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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 6, 1904)
r , raajBiss! ww u A tlWffKmmtmmiMmuui ivtom , t. " " "' Vm. :"nifniwfHWV DAILY CAP ITAL JOURNAL, OALEM, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 6, 1904. SIX- l ?, - ,! fe rK iv. 8f v ..., 3?" A&rffatItPi-fnfintl!nnfnrA3 slfflHallng tteFoodandBegula Bng ttttStoooda mriBowcb of KCTOTIWra Prnmntafi nitfeslfftnChMf fur- &m nrvinrtsf rVintalni tlpllflM I Orium .Morphine nor Mineral. IKOXWAIICOTIC. For Infants and Children. The Kind foil Have Always Bought Bears the jbtufm&swmmaBot WpfaaAia' Of SALEM SOCIAL REVIEW Many Young People's Gatherings intlie Capital City Joint Installation of the Grand Army and Woman's Re lief Corps-Sedgwick Post Anf4fl 17mrtir rVii-fVi.mllnn. IlTon i Sour Stonwch.Dlarrlioca Winrmsfkynviil'Jnrw.Fpvprnlw. f ius mid Lobb or Sleep. FocSimta Signaluri of NEW YORK. For Thirty Years IXACT COPT Of WRAPPER. tieiriMiir MiwrsMarrr. V) the Gale Murderer. The Investigation of the death of Fml flalo at Cottage Orovo. who wan beaten and robbJd last Friday morn ing and died from tho injuries Sunday night. Is causing lnuch talk and con sldcrablo oxcltemout In Cotlago Orovo today. Acting Coroner VntiRht ummon,d a Jury thl forenoon, and the liuinwit lasted lovorol houu. A tolephono motiaso to tho fltmrd this afternoon At 8 o'clock stotod tha: tho Jury wan !., ,. . mill uui u uiui umo. f Woman In the Cate. The officers, headed by Sheriff Fred FUk, nre thoroughly Investigating tho oaso, and It may bo that a sensation will ho aiming shortly. It Is rumored that thore may .possibly bo a woman associated with tho affair. Tho Ounrd's statement last ovonlng that tho perpetrators of tho deod may prove to bo people who live at Cottnjso Orovo, Booms to bo genernlly brlleyed at that place - Eugene Ouard. W Sale TenTiJliion Boxes a Year. mBEST FOR THE BOWELS "" JT Til n mi Ann :s&3"!fosfi MTffib7 ' Jn&r ' i New Officers Installation. Tho Installation of tho now oflkors of tho Chadwlck Chapter, No. 37, Order Eastorn Star, was hold In tho Masonic ball last night, with tho ac customed corcmonlos. Worthy Grand Matron Helen P. Gatch acted as In stalling o lllcer and Cook M Jonos as marshal. Tho officers Installed wore: Claud Oaten, worthy patron; Alice Moyors, associate matron; Krmlno Dushnoll, sccretnry; Walula Lnugbead, treaa uror; Francos Otton, conductress; Ruby Lacy, associate conductress; Anna Knntner. chnnlaln: Colla Pat- ton, marshal; LoHa Cavanagh, Adah; Lenna Cavanagh, Ruth; Ilutli Drown, Esther, Snlly Dyor, Martha, Florence Wilson, Elcta, Mnbel Schomnker, warder; II nry Sctioerafeer, sentinel. After the Installation a banquet was given In honor of tho worthy mntron, Helen P. Gatch. With toasts and mu sic and the lltorary program which fol. lowed, all spent a mot delightful ev ening, A Society Meeting. At the homo of Miss Margaret Put nam last evening a vory enjoyablo ev- onlng was spent by tho members of n literary society, "Tho 400." During tho rendering of the program Profes sor Kmmott, principal of the Snlom high school, made a very Intorostlne speech, encouraging lltorarv work among young people. Prof. Riogol man presided over tho class study of