Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, January 09, 1904, Page TWO, Image 2

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Serjps News Ao
Association Telegrams.
Dally On Year, $4.00 In Advance,
Dally Three Month, $1.00 In Advance,
billy by Carrier, 50 Cent Per Month,
Weekly One Year, $1.00 In Advance,
i -
, . . aaa i- jrL-i.. in,t. In fine, alrrfit.rnnm. tWrtistnrV structure,
invested iw, m mjuoi ... - ... - ... , .
u-tihum , n.nf.M6thflt Will make raddorn In all of Its departments, and
millionaires of his children. His fain- Is patterned aftor the Pattorson school
er did that for him two generations building at Eugene. It will cost, corn-
ago In Pennsylvania. Plete, about $14,000; howevor, only
inree room aru 10 u iuuiuowu m. i"
Cm Wee $ 10
no Mjprith $ .35
area Months $1.00
tAt Journal Office.
At Dane's Grocery, 8outh Salem.
A flovrert'o'x Grocery, Yew Park. ,
Asyfum 'Avenue Grocery Store.
Eleelrie Grocery, East State St
Wf H-M-H-H-H-H H I Hill f ;
National.. Ilrostock., convontlon,
Portland, January 1216.
Asgora gout shot, Dallas, Joan
ary IMC.
i o
The Weather.
Tonight And Sunday, occasional
Ily Clinton Scollard.
We kissed good-by In the gloaming
lire tli a moon crept up In tho sky;
"When, love, will you be homing?"
Slip cried, with a toary eyo;
"When will you coaso from roaming
The breast of tho barren sea,
Ami em to another breast for rest
To the longing boart o' me?"
The I mid to her low, nod slow,
"0 It's ever the Jail must go,
And It's vw the lotto must stay,
And tli nt Is the tale of the world-old
Till the trump of the Judgment,
day!" f
HUH I htar her volao enthralling,
And e herstandlng Uiere,
"With i night's deep shadows falling
.On the drtwnlirSak of her hair.
AUd evar her oalllng, calling,
J'loata over thu barren sm,
"(joins back to my aching brant with
For the longing heart o' mo!"
Hut I cry to Ihkv low and slow,
M0 It's er Uie lad mint go.
And It's ever the law must stay,
And that Is the tale of the world-old
Till Uia trumu of tho Judgment
Hay I"
It Is stated at the clubs and In h
HUeal elmlas that one of taa stnm
est prtlUettiM aJ bast IhmIhsss mm
of (as stata to 4Hg Into a maatal
IIU la the oh) alary told In Hamlet
of "sweat balls Janet!" and n "bright
mind orarUiwwn." He )mn nbllltr.
Mauds, a kaRjiy family, Hiul was a
aas of gnat promts nmt wealth.
He baa degirntsl until Its gau ac
tual sAtlafoetton oat of nillug tiimsajf
with IkiHar. aiuina dual nu,i i..i.li.
HagleoUHg bwslnaas. and does wit erea
answer baslKeaa ami potttJcal Uu.r.
na w to rau belief In stimulants,
tub falsa seas uf uuwlu .i...j.. ,
ttm tickling Uia aalAta with "rock
h rye.- The deadly microbe of er
rW last Insists In pHNlthlKg MmtMt
br punishing Wat,, rh4 j
tee neiloaal debt by bamls oat bis
twain. aa4 ta lining of bis duodeauat
Taere arrtMibly no hawaa pow.r
teat taa h UK. tMr hl (rata
lag oato the breaks.--u,Im, b, tM
be aftmenit la ika r h, . i..
r vnaas. t wbt be thinks.
Thl. mnlhiu! nf nnrlphlnz future
gwieratlons out of the unearned Incre
ment Uiat attache to the Increase In
vainac nf timnartv from the develop
ment of the whole community Is wrong
In orlnclnlo.
Any man Is entitled to what he
houly earns by his whole efforts
and Industry, but he is not entitled In
Iron .nttntrv til til flf'tHlllIm WSfllth
that Is created by s)clal privileges of
bad legislation
Slavery was bulwarked by constitu
tion and legislation. Yet It was annl
hllnlMl like a bubble, and all Its mil
lions wont as foam before the whirl
wind and tornado of public sentiment
when thi time was ripe for It to go.
o j
There 1b common senso in the
statement of President J. J. Hill at a
St. Paul banquet of business man,
that any railroad that attompts to fol
low restraint of trade will break up
its own business.
