Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, January 09, 1904, Image 1

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..NO. 8.
Kawght By a Terrific Storm She Drifts At Its Mercy The
Tugs Sea Lion And Holyoke Go to Her Assistance, But
She Founders While In Tow The Violence of the
Storm Prevents Saving the Helpless Passengers
ISenttlc, Jan. 9. Twenty-six lives
lero lost by the- foundering of the
steamer Clallam in tho straits nqar
Eprt Townsond early this morning
lo vessel broke down poon after leav
ing Victoria yesterday afternoon, and
rifted beforo a terrific storm until
so met nor rate, sue uognn sinking
S'ortly after midnight Tho news of
io most torrlblo cntastropho that has
?or occurred In theso wators was
received in tnls city at d:30 a. m. tins
raprnlng by tho marlno oxchango In
rattolegram from tno masters or tne
pugs Sea Lion and Richard Holyoko
fho former brought 24 survivors and
jtho latter eight to Port Townsond.
JTho latest telegram says tho Clallam
foundered while in tow of tho Richard
Holyoke, between Smith Island and
Dungoness Spit. Tho tug was along
side when she sank, but, on account
of tho terrible storm running, could
savo less than one-third of those
aboard tho doomed vessol. Fifteen
women and children and 10 men,
mostly pasaeugors, wore drowned.
Later. Tho list of drowned will
probably reach C5.
First Newa of Danger.
Port Townsond, Wash., Jan. 9. A
report reached hero last night that tho
dally passongor steamer Clallam, op
orating between Sound ports and Brit
ish Columbia, had broken down In tho
straits off Trial- Island, and when
sighted had drifted to tho vicinity of
Discovery Island.
A terrific southwest storm provnlls,
and, unless assistance soon reaches
Uio disabled crnft, she was In great
dnngor of going ahoro on tho rocky
Island. Asslstanco has boon sent from
hero, tho tug Richard Holyoko leaving
at 7 o'clock, and other tugs will bo dis
patched as fast as they can bo sig
nalled. Discovery Island Is exposed to tho
full swoop of a southeast storm, nnd
the Clallam will suffer great damage
should she ground thoro. When laBt
roported, tho vessol was making poor
headway, with a make-shift sail.
Jap and Russian Have
Made the Whole
Pfess Agents of the American
.. Long Distance Prize Fight
ers Managing the
Wordy War
Of Course, Its Quiet.
Washington, Jan. 9. A dispatch
from Coghlan nt Colon today says tho
Dixies' marines havo landed. All 1b
lays He Married One
Woman and One
Woman Only
Denies That He Has Taken
Any Oath Inconsistent
With His Duties as
a Citizen
Washington, Jan. 9. Smoot's an
per to tho cbargos made against him
mado public. Tho charges are:
1rst, that ho is a polygamlst; second,
lat ho is bound by an oath or obliga
tion which Is Inconsistent with the
path roqulrcd by tho constitution,
fhlch was adminlstorod to him beforo
10 took nis seat as senator, amoot
lonieB both. Ho says ho married in
1884 Miss Eldridgo, who Is still his
wlfo, and tho mothor of his children;
that ho never had any othor wlfo or
co-habltcd with any othor woman. Ho
denies taking any oath or obligation
conflicting with his duties to tho coun
try. Ho holds himself bound to obey
tho laws of tho United States, includ
ing those roforrlng to polygamy, and
denies that thero Is a bu promo body
In tho Mormon church, having su
premo authority on all matters over
its followers. Also donies that the
Lattor Day Saints' Church Inculcates
or oncournges polygamy, or has done
so slnco tho Woodruff manifesto in
1890. Ho admits tho first prosldont of
tho church Is vested with supromo au
thority in spiritual matters, and also
in tomporal, as far as thoy pertain to
tho ofllcors of tho church.
Coroner Still Busy.
Chicago, Jan. 9. Tho coron'or today
examined attaches of tho Iroquois
theatre established a caso of gross ne
glect against the management. Chas.
Sweonoy, tho only flroman employed
by tho thontro, Bworo ho hnd nover
beon Instructed in his duties, nor
kvhoro tho apparatus or stand pipes
woro located. He nover had any Arc
oxporionco. Ho discovered tho flames
and tried to put them out by slapping,
as nothing olse wna available.
On Men's and Boys
I Overcoats
We have a good assortment of sizes and qualities jf
for yoti to select irom. $
If yoo have any use for an overcoat, how's the 5
time to get one at
Thoro woro 50 listed, passengora
aboard tho Clallam, nnd a crow of 30.
Tho following Is tho list of pasengoro
known to bo drowned or missing:
Captain O. W. Thompson, Tacoma;
George Hyson, A. Waldamors, Mrs.
Iloso, C. H. Jay, D. C. Campbell, W. C.
Rockledgo, W. Chonnot, It. Tumor, Q.
O. Joffs, 'Isaac Howltt, Miss Harris,
Mrs. Cas. Cox, Mrs. Romano, W. B,
Gibbons, Eugene Hicks, T. Loplant,
Mrs. JU It. Tumor, Miss Bollis, B.
Bonoton, N. P. Shaw, of Victoria, own
or of tho stoamshlp Vontura; Mrs.
Gallotly, of Victoria; Miss Gallotly,
Victoria, daughtor of abovoj Guy Den
nis, Charlos Thomas, Miss Gill, It.
Case, Mrs. Reynolds, Mrs. Thomas
Suiting and three children, A. K.
Prince, C. P. Johnson, Mrs. A. M. La
plant, Mrs. Ixtnora Richards, Homor
Swanoy, Seattlo stool mngnato; Capt
L. Lawronco, master stoamor Gllena,
of Victoria; Charlos Green, Mrs. S. B.
Boulton, H. Buckner, Miss Murray, B.