Tennyson, to tho great edification of the student. Aftor tho literary pro gram tht members enjoyed a Bocta.1 time preparatory to departing for tliolr homes. Thofo present were: Mlssoa Margaret Putnam, Nina Johnson. Chrlntlnn Bernhardt, Martha Schind ler, Olive Itlddell, Chrlssje Clark. Genevieve Potter. Mabel DaLontr. Qlntlys Pope. Mabel Mmimm. i Countable; Messrs. Rmmett. MpP.w Charles Slegmund, Paul Johnson, Ren Utter. Ross Flowers, Percy Hunt, Clarence Hunt, Perry Rlegelmnn and Harvey Slater. Smith, president. Installing tho newly elected efficers: President. Miss Ada Simpson; se nior vice-president, Mrs. Agna Knight; Junior vice-president, Mrs. Eva Nor- gren; secretary. Mrs. Hattle F-. Can non; treosuror, Mrs. Lucrctla Burton; Chaplain, Mrs. Emma Dyers; conduc tor, Mrs. Lucia Crossan; guard, Mrs. Sarah Dragor. Annolntlve officers Assistant con ductor, Mrs. Katlo Smith; assistant guard, Mrs. Maggie Simpson; first color bearer, Mrs. Lizzie Smith; 2d color bearer, Mra. Arabella Bailey; 3d color bearer, Mrs. Sarah Robinson; patriotic Instructor, Mrs. Llzzlo Ross; press correspondent, Airs, iyuia Smith; musician, Mrs, Rosa R. Vor-rls. M iESQ if IP JIM roJBfyo Alg The Story of a Word. In his article. "Is Enellsh Becom ing Corrupt?" In Harper's Magazine for January. Professor Lounsbury tells tho Interesting history of the word "mob," originally a corruption", but now an accepted part of the language: "Lot us now take un tho consider atlon of ono of tho corruptions which has lived through Its day of trial and has been long received Into tho best literary society. It Is tho abbrevia tion 'mob. This Is nothing but tho fragment of tho full Latin original mobllo vulgus 'tho flcklo common peoplo.' First tho noun vulgus was dropped. Mobile coming Into common uso was In a few years cut down to mob. By Swift It was nbomlnntcd to bis dying day as a peculiar odious kind of slang. Addison sympathized with this feeling. In No. 135 of the Spectator, mob Is put down by him as ono of the ridiculous words which ho fears will In time be looked upon n part of the spoech. Thoro must havo been thon a host of minor do fendors of tho purity of our tonguo who bownlled Its Increasing uso, and pointed to that fact as ovldonco of tho growing degyhoracy of tho lan guage. But tho assailed form stoutly hold Its ground and outlived Its pen. surers. Addison's fears havo been ronllzod. Tho abbreviation has thor oughly established Itself. According ly a word which their predecessors stigmatized as corruption of tho vllost kind Is now used unhesitatingly by tljo most proclso of moden purists. Tho reason of Its prevalence Is ob vious. It Cnmo to sunnlv a vnrv trnnii. Ino want. Thore Is no othor slnclo wtJrd that convonos doflnltoly tho Idea or a particular sort of riotous assemblage," Does not make the man. " The blood h the life," the vital force of the body. So it not infrequently happens that the man who looks to be a picture of physical strength falls a sudden victim to disease. 