The restraint of trado was Uio koy-
noto of Hill's brief talk. In part, he
'A great many pcoiilo think tho
business of a railroad Is to restrain
trade. I want to assure you that the
railroad that rostrulns trade will go
broke. A rallwnv. to be successful.
must mako It possible for tho people
to develop the natural resourcos."
There Is to be an ndvnnce of about
10 per cent In the rales on about 100
The protests of the big shippers to
the railroad officials havo already
borne frulL On artlole of ' which
large quantities nre shipped to this
ooast Is cost' Iron piping. Owing to
the protest of the shltmers the nro.
posed Increased rate on this article
rrom 06 cento per 100 pounds to 75
cents has been rescinded.
The shippers want the railroads to
tnka similar action on about ten or
eleven other commodities. The rail
roods decided to refusi? this request
time of building.
The Spirit of Winter.
Tim Sulrlt of Winter is with us,
making Its presence known In many
different ways somotlmea by cheory
itnatilnft nn! ellitenlnir snows, and
wmstlmei by drlvng wnds and blind
ing storms. -To many people It seems
to tako n delight In making bad
thlnus worse, for rheumatism twists
harder, twin as sharper, catarrh be
comes more annoying, and tho many
symptoms of scrofula are doveloped
and aggravated. Tlioro Is not much
loetry in this, but there Is truth, and
It Is a wonder that more pcoplo don't
get rid of these' ailments. Tho medi
cine that cures thorn Hood's Sarsa
parllla Is easily obtained and there
Is abundant proof that Its euros are
radical and permanent
Fear Another Massacre.
Vienna, Jan. 9. A dispatch from
Constantinople today was received
from an Armonlan sourco and sav3
tho' Inhabitants of Snssoun. In Turk
ish Armenia, are greatly excited over
the possibility of a repetition of the
Kurdish massacres of 1894. A num
ber of tho Inhabitants havo fled.
Dnntle of Kurds, who are old-tlmo en
emies of tho Christian Armenians, arc
titntlonod nt many points on tho fron
tier to prevent tho oscape of the fugl
Nate Klmssy Resigns.
Nate Klmsoy, who was appointed
one of the guards at tho penltontlary
early In December, has severed his
connection with that Institution, his
resignation having been accented bv
the superintendent, on Thursday nlghL
His Successor has been appointed, and
Is now nt work. Mr. Klmsey Is a res
ident of Marlon county. comlnK from
the Whlteaker neighborhood.
B999999 0 tte 0g
Tho nvhlhltfnn nf n lot of HttlC
bunches of grain In tho straw Is about
the limit of Intelligence of some of
our world's fair commissioners In get
ting up tho St, Louis oxhlblt.
Timro will ho a state nrlntor
amendment submitted to a vote of the
nnnnlo nf. Ihn next olection. It la to
authorize tho legislature to put that
official on a salary. How they can
put a man on a salary, and require him
to maintain an oxpdnslvc plant is a
mystery to bo solved by legislative
We cannot all wear diamonds at
once, but you can havo a free guess
that may result In your wearing one
bofore you know It.
Tho suprome tost of hypnotism will
tako nlnco when two Salem lawyers
will trr ahvnnotlc murder case before
a hypnotizing judge at tho Grand Sat
urday night, and for onco will not be
permitted to talk back to the courL
Commander Dilllnchnm. of the cruis
er Detroit, cablos from San Domingo,
that ho and tho commander of tho En
cllsh crulsor Pallas "made such repre
sentations to tho commandor of tho
Morales gunboat that her officers
agroed not to bombard Puerto Plata."
"Mado such representations" Is a dip
lomatic way of saying It. but what
Dillingham said would, no doubt,
mako good reading.
" Cherry Perioral
Doctors rnrelv have Imrrl nu.
They keep this old couch
remedy in the house. Coughs
colds, weak lungs. bSiUns
and Whitney L. Boise will renew their
nmnnta l.ofnro It- Wonder if they
hope to get some of tho committee to
change their minas
Tl.n T nnn rnnntv rnmmlsslonors'
court has agreed to a reduction of 50
rents nn ncro on railroad lands .as
sessed at $3 por ncro, provided tho
Southern Pacific doc not contest It.
If the company fights tho assessment
It will romnln at $3 an acre.
Eugene Register: Salem olectod a
man by tho namo of Waters for may
or. This was done, no uouut, as a
nrntopflnn to tho. sanitary condition
of the city, In belief that tho Portland
papers would not even dare to Insin
uato that tho mayor is infected with
Isn't syndicato ownership of trains
wrecking and killing a great many
train loads of pcoplo? A corporation
was a soulless enough affair, but n
syndicato has ovon an Imporsonnl
soulless existence. It is moral irre
sponsibility and vacuity combined.
