enhanced her benuty. Her book lay on tho tumbled wraps at her feet, and In cither hand she grasped a swivel shot Hamilton's combative disposition earuo to tho nld of his baser passion when ho saw once more a defiant flash from his prisoner's face. It wns easy for him to be fascinated by opposition. Helm had profited by this trait ns much ns others had suffered by It but In the case of Alice, Hamilton's min gled rescntmont and ndnilratlon wero but n powerful Irritant to tho coarsest nnd most dnngorotlt Bide of his nature. After some fumbling nnd delay he fitted tho key with n steady hand nnd moved tho wooden bolt crcnklng and Jolting, from Its slot Then flinging the clumsy door wldo open, ho stopped Jn. Alice started when sho recognized tho midnight intruder, nnd a Bccond deep cr look Into his countcnanco made her brave heart recoil, whllo with a Blnk lng sensation her breath almost stop ped. It was but n momentnry weak ness, however, followed by vigorous reaction. "Wlint nro you here for, sir?" she demanded. "What do you wnnt?" "I nm neither a burglnr nor n mur derer, mademoiselle," he responded, lifting his hht and bowing, with n smile not In the least reinsuring. "You look llko both. Stop where you arel" "Not so loud, my dear Miss Boussll Ion. I am not deaf, nnd, besides, tho garrison needs to sleep." "Stop, sir; not nnothcr stop!" She poised herself, leaning slightly backward, and held tho Iron bull In her right hand ready to throw It nt him. He halted, still smiling vlllnlnously "Mndomolsollo, I nssuro you that your excltdment Is quite unnecessary, I run not hero to harm you." "You ennnot harm me, you cowardly wretch 1" "Humph 1 Trlde goes beforo a fall, wench," ho retorted, taking a half step backward. Then a thought aroso In his mind which added a now shndo to tho repellent dnrkncBS of his counte nance. "Miss BoiiBslllon," he sold In Eng llsh nnd with n changed voice, which Boomed to grow hnrdor, each' word de liberately emphasized, "I have como to break somo bod news to you." "You would scnrcoly bring mo good nows, sir, nnd I nm not curious to hear tho bnd." ne wns sllont for a llttlo whllo, gnz lng nt her with tho sort of ndmlrntJon from which n true woninn draws nwny nppnlled. no biiw how sho loathed him, saw how Impossible It was for him to get a lino nearer to hor by uny turn of force or fortuno. Itmvc, high l headed, strong ns 11 young leopard, puro and sweet iib n rose, she stood be fore him fearless, evou aggressive, showing him by every Hue of her face and form that sho felt hor Infinite su periority and meant to maintain It Her whole personal expression told him ho wns defeated, therefore he quickly seized upon n suggestion caught from a transaction with Long Hair, who hod 'returned a few hours beforo from his pursuit of Bovorley. "It pains me. I nssuro you, Miss ' Bousslllon, to toll you what will prob ably grlovo you deeply," ho prosontly added; "hut I hnvc not boon unaware of your tender Interest In Lieutenant Beverloy, nnd when I had bad nows from him I thought It my duty to In form you." Tie pniiHwl, feeling with a devil's sat Isfnetlnn tho point of his statement go home to the girl's henrt. "The Indian. Long Hnlr. whom I sent upon Lieutenant Beverley's tmll. re ported to me HiIh afternoon tlmt his pursuit had been quite suciofiil. He caught his game." Alice's voice en me to her now. Sho drew In 11 quivering breath of relief. "Then he Is liov ho Is You have him n prisoner iignlnV" "A part of him. Miss HoukhIIIoii. Hnoiigh to be qulto hiiiv that there Is one tiiiltor v ho will (rouble his king no inotv. Mr. I.UHK Hnlr brought hi tho lleittoitM'it'mwnlp." Alice received thlx horrible statouifril In slleric-e. but lif-r 'fu-e blanched nnd she tttood ii If froxen by u hIiim k The shifty iihmiii glimmer and the yol low glow of the lamp showed Huml, tun to what 1111 extent Id davlllsh c:-i, oily hurt her. and somfthow It i-hli;.