1 . .a Mn Vt the blood would prevent iiany a serious sickness. The cleansing of the blood is per fectly accomplish ed by the use of Dr. Pierce's Gold en Medical Discov ery. It drive9 out the impurities and poisonous sub stances which cor ru the blood and hi icd disease. It increases the ac tivity of the blood making glands, and so increases the supply of pure blood. It builds up the entire body with good sound flesh. There is no al cohol in "Golden Medical Discov- .ft n.1 if la M. tirely free from opium, cocaine nnd all other narcotics. The dealer who offers a substitute for the " Discovery " does so to gain the lit tle more profit paid by inferior medi cines. There is inching "just as good " for the Mood as ''Golden Medical Dis covery" therefore accept no substitute. " I took five boltlM of" Golden Medical Disco--ery,formyblood."writes Mr.Willlam D.Shnmb lin. of Remy, Clierokce Ntloa, Indian Territory. "I had 'tin worms' on rue and I would burn -them off and tlicy would come right tmck. and tliey were on me when I commenced using 'Gold en MedlcnJ Discovery.' nnd they went away and I haven't len liothcred any more." Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cure cou tipjtion. , ftP Swoipr ICTiSJ gt l&T' Um md upturn m&wm 3 TRAIN8 TO THE EAST DAILV. DKPABT JTOU Chicago Portland Prcclal 8 60 a. TUHnnt Intion AUaiurj 8:ia P.rm. via Hunt ington 8PanT Fwt Kail 7 45 p, m. via Bpokane TIMC 0CHBDULB3 From Portlsud, Or, Aalt lkp. DunTfir. Iff worth, ornui, Kantai CUT, Ht. liul, Cfilcagc iu un, Salt Laie, Uanver Ft Worth, Omaha, Kanaaj Cltr, St. U.uli. Chi r mo and Eatt. wn wrn.TVi.i.'tr Bpokaoe, Wallace, Pull man, Mlnneapou 81, Tlnliith.MllwaiiVa Oblcato, and Zaat. ARBJV1 7B0U 6 tip :.! 70 HOURS w POBTUND TO CHICAGO Mo ctuite of Cars 70 OCEAN AMD RIVER GCIIEDULB Praia Portland' Meats and Provisions IPH OJNB 2S03L Established 1884 signs of Renewed Activity In the rl estate world Indicate In creasing building operation thli 8prlug. an prompt us to rwnlnd you that our facilities for supplying hard nd ofi wood, lumber, lath, ihlnglM, nd othor building material are ex ceptlonally good, V, will be plesaed to furnish estimates on contract. Urge or BmalL A car of Villi City ntnglea received. QOOOALE LUMBER CO, Ntr t. P. Pas Dpi Phone 181. Willamette University John H. Q)lkman, PuKaiDKNT, Saucsi, Okkoo.n. CoUege of Liberal Aft, Lw, Art, Medicine, Maslc, Ofatory, Theology. Xiutle. for .,, Wm.E "ca. tovwnu$g"x" e school i.w. fitalogce Upon Application, Tmmmmmam Ladles' Auxiliary Meet. The ladles' nuxlllary of tha Y. M. Q, A hild thiir roeulnr mutliu- n i... aswHlatltm parlors yesterday after noon. There was a good attendance of th ni"murs, nnd the followlnc of. flei-rs wer elected for the coming yt'sr: PivBldent. Mlas Nina McNary; vlre-prealdent. Mm. V, . Wiggins; swivUry, Mrs. John H. Brook ; trssa urer, Mrs. H. J. Hwjdrieks, The following program wan ran. dered, which wns mush n.,i..i by all present: lutrumntnl solo .Miss Marie Stone. Address Hsv. W. C. Kantaw. Vocal stilo Mlw uta RlBan. Sketch of New Years work-Miss wina McNary. Hwdlng-Mias Nva ortawohl AumBvllle' Sunday School At the regular elect ton held by U AuniBVllle Suiulay chtxtl. tli. ui a. day In Dvcember. tho fftii..i , "" WV electel for the ensulne nr: Supertntsndent. H. c. Porter; assUtant BtijierintwdBt. .Mrs. ChMi'. wrotnry. Miss R,hul UttlB. trtMttMr ..hhbs jonnson; librarian. Miss Je RICH IVIEN ARE . NOT ALL HAPPY Croesus, King of Lydla, Had Troubles of His