P. Forris.
Tho following passongors wore
saved: T. Morrison, Wm. King. H. D.
Donoy, Jack Sweonoy, I W, David,
John Davis. W. 11, Grimes, Wm. La
plant, Ed. Lammer, Thomas Sullinu
and 13. Larson. Only 11 pf CO nro ac
counted for all of the crow woro
saved except four whostaomes aro
not yot known. Tho steamer ,DIrlgo
Is bringing Victoria and Seattlo peo
ple, j
Genoa, Italy, Jan. 9. Tho two Jap
aneso warships, Kosaga and Nlasan,
which wcro rccontly purchased from
Argentine, steamed eastward from Ge
noa this morning, under urgent or-
dors, They didn't stop to tako on tho
ammunition or baggage, which had al
ready been loaded on tenders. It is
bollovcd thoy will steam along tho
Mediterranean, waiting tho turn of
ovonts. Tho ofllcors and crews are
Intensely excited and keen for a light.
Port Arthur, Jan. 9. Tho newspaper
Nov! Krai asserts that Japan has nl-
roauy sent a largo armed force to
Corca, disguised as Immigrants, to be
ready for developments.
Paris, Jan. 9. Thd foreign office
has confirmation of tho statement that
Russia, In her reply to Japan, mado
notable concessions Negotiations for
a friendly cctllement nro proceeding
with Increased prospect for success.
Ldndon, Jan. 9. A Rome corre
spondent of tho Central News wires
that tho two Japaneso cruisers which
sailed from Genoa this morning havo
boon signalled off tho Isle of Sardinia,
In tho Mediterranean sea. They arc
bolng followed by two Russian warships.
Toklo, Jan. 9. Tho Russian minis
ter today transmitted anothor note
from tho Japaneso foreign minister to
Russia. t It is bollovcd to bo In tho na
ture of an ultimatum. Tho war spirit
is still high.
National Bank Closes.
Washington, Jan. 9. Tho comptrol
ler this morning advises that tho na
tional bank at Alva, Oklahoma, won't
open today. Ho appointed Bank Ex
amlnor Sturtovnnt receiver. Tho lla
bllltlcs and rosourccs, according to tho
Novombor statement, nro approxi
mately $160,000.
Old Girl Now Making
Goo-Goo Eyes at
the Little Jap
Quits Flirting aid Takes Ad
vantage of Leap-Year to
Propose a Closer
London, Jan. 9. A dispatch from
Hong Kong from a trustworthy
sourco says tho Chineso grand council
has taken a stand for Japan and
agulnst Russia, and will submit the
following propositions to tho empress
dowager, China to assumo tho offen
sive if Russia falls to withdraw from
Manchuria, also that sho mako an of
fonBlvo and dofenslvo alliance with.
Japan against Russia, and that gov
ernment olllclnls bo sont lramodlntoly
to Toklo, to arrange such an alliance.
j News for I w
g busy sfoiropersj H
L rrr: : . . . : I
t in t ar
ine opieiiaia d
offered daring this sale are a great attraction in themselves. They represent jtfst
that much money in yoar pocket, for if yoci could purchase designs as oretty as
oars elsewhere yoti would find them decidedly higher in price. Yoa can prove
these facts if yoo take the trouble to compare.
ML s
e n ew i o
; ; Dolls, games, hooks dressing cases, and pictures at
'! li nWR.TTAT P PPTf!F.
;; "
Casli Stone.
E. T. BARNES, Pop.
An Aged Nlmrod. '
Uncle John Mlnto left tills afternoon
for thrca months on tho Clatsop bench
es, whore ho vjas married in 1847. and
has many relatives. Ho lovos to bo by
the seashore In wlntor tlmo, and will
do some deer and duck shooting on
Culaby's lake, named after tho first
whlto man to moot Lewis and Clark
on tho coast Uncle John is nulto a
sport for a man in his 83d yoar.
Miss Sarah Bailor was married to
Mr. John H. Moulding this aftornoon
at 2:30 o'clock. Judge Judah oflleiat
Ing. Doth are residents of Marion
county, and lift for tholr homo at 811
verton on-the aftornoon train.
Try a box of that
elegant stuffed fruit
Kai Kai and
Crystal Cord
Wash Silks for 1904. These
beautiful goods are here In great
profusion In all the leading nnd
popular shades. This shipment Is
all of the brightest, best and new
est the market afforded Qualities
are unsurpassed by nnythlngshown
heretofore- Remember we have no
old stock to unload on you at these
prices, but the very latest and
newest. Rather than hoi them for
future business we give you the ad
vantage of these early arrivals.
Particular attention Is called to
Qualities and patterns, Sale Price.
39c yd
Wednesday Only
Last Wednesday was one of the
most phenomenal special sales In
the history of this store, but to
contluue these extra bargain days
we offer for our 158th Wedtesday
special, fine, well made
of percales and flannelettes In a
choice assortment of colors; these
are regularly sold for $1 but for
this special we offer them at
50c ea.
Early shopping Is advised on ac
count of the limited number.
Wednesday Only
Ladies' Skirts
We could devote an entire page
to this department and then not be
able to t( 11 half the bargains in
every kind of woraens apparel that
awalr sh peers Every Item In this
department Is marked at much less
than value, for we wish to effect a
speedy clearance, and to accom
plish tnls we are offerlnr some
great Inducements In
Ladies' Skirts
Note the following prices,
$5 Black Cheviot skirt,
made throughout
$7.50 Grey Homespun, a very at
tractive skirt
$20 Black Silk, silk
handsomely trimmed
drop skirt.
Jr o& A
gnetoti3fM-tgJgfi-Kf,aiia-f t"M-fr8-Mt-frS
154 Steto St
Phono 1071 Main