When You Want
Somothlng to cat, Juat try tho '
tTrttian Tlinv nnn .nmn ...
i.uuov. -, w .,.,, ,uu at Jjf
nuur ui uiu uny ur uigiu.
OufV. 3 T O 3JL I A ,
j 1110 WIIU I
Tho fact that ghouls robbed the
bodlos at tho Chicago theatre empha
sizing tho nbsoluto necessity of a place
of otornal punishment, and in this
case fire would be tho nppropriato
The Orogonlnn says tho sonato com
mittee Is unanimous in favor of an
appropriation for tho Lewis and Clark
fair, but that H. W. Scott, Jeff Myers
Bed Time
I take a pleasant herb drink, the next
mnrnlnr I ffn hrlcrht nnri niv rnm.
plexion 1b hotter. My doctor says It
acts goniiy on tne Bvomacne, liver and
kldnoys, and is a pleasant laxative. It
Is made of herbs, and Is prepared as
easily as tea. It Is called Lane's mod
Iclno. All druggists soil It at 26c and
50 cents. Lane's FamliV Medicines
mores tho bowols each day. If you
cannot eet It. send far fron immnlnii
Address, Orator Woodward, Leltoy,
N. Y.
A Bi! Kick
A man mnlcos when Ids laundry wwl
Is sont homo with porcuplno cdgi
and sproadcaglo buttonholes. If fc
would urine his linen to an un-to-dxi
laundry whero perfect methods obta!i
at all times1, such as tho Salem St
Laundry, ho would rocelvo his ahiru;
collars and cuffs equal to now oveij
timo that wo sond thorn homo.
Salem Steam
Col. J. Olmsted, Prop,
Phone 411 230 Liberty l
The Journal Is In rocelnt of several
efforts at tho solution of the mathe
matical puule Involved In Its diamond
gneealng contest.
How many comblnaUons of flmircs
art ltoeslhte out of those ten figures
from which Ihe unknown number will
lie nseamblad, which will be comiwsl
of thrae of those llgurea.
TIib MtJmntea are all too low. In
the opinion of the editor, but then ho
Is aw a mathematician. He Is tatis
fls1 If some deserving person g.-ts th
Mawoad far a dollar, and he g.ts th
,The absolute fairness or th guss
In coateet has not bom iiid in
question. It Is one on eaual tnrm 1 1
old and new subscribers who pa a
llar oa sabacriuUou. and no hawk
lug or eoMmisslon work allowed.
Tba fuses mast be made by the nor
oa wno asts the receipt Issued In tils
or ner name, and they must be bona
title BHbacriban.
All Cooks Delight in using
Economy Brand
Evaporated Cream
Nevor sours, always ready, never causes disappointment at the last
,.,,i i. J i l: JT '" ' .u l0 DB servea. Tour cook
will bo delijhted because it is so handy; you will be
delighted because it is the purest and most appetizing
We are placing the cap label reproduced herewith on
3 fver' 5?n w our Product. This Is done for your protec-
non. uur name on the label means that It Is the best,
richest and purest. Ask yourdealer for Economy Brand.
-LarvaiiToMmv Kiitporttl.il Cream," (k
Ury floods Leadens 1 hat Lead.
DRESS GOODS Black homespun, SO inches
all wool, only 50c a pard.
TOWELS 10c each, best value ever given in the city. !
UMBRELLAS in gloria silk, all steel rods from 50c j
a uu 'ui julliui unci ii jtii.i. imp v, nn p '
good covers,
a WRAPPERS Flnnn?lHp tt 1 K Ihil o ,nU t it
i ICE WOOL SHAWLS only 60c and 75c worth from
$ to 51.25
li Rostein 8c Gxeenbaum
302 Commercial Street.
Aa Draw eatfuiltot WwRbt a larse
Iwei af UaiWer lawi aa had Hrl
capital ta aiaat a k.. u
wt ma to pt u wn mtlu
aad iaataWaK hla nweaiH.,,..
A IHaMlttHt ka nakad ta rail
a uHMaaay laat aaaraUs U West
. maoa wkMlwr , eaW dallvar
alss ava raj a Oay fW a mr.