Own, and There Are Others. Croosn, tho John D. nockefollor the kingdom of Lydlu, was very well to-do In worldly (rood and ehnUnt "As rich as Croesus" Is n saying about 2,600 years old. He had troubles', however, and some of them wero full grown. Ho was tnkon captive once by Cyrus nnd only saved himself from being btirnod nllve by quoting a sajing of Solon, tho Sage. Ho finally imd to flee hi kingdom for parts un known. Many of the rich mar.'a troubles to. day como from high living and cotil 1 bo avoided. They aro brought on by eating all kinds of rich, heaw f,u nt Irregular times, lack of proper o. erelee it ml no mentni s i ,,,,o...,. I stimulants, etc.. ami nr ,,,,,,.,ni , 1. w .V.IIUIUHI, (Known m ludlgestlon, dyspepeln and s'eak stomach. They are serious trouble all right, but not only can they bs avoided but can nUo be cured and that without loss of time or prop-' sr food and nourishment. Stuart's DyspopsJa Tablets are the wrtnln relief of dyspeptics, rich and IHwr alike. There I no such thin., -, luimunt meir onward nroKrese now Ftee9 Yes Ftee Dr. Stone makes no clinrgo for consultation or proscription. Can bo found daily at oue or the other of his drug stores Salem Oregon. J p, Ul Dally xcopt Sunday 8 p. m Saturday "Mil, ' UlsailliiR datea subject io cnange Korean Francloo Ball wry 5 dayt COLUMBIA BIVRR ToAitorls ant Way Isndlnga I p. t p. tn. WILLAMETTE RIVER Steamor Ituth leaves Salem for Portland and wny landings on Tues days, Thursdays and Saturdays, about W m. M. P. BALDWIN, For Corva'llls Mondnys. Wcdae. days and Fridays about 5:30 p. m. A. L. CRAIQ. Azt.n.n is-N Rr.i. Gen. Pass. AgL Portland. Or. Your Stepmother Is Btlll horo, arid as busy as ovor. Whon your clothes aro worn and dirty, or tho buttons off tako thorn to hor, nt tho Salem Dyeing and Clean ing Works. Itopnirlng and rollnlng; UOW VOIVOI COIinra DUt on nvnrnnnta- also four suits a month for SI. Called lor anu roturnou. MS. C. II. WALKER, Prop. 195 Commercial Street. Ntt?) "WicHrarcH-s ckqlish H-2rV 'rlliil nil Onlr Oenulnf of MM ,-2 ftiwivi: teJ'aairi, TH - A ; hvb.tltullMi uil IbIiT . vr. ... .7.--;.-:.-i'-?. " '.- ...---.... I ',VUV IHUBIB III. sldfe - uT,. "'.'.-... MW I w ., HHIM. B.U, r.,UB.siu.. t.'ur 'r. PU1U, oas PILES RU" suppositoru flfi-ud rkt.Mi.. n... 54lL.Tf"!,i.. .fc. v. . ti "..-:":"" v . -1 if liiu tut ir r. ..i... ... a ' . Vr .ua. d, ,i,i,' icsw. day ;'T' i:t.. C MU . Jlf tl ..... t V... '. W VTSLS-V r"j " fw.;'J1 - - -- IjIHTIN R'lnV I liKsa.... . . ! " ""nn. r Sold In Salem by 8. C. Stone. call for Free- Samples. Offers a choice of THREE gateways, KANSAS CITY, ST. JOSEPH dr OMAHA, to Chicago and points East. Through Standard nnd Tourl! sleeping cars dally between San Fran- Cisco and Chicago via Loo Anjrole and EI Paso. Through Tourist Sleonor eaA TUESDAY from Portland to Chlcaao via Salt Lake and Colorado Springs. Through Standard Sloeplng Car dally between Ogdon and Chicago. Lowost rnte In offoct always avail able via "Rock Island System." Reduced ROUND TRIP RATES la effoct on July 12, 13, IB and 16, and August IS, 19, 25 and 26; 90 days re turn limit. Bo sure that your ticket reads via, tho Great Rock Island Route. ' Tho beat and most rensnnnhln rlln. Ing car sorvlco. For Information. rivrt niimi.n . iw. ... unuuiiii, X. f, A. L. D. GORHAM, Gen AgL, 250 Alder .street. Portland Orn Corvaf lis & EasternB R. aim r ii .mini larritt & Lawrence WaS SffKS 3'SSS- "p " wt yourel -" "-. "uranan, illss Jss. ' . -... fiusrwee now. l Ihwii; orgaaUt Miss May Puson- I , RTmt ,mton hns P,acd "a stnmp Pintsidet hows rffartraeL Mrsl an'roval lon their noble work. r'. U INhiikI. ' J T tbouimnds and thousandii of Joint ln.uilat.en. Zl'r.'Z ?? ' Um stu at their lull i ,t. .. ' .'