-' him ns If by lelleetlnn, but ho cn-iV not furtwo nnollwr thrust. "n diiwwd hanging, and wo-iM have got It hud ho Ihhhi brought to m nllve. Ho. after nil. you should lx sir. Isflod. lie ewaped my vengoanco nn.J Loug Hair got his pay. You sou, I nnt tho chief sufferer." Tucsu words, however, fell wlthoui offwt upon the girl's oars, In which, wu booming the awful, stormllke roar of her exeltoment Sho did riot m her persecutor stundlng there. II. -i vision, unhlndored by walls and dl? fabce. went straight' nway to a plow In tho wilderness where, all mangled nnd dUflgured, Beverloy Jay dead. A low crj' broke from her lips. Sho dropped tho heavy swivel balls, and then, llko a bird, swiftly, with a rus tUmr Hwoon. sho went oast Hamilton Eczema How It reddens tho skin, Itches, coses, dries and scales! Somo people call It tetter, milk crnst or alt rheum. The suffering from It Is eomrtlmes In tonw; local applications arc resorted to they mitigate, but cannot cure. It proceeds from humors Inherited or ac quired and persists until these hnvo been removed. Hood's SarsapariUa positively removes them, has radically and permanently cured tho worst cases and Is without an equal for all cutaneous erupt Ions. n-7n- MtriiM'sthtbeitcAthirttn. PrlfeSir'- and down the stair. For perhaps a full minute the man stood thero motionless, stupefied, amazed, and when nt length he recov ered himself it wns with difficulty tlmt ho followed hpr. Everything seemed to hinder lim, When ho reached the open nlr, hOwcvcrl ho quickly regained Ids activity of both mind nnd body nnd looked in nil directions. Tho clouds wero breaking Into parallel masses with streaks of sky between. Tho moon hanging aslant against tho blue peeped forth Just In tlmo to show him n flying figure which, oven whllo bo looked, reached tho postern, opened It and slipped through. With but n breath of hesitation be tween giving the nlnrm nnd following Allco silently nnd nlone ho choso tho latter. He was a swift runner nnd light footed. With a fow bounds ho renched tho llttlo gate, which was still oscillat ing on ItH hinges, darted through nnd nwny, straining every muscle In des perate pursuit, gaining rapidly in tho race, which bore eastward nlong tho course twice beforo chosen by Allco In leaving the stockade. . (Continued noxt Saturday.) Deafness Cannot Be Cured. by local nppllcationn ns thoy ennnot roach tho diseased portion of tho oar. Thoro Is only ono way to ouro deaf ness, and that in by constitutional romodlos. Deafness is cauuod by an Inflamed condition of tho mucuo lin ing of tho Eustachian tuba Whon this tubo is Inflamed you hnvo a rum bling sound or Iraporfoct hearing, and whon It In entirely olosod; deaf ness is tho result, and unloss tho In flamatlon can bo takon out and this tubo rootorcd to Its normal condition, hearing will be dofltroyod forever; nlno cases out of ton nro causod by catarrh, which la nothing hut' an In flamed condition of tho mucous ser vice. Wo will givo Ono Hundrod Dollars for any caso of deafnons (caused by catarrh) that cannot bo cured by Hall's Catarrh Curo. Send for cir culars, froo. F. J. CHBNI3Y & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by druggists, 7Cc. Hall's Family Plllu aro tho host. Branson &. Ragan. Keep nil kinds of groceries, and they nro tho boet Uiat can bo found In Uio city. You don't know It until you havo trlod thorn. n AVE YOUR MEASURE TAKEN for your new Fall garments. It la the only proper and sat isfactory way of buying your clothes, being- that "GOOD CLOTHKS ARE ALWAYS MADE TO ORDER." Mako your selection from the tail oring Hue of STRAUSS BROS. Chicago, Est. 1877 Oood talluri for overa quarter century You'll find n world of pleas ure in wearing the clothes mado by Strauss Bros., faultless in style, fit, finish nird materials. They're no much better than the ordi nary run of clothes, yet prices are astonishingly low, and your perfectly safe In or dering, because If garments are not satisfactory, you needn't take them. WE WILL BE PLEASED TO SHOW YOU OUR GREAT LINE OF SAMPLES CALL ON G. W. Johnson & Co. PETER IIOCII, German Market Just opened, next door to liar rltt & Lawrence!! grocery store, a clean, now market, where All kinds of meat can bo bad. Low price and prompt .dollvory our motto. We mako a specialty of fine Gorman sausage of All 9 kinds, fllvo us n pal). 4t4mMWHHHfr (y"ji s?. 48&H .vU K5i? TiffffrRTinwiinnfliLiiJWy-rrrWBi, H ;; JO. MILLER. 1 a 0 ( i