T.y aaily rafisaa, to Mtm ,0 hjj
aay aamW at , m JT
weoW asaartttits. hiiuu. u r"
tar aaorta,. ta Www, OB-saTtaL
"air Maaa a -. Z. "W
StW but J --m HMSMM-
:-J , ".J!? UT V Uia alasst
,w" kto MWy sail
"!! Uaa rtaat aaaTT
A numuar of S(aam Kntleniu.
pruwlnaat In rellsdous and e.kipntin.
nt work. ur IntersaUnK lln.mth-. i
awurlim a tartas of hlali-claM enter-
uhhui.hu fw tae MO)la of this com
wuHity. Ta urettatetkw itt cleaa ..,...
hhsbU Is oa of ta unaiMMt .-
!. aad eapsclally la taa adiicatloaal
iri uas aaiew. Taet ntrtalu
"' . laerefore. entitled tn hr.
ty taitrotuut.
Lai hi ataaiD Saiui u ri.sui.. ....
dutattoaal rltr. with a r.Hi.i
jfor Ut klibrr class of eatertalamsats.
To laU aad taa Flak Juhiu ti.n
ad Motart Siukoai- Clh ara aa
tt lea to a gaaewms mport from our
rltlaoa. i
Taa hui. by OaMxl owlm
-- oawara ooaiwatacy. whe , ,Mf
st MurtvlNc IWMM oi n, cmMs
amthw. la ml$a eaUtUJ in hM,
Taa Oalb- coaat Uaii nr m.i.-,.
Cooa i-ounty, has out a ana w v-..J
MuueJ oa book oauer. and rrWU.M
arsas vwk, wlUi r. of mWtm
Uom. bHut SoHtawaaUra Orw
.- Z7 TT rwt tHde
- v Fwueanoa aa It weat lato Ue
b of Holer A lv.r .
MM -W ... . . ' "" "
ZL.:rT' "w-aMW
aa Mm KMaliat sucvesa.
Ways of Wood Folk
Wilderness Ways
Secrets of tne Woods
Wood Folk at School
Beasts of the Field
Fowls of the Air
School of the Woods, .. $1.50
Following the Deer, ,. $ J 25
A Little Brother to the
Bcar '$1.50
ij Books By William J, Long
4t-H-H4'H4HHHHl mi m-hh
ositive Pfoof
We Do
What We
Sle Man ButWt t.
A CVtitaca Otura diu,i. .. ..
y sajra: Ar.k.1,-.. iIl .
. - -. waisviai, of la
, was la towa thla wk j 4....
te Mat Mar bulUlac has baa --
l Trade Deparlmoot. 29 ft.;.., c. u n..
We hill and romovo Cancers and
Tumors without tho aid of Jmifa or
othor lnstrumont.
Dr. J. F. Cook, tho Botanical Doc
tor, curoe all Wnds of diseases after
nil othor schools have failed", with
out tho aid of knife or poisons. His
medicines are composed of Nature's
herbs; thoy aro gathered and Bolocted
In various parts of Amorlca and for
olgn countrlos, at groat oxpense.
A. F. HOR, via. Pn.W-.nt,8, "' HA2AR' CmM'
rcgon State JBanh
Jefferson. Oregon,
la a i v.. . "
! lean,, at8.
f Has oreventfrl mnv
-- iiuta w
j from bein cured by me,
Can you
i Afford to Rtm
j!. the Risk
:; Read the Testimonial of a Prominent Salem Man:
',... "" iMfc PUBLIC.
t ng treatment from hih, f, T ora Uiat navo beon '
I he has V?:JTJ" and ' ta "at time
I ous irrowths n inr i. tuiiai tnroo tumors of cancer-
or from off my thumb ThT.C:.' l..""0 Irora ott m toot anolh.
.: c'nos alono. thoy kll 11," .u accomP8hd through medl-
- daro not bolievo 1 could hav.rT th a'd f Unlfo or -"S- I
:: therein thiwo rTT 0,1Ual il troahnent w
I : WC Ca" d M much r you, or more, If you need It "
la F. corw
Deutscher Botanical Doctor. i iu
WMIM ,berty 8treet 8al"". r0O"'
s i-r ttmwtHHH i I Hl-H 1 1
; ; :::::::-JV GENCY O F- l
i! Oats For Ku
m a mwol urT.r ;r?
I J. 6. Graham, Aaento ""
A W M nKMlly I, OfN, At4
Ha rtHk.t . T1:, v
,i.. ruonws todr our
fwaaa la ail ,.m. ..
Haa. raaaatwtarvaa
- -. . m
latarwrt. viTT M VHr t
.Z7Z i nawsJ, w. i