? T rwu,Un therefrom have made wn- Uuslc eccf 7t::S "T a ,,0U8W word through- ri.ls4tow wss lsrs.v r: . I:.' lr M ,oW S" a orU. TIiw .-J. d. aftsT U lmMMZIt 7 ' lU WKk thftt " weak aw-re in Ue dii ku i ' .. T " ,0 rur.te and rsgaln tHv a kW k,,., .,:.7w,'H,?,'.um, 0,a"" '"native fluids , WW. tlsss ts-wW " Vna ,Y a,ge,H th8 as ill r)hiwtss oWeers wsr luu.u , 1 ,, " "" omacli would. They 1 z -.-r:lrrv:r - xzzi.r - .w u .,, .:- 24. ..12M5p.m. .. 2;00 p,m. 6:20 p.m. .. 6:45 u,m. .11:30 o.m 12:15 p.m. 7:00 a.m. p m. do. a goods cto p, a QRocertY "v-mtht o, m. last t-venltujc Pwt cottuasnuVr e i. k-i.. .. WOT VlrOMS9SadMr ll,.uni..... fc.. , "" iNstr: ; ctMBjiUii. Hr. W , . fe-rf.&RVfwSr - luard. s. n. omsby uusivirittasttr. J it .,.,. x' Ta Insrsiiati.x .. v-m in rno. l-M U a., Mob, Mrs. ...! v. . "" ,"w "". ao. It I. a -W- lwt(lra, ptw Uat a chlkl can MRUrstad. You can at all voh ut.f ,...... - - " """i tsar or rs- tS, SUOrt'a Dnun.1. m,.,. , - -ri". 'aunsas are for sate by all druggists at SO ctH ln . . . . ior isai R.i,. ,h V BW aI00K wlthout them, as TIME CARD NO No. 2 for Yaqulna: Loaves Albany Loaves Corvallls ... . Arrives Yaqulna .. .. No. 1 Returning: Loaves Yaqulna .. Leaves Corvallls Arrives Albany No. 3 for Derelt: Loavos Albany Arrives Detrol ij.2o No. 4 From Detrnlf Loaves Detroit 1:00 p.m. Arrives Alb, 5:55 p.m. ii. amea- ,n Albany 'n time to connect with the S. P, ?0uth bounj train, as well aa giving two or hree hours In Albany before dopar turo of S. P. northbound train. Train No. 3 connects with tho S. r. trains at Corvatlln .. ah. Ing direct service to Newport and ad jacent beaches. Train No. S for Detroit n.....t aad other mountain ... .. Albany at 7:00 Zm 'ZZJrV9 twit about noon, '.l.11 to moh the Sprin'ramoT; ' For further InformaUon apply to EDWIN STONE, T COCKnwr.T. a "f56 "" , AjDany Quick Time East From Tflrnm. Cf.i.iA a. v j. Sound country and Spokane to Mls- Th,.,i. . ""U4a UICK Borvico, ritro,h. traln1 Seatt,e t Kansas nt..1 lpR.wlth bB. 'reo chair cars hnf ,. i u!,mnn sleepers, and lasl "t .nt 'east, tourism sleopers, clean, comfortable and cheap. vlsnmin01 tah? tJ10 8outnenst specIaJ, via nillings ami tho n,i(.. v wowV0 beUer' aDd you m,Bht d0 A. C. 8HEDON, General Agent THIRD STREET, PORTLAND. O. C. T. CO.'S PASSENGER 8TEAMER8 POMONA m F0y,'rfy,'nd 8m-day at 7. M&W& "'' A-r-al- t prn!"Jep'Dl,9nM dMf exoPt Snuday Deck: Foot of Trd Urt. "..I. UALDWIN, Ajjt. H. a CRONISB. An' A"-!'... ron' Rubb" and Metal. Capital Normal School First National Rsnir RniMr. cl. wli'L!'0' w?!vo weeks opens """""" o. Aooress. J. J. KRAPS. Salem. Or J. Brownstein k Son. M Stato street Hlflhest cash price paid for hides. Pelts. Wool. Tallow and Furs; also General dealer In old Phone 2071 ' --t wnami, Main